M THE ZD^EZLallSra-TOILT ZDEMOGH^-T. ®hc Drntofrrtt.i ^ “ I Incrc ifc. JK 17J rops m;d Improve your WKI>\KSI>AY. ^I4IU1I ». RES E O G X . LARGEST ClREULiTIOX—T///; W.SIO- CRA T HAS THE LARdKST CIRCVLA TlOy OF AXl’ PAVER IS EASTERS SOUTH CABOUXA ASD PUBLISHES THE OtEI- CIAI. A U VERTISEMESTS. ]nercuj. your by using P1UEMX Lum»» GUANO, Imported by uv direct from tlie Phoenix Islands, South Pacific Ocean. WILCOX, GIBDS & CO’S., MAXWi'LA TKI) GL AXO. Prepared ai Savannah, Ga., and rharleston. S. 0,. which has proved in tlie s ( -il the best Ma nure in use. (iuano. Salt and I'lazter Ct/tvjmnnd^ Also prepared at Savannah and Charleston, for this office for subscriptions, AVlll , sale fi.r oxnli or on time. please call and settle their arrear ages, as we are oompellcd to have : money h> keep up dhe supply of| material. All parties indehUil to Court The Spring term oPthe Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions closed on Satur day last. Judge Uutlanp presided with his WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., Importers and Dealers h GUANOS. 99 Bay street. Savannah. Ga. 04 Kant Bay street. Charleston, S. C. 241 Broad street, Augusta, Ga* For further information, address ns above for usual dignity and calm deliberation. (lis circular, orsub.scribe to “Southern Agrieu/turist if, , i 4 i lir „ tw i i An i ! published bv W. (!. Macmurpliy&.Co..atAugus- thorongh knowledge ol law. and noted kni 'i { M an(1 SaVH ‘ !ia;lh> G a., at the low price of 25c. ency has, we think, given entire satisfaction | per annum, to all. The Session was almost entirely ta ken up in the adjusting of State cases, which left the civil docket still unfinished. The case of Ezra Davis, for the accidental killing of Arthuu McIntire, came up on j Thursday, The jury after an absence of a j few minutes. remlereJ a verdict of not guilty. Pacl Brown, the Murderer of Mr. J. L. , Dixon, was found guilty, and sentenced to | be hanged on the first Friday in May next. ; lies 15 BUGGY MANUFACTORY AT €;c*©. IfleD. Moll. The card of this gentleman will b? seen in another column of this issue. lie is Agent for the Home Fire Insurance Company of Connecticut, one of the best companies in the country. This Company is reliable, hav ing coroplieu with all the requirements of the State law. He is also Agent of Piedmont and Ar lington Life Insurance Company. Persons wishing their lives and property insured will do well to call ou him. Victoria Hotel. Our Friend OpdkbeZCX.,’issti 11 on hand and always on the alert, we would advise all our friends who arc visiting the City, more especially those whose business is mostly on King Street to register with our old friend where they will find a warm reception, clean rooms, and a plenty to eat. iD^^x^iisro-xoisr. s. C- T HK undersigned beg leave to inform the citiz-L’ns of Burlington and surrourubug country, that they have opened a SHOP at Dar lington Court House, lor the purpose of carry- ing <»n the biissimof inauufnoturinjr and re pairing Buggies, Carriag* *. Waggons, ( arts. Ale. AU work done with neatness and dispatch. We respectfully solicit a share of public pa tronage. D. W. HAST, & CO. Darlington, S. 0. Serf 29 52 tf J. *. n .s: •!.!. r. t. o’*KILL. JNO, F, WHOLE; Deal era in M IXES, ZHU'ORS, .tv., AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Also A gouts for Joiiti Tavtcr’aSons Albany Crouni Alo. No. It’,7 Kast J* iv, CIIAllLESTOX,' S. C. Nov 24 (fi -Cm TO FLOSSSSTS. O'NEILL & SON. I ALE GROCERS I>avlli»:i II Jtoj. All persons visiting the City who wish to be well entertained will do well to Register at this well known house. Its Reputation heretofore is Sufficient guareutee without fur ther comment. LT ;i:sl1 Oarden, Flower, .S'iirul, jimI Fvrrgrc’ Fruit, Seeds. 3. Mailscn, Has on hand fine segars. both domestic and imported. If you really wish to enjoy a good smoke, send for some of his best. Jaiutwt All»-ii. g. ntlcman will sell you a fine Time piece, or aiy other s’ticle in the jewelry line, at reasonable rates. See his card. Kiirrafciiin. This celebrated medicine, prepared by Dr. Aimar. Chemist and Druggist, is an excellent tonic. And us the season is fast approaching, when such medicines arc much needed, we would advise our friends to get a supply at once. ,Sc his card. T>.1m ar.l Perry. Has on hand ^uhool and Taiw Books, Stationery, Printing Paper, Ink, Ac., all of which he will sell at reasonable rates. Send your orders. Ciootlricti, Wiiieiii:in »V Co. It will be seen by reference to our adver tising columns, that these gentlemen arc of fering to the public their celebrated ()ld Carolina Bitters. These Hitters never fail to please. Mrs. Parker, * 1 (his day reccivcl a largo ?upi»1y « f JL JL Jaj»pn .Switches, Ileal Lace Sells, very pretty Drillvt! Dress Lining, one p:ee»* of beauti ful French Alpaca, Black Serpentine Braid, Bl'k Corded Silk Buttous, &c., &c. Jan 26, 1870. Horh. Tree, with diiec- lions fur culnire. prepai l by mail. The inos? complete and judicious assort merit in the count i y. AGENTS WANTED. ports of either for '1.00; prepaid by ^-fW^Smail. Also Sii .ill fn.its. rLints Bull*', all the new I'otatoes, ,S;c.. ]ireii:ud by mail. 4 lbs early Bose Potatoc, prejaiid, lor :. :; 1.00, prepaid. New hardy fragrant everblooming Japan Honey, suckle, oO cents, each, prepaid. True Cape f 'od Cranberry, for upland culture, Sl.Ou per !(«.- prepaid, with directions. Priced catalogue to any address, gratis; also trade list. Seeds on commission, B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nursaries aud Seed W'arehouMe. Idynio'it.h, .Mass. Estabdislied in 1E j2. January 19 4t OSTENDOBFF CO., Wholesale U-rocers, UKM.KKS IN WINES, LIQUORS k SUGARS, 175 East Bay.i'Iiarltston, s. C. Agents fer H. Clausen’s Ales. Ang 21 » 1} OSTENDORFF & CO., W H O L E S A L E G R O C E R S, Den!' r ■ in WIXES, LI\> r UUS<; SEGAES, i l’>ay, C. _ <± 'ICE No 17"> I. c;i\ hleston; Agents for If. Clausen’s Alta. Nov 21 IMrORTANT XOi Farmers and Planters of hajcj.ngtox couxty. A S it .’;ii • ijap »• - to nrocii^h-for »;ifb fs\ cv sraMUi. lull suj (itiulio. take the ^ to proeuriMot* a idb i)*p.i. vian ire in jcrmum *n lin;r ’I" i l :. t ' ‘latit ts of ilii« .7, ■ iu/.i:i;r .» h/ve exprri- •mmeiei.il iu:\- ti 'n valuable ecuro it .'bond \< e are pre- I. circulars ol io.Ov) on time, with approved •• ■•uiity, payable lir .si !,oVviabci 1H70. We tre ;u<- A; (Se.. V.. Willialan ejudi advan • s In ton.cons ton, S. t the notice of county the “C'-’l IK) I. /AVI which ii< acknowledged !»' tiio.« niciited .vith it, be the mire in the mark t. We are Agent< lor 1 1 <* sale < Fei tiiizer, andthov wiio n ^.i ' make inirmiliate api ’-caiieu (a) u-, pared to sliov* : red ti.r:-’ same* Tei a . .y-ai «*0 -.■ash. «-r • Tit s A ( for th«“ F; fb »i t i III TO TX-IE Southern People ! INSURH YOUR LIFE TO-DAY,THAT YOUR FAMILY MAY HE Provided For. Tomorrow Yon MAY Die! PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life Insurance Company, RICHMOND, YA. Assetts over $1,500,000. DIVIDENDS declared fl.r 130!),-10 pet. j Purely a Southern Institution. Policy Holder.' Participate in Profits—iVlicie* Non-forfeiting. This popular and and successful Southern Life Insurance Company now standa at the head of fkelist of the west, most mbi h u.nn l srm.NUKsT Companies in Ameriea. ,_lts aflair- are govern ed by the bust mi n in <•»: e< untry, and the prompt manner in which tlie policies are paid when due, as well r:s t lie «-. irefill and prudent in vestment of jfs funds, recommend it to the SOUTHERN PEOPLE, 08 THE Company for them to Insure in, W. C. i UtBINOTON. President. John* k. i:i>wauim. Vice Presi lent. 1). J. hartsook. Secretary. *. Hodktvs. Asst. Secretary. ’rotors for South Caroliu ;.- Six'. G *v. M. L. Bonham. Dr. Isaac Branch, Dr. J. J. Wurdlaw. 8. L. Leaphart. The undersigned respcctftiliy solicit** the pa tronage of tiie good citizens of tliis section for this company. Addersj U. MeD. STOLL, Agent, Florence, 8. C. Dr. W. A. Wasjun xTOX. Medical Jdviscr, Oct n J firm of Messrs. s, .» id v ’t : infil:< lie value • «v co: t!ir tlie abuvelirni A '.'h,*rles Birti \ ' i . ; • Di.l.OHME ,‘c !;y1u». I).. h Kot 25 .lOlIN DAY ') ;EO. '! KCL. S. r. It itom . i:i nn :m:. Dawson, Teel & Manning IVliiiI(‘-.nli‘ and Uclail IV-alcrs in II A U O W A H I*], .-3* r~- <■ c r TT kv E /.' ) InT 3 S, Ml ■X Jllun I'"'I" .. A'a- fftnl /.<. I itert, I AiirlcuUmal li;)])Ii-nten!s Iron ami NAil.S, Also i>r..\;.Ki:s Midi ;-s\ }ln„ ,r ( \f ,‘jirjr . Cida'nrt }[:!•' Mr. >. H hr*'!:''rt ;!os . ( ■. so smith’ . Mm hi i t-.' to'' Mil'/, <*. S’, It,*, fin lli!i r.< l mr rtcJa r* 7’ % RSDHM'S l!E10y RELIEF Cares the Worst Pains IN FROM OitE TO TWENTY MINUTES. jpot. 1 own noun After r-'ailingthis aJvc •tisement, nead cuy om* SUFFER with PAIX. P. AD WAY'3 P1DADY RELIEF 13 A CURE FOR EVERY PA.N. It fivi the’ftrst, and u THE ONLY PAIN PZriEDY T!:;tt instantly stops the mast excrurtatiug p,«iu% ALLAYS INFLAMMATIONS k CU^ES CONGESTIONS, Whether of the Lunrs, Atom ich, B^woh, or other glands ftixd orgaus, l>y oc«44ppii v 'ati .n IX FROM ONE TO TWHXTY MINUTE*. tho piin, tha Xe Xo mvtter Iviw violent or (-v-ri-v . ItHEUaAriO, IV'd-n-n® !. Infirm, • .-plci. Xervou^ Kwui-algic, or pro*Lratod with cij»v«-e may suffer, RADIFAY’S READY RELIEF w'Tl. in tnm oxr. V. TWF.NTT UIXirTKS ®*Vwi rrn and co'njort, and thi» me 1 cine. u>. rapid ia stopnim; j-m n, cmii be purrhe^ed for 50 cents per b -ttiy at ad.: every drugg -t’s and e< untry in *ic.h.tn;’j store on thi* eoati- nt-Df. and within one boar’s distance of almost evAi/ haLxiuuon in tlie United States. RHEUMATISM AND NT’.UTtAT.O!A. 1. IIKUM ATISM ATfl) N It'It VI^JI A. RII ;:u M A ! ISM \XI > XKURAL« »I A. HH lUff AP1SM AM) N I-! i ’ P \ L*»I A. r.UU M \TLS\I AM» NP.UU AL t:u» it is ca )•/1 — i: exter.ial apply the lt Ai>W.vV’S U!'Ai>Y RJ.LIEF o the part of the body whue tUe pain is pre^ut. IF IKTEKXAL 21) DROPS DIf.UTED IX WATER, As a drink; whether Cramps Spasms I til carnation. Congestion, Asialw Cholera, GLills and F- ver, tin* m^efc rio'.'ip. exeiuiia'ing, and lcrtu*iijg pains will be •toppaa IX FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. PAINFUL ATTACKS WTTEItE nADV7LY J 3 READY RCLi:? WILL At- FfHlD INSTANT EA»J5 ! INFLAMMATION OF i HE KlIUfENS, INKI.AMMATION OK i HU RLADDER, IN FLA M M A i to N OK T UK 110 \V .1,3. t CON D SCION OF THE LUNGS, FORTHROAT, IH FFI« l ? LT » h E v I HI NvJ, PaLaliAiio . or niu iii;\rt. ( U IV. I»J» 1 IK- i A. C Vi AkRH, J.\ I LUKNZA, HEADACHE, fOOi'il\ ri:, Ni UUA ..OTA, UITUTTMATISM, COLD CHILL'. AO UK Kim f^. Th? appiiv.tlmn of the READY REI.ih:* to the pr-rt sr parts, where- tho puin or d iiieultv exu-s, wiii ahord «nul . -.-.aiort. ■J< DKOU^ IN \ HALF TUMLLi n OF WATER Irill, in a few r.vn.on*;*, ruro rr..\ m i s, > a*<>is, sour stomach, U^AUTiiULN, S! K IIEADAi'iU , DJ.VRRIJ A. UY I'NTRY, COLIC, Y IXD IN THE DOVI LS, And ail lot ■ iU Travellers sheuM always carry a b**i tloof R A D WAY’S Ili'L' if K with th<-in. A fe !r Lr ; In water w ill p-revt ut li kn.-sss or t-ams tYmn ci a.i^ *oi viator, iris L! 1 TER Til A V MHi VH HUANDY OR 1.111 EUS AS A S i i -J U LANT. FEVE n sa3 ru.v: r. an*> aou!; ernrn. r:VKU AND AGUE CUM D. iEV.;:*. A D AGUE UlHt U 11L OVS i*i YEtt CURLO. tllTP F.iVETf Oli Hi.D. YE L >W KEY Kit CKU LO AN D 1’K 1 VKN I II. AND PltEVKN I Li). FEVE a AND AGUE* CURED rou fifi y ckn Thore i* not a remedial ase.it ia l’..is wor'.i thr.t win euro FEVER a::t» AGUE, /nd all other M i a. io is, id io»i% b nrleL Tyr’ oid, YoIIow, end Oliver lYv.- n ( -i ted by iiAt iS/ CY'4 1 ilXa;, bo qui.k ns It.*.D • VV’ft l.KADY HEJ-ii-F. KAJJW.Vy’B I-1' A-I>V IIIOX.IICB' nue to follow the v’ao of the “Ca lo -o^uia,” “ Apue Curt*,” and other n^unti* of the htr< ;« .Uumine. -dor u- li.-il, Ar^-.io. and Oiuar treatrnont.s wl-.f’e tu- ta- iiciuoi ts-d C'.t •ii/i-i' t:*, an.i bcovio.e uv:» *1 L- l ’*»- i«4 RADVVAY’S READY RELIEF Is tho br x : person need sufTcr, be they over so much eveo^ed to F< ver nnd A:ie, if they will only take ttADWAY’d READY RELIEF, and keep the r b Ards open with Pdfs Huudrc.ls ill the AYoit, who have l:iihi.ito been doctoring »> tha r .to of one and irro hun- drod dollar:* t-r a le v montb*’ tre::t;»i. ••*, ;i:e kerpuig th. in elves and tarn u**.< tree f. »m FJ-iVEIt find A* > ('E, CIJil.T.'* and FEVER, RHIH'M ATiSM, Are., t u one or two dillaik a v :tr, s.ient Irr RADWAY'S READY TE- LlEFani J; A ! * v A Y' * I* I LI/t (coated). The HEADY RELIEF wiii aiford instant csti to all. Pncw on v 50 ee.ite per b -.tie. N.B —See that every bot'h has an India Rubber S»oppei. Soi l at all l)rua::i-i>, and at Dr. Radwu/’j i llif -. No. 87 Maiden Lin-. , New York. mmmmM dUr m-)- y*. ifctfift ■ ■ -• . -S ^ v" _ ..... -rag? v. i ■ ■ ■ ■ v -yXxAfV&Z ■ si*--. •••••• ••• *• «rf.- - . - y . • - The “Carolina Fertilizer” is made from the Phosphates of South Carolina, and is pronour.ced by varioi s chemists,one of the best Manures known, only inferior to Peruvian Guano in its Ferti- li/.ing Properties. These Phosphates are the remains of extinct laud And sea aniintl, and posseses qualities of the great eat value tothe Agriculturist, We annex the analysis of Professor Sheperd: “Lahoralory of the Med’.i ll College af S. C. Analysis of a sample of Carolina Fsriili/.cr, personally selected. Moisture expelled at 812° F 10.70 Organic matter, with some water of comb'iuition expelled ut low red heat DboC Fixed Ingredients ,09^0 Phosphoric Acid—soluble 0.9(’ liquivaicnt to 12.27 Soluble Phosphate oflin.e Insoluble 0.17 Equivalent to 13.48 Insoluble (bone) 13.13 24,75 Phosphate of Lime, Sulphuric Arid 11.01 Equivalent to23,65 Phosphate of Lime. Sulphate of Potash Ft) Su phate of Soda 3.50 Saw\ .....11.05 On the strength os these results I am glad to certify to the .superiority of tho Carolina Fertilizer examined. ^ E U. SHEPHERD, We will furnish ’his excellent Fertilizer to Plantes and others at $ r '0 per ton 200*1 Hev GKO. W, Wii*I.LV3i^& cy,. Factors. Doc 8 W- T. RUSSELL, 1IWINO BEEN Liberally Pnti-oriied f i- ili<> pn?t Twenty fesy in Charleston and throughout the State. re.t»:» his than’.*, and t •- i 1 solioits a bontinuaytee of the same. Ho is Pucymicl with fv\u: • Faeibtv to FILL OIlDIvKSWrOl SA^fES. BLINDS, DOOBS, WINDOW FRAMi - .M \NTI.E-PI -h ES. MOL'LDINGS. &c., &e., and haa r at^iih»- Ware-rooms, No. 5, llayiie-sirecl. large and well selecte*! stoe.; oA ?! above gohdft. AVOItK SHOPS IN l^JTi;:iAUTV - . . ‘ r it TD^Charactor of tho work from this establish! to th ise who may order goods from Who advertises himself the only Fraetical carrying on the above business in this city, and will merit that does not reflect credit upon him as a mcclmn No. 5, H AVXK SI May 5 31 ETIWA W CS-U A WOS, SOLUBLE MANURES, A.2STID SuLli>lXTjLrio MANUFACTURED A T C HA R L E S T O N, f TNDEIR tho direction of Dr. N. A. Pratt, Chemist for the Sulphuwo Acid and Supcrphosphaf* ) Couipany. Soluble Phosphoric Acid, in the form of Notuble Phosphate of Lime, or Dissolved ifohe Phosphate, is the basis of all good Fertilizers, and these arc valuable ip the ratio of Sobiblo Phosphoric Acid which is in them, The immense deposites of Phosphatic Guanos which wore discovered in 18f>7 South Carolina by l>r. Pratt, consists mainly of Insoluble I’ho.qiliatc of Lime, which is made available us a lertiL. by being ground to powder, and reduced by Sulphuric Ac d lo sucli a ci n Htion as to nmke it# in-, soluble phosphate soluble in water, and thus made capable of iK-iug taken up by growing jd% n t.- v The insoluable Phosphate found in my commercial Fertilizer is of no mor^ value to the plant Ilmu the original Phosphate rock. The greater tlie proportion of this soluble Phosphate which any Fer tilizer contains, the lisa the quantity required per aero, and consequently the cheapest fertilizer is that containing the highest percentage of soluble Phosj;..a.». Impressed with these truths, the Nulphuriw Acid nod Nup 'r-pkosphate Company have erected at Charleston the first e\tensive Acid Chambers £outh of Baltimore, &nd are able to offer to planters thT’fUghest perceutage of Soluble Phosphate ot Lime known iix tha market. TheirVArtiiUer* are offered under two forms: u li. Ktiwan IVO. 1.—Pure Soluble Phosphate, fuaranteed to coutain 21 pey ©ont. of Dissolve^ t*ono Phosphate of Lime, $60 per tou, 10 per cent discount for cash, £• ICliWIl-a Xo, 2.—Peruvian Nupor-phosphate, guaranteed to contain 20 per cent, of Dis% solved Bone Phosphate, and 1| to 3 per cent, of Aniotiia. with asufiicient aldition of Peruvian Gi.a- no to adapt it to all crops, S70 per tan. 10per Qent discount for cash. We also offtr Dissolved Bone, of high grade, for planters or manufacturers, who may desire to mix into any other compost, and we suggest fhgt this is the best and cheap**#! method for uiAiiufac* lurers to transport the Nulphurie Acid contained in ths mixture. Will he sold at a fixed rate for <*ich perceutage, WM. C. REE & CO., Agents, No. 14 Adgcrs W harf, Charleston, S. C. Jan 5 11 {bn nvEXPO'ziNrcsr AND H^-iKIISrTTiFJLGTTriR.IILTa- Company J. R. DUKES, President, Directors.—j. D. Aiken, George F. Gibspu, Rev. James P.Boyde, L. D. Jfowry, F, J. Pelzer, Factory East end Hasc-1 Street, .Vines on Ashley River* Kecommemidd Cut ton j ^ Ground Ashley River Bone sarsapari RESOLVENT. •\'EV/ PRINCIPLES OF CURE. Of all Wjiw'ku • < '-'rof:!’.'iu«, anT l’i r I)i nf fh« Ly N •’*>. Mjuib. ii-.M, xicai, LLNG5, K*a- neys, lilail.lor. TUE -KIN MADE I TUG <31.KAIL, SMOOTH, AXD ive>i>;4 : jll. mi. umiwavs «\r«Ai»A.jtn.uAV Rp/M.virjn Ksfabbshui* a .-kH' j..mi >j.i. r Ouru a>• world thu «. sjmr- lion airi oilier Scrofulous d i.'-'B arc eatable. Xum fact haa been d rmo’^ei • -tg i avoc o.Nx: nuND.iED i -m. , o:- (••.N:nr;v.j:i> com- -1 . OH whirr, one iMv.y in over ,n A\i'j Mpis destroyed vnd dried MW. and m over V)./ UASLS *>F SU*1 KCfLO CONSUMPTION. T/R. ItADWA V, thr.-e vear- btaec, pubu. be! tn* tho ..orbi h i. of the liloot m hov.oji! bti.rrei i,f . MN.’UM ITIO V, riio'viu^ in c.auy vt.iL^, in At v.N.ero tabcrcles • onu: <1* jxjsuo-l iii tiie Lui.: ^ .aTid othor orgun?, bj* i-i the K: Inev^, lavn, f-nb-en. IF ••ncbial Uinnls, IiUf’iii.-i i-t. hiisl.in. <’on-iinj t. a oi D e»o oi .av..*, tin! RL')Ol> iu 'ibiii, \vi ,.i-rtlc, w ;»;y, an-i is •kuicHiit of f-u' h o< n.ritutfnt*! uS i 1 . u*. *A ibimien, -'iioi- piioran, a:.it tin* lijll red Ml *1 *-s of th RJ| ; >1 Gorp *f« l* s. In the nLseii'-e < i tb- se euiistituwnt: in the Blood, the IR.K..I iexiui ist d <>f «tron! •ii.-e.ni«i of r,.n^ui'ii'‘i. n mid i’.- Vi i I ••is, :i tini }f. |-.-nd tho 1 ADV/AY ft RESOLVENT to su:; .vine Di< ut«e:i hi it was N’tieb nt of. in a i cor. litions i t s; 5*otii, and io give it the iuMiris!)5.i»m ciirl istrer. ■ h to imld it i natural «• .«« III Ufon. J.*r. R -.1 *»'sf;;r i y was jm 1 *- .u.ii'ii iii S'iu.gli K U.-iiieo, (h : m *i\, .mJ Aiiriiu, ml w m s'-;- d - . . men of both henii* i s..* i Lis lest ru* i b.-.ikrt ha*’*- »i‘ 4 «-n siuod l>ub'.idi<-.| by m»di ..1 viitt s oUiuoi i U. Aivo- (Lv* eovei-'d rhuoi i * of «unirtK-**. hvif. /,t$lto [ T'*dmv t! e r. «! , u , .x«v iu 'li r. Dr. k-Anw -. r was tiiu firm ,► :d> u*>. v Kv •’.? .ry. .uni ihe f -oriy Ji- .voter t f .t in. N i«). ! 'igJ S i i\UM SAlt^ A- PAlilLLlAN Ri 'ud.YUN i' fi; ’ pab.iy- *» s ac-nt that V.iil -’ore C'oiKU.ur* .«r. -.i i ill <-t e,u. of »he LUNGS HLOUi il|.U>, a.NM N.ft. RI.APDMt, W'lVjll fl’l !_»i« » A’V • ■ r - ---- ---- O R Cl A - &*S*, &C, other ipains, baft^ 5 rfb<*k for sale by William O. Dukes & Co. ■Xo. 1 Smith Atlantic Ulmrt, C'liarlottun, S. 0. lams, Agt. at Society Hill. rLORENCE, S. C. Consignments of such leadins tilits of this and adjoining (’nunties.i llots to suit the purchasers at Public J ^TcXlLl, Auctioneer »ok, at my Ware-house in the rear of my Retail | PohmJ Prime Ba^on, «$ide# '*-7 *A«diShoubWs. ^^^^Bbb!«i Flour, all rr$d*. Bbls Molasses and iSyi*up. &c. A Great variety^.l>ry Gouda, Clothing, Shoe?, Hats, Hardware, Wocdciiwrre. Hruho- keeping articluA. \Uo a l;iMe T.ot of Cotton Seed. A first Kate Steam (■ nst Mill. Flokexce. S. W&'&t*Yx •■ • ..y,*>v -.v-: rn&MB ■ x .- -aiy-—-:-- - a_.- ItiUoAV. a:, b IKl.NAUir ^ 1all \V,y.tIn2 Pi^ti.ro.*. wh J Il.vnlnvt . 1.- ’/ Pj>ftlTii. 1-n.is." 1 Wt ini us* < ’ the iJt i ila! (.il ltids. Spei Lem ftton th- 'ip*, hand, Tii u . 17 • ! T 7. / . Si full >? »• k all the i'.bovc ati'l ioi pal*; nt. the Lowc^ C ASH. Market street, WILMI'.G' April 7 27 «Cv. •hs*antlv Pr or ON 1 V COULTER & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MEKUHANTS AND COTON FACTORS, 5.‘! i.iciit sTBK»;r. B A L T I 51 O U K, 51 d. Liberal atlvatiu-a mad., on fom i^tjmottt..-. Itejircseul.M by 1‘AHKKIt A KELLY, HarliDgton. S. C. | Oct J7 « rim ; ,ur*u and all UierA o ' l. : s. (invel, Jhn;e : ;.-k »!•: ■, t l ie -\. id, Uii.l t u!<- : <• .. (’.»iu r«‘‘ ns, Ai.-ACAMI LiA\ LNI'.i l»;l | u ivu curti. In Di'Mp'V, I ••» . LcC-., un • . • 1 W n. : ■ d. Syj in Ur main’ tOms, it cu -rs when ail otherxnsdiciaca fail. liVi'RY DAY »n Ui'rca«!o of tl 'Sli. *vi-i. fit, j»'ni >i;enu(?i ia oxperienced. I* 1 it-’i- Ca o i <»r 11. ..i in-a, , r. Jt is to the blood want own-n i Co the atn:') •|>!n-iie a-*-, i* o# Hie r.tc pr.It fc’vifi.y >* .’coves from the smthee all ftpotr, Uio uisluc, l':i 1 ni* s, a , R.ihlt, i ltib Worms, Sores, imparling a CLEAR AND EEAUIIFUL COilPLEXIOW to all. CERTIFICATE OF r.r\UTY The f.*N ••v.i..- U it r ••• *.o;r. u hi My-.uiu'd lady, well known in tho *• tindo* of our bc ; .t - .cietv ” * Lariv. itr, Feb. 2 5 18it». “ 1 ! 1 not rm ?i confi-lj.: in yin ‘ \ LSAl’A KI L- J.IAN RK'i»I.\ . NT, n.tv’jj/ l.*ecn (li-'i rnr. I f«r the la.st icur ai nths with LLDTCii an.I I’lM L’LES, I re- fi.'.v d, at a \ cvent-s to try it, and t..».k TWO TEA- 81’iM»N'-Ki w ;,i a’day, as «i:.r tt-L It is no* (initc <>N L MON I II a e -I t. ..';u..T:c.d its use. I o-d iy ilit :• is n it a UL*Jl\.iI, -i :, m,, i. ; .'n,t,i defeutiun of any kind on bw person. * * * * BA It AH U. THE-ION 1’, J i sey City i*. O. Price $1 j«-*r 6 Dot tics $5. Du R \T»\VAY’S > ;•»;.-diM- u Sold by Dniff^ints ana Gei. ai s: re Kc- pers. i ii uip.ii Ulllce, t>7 Ataidcn Lane, New Y<-ik. i fi 5 iaOTU€illAIHIS, FEU U EOT V PES, A.MBROTYPES, ^ Gallery willbeoi'en regularly, and none v 3H Gi" liKST work will be allowed to leave iiie establishment. Picture.« made of any size, and perfect satist’aeiiv-n guaranteed. J. FLOYD. Photographer Sept 22 &1 tf EQUiTY LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF VIEG 1X1 A. Reasons vdu/ Keen/ One Should Insure hi the Equitable Life Insurance Company of 1 injiit ia. 1st. It is move LIBERAL to tlie Insurers than any other Company, and will eventually become Pub key Mutu al and belongs to the I n> u it f». 2d. It circulates i»s money amongst ils p i.ions v ho ;»re (he Insurers. Consequently the\* are u-.-Lling ihv benefit the rapid uccumu5atioii« «»f the ( • cHp i&y. the njoaey lieing invested by the Ihmr l of P roctors ammftg the insuress. There- «are building up an institu - r own, and con«Uicteni>w.\Y (’omi'anv. Cn vui.r.s V. Mon finery. (i. Pi.5D.ks, s«*perinten lent manchester cotton mills. .1 >nv H. Tvlu.i. J, II. John Tyler. Jewellers. M Mi • !i;-m.i; Wii'.iesa.lo Dry Goods. Tlios. I’. * r.ov. iN. Cli.thier. JN eo., W holesale A l*«»i»r- S. M. I: * Good •(. i:!«, Dvuggi iLm: \t .'i. of S. M Posenbaum, Dry .11* • % Ut M I A TAKES pleasure in announcing ddr and customer*, that he. still continues to keep on hand n full and general assortment of Japan and Plain Tin M are, which he offers at wholesale an />-•.' ’for ca?U country produce* ; N ; Ue hasYm iiuiid and for 'ale, ■ sort- ment of UIKH ERKEtt' and to supply the public witii &(.■ COOKING STOVES, GRATES, Sic. &u:, at the shortest notice* - A lie is also Agent for tho Mruble Works .if Chc- mw. S. C., and those wishing Head »Stones or Monuments f"V their lost friends and relatives, would do well to give him a call before purchas ing elsewheu*-. All work done will be warranted to give satis faction,’and »t as low rates us can be done in anv other establishment. Not In. 1769. 4 fnt * THE FREEMASON'. Now is the time to subscribe for the FRFE MASON. the Largest Masonic Monthly in the udtild. Clubs of 10at Si fiO each. *• uf 20 at $1 35 each. “ of ~0 at ^ 1 25 each. Single subscriptions S2 (Hi each. Address GKO. FRAN K OOP LEY, Editor and Propriety:. St. Louis, Mo. Keh 2, 1870. 51ANUFACTl’RKKS OF WARR ANThil Extra Cast Steel Patent Ground Circular Mill Mufai/ and Gang S-A/WS, IR,. EQUALITY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Examine its Ramphhts b fort you ln. : utf Nov 10 4 Iv O* Scs*riEr\' COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION A.TTOXT3T-A-, G- A-- CHARI.ESTOS, S. C. *9 MERCHANTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA fuel to Messrs. Lockhart & d’Wheelings. Sairiiiig'. Strip;-, Ynnid, &c. AYR LIBERAL ADVANCES made on Consignments ti» either IL-e.-e, Dempster. Liverpool, England. Agents for sal Wharfs Superphosphate, Tin Great Fertilizer far AH Crop*, V> refer lo all who Imve u.-eil it. We recomiuen.l it u? beiiift fujly eipml lo »n_v F.Mlrliier ct*.' iufluJucaJ into this country. For sale by I I.AIiIIOilN, I1EHRINO S Co. L. R. RAGSDALE, Agent, Timmomville, S. 0. So*:i ((W*m TIM .'IONS villi;, s. c. DKAI.tR IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Roots and Shoe Crockery, Saddles and Harness, Medicines, Liquors, all kinds, General supply of NOTIONS. Gentlemen’s Hats AND CAPS. ClaOTHIlNG, &C. AU of which will Ik* sold at the Circailar Saws With Moveable or Inserted TEETH I TSxT 1 V V t lie follow in g^a»l vantages over all others: Tho shanks os'the to-th are clastic, nnd txert j a unifqcm distension in the sockets. Tluj stability of Ihe plat. is no way affected by inserting new suds of teeth. Each tooth independently, may La adjusted to efir otitting line. No rivets, key*, or other objectionable appli ance- arv employed in eonnection with r he teeth which areas simploin construction, and as easi ly used as a nut for tx bolt. ^ In sherT, all the difficulties lieretoforc experi- in th*. use *»f ntovnble tccili for saws, aro .. 1 (bi-Wy met and obviated by this invent! ju. —also— TUTTLE PATENT “Charoaioa'' Cross-cnt Saws. 0370>S3£3 ■ OULt OF ALL KINDS. SAW MANDRE&S* GuraniNQ nachin®Si *c. ; most reasonable prices for cash, j «*«''f-r ct.iopu.. .; n .i rrioc i.iM» He will always lye found directly ! U. Hv^E 5c Oo.,^ opposite tlie Depot at Timmons- Printing Freu, Machine and Saw Hl*V*P- vile, S. C. Dec 22, 1W JO Jy tarrn, New York, Boston Mass , sod Oct 11} J UodoaH^w*-