THE OUANGEliMlG TIMMS. ? v i i \ fuiuay aiokm i\?j MKI-ldtillAVtl'6 IlMYAKbS, Proprietors. STILUS lt. MKhhlUIIAIuT Ktlitor. Terms ol' Siiljsci'iptioii? One Copy one Year.?l 00 " " Six Months. ~~> Hutes ut' Advertising. One Square \st Insertion.?1 00 Jutrh Subsequent " . 60 A'o/icc.f inserted in Loral Column at 20e per Line. All Subscriptions and Transient Advertise ments to it paid for in Advance. B?V' We are in no way responsible (or the views or opinions of onr Correspond Hit*. J"J{11)AY, DKt KMHKK f>, KS79. The Foor. As winter with its rigors nppr ?acrh es tlio heart of charity should swe'l with increased and practical coin pas si oil for the poor who am destitute of the comforts of life, and are it nable from want of means to ward oil' the sufferings which naturally follow in the train of the grim visitor. A mysterious Providence, whose w.tys are past finding nut,ha^ in His wisdom i ennittcd great difference? in this Worlds goods among men. While fcomc are living in man-ion--, sur rounded by every com fori and every menus of happiness, others arn the inmates of miserable hovel-, tin 1 aw often harassed in heart with the pit?ous cries of their children for food and raiment. Again there are homes in which disease ami sickness have entered and there is no ban 1 to min ister to the wantsol the inmates, or to soften the pillow of pain, and tin means to procure the necessary reme dies. 'Wo should remember that none ol I ns are beyond the reach of poverty J and disease. If we arc ru b il is merely a matter of accident or for tune, and it is seldom credi table. With a little good luck, a heart steeled against the divine spirit of charity, and a full slock of selfishness, it is not very difficult to gn ?ich. Poverty is often an indication of a noble and generous heart. Let us then not look with disdain upon it, but imbibe a holy spirit of charity from Him who has taught U3 to give freely to the poor, and open our hearts and purses in alleviating their sufferings. If we wish a field of usefulness here it is before us. The whole of religion is "to love God supremely, and our neighbor as outsell'," and in ?what can we exercise it more practi cally and more certainly than in lightening the pains and cheering the hearts of frail and suffering liu muni ty. Let the rays of practical kindness so beam out of our countenances that our very presence may lighten up the darkest hovel, aud dissipate the deepest sorrow. In our comforts let us always re member the poor. The Chief Justiceship. There seems to he some doubts arising as to the duration of the tenure of ollicc of Chief Justice Wil lard, who was elected to this high oiliec on the death of t hief Justice Moses, (.'bief Justice claims that he was elected for a full l srai of six 3'enrs, ami not for i lie unexpiroJ term of C hid Justice Muses, and suv serfs thai his successor will have io gain his neat by pioe?"vss ol law a.- he will not yield without it. Jt appears from the be.-! legal in vestigation thai Justice WiMard's po sition is a very tenable one, a i l il appears in us that it would be best for the Legi.-1 at ii re lo look into the matter enrctully an i not ucl hastily, Anything of a disturbing nature in our politics, unless absolutely neces sary, we think injurious. At any rate it is certainly loolish ami crimi mil to allow the public weal to .< ulfer detriment from private political as pirations. If nothing is to he gained wo certainly say let then! I? n i dis turbing discussions, especially if the question of right is doubtful. Aimtbcr Hilch. Under ncl ?>! the I rgislalurc the Commissioners of Elections havt control of the Police in Municipal Elections. 'I he Commissioners ol Charleston have just communicated w ith Col. lthetl, the Chief of Police as to their rights which they expeel to exercise on Tuesday, the day ol election; but Mayor Sales refuses to permit it. There will, therefore, be a conflict of authority which may rcbult in trouble. A Strange Proceeding. If ihe "News and Courier" is cor reel in its statement of thu action of Mayor Sale at a political meeting it I lamps tea d Mall on Won day night, it was certainly unbecoming in the C hief Magistrate of the sober old city of Charleston. It appears that a Courtney meet ing was in progress on the Mall, and speeches were being made by J. \V. Barn well, J. K. Bryan and others, w hen suddenly the followers of May or Bale, who had adjourned their meeting from another part of the city*, appeared on the scene. As there had been some talks of a joint discussion, the Courtneyites allow, d Mayor Sale to get on the stand with their speakers. Hut when ho got there, instead ol thanking them for their courtesy, betook possession of the meeting as Mayor ot the city. The Courtney men then became in dignant and prevented any ot' his followers from going upon the stand. The two bands then got to phiying and prevented all further discussion. A ft or awhile the Sale men commence I to realize the singular and awkward positional their Chief, an 1 he.1 1 a con sultation as to the best way of getting him off Finally he went oil'on the arm of Mr. K. S. Thai in and the Courtney party continued their meet ing. Several times a bloody riot was imminent, and was only prevented by the moderation and coolness of Mr. Barnwell, Capt. Carwile, Col. Khctt the Chiefof Police ami others. Senator Lipscomb. This distinguished South Carolina Agriculturalist and member of the State Sei nie. is now representing our Slate Grange at the session of the National Grange at Canundaigua New York. From the Khnira papers we sec that ho delivered the reply on the j part of the Nutior al Grange to the j address of welcome. Although the nddrcrS was extemporaneous, the Northern papers publish it in lull ami speak of it as able and eloquent. Cob Lipscotub is a happy sj inker, and a man of noble einmieteristic3 and we are glad of the opportunity he has I ml to illustrate hi- State, and we hope that his visit m iy he produc tive of much good to the noble order which he represents as well as to our State and the country at large. Congress. This body met in Washington on the 1st inst., aud received the Presi dent's Me.-sage. No business of im portance was done on that day an adjournment having taken place in honor of Senator Zack Chandler who recently di }d. A I1 A BSD. Editor Ortnigchurg Times: A card from Mr. Boliver in your last issue, und your editorial com ments thereon rentier the following brief statement necessary. Fact- are w hat the public demands. Had the author of the card been as punctilious as to tacts as he nppa retl tly was us to his veracity, th 'occa sion "or this statement would never have presented its?df. 'that Mr. Boliver in Decent her 1*77 claimed to be the sole owner of the newspaper known as the Urnngehurg '/Y/m *; that he consented to sell, and did >cll the saiil newspaper at that time to Mr. Sheridan; that in pursuance of said contract Mr. Sheridan took possession of the property, claimed by Mr. Boli ver, to the Oi'tiiii/rimrj/'V'mes; that Mr. Sheridan had the sole and entire control ol' the polities, and uditoiial management of said papur; that the title to said paper was con tested, ami a suit instituted to deter mine the ijuestiou of title; thai sat I suit is still pending, and the rights of l hcsevcral s UrCSliH liudetcr mined; thai .-ad suit prevented the execution and delivery ol the titC; that the piolils ol' the said paper during the pendency of stud suit woe to he accounted for in l ie linal set ttement hclweeii the panic-; thu this settlement was to bo had a soon as the conflicting rights oi ihe several claimants w?*re determined; thai further limn ibis Mi-. Botivcr hud III) illlcl'i Si in or colli i ol n| the pa pei; are fuels who ii Mr. B diver will not undertake t ? i: ml r >v in ot- d n .'. That Mr. Sheridan win lb" paid editor of Mr. Boliver, the facts dis prove. That Mr Sheridan was paid xhi'otujh me. tor services rend red as editor of the ()/m me, a- I contracted with him. The paper was mine the whole lime, ami I did all ihn business, of it, supporting it with my menus, influence and energies, in order to break up the Va ?','?'.'/ w hich was constantly abusing me an 1 goad ing on the Gran I.Jury in their pirti -an prosecutions against me. I promised to soil the paper to Mr. | Sheridan an 1 was ready to make tlu j titles at any time he Wished II Ik til he i went, over to the (Jlirion, now the j Democrat, w hen I regarded my obliga tion as having ceased. It was only a promise to sell and not a sn/n. and, that the deed was not. executed, was no fault of mine. The paper was mine all the time, and therefore, its funds w> re mine, which 1 controlled entire ly myself, and out of winch I paid nil expeuscs. Tlierewas no one out .-ide of me who had the slightest con trol of the paper. 1 paid the p inters, paid the cdi'.or, bought, the panor to print it on. made all contracts, sus tained all losses, kepi the. boo'<- ami managed ihe outire businessxay^j the many persons in th ! community an I elsewhere with whom 1 conduct id the business ami made contracts for paper nrc witnesses to the truth of what. I say. Gen. Izlar or nobody else had anything to do with it e:c Ceptili r to pay over the money I gave him for the editor. If the facts wer a otherwise why the following words written to nie by Mr. Sheridan last January alter he left me: ?"Il you ever sell the TLMK.S lo any one other than Mr. Fdwards, or con clude io give up your entire interest in ii, I would ho glad lo have the refusal ol' it." These are Mr. Sheridan's own words written I o me alter hi- connec tion with tlu: (J'itri'Hi or Democrat, ami a rlutr ac/;nmeli:?tt of my oil'Hi r., eis U'cll v.; u complete contra diction a f an i statement tu tin- cunt run/. Whatever may be lien. I/.lar's and Mr Sheridan's version of the matter, the above are tlu: naked facts. Gen. Izlar admitted to me, no further h ick than this week, that I pai I him tiie money in question, an I he will u it deny it. There appears therefore, to be no difference between us as to the fact that the money supporting the paper came from me. \\ e only differ as to ' iir i i< ivs of this fact. 1 have always held ami still hold the pleas antes! relations to h ull these gentle men ami would not. do or say aught against eithor of them. In fact my p I'ronugc to t lent Inn never > e no I. What 1 say is said inn ?unfriendly spirit lo the parties conceruc I but only to put iny-cll correctly before the public W iih this 1 dismiss th s subject ami leave, the public to form their con clusions, (! r.o. Bot.i v Kit A U CT S O i\ K B<3 5* 8 X MlXIIANH'Ab. I'.y I>r. h. S. WOLKK. Office over I?. Louis' Sloie. Satisfaeliuii yuaratiteeil in all operations. JG'-iV Teeth extracted withoill pain, l>y the use ol Nitrous < Ixhle t!.:s. \ i O f? S E A Te ? CATTLE POW^ErtS vYill OtirO or ltrovent Olse-ine. Mo Ilntisii will ill,: Of L'OMO, llOTa or i.rxo Kb v i:.?. 11 Koho.'h I'owdcrnnrc lined In time Kont/.'a i'o? dcra will cure nnd |irevonl II ti - qunntliy ol milk ?n I crenm twenty per cuiu., un.l u?.uc thu buUor firm Kt-.. ;m Sin it li Darby. 4 Oil .1 ) Mitchell. j > 00 Hardy Kdwards. 8 ()u J *' L'ike & Co Ass'ees.. :: ) Robert < 'ojics. 1 o y.", (i 11 Cornclson. Ass. ?! 50 A Martin. n 00 W ! I (i lover. 27 in) I' Doyle. p.i Jii W A Johnson, Assiglic-o 1 no N W Sullcy. 11 on A Redmond. :', no I'* li Livingston. Ass'ue ?l on do -lo 11 Jo K I' Aiken. 10 00 \V It Livingston. :: :; i .1 I' I'ikc, Assignee. 50 .lames Itrovrit. 11 n", M ./ i r bowd. 10 HO Arilin Carson. 1 7u \t M Hamberg. I'd no W K Crook . 17 H i N N llay.lcii . 42 oo V i; .lolniFon. 42 1*0 Antony (i'M.-oii . "Jo Jo A ? Ilydrick.. 22 91 John D Fogle. 20 oo 11 N Fair. 10 On L K Meyers. 1 00 T It Maloue. 17 M Jackson. 11 40 .1 (' Pike, Asaigneo. 75 I) I."iiis ami S Dibble. 'J'.i 71 .1 N Koglc. ?!??*> 00 J J Mitchell. 40 00 CiiiVy Mack. 4 00 Walker, Kvans & Co^s wcll 'Jl 7"> ?lo do i:t:> :>0 Caroline MeMiehacl... Jl oo c li Kortjoliii, ..las'ec.. >s 50 I [miry Smith..*_ !I6 oo \\ M Sioudctnirw. I 05 V M Smith. H io (; .1 Odom. 'J 00 Unwell Cooper. 4 70 ^do 40 85 i; T K Shioiil:. 4(5 SO 4ti .loin D i*p;,lc . 1.". 00 1"> i' '! IJvhij -'?ii. -1 40 W alk r. Kvana & Cogs well 07 00 '.'7 A .1 Smoak. oo 0 Ahrain Marlin. 00 0 .1 I' l'iko, Assign c. 62 60 f?2 January Rnltzcgar. 1-i Jo 1:1 Phillip Kicli, Assignee 7 "0 7 .1 c IvIwnrdH; Assigscc 22 60 'JJ .1 II hiving.-Oon. 103 7-'> 195 I?: .1 Felder. 0 Ho 0 IIO Sn.oak . 10 50 HI .1 i Hell. 29 75 20 .1 C, P..diver. X 25 T It Jackson. 00 R A Young. S4 00 Marion Jackson. '?' 25 Win M Sain, Assignee.. Ill bO .) S Krwin. I "0 J 11 Livingston. '.'0 00 do . 06 1*. do . 1-7 05 1: do . ('.0 7"> 00 75 I? V Livingston. 40 SI 4u 81 Walker, |?vans & i-oj;s wcll 15 00 1"? 00 Iiufus FclJrr. 4 85 2 .':"? do . 4 00 4 90 (' T Ci niior. 4 7"> 4 7.'> (V Cat rick. 4 7f> 4 7 "> .) K IIal ley . < 25 4 25 M h Baldwin. ? on ? 00 II Ii Hartoii. 5 lo 6 10 ilb. ci no r.i eo Cardin.' McMichacl... 12.00 12 00 ticorgc Iloliver. 105 .">:> 105 50 I o A Connor. 0 00 0 00 .1 II Livingston. P>7 85 107 b? I *r .1 (i iinnainaker, Assignco 27 00 27 On .1 c l?ike. ss 20 88 do Assingnee. Jl oo Jl oo F M A \V Livingston JO 05 29 lio Walker. Kvana i ogs well 0 00 0 00 Straus & Co. 20 Ol J.'. lit J' .1 Itnlitl. 1". OO 15 ?0 T A .I ones. K7S SS :'.7^ 88 1? Louis. 128 05 128 05 do . 4:1 i.O 4.5 00 do . 40 02 40 02 do . IS 05 48 05 do . 48 80 4* SO da . 4'.? SO 40 SO do . PI 70 64 70 J K lllackiaan. 5o 25 nil 25 Jidiitfl (Jlovcr. o 08 G ;is J C I'ikc, Astigiiea. 63 26 5H 25 Walker, Evans Aif"H-: vvoll 22 J". 22 25 I) Ii liar.'oii . Uo 00 120 oO Walker. Kvana ? fligs well 20 25 Jo 25 Ilowell Kasterlin . 05 oo ?5 u i N K W Sistnmk. I I 00 I t *j Theodore Kohn, Ass... 25 50 25 60 1) It 15 o ion. Hi! 00 Mi o i I.cvall I'auUiiig. li 00 4 oo I? I. Connor. I 05 I 05 l> I...ins and S Dibble.. OO 1.0 Oo hi! h li Barton. .'?: oo 5" 00 A brain Martin. 12 Oo 12. Oil Jaiiuury Ihdtzegar. 12 oo 12 00 Hco It t/Oruclsou. :|5 50 515 ->o Rull ivSeovill. 5 00 5 Oil .1 WaunainnLei', A-<< 1 ?"> ":i 1"> 5() T li Ma I one. 52 50 52 50 l> I; llarton. ? oo .*>.; uo I'lioiii is Kay. 4 i 00 :>7 60 .i 11 Livingston. 7 I 2(1 7 1 Co do . 7?'i JO 70 JO do . '..(i lo '.Ml 10 do . 71 '.:0 71 00 do . 74 70 74 70 do . SI 40 SI li) do . '.19 70 ?.i9 70 do . 101 45 191 46 Jno W Fluke. 7 UO 7 .'JO JOSEPH EROS Would i nib mi Ii i.s customers und the public in general SANTA CL iUS ?ND CHRISTMAS Has arrived, and will make his Headquarters at my St ire, .B HI GO.MA.M ISPS OLD STVAJSTD, With a full Stock of the Finest Candies, comprising SWEETHEARTS of all Sizes and Shapes and for both SEXES, and will be sold according to their SWEETNESS. Raisins, Currents and Citron enough to supply th ; County. Mince Meal nnd Sweet meats, of the Best Quality and to suit everybody. Fruit and Nuts of all sorts, not to speak of tbo FiRJSSH FA.MIT/XT GROCERIES Fine Cigars nnd Tobacco. Besides nil tl is I am prepared to ICE and OR NAMENT everybody's CHRISTMAS CAKE, or make the Cake to Order at the Lowest Figures. Call before buying elsewhere. JOS. TT.IIOS, Confectioner. (Late of the firm of SO If. K iVTR IT K & LORYAE.) invites the public lo call and examine his stock of General Merchandise Consisting of a lull line of DRY GOODS ^VjSTD NOTIONS Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Cigars and Tobacco, \\ hidi will bs so'd at asli nishing Low Prices. Call nnd see for yourself at J I SORENTRUE 4 Proprietor of the "CALIFORNIA STORE." N. 15. Messrs. Bcnj. P. IZI.AR and A. L. ST ROM AN are now with mc and will he pleased lo see their many friends and customers. that Is HE A DQUARTERS for Fancy and Staple Dry Goods! [laving greatly increased his usually Large Stock, all the Novelties in DHESS GOODS, a Large Variety of Black and Colored Cash meres, Lu-tr s an I Sttiliugs. STMONU POINTS Tl.ut i< n it r? j rncnl lion is l owed, nnd any Child enn trade with as ii ucb t oi fob ncc a> an experienced Shopper. Dur Lino of CLOAKS and IJOLMARS to which we invite the Inspection of the Ladies. A WORD TO THE WISE! When in search of good Shoes or Boots, just take a look at my Stock of Philadelphia Mand-madc. The Selection of this Stock was made with the view of meeting every Demand, the'various Tastes, ami prices from 25 cents a Pair up. BULLDOZING WON'T WIN! AH we ask Young Man is for yon to look at our Suits of CLOTHING, Medium and Fine. Our610 all Wool Cassamere Suits is the l$OS$? Al.-oa Large Assortment of Chil dren and Loys School anil Dress Suits. HENRY K 0 H N Agent for BUTTERICK'S PKRFECT PATTERNS. White Shuttle Sewing Machine Runs Lighter. Wears Longer, Runs Faster, Sews Detter, Never Fails, al ways Heady, Best Made, B.->t Mat dial, all working parts being Case Hardened, an I a Written CuarniOcu under the Seal ol the Company given lor f> Vears with evi ry Machine. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! We beg to extend to on" Patrons and Friends a Cordial Invitation to call ami sec us. HENRY KOHN DRY GOODS BAZAAR. SOMETHING NEW! In addition lo the LARGE and Elegantly assorted stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. \lso UltOCKKIHK of the BEST QUALITY, CTheri.per than they can be bought any where else. The FINEST and 1'ES'f Stock of Whiskies, Brandy, Wines, Gin, Rum, &c, The PI?ICES of which has just been REDUCED 25 to 50 cts. per gallon. D E SMOAK & CO.'S IIa?'o filled up their upstairs ami laid in a ST?C K of $5000 of tbo UL'ST, FINEST and CHEAPEST assortment of CLOTHING Tobe bund bit wem Chnrlestoti anil Columbia. If yon are in need of a Suit at any price. Pants, Coat or Vest. Pon't fail to sec them bofore hu\ ing. .lust received 150 barrel* pf.OUR which will be sold CHE AP IC II Ihiin the tame ijuality can be bought in Charleston, to make room for 200 barrels to be in first November. Pcsl RUST PROOF WHEAT and OATS on hand. D. E. SMOAK & CO.