Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, December 21, 1878, Image 4

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Who will be Crowned in Keavew [Now Orleans 7Y//km ] A live dollar hole would be an ex travagant price to pay lor her ostab lit-bincnt and all it contains, but it heroic womanhood ever louud em bodirucnt in huma.i shape, it can lu seen uigh<ly lipon St. Charles street, just below the academy oi' music. A week ago Grandma \\ itson was in Memphis, ha Illing pestilence by her tireless vigihineo fl.ilbvl h? u?" ror stricken commuu ty as Lhoir gunidiuu angel, E iznbet , in tin zenith f her ppleiidor, could rio hir c coiiiinandcd the adulation vh spoinaucnosly went forth to that pUiii old woman, For thirty eight days ; nd nights dining the Iri^hllul bar vest ol death at Grenada those wither en blinds 'Were often the o??Jfy ones t soothe the hurniilg brow or'efose dying eyes. To her tender cart were committed their childrcudyiiig by parents. .Appointed by the divine mandates of gratitude universal executrix and administratrix, in tha setfeon ol deadly peril and death, the confidential iriendol the highest, she now sells peanuts on .St. Charles strict. She did so before, and were ano ther epidemic to cany desolation into a thousand horns, after ano.Iier heroic battle with disease would do so again; but is Cinnntus retttnm I to his plow much more heroic than \I r.-i. Mary Ann Wilson returned from the devastation of Gronadn, Or all d Jttnc tion and Memphis to hor peanut stand? Mrs. Wilson was a faithful nurse here in 1H:J7. During the pin demic of 1F53 she was ou duly the entire summer. In 18?? she devoted her time to the sufferers of NorfoMc. Another year she visited Savannah, aud, in short, for forty years this noble woman has flown to the aid iif the sick and suffering the moment Hie heard ol their net ds. There is a feut above lor her among the best of God's children. A .J< ncs county young man jjol up to dose his window just as a bolt ol lightning struck ?he house. He was thrown buck ward upon t jie bed, an supposing a pistol bad been lire I asked his companion what he was shooting at. At the same lime lie lightning tct fire to a bed in a lowei i( oni, upon which the young man's father aud mother were sleeping. Mrs. Kichmond, the mother, lost a strip of skin an inch wide from head to foot, nnd the hither had hi shoulder burned to a blister. All wid recover, but they can flatter nfheJmscTver that they're tough.? ^?iiiu.i Oft*/ (.*??) ?loSMtfii, The Stale of South Carolina, O it a n (; r.n t ? u es C'o r xt y . BY C B. OLOVElt, KSO.I7IRK, PtlOIIATK Jl'lieiK, Wiikhkas, Lawrence .'>/. Whaley of Orangeburg County, hath made suit to nie to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of Jacob lb Kein. 11 cbeiised. I hesi' are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kuplrud und * Y ditors of the said dacob t!. Iveilt late of Orange lung County, deceased, that thev hi and appear. before me. in the Court of of Probate, to he held at Orangeburg, t', II. on 7di December next, after publication hereof, at II o'clock in the fureii.ooii, In show came, if iiny they have, why thesaid Administration should not he granted. < oven under my Hand, this' 2-d day of NoeoVubtT A inn > Domiid LS7P. [ns.T 0. H. Ol OVER Jtldgcjof Probate, OrniVgcburg Count y hpv 2:5 -t 'lite State of South Catolina. QltAKOKBUKil Coi s l v. BY ??? n. 01.0VEII, ES<it*llSK, rnonvr:: .iimmii . V hereas, (Serirgc Boliver, C.'C. P.. ban made suit to me, 10 grant him Letters ,,1 Administration ol the Estate ami ellecb ui .lohn .1. S ilLey, (Lvmih id These are therefore to .?)?. nm! iubnoii all aud singuhu the kino u ami ml of the said Join; .1. Siiliey, la l Uahy burg County, deceased, t!. ? ' dm lie aud appear, before nu , in did Court oi I'm Mio, to bo buhl at Oran^ehurg, C If., on dn Oih Oice'inh'r next; after publiealioi thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, ii show e.insi if any lliey have, why the said Administration >,houid not be granted Given' umf?r" my Hund, m.. ~&th day oi October. Anno Doiuiui IS7S. |l.s j C. V: OLOVEU, Jndgc of Plobatc/Orangbu g ounty. nov _ t?l DENriSTY II-K. Ii. F. MtfI4B:\I 5'SS has moved his Office over store of Wm. VVi| cock, formerly occupied by Dr. Fersner wheloTIjcAr| fl bo glad to hi r\ e bis friends on the most reasonable terms, I ill. B. F. MUCK KNF?SS, Dentist, sept -I! id The imdersignod respectfully informs the Citizens of the Town and County that he is prepared to do up and make M iltrcsscs on the shortest notice. Also wid conduct an Upholstery bnslnes??. Price-.- will he us low ;<4 . s**.?! ib?r ? .-?tii *? d if N EW STORE NEW STORE IN TUH TOWN ()F ST. MATTHEWS. ' -_;0. DA. SAIN OTII'TKS I II K I.TTIZKNS OK SP. MATTH BWS, ANDTHK I'lJIS , lie gen rally that in the oUI siand ei* '.'lark's, near the Pepit, will be. found a choice und rare selection of 3Di>V Goods, GRCCBSSIJ?S, TOECCOs an , SECiJTO ^?S, lil'ii'l/'?S iioJliF RIO!? IN an.i DOME lit*, II VRDW A RE, etc., rVnil Mjlieitri a share. <?t" trade. \lr. "il i I, S \ i.V. v!i ; i; in < !i ? .?!' the .slor ? wili hi |fla>l to^Veet all of bis cuslonh'rsi anil now on? ? too, to-."h ?iii he ipln'r tufei's hargai ns a-< g.I a- van be had in 1 baric-ton. Highest iiitrkcl ,>n.- ? ;n; l lor all Kinds of eotmtrv nrodoee. St. Matthews, September ''<, IS7*S 12m CHRISTMAS COMING ! K n uinu tiir at, 1 i ?.rlTnllv iufoimi I be LADIES and my PAT RONS in general tbttl I b ye ic?cived fresh supply ??!* iiisins, Citrons, Currrnls, Pi lines, Dates, Eigs and Nuts Of ?-very kind or tbeir Cln nun urp isos, au I C) A K K.S ?*hich i soil ttt. very ret?o,fui lo prices. Also 1 0(3 do'A Prcjsli l^.^.S f'.rsale. 1 wotih!..,l.-.i in ut in the public that L will (u&ii'sh b ? NAMEN : KD CilRlSTXlAS CA'kl>3 In the m<-si IJan<Ifc(un,Suyles,nn<l Shapes nn the most roa?m tble term, rtud !*"lu?i;atitcc bUtisfuc Oa . bet?re liHIdriug'olaewlrjLifo*. JO^EPi i if; ijos feb 23 ? ?! Oligiuul Vi> nun Confcclioiior. Premium awarded at t Iranoeburi Fair lor the ban Lotius! O:\ia u in! cd Cakes. . 'S l<f**3 i1"^-. i-V'*^L Sst&? ? w 1 g> T J N T I Iii N(J m>0 EX PK flENCED AGENT- in the NORTH have 1 MUii^hi' 1* MM ION }S i\ < WA !f IN MEN TS.d" die BEST QUALITY OF GOODS ijj v ( i s j ij; i m i ot ihi ^i?jNSTHOl.'S FA II I I i ?- of several oi' the most yjCNiunsivo. V\ huieenle liusincss Houses in > c -v V-,i U, -Philadelphia and Hbston at tins', ? cry i LOWEST 'PRICES FOE CASH I A nd t-?- ?f, therefore, abb to seil the (Mi I". A ?*i> T iind RKS'j'. ?i'ui'^s oi' 'all kinds, stich us At his WELL KNOWN The CARGO of GO?1 S he is receiyinj; is the LAKGEST nii 1 n. ASTON 1 SI ills G Pvei l#n.uj_ht :? < ranjirhur? or udjiuniu?r (\umties. For ? Quality, :?ii.ri9jy and hefipness It nnot be EtM V 1.El) 8<?r* (blue and sec. Polite U rks iro '.viilinvj to wail on yutt. i' ; at Once ! ftuick Sides and Small Profits! Buyin" for CA SM I can UN DEHSELL all Credit I'm chases. MY SAMPLN ROOM Js Exclusively apart from the dain |l>usincs.H. Its noted Brands ol IjtQUCi.RS tire still kepi up to their I'll; f ( LASS Standard. Y??r continued patrunagcis solicited,and it you once call, ynu'l! call again AUGUST FISCHER Ol C -ILL OM James Van Tass Ki?r your Knmilv Supplies in the way <>t Fr ? li groceries, Fin- Liquors, Tob ao -ad Cig'ars A FirBt-Class li K S rr A 1' 15 A N T While yoti caii j.ret Fresh Oysters or anything else in the Eating Lint Served upon the shortest i >? ? 11??. (ioo.l Eat 1'GUI/PRY mid ERESM KOOS always on hand. OoLllltt'V IPl'O llK"'* '"'iighi nl the highes! market price Jamos Van Tassel. Agt. sept 20 1878.?mai 10 At Mtiller's Old Stand. To be GIVEN AWAY in BARGAINS in the next SIXTY DAYS. No better opportunity otlcred to REPAIR yum BROKEN FOR TUNES. h?*!i you come to Orangehurg oKauiinQ iny STOCK. My Sub. or Ent|doyccs will SI-JO\\ vmi mv GOODS with pleasure and oiler you . INniiCEMKNTS C! ^'<>MKI)4t MKET. It doesn't cost any tiling a b av a men: i: NEWS OF THE SEASON ! ! Is the grout attraction ut tho SOllENTRUE & LORYEA As Cotton ia LOW hOW'N w<-have reduced our prices accordingly . and v c are deteimined lo follow (he motto ol QU It !K SA L S und SM ALL Via ?I*'' 1 1 'S ! wiiicii we Iim-vu learned, liy e.\p rietme,' i.i more prolithlde than t" sell goods,iu HIGHE ligurei, thurelbre (joods in our Stoyk novui gets old. We haye always on hand a new and wed selected sto< k ol' GUt/cEUL S, < ANNKI) FRUITS, DRV tiOUDS. FANCY GOODS, N?TIONS; CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES', av., M. N. 15. - i?- D&,Bi S^J?-TO?^. Our AGENCY is now direct I mm t'h'c Pucibi-}*. Cdinpiisin'o Ii rackets and l'.ul r La nip-, stii Lu ide lor Stores Churches'and private; Houses, ail in great Also a large line of Cliaiidaliers, "J, !1 aud 4 Light?, wiiicii weu?.v odor at greatly reduced rale.-;. Wo invi call to, sec the Light at our Store S( > I i K I\T ri' I \ U 15 & LOR Y 13: A,. KUSSEL Sr. next door to MuMASTEK, Oroiigeburg, S. C. sepl (irn WWmf _IHII r: ilN Has on hand and st'il rce? iviug :i eh<?ii f> and select stock of Sfo nlo ClYirl T^rQTVPTT' f-xrVS^" ' At prices that canno! ho unilersohl. 1 also kevp a gopd variety of all the diilcrunt'g'ra'il&.i of Titip jl'liT ?I 1 1 )oi 1 Ll si L WINES AND LIQUORS Which for Mj'nality an 1 priyhs cannot '?? -itir;j: - ?? d. As Agent for several li N< ith nridinn mul Virginia, I oiler the various Grades <>i' Tobacco hy ihe ods or otherwise al pricci which defy cV>:up'6tit)i in, My OiS'i INT i I \ f ' s<i attends every Iiaiii, conveying passengers t ; any pari of t ho i own. COOTSirA^^S^ f:.rni,md many part tho*county. HAULING done with ipiickncss ami di?pu ? r?lj 2'*-el*2 W.J M A I N COFFEE ! COFFEE I ! GO-FEE! ! !! (;ki?;*:n in.-.: roastej) 23?;M uhouxd 25<\?! Having removed j.Cmy'QLP STAND nc/> KOUnIs, ini uu-iwe st clt of < )( ) j^T'' I'"! t4.\ ' a in n'y.i prep i ???!'. >]'?<? t ., iiy'eits. tomers ami ties fienrraily, Gohee'of every Gr:i?h and Liim: iiin Entire Sati^favliiui hoth in ? ^ii:.'*" Mnvii'iir ?piit Iii.-, ed ii pateiit (.Jb,ijc>e ,;i foV ???d <,'..,., I, . j?, nod :. Ph'i'idi'titid GiiiVd it n.y-. ii. ! : i:i lln ielon < i . !?!. d !?? ku<?,u e|\actlv ;ii . I 1 I m lit . - ity of th ? t . I lillS r I! r . it lieii imporn d sin i'. -ihm a - l.*e: ????:?:. i <,i!?>-?:v. try .; giiiii. A ll i.iooil.j \'i arrait h i and d uivere i t > i '"> 'oiiie n nd sei; My chenp Co \\ ? i'he ijtinlity and prie Will -iirely entice " ?ivo mOucv i S iet I v the r--r\ l.n?5)?' your itl 1 V? ? i ivili ! ; y it COt3Tir>TTB.'ir PRGBtfC'jS h.,.,:,; at t iVSIi 1\ a ii... vd* Fyesi,, Or2j slsrfr? :;' A ?: - Give nie -i < ;il and save money. P. W. BUiJ,. Ili< c< >:;:."i:? K?SS.ELLlUioui?-HTON S'i'S.. < Hier- t r m.1< ut the LOWEST C.'ASil l'HK ES his hirgh and wel assorted stock ol j{ ':)(.! H d*]w>n.Uting of I ? as. lif/m i -, EfOUj*, < Jrist,, llice. l>acon, St rijis, Haiiis, Lard, 1'..! it r, Soap. Mat ell. a imi iiion, en?, ere', Lohst Mack t lysters. Tomatoes, < i reen I eas, urii U?.- ? ', And ithvayf keep on hau 1 a full iftpply of JJtU '< > RS, \Y IN I ii;s A XT) [t*! A IIS. 1 am disposirtij of the halaneo of my rdd stoek of Drv Goods?, Sin ii-ns, (.'roelcry ntiil (l;:iss Ware a; and b ;! >???.? COST PillOES, Also for sale ])rv ^ lit: En,ma af'IOets per \k and I>. I: \?'<>NT ;ii p>.? p r (Miuml. H. S. KnN'N.OlvER. Agent. P.? si 3s si. ?2 SS f. " -3 r-*- v. v"l. His y w' i ' 0 I V,1 - o i i IT" i ? ? i? - ? ? r Cl " r-i v. it rt j, >.?^ Us ' A A F.eeiiirc oss <Iic*,"Efcn k* turn, Treatment, and Kftdfcul ? ur.-..I Si ininai WwiklloW? ftr Speriuntorrhren induced by Self-Almse.. Involuntary Kibissious, I in potency, Ne^V^ >':??. Debility, hud I.? pediments to .Marriage** generally; Consumption, Kpilepsy, anil Kit*; Mental und I'hvsienl Incapacity, Ac.? Uy KOHKRr J. (iLIA KI.'WKLL, .V, D.T : author, ol tbu f'Ciroen Hook/'?ic. Tin; woi Id-renowned author, in this ad*' inirublu L< dare, clearly proves from bis own exp< riehec that the awful cousiHUieieceit ? of Self* Abuse may be ulfeotually removed Without medicino, and without dangerous -uru'ual operations, bougies, instrument*, rings, <ir cordial.*; pointingImt a'mode"5f* cure nl oiice pertuin and ftlevtual, by which every sutii. rcr, no matter what It is condition . may be, mav eure (?niselfcheaply, private ly and radically, j.-,?" Thin liCeiure will prove a boon to thoiifunuH c//'/ tbaUMtii'liti Sent und?, r Peal, in a plain envelope, to any nddrcss, oil receipt of six cents, or two p?i-iage .tamp*. Address tin- Publishers, TIIK (JL'LVKKN KLLvMEDICAL CO. II Am,St ,New i'ork;l'ostO/liee Box 11180" iiuiv 1 lv il?KSESJIEb J NG; A Nli IU .VCKSMJTM WORK by TJ [OMAS B.2_A."Y\ (Russell St. Opposite Parley's Corner.) A!! manner of Smith work ar.d Horse shOi in^; properly done. 1 ant v Sin !l!:. Hailing for (Jravo Lots. A trial Std'u in d. .;.t 1 THOMAS It A Y. tf Th? ::. m^.t ,.f .?? 19lli c.?icry. Earham'3 Infallible FILE CURE. Mantifaciursd hr Ihn 2ir'i:s ?Uc Cirs C:.; IT. 5. It n.,rr fall, to ton II'BinrraoM? or I'll... nL.n n cure I. p'.?lul?. PrW? l.'-t ond hna* r i: IciIuubUIi loisi.L.Jw-. application lv WILL CURE RHEUMATISM. AI.nRRTnROOKRR.ttl? woll-known drnir f i afMitliocnry, "f S|irinsT?le, Mo., nlwaja Mtii-s vr> uuo LroilbltlU will] KhciumnUMii to ttf VitU?TINi:. licad His Statement: RrKisnvAi.r, Us., Oct., 12.1975. Jtn. .1. R Rtkvenb: /??iir .SVr.?Kiftivm y?nr3Bjro In?! fall I wan takntt ni k with rbmtnialunii, w.ts ilriablH In move until the i.-xi April. Him, until Ihre? >??r? aifi* tii ? ? .1 * i. il ?-i<-rytlune w tb rhniiinnUara. ..n.?tiii;i?i iroutd bu k? Fit n Inn? it.a: I Ci-nlil n t?''."?? M?-p; Uli'mi attack* ?>-r? <|iiit? <ifi..ii. I sufl.I HreryttiinK tlitt a nun eiutld. Orrr t .-. ?? ? ,? utt ? l-.-t itiirinit I .-i mmt-nt.-il fakir.* Vriif' IS i: an ! ffillowml n up until,! bail laacowTrii !? b.tvo hnd li" ibfttlm.<tt!itu atnvu that tiro". I r I'wrp uno thai in troubled wi:ii rtirunurUni to trj V E.'Jt.TIXK. anil ii"f- auffar tor yunrrt 1 bnv? <li-n?. Tbia'tatntneiit i? Rrcluitnua IUI :?.? an -lir. ?tt-Vl ..s i < L'uttC?-rnilil Vmi-~. ? _ A I.UKRr CHOOKER. Firuiof A. Crboker .t C-... i Ap:.Ui?csxiea. VEGETiPJE HAS ENTIRLLY CURED ME/ Mr /< (i'm. ??f h VKO rt-at.i > l> I tKia i oure o'lw cloa t-.. ? RohtoK, OaCWt. 1! !: Si r-, r.vs Ii S r. \l$ il?>i^ '*' ?'. atlOT h.Ttln^ a ?r-Tert? k ?: WbnopiltK Nilivh. ?j. !??!! in a Ir^lilr atstat .'?li Ibtiae Mivi-i -i bjr a friruil ?li" Itimf tho Ki lNK, ami aflur uaioc a (?H buttloa ? ? - lullj rt-it t ? buallli. .v.- bt-uu .i irr^-.t ?nfTTrr rr"m RhoiKnatiam. :o tnkwfi aaTfr.l iHitltca of tb- Vw.ikti.nk far rotnplaint,and ant b*|>p)r tn**7 n i I ir. I ba*nrwouiniiMitided Iba VitaKTlMM tu r% with tlir attua) cuod rcaalla. It U a trotl i>.-r purill-?ro< Ibablontl; it ia plivuiaoi to auJL i can i ti-. rftil!? rticwtaiiinnd it. J AMES MORSE, i?l Atbaua Slroat. j Rheumatism is a Disease of the Blood. Th" btfwl m f >>i? di^.Tr, : . fnnnrl to contain an of coaaol tibrin. VKOKTINIC a< t? tiy couTar?ns tba> l Ii?.?! from itH ilUoaaad ? nnditlnn to a b.^itby olrou latilin. VKOKX1NK rogulatci thM bondl. wbicb ii vit> importanl in thin complaint. On? hot?a of Votfotilio ?rill kiv., rotiof; but, la elTuct a perm.iir:; cum. it must I-- taken rfl^ularly, and may uk* MVural bot??a,;iir in ? as,.a ol limp atanding. vkoktixe sola by nil Dnisciata. 1 ry it. and your Tordirt will txi Iba saino m Ibut of tbouianda bafom you, who . .}. " I nofor found ao mucb rebaf aa front Urn u?o ol \ EOETINK," win. h is OOaUptMAd vxolu ?itolj oi I: a ?: . Tlovt.i and Herbs. " VrarTlNE" ^?y? a Boston phyiician, "ba? no rqual rm a bluori purtfl?r. Hfarlnr of ita many won derful cum? aftwr ail othrr rumediN hatl failed, I r.e.trd th- laboratory and conT.nco.1 myaelf of ita K- m-rit. It is prop/trod frotn baika, roota and Horba, na h of whU'b ia hi/hl; ?tftectiTO, ard Lbey ar? eoinpoundcd in lusb a tnauner ai to proUuc? aaton idbius ramaa." VEGETINE. NOTHING EQUAL TO IT. So ct ii Salem, Hasb., Not. 14. IST! Mn. II. Tt. Htne Str.?I havo boon tronbted with Scrofula. Oanker. and UvarConiptabtt for thro yeara.Notbtnx rt?r did um any BOOtl Unt it I ruinmctic,.J niint tb>. t/koktikk. 1 am Quw Retting along lirat-rats, and Iti lu Ins the VkoETIKE. TcousidnrtbemianotbiiMr r 1 i il Ui it fur ailotl comptainta. Can buartily reooni* uidud it to I'v^rybofly. truly, .Uns. LiZatIR M. I'ACKARD, No. l? l.>r ui"j Stroit, Soutb Salem, II*?. Prepared by H. ?..STEVENS, Bostou.Mass. Vegotino is Sold by all Druggists. npril Hi _ . . tr. C3 "? '"C '3 * j3 KOf?SS AfiJ> CAW TLE r'OVViT'Lli'i:. ? , i .| tT5 i,i,c<>rie. Vrff oi Lvsa ? e V? - it t .stl/'s IM* ir.Nii.'o ti. i 1 a?a. * V'l- lUcaiopn lpt1 vcpl ?:oo(ti-it.rr i . iut tP???ni.'wviu .???vwit U.\frti n; k'0w%;'v? 1 ?'. .' *i>ov :'.-*-? wt.I '?' -ro* o em ?,r.???.?.?tr?t mi'* tut (rr ai iwitnty j t r c...... ??o. u.u?c ;:.u ?u;:cr ftou It j 8W< 't. , .. , ; i ah ? Pow.'.'T? viUct?m cr prevent .vaostymtJtl li- . .m ibf.lliumHnivl t'otUonrc lt$irto> I :?.'., I^OWaUawWaXbUlVK SaTISF vOTIOK. i cvoij wlti ry. liA.YTT> E. rOtl*n\ rropr1ot?yr, 11 AJ.TXiaOKlt, Sold hv Dr. A. C HVKES. And* Dr. J CU>V ANN AM A'fCKK in.iv 1 1877 .