Hampton and the "Outrages.'' The Governor Replies toSwails and Commits the Case to the Circuit Solicitor. Swails, it will be remembered, wrote to Governor Hampton touchiug the conduct of the Williamsburg Rod shirts. His complaint, was that when bo was returning home from a moot ing In the country he was suddenly Burrouuded by a largo n*'*ubcr of horsemen, wearing rod shirts and act ing generally in an improper manner, and after some minutes elapsed, in response to his own inquiry, the lead er of the Red-shirts iu formed him tha t he was under arrest. In this manner be was carried into the town of Jving slrce, and on arriving there ho called upon Trial Justice Steele for protec tion, but that oilicer failed to givo him satisfaction. At a subsequent date he was notified by adclcga lion .??? white citizens that he imi.-l h ave tin county and not return on peril of ids life. The reply of Governor I lampton is as follows : E.\ Ken t VE ( 'llAMKKIt, Columbia, S. C, October 24, 1878. Sir: Owing to absence of some daye from my office, i did not receive youi letter until a day or two since, and this accounts lor my delay in re plying. While I deprecate all a Is of vio lence, and am always willing to exert proper authority in maintaining the laws, you must recognize that I have no power to exercise judicial authori ty, nor to lake cognizance of such of fences as fall under the jurisdiction of legal tribunals. If the facts you state arc correct, the parlies who stopped and arrested you on the public high way were guilty of a grave olFeucc, and it is ycur duty to have them in dieted. The courts are open to all citizens, and all can secure justice bo- j fore them. The only matter that I can with propriety net upon is the charge made against Trial Justice Steele, and this shall be fully investi gated. All my ellbrls during this canvass have been used to promote harmony and preserve the peace. If there should occur any public disturb ance where I could properly act, all the authority of my office shall be used to quell it, and to give full pro tection to all citizens of the State. I have no sympathy with lawless ness of any sort, nor with those who seek to produce discord between the two races. mmwf Respectfully yours Wade Hampton, P. S,?In justice to Trial Justice Steele, I ask that you prefer specific charges against him. In the moau timn I refer your letter to Solicitor Hirsch,requesting him to investigate the whole matter and to report to mo. You can communicato with him. W. H. At tho same timo Governor Hamp ton wrote to Mr. Hirsch, the circuit solicitor, u Republican, as follows : Ex ecutiv 13 Oil A M beb, Columbia, S. C, October 24, 1873. My Dear &ir: 1 feel it to be my duly to lay the enclosed papers before you as solicitor, so that you may give them a full investigation, and I am assured that you w ill take all proper stops to see that justice is done to all parties. If any wrong has been com mitted, the courts are the proper tri bunals for their redress, and the com plaints should properly come before you. 1 beg you to report the result of your investigation to me. Very respectfully yours, A\'ai>i: Hampton, Governor. ]M. J. Hirsch, Esq., Solicitor, S. C. Only One Box. "We understand that there is some doubt as to the number of 1) >xcs to be opened at each election precinct, and also as lo the hours for opening and closing the polls. The printed cir culars of the Election law sent to each County Chairman, and also to the Commissioners and .Managers of Kloo tion, direct that there, .shall be but ont box at each f lection precinct, and that the poll* shall be opened at m'.i hi (In morniiii/ ami close at six in the < vi n ivy* This is the law. Papers through out the Stale arc requested to copy.? Nctes ami CJoitrier, "You will observe," said the host, as he showed a visitor through the house, "you will observe that we have .. ; ?'? -n, rl i .mo ud to sec you live on the double-entry plan.' BY FRANTZ BKIGGMANN The T^ublic to Know That I have on hand and will continue; to receivo the Freshest and Best Family ColfOGCFiCS l'mt can 'JU purchased consisting in part of Flour, Grists, Molases, Seo Foam, Bacon, Meal, Butter, tiorsfords, Rice, Collie, Tea, Vinegar, Hams, Sugar, Soda, Soap, Lard, Syrup Mackerel, Starch. AZiSO Canned Salmon, Turkey, Sardines, " Mackerel, Chicken, Chow Chow, " Oysters, Ham, Tickles, " Lobsters, ? Beef, Jellies, &c. 1 have now hand and will continue to keep a well selected .stock of l-Iavtl, Wood, Willow, < -1? 52 JfJL?JM TAIIUJN MB 0. M. STONE & CO., AUGUST A, OA. GENERAL AGENTS lor GULLETTS IMPROVED LIGHT DRAFT COTTON GIN, (made by 15. 1 >. (it llctt, the Patentee.) t.]AKM ENGINES, every Style, for Threshing, Ginning, &c. LARGE ENGINES, SAW MILLS, OKA IN SEPARATORS, THRESHERS, COTTON PRFSSKs,, CORN AND WHEAT MILLS witli Fixtures, ifce. Wo make Estimates on Machinery Delivered at any Railroad Depot. Prices LOW. TERMS LIBERAL. Every Machine warranted as represented. CiivMi'ars and Estimates furnished on application. Address. O. M. STONE & CO. i<>-n ii.. 1878s August 14th. 1878. JAS. F. IZLAR, I'fcrintiffs Attorney* aug 17 td Solicitor's Office, W. W. Sr.i.r.ms, Mario*. S. C. Dec. 22. 1877. Siems. A. F. Merril <{? Co., Philadelphia, Pa.: Gentlemen?Some three years ago I trau taken with ?something like asthma. Tbcat tacks at first came at night, and whilM asleep. It would awake me, and I wonld have to get up and sit up till it would wear off. These attacks became more and more frequent, and inercaspd more and more in violence until the npringof 1876, whea tk?y became alarming. I had to ait up mail of the nights, could not breath* in nay elks* position, and not in a ?Otting poai.ioa vitfct out very painful difficulty. Jtwaa atlaadod with a very had cough. The ex pectoratieae were of a white frothy character and vary tough 1 became very weak and feeble. My physician did what he could, but to lit tle purpose. If he knew what ailed me, he kept it concealed from inc. I, however, was satisfied that the dread disease of coiwuup turn was fast Retting in upon my lungs,? Providentially I saw the recommendat'on of the lion. AlexJH. Stephens of the Glebe Flower Svrup, and having known him for years, and also of his physical infirmities, I determined to make a trial of the Syrup. I bought a hottle and commenced taking it as per directions. I felt a sensation of relief after the first dose (taken at night,) but had to get up before day and sit up as usual. I continued to take through the next day as directed anil at night before retiring. I have not hol to get up since* I continued to take it regularly until I took three bot tles. The cough gradually subsided, breathing became clear and easy, and for twelvemonths I have been in perfect health ?no cough, no tiflththetic aflection, and I cheerfully attribute my cure to the use ot the Globe Flower Sprup, and would recom mend it to all similarly atllicted. My official and professional labors are particu larly straining to the lungs, but I am per fectly sound and well, and have no symp tom- of any lung disease. I keep some of the Syrup on hand, and perhaps once a month take a doge of it, which I think keeps the lungs vigorous and healthy. 1 have been thinking for some time that I would add my testimony to the virtues of the Globe Flower Syrup, and now take oc casion to do so; and if you can make any use of the above so as to benefit the unfier ing everywhere, you are at liberty to do bo Respectfully yours, W. W. SELLERS, Solicitor4th Judicial Circuitin S.O.