m mmm> ?A? ***** jfJ ?-i ; ?1_Vi_..!'? .?.'.Vi'.ri guj k| ?i i-.. - /. >n V.'dlo.iA' w"i'*,"!'?i''>i'.!'jiigiAwr--yj'1 ?mag? ?vitV.jiok /?; ;Vi:ri '/m < a ! m i r-wi tlJttoH 9tix . . ... _ ? - _' J ?? I ' ' ? ' .;iVdim 1" av Lei i>iu\ itdv-vw 1 L' ?nqw<( o| 'Cfe t?lft???j ti )*> ?? i i \? i. i-.'? ! i il li! l?i iWlJB 8 :"' ? 1) 1 il ' j: .11 ??ik.- , 9.it ?? < ?) til1 .oiliil jam ?m- ? d J 1 i*riVj -nutil.W IkAH^MdilK .H ittlJJfH '. ...... "0 '-r-.v.Vf . .0 vmOviO ft? '.*A-noUk x.>, , ' ifliil II?) ? In FRIDAY troppl^ /?i'?># ? '????! .. .. F. BSM&RS; A gt UNDKIC i& '""VWuV Ii?*! tr?B iiui: ?' t> ' won 1 v< I rii iuls ami Counlrj inen ?uemi! ?; i gl farn JJo not wall unrtl ioiVKflciRl * & ? > ^ i TCvcry c^n?, m places dc-y;,, . - Makp-W:W.TRS y?h,Y(.rWWr?! ! ' Aek hJjLll iorldslIAMS -ff? nkv. rRiViH,Tng at ihr htoj> an?! try iMs'r'Ioiii >.> fine, Cheese, ami ALL thing* in his 11 n??! Ifave some IU TT KU m-iu around ? ?JE^'tnryitiH^*htWni"1i^e'S^f?mnTT" And if ^o(f'd ftflWelSantfT-hh,*1 Put hi?UCK l\?i:i?Vn^5ur T, Ca nod art- rtfl ddift-. iMJuffKtor.?. Reason eafln?t iijT C)?It ?ry l^ld&tj (Jini becmuillod iiny where! 10very 11 i:i 11 ?de? Uno\v^ IH:.\| Alls?, ? if Rushes for Iii?; good SeitarjeJ. |n his **hmiplfigltoniti tlief*"* l.vy.vr.y.tinuvilj/u lit i Uui'A tC ]tfcvcr yet diT MS! I <)h hAttfonoftill.i'ou arc wU >rr ' " 1' fj eason poh 1 t-J to; ;>,t 1 KI .S H 11. .. , | , Selling lain y Dri, k* in all ? %rid the t'ne^f^oj^wpl JtdJp\_P %y JS^Mtt etim? to bled your star.-*? Down with all--exeunt ? ? 1 . HT#W -SET I>r.? A. 1). I>ukc*s I>rnyr More. ? - I'RIC.K J/TS'P Bieeeh L'ading'.-ingle I'm^iel Guus 1,11,11 ?l'V,,l>- ?' , ?.. ? ... Double harrel jBreech-Luajhirs.. fri Single hand Muzzle Loaders fr , ;*2 50 up. 11' Louble -barrel Muzrle*Loaders from $7 50 up. ! ??/ 7 shot Pistols from si 25 to $8' 50. ' 5 sbnt Pistols ?2-KK) from *2 50 to Smith .A. W?|?^ 44 10() Irom 81 d toi 825. Ali of these pistols are ren ne lue wjlh, ttuLom^tJp c^rf ridge extractors. P' 1,1 " Also flurdwaVe ?f evi-ry ?1 \-erip fton, at price* corresponding with the above* OWll and examine go nU und prices. Satis, action guaranteed in Vt F, Robinson, WATCH MAtfElT A ml JN-vtoIcr, *f \ * russet st./ tw Styles, Jiiq^t *'b'r ycM^ffiJFCaM at' ??1104? save time skid rfultiev nov 9 1878 lv -._.. . .In ilaidia lihimU O^'-xj' 'The tmdersipneir i;e* pectfully ,iu foi'ln'A''the public tb;it' he1 is prepared to do all v jfljjjj , Kii^ pfWork in the abovp-dinc oh the shorMbl ticeandati^ J V I ^ \J I.iv%nfeWic^ f] Wn&WWV&Q ?,(>^ *??' ?he t best possible manner. ' . . ? .: | J alhO have in full optralfpt| PLAN I Si i A M) M()L LlJlNG" ftv.a.>d':- MACllliNLS,: ?1 And '-AlIT'OHlST- MILL. ' ' SS I All work in this line done without delay an ly. attorneys AMD COVnSKLLORS OR AN mJf.*H ???' 'S LOOK" BEFORE' Jjgjg LEAP !;** 'lAmiiKi 13ef<>re I3ivyi11 flf 37H -e ? vIiere AT ri 1 .nil .HlfVI H i.l'Jtju r. tnent ol* (J eifo.-ti ?^fy at wVoTrWli! ilim. Retail f<>r the verv Lnwiil Priced., (Iii A Fresh Stock of Groceries and Canned Oapd.^ ol' all kin Id vv?''-Vtr ;.uJjuUu^aJ^i*uvU-vVdA?a;Hcq-^ii ?eu.?(rpri-c t. . ,'? j (.(fijn fil'1 'f ^l, sA ^f^WF^1, m'? ???'* l$Wtft Cigar.' .and j,fJ>ao,c.Q* a?|d, Finn* I X ?t;,C??'\ S** wl-f *^ *'*''' * *riiWr nndrMeul* at low; figure?.! i.'J I Old** St l^f'dSwg (*ake> and ^^pliwHR^tg'Wfe a'specitiliy. " f_. u j V? tii THE. NEW WILSON I ' X'Hl Cli I Id its SEWIN6 MACHINE lo wonderful' In Its conception,' un procodonted for doing a larger rahgor of sewing in toxtilo fabrics and leather. Its motions aro continuous, admitting of an extraordinary rate of speed, either by steam or foot powor. Every motion of the treadle irjLa^^slx^ojttt?i^s^thus,. produc-... Ing about one-third moro work |na,day than other* jSevylng Machines. / it h?*TrH> stop motions,'and tightons the itiMri with tho needle outxfrthp faforJdV It-UdefeHho Compound Feed on both' sides of tho needle. It part&than any other first-class Sewing Machine. and \>no-half inches lopg^a,nd flv4 nd ^on^-half inchos high, and tho whole Wlachino is.votar rromp-??tiu r.riw ^cJcr. tifically constructed in proportions, elegance, design and appear* anco. Its simple, powerful- and perfect mechanism places it as far In advance of all other Sewing Machines as the telephone Is superior ' to tho tin speaking tube. Tho WILSON MENDING. ATTACHMENT," ,\ for repairing air kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PMOkUHCf JUr-* nlshod. FREE.with nil WILSON SEWING MACHINES, togothor with a Tucker, Ruffipr, Cordor, Sot of Hommers, Binder, etc. well-known Wils ' two-thirds" I willy-ei i , ; i ?1 ? D.ifc iiip 4 cel. :M huU lift m eo \mmi mi m&i?. fc^O*! A CENT FOR ORA NC EUURG COUNTY lUtlllllU l Sit i>i}U'.l in. ll'.r- of it ?nii') it >l|i i // . biri*.hinil 'J! e.i ii? aif /^pi tii iice iii .h, ul-ov^yji.,^. rivi,* ft,!' loMiilIiiwc wiTlf id At \\. M. J-vVLV. ' ? A i fl c Ohl Stand. ..;.!.? ?11? Enst Proof Oats. rl oi: j vjMkii. !?-\ 4Yt'. fuj rT^lo it.ll tl ? ? ? ' I'i ?/ \ Guqd WO/VIAN'.SftlJOIvftu-30 c. JOHN, A' HAMJLIO.i\k rnrrd. -Orli'in;il->!' '"'>>> ?twol?l? bCtlHK .-r .1 Mipui for l><*jta.on j ?.j....? r?ll.i,?. i , n' li B.}.f\ia, ???^?W b lrvrtblwi.iie'paut.v.Knt A;'82 PKII month. Reading. Willige', 'Sprill'i'^." rd'Mn.-nH n Aritliemetic an?! -o|)li\. AJUifhrn. ?teoinetn l.'hciniMry, Lni>h.. |'?tan\ ant! Vstroiiyipj added in tin- Studie- "t |)e|>artuit'iil 1?. * -. - i IjiwjiiV ChASSK'Ah IH-.PAKTMKXT, 50 t!knt '. i X'J'UA r'l>|{ .KA.CII.I' \ Id AijJ'. . I I. uinf < iivek, French. Utmia-i and i.irocisi Ml SlCAh DKPAlM'MKNr, : 1? chiirgcroC - ? j ] j ? I ^ > \' ) .ujss-b ?. I* .11 ku.k'11.131 p. run asm-ian4'm\nn-:ft. flfV ' '.ilieial dcdueliin- n add wlioii 'innre than oile pupil attend.- from HOYS prepared lor ('Ofcfytf&K nl m siM-issv 11? -| f/:, >, The.Sj^X JiS keplj 3ti|ietl \yiyya.r;-|tjp.^ itfcrD IxISGIGLNK imf high. Public?.lC\^iiii|??.i?n aiuHyxhrhifjoui iu.jMay ol eaoli year. (Jl??s j of cession .June oOlli. LOA III) in goo I fa m?h s Train in 812 per mouth. k"B *J For ia) r1? ji/ i/nil uinrl' UvWlv io nun i llUCliiiCtt el Robertson,/Taylor .-A Co., ( ' ^rVJLLlA)ItS^lf^^ .Cotton L'uoior-', A\ hole-ale , Orrteors. and lleneral ('omiui?sid/i,,Mer hun i:rii -.1 I "tJi/tti i >i /: K>T? '.1I i/ Ml ' . i &. a iiAY.Y.tt ST.,<1 ill ,ffiiho?'.'\ I ' 0 / It! It*, Premium,List of Orangenarg Agricultural end Mechanical Association Fair. ?? i, i ?) -[?? A| w.< ? >?'.'' ? j, Kice 1st piciu, Kl)vord Kck;u ?^Kcfv.;.. a ? bluow 1 iH j'.VK'rWHNtr. C?>tt<)U?int i'iiw, W. F. Ptfi/.e, J C Sorghum and Ca ie- J. ,0 Kunches St|yur, cune r} rnpcuotl mm:?rd C F.UJ^liejl. I, ||| .? ,;,|| SIv.} t .F.otHiynj*,?. I Biggs.: t,,hnln$?X.J Dukes., . -1'jiid.cis?Altec Lizzie;Dukes. Jennie?Mit. F A Muyiuni, Culum 4i*?M ?ou? *xu. .?/?! a .'in- il |Liri.-i ? .V.'luui Sinouke.' ?, \j \u iu?VV,,A Alaekity. ( mii?>V A Mjici,^'.: ? led i San,pic od Bice,- Jf F: Lj vingbloa. J ai it)?;V; JVl,?a||eyi., . . tjj^upl?; of 'l\,bajvo? George Mack Scruple of Jute?Ii itijje.? ^?fU l(Millet-^-J:Ii L\?k?*. : . fi Curl_A 1> U-l. ? ; .Sorghum Scdd?,\\'./A Alackuy. ti Puni^Liins?MivJ. L JlciduiiaLv I 1,!.l'.vh im sv. c One 7,,months. Killi .'.ecumy .raised; Tj^MtCttiiti; Stallion ^iiuporiedy ?Geo., A rtlmr. Combination -Hor.>c*--( county rais ed}?D L Fogies One one year old colt (eountv ,ai,ed)^'das.'SL!nk?;i:'' ^irdriiest colt ' (countv rais ;^!ih. OC&S?Vmiun., Stroman. liroud mar.4'(cWiily raise (j ?'/ K, ?..W"' il '* '"J'J M'l ilttO/i ">tloin:vn. One three ycai id I c It (count), .iti.-ed ) ? Z ]?] Strom in. Double Halms.? (imported horse) W M Sain. ?? 1 : ' Due one year old colt ' Cvcounty nisedj?J*' Hugnrs. S:aiIii'ni (tt.iintv rai ed '? ? D H L ivzi.v.mf. ( i.mbinat-on llorses imported i? ? W V uller. Single l lnrue.ss |loi>e (nilported) >V 11 Ohv.r. J?i v k i;TMi:'n i d. Cov vvnlr I'w iris -I-t I rein tutu, Tl l. lJieUnb.iker. Co? und call :-2u;l.u.J M Kiley. Cow ? let (.ljetuiuni, 11 M .Mo'Arer D von Cow?2u I., C t'ol er. Bull ?i'lviuiiitu, .1, L Al?>i.rer. liull ea|f?v Ten uiouthr .ol 1 > I'rein inn, ,vUfte>.. ... lleifticfj veat> .old, $ ul'r- F. lvj Sl.idef. . ? tj . lleitirr, l^t premium -11 .M Moor i .-r.j. p /. .or , . ? ?< 1 S eer, ) >enrold?r>J 1? Daniels; I . Il((NUU4il.ihNt . bioken liull yearling?\V M ? niofupsuu; ? . L!^t bjuken yearling Steer? M P Danncr. **y "* Cracker.-, Pi einj?Vu?M rs. Ja?. Stokes! Butter, premium?Miss L,C 'Res. i Spofige cake, premium ? MT-s M A , B Sinke?. ' ; 1 Bacon, 1st ! |||vmiuiii?Mrs. O L StronmrV. Plain' cuke, premium?Mr.?. K Oramling;* k Yeast cake -Mrs. Dr; J'G Wanna maker. Orimmeuttd cakes--Jos. Ivffls. Kolb?MW MlliiiTe Dudlhy. Soup?Mr-.'SV J Snitler. j''. Biscuits?^Mrs. J L fl, "nltm in. 1 Fruit ^tkc?.M^. F 11 Edward*, l.ijihf hn'/.d?Mr?. Jos. F. Mo Krgg'pntr--"?\A?s(k Daitl /hr Fndt eak\wf?'pfcueh leather, Lt prim; Mrs A W Tlia'Hn;, .??auf pie drT-d lrtiifj' Vvs W; VMe ron'y; pr< scrveil tigs.', 1st prom, Mrs.D L./tiL-; vimgur, II: Jiigg; ?laoltbejny cordiid. I.si preo?, Mrs F II May runt; plum .preserve*, Mrs '.J H FiCiiiieke'.-; ; loftilf'Vi]prc.-i.r\e.-., Mis W J S lider; pepper,.' pic'/.Ic.s, Mrs D U Bkjojkh.ar.to louiaiLo o;iu,?. 2ultproiu,Mrs T Hv Z;niiiicimnn; ccupp rtMbg syrup, '2n I pi-' n>, Mrs Jfcs Stok63;;cau:ic I toiiVut toes, 2nd__oj-ejji. .Ht^VVLJ-Sjaidtir; honey, 2nd pj-ern, M^qW J Snider, grape wine. 2nd prem, Mrs Dr A C Bal lon; wine, 3rd prem, Dr \\rT P Barton'; Honey; 1st prem. Mm J' F Livihgslon; fresh whortlleb rrlo?, Hp) ('''1 Stromitn; canned tomtit tops'. 1st prem,Mrs D H Hush; apple je^v lat prent, "D II R?vdi; tennailo'catsup.1 ) prem, trsE It Walter; cliow chow; 2it l prem, Mrs Dr A'C' Baxter; canned' wbort'eborrifes, 2nd - pre in, Mrs Dil Rush; stand", flbptors, E S Criffih. ; i'd'1 . ? ?:? j_ Lilt ! "? ?' '*ais l>Kl\YKTMKSr O. 11 varieties of vegetables. 1st prcini," Mrs das Stokes; pe.ts, Mrs F A May-' r.Hit; bell peppers, 2nd prem.'Mrs A 0 Andrews; 2nd prem, .Mrs W S ihirton; pomgrana.es,' pi ein, Adam Smonkc; '2nd prem, W F Barton; (>'eiu::iunW l.-t prem, Mrs J'L Heidt inan; 2nd prcni.Miss Agnes Dibble; 11) verieties vegetable; 20 va re ties, 3rd prent, MM T Kobu; apples, lat prom, Mrs \V S Btu ton; watermelon,. 1st T ... 1 . ..< K-'il :? pretn, Mrs das .V.okes. i?V:r'AuTM r.NT ili I.adyV .-kiit, prem, M:ss Aniiic llolinan; knitted stockings, prem, Mfss '\V V Iladlcy; I pair knitted .?locks, 1st prem, Mias .f KaWor. g?h?ts *uit prem,. ^??ft,^ Lfa J^jjjtokeu kiiittid quilt, 1st prem Miss Jenny Whittemore; child's suit, prem, Mrs I G Wannainafcer; ebihl's aprtVu, prtiii^ Miss Anna Ildllv night gTrsr^^iij<7(i^rl^j'kuitted ! quilt. 2nd prem, Miss lluukerpiller; laitl tpiilt, 2nd prem, Mrs \V J Snider; worsted rtigs, 2nd prein, Sirs \V V Izlur; kidtted tptilt, 'Srd pro'fd, m,!?s R S Alb'ergotti; lu.ul re.'u?' 1 mis V D Tilley. t)kivat.mkst j. I Tillow slips, cnibtoide'd, 1st prem, I > iss' Annie Hdlman; night robe,'l>t I pretn,' Mrs .1 S riHimsoti; >ilk < ni'Vd ! (diild's rube, 1st 'prchi',"Idiss An V.ib1 I Moss; Hold's suit embroidry, 1st prem. uns (' / "b b?J*i.1J?; ?nw lo ?jd shawl, 1st (nein, mi as Annie Mour.on; worsted-:sofa eushi.^fil)^n^^kfr C Palmer; hanging baskets, l?^prCn*, miss Delia lmehanau;'w^^!rwo"rk^ 1 - t prein, nVri Ll4--B/rtort^a|B^jiii^ h\?h) scale, lst?pHlm\t AitiS^nft^^Gil lilnnd; child's dres*. hand mad -. 1st prciUy 41ms H> A" MftoVe?? cftfchet thread Italy* l&ri prem'/airift Witt 8* Ba.Uey; znphy Hiawl^istf'py??, rhU* 8 .S Stok ,; lufitfu'a crochet clrftfc'/iil prjim;,iiirs K S Hubble; s'rkclftfln'Tfax workv Ut prom, "mrs" CP^W^lrr^ book.- huv^'Dt pYehV 'ruiVMrVry I> Hull;-hsitylu, Avork,; 1st pt^iW.^rs'ft G ^erhlao; Vre*tli hdnldlAtefs^it prem, mrs> ttV? ;] Snider; v:e-'e f?-i?'ii?.'f ilowers,: Ist?prdih. 'uif^ W'tf^m'deV; ?toilet mats,- 1st prem, ihfss :CWor#f6 lianin;1 BpccinU'i??heil woYkyl.-it pr$n\ -mis -Kalte Gillilaud;.tatjpr04, Aft& -VP Soovilk; worstOiHai^nan 13f prem* thraoJas' Hidmis.m> tatting tl?ly,?TW pjfcinpifini.* . 1 oAli>1lo??itfeoHf v^MTo^ shlilhs; 1st prei?,? tors J*dW- SumMers^ elMFaj dress; lt?t' preir>,fWs' Wat** Hndleyjuwax w.irk,? 4fwi4>reni6 iritis Mary E L'oeaov;'etubro;pIereddiW.Hc* ohieij 2nd preoi.nnias .'MuflViB 6f/kks; cUrucheidudivl^s?id *>?vrt,iB'\V4fakM'J child'* embroideredia^cWJ2d'*prdtlij ruUtt- B AVi. lzl:iif::fii?V)?ii*hibaj '2W piem^tnrs Dr .Baxter; largoot. j d ttun, inibs Aiuia Cu!ler;*2uil l8l?gV?*t collection, "mrs J MT Summers; r '".d/I chair, Wm 8J3.^UU^?^ ? Ootn hiimtiouju\Vjflrfi iC>al^i4fc>?l A IMimi.,;^^ lady'.s cloth gaiters by aim i;.foatlior . laus and dusters, rurs A P.Dnntz'lor; .'??. ca. rosin, tnfc ILmry Davis; dron ed deer skin, H Iligsja; w?oVaKeap skins by same; oashmere goat skin by-' same; roll harness leather by;sanvi; russet ..leather,j '2nd iprdn^jbjcsaiiiojrt roll, ,Bole. lcatheiypreua,bjrmmfrrro?il solo 1 leather,'. 2odtpronitbyj?mmj^^a;U;ij met to. hate, nirs D ? Bdohhtrt;- pui^ ;J metto hdkf. box by same; pbfc*-odd lean V D ituabj home-made si'kvmn A Da Frederick; set 1 harness,. Jno Qgrettv'o bundle whips, P B Bush. 1 DKPT. M> . ! . . t I eacpeks, prem. mrs W A Glo?er? game fowls, C M McMichaol; single ? gap^e cock, 2nd prem, by same;tingle fzuuie co. k, 1st prent, by same; white dorkini, trio, mrs E It Barton} ciop ?? brih.mas, Henry Hoi nun;' Kn?U?lu-d ducks, 2nd prem, F Sistrnnk; gies?, ' Henry Dukes; turkeys, B FThompr son; one yard dog, Jno n Bicken1)*1** or; coop bufi'cliina, GM ?aMey; Eng lish ducks. 1st prem, Margaret A. Suiottk; pointer dog, W V Izlar. ? . iv : 1. ;.. Ju DKPT. X;'-' *. . ..n I ??' I Water color paintings, prem, mis9-?? Alice Anderson; Chade^!Ai{nstolle (I 'painting" b/ 9.nu?^; nio-aietbewttom*- I? eter: holder, . miss mtQf Briggmenri'i p'nAtutres, K Ho'tinton; iiniiuni?ital * c(dognrt, S A Uc3vej, cli iinical p'irrtii^ K .V e itic by same, t^sedco lemon by -amej specialen penin eushipj Fa nie* U Mose 1 ey; 1 presse?I?lem vr rcatIt,* nVr* w ? n J snidt>r; specimen peu'niousbip; AiS* KohjM wreath skeleton'leaves'^ mirs4rV>>d J snider; palmet?/) lramj,, D ilk Book".' hart; specimen peuuicuship, Bobble I -j, Jedbnls), door horn batrack, mra ni Uob)nflon;.,;?traw cabin, mrs F f;iek; '; (.rnamehtul vase, mise Emily.scoWlleti 1 trench modtv ohlocvpUtd, nit^j mettte i ( I iigttiores. ChaHesttm. 1 ot >h-?< . - , ,cmtiUUEN'a iOBrX?t'i: e?.n IJWH r' Pa^c^wprk 1 quilt*, jiilei mery 0 sftVf 11 ley; >po(i'nnoo hrai li,ngl miss cerrie ; (Wtt*j>?ifcn&tf*di . 4u?k<^? kni? HUiWelit ? \\aunituiakeujo:-.at>?4mnfi ,row?!n*nitielii ! Feldoi; framed.rhMOlijtei I motto, im,-.; > D stromau; eroeLo?, tidy, miss Einmal liriggmunu; li'oitWiti ilowcrs*; itvks J Dora. let jspeot?ieejt'? , mi* toiaW'f?lwartfc?;! lte^i'bi??!!/.Jv ii |l lo iaOUCpiO-*h ^''J ?Uli ?l ?iii 0^1;