CHURCH DIRECTORY. Mbtjiodist?Rev. S. A. "Weber, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning 10:30, , *ght 8:30. Sunday School 8:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday Evening 8:30. Cliil 1 dren'a meeting every third Sunday. J) I Pbesbyteuian?Rev. J. I). A. Brown, astor. Services every Sunday morning '10:30 and afternoon 4:30. Sunday Sehool 8:30. Prayer meeting every Thursday af ternoon 4:30. Baitist?Itcv. T. W. Mellichninn, Pan [tor. Services cverv third and fourth Sim Jay morning 10:30, night ?S:30. Sunday Jol every Sunday morning 8:30. tiiin School Missionery Meeting every irth Sunday. JriBcorAt.?Rev. L. G. Gucrry, Pastor, hriccs third Sunday in each month rniing 10.30, afternoon 4:30. Luthkr\n?Bev.Wingaird, Pastor. Ser kcea Second Sunday iiuneli month. .Morn ing 10.30. Sundav Sehool every Sunday [oorning 8:30. Y. M. C. A.?Rooms on Russell Street. _>en every evening in the week from 8:30 10:30. Prayer meeting every Thursday Vrcning at 8:30 and Sunday aflertioons at ro'clock Business meetings fourth Thurs in oach month. (out la Cnroliua Railroad. U'l-Ti.i: HOUlia AT OKANOKltUKG DEl'OT. tJTrom 8 o'clok A. M. to 1 L\ M. From Vcloek P. M. to 5) P. M. tloods received and delivered only during \e hours. ^asscnger Schedule S. (5. Railroad. day train. Columbia Up Passenger, (Morning).8 21 Down 14 (Evening).8 13 ACCOMMODATION TKVIN. Columbia Down.'0 '<*> " Up. 2 21 NtOIlT TRAIN. Columbia Up. 3 40 " Town. 11 43 T/O O Jt\. E County Convention. Pursuant to call of the Executive Democratic Committtce, the C?> ? ion met on Thursday bust in Fish er's Hall at 12 o'clock M. Gen. J. F. lzlar County Chairman, lied the mooting to order and, after call of clubs and list of delegates, declared a quorum present, and an nounced the election of permanent President the first business in or l-r The following officers were elected * President?Gen. Jas. F. 'y.lar. 1st Vice-President?Dr. O. N. Bowman. 2nd?Mr. J. Ham Felder 3rd?Capt T. X. ?laWsoti. 4th?F. M Wannamaker. l>t Secretary? Mr. Robert Copes. 2nd?Mr. W. L. Glaze. On motion of (.'apt Slaws.>n the President called on Rev. Tar rant to open the convenlion with pr.iy-ir. Mr. C. Dantxlcr moved that this Convention do now go into secret tession, whitdi, beiiij p it, w n I >sr ; eleven voting for motion. Capt. "Wannamaker moved that tlu Cou k vention uow pVoeeed i>. "loc* whetb r the Primary or Convention system of nominating candidates shall ob tain in this county. Adopted. Dr. O. N. Bowman moved that the roll of delegates be called ami each voie".conventiou" or "prima ry" as his name is called. Adopted. The election was held and resulted ?ns follows : For convention system 97 votes; for primary system 14 votes. The President declared the convention -system adopte I. Capt. F. M. Wannamaker offered the following resolution which was e dop ted. Resolved, That it is the wish and ?desire of this Convention that the Board of Equalisation, request the Democratic Clubs of this county to select two discreet men from each ?club to assist them in their wook und that said Board notify those men se lected when* the property of their Township is to be acted on Capt. S. Dibble offered the follow ing resolution which, afie ? so am dis cussion, was adopted. Resolved, That the Orangeburg De mocracy are solid for Hampton and the Bemocratic policy and platform of 1876, so gloriously exemplified by our illustrious standard bearer du ring the last campaign while a can didate, and so fully carried out by him ns Governor commanding the admiration and respect of the people of South Carolina of all par ties; and we direct our delegates to the Stato.Convention to support the re nomination of bis Excellency, "NVado Hampton for Governor, Hon. AV. B. Simpson for Lieut. Governor and nil the present State olHccrs for their respective positions. Mr. J. A. Williams moved that the Convention take a recess for o0 minutes to consult as to delegates to the State Couvention. Lost. Dr, O. N. Bowman moved that delegates bo nominated from the lioor. Adopted. Mr. Dantzler moved the Conven tion elect two sets of delegates one lor each Convention. Dr. Bowman offered an amend ment, that only onetsct ho elected to serve in both Conventions. Adop ted. Mr, \V. Huffman moved that a majority of the votes cast bo suffi cient to elect. Mr. Mc Q. Salley offered tho fol lowing amoudmeut winch was ad >p tcd: That after the first ballot all but the twelve highest bo dropped. The convention now proceeded to elect delegates to attend the Demo cratic Co nvention to meet in the city of Columbia on tho first of August next, the following gontbmcn were elected : Gen. James P. I/.lar, Ira T. Shumnkor, John S. Bowman, Dr. W. P. Barton, Capt. Samuel Dibble and Capt. Morgan J. Keller. Alternates?N. E. W. Sistruttk, W. C. Moss, John L. Mooror, T. N. Slawson, Dr. O. N. Bowman and Capt. F. M. NVannnmaker. Mr. Dant/.lcr offered the follow ing resolution : Ucsnlvwl, That the amount borrow cd by the Executive Committee of l?S7t), for the good of J the Democratic Parly be refunded to that Committee by assessment of the clubs of this county pro rata. Adopted. Mr. J. N. Hook offered the foil ?w ing resolution : Rr Wtv/j, That, the delegates to tb ? Congressional Convention from this County l)c Mud are hereby instruct >d to cost their votes for Hon. M. P* O'Connor as the nominee for Con gros from the .Second Congressional District. Adopted. Ko further business the convention adjourned. The Annual Baptist Sunday School Convention for this County met on y vfctt-rduy ??l Walnut Grove Church ? mmW ? mm - The freshest, best and cheapest turnip seed can he procured ol Mr. W. F. Robinson. What hot and sultry weather ! My ! What shall I do? Why, go to Eros', of course, that is the coolest place in Low n. On account id' visit of the Bishop to Summerville, the Rev. Mr. Guer rey will not preach here until the 4th Sunday of this month. The popular store of Mr. W. M. Sain is tilled with new goods. Low prices and the best goods can be louml at this firm. Twenty-live cents for one or one dollar for five bottles of Shriner's Indian Vermifuge. The best worm medicine now before the public. Every bottle guaranted. Prospect Church in upper St. Mat thews Circuit M. E. Church, South, was destroyed by lire on Friday night last, Supposed tobe the work of an incendiary. ? A negro house in the yard of Mr. J. P. IIarley, caught on fire Wednes day evening last about 4 o'clock, but was extinguished b) some white gen tlemen before -much damage was done. The little son of Or. Wesley Keitt, near our town, while handling a pis tol, discharged the load in his left knee joint on Thursday mo ruing last. Dr. A. S, Hydrick was called to at tend the little sufferer, and found the wound painful but ^not dangerous. Another warning. Cnpt. Mortimer Glover, catching the cnti rprising spirit of the times,-is erecting a dwelling on Cedar street, opposite Mr. G. W. Brunson's resi dence. We also hear that Mr. Julius Glover will soon build up a lot iu the same locality. The building up ol this street will add much to tho appearance of our town. -m m ? We have been requested to call the attention ot' the County Commission ers to the exposed condition of the trees on Court House Square. Horses are hitched to or near them and bark or otherwise injure tho trees, which will sooner or later seriously damage the beautiful grove around tho above square. These trees should bo boxed in or otherwise protected as the Commissioners may see proper . - ?Ill '<-.-(/stal laics prevent letters Irom being cairicd, and that a fine attaches to the violation thereof, this is to inform all our readers that a letter sent by express must be in a government i stamped envelope, no matter 4 if a money remittance go is with it or not. The United States ii stituted the mail system, nnd claim the right to transmit letters. Legal papers and official documents can go by express when valued ot a certain rate, an 1 j paid for or guaranteed. The Orange Base Ball Club of this town went to George's Station on Friday last to play a |match gain with the Resolute? of that town, which resulted as follows: Eight inni. gs played in which the Orange made 39 scores and the Resolutes 15. The hospitality of the Resolutes was extended to the Oranges in a most handsome style, and the latter will iemember their pleasant visit to the .Station f'ei'?sin. Few men combine with high mental abilities more worthy traits of character than '.Maj. Knowlton, and are missed more in a community where they were citizens. We wish him all the success possible in his new field. An occasional line for the Times concerning Western affairs would be acceptable to our citizens. From the 20th to 25 inst., the S. C. Railroad "advertises to sell excursion tickets to the up country at greatly reduced rates. The schedule of prices will be found in this issue. The com pletion of the Spartanburg & Ashe villo Railroad within the last few days to Saluda or Paces Gap across the mountain makes the trip short and pleasant to Flat Rnckj Rrevard, Ashevilleaiid Warm Springs through a most beautiful mountain country. The tickets will be good to return for fifteeu days from tbo date of their purchase. A little colored girl, about two years old, fell into a deep well on Capt. M. J. Keller's place, in St. Matthews on last Wednesday. As soon as the alarm was given, Capt. Keller and a colored man, working near by, hastened to the yard and found the little oirl floating in the water on her face, apparently lifeless. The bucket was let down but Jailed to effect the purpose. A ladder was immediately obtained and the child was brought up after remaining in the water some fifteen or twenty min utes. Life was restored with great difficulty. The child is now doing well. The District Sunday School Con vention of the A. M. E. Church will be holden on Friday and Satur day of uoxt week in the new ed ifice in course of erection at the foot ol Market street in this town. Rev. Mr. Thomas, Presiding Elder, will preside over the Convention. Those interested in the progress ofthat religious nursery?the Sunday School?are invited to attend. The colored people Jare manfully endeavoring to complete this build ing, and all aid possible should bo given them. Rev. L. S. Priolcau is the pastor in charge and is au energetic man. Services will be holden on Friday and Saturday evenings and three times on Sunday following. The Convention will be addressed by D. A. Straker Esq., on the bene fit of Sunday School Conventions to Republican Institutions. Tasteless Castor Oil? Castor oil in emulsion a form which entirely obiviatcs the viscid and nau seous taste of tho plain oil. It is very palatable and the patient "if not told, will not know that he is taking castor oil. Prepared and sold by Dr. J* G. Wauuamakcr. Scarlet fever kills children, a od so do worms. Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and expel worms hcrever they exist in the hu man body. Pure Congress Water e: a be bad at Dr. Wannamakcr's for 5 und 10 cents per glass. Also the best Soda Water made can be bad at the Mime place. Go drink and be happy. Whenever ami Wlicrovor diseases of a choleraic type prevail, Or there is cause to upprehend a visit from them, the system hIm ultl bo toned, regulated and reinforced by u course of Hostet tor's Stomach Bitter*. Perfect digestion ami a regular habit of hotly are the best safeguards against such maladies, and both are secured by ibis in estimable tonic and alterative. The Hitlers are also extremely serviceable in remedy ing such disorders. If promptly taken in bilious colic, diurrhu'a and cholera morbus, Iii- disease is usually frustrated. I" diar rhtca cases, it is only necessary to restore the lone of the relaxed bowels, and this is one of the specific effects of tbis medicine. Wind on the stomach, heartburn, bilious ness, nausea, hea'ache and other symptoms of disturbance in the gastric anil hepatic legions are also speedily relieved by this excellent remedy. As a family medicine it is in valuable, since it promptly and coin plclely remedies those ailments which are of most frequent occurrence. Th-' Laboratory of the System, Tl e stomach is the laboratory of the sys tem, in which certain mysterious processes are constantly goimj; on. These result in the production ofthat wonderful vivifying agent the blood, which in a state of health rushes h 00. For the largest and best yield of Sor ghum Syrup Upon one quarter acre, not less than twenty gallons, with one gallon as a sample, $5 dies. Button*, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars," Hihhona, White Goods, Towels, Toilet Quilts, Ac., &e., in great Variety, and at Prices so Low as to Astonish You. CrOOcl nod Fashionable Clothing at un equalled Low Priced.j Wo offer the Largest, best assorted and most Attractive Stock of mew & youths Oloj_liing? ever shown In Orangebnrg nt~l*Vlcca thaC"Tffl~~|>?i1tfYeiy LoWW " than those of any other house in|thc country. TllO Latest* Fashiona'in LadierOmen, Boys, Misses and Ahildren HATS. The Finest Display of Gent's Furnishing Goods 81.00^8100 $1.00 81.00 ? The best SHIRT ever sold for One Dol lar made of Wameutta.Long Cioth and 339' Linen. 81.00 81.00 $1.00 81.00 81.00 &1.C0 Our reputation for TLow Prices. Reliable Goods and Reliable BuaUMBB) Methods is sufficiently established to malnt remarks unnocetwary. We invite every reader of the TiTQttht to an examination of our Stock with MS assurance that they will not be diaspydb^ ed. Agent for Mme. DEMOREST8T Reliable Patterns. THEODORE KOHN. apl C_1878_? c c. d. xortjosm. Auction and Commission Rouse. Aft** tion every Saturday and 1st Monday. Merchants and" Farmers visiting Tow? between these days will consult their Inter est by calling at this Rouse before buying elsewhore. rpo Make Money PleaMUBilfT JL and fast, agents should addreaa Fil>* LEY HARVEY A Co., Atlanta, Q?. lune 1 ly TAKE NOTICE. The undersigned respectfully informs the Citizens of the Town and Connty that ha it prepared todo up and make Matfrvtsea ?fe the shortest notice. Also will cendact afi Upholstery business. Prices will be as loft as possible. Orders solicited. JOHN ORGKW. juna 9 tf W. F. ROBINSON AT THE STORE OF MR. KIRK ROBIKSOW, Work done Cheap. 1 have just received a large supply of the celebrated I?andr?ili*? Turnip flu?!? j Which I am offering to the public at T?jy low prices, and to Oranges at a pedal Terms Cash. net 20 ly PAGENTS WANTED FOR fHf xctor; HISTORYw&iW mar 23