Tlie Orangetmyg Times ~~i7 o~o aT Hi Serious lilacs In tho editor's family has interfer ed with his * attention to business this week. We Lave done the J best we can under the circumstance, and we hope every allowance will bo made. A Nuisance? Watermelon rinds thrown on the sidewalks to trip up pedestriaus. Mad Dog? Mr. Jamea Cannon killed a mad dog on Wednesday. S. Ii. Morgan, The butcher, is nicely fixed up at ?chachte*8 old stand. S. C. R. lt.? This company will Bid 1 oh Satur days one fare tickets to any points on the road to return free. Smoking Tobacco? Mr. J. C. Peers 1ms just received 100 pounds of line smoking tobacco. (Jo and try it. For the Mountains? Mrs. E. S. Hubhell and a party of ladies'will leave for Walhalla next week. A New Merchant. Mr. Robinson has opened at Mr. Louis' store near Mr. Albergotti's. This is a good sign for our towu. ? ???? ? ? ? mmmmmtm ? To Save Doctor's Bills Go to Dr. J. G. Wannnmakcr's and get a bottle of German Chotno - mile Syrup, only 50 cents. Tbc Story On the first page this week is the first attempt of a young lady of our County, which we publish for the en couragement of home literature. Antlcy's Mill? We had the pleasure of a stroll through Mr. R. I'. Antley's flouring mill on Saturday and wera highly pleased with an examination of its workings. Resignation? Wo regret to hear of the resigna tion of Lieut* L. II. Wannamaker from the Ed is to Rifles. Ho is an estimable young man, and his corps will feel his retirement. Mr. F. A. Scbifley Is now at George's .Station, making ugly people look good. Our friends down there who want "to see them selves as others see them," h >d better cull on him. JR. Frank Slater, Ksq. Starts for Indianapolis on Thurs day the 31st instant to purcha-e horses and mules. We hope his trip will prove profitable bodi to himself and his customers here. Tbc Sunday Sebool Pic-nic at Hebron Church under 4he Superintendence of .Mrs. John T. G. Kennerly will take place to-mor row. The school numbers over 5G scholars, and it is iu a prosperous condition. Jinnies Van Tassel Has jus!, received a uew supply of that rare braud of corn whiskey fresh from the mountains, which he is sell ing so low that one is tempted to be lieve it never passed through the hands of the revenue officers. <3. ?. Kortjohn Says to-day that he will offer un precedented bargains iu order to pre pare for the Fall trade. If he docs any better than he has done already he will be giving away bis goods. Yet so it is. Go and be convinced. II. Riggs Advertises to-day his carriage fac tory, planing machine and grist mill. Phoenix like he is rising out of the ?ashes of, and stands ready to do good to his neighbors . Read his notice and try his workmanship, and you will be pleased. A JDlfllcuSty* Occurred nt Reevesville about two weeks ago between two brothers-in law, Mr. Elk in and Mr. Berry, in which 'kboth were wounded with knives. Mr. Kerry died last Friday of fe*er, whether Irwin the effects of the encounter or not has not traus pired. A Medical Association? A meeting of the Physicians of the County has been called to be convened at tho Court IIouso on the first Monday in August for the pur pose of organizing a County Medi cal Society. We aro glad to learn that a sufficient number have deter mined on the result as to positively niMiro tho 'organization of the Society "on this day. Te Old FolkCft Conccrte? Alle ye singers nnd hnrpsichordcrs, and ye fiddlers, will meoto in yo Lecture Iloomo of ye Presby terian Church, on ye nighte of Friday o, ye 25th daye of ye iuontho, at eight o'cloeke. ObadiAn Piumhose, Songe Teacher A Compliment? Tho "American Grocer," of New York, offered lour prizes for the best business letters that may bo sent into them. A bout seventy-fivo letters were sent in from all parts of tbo j Union, nnd the second prize of $25 was awarded to Isaac M. Loryea, of j St. Matthews. Hp Again? ' He are glad to see that Mr. A. II. Lcwin, whoso sickness we reported last week, is out again. Next week ho will commence again to sharpen razors and clean faces. i He desires also to return thanks for the kindness of his many friends during his illueas. I*erHonal? Dr. (iuatilcbaum, so well and fav orably known in Orangeburg, now a resident of Blythewond, S. C. has been the guest of Dr. J. C. Hoi man for a few duys,~and is now at Lewis ville ou a dental tour. We had tho plea.-ure of a hearty baud shake with him at Jamison's last Sunday. ! A Tight Jpauce? On Tuesday as Mr. Jas. MeNn mnra and Warren Gardner were I returning from the River, they met a j mad dog which took after them. Thoy shot several times with pistols, but missed. Finally young Gardner succeeded in killing him, before any damage was done. German Chauiouiile Tonic? A tonic that at once invigorates the Liver and Digestive Organs, regulates the Bowels; acts upon the Kidneys, opens the V ores of the Skin and for all Impurities of the Blood, it is unsurpassed. Trial bottles 10 cents. For sale only by Dr. J. G. Wannamnkcr. Base Ball ? The "Athletics'' of Aikeu have accepted the challenge of our boys, tho t'ranges, for a match game, ami dispatched that they would como o u Saturday, but the Oranges have ask ed them to put oil their visit until Tuesday or Wednesday when we hopo to see them here, A Fire Was started iu Cow C stlo Town ship on the 11th by a spark dropped by a little child and threatened to be very stubborn, carrying every thing in its course. The school children in a school house near by rushed out and saved tho dwelling of Mr. J. S. Stokes. Luring the struggle a rattle snake 22 years old was killed by Mr. C. W. Stephens. A Good Recommendation ? At a meeting of the bar he'd on Monday, Hon. T W. Glover was re commended to filj the vacancy in the office of Master, caused by the death of Hon. W. M. Hutson. Judge Glov er is an able lawyer, an affable gentle man, and ono who is in every way fitted tor the duties of the office. His appointment will give univeroitl satis faction. Since writing the above we see that the appointment is made by the Gov ernor. The lleaper Is constantly gathering into his garner from lile's highway. He stalks abroad in the land, and the young and the old come alike within the reach of his sickle. Last week we memi nod the ill ness of a little child of Mr. McQueen Salley, and expressed the hope that the disease would tuke a favorable turn, but it has been ordered other wise by an all-wiBe Piovidence. Let us bow in submission to tho will of Him who has said, "Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." School Section**? Orange Township, by direction of the Board of School Examiners has been divided into five School Sections known as North, South, East nnd West sections, and tbo Town, which will be one section by itself. The arrangement will work ad mirably for the town, tho object being to establish a first-class graded school for each race, which will on ti rely absorb tho private schools, or I at least absorb the children, nnd [ reduce the number of teachers, which will be the result of consolidation ?u'd system. State Grange? Tho Summer mooting of this Grange takes plnco in Chester ou the 12th of August, and a large and in fluential gathering may he expected. We ore informed by Mr. Kirk llobin son our County Secretary that all the J Railroads will charge 3 cents a mile each way, or 6 cents for the roimd trip. Tho Air line Railroad charges full fare going, and gives a free re turn. The South Carolina Railroad is not yet heard from, but it is sup posed thut tho reduction will be general. The State A griuultural So cieiy also meets at the same timo. - - ???mm- ? mm? Destructive Explosion - Just as the Raptist Sunday School Convention at Jamisons adjourned ou Saturday a terrible explosion oc curred, the noise of which could be heard for miles. It uns found on examination to be the engine of Mr. R. 11. Riley, about u mile from the depot. '1 he pieces were scattered for a considerable distance around; the gin house was badly dilapidated, but strange to say no one was killed. A colored man was severely scalded and bruised, and the engineer Mr. John Richards, stunned. Dr. Dantz ler was culled in and dressed tho I wounds. Mr. Riley's loss was very heavy. ? - mmt ? ? ? We&lcyan EVuiale Institute, Kiaunion, Va.? We take pleasure in directing at tention to tho a dvertisement of this popoular Seminary. It is located in one of the healthiest climates in the world. It presents attractions un surpassed. Its buildings are home like and elegant, grounds attractive, scenery grand. T his school is at tended by boarding pupils from seventeen different States. This school requires strict economy, es pecially iu dress. With these ad vantages, we are not surprised that this popular institution enjoys a national reputation and draws its pupils from all sections of the Union. See advertisement. ? ?? ?? ? ots? A rogue entered Mr Byrd'a barn on last Wednesday and commenced stealing some oats, when a tussle en sued the noise of which attracted Mr. Stuoak and bis two sons, when tbj rogue was arrested with bis pray. The bridge at Mr. P. F. Shuler's canal has be?u repaired; and that on I the Biauchvillc road, near Mr. II, II. Jennings put in good condition. Camp meeting at Cattle Cieek commences next Thursday. The streets of the town are awfully dusty. The election for warden to 0 1 the vacancy caused by the res:ghation of J. F. Ott, has resulted as follows: A. Metts I) votes and IS. Carrol 4. The KctluioiMl-s Mill IMc \ic On the Fourthol July proved quite ii success We have received a very interesting account of it from a thoughtful correspondent, but com ing so late and our space being crowded, we will make a short synop sis of its contents. About lour or five hundred people were present, and all enjoyed them selves hugely. The Caw-Caw Light Infantry, (apt. Davis, wont through tho maueuvres of drilling, and ac quitted themselves handsomely. The exert* fljs of the day commenced with prayer by Rev. Massaboau; the Declaration of Independence was read by Rev. Penny,after which the largo assemblugo was uddressed by Mr. J. N. Hook, in nn able and ele gant discourse. Every thfug was on baud for the inner man. Our correspondent regrots that our ''hamUome faces'* were not aeon on the ground. For this we take off our ha't and make our best bow, us it is so hard to find anybody to agiee with us on this point. baptist SUNUAv'sElTuOL convention at Jamisons a rousing meeting. On Friday last at 11 o'clock the delegates from the various Sunday Schools of tho Baptist denomination in thiu ( ouuly met at the Jamison or Mt. Caimel Church, arriving by railroad and private conveyances. The representation was quito full ii ml at the appointed time the organi zation w as c flee ted by the election of tho following olliccrs: President?Rev. D. W. Cuttino. Vice-Presidents?R. II. Riley and Rev. K. J. Edwards. Secrotary?W. A. Edwards. Treasurer?J. P. Bruce. The proceedings of the Couvcu tion, which occupied three days, will bo published iu pamphlet form, and will be too lengthy lor publication here. At 12 o'clock the introductory ser mon was preached by Rev. W. J. Snider, giving a pleasant send off to the meeting; after which tho Conven tion udjourned to meet at 9 o'clock on Saturday. The next morning a very instruc tive essay "How shall we Instruct the Young ?" was read by Mr R. S. Weeks. After this, about 12 o'clock, Rev. J. J. Getsiugcr preached one of the most forcible sermons of the sos sicn, taking as b'u< subject the words, "Go forward." Dinner was then announced, and nt 1 o'clock the tables, 75 feet long, groaned under the good things of tho neighborhood, and the largo assem blage crowded around, but could hardly make a visible impression on t he provisions so bountifully made. After dinner the crowd reassem bled in the Church and listened to a few delightful songs and a most im pressive address to tho children from Rev. F. P Robertson, a student from the Kentucky Baptist Theological Institution. On Sunday morning about 10 o'clock a Inrg er crowd than usual as sembled, lilling the C! ur'ch to over flowing, where a Sunday School mass meeting was held. Superintcudaut R. II. Rilcy con ducted the meeting, and addresses were delivered successively by Stilus R. Mellichamp, Rev. D. W. Cut tin ), Ret. W. J, Snider, aud Rev. J. J. H. Stoudcnmire, all setting forth the importance of the Sunday School cause, aud engaging the attention with suitable anecdotes and illus ra tions. At 12 o'elock the charity ee rmon was preached to an overflowing au dience by Rev. F. P. Robertson. The sermon was marked by that simplicity and pathos which is so peculiarly the characteristic of the youthful speaker. During tho sing ing of tho missionary hymu "From Grcenlauds Icy Mountains,' ' a col lection was taken up which added materially to the treasury. We wish much success to the cause which the members of this Church are pursuing with such laudable zeal, and hope that the next Contention which meets next Ju\y iu Branch \ 111? will ho still larger and more en couraging. We will announce the programme at the proper season. The hospitality of the people of Jamison and neighborhood cannot bo excelled. Hon. IT. M. llutaom? The demise of this Christian gen tleman which occurred iu our town on last Friday, has thrown a gloom over the whole Community in which his many virtues aro appreciated, and will long bo cherished with profit Ou Saturday morning a host of friend* assembled at tho Presbyterian Church to pay the last respect to his memory . Hon. T . W. Glover, Dr. T. A. El liott, Hon. S. Dibble, Gen. J. F. I/.lar, Col. W. J. DeTreville, Capt. John A. Hamilton, Hon. N. A. Rull, C. B. Glover, Esq., and Jas. H. Fowles, F.eq., acted as pall-bearers. The whole of the Orangeburg bar followed tho remains to the grave. Rev. T. II. Lcgarc delivered the funeral discourse, in which he paid a just und touching ?ribute to his ex alted character, which found a re sponse in every heart. Ho alludod to him so appropriately as a type of gentlemen who aro fast passing away in this uge of demoralization; and referred to his innate politeness which was extended alike to the humble us to the great, aud was illustrated in tho retirement of home as (veil as in the thoroughfares Mr. Hutson wob born in Beaufort County on the 27th of January, 1813, and was consequently in his 67th year when he died. Ho commenced tho practice of law at Coosuv hntehio iu April 1836; aud moved to Orangcburg about tho year 1811. He has, therefore, been a resident of this County about 38 years. As a lawyer he had few equals for precision und safety, und at one time enjoyed a lucrative practice. Tho neatness and pcrlection of his legal papers are subjects of rwinaik wher ever they nre kuown. Iiis ill health prevented him from taking an active part in tho rcceut war, but he held tho oflico of Provost Marshal at this place, which he of ife. filled with that scrupulous exactness which has always charactori zed his life. I About two years ngo he was appoint ed by Gov. Hampton to tho office of Master in Equity for this County, and all know how well he performed his duties up to the time of bis death. We had the honor of knowing in timately the subject of this sketch to whom we looked u p as an adviser and friend. We have always found him a gentleman of high toned honor an d unflinching intcgritj, a character which we would hold opto the risiug generation ns a model of imitation. The testimony of Hon. W. D. Porter in a letter of condolence on his death represents him truly as "a just and upright man who did his duty in lite and won tho universal esteem of the community." lie was an honest man, a useful citizen, a tender husband, a loving father and a linn frieud. In his death Oraugeburg has sus tained a loss which cannot bj re paired. His earthly tabernacle has dis solved, but he is now removed to a house not made with hands eternal iu the Heavens. I>o We Relieve in Witchcraft ? "I lake the position that we do not, iu iu broad sense, said a gentleman of years and i experience, and yet we find many of the , present day carrying a Buckeye in their pocket through a 'und of superstition, when they mich' he relievtd by a few applications of Tablet's Buckeye Pile j Ointment." This Ointment is made from the Buckeye, and is recommended for nothing else but Pile*. Try it. It will cure you. Price 50 centa a bottle. For Kale by Dr. J. 6. Wannamnker. Taken in the Act. Sinter Jones called on Klder Smith a few evenings since. Being j\ next door neigh bor, ?he entered his study unannounced, and was greatly shocked at seeing him taking a drink from ? suspicious looking bottlo. Ho noticed her look of inquiry, and said.* "This, Sister Jones, is er s t'ortaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder, ?he only remedy I have ever found for the many troubles arisi'ig from a disordered Liver. I can recommend it." Price oU cents. For sale by Dr. J. eCbWieU*. "Tick and time' are needed hero By Farmers, Dootor.s, I-r.wyera, all, It this be true, then take good car* On T. D. Chiviette to call. july 4_>f Knowlton & Lathrop, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ORANGEBURG, S. C nov 30 tf W. F. Robinson, WATCH MAKER And Jeweler, R?SSEL ST. OrangennrK, K. C'. A fresh supply of Lanilretli's Seed* just received lor winter sowing, which I will sell to suit the times. Call and save money before buying else where. nov 9 1878 ly somet?in gst ewi f I "'HE undersigned having put chased the I exclusive right to sell the ''New Virginia Feed Cuttci" in the Counties of Orangebiirg and Barn well, announce that they wiU keep them on hand at the store of Mr! J. C. like, Onnjfeburg, 8.C In this Cutter, that which haf- been so much ^-?ighi after, is found?cheapness of construction, mini in um of power, and rapidity of execu tion, baving been fully attained. Wc present this Cutter to the public without fSTICMK SEWTNU MACHINES," and Needle* for all sowing machines always on hand for sale cheap. Agent for MADAME DEMOREST'S Reliable Patteins. Spring and Sum* mer Fashions are in. You cat. net Cataloguo by applying at T KOHNVS Agent for j p co ats i f?n Pric" j r doit. 5(1 coHi,n Lrhde sup plea, .v. u.^m ' o' ?>..-. i. ;.i %\v< tH