I- 23 O C 2R. Jk. T . £ |) t -*il c ttj i’ r i* ii t. WKD^TAIMY, M lfl< Zl 1*. { tcniiTO CMliilncMieeil Iim s;>. .:cli. Ho XI1K \VIL('OX, (i 1I5BS ImJ not read wore than half a ju"o when i Jown coirio the Speaker's "avol two or three ] times with a loud noise. Something was . Form Tlio I.inoM. It is •tw'srmp to notice the vigor ami unanitni- tv of ili» .Slate press, in thei efforta to awake the doirmonf enf'rgiea of a onco ilefeated; hut now hopefut an.l cuofi'leiil people. The bugle r;; s (Vs Mauipula- Lited equal to any, if n< t superior to any Fertiliser used in the nei.uhborlns d. Crawfonivilie, ti t.. Oct. 27, ISO!). ; JerMmUy the tnatter thonsht everybody.— Messrs. Wilc.ix, C. .bbs cc (.’o. Whiltemore reased Iks reading as with a j 1 have not replied earlier to year inquiry as uddenjerk, and looked inquiriuyly at the to relative merits of the fertilizers used in this ! Speaker. There was a surprise all over the vicinity from the fact that the er.q ; house. IManc soon c >’> o the explanation.— were not sufficiently j The psper which had been carried by the ■ f u rm an accurate cpinion. V,’e were then page to tlie Speaker proved to be the rcstgna- j in the midst of a drouth without parallel for tion of V. hittcniore, acconijianicd by corres- j duration and severity in the memory of the j pnndence between Wh’.tteinorc and Hov. | oldest inhabitant. Not a rain from first of Sc. tt. of South Carolina. Its reading caused ; May till last of August, and the result of my a sens ition. What was to be done under j observation is. I know of none which excell ed your Manipulated GEO. McD. STOLE, ^X-TJCTIOI-TSETPa —AND— GENERAL REAL ESTATE AGENT FLORENCE, S. C. ilili to Marshal Assctts, Acet., ! and lleltef. I i of cotton ’ matured to enable me to TRADE MARK OLD CAROLINA RITTERS. the circumstances was now the question. The Speaker ruled tint \Vhittemorc was no lon ger a member, atul the re I ore not entitled to am, ofinr f«*i Ilic charge, and thin «'mc the party | be heard on the floor of the House. AVhittc- clarcd, a pa^e was busy rubbimr Whitte- uiori V- nuae ftv»ui the dc.*k at which he sat.’ *rfco»e diahnuertty and falsehood haa been fit»y mf.ro nvln l . r -.i i . ■ . . ii. i . more a>^c.i the pnvi.oge ot withdrawing his illustrated by Us lenders, must yield to the d<‘cr.*c i * ® . . i . » letter, to which the Speaker h uutlv •inid niv- of fate, and our “reign of terror at Iasi have an i . * . ai i nay 0,^]. j Alter this, Logan got the floor again and We agree with the Charleston Xetci; that “our I offered tlic motion, of censure wliich wasadop- STrength should be reserved for the last charge; ’ < led w.tliout a single dissenting vote, so that but on nil sides let • hear the note of prepara- ' Whittemore really aecoiuplbhcd little for the tioa—let our battle cry bee^ual rights and emial | nr : v :j (• i • i " c . • • i . . it-,,, , pu\. ] i*geol his h !»>r ol resigning, inasmuch t’ixatien—a standard around which all good and j . . . true men can rally; let ,»s redeem our hived i ‘ iS 1 ‘ 1 ’' ‘ • hitcui Was a unammous State from the clutches of the infamous reptiles'* -'Ud before the vote was de- wl»o dare to pollute the name of South Carolina by falsely assuming to represent her. Good God ! just think of it—the scat once occupied by a ' — —— — Calhoun, a IIaynk, a McDrmc, holding the! Well 1^0110 HOP Stott, roiten mass of moral corruption which affect.ng the livery ofthe gospel in order toservethe devil : (h;vern*.r SinTT, has issiiad a proclania- more eeourvlj, has at las. met its just Jeecrts, in ! t i on offer! a rewn.a of five h.imlred dol- heine deemed fr:n too corrupt for the for'y-fint i * ,, . . . , Conjrtu. f law r*r the apprthcn.stou, with proof to con- There n^r^r was a time when the chances for Vi(, L LlIFSi Fit (tK.AHaM, a freodman, who. a successful contest were more favorable. Tlio idols of the poor deluded colored people have 1 been shown to be false—the many promises made them to better their condition have melted into | air. Where is the mule and the forty acre* : j Where is the “Home for the homeless, and land ■ for the landless?” -Ind is the colored mao in in capacity to endure lotto and severe drouths. I used the Manip ulated on very thin gray soil, nith stiff clay substratum, at the rate of 250 lbs. per acre, and shall make about 500 lbs. seed cotton to the acre. I left a small space uiimauured wliich will not make more than 150 lbs. per acre. / hoc? /out no nut on t/roniuf err/I pruIi*po*rf{ to if. I therefore, conclude, in view of these facts, lit ;t your Manipulated is at least equal. /'/’ to.t .-/qiertV'r, to any ft r lilizer used in this region—and there were a number of varieties used, loo, at that. Kespectfully .1 AS. F RETD. M——P— ■———g—Tia——— SF-ECiA-ZLj .TNJ O’X’IOES. gtyf 1 ' V»M. |{. LERNAiiD, Proprielor of tlie Star Advfrlising Agency. V'ilningttm, N. C., is authortzeil to receive advertisements for thiii pa per at our lowest cash rn'es. TO CONbUm T Tl\'Es7 T!ie advertiser, haring been rcstornl to health , i i . i> -i* ! in a few weeks, by a verv reniedv. after some twt> weeks ago. murdered at the* Hal mg i llavitJg 8nrl( . nMl ,7 vcru , ^ ur , witUjl HeveVo lung Springs, another iVcodtuan by the uautc of; atiVction and the <11-1x11 di-v.iso.-—•'<>usmnpti.»n— i is anxious to make kuown ti> hi fcliovv sufferers RlCUAKI. llAVKNEH. I the mean* of cure. ~ ***' ^ To all who desire it., he will send a copy of the How CiC VOrnment in Xiol;7>Otl. | prcAcri].tiou used fo^ i (r. r <»f charge] with di- j rcctions for preparing and using the same, which i they will find a st RK i■ i k*: for Consumption, lavk,” the ^V;^s}luigton correspondent j A.-ilmm. Droncliii! :, cm-. Tho -dijcct of the ad- A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. We take great pleasure in offering the Old Carolina Eittsrs AGENT Fni: AND UfS INjUPANfE fliMi’ANiFS. Pfirties desirinsr to Purchaeo or Soil Ucal Esiale. SttK'ks nnd Uond.s. Insure their l.iv.*s or Dwellings. Stores Harnes, A;c., &.C., would do well to consult the undersigned. GKO. McD, STOLL. 10 Cm mar 0 f N” the Town of Darlington, a small Oh if-skin Pocket-book, contain! ig several fine-bill and ikii Express receipt, which the owner can get by 10 | to the public. They are compounded with great | proving tlie same and paying for this notice, care, an 1 contain some of the l^st Tonics in the Pharmacopia. .fse« ; lence of the superiority of our Hitters over all others, we hate certificates from many ofthe leading physicians in our State who have prescribed thorn iu their practice. The OLD CAROLINA RITTERS Y» ill be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, Gen oral Debility, Chills, Fever, and Dyspepsia. We do net offer our Hitters as a cure for all diseases, ' but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by Druggists and Grccers every where Principle appear smd an swer, plead, or demur, to the Hill within forty days from the 4ir-t publication of this order, or that, in default thereof a decree pro coulessobe taken against tAcia. W. E. CHA IlLES, C. C. & G. S. Jaw I?. 1870 12 rf Mrs* Parker, ITJJ'AS jus{ received a supply of Japan Switolv- fp 5k ( ‘ s #, f desirable colors. A1«a* new Dress Trimmings. and Fancy Goods, Collars, Cuffs, and very pret ty Laco Hollars. Gimps, Button?, Black Sewing Silk, and Hla«k Headed Belt Pin?, &c„ &c. Jan 5 11 if K4»$KOO! THE GREAT REPI TATI0H IV/iu/i IlOSKQO ha* attained in all parts of tfu countn/. Xn s Great and Good Medicine, I And the large number of testimonials which are constantly being received from Physicians, ! and persons who have been cubki> by it use, is | roxcu sivic PKoor of its ukm vkkable valuk. As A Blood Purifier, is Has No Equal. BEING POS.TIVELY ■ The Mott Powerful Vegetable Alterative yet ZDISOON^EZREID. “NI wore comt'ortuble circunistimces to-ilay than ho _ , ■ »r»» four years ago. Tlieir nakc.i au.I eliivciitig I ‘ 1 Lit! i.tx.i r, tu.t.? lifts the. 1 , ‘' 1 1 ”‘jo K* hi'iioti: re I Ute alSicted, amt *pioa-| infnrmalion which lie Wliesgive * living answer to that question.— j Veil:— conceive* to be invaluable; anil lie bojas every How fare* it with the men whom they have ]iui j (lencrul JIvI'llrirs in s A'ljat tilt-Gcneral i stith rar w ill Iry hi i ri iiieiiy, n* jt will cost them i- ! nctliitig, mol may t.ievc a h! Linsl m tlie I . R .n;e.* wicli:,,**,!.. P re*eii l .t4. will pletuc wtiicll lia per evening, and a proportional ‘Him by devilling their wh^Ie time to the business. Boys and girls earn m arly as much as men. That all who see ‘.his notice iM.iy send their address, anil test the business, wc make this unparalleled j offer; Tosmlias ure not well satisfied, we will sond !?1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on. and a copy ofthe Pecptes Literary i'ompann, one of the largest and best and pretiest family newspapers published, all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E, C. ALLEN, .dngnsta. Maine. LOi! ILL ARIFS “EUREKA" SMOKING TOBArCO. Is an excellent article of grunulatv with | the fort owns a pair of li'i.-ei with -ilvermoun- 1 cd mono'irani hamess, and splendid earrLages ! hi" stone front house.*.” can du ao by nddi'cssing. w ith perftet eenfidcncc JOHN' H. OGDEN, Nv. 4- Odiir-fttrect, X. V. Jan f> ly in wiiieh orders for Meerschaum Pipea are daily packed. T.OitiU.AUDS Yacht Club • arotn our famiflhing children. ^ Wo call ou black and white to repudiate the tiJ‘♦etches who come here to steal. Meet together, mge views and opini ns: treat each other ^ ijence; for your political rights car nc 1 a ,< '‘ ^nger. The white has not the power, j .wish to injure the colored man.— j back i For -ur f :ib!o. This cl uih* is the Lctc af er sin »ktng ; it j i- very r.iihl, light in color and weight, hence A, yjk Carolinians, and send v ^j e canting hypoerits who ^our proud and honored State. U party” be organiz.*d at onee wn. and neighborhood in the Spence to induce success; ani- ,rs ^ w * 1 " v > ^ *»U. L,» LU .xauw: l^md. ik^.h/ii.Lt.yX e have not together—that wc still I w ijih» die j hirn, and •wiah to cave him lie ha* esteemed hi* friends. IIurkuM* ViOoLJy Buys and Girls, for March, is al ready upon ..ur f :iblo. 1 Iils elegant juve- WM man I.itou i’ihI u ? 4*>SS^. ,0 °d totri ihftr - ,! . i» •tl *cr Ajj *ee!irn it f>r their Idi.c .‘.Hu: i^re Tory beautiful. ones. while the j per is u mi}' Hiuilar pubheatieu >q this c»* Coo-*- ** 51. C., ha.* Ooittl in HCIaiuiu0Snlo«ii. at last fallen. "IVe Jo not glory in the down- 1 fall of the hor tt man. hut when they be I ' Ilia following artit le is clipped from the conic lost to all honor—when they knowing- j correspondence of the I iUhbtirg IlipuUii in ;\ant to the ad arge uianufactur- ^ricc list fur- LORILLAltD'S mm n u f f ! have now boon ! iu general mo j in the United UCUUUWifHigtMt cr of ' tf- ‘ V if. V ...... . , o -r- • St David’s Lodge No. 72A.\ F.'. M.'. inonthyf ^eo, a y ui.^.' tan heigiat^f ftahi"”' i! ! t a diaw.^id .' hie. Tie * _ i . . , . , , , rcnifKr!:gi i.arc< partially , ,ho: - he staked his watch, and that; Lodge, will be > I too, follow. 1 his money. His diamond pin 1 :lt « o'clock. 1*. M. was next riskiat; i still fortune was against ! I>y order of t. M. 1’' I Gko. W. !!mau (Havaua) atteml to all wuo rnav wish repairs made on their Gins in the Fall seasons, in »•; largo n scope of of country, therefore I would say to the Farmer* of Darlington and adjoiningCoitnCo's tlmt should they need work, it will be to their interest to .-end *u their or'lcr.s now, and Lave their G* ns re paired for the cotziing season, a* I expect to work entirely in the other counties the next sea son. Perse!)' d« siring my *cr' h;. •, wii! cmiler a favor by obt-dning n.any jobs in their section as possible D r mo 1 ••a pia n jred (■-> sharpen | <«d t’alah* :ue ()f Seeds and Floral Guide, is pub- i fty Sav.s, fill Boxt s find Brushes, and to put your lished and ready to send out. It ix elegantly K * 4 Gins in splendid order. Orders will receive at- j printed ou fine tinted paper, with at"* 7V/b tine teutioii in due time, at your residences. Pay-{ woo'l F.ngravinjsof Flower* and Vogel 'VIOJCS 7 iO: Trwe FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. IE Fist Edition o nly Thonaan«l co: one Hundred an 1 of Vick's lllustra- KO8KOO! As a Liver Invlgorator! STANDS UNRIVALED, Peing the only Kium n Mi dicinc that efficient ly stimulates and Uorrects ;he hepatic Scrofulous and functional Dcrangtim ntsof the Liver, with out Dbbilitatiko the system. W h. 1 e it acts freely upon tlie Liver insteatl of copious purgings it gradually changes the discharges to a perfect ly natural state. Symptoms of Liver Complaint and Some of tht DUtuttes Produced by it. A sallow er yellow color of the skin, or yellow ish-brown spots on the face and other parts of tha body; duHnes* and drowsiness, sometimes head* ache; bitter or had taate in the mouth, cough ; unsteady appetite; sometimes sour stomach, with a rising of the food: a bloated or full feeling about the stomach and sides; aggravating pains in the sides, back and chest, and about the shoul ders, constipation of the bowels, piles, flatulency, coldness ofthe extremities, &c. H. per M. $20 00. “ “* 22 00. “ “ 2.1 00. “ “ . 80 00. «. •* 31 #0. “ “ 10 c “ “ 60 \j... “ “ 7 -1 O». “ “ F M £ etary 17.*. M. him. TheoAND tuuk o a i iii^—a beautiful k lirairc dianmin]—and I f«»r v. ’iieh b; was allowed on*..* htiLilriNl do!- LODijS, N’J. A.’. 1?M. rigom’s (Genuine Havana) “ Jenny Lind •* “ ** As all these cigars are made under my esped*? care and supervision. 1 can warrant that ail smoke well and will give *atislinia leaf Tobacco i-*r Plantatit'ii u e at 2t» c*n;per pound. All onlrr* will be promptly executed. J. M.IDSKX’. nmv0 10 6m Ij, Dry WATCIIISS, btrs. And now he won* until his ‘a;ii ck' 'J orj lit I FI.O li A .*-». I. Mr. Whittemore’s rc*ignntiou, it.- of- ■ Aether it would -nvo him from a vote (puhtion, whether it could save him f in . dishonor, and a hundred cither knotty , t ^s. in which ladies as well ns gentlemen V <11 j participated. Almost the inouieiii 1 the j'iirnal reading w .s concluded, eral Lr ?an, ehuirtnan of the 5Iilitary : ^..wiittee a .’l chief prosecutor, aeeoiding tier. t>l«i the flijor. Profound ailenc-* I- jed. Every eye wandered front L ran U^f/hitteinoVe and front NYhittemore t" l.o- latter ba ked firm end deteiniin Vis victim appeared scat ly le-* - * nore itc-ld a roll of wann- rip* in hi* - • — last wo-.' before the intenu' ! • x- bttjtlr intended appeal synipa **- ‘ “ ’’ cation. Logan wade no. . iu'5 turned fora mciiniit fe South Curoliiia - ig Sjieaker Bhii*’i* c:'- ,v j Sudd Ion?" his 1 icad dropped fun vard on j tiie tab! e, an d he ’ was '] lead. o l’coiir.»c, ini- Mediate !y all was C.M'it cment ai ml ct infusion .trout. 1 t he ta’ilc . during w! ihli ■ ( iii le John" quid Ij D«1 i a t!;i U ‘*, . iici'k ;.* ' and eh -'ed the '• I .a Ilk.' ’ the s:r i in'; hiiiiself over ?G. 000. wliicl i <]>*> «! ' i- i m ait h. ad W'Ui. On tho instil iu ol* li io lit l o W as c Dp raved tho dead iu: in's : uaiiiO. lie wa* a your.:; man to 1 Isavcl bee: i fit d tin- n. xt wc •ck. Hi's f i ica '!> Wt •re llotifi d and took tfit j hi i* • V J* 1 ,v.i v. and it was t;ivcit out that h • 1 tad di< •d M ttidcl. ly of lie irt dis- case wh I.C i*( •adinj; a pn] |a‘r ai f Id me. Far a 'tin t from this was tin ■ < . - nf flic rawi-F. ” E (' ’ U Amin I • li.rl, Flori He*-. S. C., • I tek, P. Jl. Jo- or.ter \V.-. M.-. A. A Mnv -'b r \ !! I ciMMt Mc'ATION ci|- niil I" 1 !:"!d' *i •'.( Mu*'ii ir on U I 1.' - i: V, \!av.. i t'.SS, Seer ir. I e CAMPBELL CHAPTER, NO. R.\ A.\ M.\ (OF I LOBENCl’.i rCpiIE KEGULAE )\vor.\ i in\ OF Tins ; ho! L it .’’•i;. uuic Hall, | poor yIjvi i Last Jhv. r:c oi 7 . who iliud in a •_ unblimr hell in ! Iwjv. .•• short tinii’aflei. IL* was ‘ !io * rt*^u!nr>.” « rtwunty years lie ; •i a cm*;- :.t /.< ’■ t f E;ru hank -. ' ho oo*«;a.i'iiuc”!. he was tk»»ng a p (xl j iic. ; n«l vt.jj i:» a fair ■ iic licl ho wa» a v:i_ ! iifj : \vl * 'JTf, i Y*"-# ’ * jt 'j , ty-iive ni’i y; the debofo. Mttomore rose u '• , -rt llou- -. ir.tes of the i.i gan sat bur!; went tta W hen he c*o husine.-s, had way to furt'ii : "1 oute:.- —his wif* died of a l-r.-keti I ■■ :rt i' :■ , _n. ,1* i hildr. n I;* I i ruwi un in tti'*iet .'t: ! t *. ut:d lie h;. i n T 't a friend in tiie whole gi -at eity. where otieo he had hu dfi .. t!i in T!ie (b.toner wa* tioti- tnd verdict ren- ' r- All in the .-il’e Yfctrd to see and hear, deliberately lYhittemore if A, an "red th hut no< of when nqu at ii ff .. el.l. died . t wi- no t'i W ::s to id., to d! I lie had i. w •yiftflty .< f|[ man user: pt and placed it on the v>). htm. Ila then took .i c!iin!; ,* his throat r.nd hanJe i to i t., f l A 'AonjcJitng, which the l.itt r pesker Rliitie. M’hiic the lit u thus runnlit':. 51 r. Whit- ■ er r ! and ha : (lit in uenuai } and tho nc«\*l file « • i’hy friem the f.’orou' Chapter veill Mar. *. 1*. Uoijipanioii' will tk*' tluc notice ‘1 il!* abov an«l govern tlx Hi'*lvcs uccortliiigty. Bv ortler M.*. i!.-. 11.*. 1*.'. A. v.'!.ixbt:::g, Sfcret:. ry. ,Tnpc 2 26 Jy SPRING AND SUMMER Importation;', a.oy’o, H I 33 33 O H5T S t Millindry and Strav. T Goods, ARMsTROXgTTaTRH ii. Co. 1 ntpl’rtami Job! : »•* of SETS MMING • DNS, B.inm.t * Silk'. Sat*n* h»k?*V<-!*« • . i’ lMt!-*. : . i, 11 , FI . ; • cr?. nam .STRAW roXMi'IS AND LADUkS j he: 'W E Xa X?, ^ , sterlliift: .s;!v, !*, : FI.itcl Ware, Fp’.-euicb .* Eve Gri.- > and Fancy Goods, at JAMES ALLAN’S o07 King-*l., Uliailp«jton, 8. C. 19 N. FEHRENBACH, Charleston Billiard Saloon. I t)j ij it}. , if i Mills llonne, Corne * Mce ’ng and <.u cn-strcct, Charleston S 0. N. 1 ERENBACH, jYo, G Hroad-street. ImyortiT of Havrna Sugars. A LSO Imported V- ..os and Liquors. tnent f: r work will he n»n 1c e«?y. I have two excellent second handed Gins for sale, in *plendid order. Address Dr. JAS. 1/. HUNTER, or M. M. HUNTER, Timnior.: vlile, S. U. .Tnn 12 12 4m ii A S/E, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in Goodty Grarerle*y Procisiowiy HVrcs Liquor*, dc. TTMMONSVILLE, S. C. Would inform the public generally, that be has on hand a full i;9*ortiiic , ut of tie-above mentioned *tM»«l*. which ! •*» ha* ju*t recrived end is daily i'. : vintr. to keep the stock full. Ilason hand **sX ..1 live ilvjD Uhls, choice Family Flour, at SD.r:* per barrel. IhiYvjust iccidvtal a choice ai. ; *< !cct riock lot of G-entleme* "s Glotliing, of the latest Ktylcs. 1 have on hand a «pl ttiid r‘n»cnt . f 1 dies Dr s* Good*, cosujti I-ing choici* . iik pattci ti*, j Alpacas, and Frcmdi 1 uplin-, nl-o I.adii .- < i- .k- j of all styles, IB:!*, Botum ?s. Ac., \c. I a . ♦fi, ' most complete stock of La 11 •> and Ger: choc.-* in the country j I wish the public •ri nernlly to c d! and e> :uiii:'' i before pun*' ;l:: • i ••wlit as l -.-ii j.t a . n- j ishingly low prices foreis'i. ! I am the Air- nr < t V. i. titi.*-, Snpcrj j the great f«M- i!';.:vi* uP:.!!* • - v it! i paretl to Ibrn:*!! to itnv exteni j Dr. H. K. W. FI:un It ix elegantly . *' 7VH; tine' egetablea.’ and a beauiiful Colored Plato, e ;nsis* ng of *©vei» va rieties of Phlox Dnimur hiimr.tcing a fine DOQI KT OF rifiiOXES. It is the most beautiful, as well as tho most in structive Floral Guide published, giving plain and thorough dircctoin* for the CULTURE OF FLOW HUS AND VEGE- TARLKS. Tho Floral Guide is published for the her el* of my cusioiners. to whom it is sent free Tr:/honl application, but will be forwarded to all who ap ply by mail, tbr ten ctuij, which is not half the cost. Address, JAMES VICK, ^ RucliL'ster, X. Y. •Tnn 1!) l!l At a _ I Corsa Meal, ■^OK sale at If ART ^ PA11KEKS Steam ^ Mill. Those in need either will find it to uk ir interest to call and examine corn, meal, and price. Jmm 2 Z>ISSOXi O VJ-lOXT OF * OP.MITNMKSIIIP. fTTlffE iMipai '.• rshij h< ; !••:*.i* exl-fingunder {.[ the imaie and : fyi< *T tliis day dissolved by mutm imlebte 1 to the firm will uu incut to J. A. Law. .1. J. i 1. 1 \ UleUj' .'ltS. i* i '’."i itic* »i m « j pay, LAW. GLE HUNTS. tf Is a n Jti 1 7 y of Wonderful Fffirary in the cure tf diseases of the Kidneys and Plodder. In these Affection* it is as near a specific at | any remedy can be. Jt does its work kind'y The relief which it affords is bath, certain wuipert'ej i f'e.. Diseases of the Kidneys & BLADDER. Persons un: equninted with the structure and functions of the Kidneys cannot estimate tqc'im- port«nee of their healthy action. Begubtr mid sufficient action of the Kidneys is as impoitant, nay, even more so, than legnlarity ofthe bowels. The kidneys remove from tho Blood those effete matters which, if permitted to remain, would speedily destroy life. A total sus pension of the urinary discharges will occasion death from thirty-six to forty-eight hours. When'' the Urin is voided in amall quantities at the time, or when there is a disposition to Urinate more frequently than natural, or when the urine is high colored or scalding with weak ness in the small of the back, it should not be trifled with ( r delayed, but Koskoo should bo ta ken at once *o remedy the difficulty, before a le sion ofthe organs take place. Most of the din- cases of the Bladder originate from those of th* Kidneys, the Urine being imperfectly secreted in the Kidneys prove irritating to the Bladder and Urinary passages. When we recollect that medi cine never reaches the kidneys, except through the general circulation ofthe Blood, wc* see hew ueccusary it is to keep the Fountain of Life Pure* s '/ h t. I :im prepare d to rcci . > (L raent nnd ni ’kc::* libci il;. Ivmiic in * harlot on, or any • Hu • -ity F*»r further jui t.I. n! m - ‘ all .m i i Dec 15 i ute— •hi 1 am pre- IB f r you to d it. ton on eonsiun- * ii< » an !.«• h id ■ j voursi-lvc*. Cm J C V4 V. ^ 'sL- xxli V... V J • r f MM 1 et! s. Genuine si-; direct from Il> and .-v \ V *' < .Silver Sk in (»:. DAVID LANDRETJFS. ro TO A. U. Mc( ALL’S. V • ’r V V V ! J * 19 Cm detail Doaler in DRUGS, . i PBItltY, STREET, No. 155 METTINt Oj'p'is'.', ('korl'-ston 1 l.h l. C'll.lRl.EsroN, S. i I and Law Itooks mi l { I • wy.t'M.i'.n i„ .-.i ...I ( £ ]} 1‘rititiii r Mat. ■ it* Law lila timid an I St.linlll' Book ■f all *: \ les on mg an 1 ! I tici- Frintii.j Err“s • rap'V Ink. imHng r f ex erv i i ne * and at i • and 'N .i'l j A (V H) I scrip- ! on able ‘ Book : C.r, t !»v tllilio \ W. i Mfl. act t; » : *y !!1 n fo-nrii i UMVt . .1 • (Jitr. who st y.T.j i id : i La enrv ]**ttibnno tc 'ra!!4!»'itig htl! ! t !• :•-? half a iLo:en oth- ; r » !»*.n’ • in ilii.< city * ta ‘■My ii* tl.iii" of three 1 lici io thcic " • 1 and Untrimmcd, F Ii 1! ( M ) I; S Tri S ] I A iv d 217 an*I * Ea’ imore-'B' DAi/ITMOliE, Mil Off, tiidi'i - Fid. Si r the 1: 1 I U!1C<] !' r * v rest Steel; to be found in thoconn- illed in choice variety .*:»* ! cheap- g thelat' -t Parisian nevc'ti* *. *t»iicitc' } . and prompt attention given. IS ot 0> I Giro!' K 51 I* L O Y 51 E X T. j I $1,ECO ft) $C,CC0 j i-rycnr inn ho tnadi' j i j \ cm' Vic l ’ii!e!! : "lit men. in securing at ; . Aii u.i'y joe :. > la st aud i. • B.ney nnd dojeg dood. "lergv- ' i t. : . . . d -sMb*! '.1 all o'licrs wanting an J ’ \u.., ey will p! ase ij'plv, tor tui tiior particulara ' .o' * J. (\ DIKBV, Southern Publishing .Agency. (’or. Reynold and .1 ackson Sts., Augusta, tin. i Feb 2 > IS eo.v2d Wliolesale ami 1 CHOICE Kedicinos, Ciiemieils, Ear"lc£.l liis'.ru^icsts, Fcrfamories, Tcila! Goods, Cor. King and Vanderliorst-Slreets, eilARLESTOX, S. (’. Proprietor of Almat'a Sarracsula Bitters, For Hi* Aimar’s SAISSAI-AiULl. V & QLEEX'. Amar’s fja.MlLM (OT.OC.NK fi AOKNT Ft lit James Buchan & Go's., CELEBRATED CRESYLYC SO.M’S. | May 5 *°»! ]y FIX A 5^ NGTIFF. ~ ! A IX persons luivitig any claim* against the j estate of 'V 1>. A*!.tms, !.,ti- Yif (bounty, j • Ice. msed, nrc hereby notified topresi nt them du ly attested according to law, at once, or b« de- < barred payment. J. C\ HI KSEV, | r.b2 Ck an? ZED _A_ 1^11^''^ 7 S N cvy ■t koskoo r i Meet* wtth (Irrat sw cant lit the cure of DISEASES OF THE Nervous System. Almost nine-tv*nth* of our people suffer from | nervous exhaustion, and are, therefore, liable to its concomitant cmIs of mental depression, con- | fused ideas, softening of the brain, insanity, and | Complete breaking down ofthe general health, j Thousands arc suffering to-day with broken down j nervous system*, and, unfortunately, tobacco* I alcohol, late hours, over-work, (mental and phy- ! sioal) arc causing diseases of tho nervous system ' to inere^ae at a fearful ratio, j The symtom* to which diseases ofthe nervous. J system give rise, may be stated as follows : A dull, heavy feeling iu the head, sometimes more or loss *e\ere pain or headache : periodical head aches, dizziness, noises or ringing in the head, ! confusion of idea* temporary loss of memory; | dejection of spirits ; starting during sleep ; Bad © 0i , ! r, ‘ an,s * Hesitation in answering questions; Dul- viA - v ▼ ! ness of hearing ; twitching of the face nnd arms, 9 € 1 >ry - Is. Liqtturn. A FINE STOCK riroocncs, 11 inlwart* Trunks, JSuics and (J Ins-Ware. Not ions, (’igar*. Tobacco, &o. OF PATENT Ac*, wliich, if net promptly treated, lead to Pa-, rnlysis, delirium, insanity, ini potency, apoplexy^ Ac. which will be * >M nt low fiyotres. T1d>c ! "•aids have just boon bought at the heavy | dcelinc. A call will satisfy any one as to : their quality, and cheapness. Sept 15 60 tf Fob. ; -Rni 16 Adm’r RTIWAX GUANO, W. C. BEE, & Co., Agents ( hai\(stony S. C. JtMXS A, LAW, Agent, At Jhirliuutou. S. C. Ordars may ba loft at Vr. J. G. McCall's Store. Feb, lb—1? 2m. Is NOT a *rcrct quack remedy. Formula around each bottle. Recommended by the best Physi cians, eminent Divines, Editors, Druggists, Mer* chants, Ac. The Pest and Most Popular Medicine in Use* PREPARED ONLY BT J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D. Organic Chemist, Laboratory amt Office, No.