Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, May 30, 1879, Image 5

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A Small Boy's Revenge. v I.i. ol :i JeflVrson-n venue our ihc other day to come down towu. He was mentally calculating tho cost per rod of street railways, when the driver looked back and caught sight of the top of bis bead ami leaned oil* to gi\o him a cut, If one of these small boys was ever hit with a driv er's whip b( fore, tho date has been forgotten; but this lad caught a sting er, and left that platform as if he meant to fly. Hie driver chuckled, but the horse didn't. For some rea son ho stopped, left the track, tried to draw Ihc car oil'the rails, and in the effort broke a tug, jerked the money box off the rail into tho mud, aud might have climbed into the car if the driver bad not appeared. While the money was being fished for in the mud nnd repairs made, the small b ?y put in his speech. The "ache" had left him, nnd, standing where be could t ecu re a good \ icw ol operations, he called out : "Kin yc tell a foliar jist 'zactly how much yc made by tbat 'ere job V"? Detroit J''rer. Press. - - mm ? mm - - A young and violent scion of the Republican party declared, excitodly: "The North will never s ibmit to the election of a Democratic President in 1880." He did not represent any alarming amount of Northern senti ment, but his remark expresses just nbout the size of the present patrio tic spasm of the Radical leaders. They arc afraid a Democratic Presi dent will be elected in 1880, and arc willing to resort to any means to pre vent it, as they were in 1870.? Wash ington Cor. in Phil. Times. Kind words cost nothing; they arc easier to use than any other. They won't blister the tongue nor aggra vate the children or servants. People who talk loud and threaten, use weapons of weakness. Kindness, flavored with love, is the true prin ciple for the home circl e or, indeed, elsewhere. It is now a crime iu Colorado to deface natural scenery with signs and advertisement. t?i tin !rl E mill NEW_YORX; ok NEW DRV GOODS. WE TAX POSITIVELY ISSEItT TUAV .IT VC PERion ij.wj. we iiisri.AVi.n a issonr mest OP mtV'flOOIl.. .Ml ,-vli. Jf \ ET??'! l:i:o; ii:i.-.;..\;.. i.r THE n HI ? <?? .VI PKICKtl SO A?At'TEIJ TO TUE NEUES HIES or economical hUofri.Ni;. SILK'S. Our BLACK SILKS r?u-aln the tvclldsn?tvn brand* ot limine t, in Tu i>-i i, >l.? i. til. rmd. nli'! ? ili< r eonall >?,??"' i lie1,: .1: null 11 tiller'. Tllu Loot A Tu.wnr FAMILY SM.K inj..} .. 1 ? ? Intlnn tor universal rxci Heine lliet Is mi<ttr pa?-ed. Oui <?.? ?!..-mi c ISDESTUI'CTirtLE III.ACIC SILK J'.iMlw ^latins earnc : ml. 11I1011. lielltK equal to th? b?,-?l i>l ir.n-lni mannt uc nr. ?t halt Hi.- rn?l. EVJ-UtY \ \-:l> WACKANTKU. In COLOKEU SILLS ? ., . w i ll?.1. ete.! *iu . ii ottered ot ; ri. v.- Ilia! r <?: und r.u! I. ? A'-o. COLORED AND RLAi K . ILK D \M Ar" ES. oin brnciiui tlie r 11. st Rrnii* ni Ilm I.til nyi .111 or * 11 rlvdii i. Iii iCMMEl: SILKS Hint IOC LA ai)S ?r have t-vei?itiliui Uhu is hcw mill i't uutiitil. DRESS GOODS, Novelties in Oiieheincre*, Siiltlmf*. I?.? i-.-ir. -, and Uir atnntlnrd i-Lrllm, In 9<i*l>- i>?li>1 \ nrlely a Im?. "Anderxon'a" Scotch Zcpiivrs, cu'-ion DreftOood*. M< uue, Cloth*, Coteliii. *. Ciirealc*, Chcvlnt?, Ac; with every grade tu be 1011 ml in u nrjuu ? ttiablUbiiteut. Shawls, Cloaks, and Wraps. This department nuiiutnlus Iih supremacy, und Obovrs thu best ]>r...In. I10.11 Itit! European ecnlrc*. Our Clonk* nnd Sitcouei nrr rut nnd triad" Nv BKii inilor?. therefore ?tyle ami lit .ir?- ciinrautccu. Suits and Costumes. Our SLITS unit COSTUMES fully ?iiMnln pre-rinlneHve *?> Juatly oinhllMicit, nnd ulwuys reprOaOIlt the latest ttylo* und i a-li ions. Ladies' and Children's Inilergarmoiits. Sup< i>. .-. 1 -..r 1 in.'mi <if ilnu l-'rcucll liiind-inndu UNpEltWKAB, couiprUinu nay requisite for n lady'it waidrube. Also, cbildreil > kUil- lur evi ; y ?1 and '??/'?? Our Inlnnta' Furnl-ltliia na|>nrliin-nl it lliur oinililyi (|iii|>n?d. Cuinidote VVnrdruli?!j ih !?>? an C ? .; bollrr >? ????a > In |>ru|>urlioii. Any nrticli' Iu llti; Wardrobe at 1? -.t pi i- <?: r-.illy i-iu-.i;.r Itinn iiio bomu-mad? orttcl?, und much nn>r? n:\ii fnc lory. Hosiery, Cloves, & Ilandkcnliicfs. The latv:et, r.Tr>-.?i, and ni">t nni(|U'! t-'roncli norollloi in tin' ciiv. AI ho, Itii- 11101II11111 sradr.xi' \toic lor ludioa and clitldren ,11 very nu -k-ru.. prlcer Ladies', inldsi's'. ami nhlMroit'D l;t<l, clolh, unit J.I?le Tlir?ml Uluv?1? of Ilia best nianiuucluiv, in all tlx' no west ?tuidus in tiny dress inulerinl. A Mi|ieri'>r selection of |ilniii In mini d la11. all linuu lit'lil?tiK'lli'd. nnd Keiilluind liiilidhor rhtcfi. AI?o, pinhrnlderi'd Silk llaudbiTcliicfs utuurpaaicd in bunilly or color. ZtXBBOZVS. All the cllnict! (trndes, eonUllnilifl r?'crv color and <-hade k How ii Krvrli ndilitiolls daily. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Evarv po -sitde r?ntii<lte w?rn Kcntlrinnii'n niltdt. FiMt-claiM nnd lllOdiUIll Krude? nfuooiln 111 our v?iinl rcaaoimbtc |>rtccH. Qimltty. rtyli*, nnd nt Hie prominent lentures 01' this ili<pnrllilvnt. Boots and Shoes. For ?prlnc nu t pummer. for l.iulie.4, Mi-m-s, and niillitreil Cloth loll, low liUttilll -In- *. ihe novel I y 'of the neuson S3oU; Kt-nuiim kid wulkliw hoots. fa7-V Low shoes frmn f-Moif'i; mil' quality atip. para from fl.stA to; Mi?aoV in-t pebble itoat, vrorUi d bllllonliole?. f-J: Clill Iren's hand innde. aprinir In ( l. Iiuttiui bwvtf.9l.tiO; Iilfmita' nil color*, f I.V.*?. iioy?' and Voulha' Fronen call button hoots. 9X73. and a ?ood. durable lacetl slto. 91.95. tj~ Our irooila uro all llr?|.clii?^. \V? fill Uli or-ilt-r? i'xiii'lly nml to I lit-liitere*! of tiui-clinm-ra, irtliirilltteu nil puiH'hitMea to be on 1 iifuri oiy tn buy era, nntl ntumi rentlr to retnedv Mil rrnir?. Vi ?* tiivln iirdoi-a, eonvlnted Hint 11 Ural li'liil \s III ln?iir<- 11a ttio rciriilnr Ctiatom ht-reuttei-. All nrili'i t for Oooila to lie uoeoui|>a tiluU Kjr 1 In-, nitiot-yi ur, ?vherr imrllr* ivlnh, Uooda will bu aeiil l?y ? ?:. 1 ? > ? ? ?-. {.'. O. If. 'Where the reanlitunrt- In too liiixe. wu u|\vuya reitrrH ihe dlffwrortee. Broadway and Twentieth St., firand, Chrvxtfe, and Fomtli, X. \! apr I 11 r*M> Make Iflonoy Plciifliuillv JL and fuel,agcntH should ottdrcss FIN LEY HARVEY & Co., AUauta, Oa iriuneiBttsBa v 3 8i\ 2* is m 5 w ?. gl . t ? t about thret ; i ? :t llsing I vm? i-boil" .v it it lit I tcttcccvcr> l.i : Mid nlln r impurities ? It. I i' ? is th>; lintiii l I if I lie l.iv. i becomes : r If , I ? h vo th . i... I or Ii! . 'd ti purgntive ?Tili.; iMt-.vc1 . torpid it is n tscpanit il i.uin tlicbltHKl, lntt car ried lltrrMi; i i' c vcltts to nil p; u fl the :y icltl, iiud ii trying Iii es . ipo through I he pi'; low? The i. In.'! :-.J: Mrki: In, s u*c? it to lurri yellow or a dirty brown iticJi becomes diseased, and Dys* ?Vi, Constipation, Headache, I'lll .( hills. Material Fevers, rib.'., : .oMa.h.nnit i ncral debility (..!? ' ; li ? tati: r, l!i? rcrcat v. ?? t.l!. . _ n-cry for loq idlty, causes llie l.ivcr to throw loll it'.in one to i ?..? ounces of bile each lime it." ' loo I i' iss; i ittrxii) 'i it. is long as there i-. mi cx '.. bilo; and t'tc effect of even a fiiw do?< y.\i ?:! y. llo.v complexion or a brown c'iov looking I ', in, will astonish all \>h<> try it?tltcy being the ' ti ymploiiisi i di .appear, I'lnt cure of all bili ous diseases and l.ivcr coaiplaint is made certain : iktng Hi swrtNi! i?accordancev ithiiircctions. I Headache Is r ncratlr cured in twenty riinutos, ,11 1 iio that arises front the Liver cm cxi?t if a fair tri:.l D t;ii " ? j SOI D AS A substitute for rMI-ls RY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 Cents and $1.00 ?9 P o (A O The fatality of Consumption or Throal snd I .on;: Diseases, which sweep u> lha grave at least one third of nil t!'s vi lims, nrt.-.cs from the O; ii tit or Morphine treatment, which simply sltt pciics a* the wi rlt?f death poes on. f 10,000 will be pai I if Opium c r Morphine, or any preparation of Upiuin, Morphine or l'niv .c Acid.csn (.?: found i:> t'.ir Gt.or.:: ('???win Cotitiii Syrup, which has cured people who arc living to-i!.:y with but one remaining Inn,-. No greats' wrong can be done than to My that Consumption is incurable. 'I lie Gi.ntiit Kumiit Cot SYitri* will cure it when il other means have f itted. Also, Golds, Con '.. \?thma, Itronchi'.N, ?tut all tilt ensi ol ihr throat h:nKv. Ueail the; tcr.limniiiali cf the 1! .1. VI . in 1 r II. Stephens, Oov. Smith nnd Lx-Gov. I'rawn of t a., lion. Uco. l'eabody, as well as :' pss of other remarkable rorcs in our booh?frei to :.ll ; : the ch . ? s?and bo convinced thi t if :t wish to bd cured you ran be by taking thu Ut.ohit Ft.ov. it tivKtri*. Take no'J roe!) , . r l^>-cnjv? for Sore, wtten you can ? -t t .1 .>:?? Ki ?>v. Svuvc at Mine :Uv. I'or ?-!-- by all Di.ibj.als Prico 25 Cents and $1.00 ?li -.1 .. that frtun poison in i!;c blood. Not one r.i?e of rofula. Syphilis, White Swelling, I leerous Sores and Skin Disease, In a thousand, is 11 atctl witlm ; ;'' ; uscol Men ury in some form. Mercury tots itie bonus; liml the disease* il pro ? hi -.s ;ire worw ttiatt ::i>s other 1 h .1 i f blood it skin disease can lie. Du. I'i i.i^'r. Stii i is ?.ia "x i,):ur.:;':> Dri.ti-.tiT i> the only medicine utuiit which a ho'pn ??f recov< ry fr.'tn Scrofula; Sy j '.il. . and Mereiirtel div - in nil stages;can lie rt.isonahly fotitttled. an-! that will cure Cancer. will he pai 1 l > the proprietors it Mercury, or any ingredient not purely vegetable harm less can he found in it. Price by ;.l! nniugisU jlt.or.. Iii. tun Ii im: i; i .-''..ii s-. in i? aitd Mn;ni i 's llut'AIINK l'ou llllt LlVKH for sale by all L'lllg ;;i ! ? in .'3 Cent and ft.oo bottles. A. F. MEHHSLL Ii CO., Prcprietor3, PH'.^A***Mt.rHlA ??\. For gale by Hr. A' C Pukes. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF ORANGEBUHO. Cox:nT ok Common Plkas* George Bolivcr, Plaintiff, ugajnut Janipti r. Mays and Isabella Mays, Drftnd a >i/.--. Copy Summons for Jftmcy Demand. Complaint ??/ Sa ved. TO JAMES P MAYS: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed in tin.- ollicc of the Clerk of the Court of Coiniiiun IMcan for the said County, and to nerve a copy of your answer on the Huhneriber at bisofliee, a' OrangeburgSouth Carolina, within twenty days after the service of thin summons on you, oxclusive of the day of service. If yon fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiil'will apply to the ("ourt for judgment against .you for the sum of one hundred and fifty Dollars, with interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum from the twenty ncventh day of November on<> thoiisaud eight Inuidrcd ami seventy one, and cost.*. .1 AS. P, 1ZLAK, l'laintifi's Attorney. CJF.0. BOLIVEO, * c. v. Datetl Man h 20th, A D 1870 T<> James P M-iy* one 0/the Defendants alone named i Take notice that the Summons anil Com plaint herein were filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Orangeburg County. South Carolina, on the ISlh dav of March A I), 1870. .IAS P IZT'AH, Plaint ill's Attorney. March 20th 1S79. mar 21 tf CALL CA LT. AT Tin: PEOPLE'S BAKERY Kstnhlished in LS71 by the Propri etor, who is still ready and willing to till orders in MEAD, ROLL?, PIES c a K i: s Of all dcscriplioiifl. tiUNOURS Hv the BARREL or V,OX. "Also j3. r K a d For Cainp*MeethigH or any other kind of Meetings. Just received JKrt'sli Coil feet ioimrics, l'aiM'.v <soo<Im Aii?l \olitms W hich will he sold as LOW da any that can he liou^'ht iu Orangeburg. Thankful for the past patronage of my friends and the public I still Bolieit a etui tiniuuicc of their custom.) T. Albei-frotti, Iliissell Street, nexi door t<> sept 14, 1S7S?ly .Mr. J . P. Ilarlev. l > . ? v ;. i >i\ ?.vi . Ajsn, MILUN8 MACHIWt?Y, v^^? Htifflsaai ciiC2?A?a. sc. ,.-. ***mm?gr faiiili.l .art:. Ot;;.??.. \.: . i ?11 ly 20 -O ,|l"??t|'?'l?.? *|.?.?t|H UISIK l? ?v on *?.m ????.? v s i iinr \u "Jti ?iii.<a -;uMii| t?i|j Kill) |?|HfliM(| aiiv ?>vi.i\.uo Uo|iai3 ?S|pill .<<{ no (ii.-0.?j<I Udpjlll ip ||ll l>m: i?....<;111 IStfl '; .Hi MVIt.W put l in.? hi .. in. i Ap.i.nts ,ni| ji. J JUST OPENED AT THE CORNER OF Kussel Street and Railroad Avenue BY J..W. MOSELEY, A full Stock of A GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which will be sold CHEAP for CASH. All my Old Friends nnd as many New Ones ns will favor me with a 'all is respectfully invited to examine my Goods and Prices. j?n 21-ly J. W. MOSELEY. COFFEE! COFFEE!! COFFEE !!! C; R KEN lHc.: ROASTED 23c.?! G ROUN I) 25<?.!!! Having removed to my OLD S TAND next to KOfIN\S, with an im mense .stuck of C( ) \V p1 ] q IS 1 how prepai ud to offer to my cus tomers and the public generally, Codec of every Grade, and guarantee Entire Satisfaction both in Q ??Llit?"V 5ll,d S*r*iC 3- Having pur chased a patent Qofiee Rbjtb<ter ??d O riiider. ???d as I Parch ami Grind it myself, 1 am therefore enabled to know exactly the quality of the Coffee 1 offer for sa'o, it being Pure al,d none of your imported stuff, such as Peas and Chicory. Try it once and you will try it i gain. All Goods Warranted and delivered to any part of the City Free. "Come and soo My cheap Coffee, The quality and prico, "\Y ill surely entice." JB-t'.y" Give me a call and save, money. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought at the HIGHEST CASH PRICE. A line assortment of FrCSli Cra, CltCl?S always on hand. (Jive me a call and savo money. P. W. BULL. I 1 ADVERTISE a VERY LARGE and STOCK of GOODS consist ing in part of Sugars, Tea, Soap. Tinware, Lemons, Putter Nuts Coffee, Spice, Sepolio, Hardware, Oranges, Cocoa Xuts, Bacon, < linger, Washing Soda, Glassware, Apples, Almonds, Flour, Pepper, Lye, Crockery ware, Cabbages, Pecans, Lard, Nut Megs, Potash, uudenware, Confectionery, Currants, 11 tuns, (.'operas, Starch, Sifters, Candy, Citrons, Prumos. In fact, the LARGEST and REST VARIETY of FANCY AND STAPLE C HOC EIMES Kept in Orangcburg, at Prices from TEN to TWENTY-FIVE per CENT less than any House in Town. * I mean just what. I say I'll SELL for LESS than any one Or give my GOODS AWAY. 1 4 A. H i WALKER LEADER LOW i?161C'i:S, HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS ! An absolute necessity of the TIMES. Millions Have Been Wasted in our Country in the past, few years in high-price 1 FERTILIZES. You know it; we know it. Slop this insane, criminal practice ol bin ing these, goods at tremendous hig'i pricjj and oa long credit, and try Long's Prepared C hemicals, Which enable PLANTERS, at a SMALL COST, to utilize their Cotton Seed, Stable and Barnyard Manure, and to provide themselves with a Home-Made Fertilizer, The icsult of which have been proven fully equal to thojiigh-priced j Fer tilizers, and at one-third its cost. For sale by KIRK ROBINSON ORANGEBUK ?, S. C. PLANTERS ATTENTION ! W< (t uld not supply the demand lor the GULLETT GIN last Season owing to the Yellow Fever Quarantine. To prevent a similar occuirence during the coming Season we have been instructed to offer the improved a ?llett gin Also FEEDER and CONDENSER at a very Low Price to all who purchase this Spring for Cash, or good Paper. Now is your chance to pur chase the Finest Cotton Gin ever offered to the Trade, at. Prices that auy Planter can afford. To get tho LargeU Discount you shoul I purchase between now and May 1st. We are also offering the Celebrated RIGE LOW ENGINE of every Stylo. Also SWE12P-STA ICE SEPARATORS, Threshers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, &c.j at Greatly lldu so 1 L*neoL Give Us a call or send for Circular*. Extra Low Figuren made t) lit > ;e who purchase their entire Ginning and Threshing 0 itlius tlir > t gh us. Address () M STONK, ?& CO General Agents for Plantation Machinery, feb 21 Augusta, Ga. P, Or. QATSmtQS ONH DOOlt BAST OF J>r. A. Dtikc'a Drug Store, Who will keep constantly on hand 11 FULL and co\I i'LKTK slock of r^lkS/ ?? iiiin. I'lMtolg, And Sporting Oiooils <>i everv description. FlSHliSG TACKLE From llic very best manufactories just re ceived ami for mile low down. Also all kinds of K ('pairing done on the shortest notice to (bins, Pistols, l.oi ks, Umbrellas, and SEWING MACHINES Done np ami Adjusted. Bay" All goods and work warranted to give entire satisfaction in quality work manship Mini price Thanking my friends for past patronage 1 hope to merit a coulinuucc of the t>.. .10 in the future. ' I\ 0. CANNON. sept 23 ly SMITH'S WORM OIL Atukns, Ca.. Doc. 8, 1S77 A few nights since. 1 gave my son one ?lose of the Worm < >il, ami the next day he passed l(i large worms. Ai the same time 1 pave one dose lit my little girl, four vear?, ami she noased Hi\ worms from -1 to i."> inches long. W V IMIJLIPS. Prepared hy Dr. IC S. I.yntlon, .Ithens (la. Kor pale hv Druggists generally, I'or Sale l>,v l?r. A, <*? Pukes. H. S, RENNE III CORNER RU.SSELL & BROUGIITON STS., Will keep constantly on hand the following goods: Coffees Bacon, Ca-::icd Salmon, TVas, Strips, " Lobsters, Sugars, Hams, " Mackerel, Flour; Lard, " Oysters, Crist, Butter, " Tomatoes, Meal, Soap, " Green Peaa, Rice, Starch, " Corn Beef, All of the above articles I guarantee to be FRESH, and will sell them us LOW as the LOWEST for the cash. Call and examine my Stock and prices before you purchase. Always keep on hand a full supply of LiQUObs, wjxj;s:ani) cioaus. Et. S. RENNEKEE. ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM !! Stop and Refresh yourself at the New and Elegantly fitted up Lady's Refreshment Saloon! ice chea.js1 at 10 and 15 cents. CAKES and PIES fresh every day. The Largest and Finest Assort ment of Confectionery and Fruits of all kind. Groceries, and the best Brands of FLOUR, the choicest Cigars and Tobaccos. Everything sold at BOTTOM PRICES. fi i ? I4} b>r sale in any quantity and any time of the day. Sundays from 6 to U and from 12 to 1 o'clock. A call respect full v solicited by JOSEPH jt,;ros At Briggmanu'd Old Stand. To Rent n good Cellar lor Storing goods or other purposes. SPRING GOODS! D. A. SAIN, in Tin: town of ST. MATTHEWS. Would respectfully inform bis fiieuds end the public generally that has just received a full stock of Dry Goods, GROCERIES. TOBCCOs and s E G A H S, i h OS both foreign ami domestic, HARDWARE, &c., All of which he is offering at bottom PRICES. _ D. A. SAIIST. WHY DON'T YOU go to James Van Tassel For your Family Supplies in the way of Fresh Groceries, Fine Liquors, Tobacbos and Cigars If you want a real good and healthy beverage trv the ENGLISH HOME BREWED BEER In the R E S T A U 11 A NT You can always procure a good square meal at a living prico. ?ood Fat poultry and fresh eggs always on hand. CotUlt rV DPr?clxiOfi bought at the highest market price James Van Tassel, Agt. sept -20 1878.?mar 1G At Muller's Old Stand. A New Carriage Shop! The SUBSCRIBER would respectfully inform his friends and the Public generally that be has just completed bis . HOPS ON MARKET STREET Near Mr. B. F. SLATER'S Livery Stable, where he is prepared to receive and build to order Li12.ltt, Single or Do\iT>le Seat 13ri?:?2;ies And finish them in first-class stylo of the best Select Material. Also ONE AND TWO HOUSE WAGONS Put up at the t'iorttst notice. ? ?opnii*iilg ?f ftM kinds done Neatly and Strong. Horse Shoeing V Expert Smiths. All done at prices to suit the times and low price of Cotton. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. dec 7, 1878 . T*. I I. WILICS