Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, August 08, 1879, Image 1

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2-* ) ONE DOLLAR ['KLIMAN NUM. } VOLUME VI OOl > A X I ) OUR, COlJjSTTnY. .FRIDAY MORNINGS AUGUST 8, 1871). ALWAYS IN ADVANCE NUMBER 2f> Carriage Factory. The undersigned respectfully in forms iho public Hint be is prepared tu do all Kind of Work in the above line on the. shortest no tice and at living Prices. IIORSICSIIOEING done in the best possible manner. J also have in lull operation my PLANING AND MOULDING MACHINES, Ami GRIST MILL. All work in this line done without delay and on reasonable terms. A share ol the public patronage is solicited. july 25 II. RIGGS. " P. & ONK, DOOR EAST OF Dr. A. C Italic** Drug Store. keep jjffijb? IIa r<l wn re. W^^?^^Sf Cnllcry, Dislols. And Sporting, CaOotlS of every description. FISlIliSG TACKLE From the very best manufactories just re ceived and lor sale low dowm Also all kinds of E&cptlil'illK done <>n the shortest notice lo thins, I istols, Ja cks, Uinhrellas, nail sILW1 N <t MAC IT] X ES J Inno up and Adjusted. tit-j>" All goods and work warranted to yjive entire satisfaction in quality work toansliip aod price. 't hanking my friends for past patronage 1 hope to merit a conliuunce of the same in (he future. I'. (i. CANNON. sept 23 1878 ly a 5 ricks For Shlo. 1?0,000 firsf-elass Oraiigehurg I trick for pale at the Oraiigetiurg IJriek Yard. For particulars &c., empnre of A. M. l/'.I.A K at the Yard, or to .) AM F.8 C. v.v.i a,. nmy '2'\ tin. ELACK8MITBING ANl> i iohsksi i o : :i x< The undersigned respectfully htJbrius the public that he has opened nt the shop op posite Mr. .Joseph Hurley wl'ere he is pre. pare*I lo do all kind of work in his line on tlie shortest notice tint I in the l>e-t work manlike manner. All work guaranteed Iii give satisfaction, and prices u> suit the [ire seal times. W. ARNOLD. _upr'l ??"? ly. Ca ll at the ? in OF SOKENTllUE & LOK iEA ff icfore purchasing elsewhere, and _D examine their New and well selected stock of Spring Goods Which they sell at prices to suit the hard times. Embroideries! From 2 to 20 cost per yard. Sheeti'i^s! Bleached and Unbleached, I, 8-d 1? I and 10-4 from 1? to 30 cents per yard. d:osii:isy! nossi.Kv:: H08IKUY!!! 5,000 pnir to he sold regardless of COST. Gents Fumisliiiie; Goods ! A complete lino in per cunt Cheaper than clsew here. Resides our General Stock Or Dry Goods, Groceries, Canned floods. Clothing, Shoes, '* Hats, Cigars A ud Tohneco. Remember our I j A M I * S ASM) I LI.UM IN A TORS Fry one and you will recommend them. S?RENTRUIC ? LORYEA, s>ep( 7 1878 tlni raO ? i esSLJn ;?? Si ?? o M J n r j v -r" M 1 PICO ist ra n era :. 3 v^u..-..rT^l Pare ? > Im 1? 5*1 15 H n - CD I ! ? ; CO ? 5" o i? rD r,-> v. is nv sain. DEALER IN ' GROCER I ES A N D LTQ IX) RS Always on luitul a choice and well selected stock of both ; STAPLE AND FANCST G-ROGBRISS. Which, I>?r quality imp prices cannot be equalled. My slock of Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco Arc always kept up lo the full Standard in Quality, and at prices thai cannol be excelled. Making, as I always di, a speciality in Mountain Corn Whiskey, Which 1 receive-direct from the Distillery in North Carolina. My LIVERY and S.\ L*ES STABLES are fully Stocked with i [QR?ES A 3SJ I ) JSI IJT^KS \\ hieb hie ollcred lor sale to suit these hard limes. My C ) N.I 7ST I 1 > {J ? attends < v. ry tiain, conveying passen ; m to any pan. of the fowu. C OST^BtTA 1^ H'B^ftrmlshed In any -part of Nike 2 in": counties. IIA ULING done with quickness and dispatch. leb 2 '?cl2 W. M. RAI X A' Ol ?l 1q7q BO Flour, I lacon, Hams, Strips, Laid, The time, flic |?'aon, and opportunity has no nie for purvdiaMug* goods at least 20 l'ER I- NT LOW ER than any oilu r place in town. Next Door to A. Fischers Offers a well selected slock of Orr?G fAJT'lCS :il I'ti' ^ that defy com petition, consisting in pan ol Sugar, Rice, * Roth toes Codfish, Collbc, liuck wheat, Mackerel, Sardines, Tea, I ?uticr, Salmon, Libs tors, Grists, Cheese, Reef, Turkey Meal, Macaroni, Tongue, Can Milk, Toinattoes, Reaches, 1 iue Apples, Primas, Pickle-., Tobacco, .Segars, Soiipi Siaruii, Pcppei% Spice, Si>a Foanij llbrslords, Mustard, Candy, Nutnic?i , Shot, Powder, Cups, Cartridges, Pipes, Cutlery, Crockery and Tin W are, Vinegar, Sieves, iVc, A.c. Tj" I I-: SA M1M J-; ROOM In rear, is Slocked with otic ol I he Finest Stocks of Wines and {Liquors ever brought to tlii.- Market. My Goods are A 1, bought for Cash nud sold lor sain.;. I'cb i i 1870 T. BcMARS, Agt. ECKT KS! ASfe vr^trzarSM Z? TWr.w.aji-j^ca?yj>:ui.- ^.?^.Dtj.i.;^^.-,), ,rvw n D PBfl /o I AT TIIIC Is prrp?i'cd lo serve his many Customers dining this year, as in the past, with EIRST-CL?SS O3.0DS Al tln> LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES We have on hand nj, Large sind well Assorted S T 0 ? k. 0 f goods With Polite and Experienced C/Iil?l? ICS lo show them. I am making preparations to hamllcjall of the Rest Grades of PHOSPHAETS AND ACIDS. I respect lu I ly nsk the continuance of the Li bei til Ptitrontigo^solfgcnc rously bestowed in llio past. 6?5"' Highest Markst Price paid for all ? unit y Produce. J . g . V I k Fails. Fairs arc like the beautiful bow; in the sky. They tell of peace anil prosperous homes. They tell of low ing herds coming up from the dewy meadows. They speak to us of blossoms, blight with jewels from the clouds. They point us t<> tin.' blessed, beautiful bare-footed bairiH going forth to play again 1 month the broad oa ks. Fairs are pic sjnl things. They are lime-honored; they speak to u-< of our fathers und mothers. Hut who ever thought of Fairs during all tho stormy years of war? Who ever dreamed of them during 11 <? dreadful days ? f rccoustr tction? Wc were too bu y with our hoods then, tod burdened with our griuls to lb ink of thing* <> beautiful. Some times it may have bcon who.i our spirits were lonely amid the solitudu of the surroundings, memory would stand tip tec looking above the waves of devolution that rolled and roared around us, and sec as the weary soldier sees iu his dreams, the sweet scenes and bear the happy sounds ol other days. An t then s>othed by the fond sights and lillclhy thtise loved sounds we wondered if those better days would ever smile on us and ours again. A i:d now, indeed, tin y are coming en apace. A good Providence has pitied; a good Providence has heard tie prayers of a smitten people, ami these better days are dawning right gloriously on our .Sunny South Tito blight <>t' desolation that lay on the land already has bit ken and bright ened into beauty and blessedness. 'J ho sweet music of praise above the mournings of prayer. The song of the turtle is heard, tin I tho noble wo men, little children and stalwart sous oi' the s< il rejoice oncu moro iu the sweet sunshine? of peace an 1 pros perity. ' !-a3v, ax^fi.uaU l.-?, tups glorious change. Iu our own Slate??in every section of it?Fairs are how i i vnni/.ed, and annually at the lime of the golden harvest the people collect tu their beautiful grounds' and beneath balmy skies, to talk of ihc labors of the year and to show and see tie splendid specimens from Held and factory, from orchard i and garden, from dairy and kitchen, ami indeed liotn every department ot I industry.? I A tu.') Aa'rvrtish'iimt Wait. ? Go Back .to Iii?' Country, Young i Man.' The "Practical Farmir" relates an instance of u nice Im >y Irotn the conn - try. who having conic int > posscssi ?:i i>f a few thousand dollars, visited an uncle in the city, an old merchant, to ! gbi Ids advice about investing his capital iu business : '?(io back to the country, young man," said the merchant,"and invest your money in land, litiy a farm, settle down on it, and do a sale busi ness. I have been in business here nearly forty years, ami have accumu- ? luted a ^fortune, but it has been done ; by fearlul risk, heavy responsibility, I constaiit toil, tun) worrying ait.pieties. : A dozen times 1 have been Oil the verge ol' bankruptcy, and twice 1 IianC b en sorely tempted lo take my own life. ()i ten men who commenced business here wheu 1 did only one besides myself succeeded. The rest all tailed, one after the other, some dragging their families to poverty ami disgrace. Take my advice. Keep away from the city ami its delusive business avenues. Quiet coutentinont on a moderate competency in the country is the best loiirtllllO I could w i.-di you.'' And now they say that the South Carolina "Stalwarts" are moving heaven and earth lo have Swails ap pointed Postmastor of Charleston Failing that, they would be thankful to have him made boarding officer of the port.?Hetos un</ (Jouricr. - io- . * . ?mii.ii To think k indly of each other is goid; to Kpenk kindly to each other is belter; bul to ac.i kindly one to \\ aids itnol Im r i- best ol ul!. Taking Medicine. The Memphis druggists and tho Memphis physiciuns, in the present yellow lever panic in that city, unite in earnestly warning the citizens who remain and who cannot gel away against the common, vicious practice oC breaking down their systems and debilitating their health by takuig medicine w ith t he idol of preventing the inroads of the fever. This prac tice is said to be very general, an 1 it works gnat injury. A. linn ofdrug gists wrote t > tho Memphis "Appeal" to protest ugiinst this irrational and promiscuous tisa of medicines which they .-ay they have had ample oppor tunities of observing within the past few days. "People," they say, "who are perfectly well, seem determined to disturb and tear their organisms with patent medicinal agents,under the delusion that they arc preventives of sickness. Many literally gorge themselves with such powerful drugs as calomel blttemiss, qiiuim, etc., with the view of 'acting on the liver,' and arc surprised if they (in I their digestion, the indsI important func tion of the human body, out of order shortly afterwards, iu spite of them selves." This is very sensible talk , and applies to other people besides those exposed to a yellow fever epi demic. The propensity of most per sons, especially the least instructed ami capable sort, to practice medi cine upon themselves and turn their rebel ions stomachs into apothecary shops is Muncihing wonderful. It is a fact thai a majority of men and a large majority of women not only like to take pills themselves, but to ad minister them toothers In domestic practice it is almost as comm in to take physic as to say one's prayers', yet probably n >l one iu a hundred of llioso who thus dose themselves but would he better w ithout the nauseous nostrum they have swaUowcl. .Such persons should remember what the uy;-p, pt:c - Italian., .ordered .to be in scribed upon his tomb-ton.): "I was well -1 sought to be belter?bore I ani " 1 be simplest regimen of nature is worth tar more than any artificial prophylaxis, and the rule of temper ance in all things applies quite a? much to pill-and potions as to more familiar decoctions.? ttaUiniore San. A teat That Can bo Put in a Coal Pocket and Vet Will Sustain Twenty five Persons. We noticed yesterday the launch ing of a novel surf-boat during the bathing hour, but did not reach the party iu time to procure any particu lais as to the name of the patent, pati nice,or the special qualities claim ? ed for it. It was cvi Icntly of rubber, b( ing carried down lo the surf, wo were told, in a roll undor a man's arm, and was inflated with air pre-1 viotts to launching. It was propelled by a single boatman by means of a doub'e ended paddle, similar to that useil with the Merriman suit. The boat went skim min g about over the billows at a rapid rate. Tho apparent advantages would seem lo be the dis patch with which it could be brought into sei vice and launched by one in in ahme, and its nondi tbility to be swamped I y the breakers. Since writing the above we have learned that tho name of tho gentle man who launched and exhibited the boat with so much skill is Capt, Wtl loughby, of New York, former owner of the yacht Winwood, which secure 1 so many prizes in the races last sea son. The boat is inflated by means of a bellows. Several person i can sit inside, while sonic twenty-live can be sustained in tho water by e inging to her sides. When not in use tho boat can be folded up and packed in a trunk.?Gape M<??/ Wave., - mm . -mm' Tho Fall River spinnora have been on the warp path for some time.? {Jiucinnuti Com nicrciall (.'barley <le Flunkey has discover ed why gospel tents attract so many sinners. They mistake them for ci 11 uses. What to Teach Boys. A philosopher has said that true education for hoys is to "teach them what they ought to know when they become men." What is it they ought to know, then? First?To bo true ? to be genuine. No education is worth anything that does not include this. A man had be tter never learn a lot tor in the alphabet, and bo true and genuine in intention, in action, rath :r than being learned iu a!! seienso* and till languages, to be at the saun time false in heart, and counterfeit in life. Above all things leach the boy that truth is more than riches, innre than culture, more than earthly pow er or position. Second?To-be puro in thought, language, and life?pure in mind und body. An impure mau, young or old, poisouiug the society where he moves with smutty stories and impure examples, is amoral ulcer, a plague-spot, a leper, who ought to be treated as llic lepers of o'd, who were banished fr an s) doty, an 1 c >:n pelled to cry "U.ielean," as a wan ing to save othcfs from the pe-tileueo. Third?To be uuselfiih, to care for the feelings and comforts of ethers; t > be po'ite, to be generous, noble, ami manly. This will include a genuine reverence for tho aged, ami things sacred. Fourth?Tu be eelf-relian t and self-helpful, oven from early childhood?lo be iudustrious always, and sclf-SUpporling at the proper ago. Teach thctn that all honest work is honorable, and that an idle, useless life of dependence on others i.s disgraceful. When ahoy has learned these four things, when he has made these ideas a part of his being?however young ho may bo, however poor, or however rich, ho has learned some of the most import ant things he ought to know whoa ho becomes a mau.? Etlucational?LontiUy. Essential of a Lily's Eliiaitioa. ? r may ayow.^aya, Pr<??id?nt Eliot, as the result of my reading; and ob servation in the matter of education* that I recognize but one montal ac quisition as au essential part of tho education of a lady or a gentleman? namely, an accurate and refined use of the mother tongue. Greek, Latiu, French, German, mathematics, natur al and physical science, metaphysics,, history and aesthetics are ail profita able and delightful, b>ih as training ami as acquisitions, to him. who studies them with intelligence aui love, but not one of them has tho least claim to be called an acquisition es sential >o a liberal education, or an essential part, of a sound training. A thorough knowledge of several of them obtained in college., makes a richer, stronger and more fruitful mind than a superficial acquaintance with each and all 61 them. Tue frui t ot liberal cducatiou is not learning, but the capacity and desiro to learn; not knowledge, but power. About the best specimens of ready wit wc have met with in a long tirno are reported in a Virginia paper. They are good cno.igh to go the rounds and be rcmcmbcrci. Hero they are: " When Gen. Getsy, commander of the garrison of Fortress Monroe, re ceived Oapt, Wise and the ctichm >n 1 Blues with a band of music at Ohl Point, the other day, as soon as the music struck up it frightened tho team of a country man, consisting of a runt, of a bull hitched to a .stick c irt, to such an extent that he ran into and demoralized tho entire command. When order had been somewhat re stored, Capt. Wise wittily re n ir col to Gen. Gotsy: '"Another Bull Run, General." "Yes," replied tho General; "a regular rout; but I promise you when I get inside the fort you shall faro bet tor at Getty'* butg," ?'And they did, too." -?????????? ^r? ii It is said that if you dress women in men's clothes they will at once feel a desire to smoke, chew and swear. It's all in tho cut of tho cloth,