The Darlington democrat. (Darlington, S.C.) 1868-1871, June 29, 1870, Image 3

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7 P-’ IP ^ -bj J %:%$$-■ i '-w s-VW ■ zxt&x itf-ir THE E^LHEIHCa-TOlsr I3 J rj «<.; '•'. *"-\ ^l)f P c m o c v a I. WEDNESDAY, JUNE M. H E S T.OOI. LAJRSEST CIKCULATION ••• THE DSHO CK AT HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION or ANT PAPER IN EASTERN SOUTH CAROLINA AND PUBLISHES TBS OFFI CIAL ADYERTISEUENTS. An OO'er. Wc will furnish the Democrat for one year, free of charge, to the party who pre sents us with the largest Watermelon of the season. Each melon so presented, will be carefully weighed and measured, and a list kept of the same, and when the season is over, the name of the victor will be declared, and his name cnio'led upon the subscription list. Extra Copies. We will publish a number of extra copi< s of the ‘Presentment of the Grand Jury” for gratuitous distribution among our colored friends. Cal! for them on and after to-morrow; P. P. toale, | Sarsaparillian jP$! £V- m [ip mi m > CHARLESTON, S V. Cotton Itlooui* If a body brings you a watermelon bloom and forgets the melon when it ripens; or a head of wheat and forget* the flour; or tur nip top and forgets the turnip ; or a potato vine and forgets the potato, it troubles you— Don't it ? Capt. W. E. Charles, h»s left a cotton bloom at our office. Indicted. The Commissioners have been indicted for official mis conduct. The cause is con tinued. “The mills of the Gods grind slowly.” Weather, Crops, Health. W« are in tho midst of the heated term The thermometer has reached ninety-tix de grees, in what was then considered a cool place. We have had ehowers in many sections of the country, and in some places heavy rains. The crops look well. We are glad to report that the health of the country is remarkably good. A Foar Pounder Captured. The l 'R<i<ir." have captured “C'. Smith’’ ESQ , of Marion Court House, S. C. Pent*. We are sorely and desperately afflicted with flics, they give ns no rest. They bite, scratch, sting, torture and worry one’s life | out. They crawl over our nose and put j periods where they are not wanted. O come ►<>me wind of desolation, and wipe them out D-irea*. drive them to the tropics, and carry with them the gnats also. I Largest snd most com- ^ J ptele .Manufactory of ( Ir'SKs Doors. Sashes, Diiud* i' | Mouldings, &c., in the I SO CITHERN STATES. Piinted Price Liat Deties Competition—send for one. Sent free on application. Apr 0 23 ly Is Cordially Invited to the “Henderton County Kentucky Land Sale,” Grand Prize Scheme Regularly CHARTERED by tho Legislature of Kentucky, endorsed and recommended by every leading official in ihc State, ami over 600 of her meet prominent cithend. This splendid scheme embraces 511 Prizes, $314,320. Comprising one thousand acres of the richest river bottom tobacco furaat in the wealthy coun ty of Henderson, Kentucky, with all their appur tenances. Capital Prize $150,000. SMALLEST PRIZE. $90 ! Also about $20,000 in Greenbacks, the rent money'of the property for the years 1809 and 1870, to be distributed to the winners of ihe first seven prizes respectively. Rent for 1889, was $12 per acre. Tickets Five Dollars- The Drawing will positively take place Julv •fth 1860, at MASONIC TEMPLE, LouiavDle, K : *. Hundreds of the best, citizeus. have given unqual ified certificates and endorsements, of this mag nificent enterprise. Every dollar invested by ticket holders, is held in trust by the ccnuniseioncrs appointed by the Legislature, until the drawing takes place and prize* arc delivered. Income of the property for last 16 year* has averaged $30000 A YEAR. In order to have your tickets properly regis tered, buy at ones of your nearest club agent, ©i to either of the following financial agents, who will furnish full descriptive circulars, II. H. LYNE, Cash’r Farmers Bank, Henderson, Kentucky. It B ALEXANDER. Comc’l B’nk, Louisville. Kv t C LATHAM. l*r*»o. U uk. fieri in*v "e, ivy J. L. L.\LLAM, Comcr’l Bank, Paduah. Ky. B. G. THOMAS, Cash. Oba. and Rept r Lexing ton, Ky. W. B. TYLER, Caah’r Deposit. Bk. Owensboro’ Kert.uck v, SEMONIN. DIXON A C0-, Evansville. Ind. Good Club Agents wanted everywhere. May 4 27 2m RESOLVENT. POISONED BLOOD. Whvn tb« blood poiooned by the presence af ar var«n of BILE, UREA, CARBONIC ACn\ and the e«3>vni« •xsrotios.x of the SKIN':—SOKES. Plht- PLfcs, BLOTCHES, SI'OTS, ULCEKS, and UUilOES mt all kinls Orewk out o:i the surtiwe. L>r. It ad lout’s SfirsaparUUan llesolvent, WTirtn i* in tbiv coadiliur., should be taken alter.'ui’.ply with RADWAY’S PILLS. The indication of Cure is to Irtxs the blood the prwK-nce of tl;e*e G tiaxia, and restore the fumtioiw of the Liver, Skint ingi, Kidnev*, Bown *. to their proper dutiea, tide vffccjed. which RADWAY’8 SaH-SAVaKILLi AN RE. toOLV £NT t aided with Rod way *• Piiia, will eoou secure —a Cure will bo the result. A BAD BfCIN. —Spots, M^rphew, Sores, Pimples, fttotohas. Pustules, Tetters are caused by impurities of tbs BlooL Checked Perspiration, Sluggish Circulation of the Blood la the excretin'/ vtAieU of the Skin. One or two doses of the SARSaPARILLIA* RESOLVENT will rid the skin from these visitant* and Insure all a beautiful, clear complexion. UTERINE TROUBLES.—Prolapsus, Uteri, Pilling of the Womb, Ulcers, Tumors, Sores, cured br SALSA- TAIULLIAN RESOLVE*!. mmmM mm? Zi..;. 0m % ■■■ -"J.:mt £ ■K-m r l#: "i-M %* •, : **•*•..*/ . ■'Mm* v mm tk _ mi .jas msmsN'l '.{a m D! sale at 1 Li dies suffering from Chronic Lonchorrliea, Weakness or Irritation of thy Bladder and Urinary Passage, Diffi- mog Unne, Ar., will be relieved :>y a few . loses of RAX^WAY*d SAIL3APARILLIA.V RlvS*OL- | made I oulty of Pi loses of h VENT, and cured by a few bottles. ^PARALYSIS CURED?" DcxaaviLLS, Ilarri«on Co.. Ohio. May, IShk. Mtesrs. Ttsuwav A Co., Oaxruxxsx—The RESOLVENT has aPoctcd a cure in a veryaererr e*er, that of a Mrs. I.cmael Johnston in this neifhbou. hoed, she wu confined to uer bed and had lost the u*e of hsr legs; —four botU«e of the K K30LVKN1 has restorod her, and last Sunday she was able to attend Church. The demand for the ItBSoLVENT hoe in creased.. and wo dorm it ad-/iaable to order in time. Your* truly, K. PITTI8 A BOX. SARSAPARILLIAN. ” So quick is RABWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN or RENOVATING RESOLVENT in entering into tbs cir culation that it may be detected in the urine, aweat, and blood in ten minutes a/*or it h&a been taken. A Remedy so quick in entering into tho circulation and communicating its cumtive properties tu KADWAY’P SARSAPATcILUAN supplies a want thut ha* ever ex isted. BADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN or RENOVAT ING RESOLVENT furnishes positive evidence of its Purifying and Fruitful efficacy in curing person* con sidered Impotent and Barren who have fines married ami had ohilarcn. STOP THE WASTE OP LIFE! BADWAYS 8AK8APAR1LL1AN RESOLVENT will atop the waste of the lifc-tiuid t!iat in ao rimy per- •ons follows a discharge of water through the urethra. B is a positive euro fur Spcrmotorihou, Nightly Emuaions, Ao. STPniLOID UlaCERS, Sores of all kinit, Tumors, Cancers, Sore Heads, Sores un the Tongue, in tho Mouth, in tho Glands ol the Throat, cured by RAD WAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN. IMPOTENCY. The best evidence wo have of tho powerful Purl- yin? Tonic and Fruitful properties of RADWAY’S BARS A P ARIL MAN RESOLVENT is that it has cured persona who were verging on Iirbediity and Insanity through Beif Abuse, with continued drain* of the seminal fluid, and were cured by the Hot ol vent, when prepared under the old pro com in 185>), who have named a ad have children now living. A few bottle* wi*l restore the vigor of life. WILLIAM SHEPHERD. & CO, No. 24 Hayne Street, CHARLESTON, S. C DHAT.KR8 IN COOKING STOVES «AN0E8. »ud Hvating Stove*. Picture# of Stove* with firiew aui de*c;iption will be sent upon application. June 89 85 ly For Sale or Rent. TOKE-irOUSL an'] lot in Totrn of Timmons- vlll*. 8. C., situate on front street, lately oc cupied by Jones & Finer. Apply to K. D.CHARLES Mer. 9 19 tf. S’ THEORY OE PURGATION APridin ro rn* H A Y FLOUR, Coffee, Molasses, SYRUP, SOAP, and all other kinds of Groceries at the very lowest market prices and in full supply at M. JACOBIS, riorurce, S. C. ^L31*X* Kic^n of General Mi n hnndize lower than over at JAOOHrS. Wholesale and Retail Dea*cr, Florence, S. C. mar 24 21 tf Liver, Kidneys, Skin, STOMACH & BOWELS. DK. RAD WAYS PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS Perfectly Tasteless, ELEGANTLY COATED. i R0S ADAMS. MATERIA MEDIC A contain', tn it* repertoire, many purgative and cathartic agent# that, lor ordmaiy pur* porei. op.eni the bowels, and through whig i« ©.illfd a •* peristaltic ” movement, puij[u from the alimentary eeml the fjpees and this ft aTi. Such agent*, for the purpose of cure, or rcmiral of any settled disease, ore ulterly usrlois. Dr Raowat h.\i c©mp!cded ore of the must essential discoveries in ni-.*dica. clirm«»fcry—in the combination ol vegetable sub-Ntanoee, for the purpe sen ..i a riTP.GATIVE, APEUiANT, COUNTER-IRRITANT, ALTER ATI VB PILL, that can be Wken or arireunistered wuh h'* abso lute certain*.v of securing THOROUGH EXPULSION OP ALL DECAYED AND DECOMPOSING Element* of the human body, and also safe to take in the most malignant of Eruptive Ferers- In cases where the tnucoui membranes of the internal viscera arc suffering from Uloeration, Inflammation, or from LIVER. Gastric, Hilary, Pancreatic Com plaints, DR. RADWAY’S PILLS Supply the only Vegetable snbatitute for CALOMEL OR MERCURY. T A S HK GKfcAT AM ERR: AN HEALTH KESTOBER. j ur : fics the Mood a'd | ,euros Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin Di^eu^es. 1 iRhnumatiBm, DiHea.-r's cf Women, and ai'. j jChromc Affeotions of tho Blood. Liv.-r end j Kidneys. Recommended by the Medi cal I !Faculty and many thoufeands of out bc«» , {cititens. Rer.d the testin.ory of Physicians and ! pfcticr.fa who h.ah c uee l Rojiidal!»; ! jior our Iwosadulls Guide to Health P- ok. j jor .Vtoianac for this year, which we pub 1 liflh for gratuitous distribution . it will ^ ve j you much valuable information. Dr. R. V~ Carr, ofBa!:; .ore, says; ‘•I fake pleasure in recor.menlir.j; your ; jKosadalis as a eery p 'verlul aiieraiive j jf have seen it used in two coves with hap , Ipy results. ■ :.« in a C'^e of .‘ice ji'lai’y’-'vol.i- jlis, in which the pat Ant pronoun* d Min ! (self cured after having uken five bottle.- | liof yot:r medicine. The cth**r is n case of j ■scrofula ol lor.c standing, which Is rapidly \ jimr.rovirig under its .:se. and ’be iudica- | jtion" arc that the patien* will soon rocov- | jcr. J have carefully examined tho formu- ! jla by which your Rosadalis i.** made, and 1 (find it an exocllcLi compound of altera-I five ingredientt», * Dr. Sparks, of NichoRonville, Ky . fsvs i |he has used Kosr.dalis in cases of Scrofula 1 land .Secondary Syphilis with sniisfiietory j results ns a cleaner, of tl.e Blood 1 know i know no better remedy, i Samuel G, McF.i lden. Ml!rfrecsborc^ i ,rent*,., says: j **l have used scr*»rj bo’tles of Resadallis, And am entire! cwn d of P.humati-.m. : .send I line fo-’r hottics. as 1 it for my broth- i jcr, who ims scrofulous snre eyes. Benjamin Bochfol, of Lima, Ohio, writes |‘*I have suffered for t .veety years with »n dnveterat-' eruption over my who!© body ; la Riiort time sin * • I purchr^ed a bottle of (Rosadalis and it effected a perfect cure, j Rosadalis is sold by HART & PARKER, I Darlington S C-, and Druggists generally, iLabiatorv, C! Kschanye Place. Faltimorc. DR CLEMENTS A CO. F~r- -vr I 1 If 70. +? Tj' In F.ADWAY’3 PILI^S you have one rntdirine that will geenre quicker, more thorough and better re«ult* thaa will be given in from three or more different pre- acriptiona of ihe medieal As a proof of ihia —You ere seixed wuh a Eilious a.i'ck ! J>uc*or pre*criboa B ’le I'ilor « alomel! next, com-- 7>ra‘tic Aloe tic Pill or Powders to work -jiT tho effect of the Blue I id ; this proa- trales you, and a tonic <s a ;*t jriven, or a Runilc apenent. where.oe ON l. DOSE OF It A TAva Y'S n LL ■? u-»/: o’-. uU Uu tiK>rk that the three or more nrascrip iona ate given ‘ fie VIGOR OF LIFE FESfORED. Persona who. from aelf-abua**. di*o**c, or injnriea, anfTer from paralysis or weakness m the ascreung vhmvU of the reniiii orcacs will be cured bv RADWaY’3 SAlUiA- PAKILLIAN F.RSOLYKNT. PARE! RA BRAVA. rvo jf xyf woNrpByri/x>'Jpe{xei; is j um JtN T I.** rs 7.» . W .--1 1 RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN Oil RENOVATING frOLVLN r. Them are eotre thirty or xnoro difT*rent species ol Saraanarilluin, nndit require* g-c..tC4Te .ai*d in'el'-gene* in_ a-leciin^the proper kinds; ao sr»th PARKIUA BRAVA. This remedial agent is to be tou*id in Guayaquil, Peru, Nicaragua. Fra* !, i there are aome twenty apecii s of this rout. Dr.Radwmy j«ea orlr one kind, that which grows in Braril. He rmplo**, thiouifh his agent*, none but exp; ri-uce^ *»-io uuelligent m* n in S tbering, selecting, pacu-. c ' «d shipping the«e roots to e C7nit*d States No >noran» gava^e* or Hottentots are em? eyed in x«tli<»* n F, v °!». uit*, roots, plants. Sic., for the a*rs*par:!him .-ceo.vcnt. BADWAY'f SARSArAKlM*'^^^.soLVR.nT is •old at f I per {*"*»«, or • » r ^ r a!i Druerisl* ; rEOP.> J 1840 WlBZO Time tests the Merits of All Things- J«r For Thirty Year.s_®8 Perry Davis' Pain-Killer Has been tested in every varie ty of climato, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost the constant companion and in estimable friend of the missionary and the travel ler, on sea ami land, and no one should travel on our Lakes and Rivers without it. It is a speedy and safe remedy for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, wounds and various other injuries as well as for Dysentery, Diarrhoea, and bowel complaints generally, and is admirably suited for every race of men on the face of the globe. Be sure you call for and get the genuine Pain Milter, ae many worthless nostrums are attempt ed to be sold on the great reputation of this valu able medicine. Directions accompanying each bottle. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00 per Bottle, clold by all Medicine Dealers. The Great Family Medicine of ISie Age. Equality. Vip'i M if & ~r* Mi EQUITY LIFE INSl^ 'M® Rr 1 MT. i‘% i-,- y-3 m w, m Principal Nov 10 Ciaghorn. C0TT(W FACTORS ^XJO-TTSTA., CHARLESTON, S. C. LIBKRAL ADVANCES made on Dempster, Lirerpool, England. Agent: Wharfs * Th* Great Wo refer to all who have used it. introdu Koa 24 THIRTY YEARS have elapsed since the intro duction of the Pain Killer to the public, and yet the present time it is more popular and commands a larger sale inan ever before. Its popularity is not confined to this country nlonc ; all over the world its beneficial effects in curing the *'illsthst j fiesh is heir tu,' are acknowledged and apprecia- ated, and as a Pain Killer its fame is limited to no I country, s"«*t nor race. I: needs only to be known i *o be prized. for, without rui.oiojr any nsk from me*cuialixing or j Thirty years is certainly long enough to prove aaiivatiug the ■yfcUm. the efficacy of any medicine, and thatthe Pain Kil- RAI>WAY’S PILLS. DARLINGTON, S. 0. (LAT5 OF CHARI.ESTON, R espectfully inform the citizens of Darlington, and vicinity, that he is now prepared to execute all work in the above line, with neatness and dispatch. TERMS CASH. Ail work warranted to give satisfaction. Shop opposite A. J. J’.cr'-e'e old siami. Mav 4 27 U ! MII.I.I\i:Hl! , r- :-v. W-‘ i. X v y aj? - tnT- :em; ■$0* it ' - ,7 si’ ^ he: In RADWAY’fl PILLS, the true principle of pwga* ft-'i in secured—not uione to the ofhc« of dismissing th» fit •e , « and excrements from the liowela bt t tho*e buruoi* j - thst sr** checked or»u*pprd m the:r ^asssge through the Aim, Kulntys, ard oil ctcretin- and secreting furictiuns; for 1 th»* *e excremcntiou* fe vetioas belor.c- mg to the skin, liver, iuu^s, kidneys. »re interrupted :a their escaj*®, they bco mo prodtuta .if dev.y and oe om- pos t.on. and tmiit be purged from thu Jivinp body through their p oner hsmcls; bene* the purgitkive j q lahties of RAj)WAY : . i ILL-^ ext-'iid to the secretion* ! ol ;he SKtN*, !'!LLd, LlVKK, Ac.; whercoa n t nno of the adve.viac.i iV-is la.m to art beyond tlu< ! bowels ler is deserving of ail its proprietor* claim for it, amply proved by the unparalleled popularity it has attained. It is a sure, and effective remedy, i "jl Id by all Druggists. Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 per b .tilo. each t itle, j u.mers that her SPUING AND SUMMER May 4 27 lin ! LINERY has just been roc' ; ved and ' “ 1 continuancfl of the iiberai putronag* rs.F.lf. II a\ ^WOKTIf, t pleasure in informing Her ft icnds and - T5T EK rs OI-, Cj TIT. X JNTC3-, SH IM !'0TI0\ S!:i:i) Jloiv tn Take Jlculway's Pills. \ TUFiH DAILY USC. In d>vsea r-.ia or •w'. fi.'s, by a?i »n* Of » fi!l ba'nt of body, sub loot ?<• gi i'cr.sss, ri sn cf bl'»od t«o tl.o h-^ad, paipitaujn c* r tbc bant, and aii these subject to flta, will not cmykeo;- he bio* d from beoomi:igt*>njre«te»i j or cioggcst ap in th« biood r«*f.;rl3, hu; w.:’ equa.ixe. tta circulation, anl prov. at sudden attack*, cf appoplexy. | d:sca-o of the hevt, ocnv*wtif*n. Person* who*will u*k9 j one of thoac pi '.h every ii v not suffer !r-*:a Head- I ache*, Dirmuas*, 'Hystoilcs, Fanning Spoils, Pain* around t .e Heart, and a huAkrei otLcrdlaa- ; g !<»*'. 1C -JL'ipi-. .is. i> i > i. i*«T a. . On* of RA T)WA Y*3 I’lLI^F, tw * cr three hoT;r* before | dinner, tn en l.u’v, . kr-e;» the system free from i .‘Ysrk t'.'i a. iSiriai^r.oN, constipatiun, Ou»BTIV£Aad*N ic. horctoiore received. The to. I ction in prices vi i , a!< goods will enable her to sell Millinery >wer ; ihis season than it ha* ever been oil red here ! , heforo. Store at her residence, in the rear cl i the Methods!Church. May 4 27 tf 1 grad* **, Gent* Ha s of the latcet >»•-•«. and Gauts Fi:rnish : ng Gonds ^ * A *. w*. ^ sue in want cf a good uubstemti < v. * ^ ^ e,** f* -V>t .> T -V Wk-'v’J-AE 0K>.V Av Jf' fc’ K :>? ^ .» '--b- ■: .*■ . * *' # 'Yfy J \s? • • I ' * ri.Y :a>; V , * v, A->/. jj/.'pj' * ^ BWa- / . v / r * i*'., . IFC - v ‘s. j* ^ iht. mm S.A* XiytJ. -f ft *<>- > i Bear in Mind, HArWAY-S r!T.M .rt liu cnlT f th.t VI erciuc «.» aherativ« diurvi.', aaioriU'', ap«iivnt and ionic influence. Th«y »ie thu cn'y vagetaWe eubsUiatea for Calomel ot I Mercury. | Tber prvfnote the eecretion of Vie and •rithdraw It frr.ri the .'troulaiion. Tbcy aoenut. throa$h their nniritioas prooertVs, the ityiae tod chyle, *ni gsstfiC ju.oss in tho pi^oweof di- x^srion. They a-e iuloprartW Ooated with Gum* Perfcotiy Tasto- j l-?*- and fr*-c fritr PHILS. Tieea*y-Fiv* CVct^pet B*j, for Ono UoL'ix. Aiwava aek f *r RAD -oe tbw ibe ktier* r.K.B- ore oo <mc — ir e «*cj4r Ha«J^aT*r cu ths other. Pcx! kf | a*' Pr./'. t. r.d t> •' ** ,: bKeeper*, and a» Dr- btowAt « X‘< ■' Lane, T*nlr EsA ! The pub!!'- -ill fu i buj a n-iiv, !a: J . | f>cpt 16 it r. prcti' b to : at a'o'o-: ^ -1 pri'’-:? * r -> .1* AGENTS. BEODIE & CO., F.v,to:6&CommiadonMe^ . . .k. ft. v_ 1 - . _ _ _ ' ■* -•■ 1 f‘ crTAFir-rror. s. c 25 IJ WATCSIKA J E 3B Xj XL , Sterling SUrcr, -c. Spectacle*. Eye GIsasoi ar.d Fabct Good*, at £ JAMES ALLAN’S K? Fi'|wU. r b»r‘.«a •* • r No. 155 METTING STRBF.T. Crj'OS'ic CharltAKm iiefti, CHA«%iro2r. S. C. * : C.'.T.ER :n irba.-l and Law Book, aa.i | [‘rieiing Matc-i*!*. Cl ial 8 and hffer wort. 1 n .'J*rhin« m A8 , Blank Books of all 8‘yles on ‘ a HAN illAt j ^AAroencan Knittj:-, ! rravical Family KnS;U: m band and made to orst^r. Stations: / c! »U 2in W | pravioal Family Knj;ti >i~a rr.a'in.-. nj’.>,*aau Binding of iT.ry dasertp- i p r , ct s;j. yy,r *r,;i ticn executed proaiptnoes sod atrcasocable | Add raw *'’% v r; i r ' ;a f r *r^ r - “‘ J ,r * 4 ’' B » a k j AVEFtCAS KNtTTflsSr “ • *<1 rr.B*t-s Is«. i Var,. y. •’ 1J f ^ • Ayr it •Z M . Mf % NW? m m m m m . m V-: ■ PMfal - c:r ; -;V te.U- 4 Jf' .-Q . L- j isc.tja A*‘#3 wPii&i >*: ■s' - .