oNE ik)l,.a1! pkr annum. > CiOl^ AND OUR COUNTRY. always ik advanv, VOLUME VI FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1879. NUMBER 31 Carriaga Factory. The undersigned respectfully in forms the public that, he is prepared to do nil Kind of Work in the above line on the .-hortest no tice and at Living Prices. HORSESHOEING done in the best possible manner. J also have in full operation my PLANING AND MOULDING. MACHINES, And GRIST MILL. All work in this line done without delay and on reasonable terms. A share of the public patronage is solicited, july 25 IL RIGGS. P, Or. CAlmM ONE POOR EAST Of I>r. A. C. Dukc*s Drug Store. Who will Keep constantly on hand W&S&fr ? RILL and t O M ^feSSSSfc^ I'LKTK stock of ^StK^T^M)? IH :i ?*(ine up and Adjusted. ^m\^^ fl6iy"AH goods and ?{,,.,. jfarranled to give entire satisfaction '!u Jtnyb\y work inan.-hip and price. Thanking ihy friends '"I'l^k-1 patronage 1 hope to merit a continuncj^L .'the same in tin Intnre, I'. lA\.\Nt)N. se|:| L'S lSTS^tflW BLACKSMiT^NG AN. i? i io i,si:^i iof:ixd. The undersigned respectfully informs the public that h.v has opened at the shop Op posite Mr, "loseph Ilarlcy where he is pre pared yt; do all kind of work in his line on the >f>*finrtesl notice and in the best work iiiryfilike manner. All work guaranteed to gjrve satisfaction, and prices to suit the pre'' iciit times. \V. ARNOLD, apr'l 2? ly. Call at the Di OF SORENTRUE & LOllxEA T)efore purchasing elsewhere, and J) examine their New and well selected stock of Spring Goods Which they sell at prices to suit the hard times. Embroideries ! From 2 to 20 cent per yard. Sheetings! Bleached and Unbleached. 6 4, 8-4 9-4 and 10-4 from 18 to oO cents per yard. HOSIERY ! IIOKIKHY!! HOSI EH YIU ?5,000 pair to be sold regardless of COST. Gents Furnishing Goods! A complete line 10 per cent Cheaper than elsewhere. Besides our General Stoclt Of Dry Goods, Groceries, Cunned Goods, Clothing, Shoes,'' Hats, Cigars And Tobacco. Remember our X, A M P S A N O ILLUMINATORS Try one and yon will recommend them. SORENTRUE & LORYEA, sept 7 1878 Um Knowlton & Lathrop, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS A T L A W, OR AN GE DU KG, S. C nov 30 tf LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP!!! Examine Before Buying Else where AT JOSEPH EROS' AT ('APT BRIGGMANN'S OI,n STAND Fancy Baker and Candy Manufacturer. Keeps possitively the Finest and Largest assortment of Confectionery at W bolesnle and Retail for the very Lowest Prices. A Fresh Stock of Groceries and Canned Goods of all kin Is will bo sold at a Small Advance on cost price. 1 he Best Brands of Flour, the Finest Cigars and Tobaccos and" Fruits J_ adi'r S furnished with Hot Coffee and Meals at low figures. Orders for Wedding Cakes and Supplies for Cakes a specialty. JOSERTrl EROS t DRY GOODS. BAZAAR, NEXT DOOR TO (ORNELSON'S. TO CALL IN AT D E, SMOAK & CO.'S ' Ami examine our Stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats AND Fresli Groceries, Fine Liquors, Tobaccos and Cigars All of which is offered at BOTTOM iPBICES. ^ a?-Our 5. Cents Havana Ci?;ar is unequalled. D. E. SMOAK & CO. SO M EST 1111\ ? N K W ! K ^ 1 i Iundersigned having piiicliascri the 1 exclusive right to s>'H the "New Virginia Peed Cutter" in the Counties of Orangcltiirg and Barnwcll, announce that they will keep them on hand .it ihu stf tnicccfisful eompetetiohj believing that it is what iui friends claim, '?the most complete Culler ever present ed t" the public.'' EDWARDS A THOMPSON. Orangeburg, S. C, June 11th 1879. jitnc 13 3m J>Ki\TISTUY. DU. Wj- S. WOLiPE, . Louis' Store, whore he is prepared to du nil work in his line, on the most improved fit>h', and at prices to auil the limes. All work warranted to give Mitiafaction. 1.. s. WOLKK, mar 7 Surgeon Dentist. 1 > i*i(? ks fc^< >l* S;t le. I50,00? ?rat-chtM Oraugcburg Ihick for Kile at the Oranguburg Brick Yard. Vor particulars Ac., enquire of A. M. IZLAKat the Yard,