The Darlington democrat. (Darlington, S.C.) 1868-1871, June 29, 1870, Image 4

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mjm % lag ,:h it safe' Cf *4 X ItsT Q-'TO Isr ID E X^C O CJ X^ T . . - ^Tw UK. mm M :Wc^ rVi% li^ •* . • ••^>4 f fe^r..;j®»yBg|g»"-- -‘i : ZSTi vJ M* ^ple! »A V, THAT *;\Y UK 18TO. r^£= 1870. Spring; Trmle* GREEN, WATSON & WALSH Is. R. RAGSOAI^F. ' 3ME T}-* < gm i AVhole.salu an l Kotail Dealer in j Dry Gor>cU, Groctrie*, Pninfaiims, Winns Liquors, itc. TISMONSTItLE, S. C. f tlare joat received by late arrival, from New York, an elepuit supply of SPRING & SUM- OFFER TO THEIR FRIENDS AND i MKU GOODS, Which have been purchased at the [ decline in good* and which 1 wilt Sell at cerres- | pondingly low prices, c- mpriaing UERAOES, M0ZAMB1QUES Ac,. Ac. AI^O A large lot of gentlemen’s READY MADE CLOTHING, together with a fine ersortment !.f IlLUtil HARNESS, r.RlDT.ES & SADDLES <t«. Always keep a good supply of every thing kept in a first class store. BACON, COHN, SUGAR A C0E1EE Cull and examine WHISKIES, DR ANDIES & WINES, both foreign and domestic. Mr. Pounds, will THE PUBLIC, )0. ! The most COXvXX’IoETE stock: OF Dry Cwoods, e" OLD CAROLINA BITTERS A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. •<J CAUT.IX AO.V.Q If A A TIT A A" on, \mmm O'tHt Carer,(rated Raid Estrart «f KOSKOO! THE ORBAT HEALTH RESTOKKR. No Qua«;k MKOi€iRR—..Fopmiila Abound Each liOTTLR, rrejinriwl and Sold by Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Or^smic < Dcitifst. Norfalk, Va. 1 GROCERIES, Ac,, &e., 4c. •—»«]®cted to suit the times. Grea ! ndueenients will he offered to cash buyers. ! THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM, j wuieli has made this Store “A HOUSEHOLD WORD,” will be continued. Remember that wc ! dcui in KOSKOO! i take great pleasure in allowing, and will sell low for CASH. L. U. RAGSDALE May 4 27 tf Xyjrsr Groocijs, GROCERIES, EVERYTH!WO DESIRED, Old S' Burnham’s Drug Store. M WOULD RESrECTFULI.Y , call the attention of FAR- MER8 and PIIYSICUNR of the We tafce great pleasure in ofTertug the Old Carolina Bitters to the public. They art* compottnded with great e«rc, and contain *1 mo of the best Tonies in the Pharmaeopia A** evidence of the superiority of our Ritters over till others, we have certificated ! from many of the leading phyriiciana in our Siate who have prescribed tjiom in their practice. j The ♦ ^ 'STRIKES AT THU ROOT OF DISEASE R* OLD CAROLINA RITTERS | rUKIFYTNG THU BLOOD, RESTOKING TUB Will be found invnluab’.c for LIVF.ll AND KIDNEYS' Til A HEALTHY \Yanl of Appetite, j ACTION, AND INVIGORATING THE OciUriiil Debility, 1 Chiiln, Fever, and | NFBVOUS SYSTEM. Dy.spepsi*. | This is the secret of iu Wonderful Success inn We do not offer our TiitterM as a cure lot all 1 Curing. n™i.“ iin Arum,,i0 h ‘ TC SCROFULA, SYPHALIS, DYS- For sole hr Druggists end Grocers everywhere \ pL D^J \ Principle depot ' i ‘ LlOlMi GOODiUCIT, WINEMAN k Oo. I l iVKR COMPLAINT. CIIKONIC HIIEUMA- T1SM, NEURALGI V. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, i Country, to my large t?TOOK of j Drugs and Medicines, FANCY AND TOJI.KT ARTICLES. ! sponges. Brushes', Perfumery, &.C.. also, the old re buy for CASH, and sell for I S'ln^^SAKSAl’AHLLA, made from »l,co)-igin«l I receipt of R. W. Burnham, winch is rivalled by I _ ^ Tr~Sn - j none, and his Anti-Cbolara Mixture, which will r ggi JL-J- JLjL m i cure Cholera and all disease of the bowels. At Importers of choice drugs and chemicals. Clmflesion, P.' (\ nmrd 2 -1 lv ERUPTIONS of the skin, humors, LOSS OF VIGOR. DISE ASES OF KID NEYS ANE BLADDER and all disease* caused by a DAD STATU OF THE F.LOob or a diseased condition of tlio THAT WE HAVE Bl T To Gin Owners. This is to say, tlud we have had our Gins re- j paired by Bourdine’s Gin Faw Guuitm :• And hud j it to be superior to the bund ss.w mode of sharpe- I LIVER. KIDNEYS, NERVOUS SYSTEM, &c., ning, it freefsihe saws lYom iiui, espetdftlly when j t thoroughly Eradicates every kind of Humor ginning dftmp cotton, end adds greatly to the ,. n ,j T.»int, mi l rcsUro* the entire Hyetcui to sample and fncilit^tes the gin in feeding moio in j H J^nlthy couditit n. w h .1.MAlo nr I >am * t '™ r ' oy cr tb« haml fdo. It rer-tures the THOUSANDS H AVE BEEN CHANGED BY Orders from the country on Factors, will be ; ! »he uscof this MoPcinc irom weuk, Sickly, Suf- IIE PRICE. promptly attended to. Give mo a call before going elsewhere. E. S. BURNHAM, Sign of the Red Mortar, King Street. Charleston. S. C. Four doors below Calhouu Street. Land unlearned are dealt with alike. ‘ Oct 28 6 * ly ! doing so it lengthens the tooth as much us it is | f er :ug C; e.ttaree, to Sliong, Healibp and happy | worn off sit. the point luP i e uecdiug repair ag da. . myn and wo neu. ; We would say it doe.- all that it is claimed to do. . ^o Me luino bft* atta’ned such nGreat R j and would respectfully recommend our farmers J tntion as this justly Celebrated Compound. amination of our STOCK.- I .tf^Olnrrlciiton Prices—freight B. W. EDWARDS, “Hu D u vimuiixi, ^.-rT O —AVI)— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, DAKLINOTOX, C. II., S. U. J FURMAN DA UC.AN April 18 24 I 10 givv it- a trial. ; P. A. M. D j Jfe,8t>K KkITH, ! H. I). F. Hollins, j Lazarus Morris, I James Coker, Approved by ttia Metical Auihorliy. SOSSIOO I 8. W. Morris. W. Cole. W. P. ( J. M. Coker, y Q l^i*,yIN • (''H'" 0 ‘“isl ml rcooT.mrndvd by thf I’rrsitl.lil 01 . the Faeultv of :lie L. J/odicnl Colic"* of Uia City — A. 1>. D‘)VK. of Now York. Having six coui.tieetooperalein, vu: D»rlinK Frufeeeor B. 8 NEWTON. M. D.. •on, Marion. Chesterfield, MuriWough, Horry, , profespor util I’romiKnt of Hu Keciilty. Ute-Pro- end Georgetown, it wilt be iinpo.sil.le lor me to 'i Uaor , i* rtct ico of Modicine. Clnciu- attend lo all who may tviah repairs made on their Iia |^ £ e Gins in the Fall ttewontt. in *0 large a fcoi-e of j ’ eniafnt m , n of thU ego of country, therefore I ooitld say lo la. I .it iueis r»Hnwiuo u • i# .'•X; . 4, - > - • v -1'? aV--" i*’ DEMOCRAT JOB OFFICE. ^ountry, uiere.ore . wo-.o ...y .o ..u. ... ...e.. _ „ Yuiuvi. as the author of the r«ll«wi» K ... ot Darlington and n.ljoimngLot nt es on. shouM d , wnrka . .Newton s -Prautiae .F Dm ,h "y ."«;•/» ; vork .' 11 1 ‘. C a "‘7^, ’ ; Metlieiue.- ••PiM.eee of Children,” -N.w.on s send in their orders now, ami Imvc tneir G ms re- ,, . . n . v' rC . ^_ t tr tovmc» Surgery, a c.. in December nuwoer or paired lor the coming season,.as t expect to ^ • ..^ 0 „ i • i . j ,. . . i w , „..L, c .,„ the A men cun Medical Renew—page 2i8. §ayg: work entirely in the other counties the next sea- . , . ,, J „ ! “Ataong the mom recent effeita to introduce Pei sons desiring mv services wnl eonior a . , *» . J * i • .; , poptiHirlv. seme of the new rtsm^fies. \#e notice t>V «>btu i siirxir >n v< .-.inn IP . T ^ ^ a new pr<jp»»«**Um Vy t i son. Iiivi*r t»y «>btuitiirxjr uw ui4»»»y j ».’• r ° S *iu l * 1 t* r niM 1 ,*? .o‘t“roar urscm. M. T> . of Nor <dk. Ym. which to lurni.l.- . .-■awa. ii ’ 11 , ’ ^ ■ "i , od to the nu l the pobLc in any desired Gu,< in.-jdendid order, nr,],., w. 1 «l- | , . P roccn(W ,iw,„4ry tet.Gon in due time, at vour rcs.det.cca. Pay- , mc/ , ul bi awol k is ,l oll « mont t r wor ■ w,. , 'an, , ' i i / r ’ in the best manti, r, hv the wo*< approved promt , I have wo excellent second handed <•"*> r ” r Rlld from „ 1B w Zt,r„,l, .j,tiny a, A null* . au c, in n< I 0r 7 r " j lll'NTF.R \ taetUrine, nMti»% the eonJUIewe of the phytieiant asset *' * or M.‘w. HUNTER. ! litfubtte." Tiimnoiisvllle, 8. i'. I I ■ I Jan 12 A S M A U’S OH ESLOSSSL OO F-A i?. 13 - . w. ii-' HHPP^tA’OTTON TO __ , , . t i CURES IS ITS WORST FARMS. b BC81XK8S CAllIlS I lEPHLi^r-T "1‘ Al,* From A. \Y. Millk, n prouiineut and well known ! VIS1TIKC PA HI' 5 ' A D PLACARDS. | -y^^-iryhih7j'Li~y4'^ <C^ J merchant of Norfalk, N*. is., AU work neatly mi'’ P ro,n I’ ,1 J executed at prices R. The Gnat Southern Remedy for ' ‘ No. 11 Main-st„ Norfolk, V».. Sopl. Id, 18C0. DYSPEPSIA. Di: Lawhf.nce—Dear 8ir : Your Ko««kno li.t® ’ Arwl d iwrising i‘ #m a dijorducd oun*lltion i norkad wondem in my family. .Vy riiiug!»n»r 1 of the tVolukch and Liver Prepared by ' . has been a buITjrer from sCmfula * iu;**eh Uhoo j. G. W. AIM A K, j Alie !i>ki thii ty one piece* of butte n om »»er ankle* Druggist and Uhemist,- and «p\t*r:i! from her arm. besides Living ulcere (’harleslbn, S, t*. • • ^ puna of the bodv. Whilst in mis con- J(tv»y- 8oM hy all DruggisK. mar ti 10 , > ^vRl receive m o a? to r^r AT LVXCmH RO, MAYESXTLLE, MAXCIlKSTLR, A X D TI M MOX 8 VILLE. Ibid ( ON AND Al SUNDAY, THE l.Tl ll in-t.. j the following Schedule will bo run by the Train. ! , on the Hoad : * DOWN. Leave Cheraw dibon tic co Omen ceil takng your Koskoo—d l«m ; tike </ >.htinn on tier ; under i's ur* (he. c'rv s ~ - ^ f\f\ . it S' 1 dually he a '>d, ami her ycne'etl health i/''** ,,u ‘ UO I UUnr r lv v/Uit ' pm r‘, ]1 rrairdv -lived her mueh " u ff n, ik» Vt’IIOLESALE GKOCERS, P J L 1 ‘ ^ i iK «^ V o«a P ^i.u Utashe’s Society II 11 Dove’s Darlington Arrive at Florence Leave Florence Darlington Dove’s Society Hill Gash’s Arrive at Chcraw 7 4 -3 A M I s.n - 8.4.3 “ 9*25 “ ! 10.00 “ | 10 4.3 A. M I 3 30 P M j 4.15 “ 4.50 - I 5.30 • t>.00 “ ! G.dO P. M ! Dealers in ir/xp.s', i.TQrnnti ,c- sr.GMts, No. 175 Fast F*v. ('IIA RLK8TOX, 8. Agents for H. Clotiseu’s Ales. Nov 24 (5—tf fjrgau. -J its'': -If? % These Trains make close connections with the | r » p r n d v i GREEN. WATSON & WALSH. trains to and from Uhsi leston. l A U I U M T i j Passengers for the Kingsville end of the M\ A | ! Tli-llprs In MurrllRTlrtl-f* ' '' ,! l! - llr ‘’ 11< ' , fJl ' l "yed at Florence. Those . <3 r~s I l, <»ll l> in Gi ntrji .nercnaiiai..e , f , r |hp W il,„i n gt, > i, end remain ot Florence from 1 j AND 7 'V .ViY^£.v •;'* ''■■*‘$2?' beg'F?*u*e to inform the | : T.'li"e!on and ant rounding j CO.MM188IOX. MElif It ANTS. •• >30 l a SHOP at Dar- j ’SO» !•).' *e purpose of carry- j ZI WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL 10.43 A. M. to d P. M. S. S. SOLOMONS mar 19 Supcfinten lent. Tho Great Medical Discover) ! Dr. WAXKKil'3 CALIFORNIA , VINEGAR BITTERS, nuudreds of Thonsantli .%!& Bear testimony to their wonderful^ 7 ^ J ^ ^ ur:l * ‘ v e UHuftri. g. 3 WHAT ARE THEY? ►1 ^ «J P? |;1 I?? 'iHi ihi North Eastern Rail Road. ti; ; %* vV y-lf.: \ e5%y f /? . , PfS-. 1 . t” mm ^W.ei £ ■*■** 'WMm ***** .. w ■ Pi, ‘ A ware, - • V/'* ell LET. INGT ■M S11 ’i y vik t^iv' with neat lies-; and dispattli. ’ •y WtpccCfaRy solicit u share of pui lic pa- -^r . rmm *• • D RAST ' k ro - *, ‘ Dari ngton, S. 0. t 52 if f ill. A^tarT : and Retail Dealer in CHOICE DRUGS, r;sdicincs, ' - . Chemicals, Surgical Instruments, Perfumeries, . Toilet Goods, ,' Cor. Kins and VTudcrhorst-Streots, .♦ CflABLESTOX, S. C. Proprietor of Aimar's Sarracenia Bitters, For Dyspepsia. Aimar’s SARSAPARILLA & hlL'KRN'5 DKLGIHT. Aimar’s I'KKMIUM OOLOFXE, AGENT FOR James Buchan *i Co s., CELEBRATED CKE8 f 7' LYC 80AP8. May 5 31 ly SUI’EIUNTFNDENT’S OFril'K. N. F. T!. It. | Stationers. Printers, AND Blank Book Mamifacturers, 3 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Juno 23 'IS ly Cuakleston, 8. C., March II, 1879. / ] ON AND AFTKH SUNDAY THU 13 th inst... the following -chedidc will be run by the Tiainh on tliis Road: i:\PRK.SS DAILY Leave Charleston 9.30 A. M j Arrive at Florence 3AX) P. M ; Leave Florence 11.1*3 A. M Arrive at Charleston 6.00 P. M j THROUGH NIGHT KXHtUSS. i Leave Charleston G.30 P. M j j Arrive fit Florence 12 Midnight, j Leave Florence 1.46 A. M | | Arrive at Charleston 7.30 A. M Both of those Tiains make c!o:-o conn. crioii ! wiih th<- Through train* to the Northern cities. j The Night Fxpress will not run on Sunday;?. ' I The !’ i» ou the Chcra'.v N Darlington Road ! Conner**: with thh Day i'.xpre s to and Irom ! i Oharlebtou. s. S’. Sul.OMoNS. riuperinfen Unt. j I WiL COL & AUGUSTA R. R. , G»:\l.nALSUPi;iUNTKNDENTS OFFICE, 1 \Vili.miniitox, N. C., Nov. *3, 1899. j Oct 21 4 i X\ and after Monday night, the 8th in-’’ _ ^ 1 --r- « „ ^ 3 iJrasscDgcioi f<*r tlii' \V. C. & A. It. It., will lake HENRY BISCHO r F & CO., I i. tf.iuui. il.fW. A N.I’. ll. K.. I>eio', ; indtl,. j 1 foil wing tvlu’ lule will be run: W H 0 L E SA L E G R OC E R S , j fxit.kss train. And j.m ! I*eavc AVillmington daily at .4.00 A. M . WINKS i \i*iv * ait Florence 10::;2 A. M LIQrOUS, r ' 1TIES on Uom- vV, can be found ’oODWAKl) tTin Wr-s’ * .{pc- r y f' W e ’-dU , Y u. ■ A F^LJIASCN. tOe. R*C^.bc for tbe FKFK ‘X^eP^JJou hL >hc ter Id. $;i 50 each. f 1 36 each. f .fc’ 'Sk i M*, . DANIEL-H. SILCOX. FURNITURE AN!) CHAIR WAREHOUSE, 175 177 and 170 E jig Street, Clmrleato* S. C. i© r ; if. Bi^cnorr. Oct 21. An ; ' e ut Kingsville.... 1:66 P. M •l' * . i»f|4 Leave Kingsville J J;:.6 p. M- I . Arrive r.t Florence ‘:6t Ih M 'j.CBA(m j Arrive at Wilmington 10:17 i*. M <Yc.. t c. j Express Train connect closely at Florence u it!; 1 the Xorthcastem Jtailroo 1 i« r Charleston, « j Cher*w and Darlington Railroad for Chcruw. ( ll<UiPl40i)* n* x • | and at KiugsviUe with the South Carolina IGiiB « wri.BCBM. j. h. riftrEB ; road for Augusta, to which point tJ.« cai**.i ui» 1-Y ! ii’rough without change. Oemlfi 1 VICTOK i A CHARLESTON, S. ' : v. ae • **n rk. . “ ' ‘ -ejSf 0M/r 1 ; ACCOMMODATION T1IAIV «i i. i5 r. m 2: l'» A. M. . It.tH.I M. : F. M ;* lo i’ 'i .-*7# , ?'v m-Au } eO TUET ARE NOT A VILE “•IfrANCV DRINK,iff M.\.it» rfPo^r Hum. Whiskey. Proof Ppir- its. and Uafuso Liquors. UocioreU, •in -e'E aatl swceieaed topleaso vuo taste, ca loil ‘ Tonica ' “ Aonatizer-, M “ <*. , t.'» it lea 1 ttvi tirp’onto drunkenness audr :n, bi t urea*rue MV 1.6, m\ie Irom tho Kativo Hooffi n*»*l H *ri cl f'alil mift, jVeo from nil Aleoholio Stimulants They are t *>e (J l tR AT BTiOOD PUHIPUJaand XxTPB OIV1NO PKIN- CIPLE, a perfect KeuoviAnr umi Invi^nrator ot the tty-'tom, canyiaxott a i pois .1101.14 matter, and restoring tlie blood to a licnlthy condition. ;, a person can take these Pitu r«, ocoordm^ f o rtir*»et»orv« at*.! remain long unwell. |i i 0 0 ' I b‘J ffiven for an incurable case, pro- viiimsf t.iu o )ii '3 are not deairoyed by imm-ral pn^ma or other nv’nna, and i!.e vital v* istcd bevomi ths v*MTit of r< pair. For IniJamrn^tory and ChroiYlo Rheu matism. and Gout. Dyspepsia, cr Indi- geition. Bilious, J’ mn ent and Inter mittent Rover j, \ cf tho Blood, liivor, K.idnoyn. andBlaldar* ib»se Bit- tcr-i have Ih-cu in «t s i* >«ki 1'. Such liin- easos caused bv Vitiated Blood, which i* ( r.*n’ni’r v pr.YiuecJ. ly tltiau^viaeut of tbs Uigojtive Or(tau». Tu*v tuvi^ronurt toe nMnjaeh. and stimnla^s tlio t jrpid iivcr and b- wels, which render theta of unequalled elb ’acy in clcaim .is? the bloirl of * a.i iiapariuen, p.n.l .uTpart.uj new life and vigor to *ha wh' le nyatcm. Dyspepsia or IndigCBtion, Ileadsche, Pkin iu tue Hbottidcrs, CiMi^hs, T'ljfLtnt>* cf U s S . ’.r hit rnaeh. Had Tash* in t 11* Mouth. Hi lio'.s Attacks, Palpitation of tlio 11 *.irt, r >pn»i * Uiacbaraes of Urine, Pam in tho tepoos * 'the Kidney s, and a hundred other piintui spni’toms winch are tlu oils^iruigs of I>. -pAipaUfi. ?:r; cured by these Hitters. t li &n**e tlio Vituitail Hloul w’i never yon fin*! iU impurlti'M buralir>K tlirou«h tho akin m Ihm- p’. -, Er.inti-m;, cr bores; cDansoi: when iti* lu ll, .ind ynur will toil \o*.i when. Koep tie* blood pure and the beul'.ho: the system will follow. n.Y, TAPE, andothi r Wi'lRM^ Un’V.m* In th.* ay ate m ol so many Uro*r.:Aiid.s, aro effectually destroy * 1 and removed. Far i l l directions, i*:ad carafjily tbe cimolar around 1 acb bottle, printed in Mcr I^ngua^cr— Ko-'.iab, I) •rTr»a:i, French, a:vi . v i»*tntsn. J. WALK Ed, .^2 dt 34 C»ans'.Aerc.i8t»eet, N. Y. Pr. iprii tor. R TI. MeTV >V A T.] > 4 CO.. I)racists and tlent-ral A^er*a. Em Yrxnc\*eo. CiltifV'rnia, and 32 and.>4 Cota- rn**>.* *r ft. X. V. rB-S')!.,’ LY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DRALi !Ui. ^ HART * PAUKru, Darlingtoii. ? C I f r h l Mc.o ' afftvlioii . V on * Ko^ktK) aif«> cur t iny w ife of Dysjn'p-s^, fi om wh ch n\\* aj;.rK-.*«i groat!V. Slit* is now in better health than hIic has b'*Yi! in five years, 1 With tl»e lughost reg.inl, i utu greatfully 3'(*'irs, &e.. A- W* MILLS. Ko«koo is eudoracd Hy ihe bo?t pliysieiaua | everywhere. Kiml lbs following from Dr. Tillt- ; ry, a MU cossful praotitioner of many years stand- j ingin ihe old North Stale: IVeky .’fotmt, E'lgecomb Co., > September 19, 18t>9. / Dr. J I. I*Awri:ni*K—Dear Sir: I have uaetl y >i»r Concent rated Fliiei F .tract of Koskooiu my j practice with the h'lpys :■ . i/:a. I find it to bo j u powerful L. eer /nexyorator and H/on</ l*ur'fier t umi Nervous I’oiLc. Iu all diseases of the Liver , .'croftilous Syph.ilitie. an I N• i vous afFeetions, ' n rc'Tt'dy ri <•/,'.•. in fact, in almost ••very van *n of L i;ronic Diseases its use is iu- . dicated. Hoping yon may meet with the sifcess , w'uieh y r»u dest rve a* .1 nmnufatturcr of reliable | medicines, lauisir, \si»h much respect, Your obedient soxvant, K C. TILLERY, M, D. 1 K O S K O O t VKES CHRONIC RHEIHMATISM. Norfolk. Va., Sept. 7, J8GI). I Dr. .J. J. I.wwunck—Dear Sir • My son hvs « -d so iH’ich he'.xtji. Jr’nrx your tcond ■> ful Kiskoo that l e imiot refrain from expressing my grati- | tule. I im I tried almost everything without benefit, i believe, iu all sincerity, that your Hoshoo is aii infftlubie roteedy for the dicease j from wiitch he h ls suffered, and, so far as I can learn, has never failed, If you only knew the 1 iMin n>e amount of suffering that he has under gone, then you <mild conceive the value of sucli ; .1 remedy as K i-koo 'Unt surely cures. The I groat amount of good it is now doing among us j 1- aie-tunable. H ith much pi-ati 1 udo, 1 am, re.-pccifully yours, &c*. Mrs. M. E. A. NELSON. | I'V'tni I)r. Idhypl. u PhyticUm of learnt? I y n tidin'. .!. .1. 1. wvitrxi***.. M D.—Dear Sir: 1 cheorful- iy endorse your Kt^KOti as being a most valua- depreparu:. r*.. Upon »*xrtmii,u i'.1 of tlie fbr- ‘ Mjit l find each ingredient, highly extolled by t m:f be»t and most progressive (dinical iuvestiga- ; tors. I have tested its effects in my own pr*c- | lice, and have no hesitath n in rccouimendiugit. • | »n my opinion it is the best compound of its cias* wr put before the public—exceeding by fur all ( «iio various compounds of sarsaparilla, <!tc., ever .hv •tiied. It is a deciTled nerv,• tonic, and in- *'ir of the forces, aidiBg digestion ni l assimilation, and thereby producing healthy b*.'], which should be the haft is oftriamicnt iu til eln omc di-eaftes. Hoping you will reap the i reward y. i •lesc.rve from the public as n bene- \ factor* l am air, yours Irulv. t ilMILLS LLOYD, M. D. After reading the above h*«g , » r«u *mmentations luv .li ts cannot reasonably hesitate to give ivos- koo a triol. For additional tiifttimonials from i‘by»:c?sns, Efiiinent Divines. Editors* Drug ;Bt«, Merchants, v . see KUSKtiO ALMANAC f »»• mis year. Trice, CNM DOLLAR TER DOTTI.K. For SALK BV Dr. C. .M. PAKKEK, M. D. Iktriington, S. C. I v, Ttr-.-ire ’• ■ •» } ’ . i'Uij 18 An* /*■