The ?x'cmge'bvii'g Times Jj O O "?. Tj TAlfclO YOIIK CIIOI< 10~ Between the riMics at $1.00 for a year; or ths Charleston Weekly News and the Times clubbed together for 62.00. This gives our farmers as much rending matter as they can digest during ihe week,at the cheapest rales ever yet offered. Row's Your Chance To buy a No. 1 buggy cheap, 11. Frank Sinti r can suit you. New Arrivals - Air. YY. Mi Sain will ree.eivc anoth cr car lead of h irses by next Mon day. Don't forgel it. The I".x<'iiision Train On Wednesday carrie I a very hu ge numle rof cur ei izeiis to the "City by the Sea." The Weather lln.s been rainy and gloomy lot the pott week, bin the la)inj; of the dust ion?] em-tiles lor all. "Tlie ltloo?J is the B.iie!**? Nearly all diseases cured by lioyd's Miniature Galvanic lluttery! For gale by Dr. J. (!. YYnnnniuaker. New linggie??s Mr. 1). A. Sain, al Lewisvillo, can accommodate his customers and the public generally with :t good bhggy al a sma 1 pi ice. Gail on hi in. 4 hai rs? IVrsotis wtwhing Id have chair re bottomed with cane tin 1 varnish d, can have them done up in stylo by C. A. Kan dale. l?o|>nIar? 'J he While Sewing Machine has Lcct-mc so popular that Henry Kuhn has engaged one man t>> allen i to that alone. Notice J- hi us! y givi n thai all artic-e.-. Kit til liie J".di.?to fair have been carried tin rosi l?-ncb oi IC. S. lluhbcll, Ksq., where ihe owners tan get. them. I>elieac;*s J n the way of pickled ox head, pig's feel, oysters A" ?., h I -s - ;:> t-tautials set Vi I up in the very host oi' >tyle can he had a1 all ho irs ill : i . lliiggmiiun's new .-ali en. 'J'S:i- Ken \\ i ??? on {-.owing n ach.ue its advertised in tb is issue. It will com par..* .villi any ether mat bine ill the market lit I cheapness ami durability. T. K >hu is the Agent. < all and see it. For the I'eiiiteiiliary? Hiei'd!' Leiingsioii, Or. Mydrick and L. H. \Vannan;aker Es(j , a'tetitl td ilie prisoners to Columbia on Weil ncsday, and saw tl em sale y del v r i d to i ol. Liioscomb of i he I'ouiteuti - lir. I.. ?i?"e Js prcpan.d to extraci leeih with out pain by (he ti-e ol nitrous oxitle g:ts which i- perfectly harnihm. lie is a thorough and practical dentist, a ml does his work well an I fd?i ful ly. All who try him wili he nle.isi I. Our County E*'uir - \Vc are satisfied that our Fair is going to be the lliost til tractive one yet held, and believe it v ill bo b tter attended ami more successful than ever heft re. Hemeinbe. it open next Widnc.-ilay. ilur Thanks Are due to Mr. S fJowo lor a number ol copies of ihe old t'h.n es ton '?Mercury," dating back from 1>S!.">, and embracing ihe terms ol editorship of Curcw, Hart, Slewari und Hlicit. Much )>! nsurc and in struction tire to he derived froni them. Gone Mr. L'olhwi II, (lit \\\ :ii - lisl ol' Ihe Y. M. ('. A., w ho was in Orange bill'g several (inns in t e nil 'I few years, died in Camilla a few weeks bach, leaving behind hi a A ynilog wife, having been mil shortly mar ried. Dlfcifeolut ion r*cc in ai'tilht r column llte tli -o!u tion of partnership between Soren line A' Lorten. Mr. L iryea leaves for bis home in California, where e lakes with him the best wi lies of the people of < nil gel ing where lie has made many friends by his manners and exemplary comLict. Mr. Stiren true continues the business. He is a young innn of pluck and en terprise anil is destined to RUCCCS3. lie has our good wishes for the pros perity of hia business. L'urcha&crs will find it to their interest to call at hi| storo. Look To Your Interest? llenr> Kolin advertises everything needed in ilie clothing line in to-day's issue. His emporium is always slocked with fresh goods which his efficient clerk.-, will lake pleasure in exhibiting. Hensksyou to end on him. Fair week is the proper lime ; to get si fair suit IV. f'\ Itobinstoii litis ju.-t i:oi in a sph lalid :in .Mr. .1. \V. II. i)uk?;s Jr., has com plctcd his new s'.si dim in Mar'.< t -ireit, and stocked llieiii ?vi Ii .im: horses and niuies, which In' will sell at the b west possih e prices. Willie is ii u " ?I judge, nfuiirs.' Ilish.:ild we bc-jeak lor him a lull sl.ui e ol lhe public ptilroimgoi Doi.'i Issil to call on him. ?.???? fud-. - s ^ lo. bus he. ii in hi - lirick store I'm* Minii! lime, in >ye I hi- Isiiiiily lo the r.w tii : 11 m < ills upstairs this week, lie has ti night licli orgdiig fixed to ii ?? .'p.m door by wiiieb ii.- ea i be ?si 1'i d itt. sill) hour of the nj.rliL lie is a n i 'Id sind i N pt'i it need druggist, and l e. ps silwsivs on hand the ami puie.-t articles. l *n i v !?':? re - v> e have ei: a letter I i Mr. n.sin, Si eieisiry yd' the Agi'ieiiltuial Association, in which she uuiimrities nf tin- S. (' 1 ?'. 11. iisi. e ii greed lo allow all visitors '.?> ihe Pa ral 114 the line id 1I10 iisiilroail lo u" sind return for".- /!( ?Irr" As a toilet accessory a d ? aitlili r it has 110 11.11.1. h i- wai ranted to adhere heller lb ihn sVu. :;n I r unaiti mi lunger llisill other jiowd 1-, 1. !!y \\ bile or Tablet, in 11- . 1.1 lies ?\ o have u*ed it reguliirly for years p. > hntincc. it the very licit eostnetie lh:'V ever Itiid. Price 1 "1 C(?nts per boX; P..r -al" liy I >:?. .1. < :. Wsiim.i linker; RSeSi^iittZM Sei vie'--au I preaching will b ? held in the Baptist Church in by ili.' pus'or. We draw lent ion ids*) to 1 h ? - r viecs advertise.I in another e dum 1 1 1 tnkc place in the Si. \'sil: he \ ? (I.illhcrsiii) Church 011 Ilic li;>: S.d.i ? I i\ in November 111 ciMiiiiiciiiora'i > 1 ol lite o?'Jd Anniversary of t'.ie lle foriiitilioii. Lit lie Stev 11s < i"'. Church, Kdgcliehl 1 on 111 y, has en I led Itev. A. P. No) 1 is a.- jiustbr for one yesiri The'(litest ion i--. Deekleil At I i i, thai Mr. C I > Kortj ihii, ihe prosperous young merchant of Orsin;. clung, knoWs liow til plea- ? the people. lP.ving ag..:ils at bank rupt ssilcs North, who make it a. specialty to buy ryjpdsata sacrifice, ho today is ublu to uudcrpcli the whole Slutc And to no special lino 5EB01I t /ial Iii is he confined. Kvcry tliii>?'. thai | imagination can conceive of We lias* A i Korfjohn's you can 1)0 suited, whether il 10 in household eh-thing, grocery?indeed, in no ner what department, his stock is complete a i I superb. The question is simply this : I).- you want lo buy? And if you do. How much do yon want for your money? It' you waul lo gel thrice your in nicy's worth, y call on Korijohu. And by ;tl! means attend his auctions. 1 wo or three connlry merchants have made little lot tunes by being on hand at bis auctions Mr. Korijohu himself is the cmbndiioenl "I politeness and h nor, while Mr. .). a. Alb rgutli is at one.- a guni n in ?? oi' lair play and slow pro lbs. Call nl Isortjohh's. 4 'on r! ? Since our last rap irl vet y d ? v progress has boon made bv Ibis august tribunal. Last we'd; the foil nvi ig Sentences weic pronounced : I? n Moms, sealed sent inc. .*', months in t'otint) Jail; I i ardliines Stewart and Couelius St.-wail, one year each in IVnili iniary; K i rl el coal, 2 mouth s in I ouiUy Jai ; Jos'mi .Min jo. one year in l\ni entiary, and one dollar; Jack Inabinet, G months in I'o.'itciiti ary; Stephen Kcnnady and Henry Cannon, one > ear each in I'cinlenti ary; Attain Miller 1 years i:i lYni toiiliary. 'I be case of Misa Kleelra I jrifliti vs Unm.-nm 10. M. Aviuger loi broach o! promise was tlecitled for the I'iaintitl in the ttmounl of ii) damages. (hi Mom ay the civil e.i es coth iiiencctl tiieI only fur cases wore ..?lea i ed oil' t he d ??!;?? . W I ?MI I he .JinIge desiring on Wediics.liy lore- j lui u to bis home in Ihtl'llWi ?. ad ' jtat, nt I tb Court, until this hi ii ni ng, ! w In 1! Hie ens 'S Will h : la ;o:i lid again, and we Impo dispatched with g: eater ft] 0 d. In governed by the following i'des : ?ri:.\Ms. ;??!?. I? I*. (?. I aiinon, A M lzla!r, ?K I! ILiII. 1) .1 Ball y,.l C Lalbiucll .*vt?. -J lr. .\|. ii. .-alley, I) W I.hhiusoii, .1 A Sai eyi Dr. A S llytlrick, S i freviiie. >t. ::? \Y J DeTreville, T A j J !i ids Sr., 1 >r. T. A. don \V (i Alia rgotti, I* \V Lull. Id l.l.s. 1st. Kaoli man hi have !:l -in ie 1 s.d. is s j i ting, I loin ihe "Hatch Trap,' I al '_<; \ aids, rise; '_??;. I a'is hi be bro'ceu vVhile i ithe air; tin si: brinking ala r slt-ikin^ the ground, no! (i, lie counted as broken Mid. 'f he T? aid; breaking (liegreat- | t .-i number of Halls, pi be en* it led lo i tin- j ri/.e,anil ihu foa n breaking ihe j .-males- number, lo pay for ill I the , l-hllls i I o!\l ||; -ilti. Should a i ap -nap, or bail lo lire, ihe part)* will la entitled to an oile r iri tl. full. A I hi 11 sprung from the Trap, ami a parly failing to shoot, sumo will be sei Veil SIS a mi . e I 1 S.I 11. 0:It. Parties using -'ltivoeh-1 oad er>," wi I load their giins on t position; Muzzle Loadois, to beenpp < tl, i 11 l it king I ni.-i I bin. 7 t lt. I*. I! ic.? w i! I iiol lit e I im; r glUls lo '.be .-hi'iiidcr, liiitil In ? ;:! is spiuiig. Wh n ready ihey will notify ihe Judge;. .It'll K; Dr. A. S. Sa; ley, wlio't! d ?cisi^'i will be liiial. .-- in:: i:, d L SiillK. T?Ain i:'?i; T A Jt if... dr., t i M ?sillej . S Scvilhs. i he ?<: ciiH in :s t oiivimal sit Lcwisvillo on !.;?! [''tidily morning, 111. ( n I i i : \ lie liill titbticttit V SCl1 hmn was preached by K.v. \V, \>\ Chap in, the A i-i ciaiion h vine or gtini/etl by ilie i lectitui of l\uv V\'j (i Mttek, Mt ,it raftir, mi i 1>. WiL li!im-oi. Clerk. Cli rilliduy miii.i.e ,in lliii IV.tji I ii:t t Inn eh, be i hai iiy scrnit>ii was preached by Lev. 'ihonins, and in the I Methodist Church by lli v. T. NV. j Mo liichamp at the tame hjur, Lho I collections taken up at bulb churches were exceedingly liberal, and donated by the Association lo the California Chinese M issiotis. 'I he hospitality of the citizens of | l.cwisvillu will long be remembered by 'be 'delegates and visitors council lul with ibis body. The doors <>! (lie town were thrown open, and all de nominations, vied with cavil olhei in uil< ntion to tin' mil <' .1. A. I'. Aninker placed his enriisme at the dis-posul fd the Commit tee in convey ing passeitgi rs to and Irotn the depot, j ami extended other marked co.irte- j .-i? s; The Association returned a resolu tion of Iluniks to the Methodists for I lie use of their church, and also to ile ( itizt us i cutially for their ho-'pi lality. (in Sunday allein niti the parting >oiig wsts Slilig, and ili legates and visitor.-, took si liusll leave of cacli oilier tis i luv s. pa rat d lor t licit vcistl house's, carrying \\itli them the I hsi.*si1111si recollections ol ihe Asso ciation, si nil ol si! I i In? I ll.e y hau sei ii sind lieu i d. J Jj;ii;?3i'.'o ' SIK'CCSS h wsis our [irivi'ege ' i ! i nn: - I iy and Ki idsiy nights; to sit tend I lie f air given under the auspices "; the Kd .-i ri iiliiie 5, and 2lI otln i gciillcmCsi I'.uigi ig :i > a I t ? '1. \\ ?- must liol omit to uieiiti oh I hat j lh i * 1 ;.m i.s ii ii ivi 0 "J. au i lliu t) ti ?- i ? /ui l; hii! we nie sati.-li d tiiat the lie wi.uiii hsive 1* eii hroiicii in our lavor, had :i u >t been for lik'ju iibr'tu nsiie absence of inr i :? .rim low n .Mr. Moi.ii win'sthei'oforo the happy j icteivei i i lhe csn.e which he emiied ill' with becoming grstee, coiisi lering the nisigniitiitc oi i he honor conferred. '1 lie he.i hi i fill copy ol " Fetid j Oil" I tu op 111 be Voted i r und awardjtl i i i h y.soiid i. n-i- i Ving t lie high jo Vole, as a pri/.ii for lii ? inosl ii;-i.-u sei.i till' i.i said s. bo i., w:i> iCCCIVt: i by ".Mo Ii. Lump s Sell ? ' siller a pleasant and exe.tdig Coiitc-I wi'h .-In r.di.n s, .Nl:.- ? i. bcl ea A JbifrgOiti*.-) ! tiiid .Nii.s ;^ . i... ir ..ui'.-, iiiiidj sciiool having r-.-.iv d ,ue highest ) vile. 1 "1-1 VotCs wer.' <.i-:, ii ivliiull Iiie siicce Ss.ful gciiOdl r( ??eive l 87. '. I e [iiipils ;?j il i- \ tiii i.s scbehls Wide (idled OXeiled a- if :i I' ?i.-.iiiiii t ic. ii ni was occurring, .ill ids wblcli (ijicratcd for the good oi iiu I isistoi- to li e um of ?? I I I 'I I.. Iiilok aill lie i.warded si- ?'!i rei-ied l'\ lie I'ld i> to iidles, ??nd w. II list 11 a: ii i si \ i ni: a \ a ilia 'I. niccilli\c lo iin caiis.c id ?dtteali'dii iii our midst. ll.. nil-'', iinj iii t sti ll 1 ralllei re nil id as 1. liow-: id at I ha \V.:-biug!im djnl, wo i by !' (I ' anii.ei. 'I in- iili.l ?, I I i ) 1 ).,w-oii. Hille, Sainiicl Spuigol. NViitcli, .1 i t ilovcV. Sii< ? r cop, Ihti.dti Kill's. ^ .\. r, up, . lid ii ll!i V \V Ihili. j Silver ::...>:.?:, 1 > Loins i l>oh?p .", Mi - OHic ?Va-ic. tinVsiki r. Pccuiiiai'ili' Ihe b'tiir was oiie of the hmst profitable evbr held in i ui* tdivii, hud we hope the Kdistos will now sop n be one of the best uniformod an mp j wa?I as best diilled companies in the Bs it TriC That n remedy lias been compounded wliicli will do away with tlie mineral and drastic purgatives of the past centuries, ami which, while entirely efficient, will I<^:?vi lli.- -\ -t?-m in its former healiliy condition? Ves, the remedy isTttbler's I'oi'taline, i r Vcgctalde Liver i'owdcr; :i euro for all tlie disorders arising- from i torpid liver, as innocent as spring water, (iive it a Iriah Ii will ?!<> wlial it promises. I'riuu 00 cents a bottle. I'm .-aa- by Nr. J. <1. Waiihainakcr. Owl ;ti! "(Sooil muriiiu/. friend A.,1 am sni-piseil In -ee yoii out, ami looUing so wei l; I heard you i\i re ??'ii in.-! lo your room, ami lied, Iiv dial p. a ?>!' himiauitv, I'i'eV "Yes; Mr. I'... I I. ..1 beeii lo ? : ;t - illi-rer when I hi-aid of Taiiler's IliieUeyu I'ile Oiu ihoiit. it proved a blessing lo me indeed, oho bot tle having far restored i? t?"? ?'. ? ? .. Before the Public. ?. Mc!LANE\3 ct! "i'uatm) ? ? ??..--???. ?r *y \ zl . ^MJLsIjiOj i oi: cmr or i ;. or Liver Complaint, i.. . ; ? ,\:.n mi i: nr ai-aliik. iviri; ?UjrnR <.: a i >iseasetl Liver. i),M?\ in I lie right side, under the ? ol the1 ribs, increases on pres ? ? ... . ilii: i :iin is in the left : Lie p.:ti flit is rarely able to lie :. the left : sometimes the pain is ? ..! ?;? th'J idioulddr blade, and it ?i. j'ttrtitly cktu'tV?s to iho top of the s! ati'.l : sometimes niistakcn for t i" mo r;. 'M in the arm. 'lite rii i> : .'. ted with loss of appe tite ;.:..! sic:k::r.. ;: ii;-.- bowels in gen trid c-r ? < ijstii'?:*j tit Ihctimcs alternative ivlili 1 . ?:: t!v hi ! :.; troubled with , i'.jtij accompani ?! iyitli a dull, heavy j. i-.'-n ii. thy !? idV ? :. There is gehonillv :: i tin h'dt nil :?: loins of mem ii4\ji atxonina >ji ?! wi:!i ,-i pr.ihfttl svn :aii ?:i t I" 1 ? ii ? i , t some tain , wit; o . i > 1 tve been done. . ?. ' : . ?. ? i n n :>?;;? : ? ... ';.?'? rr.i ;. ! ! .? . . -a a p.i . ? ? li-.m of tl : : . e low: ... _ .vi- try i:. lit -fit tit. In: distrusts every i* .: ? y. ni oi ;j.c a.?ovo r.vtoptie.ns ; i' .!..? i|ii v.:s. . but (/iises have oc.-.trr.-d \ '..?? -c lev < i'th. -n ???> iste,!, \\i c-ijjtV'itvViion of ?lt? bod", aiti r firvtu, when taken with (j dhihe, are protlilciive of the iiu .t 11i11 ?>) res?.;i,ls* No better eatliailit; can !.. i.- .1, prejjiirp.torV or ;*.icr tiiUipg (Jiiitiju*. Yv'c wo: hi advise all wh<> ate afilictcil v it't ihi: disease- gij t- Iheiii a i .uk i itiAi.i l-'tir all lii|ioits tli raiigcm -liis^ and .?? a sii:tji!v: pm g.uix c, tHc} .:..: uiicij uUt ^1 iti:v/.M-t:: t :ii. Tin: geiittiite r>ro iti;\:c-r sai-tir i<>. : ,!. I'.very liov has a red w:in - Li 1 ..a tla? 1 with the impression hi:. Mi I \i\ LiVi-ii I'll Iis. The gentiim- *di L.\vi 's j ivti? i?ii.j.S!h?*a tin- sigiiAtures t'. .\:. !.\:.. aiiil l : imim llunsj. on the vvr.ippi-r-j. v Iit-i-.t it pi a having Ihe !';?.'- I.ivik I'? i-. pivparn! by pk-iii ilig Uro^.. of i'iti >btii-g!t, i'.i., t'.u- ni. rl.i ? I'c'tti full of iiiiiliUioiis of the liaiiic dtO/ifilti' Spelled thflt-retitly I.a: m???ic nroiiuib-i^tioii. A. M. BRIGGMANN,-1 DEALER in Liquors arid Cigars, TWO DOORS EAST OP n 13 smoak & co Now nil ye people Inr and near To Hriggiminn's Restaurant repair, When Hunger on your senses steals, And get vour J'auey Drinks aud Mi als." 'I lie old, llie young, the wise, the gay. All who have money, and can pay, (.."all cents apiece! I ben come and get employment good: For I would have it understood, Without a -ingl s bit ol* fuss, You'll ^;et your money's worth with Clus. oct'i 1S7-? ly rP I I K CLOCK, WATCHXAKEK and OCEIMIRER. ?:o:? ''Time and tick,"' both wanted are, l'oi Watch and ( look and people here, II tick you need, or time to set, 1 .?unter rumid to (.'hiviette. For Iweiity y ars and two, he's spent In li :.rain'4 how his arts to know, !'.\ special Provide'! e lk#'s sent To (iraiigeburg that art to show. I f :i Watch will keep no time, ' > .1 if a ( lock will give no tick, "I i- in.?I hc.causc you've missed this line, \\ Iii.It tells of good work, true and ipdck. 11* your Watch will keep no time, ?in to T. IM hiviette; 11" yoi.r ( 1 'e line, then lake good t ire (in T. I?. ('hiviette to call. I. XOT1CK?All Watches remaining with me 'or repairs on the 1st Nov., 1H7H, will Ik- ? I I nl auction if not called for be, foie the Momktv in Docenilier next. T. DkUlUVlETTF. july I tf Seed Rye. Rust Proof Oats. "Wheat. A Iso a small lot of [lust Proof Wheat! This Peed was tested in Cleorgia !;.-i ii and was a success. LIME, OILS, , HOUSE SHOES, Ac. JOHN A. HAMILTON. A Good WAX LiROGAN for 61, A I i .? 1 \V?) .MAN'S SHOE for 90 c. JOHN A- 11 AMI L ION. 49 Head Horses .it ST AUiitVKI? AT E. F. Slater's Stables 'ihe ul ovc Shirk is as FINE as ever bioughi ii tu this St ate, and w ill be sold at very reasonable prices. The public is respectfully invited to call and examine the same. I P. P. SPATER. - I ricks Ifor Sn le. ! , ? o lirst-eliiss. Oriiugebiirg brick for s:d>' :?; the. Orangtdnirg I trick Yard. For .' ,r Ai- , eiupiirc of A. M. IZL Alt at ihe Yitid, ? r to j a \:ks c. bell. ii av4m. he new mnm set lo wondorful in its conception* un p;ecodcr.tcd for doing a largo rango of sowing in toxtilo fabrics and loathor. Its motions nro continuous, admitting of an extraordinary rato of spoed, either by Gtoum or foot powor. Every motion of the troucllo makes six stitches, thu3 produc ing about ono-lhird more work in a day than other Sowing Machinos. It has no stop motions, and tightens the stitch with tho ncocho out of tho fabric. It uses the well-known Wilsen Compound Food oh both sides of th3 needle. It has two-thirds !o*-s parts than any othor first-class Sewing (Vtnchino. Its arm is fully o:; ;'ot and ono-ha!f inches long and five and one-half Inches !*?*>t?h, and tir-.o whole fvlachino is vory compactly and scien tifically constructed In proportions, olcgar;co, design and appear ance. Its simple, powerful and porfoot mochanlsm places it as far In advanco of all other Sowing Machines as tho tolophono Is superior to tiro tin spohking t-.:bn. Tho WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT, for ropairing all Kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur nished FfJEM vwJth all WiLSON SEWING MACH INES, together with a Tucker, Huffier, Cordor, Sot of Hemmers, Binder, etc. oct 24 THEODORE KOHN AGENT FOR ORANGEUURG COUNTY.