The Darlington democrat. (Darlington, S.C.) 1868-1871, June 15, 1870, Image 4

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»> Ct)f Bcmofrat. wr.;>>vv, jim. is. K.ES LOCI- LAR.'iKST ( llU l’I. lTIOX--- r//f DKMO- Trial justice*. b: E ID ^ 13. H. I 3sr <3- T O IT 13 IE IMI O O IR. -A. T - 4 7II KIR A I' 1*01 NT M K N T U NCO »N STIT L’ TI ON A L. An Important DfoUion. The iollowiitg decision lias been made by CHAT HAS Til K LA BO Jar VIItCCLA V/OX | ,1! » Honor Jndjjo ijreen : OF AW PAPER /.V EASTMlf SOVTir THE STATE KX KKI.. HUDSON V8. MUDKAI— CAttOl.lXA AXI) )• CRUSHES THE OEEI- ! raOHIBTION. CIAI. AI>\ KU TIS1. AtE.\ TS. I An application for prohibition was made ! in the ease to restrain the sheriff from exe- cuting a judgment rendered against the re- | later for the sum of eighty-three dollar*. tion for the last ten days, and is still showery '•Cenerul Crrrn” is in full force, lut we liniu Has been filling bountifully in this sec- Thc application was based upon the ground that the act of Assembly authorixing the ap- our planters will mule a vigorous at- j potat|)1cnt „(• mai; ; stra ,„ wit h jurisdiction, such as given by that act, is in violation of the constitution of this State. It was con tact upon him, and put him to flight. Mr. Stephen** HjoU. We have received from the National Pub- lithing Co. of Atlanta, the advance sheets of this great work on the ‘ war between the Slates,” which will s>ou be published. It is the most interesting book of the kind ever published in America. No library should be without it. It is so! t only by subscription. Agents wanted in every County. An Oiler. We offer the PeMOCUAT one year for the first and largest watermelon of the season. We hope our country friends will take the matter in hand. The first case tinder the civil rights bill came up yesterday. An employee of the Pollock House declined to furnish two “fifteenth aincndmciite” with lager; where upon. he was sunimoued before magistrate Nash, and forced to give bond for his appear ance at Court.— ( uluinbia IVmnur. I„ yi. I>ef»au*snrc M. I». We regret to announce the death of this estimable gentleman, which event occurred on Tuesday morning last. Pr. DeSanssure formcly resided in Ilcau- fort. S. C. but it poo its occupation by the United States troops, he came as a refugee to this place I.y his character and deport ment, he won the esteem of all who knew him. and we tender in behalf of them all, our unfeigned regret for the loss we have sustain ed and our sympathies to his family.— Cunulm Journal. Itcligious. tended at the argument, that the act referr ed to was violative of divers provisions of the eonstitntiou : but from the view which I have taken, it will only be necessary to advert to a single one. The first section of article 4th provides “The judicial p >wcr of this State shall be vested in a Supreme Court; in two Circuit Courts, to wit: a Court of Common Pleas, having civil jurisdiction ; and a Court of General Sessions, with criminal jurisdiction only iu Probate Courts, and in Justises of the Peace. The General Assembly may also establish such municipal and other inferior courts as may be deemed necessary.” The twenty-first section of the same article de- doclarcs that “a competent number of justi ces of the peace shall be chosen iu each county, by the qualified electors thereof, in such manlier-as the General Assembly may direct; they shall hold their offices for a term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified They shall reside, &c., “and be commissioned by the Governor.” The -'Jd section of article 4th defines the jurisdiction of justices: “Justices of the peace or two or mere of them jointly, as the Gener al Assembly may direct, have original juris- diet'o.i iu cases of bastardy, and in all matter of contract and actions for the recovery of fines and forfeitures, w here the amount claim ed does not exceed one hundred dollars, and such jurisdiction as may be provided by law in actions ex delicto, where the damages claimed do not exceed one hundred dollars, ami prosecutions tor assault,** and so forth- Thus by the constitution the jurisdiction of justices of the peace is defined; t he source from whence they shall receive their power is pointed out. and the tenure of their office is declared. -Q VALUTAS SOS ^CASTJTAS.’ DR. LAWRENCE’S Bir'ilj CsimtntH flail fxtract »f K.OSKOO l THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER. No Qcack M*dioinc-..Fokmcla Akol-sd Each Botti-e. XB'JO. 1STO. CHEAP SPRING * Just Opened at sjom mm 4 co. ■4287 & 289 ^N« street, Parr®lt , . r OROS3 HO, „ i. New Stock of Spft. T^jTO'V opeuiaj, cownsling in - & Goods, Clothin ^ r -w If we recur to the legislative act in quo'. A meeting of much interest has been in t j 0I1 w jj| j, 0 f uUn J tl, a t the jurisdiction progress in the Baptist Church it this place , conferred upon the magistrates is precisely since Saturday evening last, i hare has been ■ g; vcn |jy (he constitution to justices of preaching every evening, to large congrega- ^ t j lc p uace; except the amount named in the turns, much seriousness prevails, and the : act j s ninety.nine dollars instead of one hun- indicatiim* are that a gracious revival is at ' band. The Pastor of the Church is assisted Prepared and Seld by Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, Orgunic ChemlMt. Norfalk, Va. KOfSKOO! STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE BY PURIFYING THE BLOOD, RESTORING THE LI YE It AND KID.VEYN TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND INVIGORATING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. This is the secret of ita Wonderful Success in Curing. SCROFULA, SYPHAUS, DYS PEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT. CHRONIC RHEUMA TISM, NEURALGIA, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. HUMORS, LOSS OF VIGOR. DIFEASES OF KID KEYS ANB RLADDER and all diseasef caused hj a B*YD STATE OF THE BLOOD or a diseased condition of the LIVER. KIDNEYS, NERVOUS SYSTEM. &c., It thoroughly Eradicates every kind of* Humor nud Bad Taint, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN CHANGED BY the use of this Medicine from weak. Sickly, Suf fering Creatures, to Strong, Heaithp and happy m n and wo non. No.Me lieine. has attained such aOreat Repu tation os this justly Celebrated Compound. Approval bj \he Higher Medical Authority ZKIOSIKOO I Endorsed and recommended by the President of the Faculty of the E. J/cdical College of the City of New York. Professor P». 8 NEWTON. M. D.. Professor and President of the Faculty, late “Pro- fessor Tacory and Practice of Medicine, Cincin nati, Ac, One of the most eminent medical men of this age —well known as the author of the following standard Medical works* Newton’s ‘‘Practice af Medicine,’* ’-Diseajcs of Children,” “Newton’s Symcs -Surgrry.” &c., in December number of the American Medical Review—page 278. says : “Among the more recent efforts to introduce popularly, some of the new remedies, wc notice a new* preparation compounded by J. J. Law rence. M. D., of Norfolk, Vu., which is furnish ed to the profession and the public in any desired quantity. We recently examined his laboratbry and became fully satitjicdih&i all his work is done in the beat manner, by the most approved process and from the best material, giving as h result a medicine, mect ; J% the confidence of the physicians at:’ the public.'* )Psr*p!fj j ! mm r to special toou . r . „ 'Good* DrparAitfiY wbi«U hu '>•” IlArdwar® Ibc fall in gold, and ** of«wd at lor Droaafs at 10e. and 12Je. English IWrugea at 15c. to 20c. Colored Lens, and ^ enadineatf 2m * -Oe. French i.awnH at cents, cheap. Calico# from ftj, 7. 7£« 8 and Brown Shirting. 7*8, ^ Uogf- mul j?£d/ *«, ula.stiWRre, lashware M E D 1 C I N Crockerj-wares, Fa Not'^ Tlw paUio «M t eoiBidcUi . '•.**: * - .I*- '-S' v,-- -1m gnait4.nte«*>«. sr*.-- I) sale at EST-A-BXjTSHEIJ 1831. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR FACTORY! MOULDING AND PLAINING MILL. RESSKD FLOORING, CEILING, WEATHER BOARDS. SHELVING. BOX BOARDS, fte. _ 'Over a Hundred Difftrenc Patterns of MOULDINGS making over 100,000 feet on hand for c at New Turk Prices. Mantle Pieces, Door and Window Frames, made to order at short notice. STAIR RAILS, NEWELS and Ballusters of Walnut and Mahogany on hand and inado tc order. Good and Substantial Work made as CHEAP at this K-tablisbmcm as can be made in the United .State* Wc have on hand the Largest Stock of the above goods South of the city o* Baltimore, all of w hich we guarantee will give entire satisfaction to all who want pood and substantial work. The subscribers can refer to Gentlemen all over this State, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida, as to the character of their work forthc Past Twenty Years. i EAST END 11 ABEL STBKi 0»DO*ite W»n.Io Fertiliiar Works, in tha immediate vicinity of the Chat-lemon and 1’avilion Hotel. May IS. 1*70. »°— April 28, 1*70. Wm ■ AT m Equality Life Insurance Co. virgrimLiet. Drv Sn: Idles Hr: Mm as fir*.-’ m Z'i- §m EQUITY LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF VIRGINIA. Heaton* why Fiery One Should In*urc in the. Equitable Life Insurance Company of Virginia. 1st. It U more LIBERAL to the Insurers Ilian any other Company, *nd will eventually become Pcrelt Mr Tf A I. and belongs to the IxsUKxn. 2d. It circulates its money amongst its patrons who sre the Insurers. Consequently they are getting the benefit of the rapid accumulations of H DAVID B. CLARK. President. THUS. H. WINXK. Vice-President, JNO, Q. WINN. Secroterr, -e-e- *-: Gen. JAS. II. HANK, Actuary, . ' •>’ Dr. F. B. WATKINS, I M Adrfic .. Dr II. W. DAVIS. f Judge JNO. A. MEBED1TH Counsellor. I >• DIRECTORS. IY.m. J. Joitnsox, of Johnson Sc Hunt, Wholesale Grocer*. Wm. H. Power*, Winston & Powers, Wholesale Grocers. Aldkrt Obdwat, Troasurcr Buckingham Slate Company. CiiARLKS Y., Morris k Co’s., Sugar Re- * a finery. 4^ ^ f TO THE prepared ;*f ptoynfeu the spars profitable ;» -a " 'km **• w>. $ mm* mm X • - V m m: CWF Z, ,. by Rev. Mr. Norris o( G ranitviUc.— ( aim/eii Journal, Oth iu*t. , jrr!iini;>li of Wliitlcmore. This notnrions atid infamous Massachusetts oiqK't-Uogcr has been re-clected to Congress from the First Congressional District of our S'late rnnin.isiHl of the Kastcru an tired, and that the court established by that act is a substitute for that provided by the constitution. The first section of the act expressly declares that “until the organiza tion of the Courts contemplated by sections 21,-2 and 23 of article 4th of the constitu tion, the Governor is hereby authorized, em powered and required to appoint a suitable number of fit and discreet persons in each tate. compose. oMl.c Eastern and North- | co “ nt >' to 4ct ” ma 8 istra *« 8 «f * uch cour * t i*’ Kasteru Districts His triumph i. complete, 1,cr ‘ ! thcn wa huve officeu ' '‘^nown to the inasmuch as hi« majority is overwhelming. The n hite people throughout the Congress ional t as a general thing, remainetl nt home, taking no pa.*t in tlso election. C ipt. Dunn oT Horry, his oppoueut U also a Radical eoni^itution, not elected by thj people, with out a fixed term of office, appointed and re moved at the will of the executive, adminis tering that jurlrtdietiou conferred by the con 8titntion upon the justices of the peace, who CURES IN ITS WORST FORMS, From A. W. Mills, a prominent and well known merchant of Norfalk, Na. No. 11 Main-8t„ Norfolk, Va., Sept. 15, 18€0. Dr. Lawrfxce—Dear .Sir : Your Koskoo has worked wonder* in my family. JUy daughter has been a sufferer from scrofula since childhood. ‘She lost thirty-one pieces of bone from her ankle and several from her arm, beside* having ulcers in several parts of the body. Whilst iu this con dition tl • commenced taking yonr Koskoo—it acted like a charm on her : under ite use the ulcers grcdnally healed, and her g mem j health greatly irn- prvved. It c rtainly saved her innrh suffering, rhapi her life. I regard Koskuo* spwific the Company, the money being invested by the q A. Pebles, superintendent LancheBter cottcn Board of Directors among the insurcss. There- mills. .4# fore the the insurers are building up an institu- Joi|v )\ Xtlkr. J. H. & John Trier, Jewellers. tion peculiarly their own, and conducted for M. Miulhisek, Wholesale Dry Goods. their benefit. Thus. Baldwin, Clothier. 3d. The loans of this Company are a* liberal Joax M. Gunniv. Cashier Planters Baalp a* other companies, who declare dividends «t tlie J. 11. Dow ell. Superintendeitt Westerif , ‘Union t end of the second, third and fourth years, but Telegraph Co. u. this company at the cud of the first and every Alex. G. Kobkktsox, Cattle F%kcr. > year. Thereby the insurer saves several years’ Gnu. I. Herring, Wholesale f.Jier; imerest on the loans by insuring in this compa- li. L. Buuw.v, of Brow^a^ mL uy, and he never one Whole Y he has to remain he loses all the money lie lias paid. Goo<L. — EQUALITY LIFE INSUKANCE rif- ■ ' .fh icn^ IsBkM WM mb- »a*v ' **‘r ' ^ * ’ ' - ’ .* ' , •.,»* - lever looses his money if he pn\s for <' i o'-. i*-. , ^ ‘ : v« ¥ ^ Year, wlier»'*i<s in .>i huj o."t.*'. nil -. A !A-itn » main an insurer for several yt .;rs. or S. .'•!. Ko-'i ng^ mi Insure. it is opwil . Your Koiikoo ai.u , , j arc elected by the people, and have a fixe J a;i£ ii-ear^et-basger, hut a tolerably honest J r r < , * a.,- term of office independent of the executive Him deeeuC one. This result certaimy goes | ' .. . , .i i> i- i . . Is it eonstitiitiniial for the Legislature to far to prove th>it the Hadieaw v. ill not vote . .. .. . . , I make this substitution t l an that bodt so for an V.o«est ar.i decent man, even of their the roganic law of ,|, e i an j » Iu * m> rovn party; ami that the negrois not sufficient- : opinion they cannot, and the act by which ly iutettig-nt to vr*c Mnderstandingly, or not the attempt has been made is a plain viula- Bnfficicntly free to vote ashe wonld like. It : t ‘‘ ,n ! ®‘ e e |,lls titat:on. is said that the pitiful mite of $10 Was the largc-rt sum paid to leading YVliitteowrc men in some Cffiinties (’oiumon uniuflucntial fellows were lajught, wo opiuo, for SI. At this rate a few thousand dollars would go a very Ion" way. The lio’.i.ic cf Representatives condemned Whiiteiuore without a single dissenting voice, and they must now go bark upon their ‘ //„/,• ftyc. record if they re admit him. Ilia term ex- ; pirc* with the adjournment of Congress on: the 15th of July, so he has but little more! than a month to enjoy his triumph in. The return of Whittcmnre to Congress and ; the prompt recantation and repentance ' of Daddy Cain, ate certainly not encourage- ; ing facts for the Reform party. The New York /or.'(Radical) alludingt.) ' Vi hiiteimre's re-clctioa, thinks that “ it is i hardly possible that Congress will consent to ! It follows that the magistrate had not ju risdiction in this case, and the sheriff and officers acting under or hy virtue of his au- thority arc hereby rustrained from carrying the said judgment into execution. (Signed.) John T. Grekbl Ittca-sosis U t v. You should use Tulf* Improved Liquid Uocause the Rarber say it is the best, lleeause it imparts a natural color. ]Ici'au«c it does not injure the hair. I’ec.tuse it leaves the hair soft and glossv. and peri for all *c:ofuious affcciioiiH. cur »tl my wife of Dyspepsia, from which she suffered greatly. She is now in better health than she has been in five years. With the highest regard, I am great fully your*, &<\, A- W MILLS. Koskoo is endorsed by the best physicians everywhere. Read ths following from Dr. Tille ry, a successful practitioner of many years stand ing in the old North State: Rocky Jfount, Edgecomb Co., ^ September 10, 1869. j Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dear Sir: I have used your Concentrated Fluid Fxtract of Koskoo in my practice with the hapgiest results. I find it to be a powerful Lircr Invigoraior and JMood Purifier, anil Nervous Tonic. In all diseases of the Liver Scrofulous Syphalitic, and Nervous affections. i‘ is a remedy of immense value, in fact, in almost every variety of C’hronic Diseases its use is in- dicuted. Hoping yon may meet with the success which you deserve as a manufacturer of reliable medicines, I am sir, with much respect, Your obedient servant, R. C. TILLERY, .V. D. JZxcr.nuie its Pamphlets hr fore ym Principal Ollioe e®. _Noy 10 C’it 'jliorn, Herring mi* 7 ^ % COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION , ATra-TJST^ 3 o-A. ‘ - , CHARLESTON, S. C. AND Ejot m 'gmgtj m •.j' ■>}£> ■*&L, We refer to all who ha introduced into this country. Noa t4 (6—6m P-. w*' 1 Wkrj , i w K'J ■ *+■<? V KOSKOO CURES CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. to admit a disgraced swindler to a seat io its Norfolk* Va., Sept. 7, 1869. Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dear Sir : My ton has received so much benefit J?om your xcoudarful Koskoo • * . . .* , . , , , that 1 cannot refrain from expressing nn* grati- because it not staia the sain or bed ■ . u j c> j i r i cc i almost everything without ien. | l>enefit. 1 believe, in all sincerity, that your «> ..... . . ; Koskoo is an infallible remedy for the dicease Hecausc its application tssnnpcl and ea°Y- I , .. , . , .r i '« * i 11 1 ^ i liom which he has suffered, and, so far as 1 can Decause its effects is instantaneous. : learn, has never failed, If you only knew the | imuicnrc amount of suffering that be has unier- ! gone, tlien you could conceive the value of such • a remedy as Koskoo—that surely cures. The J great amount of good it is now doing among us j is inestimable. • With much gratitude, IMPROVED FAMILY I 1 am, respectfully yours, &c*. H. .. .. IVLA / Gun & Lock Smith, DARLINGTON, S. C. (late of charleston, R ESPECTFULLY inform the citirrns of Darlington, and vicinity, that be is now prepared to execute all work in the above line, with neatness and dispatch. TERMS CASH. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Shop opposite A. J. Pierce’s old stand. Mav 4 27 GEORGE HOFFMAN, Rec:! :i u so it i.s the host in the world. DUPLEX iMg SEWNNG 1 € II 1 N E. lialla/ 9 Forney's Ihc** fRadical) declares that ‘ it is discreditable to the country that such a person be re-elected/* and adds: ‘Tt is much to be regretted that the constituency A triumph in Mechanical Science. “Emirelv ofthis naan could not have been better inform- un ^ ni.u.ufac'urcd under the very latest . .... , . , I United States Patent*, with many ‘•important, od eonceniinjr his character, and especially ' *iipiMior and valuable iinprovcnjentH,” Whii’h with the the disgraceful circumstances under : rentier it in it* perfect completeness, n homo no* c * ity. It is without a r.val or equal, and for ; j Beauty and s-rren^th of its 4 *stitcs J ’ Speed, Du- i rability and elegance, surpasses every other Ma chine ; it is '‘hi!rely original in its eon truction , 1 and does not infringe upon any others This) Mrs. M. K. A.AkLSON which he loft the House."—£V;/. -l</r. TI»e illasaerc The "latest advices are to the effect that the alleged Routunniun masacrc of the Jcwt was a fulscliwd from beginning to end. A telegram from London, dated June 5th, says : * despatches from the Lnitcd States announce the receipt there of rep; .rts of nusacres o? Jews hy Christians in Koutnania. No advi ces have readied here on the subject, and the Continental news agencies deny that | there have been any recent outrage* upon ! nouncc thim the Jews of Rouiuaniii. A dispatch from ! wonderful and ext aordinary acliicvemcat of me- chiiniml Jp./eimity works* upon a table; it is j er- fectic ‘, cf.^v i<, learn, rapid and relia ble. makes she beautiful, strong ami r*-K-tble Du plex Stitch; and will do all kind of work with case ami rwatuc.-m. Sew* with all kind* of thread j sillier, double or biagle; cannot, get out of order, ; and it what is WAiilcd by every family. It ha* j rr vived hrmiurn* and the full approval of the j principal Lou sin'.;-; and all those who have used ! Dr. Lloyd, a Physician of Large Practice. J. J. LtwnEXcr, M.D.—Dear Sir: I checrful- Ij* endorse your KOSKOO as being a most valua ble prcparui ion. Upon examination of tiic for- j muia, l find each iugredieul highly extolled by | our best and most progressive cbnical investiga rs. 1 have tost.-d ils effects in my own prac tice, and have no hesitation iu recommending it. In my opinion it is the best compound of its churn e\er put before the public—exceeding by far all the various compound* of sarsaparilla, &e., ever invented. It is a decided nerve tonic, and in- vigorator of tho nnini»l forces, aiding digcMioa 1 Good* and assimilation, and thereby producing healthy ) \ - * Hbiod. which should be the basis of treatment in ; v.lotning, ^ all chronic di«*^Me£. Hoping you will reap the j Hut* and Cap?, tblic as a bene- (’rockery, 1 Fancy (juods pleasure m informing her friends and cus tomers ihat her SPRING AND SUMMER MIL- j j LINERY has just bean received and solicit* a ; j continuance of the liberal patronage she has j ’ heretofore received. The reduction in prices of j MERCHANT TA x *f COl t 1 XTREKT, ^ FLORRNCK, S. 0. all good*, will enable her to aeli Millinery lower llii* season than it haa ever been offered h^;*e before. Store nt her residence, iu the rear of the Methodist Church, May 4 27 tf i! K EEPS always on hand a well selectedstock of Oassimere* nf nil grade*, Ready made cijOTiiiasra-, of all grades, Gents Hats of the latest style. Boot*, Shoes, and Gents Furnishing Gooc* gen- crally» All who arc in want of a good subtautial STJIT well iimOc mi'l a Good Fit, wilt do wc! to cat! on liim. He faita to plea**in boihfil and price, and hi* from!, are all of the beet qt.lity. fie also begr, leave to in form the pub e, and tof ' ^ and adjoint a a Vclcrinar .*J- -■ . . King ofI>c • . sgsBasa! pracire. Iih’- ih.4i-«^J.' -. U-- J. ■ ! leaf* .. ■ -- 1 ee»*ar? c«.'•‘T , i- At vi.' ** TS- '*.* - » V.';-.,. v.„s. gM. - ::<Oa v r k .■ ‘ - V ' t :r.k* Eg dtufinieti Wv' -ms 4 pig* w 4->V mav St iutr y ai* o ; FamJ'yni Jitch, *: m V* tSflT K Mi . 1 ' »r -..•i M \ Pin VIVi 1 AVn ilPFVm f the Ladies CHpeciall^, that be ha» on hand ^Hect ! .... . N(n\ ALlUvIMt AM) Urr.NL l Ai ; stock of Ladies* Spring and Summer Dras Good* I p vo ■ l» ^ | a ■y 1 ’——t'- j g*—"S ! of every descriptiou, which ha intends < close M » A\ « 1 l Y fclD - | out at very low figures, as he intends kopng a " Gent* Furnishing EatablisKraent excluaivily, *o tWa La-lies will do well to call and see the&goods 20 tf jouinn ;!ierr. “l h : * hiakchitic works like a cituitn. and sews neat and rapid, it i* what every family re rewar *. you deserve iron* the factor* I am sir, yours truly. CHAKLLS LLOYD, M. D. Groceries^ Hardware, Shoes and Roots, Glugswnrc, Medicines and j while they are coins;, | mar 10—’70 Y World. “Wc hav 1 examined the mrichii! worthy of all the prai*^e'aim- ' visited the An pr n ; nd-Jiiional testimonials from Physicians, ■ Eminent Divines. Editors 1 Druggist*, Merchants. mechanical ecieiicc".—Chronic!* Augusta Ga. i ILit'ltarcst fliat 8 rk*t occurred last ! Single Mitchmes, ell ccniple»r. packed in . box, < t. i .t.. . -n. a., scut free t.» any part of the country by cx : nres?, on receipt or price, ^..j. rtaro delivery l rin^ ,i local election, it is (lexciiliej as an , gunraotecl .‘.^cnis wantcil. Circulars con- ! wliich was i taining extra in iacementa, FUEE, Address e '^" Illustrated Nevis. "A greet in | &e se . KOSKOO ALMANAC "for luis .rear. 1’rice, ONlj DOLLAR I’ER BOTTLB. I Tine Liquors, Cigars. Tobacco, vtc. j The public will find it a great adnantage tc After read iu g the above high rccotnmeiuiatiou* | buy a new btuck, laid iu at almost gold prices. Invalids cannot rcu-onublv hesitate to give Kos- • ‘ r> ^ *f WATCIIEX, ordinary political dittuili nice ojclled vvi: . .; i„:c.;’c.«set Lt :.-oor ; DUPLE X »W Er:. 3J »: ■> f.£= ror s*i.r. bt Dr c. M. PAllKER. M. D. Darlington, S. C. And by Drape's 1 ? c-rr;; vher* E th ii. J70 1ft J E -W E X, R , sterling Silver, PlatedWare, Spectacles Eye Giusee end renjoj ED. PERRY No. 135 METTINO STI Opposite Charleston Charleston, S. D EALER in School and Printing Material!. Law Blank*, Ac., mank Books of all stlos on ) hand and made to ‘••der. Stationery • «*b kinds. j» r ;. Ruling and Binding of every icecrip- mMmm 00 A OF.XTS ''ANTED c»crJ«h>.ypfc.,* ;i H » Amevl^n ft.iltnng .JACHl ' , practical Family Knitting Mnohincf ^ .•“fag tf . f A VV**'1 : JifS 5 - utse, > - ‘•ilN/ffi/Sr* | msir® 9 M ;r " <* , \ vf f O.*.,','*, r I **f' J , vv .**>»S *• v »v%' r.'Wfc .M