The Darlington democrat. (Darlington, S.C.) 1868-1871, June 15, 1870, Image 3

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3DEI^OCI?-^.T. TO THE Southern People! INSURE YOUR LITE TO-DAY, THAT YOUR FAMILY MAY RE Provided For. Tomorrow You MAY Vie! PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life Insnrunce Company, RICHMOND, VA. Assetts over $1,500,000. DIVIDENDS declared for ISO!), 40 ^ct. Purely a Southern Institution. Policy Holders Participate in Profits—Policies Non-forfeiting. popular and and successful Southern Life a nee Company now stands at the head of st of the BEST, MOST LIBERA Land STRONGEST Companies in America. Its affairs are govern* the best men in our country, and the manner in which the policies are paid due, as well as the careful and prudent iu- ^vestment of its funds, recommend it to the GREEN, WATSON & WALSH OFFER TO THEIR FRIENDS AND . THE TUBLIC, The most OOTV-HRLIETE STOOJ2; OF ]>ry Goods, GROCERIES, t in Pumtcr—selected to sail the times. Grea nduccments will be offered to cash buyers. 1 THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM, which has made this fitoie “A HOUSEHOLD WORD,*’ will be continued. Remember that we deal in JDjry C3rOOc5Ls, GROCERIES, AND EVERYTHING DESIRED, That we bey for CASH, anfl sell for C&L&lCL OjCLly, AND THAT WE HATE BIT ONE PRICE. The learned and unlearned are dealt with alike. WHOLESALE rt -V . Jf: -x • . • •'.S'i*.' Wanted—Agents, are invited to an examination of our STOCK.— They can be supplied at Charleston Prices—freight added. Green, Watson & Walsh, % Cor. MAIN AND LIBERTY Sts., SUMTER, S. C. a O T T O 1ST S If I P P E I>. W E have made arrangements to SHIP COTTON TO "SrODrlSL, BALTIMORE OR CHARLESTON, MAKING CASH ADVANCES on same when delivered, and having it held at EITHER POINT AS 1.0 NO AS MAY C 2 DE&ii**®* , , dr'f We will receive m OOrVTO 1ST ■ . - : _AT, , SUMTER- LYNCHBURO, KAYBSNILLE, . MANCHESTER, AND TIMMONSVILLE. GREEN, WATSON & WALSH, Dealers In General Merchandize AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. _ , BPB HPBPWii vf-i , ^7 . , - . K, . 1 trad-, s and occupations, ]3th edi* : ou now rei ■ , ’ , •• ' m 01 The ’ ■ / • * i FARMER’S & MECHANICS’ :■ TVLs^JsruruZsJL,, ■’ ' I v ',y GKO. E, WAUraCOJK. p ™; walker, evans & cogswell, ^ %i * ady. mts of Agi iculture,” “Draining Health,’ 1 and former- _ * : /,/■• uai Lurir**> t of v ; 5 r ' - *'/ «t i'ark. N. Oct a • Pages and ov«. Illustrations. Stationers. Printers, AND Blank Book Manuliicturers, 3 BROAD STREET, C II A TIT. ESTON, S. C. June 23 The New Orleans Tones °nys: a book which shoull be in the hands of every Farmer and Mechaub.” The New Orleans Picayune, says : “So valuable a book slmu’i be found in the houso of every Far mer and Mcbanie ; its* elegant illustniiioiib will | Vittke itwelome everywliere.” Active me. and women can make more money and give betor satiafooUnn ii selling this book than any wck in the field. Send for h-pago circular, telling all about it. £A>. THE AT & CO., Publisher*. No. 054 Broadway, N. Y. S- t S 49 tf h. R. RACjrSIIAJUJfci, Whofcsole and Rct-iil Dealer in Dry (JoihL, (Jrocrrirt, Proeitiumt, IVVn** Li<[U<m. ibc. TIMMON.SVII.LK, S. C. 5 Havc junt rra^rlved by U»v arrival, from S.w York, an elegant supply of SPRING & SUM- MKR GOODS, which Imve been purchased at the decHne in goods and which I will S‘ll ui corres pondingly low prices, comprising BKUAGES, MOZAMPIQUE3 Ac.. Sc. ALSO A lar'te lot of gentlemen’s READY MADE CbOTIIING. together wilh a tine assortment of liLGGY IIAUNESS, ltRim.ES & PADDLES Sc. Always keep a good supply of every thing kept in a first class store. BACON, CORN, SUGAR & COKFKE Call and examine WHISKIES, BRANDIES & WINES, both foreign and domestic. Mr. Dounds, will take great nle..s ire in showing, and will sell low for CASH. L. It. RAGSDALE May 4 27 <f Oi<3L Burnham’s Drug Store, 1 WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the attention of FAIt- ilEHS and PH YSICIAN8 of the Country, to my large STOCK of Drugs and Medicines, FANCY AND roil.FT AKTICT.ES, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &c.. also, the old StandardsAKSAPAll! LA, made from the original receipt of It. W. Burnham, which is rivalled by none, and his Anti-Cholera Mixture, which will cure Cholera and all disease of the bowels. At wholesale or retail. Ord rrs from the country on Factors, will be promptly attended to. t!ivc me a call before going elsewhere. E. S. BURNHAM, Sign of the Red Mortar, King Street, Charleston, S. 0. Four doors below Calhoun Street. Oct 28 5 1y EDWARDS & DARGAN ATTOKisnE^rs —AXO— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, DARLINGTON, C. H , S. C. B. AV. EDWARDS, J FURMAN DAROAN April 18 24 Om D K M O C R A T JOB OFFICE. OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. Wc take great pleasure in offering the Old Carolina Bitters to the public. They are compounded with groat care, and contain some of the beet Tonics in the Pharmacopia. ,4s evidence of the superiority of our Bitter* over all others, we hare certificate* from many of the leading physicians in our State who have prescribed thorn in their practice. The OLD CAROLINA RITTERS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, Chills, Fevcf, and Dyspepsia. We do not offer our Litters as a core for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere Principle depot GOODRICH, WINEMAN k Co. Importers of choice drugs and chemicals. Charleston, S. C. roar 9 19 ly AM now '-"pared *o exocnte all JOB WORK of every .escription, such as LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEFS, HAND BILLS, BILL HEADS, LABELS, BUSINESS CAHPS, VISITING CARDS, AND PLACARDS. All work neatly and promptly executed at prices to suit. —also— Cards and Printing Paper always on hand. Office in rear of McCalls’ Store. CHERAW & DARLINGTON R. R. SUPERINTENDENT S OFFICE, \ Cheraw, S. C., March lt>, 1870 / ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 1GTH in at., the following Schedule will be run by the Trains on the Hoad: DOWN. Leave Cheraw 7 4o A M C’ashe’s 8.1% “ Society Hill 8.45 “ Dove’s 9-25 “ Darlington 10.00 “ Arrive at Florence 10 45 A. M UP. Leave Florence 3 30 P M Darlington 4.15 “ Dove’s 4.50 “ Society Hill 6.30 “ Cash’s 6.05 “ Arrive at Cheraw 6.30 P. M To G-in Owners. This is to sny, that we have had our Gins re paired by Sourdine's Gin Saw Gummer and find it to bo superior to the hand prw mode of sharpe ning, it frees the saws from lint, especially when ginning damp cotton, and nods greatly to the sample and facilitates the gin in feeding more in the smie time over the hand file. It restores the teeth «o their original shape, making all alike, in doing so it lengthens the tooth as much ns it is worn off at the point before needing repair again. We would say it does all that it is claimed to do, and would respectfully recommend our farmers lo give it u trial. P. A. Wilson, M. D S. W. Morris, JbssE Keith, W. Cole. R. I). F. Rollins, W. P. Gee, Lazarus Morris, J. M. Coker, James Coker, K. G, Kirvin, A. B. Doyk. Having six counties to operate >n, viz: Darling ton, Marion, Chestci - field, Marlborough, Horry, and Georgetown, it will be impossible for me to attend to all who may wish repairs made on their Gins in the Fall seasons, in so large a scope of i f country, therefore I would say to the Farmers of Darlington and adjoining Counticsthat should they need work, it will be to their interest to send in their orders now, and have their Gins re paired for the coming season, as 1 expect to work entirely in the other counties the next sea son. Persons desiring my services will confer a favor by obtaining as many jobs in their section as possible for me I ant prepared to sharpen Saws, fill Boxes and Brushes, and to put your Gins in splendid order. Orders will receive at tention in due time, at your residences. Pay ment fer work will be made easy. 1 have two excellent second handed Gins for sale, in splendid order. Addreas Dr. JAB. .V. HUNTER, or M. W. HUNTER, Tirnraonsvllle, S. C. Jan 12 12 4m SPRING AND SUMMER Importations, zr-ibbotsts, Millindry and Straw Goods, 'i HJii LIFE OK ALLAN PINKERTON, GREAT DETECTIVE OF THE AGE We hare now in preparation and will Publiah on the 27ll» of October, Instant, in No. 1261 of NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE, The life and exploit* of Allan Pinkerton. tb« most able and successful Detective the world has ever known. Wc have been at great pains to obtain the fact* and circumstances attending the remarkable life of this most extraordinary man, who has been mainly instrumental in developing the greatest crimes commit|dd in this country, and bringing their authors to justice, besides rendering in valuable ter vice to the Government during the late rebellion. The Biography of Allan Pinkerton i» truly a Bomunee of Life, and the demand for it in a.l parts of the country will be so great that those who desire to secure copies, and who live at * distance, should either subscribe at once, or ae- tify the newsdealers from whom they purchase that they may obtain a fall supply on their first order. Oct 27 2 I DANIEL H. SILCOX. FURNITURE AND CHAIR WAREHOUSE, 175 177 and 179 King Street, Charleston, S. C. Furniture made and repaired. Goode packed with care for Shipping. Oct 21 4 1-y. ' HENRY BISCHOFF &. CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dk.ilkus is WINES, LIQUORS, SEGART. TOBACCO, Ac., C«. 107' E.A-ST B-A.-ST, Charleston, S. C. h. niscRorr. c. wulbsux. j. it. riira» Oct 21, 4 1-y VICTORIA HOTEL* CHARLESTON, S. C. F. OPDEBKEUK, Proprietor. Dec 23. 13 tf ED. PERRY, No. 155 M KITING STRKKT, Opposite Charleston Hotel } Chari.wm>N, S. C. D EALER in School and Law Books and Printing Material*. Law Blank*. &c.. Blank Books of all styles on hand and made to order. Stationery of all kind*. Printing. Ruling and Binding of every descrip tion executed with promptness and nt reasonable rate#. Printing Papers, and Wade & Co.’s Book and Job Printing Ink. mar 9 19 6m ARMSTRONG, CATOR & Co. importers and Jobbers of BONNETS, TRIMMING & VELVET RIBBONS, Bonnets Silks. Satin* and VcIy^ib, Blands. Net*, -a ,*■ *-7- Trimmed and Untrimmed, SHAKER HOODS, 237 and 23C Dnltimorc-strcet, BALTIMORE, Md. Offer the largest Stock to be found in the conn- CHARLESTON Oct 21 Cigar Factory CARRIAGE BUGGY -A-TKTXD MANUFACTORY TDA-nXjIISrGrTOIsr. S- CL T HE undersigned beg leave to intorm the citiiena of Darlington and ourrouiidi.'g cour ;y, that they have opened a SHOV at Dar lington Court House, for the purpmo of carry- ing on the busline us of manufacturing and V gad* •' urrioges. Waggons, Carts, occ. a r dc**ic * .ajcatne** and clihpafcti. We rospc full er of publis pa- tvonage. -4- ‘ - Vjv HAST, k CO. 'arlingtt' S. C. 8«pl 29 M ' tf These Trains make close ronnections with th.* trains to and from Charleston. Passengers for the Kingsville end of the W. k M. R. R., are, not delayed at Florence. Those for the Wilmington end remain at Florence f’.om 10.45 A. M. to 3 P. M. S. S. SOLOMONS, Superintendent. mar 19 Norlli Eastern Rail Road. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, N. E. It. R 1 Chari.uston, S. t'., March 11, 1870. / ON AND AFTER SUNDAY THE 13 th inaL. the following schedule will be run by the Trains on this Hoad: EXPRESS DAILY. Leave ChuiTv.-uon 9.30 A. M Arrive at Florence 3.00 P. M Leave Florence 11.1' A. M Arrive at Charleston ‘At P. M THROUGH NIGHT KXPRE-8. Leave Chavlc*ton 0.30 P. M Arrive at Florence J2 Midnight. Lea'*** Florence 1 t > A M Arrive at Ch;u*lfcston 7.3.0 A. M Brill of these Train* omkc e1o*e connection vith tiu I’iirough train* to the Nonhern citie*. i The Night Express will not run on Sund ws. j Theti’iin on "'h* *.’iosMW’ *'c Darlington Road • connect* with thh Day rixpress to utnl from 1 Charl-.ston. S. S. SOLOMONS, Suporinti’iidonl. " W. A M^R. R. COMPANY. - GKNERALSl i’KRINTENDKNTS OFFICE, ) Wm.i.miNiiTON', N. C . Nov. 5, 1809. / O N and after Monday night, the 8th inst., Passengers for thc'W. & M. R. R.. will take i the train at the W. &. M. R. R., Depot, and the following s-die lule will be run : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Willming*on daily at 1 A. M Arrive nt Florence 10:3*2 M j making a complete Arrive at Kingsvilh- P M . I.eav<» Kingsville 12- . » 1*. M \ A^iivrfti Flnrcncr ( .VM’. M BY DAVID DICKSON, Arrive at VN ilmington in - 10 t Express Tr»vin connect clo*tdyat Fi- renc** with the Norti ea*C*rn Railroad for { hm -ton. and Cheraw and Darlington Railros. I lor Cheraw. nn( ] a t Kingsville with the South Ceiolina Rail road f*r A ngnstn. to which point the curs run through without change. ACCOM MODATION T R A IN. I>eavc Wjlmington daily at 0:45 P. M. Arrive at Florence- 2: JO A. M. Arrive a. Fh gsville 0:00 A, M. Leave Kingsville 4:00 1'. M, Arrive at Florence l J:40 P. M Arrive ft’. Wilmington 6:16 A. M. WM. MacKAE, G*n’l COOKIJV& STOVES!! O F ,4LI. SIZES. AND QU ALITIES on rora- and for CASH onlr. ein be found pt WOODWAKD’S. Aaril 20, 1870. 2o 6m g.a.howardT FLORENCE. S. C. Cabinet Maker, AND U PII O li S T K n E U, Furniture made aud repaired. Matr:.sac* made to ___ _ tf AIM A H’S OH try, and unequalled in choice variety and cheap ness. comprising the latest Parisian novelties. Orders solicited, and prompt attention given. Feb 23 18 5t BJ. Aimor, Wliolesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE DRUGS, medicines, Chemicals, Surgical Instruments, Peifumerios, Toilel Goods, Cor. King and Vandcrhoist-StreeU, (’llAliLUSTON, S. (i. Proprietor of Aiinar’s Sarracenia Fitters, For Dyspepsia. Aimar’s SA iLSA I’AUILLA v QUL'EN V DELUIHT. Aimar’s I'itEMIUM COLOOXE WATER, ACIK.NT FOR James Buchan & Co s., CEI.UllitATKD CUKSYLVC SOAPS. M;»y 0 31 ly IF 1 X/ynR.-A.IE 3 BITTEJRS, The Great Southern Remedy for DYSPEPSIA, And diseases arising from a disordered condition of the Stomach and Liver. Prepared by (1. W. AIMAR. Druggist and Chemist, Charleston, 8, C. Sold by all Druggists. mar 2 19 Cm OSTENDORFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Dealers in U /XES. LIQUORS if- SEGARS, No. 175 Fast Bay, (MIAIU.KSTON. S. C. Agent* f* r II. (hausen’s Ales. Not 24 fi—^ .i. r. o'nkill r. l. o'nsill. JNO, F. O NEILL & SON, WHOLESA L E G ROCER S Dealers in HY.YA’.S’, L/Qt’ORS, «(v., COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, Also Agents for J.h'n Taylor’sEons Albany Cream. A le. No. lf>7 East Bav, CILIULKS rox, ■ fS. c. Nov 24 (6—6m PiielsiniiVSi<10111 nlF-irmlno- 1 ROBERT CHISOLM, JR. iJiMvbOn h N\. Kill OH 31 ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR, Offlce, 17 Broad-slrcet, ( 1 11 A R L E S T O X, .S’. C. Sept 8 49 tf FINAL notice. A ll persons having any claims against the estate of W D. Adam*, late of this County, deceased, are hereby notified to present them du- l> Mtte- ted according to law, nt once, or be de barred payment. J. C. 1IUR8EY, Feb. 23.—3m 18 Adm’r A VAU AHLK BOOK FOR THE PLANTER. Acnmpreheiudve view of the Author’s Improved Fystem Of Asricuiture, C*’oipri»»ed in a concise, origin)*! ticiUise, to which i* added all JUS LETTERS, dele Text Bock for the Farmers. )AVID dick: ot S']-arta. Georgia. A ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUMK—$PBLCE $5. With Likcucs* of the Author. rSNH F above wtirk is now in press, and will be Jl. ready about the l«t of April. 'i'l» e demand for this booh v. ill be u n precedent- cdt nutl person* wishing early copies had better order at once. The book will be sent free of ex pense for transportation, on the receipt of the price. Money sent by P. O. money order or iSx- preas, at out risk. Address, J. W. RURKK A Co., I’ubHshers, Jfacon, G». Mar 'M J\ FOR THE l jdj: e s . Mrs. E. H. HA YiNS WORTH, 4» H AS removed to the Office opposite the res!* deuce of Maj. A. C. Spain, where she will ontinue the busioebs of Millinery end Dress Making, 1 *a»y 19 ^33 Jy