two dollars per annum. } VOLUME V GOD -A-jSTD OUR COUNTRY SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7./87S. always in advance NUMBER 37 k HARDWARE STOR JUST OPENED ONE DOOR EAST OF I*r. A. U. Vukc^a l>r?j? Store, BY l*>. Gr. OANOX Who will keep constantly on hand n FULl/arid CO.M I'LKTK stock of ,1S w dwnrc, Culler}', And Sporiiiig OoociS 01 every description Also all kinds of ISepatri US done on the shortest notice to (.inns, Pj.-tols. Jx)ckp, Umbrellas, and SEWING M AG 111X IDS Done up and Adjusted. BSl>'" All goods ami work warranted to give entire satisfaction in quality work mannhip and price. Thanking my friends for past patronage 1 hope to merit a contiuunee of the same in the future. P. e.-i I'crntaucul Institution <>f Oranguburg, and with a libe- ! patronage the Principal will i?ak? it -\ complete success. HUGO <.. Sil KKI DAN, nng 1U I'rincrpal. GIN G E A R IN ? eilAiTIX? AM) . I.TS CHEAFKK TM AX EVEK PEFORE FOREST Gl i Y FOUNDRY ; A N1 > MAOHINH WORKS,! OEO. R. LOMBARD & CO., KNG.NI* AUCCSTA, G.4. tXJTTON S Kl WS. Mil > <;i:.\Rix<; | And Machinery off Kinds .Made and He- i paired. oct 27 12H0 .72 PRESCRIPTION" FREEI Kor Iii* mk-imIv l '\\f. "I Sonilliitl W >" In??* ??rpUmi or cjcriw Anv I'm^ir'st Ihm tlie lm:r< 1 .stt-fct, Ctnciuaunl, *>? apr ?l 27 Iv july 20 MH)??3?t No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis, Mo. Who ha? had (freatrr esprrlence In the treatmrnt of the ?cxual tmirtile? ofbulh mal.* und female Ihm an* plirilcian In tlie Wr.t, R1T?*< tlie multa of hll Ion? and aurcccifiU practice in li'w '.???? wttrka,juatpublUlicd, entitled Tho PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER liooka that uro rrallr Oaldr. dutor* In all mow tera pertaining to Ma*buw4 rnd Yl uMMbnaMB1! ami anpp'y want Ioiir frit. They ?i o Lr r\uuruii j illi..Iraird, ami in plain laMijruagf, caally umteratooil. Tlic two hooka rtiibrort 6iS pagt?, and contain valuable In farm at I .a for both marrinland ?ingle, with ?II Civ recent improvvinrnla |,, mrdii a I treatment Iliad what our hoitieijapcr. nal>le char Mtrr, bnt la aomcthinfC ibal e.rryone abuuld kauw. Tha Y.alh.the victim of early indirrrvtmn; lb. n??, uitirrwiic perfectly healthy mayhr.hnt with wanlncviiinr in tin lnnt atliij t U . rtiilml. a. lit npr'l 27 ,fL. 1 fuiii 11 rurrd. lid vnlv Ahsatut? ?iiaii f< r book on > X? II H?|ulr?v c?bo Co.. lad. yl MUST BK KEFirtr ./4^SORFdO\V,? g FOR DISEASESOF'^Vl ? VUVER STOMACH -UK I.IVKR OttDKH. constipatiokV b . ilCKHEADtCHlN ri raiMMEncawpLiiifTiJ? BIU0U3NE6B,|j &DY3PEPSlA.;a lor Pamphlet*address Ut;. Santohu, New Verb, jail -6 1 v Urlltrl>r?(nto?7. It. vnlvn n f'/.trO. Over IOO Utrert NnrelUrv?. A.ii M v. i H? h'lcplfCo S.'li.l . ? T'lij npr'l 27 NEW STORE NEW STORE IN THE TOWN OF ST. MATTHEWS. t\ A. SAIN NOTIFIES THE CITIZENS OF ST. MATTH EWS, A NI > Tl IE l?UIU I,/. He gen rally thai in the old stand of Clark's, near the Depot, will be found a choice ami rare selection of Dry Goods, GROCSEIBS, TOBCCOs an I SKOA ^S, KjMIIjOK HO TII P ?REIUN ii.t l DOMIC ?! 10. II HDWAHE, A c, And solicits a sh in-of trade. Mr. I'M 11. "v\lN", wlio i1 in ric.--; piil lb- all kind-iof comitrv produce. D. V.^AIjNT. St. Matthews, September G, i STS 12m MAY, DEALERS IN* DRY GOODS. READY MADE CLOTHING. SHOES, HOOTS, HATS. HARD NVA .E. \V ?OD W VRE GROC CRIES. &c. Arc nlloring their Entire Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. They _i.''t; the Pub ic generally to examine their STOt Iv before mak ing their purchases, and guarantee lo save them money. We will be glad show you over our STOCK, (.'.ill an I s j.? w* TJTSEY & MURRAY, McMaster's Ok] ?Uind. W.c will idler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Through the month of NOVEMBER. W. i I ? }. W. J. Murray. ?>ept I I 1*7 ? * ly 0 F FICE OE GEO. H. CORNELSON 1 would respectfully bring to the notice of the Public that I am now ii c? iviiig one of the Largest Stock of Good s Ever exhibit'it in this Town, und would therefore invite everybody to come in ard convince themselves of the fact. M Y S T OCR ( otnpriscs all the difl'c.rcnt lines iu Dry Conds, Or- cciics, Hardware, Hats and Caps. Wood und \\ illow Ware, Saddles und Harness, Cruciury and Class Ware, Provisions, etc., Clothing, .Boots and Shoes, a S| ecialty. I have also added a Ft1 UN IT I- RE EST A Ii LI SUM E N T Where is kept Walnut, Parlor and B.:d Room Furnitur.'. (Jutta??3 SeU, S?das. Lounges, Bureaus, Wushstuuds, Tables, Cradles, Cribs, and all varieties ot Chairs. Also Carpets. Come one and all and examine for yourselves. Respectfully fJKO. II? COIL\KLSOi\. ARRIVING OjN EACH TRAIiN! Is a LARGE and VARIED Assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Crockery, Cotton Bagging, Ties, &c. All of which will be Our CUSTOMERS arc requested to uall in and examine, our S FO K. Attentive and polite CLERKS will wait upon them. No troublo to show Goods. SAVE MONEY By BUYING from us. J. C. P T K E & CO, Cooking the Accounts. tub way tha i treasurer parker made tt!? iiis statement in 1870. The following letter, published by the Now York Sun, is "might? inter esting rending" as showing the way that accounts were cooked in Sout h Carolina by Treasurer Parker and Iiis tr'u uds : EX iiCUTl v e Dk pa HTM ENT. State 1 rkasury Office, Columbi\, s. t:. Nov l?, 1870. / ,cw/ Kt have line. Another thing I am obliged to t?.L J> e. a jij < >i> Oily_ jp^Ax-1 n t jo i'jinvili trollcr-g' iicnil, and am obliged to place $'200,000 l. C. bonds in the ii*t as converted, Then as you cannot convert, but conversion mutt he con verted by other parties, the ace tint shows the conversion without giving anything anywhere to show the sale of the bonds. Don't you see the in - consistency ? It is annoying, very annoying, //? catlte tin- /,. G. Hoard has not y et aath->r izfil the si lr > /'/hc hoods t tllld yet llo one will find any lank, ami no one will ever take any meat advantage o! any inf rmality but tin: C. G. [Neagle]?he always will. I h .p-i you ar pushiug the sale oi bonds. Don't wait too long if you have cr ated a demand. Sell?oleir yoursctt' out, get perfectly ea-y and Rome down here a' once. Patterson is here an-1 to pay always just as soon as he gc s here. 1 wont undertake to say that H. K. matters can be Kept any where while he is her.!. Another thing is very annoying. 'Those second mortgage bonds urc not yet sigtud und divided. 1 think it un outrage to delay it. I have been pushing au I urging tin- accomplish ment oi the matter, but nothing has been done. Do y u know the. reas ui ? Mr. Bush Bays he has signed nearly all of them, bit Camogton hangs back, or ,,t any ratcdou't do th.: work Some good leusoii ought to he given why it i.- out d nc, but no reason is satisfactory. When / hare woik I do it, no mailer how great it is, and I ask others to do the same. hutuiierlaiu has one to Wadiing ion. 1 suppose no will see y m. Do conic South with him if possible. We. are mo/ein great progress^ I think, toward electing hi to the Senate I ought to have some amount to charge you with for commission- and expenses, but you have not rendered nit- an;., and must close up my lie port soon* Do sond at once all the facts you desif" mo to have. / should think you might charge a #100,000 on aect, li was $04,000 last. year. I can't put in anything unless I have :t at once, for 1 must close my acct. Please reply to these points wi* bout delay. Your*, &o., N. G. Pauker. Murder in Sumter. From the Columbia Register. SuMTIiM, S. C, Nov. 21. ' Rev. R. K. White, who has boon preaching at Kings tree, Mount Hope and Forrcston, and who was hut re cently married, while coming from Manning to Sumter in a buggy with his wife, was shot in I lie head and killed by .some unknown person. He was carried to the nearest, house, (Spencer Davis',) nine miles from Sumter. He; lived but twenty min utes. He was educate I at the .South ern Baptist Theological Seminary, and was a young man of great prom ise. He was born in Ireland.and was a delegate to the Baptist Convention , which assembled here to-day. There is great excitement among the few who knew this sad event to-night Colonel Walsh, acting Coroner, Dr. John S. Houghnon and others leave immediately to hold an inquest and post mo'tcm examination. ??MTEK, S. C, Nov. 22. A 7?>s. marttm examination of the body of Rov. R. E. White was made to day, about 1 o'clock, by Dr Hugh son, at the hou.-c ol Mr. Spencer Davis, nine miles below Sumter, which revealed a gunshot wound just above the left ear. The ball penetrated the brain, making its exit through the opposite parietal bone and producing death in a few minutes. It is supposed that the murderer mistook Mr. White for a gentleman of Clarendon, who took an active part in the interest ol the Democracy in the late campaign. This morning Richard Coleman, a colored man. living five miles below the scene of the murder, was arrested and lodged iu jail, circumstantial evidence being strong against him The funeral services of Mr. White took place at the Baptist Church this j.fler noon -The Baptist State Con vention, now in session at this p lace, attended in a body. Impressive and touching addresses were delivered by Rev A. W. Lairiar and Dr. J.C. Hiden. The body will bd taken on the train tonight, r? route for Spartan burg, the home of the bride of yester day and the widow of to day. Sumter, S. C.j Nov. 2f>. Further developments in the case j of the killing o Re\. R. E. White cause the belief (bat he came to his death by an accidental shot from a rille in the bands of some person a", a distance, the ball ricocheting and striking him ai such an angle as to at first make the impression that the shot was but a lew steps oil*. Richard Coleman has been released. Life! It we die to day, the suu will shine as brightly, the birds will sing as sweetly to morrow. Business will n?>t be suspended a moment, aud the great mass will not bestow a thought upon our memories 'Is he dead ?' will be the solemn inquiry of a few, as they pass to their work. But no one will miss us, execptiu ; out immedi ate c nnections, and in a short time they will forget and laugh as merrily as when we sat beside them. Thus shall we aP, now active iu life, pass away. Our children crowd close be hind us and, they will soon pass away. In a lew years not a living being can say, "I remember him.' He lived iu another age, and did business with those who slumber in the tomb. This is li el How rapidly it passes. The prize for tbo best bale of cot ton exhibited at Paris has been awar ded to Memphis. The same bale re ceived a grand testimonial, as being the best over raised in the world In sixteen months Toxaa has exe cuted eight murderers aud two com mitted suicide m their cells, while Judge Lynch has also douosomo good work oil the froutier. iiiimii ? - ? a?mi i The latest utilization ofpapor is lor artificial teeth, specimens of which were exhibited at tbo recent papor exhibition at Bciliu. The} arc said to he singularly durable. A Tcxarkana lady i.s the mother of twenty tliroe children?nil alive. The total number of students now at Yale College is 1,022. A Wilkes county, (la., farmer has dug a n eighteen-pound potato. In Georgia many marriages are postponed until the price of cotton ri scs. The pigeon roosts, of Forrest couuty Pa., netted the huutcr.s about 38000. General Hcauregard is haul at work upon a book of recollections ot the late war. During the past year New Jersey spent $1,972,632 on *her public schools. Even bets arc being made in Lond on that England and Russia will bo engaged in war in less than one year. A waltzing girl is like an elegant, quotation, because she is going the r >und* of the press. In round numbers we have now 110,000 post offices, and tliev t'.rc in creasing at the rate of about 1,0 JO a year. There are 1,289 convicts in tho Georgia penitentiary. The receipts from the hire of the convicts is 314, 000, Up to date the cotton exports from Galveston, Texas, have been 105.575 bales, against 54,214 for sam ) period last year. The Paris Exposition .was finally dosed at five o'clock on the after noon of the 10:Ii inst. The receipts, since the opening, were 32,530,740. The 0 liiinbus Sentinel says the May or of Cairo passed over a hundred trampa into Kentucky Wednesday. Tney informed him that there were tea thousand ou their way South. The American AgrieuUu'ist suggests that some dog-faue'vr could. niAfcfi ft.-* handsome sum by giving his atten tion to the raising and training of Shepherd/logs. Alabama has an Anti-Equcstri&tt Society, based on the belief that hor ses were never made to carry burdens on their backs, and it i* extremely cruel to ride them; "The strongest propensity iu a woman's nature," says a careful stu dent of the sex, "is to waut to know what is going on; and the next thing is to hi sa the job." North Carolina has for some years been shipping cotton seed oil to Italy, in a clarified state, where it ia used in place of the more expensive olive oil. It has of late b^gtin shipping pe aini t oil. While in the ring at the Fair on Wednesday a week ago, a single buggy driven by Mr. Elijah Hugos was accidontly upset falling upon the driver, and the horse, rolling over, broke the shafts. Fortunately no injury was received by either driver or horse. Ex-Judge and cx-Solicitor Wig gins was arrested at Hlackville on Wednesday a week ago, charged with malpractice as solicitor in 1875, in taking a bribe of fifty dollars to com promise a case of graut! larceny. Thecoustabie had to make a show of force before he would leave the train upon which he was arrested. The notorious negro Probate Judge of Sumter, Sam Lee, has been arres ted for not keeping his office open. Ample time was allowed him to pro cure bail, but : sscrtiiig that ho was not amenable to the process of a trial justici 's court, he refused to give the usual sum of 3500. The sherifVlodg c I the prisioner in he county jail. Among the appropriations for domestic missions made by the M", E. Missionary Society in New York are the following: Mississippi 36,500, Tennessee 32.500, Texas 2.500, Vir gina 35,500, Ncrth Carolina 85,000, Western Texas $3,000, Savannah 33,000, South Carolina 37,000. A motion to appropriate 310,000 for the dissemination of missionary intelli gence, half of which to bo used for the publication of a monthly magazine was voted down.