THE OUAMxEJiUKti TlSIlft. .i> K VICKY 1 i:i l?AV MOKNIN? ? 'V <\ KUWAldlS. i'rofi^rihi? STILUS It. MKLMl'lJ KM' Kdiior. Termfj pt' Stator^c:i* i ] > I i 01 l? One Copy one \~car.j I no " iSYx Mouti.H. 7") Kali's of Advertising. f?nr Square 1st Insertion.SI 00 F.uch Subsequent " . ?? .Njp.'o'. M inserted in J,oeol Column at 20 the gal la hi inen who poured forth their life blood for Lhe cause ; hey believed to he right, und of Carolina's appreciation of all that is trite and noble, veiled tit hig h i: he under the gloom of di feat; Vi c fear to make nu cKlSihalc of lliii immense gathering in l!.i:y i>c ides the hast nr..und I he . late every window ami bill - cot.'y on Main street was thronged with anxious spectators. The soldiery , together with the survivors of*flic Ja?ai Cause,'rind lhe little remnant of the Mexican veterans formed a line extending from the poslolliee to tl S'.nte House nearly n mile long. A ! the prominent buildings were dot rated with lings uwf? hanners bearing the names of lltci important ha lies of IhcAvar from Mantissas to Appomaltox. fjrhe procession marched and countermarched up ami down Main fitrcyt and finally ioimcd around tie speakers stand in Ilm Sidle 1! mac yriid. Tli'cd.catd creeled t:g ii. I the hides of the Slate House were pe'eu piti 1 by ilie ladies', an I every window of the immense buiiding wris ei\?w \> \ with 11icclators. Men and boys even i.e. j icd the lofty roof. llhotll .) o'clock 1'. M. flov. ; iti j.s< ii caljed lhe va.-.l assemblage to order nhd introduced llev. Klison Capers who offered one of the most eloquent prayers ever uttered by human lips. After this Co v. Simp son iu u b rief but eminently appro priate speech introduced the verier . bli :ind gifted orator'of tho occasion, Ccn. John S. Pies toil, whose comaud ing appearance anil magnificent oratory hi j't his hearers spell-boini 1 for nearly an hour. As lie touched upon the devotion of Carolina's w? ? men, and the heroic valor of the Coulcderalo dead, cheer after cheer \ ihnded upon [ho air uf the city. Tl oraii';!) ua- chaste,classic,and charged with the fire of genuine elo ? ,tii in c. Wo shall endeavor to print it in another issue lor the bcuelil of Olir readers. The magnificent and costly inoiiu hi cut Writ now iinvcili I by lhe ladies of she Monumental Associati m, an I the figure of lhe Confederate soldier was brought to view the wild c.-i and mi sl prolonged uppluu true ti the valor and the virtue which dpbuf i' could not corrupt nor death t. n ily nor defeat corrupt.' " Is it a bargain? '1 ho corros|ioii(lent of the "News nod Courier" fays that the most p'uusiblo reason rissiguel for Mr. Jir.ycs' sudden change of base in '?ending in huaccond veto is that the It w. rts have < lie ud him the nonii it.iion ferthe Presidency in 1880 as i ; vailuble candidate between Sher K ft and Grant. We - itist watch tho manoeuvres in ficpuhiicau Iwitionnl Convention 1 then Lurn lo tliij page. Veto No. 2. In 'rtsj' nitre In the neeufVilv of I ho !!i ; ni .1? mi parly t" have troops tit the polls, as might bo expected, the I'rosidoni hits vetoed the "hill t > pro vent military inteilbrcnco in elec tions." His talk about eurtiiiling I ho power of the exooutivo to sup pr< ss vioh nee oi insurrection is child i.-ii ; twaddle, and ! transparent to cover hi- real inteiiti n as well us that of tin party of which he is the representative. The bill provides perfectly against any su< i> difficulty by authorizing Ibu use of United Slates Iriiops whenever the necessity :ni.-e.s which will be indicated by ihr. roll of (If (?'??>'i7:ho?'u <>r i'.;;/<'.yt'ti'nn .? <>f tin .v/((Av. 1 uljiisf bereis the in the side ol his I'Vaodulcucy and Iii- party. The very iliihy which is to save IIiis rovcrotuoni from becom ing a despotic national centralism Mr. I lav... of course, objects l?>. lie says thai ihe bill subordiuat? 3 tin national i" tin State government. That's llic very thing it oughl lo do in order to carry out the intention of the founders of ihe government in gunrdiiighgaiits! ;i military de*.p ?Iism and preserving our liberties. '1 lie ine.*'sage is revolutionary and in per fee I keeping with the instincts "I n fraudulent President casting nboul for fraudulent arguments] to bolster up n liaudulcil position; It nhjecl is ulsh i" lb reo the I >iii*!i Carolina, but now ?>l Ketiltveky, elected President. Several important i >j>; have been di ?? ai? ;ed; Meas;tires have bei ii talirn looking lo the'extension of the Mi cioiiary work in GrcCcei Cuba lind liraidl. An animated disc'us ion arose on the report of the Committee ti)cnding a Conference wfth Bnptisls. ISx-Govcrhor jo-ioph hl. I ? I llrown bl Georgia hiiff others .'"poke i elbtjui nll\ in I a vor id the rojiori, ;> ii , I >r. 15 road us andolheirs look an op posit e view. Tlio report \vai r?jocle , by a Iv.o thiii!.-. void. The v i ?? ihe Hon. J. Ii. M. Curry, which I electriiied the Ghsiidi-stoh Contention, is not heard at this ti::i<*. *'? '?? priV- I .-unit4 he i- absent. .< iraiigeliurg represented in ; io Conventioni W. Corcoran. Wen I 111 iseorliihily |daced iii good hands when it if? entrusted tosuch a man tis NY. \V. Corcoran. When llic ! ?ippcnl of I he sufferers bl Waltoi-boro1 r< ached his osirs ho immediately stiiit a check for ?250, niul only n few days idapscd whin lie supplem hted ilie amount by another check for ?500 more. Such exnntph s of philanthropy illustrate what is noble in human nature. Mr. Corcoran has certainly im blind the ill \ iii4 principle that'il is more blessed lo give than t<> receive" It. i: .-aid Ihui ( orbin is coming back lo Charlcsl >n to resume his profession, Inn it d ica nut a, pear irli at jtrofrsfoji?probably that ol buying votes i- re furred loi Sheriff's Bales. /?y virtue ol* an I'lxeculibii lo me directed 1 will sell sit ?raiifrehiirg, <'. II.. S. '\, on the t'u i Monday in .Ii. in\i, during tlie legal hours ni' wile, for ca.-.h, livO hundred (3o0) acres ?U* land, iuore < i U --. in ,1/iddle Township; niul hounded by laiuU of- liuhrr, liowiiian mill berry. Levied <>'i te* tlie pr< peilv of I'iitrick f?'uhiiHers at llic suit of II. M: ?ndri Sherill's llllice, Oraiiytbiirg <'. U.,>. V . . Mtiy ISili, IV.-i. I " .Ii Ol N II. Li VI N< ..Sl? )N, S. () ( . iiiiiv ''I ??' S nil Dm HI wii k \vi:i:j) A >od as I he hi ^B^jsS': ^vi:l::> cheaper than ih? 1 cheapest. t am "Hi ring Ilm W l .l .h on the best 0 I tei'MS and prici . 1W ill 1'iit in a full sol oT altai liinent (Tucker, Itullller ?c.) lo eash'ihiiyers; B Will giitiranleo ihr Machiiu?to be iir^l !i class and substantial. 4 <;i!l in and try it; as (?ft< Ii i? J on !'i mo Solo- -Mis. il Kdiui. G. : no Ha I lad--Mrs Know Itoii and Or Tuber. 7. Jleading --( iciicrul l/.lur Rai lad ? Futiuiu and Oussie K howlton. 1 :-ti:i:.m >n id ball' an hour, (luring which Ice 1 reaiii and other incuts will bo.served. I'tiring ibe juMU'hiission Selections by (he Orung dinrg Q.oinicltc Club. i'AitT n. I . < I vi ! t ;il v - " ! i a I !l i -?Fl.o ,\ ? bv the < Jrches'ra. * 'j Duo ? Jiib ad Mrs. Knbwlton and Or. 'I aber. d. Violin Tiio--W .1. De Trevillti, ' di.. Ii kohlt and Julin< Jacob.oti. I. iiiill Soiiir? Airs;. K nuwlion.. ?'?. (k?uni t. tie? M< ssrs. Fowle>, La Ijiii he. Wnnimmiiker and Kohn. 0. Uccitittioti?;I'rbl l.auieinv. 7. \ oeal SilCcthiiH frinn the I'dp lihir liiirlosipi ? ? 1 i i. M S i 'ma lore. Aecouipuidsi ? Colon 1 Mortimer (ilbyi r. ( onccri 1m commence :tt S oVdoek; .Admission 'g"> !l I'a at*.?n" approved I leCoih '. r - Ith I N'-iiv.f i- In i. by ?? i yeu ill a tin- lolItVyfiliji Taxpayers have been.apjioiiit?.-d usAs'sisit ors in their re.-pcotive l'??w70: Ameti i To.vndiii?. Col. A !> (> aid win, l?* J Ion eli and A 'I I.V iv? -. IhiihVhvillo, .John I' Itcrrev, I'hllpp ' F.-iiiey, It MeAtiiaue.y. I'.nv <'a-.v, A AI \Vdlf?\ V M llotiscr, i I: asie lUdnnui. J ' ? < a -.:.., Jw?hiia d'-.i'j.v' .1 1 \ i 'I' 1 Oilier. . I i:di>t?>. Ii J .! nniuKS .John Tallin^ An?!riiuhy Her. i:. lil.hi I, .j i' irili I .1 1 liebroli. I" J.t i I', in] fv .!?.;.-, I),-, i .1 I'oit. Lvtyni*, H II ZiiUilierui.ul, .1 W Hidniners, .) VV'Selh rs .l/iiSdle, Saiiuiei l'ai'.vy, l'r. \V H !>il; loiii I iavjd hial)in?-t. Nc-v I top;.', hr. 'I !> l'.ow liian, Jaine;1 Siold ii; VV.,i i eh h'airi v. orae..-, I>avhl l-eisuei^C \V Culler. \Y N -i..vil[e. Piiie (.Irovo, \V \V Oliver, 1'.- T V. !,?!?. John Watt. I'oplar, .) 1) I'richot, II J i'loolduirt. T I1 lOVilUH I'rdviiteiiee, I' l' Shiiler,iS.iiu?el H?tt?, Wad. Kv.'ius itoirUy Ijmve. J I) Kholts WillisHtiwyVr, Isluiin Yon Dhi.i M (h?i?es, N M Sidlev. R Mc Miilual Viiiieep, do*- Niari-, K il Avingir, AiigiiH tus I I.I WiHow, ilowei liaslerliii, b !> IY?gle. .1 W Marlin /.ioiij \)r C Holnian, Lewis Siapaki Itviij llartou ii r r.Ap.r in. ( Yniiity Auditor, < > i' iniiy ii 1 f |!L'h?\v ynu will lind du- (?riircs of a fexv ariieh'r. which will he to yoiir iuteresl to r.-nl. \Ve eaonut giv?! the j)ricid Of i vui1} ihii'f in mir Iii. , hill will guarantee tho ouiv i'A' l'^. I ..ii oiieeaiul you shad li. eonidiieeil. i'lioice fSio (.'??tiee, S j>otinds for oho doll u iMiofee t'iiilee Hiignri 12 and 1:1 jidiiuds for (iihodplhir t'hoiei. No 1 I'aeoii ."?'!.!.-. tjj eent- |>e!r Mi i'liiuee 1 iinViiy . d'a'p ! poinids ''nr "J <. vit. < lii?et.' I''aniily Miiaji (.Red I'aporj S eal:y'J lor ?J. i 11 ut 11 ? '. ;,('?; Si'.la - ' ci-nts per pound. |.'loui' ?? ! oil prir barrel and upwards I ihti'iiii ?$ i p. i iO'. [ "' -";.??..! t.Natoii ?eeiits per ^'pOiil Hi ...I Mir.!1. ' ih-i leSpiui fi eeiits per yard i all. ?-, ia-> dors .",;to 0| per yard ' t?.i.| i . Tii! a. |(> emits per p.?und (. "?1 i' .:-.>?- .j.i HO per in" ! tided doiilih- length Cigar oo pot- 100 A1. ? ? Crockery. ('ntlery, 'fin wiire, |'i>| ware, i lard H ale, ChithiUlif, ,! e?is, Mi'-e-. I hits, I'rv doods, an 1 the FINEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Whiskey, llrandy, Wine. Gin, Ibllll, Ale, Heel, .\e.. iVe. Thai can lie found anywhere, at prices too I.i iW tu he liiadu i>nhlie. I. A I.I I'd l:A I. IllSC< U N P allowe. on all the aliovu prices in hills of leu l.iol Inrs nr in*ire, Kespi etfnllv, nur 7 187? \y I H and ia--t, aneiits should address 1r worse yet, not t<> comply with thu assertions mailt: (?s ii too often the case ; H 5 I ? p*f J > \r TZ Ol-TTVT J,:'^ i"M relur"cd iv,,,n NBW ? s s 8. 1V V ? I JL1^ YOttK, and purchased a liA KG1;] STi K K ol 1)111 GOODS, CIII11E, nt Notwith llofnrn llic rocenl U1SK in .til kinds of COTTON FA HUH stand in}: ihe I'l-li he has pill g? \ J 3 ( 1 |JJ s Ot^WK to the UOTTuM KOT! li, sis will bb seen by the price list of a low articles. price list 500 pieces Prints 5, (5 and 7 ir100 jiicces white Phjuos (5. Sau l 10 c. 50 pieces iJb-iiehed Long (Jloth. soft White (*titiil>rics 10 cents itnd up liiiish, 5, 0 and 7 cents. At 7c we 10 pieces White and Colored Lawn tdier 1 yard wide,-..!; lin sh for the 5) cents needle, thai uti'i be i>-T lOpiooo.i Prcholi Lawn, colors war* 5 Lai.-- !J I Vtiilow Shirting lltuue- rain .! I * j ieccs ei?!.?:id and black Alpacas '1 liahis ?? I She ling 7 ccnis. 1 ?">, _',! and L'? c. n:<. I bait! 7 S *-hit tiii ? (i ci ill,'*. 15 pieces 1 h Toy - and Domestic Dress O00 piet'es ( i*??? .- best single thread GhOds li' cut-. S und 1 i cetitsj lihicl< Grihiiidihea from 2~> cents up. 20 ph '?? - ' ? iii - ha at- iS :< ml 10 oetits. Ilnni'm^ f.ot i- all wool;, Itip't-.'- Ii) I full wttltlv SltUMiiiii Is.. I'dach t'a-hnn rc-i, double width j al: 20 iind ? v. ut.-,. I wool it) ci nts. up H Br;n v _ ? 0 pi irs Ladies and Children's J, A P. Coats' Cotton 55 edits dozen, Stotil itig? ? cents and up. (Triple supplied) 500 pitirs white and colored Lisle LadicV Serge add Foxed Gaiters 90 (ilovtS 10 cents pair an I Up j cents " ? i i i ibis au IG nt's Collars, Liu u i Men's hi??: Full Stock IVrogaiis SL20 5 i' a i. 10 cents. I Joy's Shoes from 7.? pair ami up. V't . i ... have a large Jiiic of Phiihidelphih HAND M A Di l GOODS, e very i air v. ti rail ted. 'p i* o t n s fi i*\ Qiiir Spring Slock "I Clbtli iii jij fdr Cliiblreii, IJoys and Men is now full : i i*oioi :? e in ail STVLK" and ?/"S^iCCS- >'bu wuhl a nice nobby 51 i 1 for iitle bibhey cohio along. We coir d goon (Uitunju-:tiing the many PA IIGA FNH to. Iii I this paper, bul deem ii i.i.:.-e> - ary. All wu ask tiial \<-u coiiie and LO()K. We ;.!..? i.;iy reipiesi the LAD MOS t?i bring samples they may have from Charleston oi nnywhert! ? I i- and we promise lb Duplicate the i'ood.s and :1c Price. Itcuteuihcr ihe place. txvmli l KOHN'S buy GOODS B?3??B,' Ni.XT 1 <>'.;!'. TO COKKELSON'S; flij wltoh & tatlirorj, A'i ICR KEYS AND ? 01 IxSKLLORS AT ! i A W . ? iS ..' l ; i. i i ? cj , .s. c i>>!v :;i ii" till. Bi. \VOIiKf-!, tiin jit! foiiiiil lit Iiis Olil Staikl nvxi 'door'to l)r; Wiiimaiiii'tUi-r'ji I!>rui? Store*, wlo-u- In- 11 jiri'paiol to ?lo ail work in Iiis liiic, 6ti tlie mod improved st> lo, um) at prices io suit tlit; times. All work warranted tu yiyu salisi'aclioii. 1-. s. \\ i n.Fl:, mar 7 Surgeon IVnti-t. ELACKSMITHING AN I) iio risks ii< >r.i x<;. The untlorsitjii d re*|>oetfu'ly informs tlie I iblic that ho lias oi?eiietl :it ilie 'li<<;> oj> Iii Mr. .ii -i |'li H.tili-y wlj.crc lid is juv |>ared io i! i :ill Hud uf work in Iii - line, on i i.- shortest notieo arid io the U'.-l work i inlike manner. A; 11 wbi'k guaraiiteffil to givesiiti faction, an I j?rie t > suit the jnv W. A KXOIJ). apr'l 2? ly. PRESGR1PTI?M FSKET h'i'llli' - i i'i'ilv ( ni..... SiMi)Oi:?l \V. ;ikii.-vi. M:illl|.i.i ' anil II >l -.r !? : . I.t.'ilirlll nil tiy itiitis s <>i PK A It or FAVOR, where you can get tlio Kost Goods for [he Least Money . \ : in : I, a slap on the hack,a hearty laugh, or the hi ami anil child-like smilo of t'10 mi ... I not comp ?:: ; oil in the sweet bvo ami bye, lor paying him 50 per cent more tor his go>Js than they lire ?yoH{. fin wl etc v< u }'h . ! rico whal you will, then call on us and we will give vou the SAME GOODS for i.;:. ? ? . \ I JUST RECEIVED 10 Kegs Good Butter, 20 and 25 p:uads each at 15 Gents per Pound I C. D. KORTJOHN, si Gxsr ojp t3 in: kit: id flag.