dentisty DR, It. F. MUCKKXFUSS lias moved I?h Oflice over Riorc of Win. \sj|. coek, formerly occupied by Dr. Ecrsncr where ho will bo glail to nerve Iii-; friends on the most reasonable terms. DK. B. F. MUCK ENFUSS, Dentis, sept 23 Id INSXJIII2 V< YUR aiN 1 tOUSES. The "WESTERN ASSURANCE'.' IN SURANCE CO. of Toronto, Canada, will write n limited number of EISES on (;tN HOUSES und CON 'ENTS. Apply JOHN A. aam1ltox, sept 21 ? Im Ii, tu ne ? Agent. Iii hereby given that Application will be made at the next Session of the (Icncral Assembly of So. Ca. loi a .-ncwal of Charter of the Executive Commit!* ?? of the Oranu. S. W. REALM Elfin N, sept 14 Sc -i clary. carriages, |vi;c(nte A N S > w a a ? k s rtif B;- ;:v..vr. ATTENTION to my bushier of Anil will guarantee, that my wi i in ib< future shall be a-- COO 1.1 a, iii ihe i . ... years that I have been in the li i> iu< ? 1 have K l'IM'Ci:? 317.' V KICKS To SUIT the TIM ES, .u .5 on me 1 will guarantee that inj . .. Work will give full S \'i I." T V i .. ' .. I am now prepared to niaiiti1':! . '.. celebrated DKXTIC15 SVli2A\::V" !ii liaml i!<'.~'!' \\ ' '< 1' a ? ! WALNUT" BUm AT, < ' \HES Of ?11 Hise.-s. Ci\, i,.-- ii e: I. t.lM -pt r.i lb; L S. v. ?.|f. Kr.i ???? ? .1 ? : . ovrr E>.t ivicl'c St,i .? \. !i r :. . .. to execute wc.k ? rn ftrJee, at i.!ior: u . ? *? .-.-a . . : oiiuhh: ] n it c ?"?' 1 at the sit >;;:. < ijf BS 2S. Ii H it ^ si'.: tii:-.-- i C i *. AT t? 53 FOREST CirYIFOUKi: . a:m? l^jGEO. 11. LOM HA iii) i 0., ?vvvfay. .IVA. ENG1NES, COTTON SCEEV..-, M1LI ?tJKAItl.Nfi And Machinery oil' Kinds Mail paired, oct 27 1 /~?Wnt< ln- ':it'>:7. IT cvnl %?????' \fy\ 12.60. Ovci itwil-:. i apr'l 27 IF O XX H? horst amd cattll P?\Vi F VMM Vft nORRCWlU t!l' \ t. ..; may ] 1 >77 PRESCRIPTiON FREE! TOrtw'Kiuri'ily t'nroofhi'iiiliml ? r.tnnhiiK.f anil nil (URorilOra hl Hl ' i i?u ??>' In cretlOll or cxi r-s. Ali". I in.. , -t I. . '. itpntn. l>r. W. JAltUKM A ???.. No. i m .V?-Hl KUIIl Nlr< <-i. ClllCllltintl, O. .ijir'l 27 1 v REV. J. P. LUDLOW, WRITES; lVttliALTic KniEr.T, Brooklyn, N. v.. Nor., 14, 1874. II. II. BTEVKNR, IC^Q. Vftir Sir,? From poraOIMl lioncflt rf-oirml by 1^ anit, no null im from pataoaat knowledge of t!w-al many ditleront medicines, Imt uono id thom i nltihtc, und hnd no npueMto, ninco Inking tho Vkuktinr Irootwcll, nml ri'lmli my food. Uan racoiumetid i!i" VKUK riNK for whrt it hau dune fur Vom > i. ?? '!\ .vhp A1.UHHT HlCkKlt, Witness of tho /'Ikivo, Mh. UKOltGE M. VAUGIIAN. BW.I/un], Mob?. VESEYSiE. GOOD FOR THE CHILDREN. Boston Home, HTyi.f.ii Stueet, bobtok, April, 1k0. 11. lt. rtrvenr. Ihar Sir, Wo fool thai tho children In our home have tuton icrcstly tictinfitod by iliu Veuetini yon have m kindly given nn from Inno tu t?uo, especially linjjo troubled witL Si mftiln With looiiet-i. Mus, N \vOKMBLL, M&troa. REV. O. T. WALKER, SAYS : Piiovidf.nce, it. I., 1C4Tj;anmt Street. ii R. Rtkvf.nh, r.-v I fiv! hound t.< i iprs n v my signature tho high valuu I iilaettuiHtn your Vkoetihk. Myfauiltj have lined ii fur the loot two yearn. In nurvoiia debility it Is itiTaluablo, and 1 recommend it in ?Ii wUo may need an invigorating, renovating tonic. i). T. \> .\i.K RR; Formurl} Pcstox of Bowdobi-suuaru ,.L,...-t'i;> Hosten ? ? VEQETIME. I NOTHING EQUAL TO IT. boutu B.vlem, Mabb., Nov. 14, lSTil tin. n. R, Stevens. hear Sir.?-1 have liooo troubled with Srr'ifu'r?. Canker, ntui I.ivei < lomplnint Ii r threi >? irn. Not hing (?vor diu mo any it.I until I cimitutuiced using tho Vi iktine. I am now ironing ?long iliat-rat?, rml ?tili using I in* V'XUKTIXK. i < ? :. ?? lei III.Is tint hing ?>-.tiVe of jnnr Vi:uKTiNK,?nd ... ni-otl it I? a vulunblo rotuody for UyBooiisl... Ki.1 idj ' omii!aint, and Ueueml 1)?. l>iliiy;it tnobyntetn I can lionnlly rocoratuuad it to ..5ii-^-^:u?._:-?w-?.,. ^ ?? !i_^ \uu. rz~i,. Mna. MUNROE PARKER, VECETINE l'reimr,") hy U. K. STEVENS, lJoston, Mnsa. Vegeiine is Sold by all Druggists itjnii It", f \ ) !> .. t ? , i '..?? i:.' U U -ij ? v : . -ic.izr.. tti?iitri?t. (:.. ::?.??iW-^-.Z/iJ -2c i.:?u'it?. iV'.o. Wfs'i M< i - .'. . ?? . :.??.!?. I;, i>- . t, .,,t rf-thc ? In t'..- \v i i . . . . I" mx ii.??<-t ?.....-, ji. ;;? :>...; -l.i..; : -.| 1 he s*H . ;,v OIF ri\fi.ti'.in\cir. ?? hft PSr ?TS iViEDICALAOVlSEtl It.i V.< ti 'l-.U'ir -.?I iMl.-.n.rn*i|.sli ii..trrl?iUifi ?B^i AGENTS WANTED FOR THE if. < , ? ; rr: r?ik^ ..' - '? ? p ?~ v r. ?;- / ? ? , :?-|?! U ... ... j ? . .-..v;-%-:r?;^H ?./?? . . . ; i ..* . rwtaRwajA Li ?-. ? i.i'-'.'iOiS.r-UAW-. i. f.;.c.--\ ^...Tt fl-AJMP^?s??;i J;VLivg?sit??CU . ftv ;:V:^iA7^ J't'i !i -ii I.'ii. 2'.\:irout>, New \'orkx I y T.? Iv l^ N'OTI ( no. iii.?'.??: ' , ii ; i [i(!fifully iiif tho '' ?'< .:.; ?il ilk' 'i'??<.? ftiijl ( i.iiiity tiiat lit' :.> | ; i judo liji hliil jjiiiVo M.itnv-"ii 11; (? ? 11 ? i;'. i '? l Af<0 \sill cbitdunl ij'ri UjmnU'ti i v tin !!ii--... I'rii. : w? H lit its I'.iw i'??o ' '.; in 1 JOHN OUCIKN. tf r.'<<- IWmnij i I r.- ItMli tulnrf. /ffl^oOs Bnrhn.ivi'fi Infallible (;, f \PILE epssEi V 1 ? / ? .iirr.l It t'i? \ 14> Dirhaaii:9CatJC3.,DMh?si,lT.e. V'1,. MARK- ,. '& Itiimrf^llito enre il^Mwrhoidh Vi'-Co ,VP > " I "" ??'?"> ?? ?>"* l "?*'l'l?. SKiM" l'rtr? l.l.t boil l?io? Sil? italluiuu'al, ^il_iv... ,..( iv lu!^IU;ii!ou*vili' i'j V? Q WortMuKUorbici no Co.. anlal^' iu?r'l '? i yi IV. U l E \ T IM 4 SSO dl* HUMAN MIS!'UV. .7i t Putiitlout in a S-.i',-! Envelopc. 7 V - m'i mi/A ' . \ V.vvttzsrvi ort IHft IVa . .'-dir * '?' . '.?i -mi. .i.i l ?adtca! I . . . ?? cidv i.: 'inin.i 1 VVeakiu1*!-, or Sperniatorrh''' ??l:tiri::.-c j j . ? l - -1: v; in ?!??;?? i."t. EpWcp'V, rl j ! : . Vl. t .im : . - (j i itv- .V.-. - j !?;. i! >i Mir .i. - t i.\ Kli^.vi i>.. j ii ??! !l. '?' i.eell ,\.: ; i J:. WMiltl renowned author, in this :??!? | '? jr.l ? !..??!..: ?. cicarly pr:>v?-H lv um hi- j ??? !? *" ih ?! '.lie nwlul i'itu sv'jii!'H?V'< j ? f Siecl|-.ll!\ ? ?:?:..?.???.! v hl ?? :( 'i. ii, . ;!inl withi .:! Im ii?'i> tiijv him ? ?cheaply. pri.-.iio '?? !.?????<>;? ii.Ul prot-? ii hm? l? .-; r in a |?!:'' ? . |v w i! |\\\f \ nr nrrnn n i.y Ui & Sit ii iJL'^T OiMvNEl) ?N*h DOOU ?:ast ok Sir. A. <'. list b <-*s OrUK Ktarv, i s v J\ G CA.XOX > . ' ?v__^^-o . ! ! LLaiul CDM t> . ? < re^iHy a-tM^oiM, ^ '^.-..r.^ And SiKUtisss Cm? i-.. '. ??! . v ry des ?! ip'.i? ? 11 , i i iitil's us' Bt?'p:sit*iii;'; i ?? ih<. ii--.-; inti. ?? t<> (?uns, l'irlols. i.. . :. , i*:iihtiil!:irk ... n-';iii aial [ii it'<". . ? hl;iii}; mi' input's iV>r.]>a>? iiitiiiiif.*' (kf th? m.iiuv ii: imiii'L'i 1'. <jVA-i.-i I?j }. Dstiddi ia' i ,ii I.S7I hy ih? i'r.>j?;-i Ii i-. \\!m -ii'l It'iidv ?tiid williiig !(> iiii ?>i ifr- in SiII c, \\ \A,-, 1'S LS ( .? a k i : s ?):" li.ifviij ii. ns. ? y ?!.. i?UUkiji i>r liOX. B R Ii: A 1) !'. t,innpi.\!?'ctiug!" or any utltor kind *'f M? ??:ill;. '. J|Im rco ivcl i-'ro^h < on r?r. .1. I'. Ilarley. SlIl-KiDA IST'S Male ^cbioo'i The ]?] x < j i c isi .-" ?f 'his S('1k >< >1 w i. I he roiuned at ihe Ftdr Jtnildiug on lite I i: t Monday in Fepleinher next. TFRMS PlR MONTH l-i Grade, Itcginner.?.$2 (Hl 2d " Uraiiiiiiar l'iipils. 'J ?iO :.d " A lv?neeI Knglish. :? 00 ! ?(in and (?reck ?>" cents extra, each, hoard in i m ' li' nt lainilii s, near the School liooin.-! may he obtained at ."r-l<> ami 1 - per month. !'! \~ School is designed to 1m-a Permanent Institution of Orangi burg, and with i\ libo r.d patronage the i'rincipal will muko it'? eontplete siiccchs, HUOO fi. I^TIKIUPAN, fing 10 l'riucipab r?'xcc a tor's Sale. 1 liy virtu- ef iin order of the 1'robatc ', ;". art nf (>rr.igcburg t'ounty, I will sell at J ihe late Kesidcnce of Kmannol A. I'airey ! deceased, en the l ">ili day of October 1S7S, j all the personal properly belonging lo said I ?leccased, euiisislinl; of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, ""u--, Household and Kileheu Kuiiiture, i'.eaper.and Mower, and .ither fanning utensils, am' Manurers, and i other goods and chattier usually found un a ! well stocked plantation. Tenns Cash. No ! article tu h? removed until paid for. I* NY. r'AlCKY, Kx ecu l or. Beptenibvr 2*<, 1878. ,'5t rtHw iltako Money lMifiiHiinllj' 1 mid fafll,iigcutit fdiould address h'IN LEY HAUVliY & Co., Atlanta, Ga nine 1 lv Tho Northern Radicals uro try in g vry hard to prove that nothing is constitutional, or gootl Ibrtho coun try, except Radical doctrine, Rulical policy and Radica! onactmoots. Truly they cannot hope that our people both* North an 1 South hav s !org<>tleu so soon tho peculiar "1* t ii.- have peace" of Grant, or honesty of Colins no t Buhcock, or iho justice id'llie ICIeut?ral Comiui s.sion; nor ca'u they beliel'o that the late .Southern Policy of l^residoni Hayes, has .so b?udeil t iio eyas of the country, us :;-.( to sec the intent of the rooiin t Aiabauia i>id South Carolina ord sr of Mr. OoYCtis. Two yonr.s hence will pro vi; udiether Had tea! tlceopi.ion has a f;i'ei?eJ' inllueneo over A n ri can minds inran l.)cinci:is, From every poll, Ah.iiomrh ibev erv, siraiirhtoiit. ltlit HOW, lie's jroll , a r filial I - ,.::!? >i '?, lie oliee did wear An o'tl hlue coat, AH buttoned <1"\\n he/ore. 0. And when be left, lie toid iin all, That lie], won Id soon return, I ml ncary sight We ever Lot Of Dan'? bald head again. HeaUotohl I idearest friend*, The climates most too hoi, i'll pi iiji North, And then i onic back, And help yon cook your pot. S. I'.nt neary timo Hid 1 'an eoiue hack, For 'twould not d<>, you seo, lie knew wo all Were on his track, And there he'd rather be. 0. The reason v. by lie ne'er came hack, His hair was very thin. I le feared the beam.*, i If Carolina's Hon, Would strike him with a vim, li?. ?Tis said the eaglo Of old lalgoliehl, Once pounced down on his head, And scared the place, IMain to be ween. Where \er"dn oft have fe^ U, liyl res; assured Sweet Il0ne>t Dan, -. iitc day we'll call lor diet, And cage you wife, Where you can pound The ricks ofOongareo. 12. And if we fail To c,ct you Dan, T\ie devil surely will, He'll take you home And sit you down, \ I hid you now be still. Ilk And when the day Of reckoning eoinea l'or all the thieves he'll call, And when he conies To you sweet Dan, He'll crown you thief of all, Hon. Robert Aldrich. a ineinbcr of the bi>t Legislature, has written a letter to the people of Darn well act ting forth some of the rcusons ?>f big fuiluic to obtain a nomination at the ; recent County Convention. The eareer of Mr. A Ulrich, in the trvuiir and cveiilfu| term of the hwl Legisla- I tuiv, ii known througho it thu Sta! e as a most prominent one ul I b ? j inrclui in exoNdsiug the f'r 11:!?i *? * t, > | easi Wh ballot for merit?for lb ? .a an who is able to serve his e nisi im m : y to the best advantage tu?: tJ >u:i: /. , No personal oonsidoraf.i ni, oith ir o f ' prejudice or iavoititi.mi, shun Id : >n trol in tiii- matter; hut thci exigencies of tin* times ami the importance ot ihe work to be doli", should direct the choice '>!" the candidite. Our whole country w uihl b ! heller oil* to day were IIiis ruh- the guide of every v i i i?on. [Written lor tlie (>ri,,,*;,'biiryTimms.] Kusieal Delusions. 1SY L'lvSTKI.I.R. [Continued from !?/ add not. wish a more dismissal. Leila dear, she was ton sharp fur us, and since .-ho bus played the Una to our /'/('-/? with such a sudden eradi, I -up |> I must say adieu !?till wo meet again," hu adde I I'm* hoi car alone. Bowing low, he withdrew with mi ni Hied brow, while Leila could say nothing for laughing. Bang con ? siderably annoyed by such exasper atiug coolness when b!io cxpcc'eJ tears, expostulation, or angjr. Mrs. Curvin left without giving the lae ture intended, postponing it till a more friv?rable Opportunity; liut -he went out tlie next day,and en gaged the services of Prote&or B.ier, "a snuffy old gernian," as the young lady pronounced him on lirst sight, and who, indeed, was far from being attractive. A tall tonn, with a decided stoop in the shoulder.*, hideous masses of hair, shaggy brown, and a rough, bristly black beard that entirely concealed the lower part of his face, made his per sonal appearance anything hut agree able, lie wore seedy black, talked with the nasal twang, was very ab rupt in his manner to Mis. Curvin, and scolded, and found fault with Leila continually, so that she wu j not altogether so happy as she might have been. IV. When Wilbur lett Mrs. Curvin'.9, he proceeded gaily down street, swinging the mustache in one hand, anil in the other, a eury wig. ami be fore night, everybody in town was laughing over his experience. Not withstanding the wickedness of dis obedience to a parents command, the fortunate youth only received the more sympathy, and aoou laid nuuth or scheme tor accomplishing' Sis pur- . pose. Meanwhile, he froqnoiitly met .Mrs. Curvin on th.e street, bill p ?or Leila bad a constant watch over her (pavements, and never went out with out a body guard. Onoo Wilbur had approached her mother and inquired how she was pleased with l\ >r now teacher, Professor Bear, but the la dy merely gave him a withering look of contempt for a reply. The popular tasto seems to view indulgently, conduct just a little wicked, so (hat, while Mr Duallau won hont? of friends,not many sympa" thized with tho cruel mother besides a few matrons and Miss Perkins, who would sometimes drop in while her cross teacher was tormenting Leila, and aller his departure, tell her how Well Wilbur looked last afternoon, and then comment on hor pale fea tures, which pallor existed only in Miss Perkins' malicious imagination; for, though Buer was a nuisance, yet, leeliug confident that her lover would certainly not rcliuquis h his purpose, she enjoyed life fully as much as any other cheerful, light-hearted ) ousg lady. One morning, Mrs. Curvia was summoned to meet Professor .Baer, who, aft( r Ilia usual harangue about the idleness) and stupidity of bis pupil, informed her that,unless, -MissCur vin had an ear cultivated for music, .she would never make a performer, that, therefore, .she should hear a lino musician occasionally and thus ac.piire a corect taste; a distinguished performer was to give an entertain ment in town the following afternoon, r.nd her daughter must attend, '?Impossible, si:- for 1 and her inther have an important eugagsmeut lo-morrnw, and. us you probably know, i <1>> not allow im daughter to go ohi clone, or p.vth with bor friends. ' "Jiut," growled he,''she must go, or 1 won't undertake to teach her any longer, that's all!" *T would be very glad to comply with your request, Pr dessor but wo .1. i.?? ? i ilCUOIUpilllj im i. He muttered something about somebody "being si plague/1 then suapped out, that be supposed bo could bo bothered with her for once, though he would not do so again under any circumstauce*. Although the proposition met with bitter disapproval from Leila, she had to go, but bow her cheeks burned with mortification nssbc walked the sliecis with this horrid creature and met the laughing glance of her ac quaintances. Never did the music ball seem oo far, nor an entertainment so dull and tedious, and when, as they descended the steps, be callod a car riage, she felt it such a relief to hide her face from the public. Presently the vehicle rolled over a bridge, aud she reulized with a start, that they were going in an opposite direction from her home. With a question on her Jips, she tinned to her companion, who wju looking outths window with_ stolid indifference, which be did not cast aside as he replied. ?' W here are we going ?'? "To the minister I" "What minister? Why?"' she asked in amazement. "To be married," he answered fro^n inyiy. "I did not thiok it necessary to ask you: your mother trusted you to my care this afternoon, and why not for life ? " An indescribable horror came over her, but with frenzied instinct she called to the driver, who obeyed, but ns her hand was on the door, ho drew ber back and shouted to the man : "I will murder, if you ;do not ge on." "Odiou* wretch 1" was all ?he could ejaculate, and sank back in a torrlfl ed stupor. He gazed a moment oa her trembling form, aud then came the famil iar laugh she knew ao well. Tossing his lissutc appendages aside, he said as he kissed the blushing cheek : "I thought my little sweetheart Would recognize this "odious wretch'' even in the jungles of India What would be left to tho reader's imagination it we described Mrs, Curviu's emotion as she reflected on the ele ancc and exclusiveuosa of employing a private tutor? [concluded.] Knnkakce law a justice who beats; them all in tho way of doing up a j oh of matrimonial splicing with neat* ness ami dispatch. This is bb formula) "Havo'er?" "Yes." '"Have 'im?" "Yes." "Married, $2 " -? ? m- - Tho Scientific American calls atten tion to the neglected flax und linen industry of America?a new field; awaiting tlvo employment of labor, capital ami inventive talon*. Forty years ago nearly every farmer in the country knew how to raise nnd pre* pare flax for domestic use.