/ TBCE XD^-I?.XjX3src3-T03iT IDE XX r~> f! T=?. A nr u: W£ 1 Hie j'rvst'ut issue, etc. I sUnd now on the rround I Mood then; and, of course, ifuiy relations to the opposing parties arc changed —il I now act with those whom I then ac* ted, the change i* not in me. I at least have stood still. iude[iendcnt, honest gifted noble man . Has a thing risen up upon jour own soil called Perry, who CAlnbitj to your grandchildren in this cartoon their matchless sire as the giddy mountebank leaping un bidden into the company of bis betters, and as soon as made welcome, leaping back again to his vagrant elan ? And lias thia vile cari cature been on exhibition eight long mouths, first at the home of Maeou, thy friend and adoiirier, and then at thin« own home, and not one -hnek of horror, on* burst of indig nation, one caitii reproof, one whisper of dis favor been heard from either of them ? In ;di this time has there risen but one man, and he a Northman, (orry by name. (1 would write it iu golden letters if I could,) who has in proper spirit and ia proper words condemned the daub and shamed its author? Oh ! Land of jjaureus, Rutledge, Sumter, Moultrie snd Marion, endeared to me by a thousand tender associations, what bast, thou done to merit thy present deep, dark, toarfui humiliation ? Let her alone, Mr. 1‘orry, for your own sake, let her alone in her agony ! Allow her at least, and at last, the poor privilege of bewailing her fate un disturbed hy jour hnil among the halls, and your howl among the tombs of her mighty dead. When she sought to red ret* her griev ances without quitting the Union, you en couraged your Northern allies to make war upou her, uprooted and upturned all her in stitutions, laid waste her fields, burnt down her houses, made negroes her aristocracy, committed the popular branches of the go vernment to them, and the executive branch to j’oti, as a reward for your loyalty. Now, be content with your honors; enjoy sweet converse with your compeer and successor; make yourselves merry over your for mer differences, and happj according to your means; spread oft and wide your banquet tables; load ther.i richly, and gather to them jr.ur co-ordiuates of the Senate and Lower Home, and enjoy with them “the feast of r< :i; i and flow of soul.” Hut let the State’s old sins, as you called them, he forgotten, and let her traitor dead as you regarded them rest in peace. In conclusion, docs the leader think that I have used a severity toward* Mr. Ferry unbecoming mj - age and calling? One more quotation from his pen | wi ®l)c pemuernt. WKBKEKDAY, JAMAIIV 26. Extravagance. If there is one thing which satisfies us of p ment o* hipper for a sealon the Supreme p.Mol shot, or the shot of some other firearm, | Bench. Now it is said right will he , in the hands of some person or persons un- j provided for otherwise, snd Whipper will get up to a seat beside the redoubtable Misej without the slightest trouble. Although it does not happen to be Wright we cannot exactly sen how it can be said to trmng “under existing eircunistnces.”— Cheiterfield Democrat. Arthur's Home Magazine. IN COMMON PLEAS. SITTING IN EQUITY. Darlinoton County. McCianaghin For February is, if anything, better and handsomer than thoadmirable January issue, which took its readers hy surprise* with its charming new dress and improved air. The 1 continued series of Articles on “The Marvels , „ , , r> j- i i * . ,, I of the Insect World” will deeply interest the fact, that ihe Radicals do not expect to . , . ... .. every reader, young and old, and none who maintain power m the South, it is the ex. / ’° ’ ... i i _ ,i „r roads the opening chapter of M isk Townsend s travagant expend,tore, made by them, of ^ F known to the jury.” This verdict, of course, j ended my duties iu the matter. If the ju- j ry had found against any particular partj', 1 1 hi should have forthwith issued a warrant for his arrest. Tha circumstances all pointed di rectly, and as it seemed to me, iucontroverti- bly, to a man named Chavera, with w hom Mr. Dargan had tho first difficulty. These circuniotauecs aro too numerous to relate here, but suffice it to say that several of the showmen who testified, said the voice was , . — -— like Ins. Other Witnesses Mid just before ; demur to th. Hill in ihe ease within imiv days firing he remarked, ‘-lou are the mai: that r.iP for Par- vs. lit ion. Acct. Th os. Sansbury and Wife, et ai J and Relief. I T appearing to th« stitisfactioD «>f- the Court that Andrew Lee nnd Children of Timothj Lee aifl Elizabeth his wife Mary Duttose and DuCoae her husband, David Churn and Churn, C. W. Johnson am] Matrha his wife, and the distributees of Isaac Mtildrow. aro ab sent from and reside without the limits of this Statu, it is on motion ofilarlee & Daignn, Com- pliiinant’s .Solicitors. Ordered that the above public money. It is squandered, wasted and itofm, with such grace and deliberation, as to forbid the idea that the roguea expect the people to endure it. All are for money: the Yankee adventurer, as well as the Southern scoundrel. And they arc making it, too. How long do wc intend to endure these things? How long do we iutend to allow a set of scoundrels to steal from us and not re sist the stealing? How long are Yankee vagabonds to come to us and be our law makers ? How long ore Yankee prostitutes to bo our teachers ? How long aro these things to continue ? It is time wc were preparing to end these wrongs by some means. Dixie is not dead. The “Lost t-ausc” is not forever lost. We want boldness of utteiance, fixedness of pur pose and bravery of action—with these, we can drive from us the dirty leeches who are sucking from us our very life blood, and rid ourselves of a low, dirty race who desire te become a portion of our people. Wc append extracts from the proceedings of the South Carolina Legislature: OOOI) FOR YOUNG LAWYERS. “Many j-oung lawyers who are, by the judges of courts, assigned to defend crimi nals, for which they receive no foe, will, per haps. bo interested in Wright's bill to pro vide compensation for attorneys assigned to defend criminal cases. The bill recites that as the majority of the citizens of the State proceeded against in tho Court of Sessions are poor and unable to employ counsel, and the judge presiding is hereby compelled to appoint some officer of the court to conduct new story, “Jacqueline," will need to he invited to a perusal of more chapters in the serial. The excellen stiorcs, and many enter taining, ioatrurtive. nnd useful articles in the “Horn-” give it an interest and value peculiar to itaelf. Aa a Lady's Magazine, it combine* all the best features of such periodicals, and i» is pleasant to know that it has become a general favoriato. Published by T. S. Ar thur k Sons Philadelphia, at $2.00 a year, with a liberal reduction for clubs. Sold by News Dealers, at 20 coots a number. [from the Charleston Daily Naws.) THE UARUAM HERDER. WHO FIRED THE FATAL SHOT. TlfE ORIGIN OF THE D1FFIC UL TV. An Aulhendc Acronnt of (he Das tardly Altai r. ARREST OF THE MURDERER. On Friday morning Mr. Wm. E. McMi- chacl, deputy Sheriff of Orangeburg Coun ty, was informed that Chavers.the man who killrd Mr. Dargan at Graham’s Cross Roads, on the Northeastern Railroad, during a dis- turbaupc while Reynold’s Menagerie was exhibiting at that place on Tuesday night, the 18th instant, was in town. Mr McMi- cbael was at ths Courthouse when ho re cursed me this evening,” and the colored man who came to the door to call Mr. Ham mond testified that he saw Chavers standing near the door, and that he was the only man ha saw. The whole affair was certainly most mel ancholy and nnfortnnate; but I will rtata here, that so far as J know no man connect ed with the manugcrie is at all to blame ex cept Ohavcrs. He acted most dartardly nnd cowardly, if he was in fact the man who fired the fatal abut, and that bo was the man, I myself have not the. least doubt. Mr. Ham mond acted throughout the affair as a per fect gentleman. The foreman of the jury examined the body, and Mr. D-irgan had no sort of weapon about his person. Respectfully S. W. Maurice. Xiiigstree, S. C., Jan. 21,1870. or an orUor pro cun/own lie outer*.i agnina; thorn. .* It is further ordered that liie UlerU do publish this order oust* a week in the Darlington l)nno~ erut for forty days. (Signed ) J. M, RUTLAND. Jan 19, 1870, 14 7 jfjipiicncul. Married, On the 19th inst., by Rev. W. C. Power, at the residence of Mr. D. K. Me- Cormic, Mr. H. A. Brunson, of Darlington, tu Miss Willi * E. Walter, of 31arion. iegr Jfarion Star c»j'y. May their heart* and affections sweetly blend in one. and their lives be like the gentle flowing of a crj’stsl stream. SIPJECIoA-Xi INTOTIOBS. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tha adrertiaer. having bean restored to health in a few week*, by a very simple remedy, after having Buffered several years with a aevere lung affection and tha dread disease.—Consumption— it anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers tha means ot cure. To all who desire It, ha will sand a copy of the ceived the information, nnd immediatclj’Star- prescription used (used free of charja] with di- . , . .. #eoliona for preparing and using the saoio, which r.^ii in r.iit-cmf unassm/vnmrr a a-.t, ooa **.*,.s\ 11 ixt * * ° _ their defence, and. therefore, for compensa- justtfj' me in the sight of all mankind j ** on of such officers so assigned for defence, 11 ■ compares my warm friend, my greatest ; ^ ,c enacted, that attorneys assigned to the ^ and most valued encomiast, my kind bone-1 defence of parties in the Courts ef Sessions "V'^v; -d factor, (if high titles from high sources are ! “Ml receive as a compensation for their ser- aJ - jp worth anything.) to the infamous Horry VIII v '«* ,he following fees: In all capital cases, gap ; /. in power’;, and, imbibing the feeling of the ! fift J *»H*» 1 «•«* of •'‘ reon nn<1 "!>«< twenty - : xiUtopian who thought that England breath-j dl ’ Ill,r9 1 man-slaughter and burglary, fifteen r) , ore frce , y after his death, he savs: <*j | dollars; ami for ali other cases tho aum of ton more freely after big death, he says: “I .bought after the death of Mr. Calhoun the “iilY-k plo of f! "tth Carolina could think moro £ j^dcntly ” From Alfred to George IV -'X * B . ar. # .ITNl-llk h r. 4 1. v-rf-\ _ .1 dollars : ted iu pursuit, suiumoDiug * posse cimiitatn* ns he hurried on. At the corner of Tread well’s Hotel, b* got the first sight of Cha vers, who was then half a mile from him, near the old graveyard, Au exciting race now ensued. Chavers running towards the river swamp, hotly pursued by the sheriff’" party, who fired seven shots at him, He i was at last caught in the swamp up to bis 1 neck in water and brought to tha courthouse, and thence committed to jail. This informa tion we obtain faun the Orangeburg Newt. The following full andneenrate Statement they will find a scaa cups for Couaumptien, Asthma, Rnmchitis, elo, Tho objnei of the ad- vtnisur in sending Ih* prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he nonooivea to be invaluable; and be hnpee every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prevc a blessing. Panics wishing the prescription, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, King County, New York. Jan 6 ly ■ v e v , sat upon the throne of England — upon any throne—such a vile, hypocriti cal, detestable, disgusting, purjured, God- defying lecher and murderer as Henry VIII. What, could have suggested to Mr. Perry a c 'inparison between Mr. Calhoun's mastery of mind and this man's mastery of might ? He “thought after Mr. Calhoun’s death the people of South Carolina could think more independently.” Of course he regarded Mr. Calhoun's death as a deliverance, not a ca lamity, to the people of his State, and therc- fon: lie rejoiced at it ! 1 row my sou! I believe lie did rejoioc at it. ;.nd tbit his noising about Mr. Calhoun’s death-bed was only to assure himself, as he is n.>w trying to assure the world, that Mr. Calli 'un has gone to perdition ! Mr. Cal houn’s ^aon-. r in his State was just that of Mr. Clay iu Kentucky, and just what Mr Webster’s would have been in Massachu setts if hs had bad a consUtucucy wh > con sidered a congiessmau’* oath binding, and the consutution anything better than “a co- vr.nant v i/h death and a league, with hell.”— He, too, had ills Berry’s about bis death- couch, who. not daring to dtny tho saintly words which he uttered in his last moments, proclaimed, through the press, to the world that ho was drunk when he uttered them.— Mr. Berry’s exhibition of him in Columbia, does not acquit him of the charge. A. B. LONG STREET. Sale «*f (lit; R’iliniiigloii (V Halt-i , ... ,, , . rhcMter Railroad. j oach. Vi ell, what wilt this amount do? it j will buy enough land for about one hundred Wc Lorn from the Wilmington Journal, | men. In county (Edgefield) there are about that t he ab'jv<- mentioned road has been sold j ^ix thousand voters . i want land, and we hj’ order ol M. Cromley, and W. A. Pringle. I will onlj’ be able with this small amount t-> rVn.mi-Mon'Tv, the Wilmington and Man- 1 supply one hundred.leaving live thousand Chester Ilailr iad, together with all property j "t* 10 hundred men disatisfied- To these of the Company. W. T. Walters, Fsq. of! dissatisfied men tho Democrats will go and Baltimore, was the only bidder, and the pro- ; that the criminal shall aslcet the a'- ' of the facts of the order wilt thread with | toiney ho or she may d. aire. It was »*<• ’ a • ’aterest: first time to-day." TO mk' or ,NLv,3 Bor instance, the Savings Batik of f .lanes- j jLla ’ 'W arc in cir- ton was deemed totally insolvent, and its j • ,_»iou ^ tibo ®*»n«r in which Mr. T J. stock sold for about luo cents on the 4*^ i • \'£pt»re>^ fc was murdered at Graham’s Cross Yankees and scalawags bought it. Among other claims, was one on ihe Bank of the State for a loan of near $324,000 00: it is proposed to pay this amount in State bonds at jntr. Why ? because Scott and the like, have bought the debt. W’c append and extract from the Charles ton Newt’ Correspondent in reference to THE LAND COMMISSION. “Yesterday the bill reported by the Finance Committee, providing that the amount of dollars, iu hoods of the State, at their par value, be appropriated for use of the lands, pursuant to the provisions of “ An act to pro vide for thc_ appointment of land commis sioners, and to define his powers and duties,” ratified on the 9th of September, 1868, was taken up for consideration. Swails moved to fill it with the words “five hundred thousand.” A mini moved to fiill it with the words “five milioii.” The motion created considerable laughter, whereupon Arnim said: If I were a Democrat Iwouldvote for the appropriation of tho fivo hundred thousand dollars, bcan.se I beliere it will be the death of the Repub lican party. Five hundred thousand dollars in bonds are about four hundred thousand dollars iu cash. After all exponst} are paid thcro will be about three hundred and fifty thousand dollars left to buy lands Well this amonnf divided between the thirty-two coun ties would give almost ton thousand dollars to S®. KOSKOO—ARK YOU SICK nervous, or debilitated ’ Arsyou suffering from \aj form of Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Rhcumstisir, Mver Complaint, Kidney Diseases, or Nervous Prostration, &c. ? li so, you can ho restored to 1 ues'sh and vigor by using Dr. Lawrence’s cele brated “Koskoo.” It cures Hie niear inveterate foimx- nf Chronic Diseases when nl! other remedies fail. It is not* secret quack medicine; Ike Formula is around each bottle, snd it is a standard remedy of recognized merit. It is daily prescribed by physicians, asd recommended by many thousands of our best citizens. For sole by druggists and Merchants everywhere. For sale by Hart, Par ker ft Co. Sept 8 48 iy Mrs. Parker, tt* 11 ret^Tod » Urge of wJuTZL* Japp a Switches, IUal )Lac« Setts, wry prettjjLrilled Dress Lin lag, one piece of beauti ful french Alpaca, Hlack Serpentina Draid, Bl’k Corded -Silk Buttons, &c.. &«. Jan 26, 1870. Hart, Parker & Co. nr* *T" AS Just reccitad a new supplj of Medi- •JL.JL.cine*. Lubin’s Extracts, T (olct, Ilflitrr.pe, &' Ntyhl Bbtowing Ci rcus. —ALSO— Fine Toilet Soaps. Coacoinr, i£ c., vst by Swift Creek, on all othor sides by lands of John McSween and lands of the Flowers, Estate, except 5 acres which was reserved by Mrs. Serena L. Dargan. One tract of land situate in Springxille suburb of ths town of Darlington, containing 64 acres mors or less, known as the summer residence of the late James S. Gibson, conveyed to A. C, .Spain by B. W. Edwards late Commissioner in Equity, for Darlington District (now County) by deed being dated the 12th day of January, eighteen hundred sixty-four. Recorded in Book U, office of Register Afesne Oonreyances for Darlington District, (now county) Two Horses; one Carriage, one Wagon, Law Library, (valuable) miscellaneous Books, four Bu reaus, two Bedsteads, ono Trunnel Bedstead, one Crib, six Mattresses, four Wash Stands, one mar ble-top Table, two J/ahogany Tables, one Exten sion Table, one Sewing Afacbine, two .Sofas, one Hocking Chair, one large Chair, thirteen Chairs, one Side Board, one Safe' three .Stoves, one Winchester Riflo and Office Furniture, levied upon as the property of A. C. .Spain defendant, at tho suit of Robert S. Livingston, Adm r., of Mi s. Mury AfcKa, Plaintiff. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay the Jfanahall for necessary papers and stamps A’alo to be conducted by HENRY K. P. SANDERS. L. E. JOHNSON. U. S. Marshall- The land., enumerated above will be sold in front of tbo old Court House, and the Pemonal propertj at the office and residence of the Defaud- ant. Jan 5 1870. 12 3t Bill to fore close Mort- OOIR-X^O-Ft^TEID 1859. CAPITAL <350.000- CASH ASTETTS $450,000. J. F. BOZEMAN, President, D. F. WIDCOY, Secretary. C IONTIN’l’E to furnish perfec tseenrity against J loss or damage by FIRE, on all kinds of INCURABLE PROPERTY, at adequate raise. Agents can be found at every prominent point in the Southern gUtea to whom application for Insurance may be mads. Cheka w Aatxcr. W. L. J. REID, Agent. Dec. 8— 8 2m. James M. a nsbury, Adiu,r,' hrifrfcopher J. oncy, Michael Welsh. J P URSUANT tn on order ofsaloto me directed by the Hon, J. M. Rutland, Judge of the 4th Circuit, I will sell at public auction, at Darling ton Court House, on the first Monday iu Februa ry next, all the Real F.state described in the Pleadings in the above stated case, viz: 120 acres of land mors or less, situate in Darlington County on the North-east sid»*. of Sparrow Swamp, and part i;i the Town of Timmonsviile, bounded on the north or upper part by lauds formerly belong ing to John j\l. Timmons, on the east by lots be longing to the F.state of James W.Owens, Thomas D. Keith and John M. Timmons; it being part of a tract of land granted to Amos Hill, Nr., in ths year 1852. On the following terms : so much cash ns may be necessary to pay the costs of this case and the expends of such sale. The balance on a credit of twelvemonths, purchaser to give bond, with in terest from day of sale, pay able annually. Titles to be signed but not delivered, until the whole of the purchase money and interest thereon is paid. to any point, on the Chcrnnr and Darlington Railroad, will be reduced to 13 cents ^ » and if the same is not paid when due, that the bushel. m portj- vfs* consequently knocked down to him at $525,000—tho sum of £250,000 bc- in? paid f >r the South Carolina cud, and <275,000 for the North Carolina end. The *• ! e was fti- cash, Luf certain preferred bonds will he received in payment. Of these pre ferred securities the purchaser held ?1,- 070,82' 07. There is bu! a small amount of the whole preferred securities that he does not told.and w ine!: hr \v:!lhavc to pay. Edward Russel shot ank killed IY. A. M ill'ants in the office of the hitter, at Klk- '■'rt. Indiana, a leaw days since. Russel . iiii.iaui’up. and alleged the intimacy ot < *!io ''-B* iiliai.iS . the cause of the ! . iiomicm Cel -I, say to them, ‘ Didn’t we tell you how it would be? Here your Republican friends have given land to a few favorites and left the rest of you destitute.” All of those things will be told these dissatisfied men; and I tell you this land commissioners wi’I do us Roads, on the 18th instant, I feel it to be my ’ duty, as one present, and as tbc magistrate who held tho inquest over the body, to make a brief statement of the real facts of the case: I happened to be iu Mr Holliman’s store on that evening, on busines*. Not many minutes after entering the store, a gentleman present called my attention to the fact that Mr. Dargan was getting into a dMficulty on the outside. I immediately Flapped out, and found him cursing and threatening to shoot some one, it being then about ten o’clock at night. 1 then pursuaded him back into the store, and then he went with me very quiet ly. I now gave my attention to some other business, and not many minutes elapsed when I found Mr. Dargan and a gentleman named Hammond, belonging to the menage rie, both being inside the store, were iu a dispute, and the former threatening to shout the latter. I begged them to desist and be quiet, but they nevertheless, approached the door, as though going out to fight, when Mr. Dargan attempted to push Mr. Hammond out, telling him at the same time to go and get his pistol. Mr. Hammond now said he woo'd not be shoved out. and that if he went he would go as a gentleman, and came back into the store. At this moment a colored man. attached to the managerio company, on tho outside, called Mr. Hammond and re quested him to go to the camp, Mr. Ham mond opened the do .r, and told him to go j along and he would come when he got ready. {J l.o'lge. will lie held on Monday ffetn-'y. 14 Then immediately afterwards, I heard a 7 o’clock. P. M. voice, first outside the door, «*v, “What s the B - T or,W of C ’ W ’ PARKER> W M ’’ . , , , , <4*o. W. Howsli., .“ecreury matter? two or three times; and theu, “Let , . , c - n , , . , , , | Jan 5, 1S<0—t-f. that man put his head out here and I 'll kill | — him. Mr. Dargan immediately opened the j CAMPBELL CHAPTER, NO. 31, door and stepped out saying, “Here I am,” j * and without any weapon, so far as could be' seen, though he had v tej ail the evening as SPECIAL NOTICE.—Tu parties in want, of Doom. Sashes ami Bliuds, wo refer io the ad vertisement of P. P. Toale, the large manufactur er of those goods in Charleston. Price list fur nished ■'n application. LADIES SUFFERING FROM any disease peculiar to their sex, can he restored to health by using Dr. Lawrence’s ••Woman's Friend.” It purifies the secret ion s, and restores the system to a healthy condition.—For sale by Hart, Parker & Co., Darlington, 8. C. Sept ft 40 ly Mu A ii AN DSOM W IN D UCK SiEST. —Every person who sends $3.50 to the “XIX CENTURY” Publication Co., at Charleston, S, C., receives that superb Magazine for one y^ar, and a copy of edher of tho Wavorly Novels or the works of Charles Dickens that may be desig nated—Spec:rnon number with Premium list 36 eeuif. gept 8 49 2m S. S. SOLOMONS, Sup’t. Jan 5 11 lui Mt. ZION INSTITU T E WINNSBORO’ S. C. Classical and Normal School for Boys. P UPILS sent to this Institution will be tho roughly trained in all thebranchesof aiibor- ai education—unles.'i parties prefer their sons to take a BUSINESS COURSE. which will embrace careful drilling in Coimner cial Arithmetic and other English studies, and is designed to fit boy* for mercantile life, or actual business of any kind. A uniform, uniting economy with neatness of coitume, will be adopted, the next year, and the discipline made still more effective by combining •ome of the features of the Military Academy with those of the Normal School. Terms per Session of five months : Board, including tuition in all the branches $100 00 The scholastic year opens 1st Monday iu Feb ruary. For particulars send tor circulars. Address, G. A. WOODWARD, Principal. Jan JO 13 34 SCHOOL,. I3S BKTTlK P. DARGAN has opened a School for Young I.avlies and Children of both sexe.-i, at the Baptist Church Lecture Room. Terms $3.00 per month, payable in advance. KKFKKENCBft: Dr. T. A. Dargan, Col. B. W. Edwards, Hon. T. P. Lide. T. G. Dargan, Esq. Jan 19 12 fit mortgaged premises be immediately re-sold for cash, ai the risk of the former purchaser. W. E. CHABLKN, C. C. P. Jan 12 12 3t C. T. MASON, Watchmaker & Jeweler, SUMTER, S. C. K EEPS constantly on hand fine Watches ani Jewelry. Masonic Marks, Rings, Pius, «fcc. Makes Engagement and Wedding Bings to order, lie also furnishes Seals and Presses for Corpora tion, ComraiBsioncrs, Lawyers. Merchants, Ac at the lowest rates. Ordsrs solicited. Jan 12 12 *_ - JOHN S. FAIRLEY & Co. Wnol.KSALE PEA I,ERA IN -WIKITIE? GOODS, HOSIERY, FANCY GOODS AND SMALL WARES GENERALLY. No. 37 llayne-ttreet, CII A R L K S T O N, S. C. Dec. 15 9 Carriage Painting, ©• I HAVE opened a Shop under my Photograph Gallery, nnd am prepared to Paint and Trim in the very be.-? style, Carriages and Uuggiea. also Frtrnitnre cleaned, painted and varnished. Sign Punning, Gildtug and Kuncy Painting, &*. All work, no matter how small, warranted to give satisfaction. J. S. FLOYD. Sept 22 51 tf New Store. We have just *po»eiIa new, aud well sellected stock of Goods at Parrott’s X Roads, Six miles from Darlington Village. We respectfully ask the public to give ua a caU. Our Stock will speak for itself. PARROTT & CO. Sop151 50 • If 13. W. Edwards, vs. The Creditors and Heirs at Law of Levinah King. J EAWSG the affidavit, in reference to the nb- ir St David’s Lodge No. 72 A.’. F.'. M.’. rfTNtlK UKOUI.ARUOMMl'NICATON OFTItto' TIMMONSVILLE, S. C. DEALkR IN Dry Goodu, Groceries, Hardware, Hoots and Shoes, Crockery, Saddles and Harness, Medicines, Liquors, all kinds. General supply of NOTIONS. Gentlemen’s Hats AND CAPS. CLOTHING, &C. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices for cash. Ho will always be found directly i.oai'a pcebns, j.„.! 0 l'P 08itc tlie ^‘l^ 1 at Timmons- )t i. ordere.t j vile, S. 0. Bill to Martha! Assetta. Acct., aud Relief. W. C. FERGUS, (or SOI TH CAROMXX,) WITH Simms & Tyson, Wholesale Grocers and COM MISSION MERCHANTS, No. 04 South Gny-streot, B A L TIMOR Md: ronsigimvcnts of Cotton solicited and prompt returns made. Aug 4 44 fim HdsT-' Notice. "tS# Dickson’s Compound. H AVING been appointed Agents r >r the •»!« of this *»lusble coinpouiid, by Gen. Alex ander. we are prepared to furniah'any amount of the same. # Orders will be promptly attended to and ship ments made as required to any point on either the Wilmington- & Manchester, or Cheraw A Dar- lington Ilaiin*adn. For fcitlier particulars and circulars aud br.nvpTe. j , apply to DKLORJfE k BYUD, Doves’ Depot, & D. R. R, Dec, 1 (i tf G. A.HOWARD, FLORENCE. S, C. Cabinet Maker, AND Ul’H ULSTER K 11, Furniture rr-ade and repaired, Maimssea made to order, All orders promptly attended to, Jan 5 11 it GEO. F THOM V8. B. I\ HARTHf^OW. Geo, P. Thomas & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN’ Foreign and Domestic Liquors. No, 385 M. BuUimorr-strett, BAI.T1MOKX, Ml>. Jan fi 11 \j King. William D. J’ecbles, G. Wallace and Eunice Wallace. on motion of B. W. J!dk,ards, Compiainant's ,So- I J;ec 22, 1H60 licit',!* that said Defendants do appear and an swer, plead, or demur, to the Bill within forty day* from the first publication of this order, or that, in default thereof a decree pro confesso be taken against t/iem. W. E. CHARLES, C. C. ft G. S Jan 12. 1870. It if 10 iy iflie hail vvfll arrm-rl 11 <> had not inure than ottered tho words, when a pir.tol, or J some other firearm, was fired, and Mr g»n conne baek quiekly into the store, Pi (OF FLORENCE.) HE REGULAR CONVOCATION OF THIS Chapter irill lie hidden at Masonic Hntl, . reiice. on Wednesday Peh’y.. Itiat 8, F. M. . ■-inpiir'inna-vitl take due notice of tlie above l j and govern thriuselvcaaccordingly, and By order M.-. K.-. II. . P.\ more harm than oood unless it Ite ableto eivc I with his hand over his heart said t me “Oh ; **’ t-IFBEP. f, c r I ‘“"i “ i hceret iry. land to more than it will he able to do with I Captain. 1 ara shot.” I took immediate hold ! June 2 S5 ly with the proposed oppropriatiou.” Rain} - , the chairman of the Committee on of him, roall v believing that he and that lie had fired nfl was jestino. I pist.l If, I AMITY LODGE. No. 121, A.’.F.’.M.’ finance, stated that before reporting the bill until f saw signs of blood upon his shirt In- ! lanes F. Neill, formerly of the Con- ledv.-tj army. a.is frizen to death Ktivll.y ville, Jena., smiio d.iv? r“0. near lie had consulted financial men, to ascertain whether the issuing of the bonds for the com mission would tend to injure the creditor,' the .Suite, nnd he was now cent ineed that it would not; iu fact, he was now convinced that the issuing ot b' nds to the amount of fivo hundred thousand dollars would be a benefit rathor than otherwise.” Comment is unne*-e>sary. tMnelv to endure these iliin n.oiii:\ck, s. c, • Virnlyr * r tlio vu. *k fr;* nber. tiiiiA w • ‘ Gb rep'r ;rl. >n (.’liarlc.^ton “‘c ‘ ry i5th, of which Lorfmj. tncaiis. IVe must re'i.-t ti som. I now saw death depicted iu his eoun ! lenancc, and he began to fall Mr. Ham- ! mond took hold of him on one side ai d 1 | Rno , MiAR COMMUNICATION OF upon the other, a;i*t wc luiu him down, anti i § Amity Lotlgo, uii! be hoMon at Maicnic he expired iu about two minutes. | Hni-.n. r s, c., on w ...inevlay, 'J:!tl l-Vb ., * ! al s o clock, I*. \I. I now issued a warrant to a special ro;\ , Tlic arrear list will Le read and ilia rule *p- s table to summon a jury of inquest. The! 1 Hy order W.- M j jury assembled in about an hour, and I was 1 <; Met). ^TOI.L, If wc intend , careful to select as jurymen those who were our ruin is j not present, leaving those present to Leex- To Gin Owners. TiuR is to aay, tliat wo b.-tve had our Gin? re- pairod by BounliiU' S Gin ^- iw Gunmor and ♦'m«1 it to bo Mipcrior to tliehami p.iw rnode of sha ning, it free* the .«nws ii om lin!, espoi ginning damp cotton, ami adds greatly to the sample and facilitates the fin in fc-Jing more in the saint time ovoi the ' and file, h restores tho tooth to their original making all alike, in doing no it lengthen* 1 the tooth a s in tit-h a* it is worn off at the point bi t,ire needing n-i*air h ain. Wc woubl say it tloes .11 that it is claimed io do. nnd would r*-spool folly rjcummcnd our farimrs to give it a trial. TO FLORISTS. I d^UESH Garden, Flower, Fruit, Iferb, Trea, ^ Nhrnb ami Evrrgrefn 3ecd». with direc- j lions far culture, prepaid by ra iil. The moat i comp!eta and judicious asroi uuent in the country. AGENTS WANTED. : iTia 9*^. sorts of either for $1.00: prepaid by Abo Small fruits. 1'iauU Bulbs, : all the ucvr U »or. Ac., prepaid by mail. t ibs early Rose Dotaine, prepai«i, for $1.00. prepaid, i .New ii irdy fragrant everbioomiug Japan Honey, a iy v.-hen I 5()centa e cb. prepaid. True Capo God C: xril'crry. for upland culture. $1.00 per 100 prepaid, with directions. Priced catalogue to any address, givtn; also trade hat, Seeds on commission. B. M. WATSON, Oi l Colony NurHarics and &n+ i Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established :u lt'12. January 19 id 4t SALT ♦ I TVER POOL in prime new 2 Bushel Sacks, at _J per Sack, at Fiorencs, S. C., by Doc 22 10 JOHN WILEY. Un T St. John’s Academy. TIE rvorvisf'a of the next Session of this Acnd, inv will commence on Monday. Janu ary 10th, 1870, and continue 24 weeks. TUITION : Languages and higher English Branches, 4 weeks - $5.00 In Primary Department - - - 4.00 Payable in advance. A, McP. HAMBY, Principal, Rf'v. \V. T. Capuls, Af^sistant. Jan 5 11 if 1*. A. Wilson, M. I) J fcSSE Kf.pi ii, It. I) V. !%• o.i.ins, Lazarus Morris, James Coker, A B. ,S. W. Morris, \\ . CoKJL, \v. r. cee, J. M. Coker, E. C, KIRVIN, I >OV K. i, viz: Having six counties loopeiate di, viz: Drilling ton, Marion <.’hc?t or field, MarP:'»r..ng!i. Horry, and Georget 'wn, it will be impossible U r im to attend to all who may wish repairs madcon their (.iins in the Fall scabons, in bo large a scope of of country, therefore 1 would 'ay to the Farmers ] of Darlington aud adjoining Counties that, should i they need work, it will ho to their interest to J soml in their orders now, and have their Gmsre- | paired for the coining season, as l expect to i Uounty, who ha ve been intrusted with the oharg 1 work entirely in the other counties the next^sca- j Kstatea, by ony Court, do make their annual Public Notice. The follawirg r>r ftr is pubiit*Ued for tho benefit of all voneerned. THUS. J. BROWN, Clk. C F. D. C. The State of S. (.aroli.na, ) DarliugtoQ County, j IN TUE I'11015ATE COCRT. Janurry 10, 1870. WING to the many cases of delinquency cx- isting in the ( ounty, in relation to Trust Eijiates; It i* Ord>re'l: T!ia» allpersons, in Darlington Laxv Notice. T HE undcr.N’gned have this day formed a Part nership under the name and style of Harllec & Dargan, for the practice of Law and Equity iu the tVunty of Darlington. Office, lor tha present above Messrs. Earl? * store. * W. W. HARLLSsiC T. G. D.MU^N. Jan I, 1870 fi 4f ■viasis 7 FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. T HE Frst Edition of »one Hundred and Twenty Thousand copies of Vick’s lllustm- ltd Catalogue of iSeeils and Floral Guide, is pab- F.shed aud ready to send out. It is eltgautly ! printed on fine tintcl paper, with about 700 fine 1 wood Kngravings'of Flowers and Vegctablet. and | a beautiful Colored Plate, consisting of seven vo- ; rieties of VUlox Drumvvtndii, making a fine BOgrET OF PHLOXES. “"Dr W... M . i Work entirely in the other counties the next ecu- I of Esuttii, b/n. v Court, ml tin* lient-h. Corn Meal. Hankel, i f \ Sinec Jinl“o Orr lw*s wiilidmwn from th>. M’rii’lit !):. been taken up, as the up some i auiinetl as witnesses. The examination was j , concluded about half-past four o'clock in the 1 | morning, and the following was the conclu-j jhiou of the verdict: “Ihe jury aforesaid, ! JA Mill Those in m-ed of •ither will find ii o 'upon their oaths aforesaid, do »ay that the j thtir iotrrrvttoc*U«nl examine c;rn, mri’, sol * ..... I nrice. Jan 2% 1870. raid T. J. K. Dargan came to his death by a : r ' ' e :.s possiMe fir m->. I »m Tireparrii to sharpen ^ ru i(; ( i (he rules served bj the Sbenil of | LL Li I LL OL !■ L05V liltS, AND VEOE- .Saws, fill Roses and Bruslirs, and to put jour i lllf County. . TABLES. Gins insplondld order. Orders will receive nt- , Jr'urf’.'r Ordered:—That the f'lerk of tho f'oun- FftJ” ! tv Probate cause this order to be published in aeh of the County new.paper. application, but will be forwarded to all who ap- G ven under my baud the d„y and year , pijr b/ „,ai U f 4 , r ten cent§t which ifl not half £ tent ion in due time, ot your residences, ment fer work will he made easy. ^T«ic Moral Guide is published for the benefit of my customers, to whom it is sent free wi/hout I havr* tv o excellent ile, in vp! ‘ndid orticr. Address Dr. pcond handed Gius for Jan 12 JAft. M. HUNTER, or M. W. HUNTER, 'J’imnioiisvlllc, 5^. t • 12 lui above wrilteii, Jau 19 ZFS . BROWN, I’rohate Judge, D. C. 12 2t cost. Address, Jan 19 JAMES VICK, Rochester. N. Y. 13 tf t V. • .; •> '*U-