tCHURCH DIRECTOR-Y. Methodist?Rev. W. S. Richardson I'bb r. Services every Sunday morning 10:30, jght 8:30. Sunday School K:30. Prayer feeling "Wednesday Evening n:30. Chil ren'8 meeting every third Sunday. Pbesbyteuia*?Rev. J. D. A. Brown, Pantor. Services every Sunday morning 10:30 und afternoon '1:30. Sunday School 8:30. Prayer meeting every Thursday af ternoon 4:30. : BxrrisT?Rev. T. W. Mellichnnip, Pas tor. Services every third and fourth Sun day morning 10:30, night 8:30. Sunday Sehool every Sunday morning 8:30. Sun day School Misaioncry Meeting every fourth Sunday. Episcopal?Rev. L. G.Guerry, Pastor. Services third Sunday in each inonlh Morning 10:30, afternoon 4:30. Lutheran?Rev. Wingnrd, Pastor. Ser vices Second Sunday in euch mouth. Morn ing 10.30, night 8,30. Sunday School every Sunday morning S:30. Y. M. C A.? Rooms on Russell Street. Open every evening in the week from S:30 to 10:30. Prayer meeting every Thursday evoning at S:30 and Sunday afternoon* at 6 o'clock PuHincPs meetings fourth Thurs day in each month. Month Carolina Railroad. office uouu8 at OltAKOKUUKO DKPOT. From 8 o'clok A. 1 I*. M. From 2 o'clock P. M. to 51 P. M. Goods received and delivered only during ofliee hours. Passenger Schedule s. I. Uailroad. 1>ay train. Columbia Up Passenger, (Morningl.8 21 *' Down " (Kvening).? 8 -13 ACCOMMODATION Tit A IN. Columbia Down.'0 1(1 Up. 2 21 NIOIIT TU A IN. Columbia Up. ?"? 10 " Down. 11 13 T O C A Ij Some friends are disposed to bin in ns for pruning. We will say in here that the Timks is no wind mill If you have fresh rye seed for sale call on A. Irischer who wants several hundred bushels. "Wc direct the. attention of our readers to the advertisement ot W. Jd. Sain, in this issue. -?IT- . ? Our neighbor, liianchvillc, is put ting herself in order. Need streets, active merchants and brisk in lo in dicate thrift and pro p >ril y. A meeting of the Orange Ihise Ball Club will be held to-night at Luginc Hall. A full attendance i-> required as business of importance will be transacted. Ry urdAN. Our Baptist iriends at Brunch villc are conducting a protracted meeting in their church, a neat structure with a hell and a nicely in closed yard and quite an ornament to the town. Lost on the Five Chop Road on last Tuesday night a new brass bou id. two loot rule with tin-name of d. ?!. Street on it. The linder will be lib erally rewarded by leaving at ill C Mill of J. Strauss & Co. Wc have been requested to stale that a protracted meeting will bo held at Walnut drove Baptist Church embracing the third Sunday ill September next. Rev. Mr. J. K. Mendenhall, the ICvaugilist, is expeo ted to he present. When everything else has lailod lo give relief in persistent ea scs of Fev er and Ague. Dr. Ilarler's Fever and Ague Specific has clfeclcd a speedy and permanent euro. I\)wic A Morise, wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. (J. We publish in this issue an article from "Critic', which will be the last from him in the Ti.mi:sj Wc cannot, publish personalities ami are loth to publish allusion we do not under stand Yet "Critic" thinks him ?elf aggrieved and claims a hearing. Here alter no articlo of this kind \y ill bo published in tho Times Tho McMaster building is boiug Iressud up in a business liko cos Uitno and with tho neatly arranged ;toro of Messrs Loryea & Sbrouturo gives life und activity to that por lion of our enterprising little city. Ihn'. T. W. Molliehnnip, assisted by J.K. Mcndeuhall, will conunenco a revival meeting in the Baptist Church of this place to-night, com mencing at 8:30, and continuing through the Sabbath, and the new oriees. ami norsnns in o.>.? I n! go?:?!*?! 'an ily su| plit - will do well to call at Mr. Hull's -toro. W< learn mat liranchville fowii i-hip carried the l:i.?| t led i n hy a strong pull and all toge her. a . I w understand that her citizens a e de termined tu earrv it again for Demo craev and w ill it<> it. Lot every township be as determined and wo shall roll up a glorious record for our county in November next. - .?i?ai' ? ?? ? ^u.-.- - Mr. Carter of St.. Matthews, while passing over Pour Hole- swamp bridge on the Five Notch I load, was furiously attacked by a cat squirrel. W e have had in our county mad dogs, mail hogs and mad cows but this is the fust case oi'a mad squirrel ol which we have heard. The little animal was killed. '1 lie season lor ginning is fast ap pioaching and our friends wdio 111113 net d a good and reliable gin are re minded that, such a machine can he bought of Mr. J. A. Hamilton, on Kussel I Street; a?SO other appliances necessary for a complete outfit Ghe him a call and find out prices before going elsewhere. '.'(^titck sales and small profits" is Mr A Fi.-chers motto ami lie sticks to it. "'1 ho best goods at bottom prices" may be the people's motto and can be kept by calling at Mr Fischers store where a select stock of groceries, crockery ware ttc; may ho found. Remember the sampling room is in rear of store when you call ? -*- ? Quite a disturbance occurred be tween the colored people of Ihe dif ferent churches at the baptizing on Wednesday evening. The Mayor found it necessary to send a police man down to preserve order.. One of the red icu Inns features of the occa sion was the prophecy ol the minister of the eiirly death of an innocent dog, because he was so rude as to jump into the water during the ceremony. For shame ! We learn that quite an excite ment prevails on the line of our rail road amoi.o Int.11 owners. It appears t i at many pa r . ? nav. > ui^iil and paid lor lot - oi miid Iro n : he cmi pany and an now in danger of to .-ing their bonos, I? 1 uuso of morl gages existing on nil rail road pro perty. Surely some means can o devised to prevent the suffering such a misfortune would entail 11 p in a people. We were pleased to salute Mr. lie ry Ivohn on tho street after a return home from a visil to his family in Georgia. Mr. Kohn is one North to purchase a stock of dry go ids and notions, which ho knows so well how to select, for the wants of our citizens, lie will open in a week or two at the store now occupied by Captain J. A. Hamilton. Bail Road courtesies oxtouded to ministers in (ho shape of reduced tickets should not ho abused by ihem lor .political purposes. Wo bear such has been the case with :i otdor od ninn to such au extent as to call forth action on tho purtoi Mr. Ligoil agent at Branch villo. Such conduct is a violation of confidence sind the courtesy should cease. Attention is directed to the chad ;o in the advertisement of Joseph Kros in this issue. Confectionary, home made candies and all article:-, in his line arc reduced to bottom pi ices to meet the wants of the people and the progre * ol the age. Mr. Ifiroa is a breasi with the forum ?st au.I is de - termincd lo remain there. Call on him and be re freshed. We learn thai Mr. dohn Dnnuer, purchasing clerk of Mr. tioo. 11. Co in l.-uii, is mi a trip North,an I every body understands thai meau>, a well selected stoc* of goad-i in ov cry line to meet the many wants of our enterprising community, With cotton at a fair price and the stores ul our advertisers lilted with the hesi goods at hotlom price'-, our ci.i /.? us um live ami prosper ohoc more. ??'cc'whni Mr. Fraiitz Briggmah wants. Well, every body can lind what no na tils at Mr. I'riggniun's n lore on Unsaid Street.. The freshest aid l -i groceries, canned good, hard ware, ei-oekor-y, glass, tin. &c; dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, &c, trunks, v di.-es,itc. all at one store? loclte-i and at I he lowest cash prices W hat more can a merchant keep and what more can a man want. advertisement carefully anil give him a call. g ? ^ i i ? i . i ~.. i. :_...... ... i mi.i'i.i \ . 11111 i-f.n uisiltui, lit I 2 o'clock, two persons driving two iiead of cattle down the Stale Road were seen by Ueolfry \\ aimer, w ho iuforin d Mr. Julius .\. Fd words and tailor of the circumstance. They pursued but passed the parties about .'! miles below McCants viile without seeing thuin* While looking for tracks with a torch, Rowan Folder saw one of the co ws cross the road with a i.opo lied to her horns- Of course the animal was taken possession of and further acarcli iiisti'utcd for the other cow hut without avail, 'lhcsc circuni stances lead to the concludon that the cows were stolen and the drivers were the thieves Persons missing cattle will do well to read the ad vor tiscment of Mr Julius A Edwards in another column of this issue. The base, bailers of our town met at the I. V. A. F. E. Hall last Sat urday evening for the purpose of re organizing the Orange Base Ball Club, 'i he following oflicers were elected for tho ensuing year : President?15. F, Slater. Vice-President?P. O. Cannon. Sec?W. .J. DcTrevillo, jr. Treats?J. L. licidtman. In the election lor first nine and substitutes, the following were elec ted: P O Cannon, T L Wannama ker, W C Hull, N 11 Bull, J L Wan nan.aker, J Ilolman, C A Schifliey W J DeTreville, P W Bull. Sub stitutes, L II Wannamakcr, W Ij 1/lar, W L Betsill. Committees were appointed to re ceive and make arrangements for the Lewisvi lie and Aikcn clubs. Is'o further business the meeting adjourn ed subject to the call of the Presi dent. The Orange and Palmetto Base Ball Clubs had their final game, on Tuesday evening last with the fol low ing result: Oha no k. N. II. Bull, p. J. 1 loiman, c. W. C. Bull, 1st. 1). P. (?. Cannon, 2 I. b. (i. A. Schifliey, dd, h I I.. \\ annamnkcr, s. s. P. W. Bull, r. f. W. J DeTreville, c f. J. L. Wannamakcr, I. f. 1 otnl Pai.mkitoi?. R. ; lalfy, p. > 1. ( lark, c. F. Felder, 1st. b. Darby, 2d. I). I. Zimmerman, 3d. l\ M. 1 >ant/lcr, n. a. J- Whetstone, r. f. W. Whetstone, c f. J. Cialfy.l. f. R O ;i a 2 2 1 2 o i> 2 1 :i 2 :{ ? 2d 27 R O 't o .? .? 1 5 :3 2 2 3 1 5 1 5 2 2 2 2 2 Total J? 27 In our last Issue thcVbl lowing local appeared : W< understand thai Mr. Styles It. M?lln hump made application for the Aikcn School, and the election <>l' teacher was had on Thursday last. Aikcn is a growing tow n and if M r. MoHiehnnip is the fortunate one, we wish him every success in his now held. We were somewhat surprised to see in the Qtarion of yesterday, a card from Mr. S. It. Mollichamp impeach* ing our motives for inserting it. Now as to the iaets. It is not de nied that Mr, Mollichamp was an applicant lor th< I'rincipaUhip of the Aikcn sch ml; it is not denied that the election of teacher wtis held on Thursday; it i.- not denied that Aikcn is a growing plac?. From all that we could learn we were confident that Mr. Mcllichamp would lu- the choice of the Trustees?and it is fair to presume that as he was an appli cant he would have accepted if he it ad been elected. 'I he appearance of Mr. Melli clAmp's advertisement in the ViUitim on F.iday, a paper which w.Mit to I press4 1'. M.oti Thursday, while the election of teacher euniu o,T on Thursday night?is mi just reason why we should have withheld thu 1 srblicalion of the tact? as they came to us. It ir- apparent from the above thai we are to thank the Trustee-: of the Aikcn Academy for Mr Medi en nip's well considered resolution mo.' to i/o meat/ but to t-tui/ Acre and re open the ()ranjeburg High School. It is not our purpose, a alleged in Mr. M.'s card to organize an npp<>\i fi'iu si/ioof, we propose to ro/npe'. w it !i him in maintaining a High School ?ami doit honorably- We leave the charges preferred again-t the action of the ( of the Hoard ? ?I Trustees ?l' the Agricultural and Mechanical Association tu them to answer?confident that their action will hear the closest scrutiny. We sincerely regret thai any discussion of this character should have arisen, and if the publication ol the local, referred to above, has injured Mr. Mcllichamp's prospects for a school ? SVC are sorry for it ? but Mr. M. has no cue to blame hut. himself. A school is ol public importance?the selection of a teacher is a mattet of public interest?the teacher is a pub lic character ami his movements are proper subjects for news] apcr cont inent. >?-Mr. Joseph Lioryca, of the firm of Lioryea & Sorentruc, (we dislike to be personal) is no novice, The flash of his eye, active gait and business acquirement1] stamp him as a thor ough go-ahead business man. We were glad to meet him because of his new ami original ideas. He proposes to introduce specialities with his gen eral business which do not exist in our section, amongst the others, the great illuminator which does away with chimneys and uses the .same oil ? one lamp answerin r for four, ami suitable foretorcsor private families. The above firm will open this morning with a portion of their stock consisting of dry r/iods, .Arc, the re mainder is yet to arrive. 'J heir motto is "no credit, goods sold dirt cheap, ami a nimble penny is better than a slow shilling." Call and .-ee them, one door below Me Master's brick building. Their ad vertisement will appear in full next week. Dr. Richard Ilu Hand, of But tle Co., Mo., writes: "I have been practicing medicine over twenty years, and 1 must say I nover used anything in my practice equal to Dr. Hatter's Fever ami Ague Specific, I fully indorse it, and say to the public, that as a 'Specific* for Feyer and Ague it has no equal." Dowie ?f- Morisc, wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. Whenever anil Wherever diseases of a choleraic type prevail, or there is cause to apprehend a visit from them, the system sl'cuhl he toned, regulated and reinforced by a course of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Perfect digestion ami a regular In.hit of body an- tin- hist safeguards against such maladies, ami both are secured by this in estimable tonic, ami alterative. The Inner? are also extremely serviceable in remedy ing such disorders. If promptly taken in bilious eolie, diarrlxea and cholera morbus, the disease is usually frustrated. In diar rhoea cases, it is only necessary to restore tho tone of the relaxed bowel.-, ami this is one of the specific effects of this medicine. Wind on the stomach, heartburn, bilious ness, nausea, headache ami other symptoms of disturbance in the gastric and hepatic regions are also speedily relieved by this excellent remedy. As a family medicine it is invaluable,since it promptly ami com pletely remedies those ailments which are >f most frequent occurrence. hiver is King. The Ijiver is llie imperial organ oflhc diole 1111? tan ysh in, ' it control * the litV health and liappintliH of man When it is j IikIiii'lio?I in id proper action, all kindsof ailments ara ihc natural result. Tliudigcs lion of food, die iiiovoiih nl ? of the licarl and blood, iliu action of the bruin ami nervous system, are all immediately connected with thu workings of the Liver. It has been j successfully proved that Cirecn'n August Mower is unequalled in curing all persons idllicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Coin plaint, and all lie- numerous symptoms that residl from an unhealthy condition oflhc Liver ami Stomach. Kample bottles to try, 1U cents. Positively sohl in ail towns on du' Western Continent. Three doseX.will prove that it is jusl what you want. A Kcimukaldc Kesult. It makes no difference how many Physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, it is now an establish ed fact that Cfcrmau Syrup is the only remedy which has given com plete satisfaction i'> severe case-of Lung Diseases. It is true there are vi t thousands of persons who are pre disposed lo Thront and Lung Affec tions, Consumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Severe Colds settled bo the Lbeast, Pneumonia, Win><'ping Cough, Ac., who have iko personal knowledge of liostdiao's Cei'hian Syrup. To I such hi would say that ;">*>,U?J) d >s3ii I were sdd last year w ithout one com plain!. Consumptive-, try just one ' hott!?'. RoiMtlnr size 70 cents. Sohl I i i i ; by all Druggists in Vnieriea. Overtasking Mm Kiuirgios. It is not advisable lor any of us p. oveitask our energies, corporeal Or men ah but in the eager pursuit of ! wealth or fame or knowledge, bow j many I ran gross this salutary rale, i It n u t bo a matter of great imp u I lance to nil who do so to know how j they can regain the vigor so reckless ! ly expended. The remedy is neither costly or diliicult to obta'n Hos teller's stomach bitters is procurable in every city, town and settlement in America, and ii compensates for a diain ol bodily or mental energy moie cfiectually than any invigorant ever .p:e.-rdin:iry. ~y> !) I'KOVISIONS torn.S 7"> Nexs Corn . Pea-. ?? Fodder, per 100 lbs. 75 liotigh ltice. 1.30 "Democratic Convention. ?o? ItOOMS. OF THE DEMOCRATIC EX KCUTIVE COMMITTEE. OltANOKUClUi Countv, Aug. 12,1S7S. CIIICULAH, No. 0. I. A County Convention of the Demo cratic Party 'of Orange burg County is hereby called by a resolution ol the County Democratic Executive Commit tee of the part)*, to meet at Oraugoburg C. IL. South Carolina, on THURSDAY, Hie Pith day of September A. D.. 1878. at 11 o'clock, A. M.. for the purpose of nom inating Five Candidates for the Lower House of Representatives and County of ficers to be voted tor at the approaching election, and for the transaction of such other business as may be lawfully brought before it. ?J. Kcprcsciitalion in this Convention will he one Delegate for each Club, and oneaddiiioiiHl Delegate for every twenty live (*2?) enrolled members. Fractions over twcnfy-tlve w ill not bo entitled to representation. ;>. The several Democratic Clubs throughout the County, will proceed to eU et I lelegates to the County Con vent ion. and it is desirable that at the meetings of the Clubs called for the purpose, there should be a lull attendance. JAMES F. IZLAR, Chairman Democratic Ex. Coin. L. II. Wannamakku, Secretary*. jsr o "w STOP RIGHT HERB! And find out that you can get ? lbs best Rio Coffco for 81. 10 !hs ICxtrn C. Sugar for SL 2f> lbs Fine Family Flour for SI. 8 lbs Pure Leaf Lard for SI. All kinds of fresh CA.TST IM l^D GOO DS Table Salt 20 eta a box. Fresh Pickles, liest Smoking Tobacco. Choicest Cigars, and the Purest and Finest Liquors ever offered in Oraugeburg. .1 AS VAX TASS HI,, Ar*. At Mullcr's Old Stand. 111.11 Id ls;s tf N KW GOODS ! GOOD NEWS!! Theodors Kohn'S :oiiy a o dds Literally given away. GRErl 'EST BAilGAINS V ET ! We de??! re very respect fully te direct at tention to diu an i val of our \ New I): sh (I.ioiIs, N<-\v Dress. Prints, New |) Lawnn, New Dress l'iiplcs, Ham burg Kdgings and ln*crtiom?, rang ing from 3e. up. tlie bar^isst and Cheapen! Line ever Ohered. Li'MltOS Ties, Lows, Jabots, Peorfs, Kushings, l"rillitii^-t and Lives of tl Latest Styles and Pat terns. Kb cant Novelties in Si!!: Laec Scot fs and Ties. I'arasols, f-un Umbrellas, Fans, Fans dr ille*. Lultons, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, pibbons, White tioods, Towels, Toilet ?^niIfAc.. ?e., in grient Varietyj aiid at I'riees so Low :is to Astonish Von. OooO and Fashionable Clothing at un eipialled Low I'riee.t., We nfl?r the Largest, liest assorted and most Attractive Stock of MEN ' v YOUTHS ( "lotllinu: ever shown in Orangcburg ill L'riees that are positively Lower than ilin-o of any other house in,tlic country. rPlif? Latest Fashion*'in Ladies, men, Hoys. Misses and Ahildreit H ATS. the Fine I Display of Gent's Furnishing Goods Sl.OO^l 00 gl.00 SI?0 81^00X91.00 Thebest SHIRT ever sold for One Dol lar made of Wamsutta Long Cioth and 2'2'J Linen S1.00 S1.00 81.00 51.00 Si .00 $1.00 ('ur reputation for \ ,ow I?l?ic?S'i Reliable (Joods and Reliable Business Methods is suiKciciitly established tu make remarks \W invite every reader of the TiiYlOf? to an examination of our Stock with tho assurance that they will not be disappoint* i I. Agent for Mme. DEMORESTS' Reliable Patterns. THEODORE ICOHN. npl (1 1S78 c IeMMI Fever, or w'.ist >r, in ? ? nit? mitt I'ntlllvf retnrdv. U la cota ti u:ii!c?l ???fiii.-.iv.-ly irumtbojolMaOl t-aicfojly ift. I.1 I...ik..- -nit bwrbe, >tutaoatrf'iueiy <-onc?mrat?4 ti nt it iatnieol the t'lritd'ni rl?Kun?ni nf lb* blootl that ;* w can ba t? nnlati p with lireaJfinif < hllla ond Fovc^Jotjl it .'tt.iu wonderful intuienteInto every pan tp Uio iniliMll k>xtoin, Mid i-ntiroly eredk.iUa vrafy t Ji.t i>< il.'i'.v i. Vvm.TiNK i u?:i sot act aa atanc* iiriu! c-aUittrUr., or.lM.i'n^it.-llieUnutMft nndcanj C? p iticnt 'o dre-id et horM-ruma complaint* which rausC ii,. ui ih!y follow j I,nt it. tr.W ut Um rout of dlieaa? It} mil it > luv i fie blnpj, reatorea tho liter nM ludiii-y* i' h? ncti.t t-utiltttcn fUftJjofr* ??U. i ml in-'.i t< Nrttutt* in performing all that d'Jtt* i that ?!???. Ivo ur-.u htsr. Tlio'ioaml* ol invalid* are- mifTerin/r to-day front Ilm tifloctnof powerful put luiitvr noatrquia. I < i.: In i ttl mill nt 111 -? ? of ?] ii ii. lue uuil tiotuori IJUMK ill umi-ulri naitlint ol ?la. h ?r?r tun. at ?vor could, ruacb thu nau cauao t' tiiu.r couvlaJak. on tV aS< uiiil U n nk* In lltfl lionun v^tqci In t^r/rvt twirnvnti Uiituroi luvrvi and \Chuo it i? tiWoiVj..' fni?l rt> 1110 Mniuuli, ?na hum intrai . it i? ?hiyiiut? In tin action cp < ?t a nlMjiaruaoua iatuu^.iiurakuc.?* Inj uii.i a ta'.b.. hijiw iluit thay nruJi*W ourcd.Ttioti 1,1 a |iur<-)v Vitnlilo iUt-dftdtU), ootu?6t? utxin aclaotlno iirtn? iplc?. It u> IndnwM hy Ou? I pftrsiclan? whrra !t- v?rtuin uara lx>?n tcatod. tot" ititiiii imIii! '-ntv Wltftrc itu^itrltir Im n nnu it not > nuituru ot tUoup \> 1.1 Aiy cold under U .. oi >..u..-. Gives Health, Strcngtiif and Appetite. My tlanshlor hna ,Mr,--! 1.. nto heatlb.mth iiK.nibonruVUI reaalS tbnn anytblttK wlfivb ?tu< ever tiled, t bavn n it t? my children itttilcr alu.. avpry clrcum 0 itco atU-nding a larya fai.iUy. and aluaxa wtta 11 orkod I? notit. 1 \fw t.iWen it mv-i)( with auch Kr?at bonolU tlt?l I i'r.nnottlntl womi fn ei[neea uij umiitiilltled apprvriation of its gcuflncaa. W111V per fin iitiny my rtuUea at) a Police OQcer tn fn- baa in-. 11 mr lot to fall in with a area* ili'iil ot ilohnMa, I iiiifienitatinsly reeeimtnend VIA. t: 1 im . and I noror knibed tut? of tba tl "iu >to hvr ??iroiimslinc^e guC.rwhlob V COITIBB can he uecj.t vwth ;r,j irii'v? rPMitu, ana it wni a,hfkya ?itoril inr nlpatnra to triva any further Inkrtna?qfa um to whtl l Wuoiv about VSUKTtXK, UM. lt. HILL, VECETINE Pfoparof] by II. IL ST1CVI3NS, Boston,MasftV Vcgotino is Sold by all Druggittt. aeril l? tf.