The Darlington democrat. (Darlington, S.C.) 1868-1871, February 23, 1870, Image 3

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THEi ZD^zRLiirsra-Toisr ® I)c pi*moctnt. IBacSi Again! W ]'.I>\I'M A FKHR14UY 2.I. K. E S Hi O O I LARGEST riRCDLATIOX— Tilt: DlilO- CKATHAS THK LAllOKST IIRVI'LATIOX OF ANY FAVF.R IX F.ASTERX SOUTH CAROLINA AND VI RUSHES THE OFFI CIAL ADVERTISER ENTS. M AGULhAR. WIL LI A>1S & ; PARKER, WOULD inform their old customers and all j who are in want of good clothing, ihat they have opened Store No. JJOT- King street, Chark-aton, I and have in store a large stock of Seasonable, /Vwc and Medium ( 'loti . /oy. We are selling entire Husiness suite at $10; ! $12; $14; $17; $18: $21 : $22 : $20: $28 and I ,. $30. Dress Saits at $18 : $23; $ 10; $35; $37 \ 11 . *•+' **-. 1 1 f l i I and $50. Dress Frocks at $10 lo $30. Sacks j -*-^*1 paints inaeutea to : ,iu(i English walking coat? fron. o'-to i 20. Pan- | this office for subscriptions, will i s:5 . 'i™'* •j* 4t '- i * 7 j w e warrant all clothing made by us equal m please call and settle their arrear- i »u rwpccts »oti.e best. rd-T-j r. rk. ages, as we are compelled to have money to keep up the supply of material. Know We were visiied by a snow se.nn last night It lay about four or five inches deep at day light. This is the heaviest suow that has fallen here iu many years. FURNISHING GOODS. Court. The Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions convened here on Monday last, Judge Rutland, p-esidiug. The docket will, we hope, be cleared during the term, thereby leaving no necessity for an extra session during the busy >c. son. A Live Seal. This curiosity is being exhibited here by Messrs Jackson k RauchFFE, Proprietors. They have on hand a lot of the celebrated Seal Oleum, which, it is said, cures R eu tia- tism, and a host of ills. Those wishing to sea a lice seal, had better go at once. The Van Dcsen Brothers, of Kingston, V Y., are the wholesale Agents far the sale of this Oil. If the Seal is still alive, go and see it, but from the weather this morning, we fear that the seat has been 1 <oseif. Our •*]*,.rftet Shirt" a! S-arid eMerino Un- J der Shirts and Draw ers. £1 each, l.incn Collars | $ 1. $l.oU and $*-'per d >z< a. Gloves. liasiery, : Ties,, Scaits, Ac. Ae., at extrr niaiy low prices lleavr double and twist Cassimcr, at retail a: $1 per yard. price and no deviation. MACULLAR, WILLIAMS k PARKER, Am. 2DV A'iiu/ tlreet. Stare formerly ocruj,ie<l by SlcLhiff Cohen. Nov 2-4 6 2 m RESOLVENT. POISONED BLOOD. When the blood Ur, mios poison^l l»v ihp presence ol •r. txc4M« of lIILld, UUK.V, GAR IK* NR ACID, and the ezcrmnetilioui* ♦•xorc-tion^ of the 9KTN't—SORE-S l’IM- I’Li:-, BLOTCHES, SPOTS, ULCKKS, and IIUMOIU of all kind* r^restk out on the surface. Dv. ICadwttjj.'/i SnvHujiarillian Itesolveu t, Wh*'n ttv is in thi condition, should be taken alternate]) with KADWAY’S 1*11.M. The mdirulioB of Cure is to froc* the* blood from the pr**s* i!v4? of tin's* poison*, and restore the (unctions of the Liver, Skin, Lung:-, Kidneys, L we s to then proper duties tfjf •ffeeusl. wait h RAD WAY’S SAKS a I’A'LILLIAN RB» SOLVENT, aide.t with Rad way’s Pilis, will soou secure —» Cure a'Ul be the result. CARRIAGE A BAD SKIN.— Spots, Morpatw, Sores, Fimpies, Blotches, I’ustu! ■<. Terrors are enn.-od by ’mpriritios of the Blood, Chi-eked I'er turation, Sluggish Ctrculiition of the Blood iu the exerctin-.; ve^ -c-R of the Skin. Ono or two doses of the SAKS VPAiULLlAN RESOLVENT will rid the skin from these visitants and insure all a beantifui, dear ecniplexion. UTERINE TROUBLK9. —Prolapsus, Uteri. Falling of the Womb, Ulcer*, Tumors, Sores, cured bv SA118A- FAKILLIAN RESOLVENT. Isv'ti 29 roffisrinff from Chronic Leuchorrbea, WrakneM or Irritation "f the Bladder and Urinary Passage, Diffi culty of Passing Urine, Ac., will be relieved f>v a few i.swa of It AD WAY’S S Alts a PARI LLi AN R'l .SOL VENT, and cured by a few bottle*. BUGGY -AINTID MANUFACTORY AT iD^K*x-,iisrc>T02sr, s. c. T : I K uMle: «igncd be<r leave to inform the eiiizens of Darlin<.(oa and surrounding country, that they have opened n SHOP >it Dar lington Court House, for the purpose of « arry- iiijr on the business of nianufuernring nnd re pairing Buggies, Carriages. Waggons. <'arts, &c. AH work done with neatness and dispatch. We respectfully solicit a share of puMie pa- tror.agc. D. VT. B AST, & CO Darlington. IS . 8-v t 29 52 »f PAHAL.YSIS CURED. Debusville, lIarri*on Co., Ohio. klay 12th, ISO*. Mc»4r>i. Raowav A Co., Oknti.fmkn —The RESOLVENT haa affected a cure in a very severe e.»s<', that of a Mis. L. m .»e1 Johnston in thu neighbouthwod, she was confined to Jier Led and had lost the use of her lets: —four bottles of the RESOLVENT has restored her, and last Sunday she was able to atu nd Church. The demand for the RES *LVENT has in creased, aud we deem it advisable to order in time. Yours truly, R. PITTIS ft SON. SARSAP ARILLIAN. So qui k is RADWAY’s SARSAPAUILLIAN or RENOVATING RESOLVENT in entonng into the cir culation that it may be detected in th • untie, sweat, and blood in ten minutes after it has been taken. A Remedy so quick in entering into the circulation and communicating in curative properties as RAD WAY’# SARfcsAPARil.LlAN supplies a want that has ever ex isted. j'wra RADWAY’S SVRSAPAim.LfAN or RENOVAT ING RESOLVENT furnishes positive evidence oi its Purifying and Fruitful edic t, y in onriu^r pewns, coa» •idered impotent and Barren who have since m.uiird and bad chiiuren. APi'Lirn TO THE J. C. It will be seen bv reference to onr advfer- sing columns, tha'. this gentleman has estab lished a general Hook Agency at Augusta, Ga. The books are suitable for canvassers, and he will give employment to many, if ap plied to at once. Send for catalogue nnd terms to J. C. Dekbt, P. O. Box 334, Au gusta. Armstrong tutor & Co. Attention is directed to the card of this House, to be found in ai.other column. 'Jhis is an old and popular establishment, and do a large business in the South. We would advise or.r merchants aud milliners to this house, fueling sure that they will be dealt fairly with, and entire satisf. c- tlon given. IN COMMON PLEAS. FirTINO IN LljUlTY. Darlington CocNir. M. A. McClanaghan Liver, Kidneys, Skin, STOMACH ft BOWELS. DR KADWAYS PERFECT PORGATiyE PILLS Perfertlj/ Tasteles# 9 ELEGANTLY COATED. STOP THE VTASTE OV LIFE! RADWAY’8 SAK-IAPAKILLIAN REROLVF.NT will stop the of tiu* lire-lhilU that ia so mmy per sons folk.imi9 discharge of water tbr>u <h the urethra. If is a positive cure lor Spcrmatuirho*, Nightly Lmisaiona, fto. S Y PHI LO r D UlaCERS, Pores of all kind.- , Tumors, C .nccrs, Sore Heads, Sore* on the Fonpui:, in the Mouth, in the Glands ,f the Throat, cured by RADWaVY’S Sa\iG>APARILiilAN. The “Carolina rfrlilizer’' is made from the Phosphates of South Carolina, ami is pronounced by Tarim t chemists, one ol the best Ma mres known, only inferior to Peruvian Guano in iU Feitf- ; li/.ing Properties. These Phosphat vs are the remains of cxliuct land Mid sea animal, and posses Ji j qualities of the greatest value to the Agricultui ist, We annex the analysis of Professor SheprrJ; "Te'ilora 4 ory of the Medial College of S. C. Analysis of a sample of 'Carolina F riilizer, personally selected, Moisture expelled at 312° F 16.70 Organic matter, with sou e water of combi nut iov expelled at low red heat 1».5U Fixe i Ingredients 09.80 Piiosphc*ic Acid—soluble O'- ’ Fqui valcrit to 12.27 Soluble Phosphate of lime Insoluble 0.17 Equivalent to 13.48 Insoluble (bone) 13.13 21.75 Phosphate of T.iuio, Sulphuric Acid il.01 Fquivalent to 23,05 Vliosphate of Limo. Sulphnte of Potash 80 Sulphate of Soda 3.50 Sand 11.00 OR the strength os these results 1 am glad to ccrnty «•* the superiority of th« Carolina Fertilizer examined. K L' SlIEPHEKD, We will furnish iiis excellent Fertilizer to Planters and ntker« t ^ *0 p.*r ton 2<HK) lbs. f.KO. W, WILLIAMS & CO. I’actirs., D«o H 8—4 m " KTIWAJY OUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES. -/AKTID JSiuLl^>IomL2ric M A N U F A C T U R ED AT C IIA RLESTO X, I TNDER thedirection of Dr. N. A. Pratt, Chemist for the Sulphuric Acid and .Super, J Company. .Soluble Phosphoric Acid, in the form of Soluble Phosp.hate of Lime, o Bone Phosphate, is tl»e basis of all good Fertilizers, aud (11051 are valuable in the ratio • Phosphoric Acid which is in them. The immense depositea of Phosphatic Guanos which were discovered in 1867 in South i by Dr. Prati, consists mainly of Insoluble Phosphate of Lnue, whtoh is made availabiv . s a u i : by being ground to powder, and reduced by Sulphuric Acid to such n condition as to make Do soluble phosphate soluble in water, and thus made capable of being taken up by growing plan: The insoluuble Phosphate found in my ■ oramerciai Fertilizer is of no more value to the plant the original Phosphate rock The greater the proportion of litis soluble Phosphate which ir tilizer contains, the !*** the quantity required j -r acre, and consequently the cheapest f that containing the highest percentage of soluble Phosphate. Impressed with these truths, the Nulphui;« Acid an<i .^uper-phosphat-c (’ompsny ha’ Charleston the first extensive Acid Chambers .‘i’outh of ibiliinvre, and are able to offo. Highest percentage of .Soluble Phosphate ot Lime known in the market. Their Fertilizers are olTored under two forms: 1. Ktiwail ^O. I.—Pure .Soluble Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 21 per cent, ol I'isai. Bone PJioKphate of Lime, $60 per ton. 10 per cent discount for cash, 2. FUwan 2 •—Peruvian 5uper-phosphate, guaranteed to contain 20 per cci.., of T solved Bone Phoephafc. xud to 3 per cent, of Amonia, with asufiicient addition of Peruvian G no to adapt it to all crops, $70 per ton, 10 per cent discount for cash. e also fdfer Dissolved Bone, of high grade, for planters or manufacturers, who may desire mix into any other compost, and wo suggest that tins is the best and cheap* st method for mam:' -tfvrs to transport the Sulphuric Acid contained in tbs mixture. W !! be sold at a fixed rate for ». IMtc nJaws, ,, VT WM. C. BEE & 00., Agents, iVo. IT Adder's Wharf Charlestons S. C 11 ‘ 8 Tan 5 ) IM POTENCY. The best evi-leii'e we h ive < f the powerful Puri- yinv Tonic an t liuitfal properties of RADWAY’8 oAKSAPAKILLIAN PEeOLViNT is that it has .iurtd persons who were verging on Imbecility nnd Insanity through 8clf Abase, with continued iiam oi the sf;Inilla , riuid, and were cured b'v the Resolvent, when prepared under the old proeore in iS;>0, who have manned and have children now living. A few bottles nil restore the vigor of life. ‘'ETST'./VINriDO IVEXHMXUNTGi- AND IvCA.lsTTJIT'^.CTTT^IITC Company* J. R. DUKES, President. I>iPCC<»rs.—J. D. Aiken, George E. Gibson, Rev. James P.Boyde, L. D. Afowry, F, J olzi Factory East and Hasel Street. .Vines on Ashley Riv an | Bill lor Par- > tition, Acct. nd Wife, et al J and Relief. Thor Sansbury and Wife, J T appearing tp the of the Court that Andrew Leo *r»d Pnil^rtn of Timothy Lee and Ffluabvth his wife Mary DuBosj and —DuBose her husband, David Churn and — — Churn. C. W. Johnson and Mairha !iis wife, and the distributees ot f aae Muhlrow. are ab sent from nod re^’ Ie without the limits of tlii? 8tate. It is on loot ion ofll.irlcc A Dargr.n, Com plainant's Solicitor-, Ordered that the above nan'trd parties be requested to plead, answer or demur to the Bill in the case within forty days or an order pro enuf ttio be entered against them. ' It is further ordered that the Clerk do publish j this order once a week ir. the Darlington Demo- ; crat for forty da vs. (Signed) J. Al. RUTLAND. i Jan 19, 1870. 14 7 | Mrs. Parker, 'AS this day received n large supply » f Jappn Switches, Itcai Lace Setts, very pretty Drilled Dress Lining, one piece ot beauti ful French Alpaca. Black Serpentine Braid, Bl’k Corded Silk Buttoas, &c., Ac. Jan 2G, 1870. to tikit: Southern People ! INSURE VOUR LIFE TO-J>AV,TIIAl YOUR I A Mil. Y MAY lit; Provided For. Ttanorrow i f >d riAY Die : PIEDMONT & ARLINGTO.N Life Insurance Company, RICHMOND. \A. Assetts over $1,500,000. l)IVim:NI>S .! lor I -il'J. itl f>ct. Purely a Southern Institution. Policy Hold.'! i’artie'mite iu Profits—i' dieie': Non-. i• :eving. This popular a;, i and * : -lo! Sout h, rn Life Insurance Cor*»j.;u:' now -tun 1- at the head of the list of th • bes :. mosi LinrttAi.and stbo^cjcst Companies iu Amel i a. It- alTaira are gov -ru ed by the isfst v in our eountiy, a-*1 ih« prompt uianner in u hich the policies aiv i».viJ w hen due. *i - well rm :hec.n *;i;l an I j-nideu; »n- ▼esiincii' of its fun is, rec<M!: , n < n l it to :!ic SOUTHERN PEOI’EE, as TIIR Company * *r them to i!i.-*iire in. w. c. CAititiNor<i\. Ibvci lctji. Jotiv r fjiv. m i Vic IV.-sident. O. .1 11 A P.TS »OK, 8. ,*v ’ iry. '. HorhUXt?, Asst. S j tary. ’’•t utors for South C >r<.: —Lx. G >v. M. L. Bonham, Dr. Is-aac Brandi, i»r. J. J Wardiaw. S. L. Leaphari. The uud«*r«igne 1 respecifuliy solicits *oc pti- fronag" of rue goo! citizens of this section do- thifl CO.MPA.VT. A id -s G. McD. STcLL, Ag«nf, Fiureiice, S 0 Dr. W. A. Wasik.ngto.v, Mctl' il Adviser, Oct 13 1 ly COULTER & Co. 6 EN Kit At COIDIISSION AIEUGRAXTS AND COTON FACTORS, 53 LlflltT >TRKKT. BALTIMOUR, Md. Jiibcral adv inci - i:,a on ('iiii^l'.'nnionl.'. lieprcfiontcd l,y I'ARK It It & KKU.Y, Darlington. S'. C. Oct 27 g 3 in MATERIA MEDIC.\ cenban*. in its repertoire, many pur^ativat an.I ••..tnaruc ircAs th it. for on!inary pur poses, oj>enM the I»owe-, uml throurh what is railed a “ peristalticmovemout, pur ire from the alimentary canal the feces an i tUi» a all. Such fur- . ffur the purj-o-.e of cure, or removal of any settled diseaae, are Utterly usde.-s. Dr Ra'avat ha> completed one of the most essential disri series in medical ci emi-try—in iho c itnbit. itioa o! vegetable sr.»>■<unn«*», f .r«bo j ur:>ow3 of a PURGATIVE, APKRLAN T, CGUaVTLit-IKKl l AM’, ALTERATIVE PILL, that can be taken or admin.i.-terod with he abso lute ce.talntv rtf K- TICGRGUGII expulsion OF ALL DECAY ED AND DECO U Pi >1 NO Elements of the human body, ami also safe to take in the most malignant of Eruptive Fevers. In cases where the inuonua memhrani'S of the Internal viscera are suffering bora Ulccracou, inllammation, or from LIVER. Gastric, Bilary, Pancreatic Com plaints, DR. RADWAY’S PILLS Supply the only Vegetable 6i«.«:titu‘.o for CALOMEL OR MERCURY. In HADWAY’8 PILLS you have one in didn" that will secnic qiiinker, more thorough and betur results than will i»e given in tiwo tiueeor more different pre- Blue Pill;, or ' obimnl! next, some T>r.«-.tic Aloetic Pill or Powder** to tr.nk off the etff .s «>1 tho Blue J‘ili; this prns- trn' you, hi. .i a • m 'icxi iven, or « aentle aperient, v.,* re»ts ONK tK>s’ (>P UADWAVM PILES wilt do alt th* tc irk that the three i»r n»i re presciipti to a nv. iriven fur, without runnrn; any risk fruru tueicui-ialuini{ or salivating the system. VIGOR OF LIFE BESTORED. Persons who, from self- ibuse, dis.:.*se. or injuries, suffer from jiui-alysis or weakness »n tlie secreting v» ssels of the renitai organs, wil! V/h cuied by JiADVVAY’S 8ARSA- PARII.LlA N H E?OLV *iN T. 1 !V O.IIlSill /luiliuiii:,, PAREIRA BRAVA. rWOOFTHE WONt'ERFUI. INGltKMEN TSIUAT ENTER INTO IHi: COMPoSJ l ION OF K A D W AY’S A l ‘ S A U A It II L L AN OK RENOVATING RE SOLVENT. There ate some thirty or more diff.*ront species *4 Sarwq^iriHian, 'iid it requires great care and inUdl geuce Iti seleeiing the proper kinds; so PAR».1UA BKAVA. This gr**.u remedial agent is to bf found in Guay iquil, 1. rn, Nicaragua, liras !, and there are some twenty sj>e.*ies of this root. Dr. Railway as« s only one kind, that wliieh grows in Brazil, lie employs thii iigh Lir ag»uts, non** but experien*:ed nnd iii:e;F r ;rr’ m*’-* '** gatbeiing, seketirg, packing, and shq-, . U.i^e roots to the Unued States. No ignorant savag- «*r llotuiitots are enq- oyed in gathering ce iotables, roots, plants, «c., for the Sar*<aparuTi;m i-esolvent. BADWAY'S 8AUSAPAKI! L'AN HT.ROLVb.sT is •old it $1 per Bottle, or Ikf’ s for «5, **y k! DninnsU and Me*Iieiue De'-dma. ii*i 1 at Dr. KADWAY’S Medicine Warehouse, 87 Maiden Lano, New York City. NOTICE. S^ilOPSP^. mn ~r m jr w T m P. RUSSELL. I1AV1.V(. r.KLN*, I f'.r ihe 1 na' :'n<-ll1.V Vc. i-s B in Char^.'Slvn nn*! thrna^iinnt lii.; .-MU*, I'.-iurn- it.- Koli^it, , bontinntnc of t!te Wiirt-.-. II.- S ' a with '.-■■■*>' I . I'tv tn tV... OHDB SASHES, CI.INDS. UOOIIS, IV IN DOW !T V.MES M.VNTi IM’IKI KR, Mot f.i-I.SCS. cic., 4" • and has at his War rooms, No. o. iI i\ r- -’rr.*t, & tar-,-? mi l well S ’!» : *-■ t t ' rk * 1 1 the r.hcs ? p' •’.'is. WORK SHOPS IV P It I T C II A It l) STKIijUf. Tir Character oftlic w..rk fr- ■ 'hi- o«:a..!;-!n:. :.t for the pa-t tircaty year, nil; he a fuaSlbtee io tho,- who may order good -f. ' 1 , r •• Ms IVha i-trertiscs liim.-If the «.i!y Frartiesl Sa? j. I’m '-.-•••I "• i:..i aerby tra . who is -:u-- fln ihe abere bnsine-s In thi- city, ..wiwi'l hI’ow^m ^j'uo > . t< ur'oit^at does not reflect credit nj oa him a- a a i.arii.- .,, No. 5,11A1 Xii ^'.V^'-TIAilbl his c^tabliih' my an.-L-iice IVoin the .State, i.arti* s jug.Jr hoU bied to mr will make payment !i* J. A. i^jtw. who will be found at the old stand of Lhv x t lements. Flint's k"; Hoads. J. 1*. CLEMENTS. Flinns’ X Toads, Dee. 1, 186'). 3-if *^May 5 Y ^ TJ • - ..._aHb*i«Nd ... (hH J- — ■ 31 SkiaaK.— z --V - *■.'■'••'35?' SY.S.'EC^.O Recoinmendvld by V^uictjitur.d Chemists, us a special manure for Cott«j, Wheal and other Crains, Cround Ashley Hirer Done 1‘’ a^fjr * ':?<■ f saloby , 4. je C. Dukes & Oi * i 4*.Adams, Agt. * .Soeic-Ji F.-b 18 17 ’ KADWAY’N PILLS. In RADWAY’S PILLS, Lh r true p iiicif le of purga tion i-i s* eurod—n^t nlone J * the otfi* t. •■i t ; i mi -sing ihe j feces and t-K''r«TOorvbs Dom the b-.wids. bittbo.-o umoia j that nr** heike 1 *-r ■vtopj-ed in their pi.-s. g«*. through the thins Kidney*, Lung*, *::1 all es rocnr and seen ding funrtioiu; tor <f these ex'*i»-n*witHi.'n fe-n tions belong- , mg to the skin, liver, lun re, ki ! ,*v-?, int-errupte-l iu I their escaj e, tbev ber mo prc.du - of di ay nn 1 leeora- ' pos.t oii. mi l must fit i . i tSi. living IkwIv j through their p op« ■ •nt l -. hei e the purgative qu.idties of RA ji\V \Y' !TLL> okI n l to the M*trretiou* of the SKIN, KlDNi j Li'. Eli, A- .; v. erens uot 1 one of the ti.svi a’ilis ciaim to > ... beyoui the | bowels. I loir to Take Uatheuy's Pitts. THF.IK DAILY USE. Tn do'^s of «mc or two pills, by ' • porRr.ns of ti full habit of body, subject to giddiness, • of hi »t“] to the heil, naipitnii ... of tho heart, and u’.j those subject to fits, will Hot idykeop the I . lod fr •m UHOiningcongested ore! gg«d up in the blood veas i.:, but will cquulue its cirer.l it ion, uud prevent sudden attacks of ttppoideXT, d.v ps-e of the lafut, congestioii. PerKc.iis A’ho afiil take one of ;h .*.■ pi!'.- v*rv .1 iv wnl not fiufTVr from Kead- ac’K-s, Di*zice-s, 'ier;cs. Fainting Sped*, Fains around t .e Heart, 'ai*d a )iuKii.ud otter disa greeable sj mptonis. Iv. One f RA live i ’S t’i J.l , in or tbu-e hours before dinner, t. 4 en daily, ' ! •••*,. th -y.-t. "u free from l»Y>i*KI - A. INDlGl M’iON, CU.NSTIJ ATTGN, C JSlTVENES^ Ac. liettr In JHintl, R AUWAY’S FILLS ore .!•<• on'.v ; u - dive tlmi will B..(mv n ii-. rative, dtur.-tic, 3U*l->i. . apeii< :u aud tonic iniluet:. e. 'l ‘e-yuic the . ly veg-t-oie «u' --’it for Calomel or M.ury. •| ,iev j rm •< t' - eti .n (•; b - and withdraw it from the eireul;. - They asHi-t, t tiou.di t!»»*ir nutriiiovs properties, the Chyr.t aud chyle, aud r - st-u iu:oea io the pt. .c ,s of di- g(-ion. Pij.-y are Ulegamly Lwted with Gum, IVifu-etly Taste le a*, f:* '■ ■••m >in.*U. FRD ;: Tw- ' ty-' . Cent ; • I*, v. i ' . B .vc-. f i One Di.Ifii - . ALv is isk * U DW .. Y’S 1‘lLI.S, m j ten- that tlo'’ it !' . R.R.i;. a . on .a- side of ia’>ei, and the w i Is Radwa ’s Ruga. on '! e .her. 8ol»t by all Drugvi'' ; ■> and G. tieril .Store Iv- a-v-, ;*.nd j ‘ Dr. Kadwat • M.od*e *.l UlSoc, 87 Maid* n I*ane p New York. FARMERS! OSTEMDORFF & CO., Wholesale Grocers, DM A I.KliS IN WINE3, LIQU0R3 k SEGARS, 17 j Easi Ilai, ( l ai’lcston, 8. (’. A~er.ts Dr H. Clausen s Ales. A ug 21 2H 1j OSTENDORF? & C0.7~ WIIOLKS A LK G ROC KRS. - D.-alcr* in ]VI.\JJS, LJoidUSA SUGARS, No. 17-8 East Lav, enaki.eston; s. c. Agent, for H. C')&u,cn', Al„. Kb, S4 • IMPORTANT NOTICE TO TITIE Farmers and Pl?,nters of RARUXGTON COUNTY. A S it will !i. iini..' t<» procme for anotli- /& **»' ;?t*:»son, fod st:|it*!ics of tlie “Trruvian (fu.-mo." we take p’ensure in recommending io the’ t!-t* of the Fat m.’.v* und l’!. vter? of this the »*CM X. I FHH 77/. IZEllf which .* rieknowUi! :eil by those who h.ive experi* mriittol with . ; . ia be slic best Couimercial rua- nure'n the marktl. \V«* ice Agents On tliCHAlc of this valuable Fertami tho*e who wish to secure it sheuil arc pre- I: •!•.• : \ our Groj'. by u.-iu;z ir Lands PI HEN IX OU A NO, Imported by tu* lire ; from the i’lu.ciiix Islands, fc’out.h Titcific Oce.iU. WILCOX, (.ii»l)S 37 cos., M.WICt /..I 77:7' GI . 1 ,V'>. I’rcj'Tro l ni S:.v: . r.a’i, an.I f-it;ul.-.:.'.!, ! il.,:.;. t i;»li to it.- 1 . V.t par' d to s!i<iw samples and furnish circulars ol -'iiiie* Tt cm. fLO-vlO (•as!». or $65,110 on time, with as,proved security, payable tirst Novcmbor l>*7o. »\ . «r«- n:-o A,-;ri;!s f< r the firm of Mcs-rs. (Do. \\ . Williams k t’o.. Factors, nod will make cash advances D> three tourths the vultio on cot- Ui'i.'-on*ign I to cithci th<». jib c lirniifi t’horlos too. S. (h,or Wi i am«. L.i -.i- \ "o.. «.f N. York. DlIaOII.MK -V BY ill), s lh pot. x. r 6 Iv Nov 2d I t. v haw so.v. UK • T. henn INC. •4-3 CD s CD VI <! cd CD or ■vi'x • mm wmB> m* WBR r-«- ^ 01 . sD i '7. ./V. A * .AT FLiIREN* • is U. _ +■ V ‘.VAjifcAo rc. -.Pt- !jp r c .,r > ,l <i-7l»t;, II.. thg,a>*r-t«r,j-. ’ yRf'ef •4pr*‘«i at.J , - n, »*\ OWC*- TitjoV,-- 1 'N jk .j , u> . i,; ! . i . . ■ | u J, csroo.; 4.ys*yoii, Auctio:. wtiJBm t my W or:-;i’.i..-e . - m T'*" y tF!«»c1t*«rp4>VUA ^KV'. ?- r; .n.; *11 crud*. —~ . v . f ^ : '■ Bf tc, Sm«p, A. Ha ■.m-.-w -i ■? OX; dSL and .^'houluct •. A Great variety *-.f ffiy,-/^ry-;4-*'£%■ .«es. iHt llarJesde w... ".'ffl , L keeping urtici.-, ka. .10?^. ; ' i'ltv f> Said. A fr-.-i ^ EQUITY LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF VIRGINIA. Reason* v'htf IJi ^ry Onr Shrat'd J.i dui in the Rijnitable Li; ■ In.mranee Co:np,i\y >/* Virginia. 1st. It. is m ire LI l ililAL to the In-u-. rs Ibn:: any other Comp.-.iiy, and will cventua 'y become Purki.y Muti al and belongs to the F?.>' r. r. 2d. It circulates .t.< money lon^st irs p ifn -is who nv<» the Iii-oit i »‘on^Cjo-u: !y tiiey ai- getting th* benefit of the rapid necurn' -^oi' the Company, the money b'-in ; iuve- • C y the Board of l)irec; *rs am >n <■ iii“ in^ ;rr-s. 'i ' e.- fore the the insurer.-* art* buil i i • up an it's tion peculiarly tlicir own, a:ul conductr 1 Lo their benetit. od. The loan** of this Company eve o- lib ’- i’ as other p<to.puni**s w i o d'-'d.-m* U. * • i: n i-« a th end of the s * * »ntl. third and fourth y Mrs. b this company at the end *■; tin* iii—i :od v ry ‘V* • f VsT 73 DAVID h Cf, U1K. T'rhdcnt. TUGS. II. U INN Ik Vic- President, .1 N!». n. V. ! N N, S- cia t cry, Gen. d *.*. II. *i ANIL Actuary, Dr. F. il. WATKINS. ) Dr. I!. W DAVIS. | v .Judge .INO. A. MFBKDITIl. Counsellor. Medical .Advisers, DIRECTORS. W . .1 .Tiihnsos, . f .Lmuron A Hunt, Wholesale <J luce is. W ; H Po-.vrWinston P'.wers, Wholesale G roce us. \0*J!.*v\y. Tr asirrer Buckinghatn Slate ‘ .1 V!M . finery G. \ D V. iJT.J Mom:is, M •rrl N t.'o’s , Sugar Ke- s. Miner:,ntendent r.tnchcster cottr-n Feb 1V£, S^.OO'-JSfcf ;V Flokevce, h. < 17 A *w Wiir( i ill., .r ,„4 T AK1'.. r ... —, . » n «1 ejatomor . Ui«« h. s. y u ‘ , MANUFACTURERS OF WARR. htntrtt funBad Trneral i ' J rvfr.'*' ravt - l»alo.nt firoand w'hfch he offers at w-L(desalt? i couniiy produce. V Hehaff on Ivftnd nnd for ment of GROCIIikS ICS an ^‘, a. c ah rhe- . • . it. Tm.ku. J. il N John Tyler, Jeweller-?. M. Mi1.1 - :t, Wi'.iU Dry Goods. fRos. ]>a:.ii*viv. < ! i thter. M. G* . :*■ . •] , v Planters Bank* J. 11. D •• vkm, Suj*'- 'ti itlcn’ Western Cnio: T(*i.‘graph Co. A :.v x. G. llonruT-: s. Cattle Br to supply the public with COOKING STOVES; NL'Ttks f f KA i r..., at the shortest notice- He N also .Agent f, M-. Ty raw S. C.. and those wishing .. Monumeu's for their lost friers An d relatives, ucu 1 t do well to gi’e h;m: before purchas ing elsewhere. A vork 'io: o wid be w* J ra **tcd lo give satls- lae.ti n. .oid :>. low raN^ CUI1 be done in any oihf r ey'aM'- '>etit. f Nov ID. 17b9. i FALL AUD ^Hioiars, ilS. M. A. BINDPH has just nrrivrii i?B Paris and London wiih the i-it< t ies'j is ’ pi*i - a.-lly selected from tbegn .m 1. iveltica ; i also iUc most elegant Trimmings .o be si cu* ; Pans. - •. { year. T!i. reby the insurer M-;vrs > • v er:,l \ (. .1. li. . IN VV,.,:Gt Lire*. KAboe*. Vehrt* % Bruit Veils, \ interest on th’* Ion*' !•; ’• ■ in ’V:- oo*, - L. P»u *v» of Brown. Jones «V < «•., Vx'holesa:* ’ f -ir .f-1-. and Franmed Pc -r Patimn*, . ’ l» j, and he never loos, - t: .- iuoti-v if he pa v - : Gro.*. r > iicl f rnk a ling. ny, amt ne never looses u,- money it no | one Whole Yiar, whereas. • - . . r i \. i’ 1 lie has tn remain an insur r Ini vt* :l yonr . or .v '1. 1! m, . he loses all the money he h i* p tid. G .od-. Extra Cast v vt-i Patent Croniid Circular Mill, Mutay unci Gong ' S-A.WS- ‘ >U- : . A<- ■ 'NN r f'.-i ■■■■■■,■ ' '/%/ * ^ireislas* Sewi With Moveable or IncertC;! TEETH! • -ved in the s di rlie best Ma- j S. C.. wliieh h:t? un re in use. Gtiann. Snrt (<nd duster Cictnpaund, M-o prep.,i *d •* S .v:, . .h Charleston, for sal'- for cash :■ on i... WILCOZ^, GIBBS £ CO., Inpovtcrs and Dsaicrs n i).r.vs>a, Tcid & Henning, Wholesale m; ! ilcluil l); a!:-r< in 15 A il 53 W A H E, Cl TI.ERY, O- TJ 2sr s , Asrkul.ural Ii::;>lc)r,cn(s, iron and NAILS, ALSO I'EAJ.tns IN EIJUALI I'Y LIFE INSrHANi’L COM HA NY. Jljcannnr its ]*a tr*,>h ■* •*.> b re- yon. I c . it U to v.orr ufr rrsf to d) . . Piincijmi Oifit-c 1017 Maim.-street, Rieiiniond, tdririnia. BfV 1 - Agents Eciryirhrre.-TiA Nov 10 A •' A r -, X"7“E cln'n .ol ; VV Ilicl.ri. fl>’ t Lxclii ivc fur Mrs. M. Work’- cci-hratrA f S. & M Itoseni.vum, Drv 1 cutting hJics* dtvm*. «« t ac«, m * Basques. &e. . W. cor. 11 iml riicsnutrg,*., Pb-laHc’-.'.in. ' "•Pt. S9 i; M insciling new » ■»« . f^cciu. Ewdi to*.*:, O'dcpemlcutly. *»**:' 1,0 ' lire cutUnjr lit* . Iv A €«. i±a h !?P Bay s f reel, . vai LI Kast I ’ ' y str«“ i, 241 Broad rreet, \i For furtl: r inffur*-:: circular, o;* !;b****rih u publi-hr 1 L> W. C M*. ta and ^ i; a:, a i. . per annum, Dec ! 7 G i for I ion. r*: n - s., ns n •b in A'.:i ien/rui ist’ ■nitirphy N (’o.. at Angus at the low price of 2'o J// / .'VrHouse '. .7 * ‘ v.s . S n’p Carpenters , Cabin* t M M.oatU, Sail,Here, Wheriuri this . < urriers’, Flat!;. smith'? . 1, a-h .tills . Turpen- line 'Ole-rf Shut Ha /•- re', liuitrh r -’ an 1 r nierki/:- rf J'mjfr.. Rape. Tu ine. Fi.iliiny Taid . Stales ,{-r. jJr.'N* V full : < k of all the abov * «r.nstantlv on hand, and [<j.- M.-;e at t’no Lowest Pries fur C ASH. Mu:kei Street, IVILMIXGTOX, N. C A p i i 1 7 -» ly COTTON FACTORS AN!) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CIIARLESToy, S. C. \'<i> PHIL A DELPHI A, PA I.IBLHAL ADV Wd -F.S ma<!^ n i t ,*n- Dcmpstcr, Liverpool, England. \ . so l er IB. -»**. and to Messrs. Lockhart & ■'*. Shirtings, Strip.s, Yarns, Nc. AVlian's Superphosphate, Th lirent F.iiijr for A‘i Crops, Wo v iVr to all who have uu : t. NN reeuTrimend it as being f -l!v equal t* any T’ea-rlizer ever Introducad into this country. F.-r t»y CLAGHOBN’. IIEUKING A Co. L. R. RAGSDALE, Ag nt, r.mmonsville, S. C. Vo* Il (f—‘m IDIOLECT FiLOJVX H l I-T rt-ociv-1, a lull ans.irtuioi-.t uf Lt'lilN’S, VIOLKT'S COUDTtY’S. s o»P». EsT»-t-. I’oiiiJi.Jca. n: - anilTuilot '■ uteri!, i A lull li*m of liuir, To.tih .in*l Null Vrusbcp, 1 Ilufialo, Ivory aud Sliell Comb*. O. \V. AIM All Chernis* unit l)ruyji-t. Corner of A my tuul l amlerhnrst Sh't'ets, 1 ClIAKLESTON. S. C. j Oct 27 2 3m. COT'roiNT G5-T3S3 S- Ingersoll’s Cotton Presses, For sale by DAWSON. TKED & HF.NNING, Wiiir rton N • St*» I 4C- i ■ Patent Circui 11 ow i11g a<l va ntnges cver a11 ■ • h ■ 1 tnks of the teN f it five elasGc, and exe of»n distension in Jlu* so' h' *3. _ j % Th- sfability of the pint. * no w ..; a'T * fin. ... _ « • * * ff.i.iii | N > rivets, k yv. or orlt .r obje*::-nah! * • ! rticoa ui • employed in coun • tit :i with t. ; o- w aca areas i. ipiein iA>nstruction, nn*! . * ! 1*. „aed a: 3 a nut 1< r a bo f. J Tn D, ( -f. all i.e iiffic.JG-s heretofore ex; en red in th* u « of m- '.;M • t^.;h fir *rv^. • fully met ond obviated I ; ttii* iiivcn!i»*n. TUTTLE PATENT ‘•Champion” Cross-crt Sav, Ox*0».-3&" 0"0- of mi. Ktsr>s. SAW MANDRELS, G U KIIIK G MACHINES, ScuJ for ralal. puev nml Tiicc I.Iiiiji. . R. HOE oc Co., Pr .Aii y Cress, Machine iml Saiv II • hirer’.. -,v„ V'-y Tlorlan M:uis , .tI L'-a'ici; 3*.. O— ! l l bo*