Kg THE ID^.U,LI3 E8DAY, FKBKbAMY aa. Sk V 1 — Q ^ * article latc’y published in our paper, beaded “The New Party " was credited by .^.hgJaWurleft iu Arte*, to the Chesterfield //r- mvhnt. We simply make this correction, because wo do not with to make others re sponsible for our political opiuiuns. 11 1-'. WdiiUt'iuore. N Til AT SOLD A VTEST FOIST CADBT- SHIP. * [Spacial Telegram to tbe Charleston New*.] Washington, 1 .bruary 14. The secret is at last out in regard to the sale of West Point cadetships. The dis graceful proceeding is now utrly fixed upon one of the So oh Carolina carpet-baggers, and there is reason to believe that several other honorable members of the same class ^^£^^hare been playing a similar game. A witness testified b fore the House Mili- z <& ML.. b --* ‘ iry Cotnuiittee, to-day that 15. F WhiWe- uiure, a representative iu Congress from South Carolina, had sidd his cadetship. A copy of u letter from Whittemoro was shown dated at Darlington, S. C., May 12, ISUH, and addressed to 1*. II Kegler, formerly a banker of Charleston, offering to sell a cadet ship at West Point for five hundred dollars. The members of tbe committee declared that if this charge was fully pro. ed, Whittc- m ire ought to he expelled from the House of Representatives. Mr Kegler has been summoned to produce the original letter. [Special Telegram to tbr Charleston News.] W11 ITTK M ORE S (X• NTKriSION r . Washington, February 20. »■ e«a.- 8BSB The investigation of the sale of cadetships ? by earpet-bag Congressmen coutinues to ex- fT:, cite much interest. ‘■‘‘ "'H&jf ""^* ttenior< “i cornered by the production py-Mjr if -f his own letter on the subject, yesterday ap- X ’.'..ed licfore the committee and made a ’• ; .,te’'.cnt. intended to excite partisan sym- ' ' to the effect that iie had appointed as • Paaf. - “Ev ’: s >• ' / Btl ' 11 ,,n - V':.; ^.ilars had pnrpos s. y ue> In Thy I*ur*»4‘. r*’ •% *' **' • .*' *1^ Doatli of Jotopli >orwtH;«l. He died suddenly of disease of the hear*, of w hich he had long been effected, on the 17th inst., iu the 78th year of his age—full of years, and ripe for eternity, a good man in Israel has fallen! Ever doing something to gratify an industrious nature, which c< nl 1 not brook idleness—he olten against the in treaties of his family and friends, engaged in duties that many younger and physically m ire able, would shrink from, seeming to ig nore the effects of age and infirmity. He was engaged during the forenoon of the Jay of his death hunting sheep, returned home to dinner, after which, he walked out into his plantation where plowing was going on, had occasion to send a plower off, took hold of the plow himself, that it might not lie idle, and plowed twice across the field, several times stopping to rest and again resuming the plow—when he auddeuiy fet: and ex pired without uttering a word—Terrifying “that in the midst of life we are ia death/' Mr. Norwood has been aa exemplary mem ber of the iiaptist church from early man hood, and for a great number of ye..r» filled the office of Deacon. Though by nature, modest and unobtrusive, he ever discharged Irs duties with fub-lity; both us achurch mem ber and neighbor. He leaves a widow and five children (.the latter all married)to mourn the departure of ooe w hose heart was ever alive to their welfare, and whose sensibilities were as tender as woman's. His neighbors, and all who knew him intimately, wilt bear testimony to his kindness of heart and sym pathizing nature, and feel they have lost a friend on whom they could rely, and whose memory they will ever delight to cherish.— Rut he has gone the way of our fathers and we must soon follow. ‘-How blest the righteous in his death.’’ An Old Friend. Hartsvilie, S. 0., Feb. 20, 1870. SB imtrnm l fix aE notic k. s~*.) * ** ♦ a LL persor.p having any cIhittk against LL persons having any claims against the ^estate of W I). AOams, late of this County, M AI It k]).- On th. 1 th l b irary by C a^e l arc hereby notified to present them du- the Rev J. N. Reid at the residence of th. i ! y rd '“« '• law - n I t j barred pavn ent. J. C. IllKSIA. brides bather, Dr. J. ]\ DraoEWELL, of | Feb 1!.C—dm 18 Adm r Ueilviilc, Fla., to Miss Adi>te K, Daughter | of’D. M. Jackson, of Statenville. Oo.nrgui. ! Mt. ZION INSTITU TE, Js - vv - ISTOTIOES. t 0^: a you ii ••i in his di Jfer' WM. H. BEHNAKD, I’roprietor of the ftmr AdTertising Agency, Wilmington, N. C., is authorized to receive advortisements tor thig pa per at our lowest cash rates. T() CONSUM IT IVES, The advertiser, haring been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having sulTcred several years witli a severe lung j affection and the dr»‘ad disease.—Consumption— is anxious to make known to his fellow sutlercrs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (used free of charge] with di rections for preparing and using the sasie, which they will fend a ctaa cue* for Consumption, Asthma bronchitic, etc. The object of the ad vertiser in sending the presoription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and h» hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, ami may preve a blessing. 1'artics wishing the prescription, will please address Kev. EbHAHLi A. WILSON, Williamsburg, King County, New Vork. Jan 5 ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffereii for years from Ner vous Debility. Premature Decay. iio*l all the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will.* for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it. tha receipt and directions for making the sim pie remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addressing, vviih perfect enufidence JOHN li. OGDKN. No. 42 Cedat-streef, N. Y. Jan 5 ly “Chfap ItoaiUiig." ‘ We have made arrangenent with the propritter of the Carolina Farmrr, a first-class eight-page Agricultural Weekly, published at Wilmington, N. (\, toelub that journal with the Di inocrat at S375 per year for the two to all new subscribers to the Farmer. Speci men copies of the Carolina Farmer may be seen at this office.” “JKobliOO.'’ ; man who had a legal rvsi- triet. and that afterwards, iu fin. ppointincnt. two thru- been scut into his district chosen cr< vv' 1 errry 0:1! is painfully apparent to the \ I .' L }wn trodden South — h ’• but we see where oi ’ thc admiuis- " elvaatcd to offices of jc^al I honestv and justice, ivaaavv T)»^rQ I4»s* •» 4 , < i rr- ..^iiiS^^wahf the Radical Sealiawag— T' y -’"'f ' Coanty, pocketed all om her h m r ^ *-■ > H '/ ttice—took a fair damsel jTt his family, and departed to some motiff.’rfial clime. Rut these jf^v/gs are not confined to poor South Caroliu^Plone, as will he seen by the following extract from a Vew Vork paper:— ‘•Ti o arrest of F. A. Stevens, ex-l’nited States Inspector and Onager, appears to have been made in St. Louis by officers from New York. It is said the frauds perpatra ted by Stevens and a number of business men of New Vork will aggregate $2,000 000. In one case of 325 barreda of proof spirits, the Government is said to have received on ly $10,000, when it was entitled to $25,000. Stevens has been taken to New York and committed to answer.” Dt'nlli of ISfnry CobiM. Ixj. We clip thc following notice of Dr. J. J. Lawrences’ celebrated “Koskoo,” from the Norfolk Daily Journal:— “This medicine is rapidly gaining the con fidence of the people, and the numerous tes timonials ofits virtues, given by practition- er‘of medicine, leave no doubt that it is a safe and reliable remedy for impurity of the blood, liver disease, iie. The last Medical Journal contains an ar ticle from Prof. R. 8. Newton, M. D., Presi dent of tlie FI. Medical College, New York, that speaks in high terms of it* curative properties, and gives a special recommenda tion of Koskoo to the practioiener* of mSiti cine This Is. we believe, the first instance where such medicines hare been officially endorsed by the Faculty of any of thc medi.0i TIMMON.8VILLE, S. C. DEALKK IN Hostetler's Celebrated GERMAN BBTTEUS. Drug?, Medicines, ClirmicalH, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Surgical Instruments, Truases, Shoulder IIlaces, Syringes. Paint*. Oil*, V T arnishe*. and Dye stuffs. Physicians Pre scriptions carefully prepared at all Hours. Feb. 16 17 ly ETI WAX BIAAO, W. C. BEE, & Co., Agonts (Jiarieston, S. C. JUSINS A, LAW, A?eat, At Onrliuirtutt, S. 0. Order* n^ay be laft at alfr, J. Q. McCall’s Store. Feb. 16—17 lira. Assignees ISale. In Ro W. J Norris Ex l*urte aViIaius. Frost & Co. jSTI y virtu-, of &uorder in the above staled case g ^;>nd to me «iireetetl. from his Honor Geo. S. Dry fin. a/udge of tlie United States Court, lor the District of ^outh (Attolina, I .vd expose to pub lic outcry to thc highest bi'Ller at Klorence. Dar- lingtou County on Sale day next, Monday 7th day of d/irjh all the Real Estate of the said l>ankrupt, t o wit ; Lots 81 & 82, iu the town ol ihcr.-uce, with Dwelling House. Store House, &c. Said lots together m-mauring i»(M) by ~oO feet adjoining lots of .laeksou Cur ry, L. It. It. Company and S. P.-Evazis, TERMS OF SALE. One third each, the Ualauee on a credit of one and two years, to be secured by bond of purchas er and mortgage of premises soi l Deferred pay- ***NerYous ^ rneuts to diavv iutero-t from day of sale at 7 per i . nvous ,. eil t per annum. P'-rchasers to pay Assignee estorcVto rorpa ^ rs , ind slplnf g D. J. AULD, As-iignee. Feb 18 t^I,*3JVt 36 veutj. ’ gept 8 49 P. A. Wilson Jess* Keith , K L F. Rollins, I. A/Alt US MoRltlS, ,7amks Coker. A. 17. Love. Having six counties to operate in, viz: D;ir r tng- , Marion, CUe8tert»«dd. Marlborough. H i iy, ] Georgetown, it will be impossible f* r nie to end tc nil who may wish repairs mad* onth 'ir • the. Fall seasons, ia ?*o large a scope of of eouniry, fberefoi e 1 would say to i ho Fanners of Darlington and ailjoining Count i**«'.'.at should they nootj v .rk, it. w«ll be to their interest to send in tffmr-Trders now, and have th dr Gins re paired for coining season, as I expert to v.jG woi k entirely tn the othtr counties the next s< a son. Perseus desiring my services wiil confer a favor by obtaining as many jobs in their section as possible for me lam prep ire J to sharpen S ? *‘ys, fill Boxes and Bundies, and to put your G.d'« in sjplcndol order. Or x.s v ill receive at- A'HtiHnA in due time, at your ic>. lcnees. I*ay- ! morts-'te work will he made • - v * ^^cellem. scc>*nd h md- 'i Gina for Wiv. - *■ yidid oidor. Address; Dr. J AS. V «IF\T f’P, r. V. W. HFNTKR, 'r* aViUOnsvitic. r. r . Jan 12 I'. im St David’s Lod^e No. 72 A. - . F:. M.‘. T HE REflEI.AKCOM I EMC A TON OK THIS Lodge, will be *keld e-n Monday Marti 14, M. IT M.v •> at 7 o’clock. P. By order of C. M. PARSER. Ga«*. W. Howell, Secretary Jan fi. 1870—t-f. AMITY LODGE, Noi i21.A.\F.\M/ F 1.0 it K \ «' r., S. c. if It ia our uiournful dut_y to record tbe death of one of rbarlett-m’s mo>t promi- taiit Bnr. !i-inffc—oiil of our mwf highly of- Cohia died yester- illin ?s of several * Sf.d ti.'.ty fiveyoar> air. Oob'a was .y ihl city, and cinnieneed business * under the name of Ilium ik v - * I- , fit* »-» poll tiic deceased of <\>I J. thus. *• .the fi in w;,s chaojreii :o Henry Lobia ' ’. ■ ofwuit 1 ; Mr. Fobia sedior part C and rein.1.1.,d :i mein t t lic'tium of '. £ s, deaih — C/airff i.tcn - iiied < tixo « Henry ■ liog, after an [A V *1* ■,y. m. Iu Texas, tha planters below Waco hare made ouutracLs fur the coming year. *f a ahe majority instaucea propnetnnt hare let out their place* on shares, so leceire one-third ofthe corn and oue-four' i d .he cotton raised where they do not furnish teams and tools. Where the jthipnetnrs furnishes these, he usually receives *■«« crop. TTVIE hEOUf.AK , OMMlNir.vTION OF wl Aruiljr loilw-f. win holdcn at Mn-nnip BM' Itiift- of ihe < ;tr{..-(-II;! hand .v: .ting 1 -‘gin to appear on the The'rule oft; *.* enipet-hiitrp, r is piss- pU'jig a wiy. Finn ''w.l! scon be in- rib i\ upon his insolent fl z. Cl .no lie e-'er s'- Tjisely not again ei.’. hoeln rai the cifi ,d .Vflope. The eolurci man is gem- to bare dsowti Mi*- .- pm . cto to the Uiiit- .'‘•AtoUte* * udt, ..::i '■ utuuier k iap tl- r-.f '-'ik-' ins seat in ua e,' rsa ik m-o A negro explains the apathy in celebrating the anniversary ofthe battle of New Orleans hv the fact that “Butler's biu dur since Jack- son bin w,.ne.’' ••Mack” says that Senator Yates came !u" to the Senate the other day looking as if he had been fighting tom-cats all night and had got thc worst of it. FSK TWENTY For I! TONS WILCOX GIBBS lbs. was used to the aero on vari. j ous soils, the avers”? inr ease of \iofd was j Florence. S. C., on Weiiiu-aUay, 1 ’Hk Mur. »t t o tloclt. F. M. Tb* arrear bat will ba re»l anJ tha rule ap plied. By order W.-. M.-. A STItAITS.S, Secretary. Election of Officers will take place this everting. May 26, Si ly CAMPBELL CHAPTER, NO. 31, R.\ A.*. M.\ OF FLORENCE.) TIE BKOULAR CONVO.: ATI OX OF Tills r ,,. f H „ crop ,_ w - hi , j, , hapte, will b- ..ol.lcn ..t Masonic llal . , rcd to fllrDis!l „ anv exten . R e f, v, /a ., rs r» \\ ai. 1 ci r,u*r J - i x? \T • t * O, I a ta \ f t * . . . v . TT' in Florence, on Wednesday Mur. 23d at 8. P M. Companions will take due notic** of the above ftt.d trovk-rn themselves .tcconlingly. Rj order M.*. L •. H.-. P. H. M. GILBERT, Secretary. .Tun® 2 ly O T r T O F K M I’ LO V M E NT. $1,500 to $3,000 per year t*an be m ule by energetic and iirelligcnt men. in » r eLrin^ n? once an Agency for the Rest and um-t P • lar Books ever published* This is a rare opp u runi- ty for Mftlvin" Mouey and doing d<.od. ' 'lergy- men, disabled s®!diers. and all others wtinting an Agency will please apply, for further parriculars to J. <\ DUltBY, Southern Publishiry Agency. ('or. Rcvnold and Jackaou Sts., Augusta. Ga. Feb 21 18 eow2t Li. li. 11AGS ? >ALK, Wholesale and Detail Dealer in I(JooJi, Groecrirr, TVonsAms, HV.icj Liiji" r.-. bl- a . choice Family Flour, at $'.>. ' unl c .. . as 11! mal lidvaiiei'- i- cun be had i r .f,’ - <,u, or any other oily N ifi’n n .South, For foe; lici*particulars call and s- ;• for >ourse ve-. Dec I V y * Cm Law ITotice. IIE undersigned have this day formed aPart- nership under thc name and stylo of &, Dargau, for the practice of Law and Equity in the County of Darlington. Office, for the present above Messrs. Early s store. W. W. HARLLtff T. G. DARGAN. Jan R 1870 ^ THE FREEMASON. Now is the time to subscribe for the FREE MASON* the Lorge*! M>isovtc Monthly in the woild. Clubs of 10 at $1 50 each. “ of 20 at. $1 35 each. “ of 50 at $1 25 each. single ctibscriptioiis $2 00 each. Address GEO. FRANK GOi LEY, Editor and Proprietor, St. Louis, Mo. Eob 2, 1870. AS just rocelved \ supply of Japan Switch- [es of desirable colors. Also new Dress Trimmings. and Fancy Goods, Collars, Cuffs, and very pret ty Lace Bolfars. Gimps. Buttoas, Black Sewing .S'.Ik, and Black Headed Belt Fins, Ac,, Ac. Jan 5 11 * Jf JOHN S. FAIRLEY & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN -WKTTIE OOOI3S, HOSIERY, FANCY GOODS AND SMALL WARES GENERA ELY. No. 87 fl'ij/ne-sti-rr\ CII A RLKSTON, S. C. Doc. 15 9 THE GREAT REPUTATION Which KOSKOO has attained in all parts of thc country. As a Groat and Good Medicine, And the large number of testimonials which ! are constantly being received frora I'hvsleiana, I and persons who have been n eki* by i» use. ia ! coNCLUsivr. rnnoF ofits remarkable value. As A Blood Fuxifier, is Has No Equal. BEING P03.TIVKLV The M>tt Powerful \~getahle Alterative yet IDTSGO^XEr^EID. JEt- TIMMONSVILLE, S. C. DEALER IN Dry Goods, G roceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Saddles and Harness, Medicines, Liquors, all kinds. General supply of NOTION’S. Gentlemens Hats AND CAPS. CL.OT1SI1SG, &C. All of which will he sold at the most reasonable prices for cash. He will always be found directly opposite the Depot at Timmons- vile, S. C. Dee 22. ISWI 10 J. r. o’NEILL v> I.. O’NEILL. JN0. I’. O’NEILL & SON, W110 L E S A L E G R 0 (' E R S T>e{ ), er8 iu BW*' ’: U QUO IIS, rstah’.i^hrnent. Picture- 1 i;m«:e of any size, and periect satisfactiim guaraniee.L J. S. FLOYD, Photographer. S»v.t 22 61 tf S. F. COLE, V.'Ii&LESALE k RETAIL DEALER DRV GOODS, GROf FRIES, Ac. Timmonsville, S. 0. j Carriage Paintiag. HAVE opened a Shop under my Photograph Gallery, and am prepared to Faint and Trim in tbe very best style. Carriages and Buggies. also Furniture cleaned, painted and varnished. Sign Painting, Gilding and Fancy Painting, &.e. All work, no matter how ®maU. warranted to give satisfaction. J. S FLOYD. Sept 22 *51 tf Jfew Store. 5Ve have just opened a new, and well sellected stock of Goods at Parrott’s H Roads, Six mile? from Darlington Village. We respectfully ash the ptiMic to give ua a call. Our Stock will speak tor itself. PARROTT A CO. Sep lot 50 tf W. C. FERGUS, (or SOUTH AROLINA,) WITH Simms & Tyson, Wholosalc Grocers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. G4 South Gay-street, B A L TIM OR A’, M d: Consignments of Cotton solicited and prompt returns made. Aug 4 41 8m G. A. HOWARD. FLORENCE. S. C. Cabinet Maker, AND UPHOLSTERER, Furniture made and repaired. Matrasses made to order. All orders promptly attended to, Jan 5 11 tf GEO. P THOMAS. I*. F. BARTH LOW. (ieo, P, Thoms ' Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Donastic Liquors. NO) 3S5 IF. Baltimore street. Jan • BALTIMORE. 1 1 VIOSZB 7 DISEASES OF TFTE BLOOD. “The life of the flesh is in the Blood, * is * Scriptural maxim that teience proves to be tru®. The people ta k of bad blood, as the cause of many diseases, and like many popular opinions this of bad blood is founded in truth. The symptoms of ba l b’oo 1 ara usually quite plain—bad Digestion—cause imperfect nutrition, and consequently the circulation is feeble, vho soft tissues Uo o their tone and elasticity, and the tongue becomes pale, broad, and frequently covered with a p-foty white coat- This condition soon shows itself iu roughness of thc skin, then in Krnpfivo and Ulcerative dir-onses, and when long continued, results in serious lesions of the Brain, Liver, Lungs, er urinary apparatus.— Much, vory much, suffering i* caused by impure blood. It is estimated by some that one-fifth of the human family are effected wish scrofula in some form. When the Blood is pure, you are not so liable to any disease. Many impurities ofthe Blood arise from impure diseases of large cities. Era dicate every impurity from the fountain of life, ami good spirits, fair skin and vital strength will retmn to you. KOSKOO! As a Liver Invigorator! STANDS UNRIVALED, Being the only Known Medicine that efficient ly Blimulat id and Corrects the hepatic Scrofulou* and functional Derangcuunisof tho Li\£R, with out Dibilitatiwo th® system. While it acts freely upon the Liver instead of copious purging, it gradually < Lunges the discharges to a perfect ly natural state. Symptoms of Liver Complaint and Same of the Piscases Produced by it. A sallow er yellow color of the skin, or yellow ish brown spots on the face and other parts ofthe body: dullnwsu and drowsiness, sometimes head ache: biiter or bad taste in thc mouth, cough; unsteady appetite; fometimes sour stomach, with a rising ofthe food; a bloated or full feeling about tbe stomach and aides; aggravating pains in the sides, back and chest, and about the shoul ders. constipation ofthe bowls, piles, flatulency, colducs.x ofthe exircmUies. &e. FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. T HE Frst Edition of oho 11 m-died an Twenty Thou.sar. i copies of Vick s iilustra- ted Uatalo rue of rfoeds and Fforal Guide, is pub lished and ready to send *.uL li is elegantly printed on fine tint* d paper, with a v -u* 7vK) rinc w ood Engravings of 11,,-vers and Vcgetaiih s. and a beautilul Uolored FlLte. c 'tisisling of seven va- rietier, cf Phlox Drwnmoiulii. making a line ROQUET OF PHLOXES. Tl is !lie tn > t beautiful, a« well as the most in structive Floral Guide pubiisl • d, giving plain and thorough uirectoius for the CULTURE OF FLOWERS AND VFEK- TARLES. The Floral Guide is published for the benefit of my customers to whom it is sent free without npplioatiou bui will be forwarded to hi! who ap ply by mail, for ten con Is, which *» not half the cost. Address, JAM KS VIFK. Kochcitcr, N. Y. 15 if Jan 10 A new and complete slock ju#t rer’c.v'd Babiniorc, whieii is b-drig daily added to. and see them. Nov 10 4 from caii i ■grY G C 1 © likfl© IE5LC3 o> 2 h a remedy of Wonderful Ffieaey in t e run; cf di.irritrs of the ami IHadder. In then Aff etions It is as near a specific at any remedy can be. ll does its work kind y silently. The relief which it affords it both certain andjirrrrj t b’e. Diseases of the Kidneys A BLADDER. ns ue- c jojiinied v\ith tlie structure and ^ functions of the Kidneys annot csiimalc tqc f ija-;/-s.- porrance of Lftuii hoa!' :iy action. I’egnlnr ond Mfffiei* nt action of the Kidneys if as irapoitint. nay. oven more so, than regularity of the bowels, file kidneys remove from the Blood those effete matters which, it permitted to r.’nuiin. would speedily destroy Lfo. A total su»- pension ofthe uriiiRiv discharges will occasion death from thirty-six to forty-eight hours. \Vhm the Ur in is v, Mod in small quantitifa at the time, or when there is a disposition to Urinate more frequently than natural, or when the urine ia high colored <,r FCuldiag with weak ness in the small of the back, it should not bo trifled with i r delayed, but Kcfkoo should bo ta- ken at <>ni * remedy the difficulty, before a le sion ofthe organs take place. Most of th® dis eases of the Biuddei originate from those of th® Kidneys, the Urin . being imperfecily secreted in thc Kidnc; s provo irritating to the Bladder and Urinary pas«oig®s. When we recoiled that medi cine never reaches the kidneys, except through the grrtral circulation cf the Blood, w® «ce h®w necusaary it is to keep the Fountain of Lif® fur®. vh • hav< used it, tioH on consign- TO FLGORii^ r FS. Ica^t tii it. r year; ’«e .SuTir mu! ;J. fir } let him tjhe his ! J°ub!c, and that wc have realited :.! ,uj Mr. t'hi.if .Inr .Mo-’., and ,.ejr ! r '' r ' j!1 niouey invcs'nd Vi} ' - • • ■ ‘fd- It is moot j . ' ' I -•«. it not tiloaso Mr. * e ^'.t!! use ;L ci:i evory aero we jd.tut il able ' fft' .< ought t. ; . ■.!.!:;■!. 1 »„ | ,.v ! i-t finv it. Wc think, judging IV .m Ihe past ’ * J Kitfi^r Kttiog i “andwi’ h be- ,,r . v ki Slja - '•* will nay as well of a dry as a ' < baud u . ■} white .utter he .; ; -n wet teas a. ',v'e -. o.itidor y .urs one el the SPRING AND SUMMER liMjiorlalions. loyo. K, I B B O KT S £ Millindry and .Straw Goods, F.SH Garden. Flo a t, Frt.if, Herb. Tree, j N'hia:b i J.v ciw: i cun Seeds, wiih three- i tp.i.sfor culturt', pr-pai 1 t»y m.iil. ’i'h - most complete and jud:<'dm tment in ihe country. AGKNTS 4VANTED, stilts (diiter lor Si.(Hi: prepaid by • il AI- * S; all ;• ;;ts, FLints Bulbs, aii the new !’• i. lu' s. «‘ve.. pr u.-’.idby mail. 4li»s caidv i! “C l*o .toe, p;< ; • d '•••• Si Ot*, pr ,-fod. h nt HAFT A FAHKEIVS Steam feg Mill. Those n no. I of either will find il to their interest to call and examine corn, meal, and price. Jim 26, 1870. J? SS OX.XJTION' OF COFAUTNERSHIR. ■ ; x sting under T I3 -1 » fo* > > , yf\ ■ O # i »-4 V • ‘ ew Itardv ! “ ! -v. kle. 5<» n; . ! » ranbeurv. to; j t moi-:i. with j any ad bo g j c -nunissiou. - 1* F > eultur ; ; Jopa.” Honey. 'l'i tie • *pe * w i •. SI (K» pe; KM* •«i catalogue to also trade list, Se i cn i I IIF cop utiOM ship here*' ‘ the Tioritc and style of La ., this D. C\ Lfo V- ■> 1 : CAPITAL 'CASH ASi sweet-he:»rt whi y 1 ree, -with * ••arliiti the left—■ i*l Til1 ' r ^iie.e tho oilu r (•;• j ■ l t cr y beat on 1 mo.: n li ib!o fi . lilizor". ;j use. R ttuliy y'.ur.«, * M ..Nr' k > , i; rnEi.L • ►v 06 Ul th* Iwgin n.i iu! ^'-niauiiapr .pr . , S i 'n V ™ > he o ’e'-e. T-. will »he.i '.i co'nfe, *t»hein ru. ii iacrir. of .. .'Q i. ilt. Oil. u . t urthcr- A ,a^ -rrat in ]V..rcoi-icr, M.i-eichuxette. id \ . uu to i ! on hi- own n t .ui.i/finco. " ’■jhij not u. c..]!.i: i.cjde. he having p ov. . -ly ationiptud i • low out liis brainr. •Ii. i: 'gLtrate evidooliv thought ooy v,of rno c value (l.iiu brains ia Mass AJOISTKONfi. fATiMi A Importers sn.l Jobbers of BONNETS, TRIMMING & VEI VET RIBBONS, Honael ■ Silks, Suiins sudJV. Iv. Is. .'In! Is. Nits, 1'rajn‘s. I.ill'llvs. I loivors, I’vh!lie]'-'. On.-m. iiis, STiiAVV RONNETS AND L.lDii S JE3E&Ltg3 9 Trimmed and l nt rimmed, SHAKE II HOODS, 2o7 nnd 2k‘J Baltimon-strect, BALTIMORE, Md. Offer the largest Stock to be found in the conn- t i try, and uneqtiaHed in choice variety an I cheap- I tjjo- nets, comprising thelatest UarisiRn novt lties. ; C»rdecs solicited, and prompt attenuou given j Fib 2‘i 18 5t !rr ETT8 J. F. ROZKM \N, 1). J'. WIDEOY, iSucreurv. $350,000. $450,000. Fre.-idont, A I ?NTl NI K tnf irnish p ? fee t van iiy ar.-onst y l -•« -ir dal. ’i-t by FIFL. «•!* .’.F ki1111- of INSUliAHl F I’fiOPFKTY nt a'b iai*; rate Agents can be found h« every prominent point in the Southern .nates ti> whom aj plication for Insurance may be imuL . CliKBAW A«: e : ; Y. W. L. J. REID, Agent. Dec. 8—- 8 K. D. CHARLFS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TIMMONSVILLf S. C. 9 »r> 22 tf hi :%nnav, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE DRUGS, UeJicInes, i CLcniicals, Surgical Instruments, Perfumeries, Toilel Goods, Ce;‘. Hin^ .and Vandeihurst-Streets, « II AREE.-'i ON, S. C. Proprietor of Aimar ; 3 Sarracenla Bitters, For Dy :ms. and. unfortunately, tobacco* ••.Ic-.liol. isaiu h-Mirs. over work, (mental and pliy- sical) arc can- ing discuses of tlie nervous system to increase ut :t fearful ratio. The sy mtorn-’ t<. whi. h diseases of tho nervoua system give ri°e. may be stated ns follows : A dull, heavy fe*. I ng iu the li«'; t 1, sometimes mor^ or less severe piin or headache: periodical head- aclies. di/./.:n"«. noises or ringing in thc head* confusion of idea - temporary loss of memory; dejec* ion of spirits ; starting during sleep ; Bad dr.:’ >s. Hosirntion i n ansivcing questions; Dul- n<*ss of hearing . twitching fo' the face and arms, & e •, nil', .i, if net pr.unptly trewt* , d. lead to Pa- r.ihsis, delirium, in ui t\, iiupoteu v, apoplexy, &c..* ESLosIsloo ! I" VO’!' a .*>cr-’t ontirfc rei -edy. Formula around each bottle. Keconi'iicnded by tlie best Physi- e : :ina. .hiamc Chemist, I .A .raii ry ami (''flif, Ni». i Mnin Stri'cta, NORFOLK, Va. Prico, ONE lu'l.l Ui 1‘ER EOTTLE. re talx nr Dr. C. 51. DARKER, M. D. DarltUjjiou, v^. 0. And by Druggists everywhere. IVfi 28, isro 1 H r B Jfi