T 1 H 2±! ZD -A. 3R, Xj X IT C3- 1l? O XT "s—*! “xr 1 J-J .JlLi —yjrzr xxgc>.• tswct- - ~ r Tcpa^r ■; 'gM^rsaKggnMfcrs^pn -ga X X O G X?, naww^ss Cl)c pcmacrat. WKD^KSOAV, JAXhAKY ta. 3^, 3£i 3 1^ O O X . LARUKMT (’IUCI.'IjATIOX- — 77/A.’ I.\ Of AXT PAPKll IX IIASTFUX Sn/TJ/ CA HOT.)X.I .I XJ> Pl/tiT.JSUPS THE Oi l !- VIAL .l/i VUXTISKjII'XIS. Hack. Again! M A C r L L A It. WIL LI AMS k PARKER, V.'OULD fnlorm «>l«i customers anJ all , who are in want of clothing, t!mt >hey iinva | opened Store No. ai>7. King street, f Iiai leffton, { and have in store a Urge $toek of .Seasonable, i (mil Medium CtothtiMj, V*> are selling entire HusinesH suits ut SrlO: - 12 j •x : ’U. Dress Suits at :^»8 ; S : >D : ^ ; I3: ^ >7 j end .s >ft. Dres^ Frocks at $10 to $<'50. Sack* ; and .Eng!l-di walking coats from $0 to $'_!0. : taloons $3 to $l.‘l* Vests $1.30 to $7. We wenant (til clothing u do by us criual hi j all respects to the boat ordered work. yio All parties indebted to thirt office for »ul)Scri]Uion«, will plefcsc c»ll and settle tlieir arrear-j •ires, oh we arc cointxdleil to liavef „ „ money to keep up the supply of! Ir. Mason, wj! furnish officers with ofli- cial Seals and Presses, at the most reasona ble rates. He will repair fine Watches, ji-vr dry. and furnish loonier, all work-in his line at af reasonable rates as can be purchased elsewhere. Mr- Makhs, is well konwu to be a skillful worker of metals, and a scientific rna n. Mr. Jk.ko.mk P. Cilask, in anothes colomn calls utreutioii to an auction sale, on the 25th, just., at I’loii nco. of valuable and desirable laits for husinos# and dwelling purposes, in our over-growing little sister town, where property is rapidly enhancing. The terms lire easy; and a voyinj iuvcstnicut may teerc he made. Ccuutlimctit to tlio l’. State*. A Havana dispatch of the 30th says:“The | Yot ile Cuba to day publishes it siuv. telcgr-j • nph from New Vm k, stating that C-lm*. d^ntToV lirtve g»3i»c to W ashing on to buj Scuatoir-. j raw, S. mij»i fl.tjse > The ]p*int of the ‘ tlur” is the probability f»f ]u trut!>. The misfortune of :!ic < hi ban pat riots is that their lyianl* have been able to outbid them. The Junta f houM have pre- Mnted General Grant with a sr.L r ar planta tion, and given Gen. ISutler a liberal dona tion of Hilver wpoon? Dawson, Teel & Henning,! Wholesale and Retail Di alers in II A 18, SI W A 18 It, c r r l e u y, . o- jst s y ! Agricultural Implement, Irou anti NAILS, ALSO DSAI.XRS IN Mi’lrrs . Curptnfeni, S! >j< Curpniicrs . { \dnr.ct *’f(iL-~rs , j\I<£* t -WSnihllfrc*^ ]\Ifi'hrrifjlits i Cum'/‘s’, If/ac/,- . MaclunUts , Turprn- tinf Ma1*< rz\ Shoe Jfci- f rrs , Builders' uud l •/ nrrti d ev* Tools, Jiope. Tic hie, ridiim/ To Lie. Scales, fpeHF' A full Flock t>f nl! tlic above cori't mtly on huuU, and iur sale at the Lowest l’i ks loi c A ;♦ H. Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C April 7 27 ly .!. E Woodward, TAKKS plcHFUPC in r:enounfirg to hG fricuds j and customers, that he s:ill poutimies to keep on j hand n full and pciirral assortnunfof Jnpnn and Vlnia Tin Ware, which he offers at wholesale anitly atov* tU-j most cxcraeiatiig p.iint, ALUYS INFLAMMATIONS &. CURES CONGESTIONS, Vocther of the Lun r?, S! Rnach, Bowels, or oJier glands Bad orgaiM, by oa* appli /ufion LY FROM OXU TO TirK^TV MtXUTii?. Xo matter lionr vi-d'-nt er e-T'H'uci •• t!\<- nr.in, fha BHCUUATIC, Bad-rttlden, Kr.fimi, < Kei ..-..j, k'wuiulgic, or prosliatod with iJ in slo'R.’ing pain, caa be imrchx.e i for W oc.vs per b-.tuc at ;■ !r.u nVvyi jr druggiirt’s a,id country Tn.N< i -ui-'s .-lore on th - ipiif, and yk'iin op hr ir’.- distance of ahuost cvc.jf kuklulallou iu the UiitE <1 St tics. I-TIT-.rMA I 1 'M AND NKFUALG!A. Hill .fMAl. M AND NKUJiAl/il v. PllUUHAnsif and Xi:t f T6AL*D .* I ATI MM AND KUHilALClA. Ril iTSM AND NlU.AldilA. EIIEUMATIS-I A YD Ni-L'K ALCJI-Y. T? tho^e > nro re?.' Mi;* rhi? Tjin—r-» m 4 *-rf rrh it tho can-'- may tv;, or by irh it »i •••;•■ it i - < t . • t — if cxtamal mp, ly ihc UA!jW A Y’S 1-I. YDY j: FLIKF •<> the part of the body r.hoiG the puu is riJf ut. lA TARN AG 20 DHOVS PILTTKD IN X7ATEV, As a dri: .. , wi. -ihor Cmm;-*. Spasms Ii.tiar.imntion, Cor.K.'Stion, Asiatic Chole.n, Chills and Fever, ti lu'-at vi.> i nt, ostruciuiinr. aud torturing pakii viii to Itcr-pod IX IUOM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTLi. PAINFUL ATTACKS WKEilB EADWhY’S READ/ RcLIE? WILT. AITCED INSTANT PASS ! IfTiXAMMAnoX OF IHi: KIDYiAS. IM LAMMAHOa (• THIi LI. VDDEIL INFLAllMAIION OF Til.; RO'.YFI U CON**‘ ' TUN OF Till: LUNGS, BO nr. THTCOAT, DU KKULT ITi” VTil I NO, PALFli AiuhV Ol TIJH HF.AKT. ItloIX-ilCX (TjioiT-. lu.pj xr.i r r U l!! I. I: • FLU EN Z.Y, HSADAUIIE, TCOi -.'.XL ■ ! \ ■ r.\, runuMATiFM, cold rrji ls, Auui. ciiii ur The applh a.uvi N lho KUADY FlvDI LvF ta the p-rt or iarV:, win r,' iLa j...n vr O.nr.jaliv esuts, will ntiori euxe ar.n t ■ mfo*f. jo DlrU’.H IN A irtT V TUMBLED OF Y. ATEIL It ill, in a fov in v::cr.i - -MTo f’lt \ M J ; * A FOUtr S-TOM veil, UZAIlThUKA. ru K jlKkT.ACTii:. DIAUDFI^A. I)V>r;NTKr, COLIC, Vi 1. IVrfiTi:: B*»v. ..I/s, A,-.: 1 all Int .ui’.ai Pains. Trar‘ P irs should always v:\ny it of It .3 T) WAY’S HELIEF wiMi them. Alow drops in water will pro vent gj. knei , 8* or pain-s eliaufre of w il.v. XT IS LU/TiTr THAN EHJ/VtHl J!RANDY 018 Lir i EIia AS A BTIiP. LANT. r UlS vy.vr.R an') A our. cr red. > i:u and AGUi; cu.m ;v I /.V I.’.t A > '' AGUE IT LTD Lii-1oi;.s :t.v*.u ctt j o. r nil* FE . E»t CUliE!'. Yu. .E ‘ V FEVErt GFltEO- AND J EEVKNn D. AND nt'iYi/YTKD. , AND AGUE CURED Ft i U FIFTY CEN I S Th^ccv-uot G lOiueJxal ajent in this world thut wQ Clue PE VFit AND AG UK, And nil ot'ur M;t. Fi : a f'y.t/I'T, Tejltoid, Yellow, nn i other Fcm ( i» if H bv KAI»V*AY’S TI1K^>, s qui- k a- K \D»Va/’•> L*.ADY PEf.lLP. Xi^VX> W^i.'k’LS 18i :A.T3Y I8JKL.IX JIP hftf wrovedio&ill I .. . I.f'e ’ i-n ib!c forr.TS qin< i.r-, an 1 witMi.iit cat*i ? *.; •.? ike fii— luil penalties f-f tNGDi'.uhD 1.IV F. ! > I •'iM.E N. 1>, MURDi.iihD KIJ-'NEYS, ue.i SA.FFi: -vM.'OLDRKD SKIN, that art* tv.re to follow lue v • of the “Cli .ioiiogufs,” “ Akfvo Cures,” and i ■ e. i of t'/ beroi* Uuini:ie, Ileivn- riiil, Ar??uie.. undo . • • TV- .•: *• * , ’ . ' V 'A V . ^ - i! .*>. ; v|PU (iE/J! PiELlEP : . . ... m-mi&r '' i .a. r r. EXIWAN CrUAJTOS, s CD L r It L E M A N t RES, - 1- .. AC ' * .«■'-< "gap?#* £ ' ••• ■ 2 s ' ! i; i . . - - Ivbv'C^-v., • < ^v »V * • - a r op Mr . a: • - , ■fgHstit* •' -T/'Si--rs^ ' • ■ ik - '■ t - «T f ..XU.K:. ' ,1 • 'iJ ’ k . / .F-.'.o-. V £. « ..• *«■- ,-•) —' rv<». “3K.-.--'nM * • •/* r -<• S" NI V J The ••Carolina IVr»ili7tT ’ j> nin«!c ihc I’-n i by vnrinus eiien*. - ; y. «me of tho b<*.^t U.i.n;:reH Vnov it. ‘ Iboponit^. ’fiiese I'i'osxi:-.i ,*v ;r t* the rvii ui t|U«litic.-' of ike groatost value to iho Agriculturist, j We Him ox tiic unalysis of Frofcs. or : ’ s, of South ffi.’ olinti^ and is pronounced M.yjnJ riot: to I’ciTivian Ouano in its Ferti- of extinct lan.lauj sea animal, and posse-cs jT^JSTMD M A X U F A (J T U 11EI > A T C IIA II L E S T O X, NDHR tlic direction of Or. X. .\. Pratt. Uir iaist f**r Pie »°ulphii! :C Aci>1 autl ^upei n.'io- jihato 'nmpunv. Xoluhle Phosphoric Void, in the f<»rm «»f Nob'.bio Pliosphatc of l.inn*. > r l)'s>ol ve.l ihmc Piiosjdiate, is the basis of all good Kcrtili/ci ?, and these are vuhmblc in > ''* ran*> ot Soluble Phosphoric Acid v liich is in them. The immense deposites of Piuisphatlc (ju.-inos which were di>L , ovev r 'd in 18ti7 in So dh (’amLii**, by ])r. i'r.itr. c< usisis mainly of insoluble Pin spl v c of Lime, which is tnadt* available as a fertilizer by being gromoi to powder, and reduced by .Sulphuric Acid to such a mndiiion ns to make ito in- j soluble idsiMpJiatn iiluhlc in waler. and thin Tnad • .apnhlo of buinir taken uv> by growing plants. * j Tito iiuoluaiite i'uoipuato found iamy coiamcicial Fertilizer is of no nun value to the plant than A : th« original Piiosjhute rock. Tire greater the prop/rtion of this soluble Pliuspliato wJiich ibiiv Fer- ( tilizcr eontaiuN, tho less the ijinuitity required per *iciv. aMd'* , ’coii>i oi. 1 fi!tly the ciieapvst fertilizer is that containing the highest percentage of soluble Phosphate, j Impressed witli tlicsetrutii®;. the imiphuriA<;id an i >Tip«;r-p!!Osphatc (*om] hiiv havo crectetl at j Charleston the first extensive Acid Chambers X uth of Ihiltimore, end -u • ahlo to otfe. to planters ; thv Highest percentage of .Vmubie Pho-jdi.itf ofLiute known iu the market. Tlieir F' ::slizers arc elT rod under two forms: 1. IdOu iisa .\c>. 5.—Cure Nolublc iHui.-pliaie, guaranteed to contain 21 per cent, of I)issolve«! I Hone Phosphate of Lime. Sf<) per ton, 10 per cent discount tor cash, j 2. £711 wail Tho. 15.—Pyruvi-ui^^'ujmr-jdntsphali. gun:.iiitccl to ec;pi»in 2 » ]•: r cent, of l>is- ; solved i*»»nc PJ:os]>hnte. .ml l\ to 0 per eeut, of Aiiionia, with nsnlKciciit additism oi Peruvian tJua- ! mo to adapt it to all crop . S70 per ton, 10 per cent discount for cash. We ab.o ofb.r l‘is*udved Pone, of high grade, for } hnders or maiiufaeturcrs. who may desire to mix into any other compost, a;.d wo suggest that this is the host and cheapest method for luauufMc- turers to transport the .S’ulpliuric Acid contained ill ths inixture. V ill he.-.-M u* a fixed j atc tor ch* I» percentage. IV'vI. C. I>EE & CO., Agents. Ad. l-l ^ldt/c/ s t\iuirj\ C.iailedon, S. I*. J*n f> n * 2ui Analysks rf a sample ' Moisture expelled at f CVirolina F«ri;ii/er H2 3 r r.fth - A!c J selected, CMcy* af S. C. R.H#12&€ 1 © •9 lt , T0 [ MAXI T FA(-TUREUS 01’ V* A1UIAXTEI) t)i game Fixed F ; Amoni * .... Phoppliocif Insoluble ... tter. \% uti some wuui r.ts Void—soluble.. ! Of u:p(ju: S*dp!iat Sulpliat .^and i)n ♦he etrei er.itmined. We will /i:vnivi: U os these resulL 1 am his excellent Pertili He* n:.t’• i s .lied at low red hent % 115.60 no. 8o j ...n.t F.piiv ’.'TU to 12.27 SolubleDliosphate otlimc — n IT L pavah.mt to lu>o’uo»e (bone) Id *3 21.77) Phosphate of Line. ...IL"1 1 yuvab d to2 k'dKi’liosplMiteof Liuio. 80 3..",i) ii.on ill.' .lify to the •- iiv’io'ity ol t!te Carolina Fe*tilixor K C. 8HK1HIEHD, •r C) P Inn tors and others at $‘50 jicr ton 2000 lbs. GEO. W, WILU.VMS & CO., Fartow. 8—4m Extra Cast Stn-l Patent Ground Ciii i’htr Milt Malay onn (I,my S.A.'WS. Something New! | IMPORTED ALES. j '^7*Z2kJ2EI-S5, j LI QUORS AND CIGARS, j±. r r A. P. LUCAS’ ! SAMPLE ROOM, In rrarof'J. G. JU-Call's Stoic. An-. .IS 4G tf 1 Forty Thousand Cases of Goods EVER AMD AGU! Fzvcr v cY:/•- ai mm mn Ji 'fay /oS ji&S : * Orcular Saws With Movoable or Inserted TEETH! were uliipi'e l fri.in o»r liounc in ()m> Year, in I fami'.ios. dull-!, amt inoiTlmiiN. in ever,- |»nrl nf rnia, uiuouutiitg i Lo country, IVom Maine to Caiilornia in value to over WWftiim; N L i h c rallyP at Vi. i iz «d Xov tdio ptu-'- Twetily claim for our Patent Circular Fa w tho following ndraiitage • avoi* all other?*: The shanks A‘ the teeth are elastic, and exert a timform distension in the sockets. One Million Dollars, Our faciliiir, fur Iransfiovtirip tiic ininien*iirlrr... unit ntlier.% for (,'a.sli. nad otlen nt nn iiiiim-uaeeaori- fiee from ll.e uriginal rn.l of ,iro ontls, < 'lidllitllf. Uni..- «::il t'apfi, (Vo< kery. I'alley Goods, Liquors, Pip April 14 28 Iv Florence Hotel. C rocertei', 11.. rd wure. Slices aid Trunks, G l.isswarc, Not ions, irs, Tobacco, &c. A FINE STOCK OF PATENT TA& o eiioiz^os, which will be .-old ;;t low tipurcs. These i/oi'iIs h ive just boon houyht at. the heavy decline. A call will satisfy any one a., to theirijur.lity, and cheapness, ftppt 15 50 tf PHOTOGRAPH^ FFItEOTYPES, AMEKOTYPES, m / ^’V On 11 cry vill bo open rpgularly. ami uoiu; -Lt_S.* ,t!< iId: IH’ST work w ill be allowed to 1rograiihcr. j Soju 22 51 tf j T ir: Miovr. iiotllh \s iu:kn klf.gant- ly fitted ii}> iiml n Juvni^hcd since the ch.b'C of the xxii and now a fiords :-up**ri*ir yci'om.no- hmve j Mtliwto I-een do- tormg tU tl.»* r.*te of one s; i •. r ■ hun dred d,ii]*r8 !■ r f lew n'-iitln' iroAtinont, ;y-., k-.'-^j.inaf thi-tii.-olvffs ar t ;;e.miitw Irci: *ti EF VJ/tl. rtad ADUE5. . CH TLL3 aiul FEN'EH, llHE ' x(.\Tf SM, f !: „iu* .-r | tw'o floHavs a vear, pj-wnt r-.i i. vi.o .*. Y*S bi.-vDY U15- j LIKFar.d JiAim AY’H i i M.b « The KEADY ItEI.IEK wiii rui.'iil mtu. it (At* all. • Ik 1.3 ou'.y :>0 vents per bortl.-. N.Il—S«e that every hot lie hns an To din T >her j Stopper. 8oI«I at all tnugyi. t •, airJ at lb. Zootv... '* j ofiii-e. No. 87 Maiden Lt'.'-, New York. Sarsapariliian RESOLVENT. E'EW PHINCtFLES OF CUHE. Of nil NVjstiii'i'. Sjroft:!' n>\ I.y •>•, X■'rf. .Moulin Tiitt,.ti, n«y^, l.ladd.r. THE SKIN MADE I T ' N. CT.r \R, FMOOTU, AXD LEAU rjFL b. PR. RAILWAY'S SAUSAPAMLLIAN RLrnLVKNT F.»*r.hU«in c a new principle ct' Cura of nU <*ki«»nic «lia- rabcxt; anliMOVes lo ih.o. n c licnl world that (..'onaump- Lon and ou-.t Sriv.fr.I'h'i's dikeasui arc «ciiAbie. This fact iris Ik*.»h drm-r •unt*».I in ever ONE HUNIiliLD r\.w::s UF rONEIIlMM.) COK- »l M1TIOX wltP.rc me. Lone; in over accent}/ cates teas destroyed and dried nn. ai- i m ct er .*>00 » asj:^ rf s” d'F r :d ooxsrv'pnox. DK. l: ADA A Y, Jhtv: yea,’ -. in r, puhluhed to the world hK ' a ‘'c’x>t ol t .t> lUno i in the rercr.d statre-s oi ( f IXSIKM ••'l IU.V, -i i. iM.i i t o*cry ‘.Ot ., bi it where tu'.’or.-h 1" den* -in t iii t: o I.M> • • . M«1 other os d ins iu; in tho K t-.'-i -•. Live; , .'■••..it t o. Bi-onchial Gian-!:, I’tl'-’Ai s t -.. ir.< C* .•!'•. >:*uT»ti-»n • the f> • rg*xu, tl ■ UT#OOD i* thin, w< ak pah*, jr f unit (>f 8 . ' • . : ' . A I - phorus, nod •..*.• it-h vcl c*>«orijig d. : s *: o:' the Blootl JvVSSF/LL, HAVING v — T r . W iu l hark-iMou and throngliout he Srale, raturJls liis tlmuks. Alid re J*ppA U r *' - boutihmfdoic of the same. He is Pr oared v.ki 'yvery F^?i!:ty to FILL ■ j are as Biropie in construction, and as casi- 1A N'T L H-PI Et.’KSk JlorLDlSC-H. &c.. j USC t* go‘» I.>. | «bort, nil the diiftcttlfics herctoforn rxperi- \\~ O K K S’ II o 1* S IN i > U ! T C fl A it Id & TK HJO T . | 1 ’ived in ths u«c of movable teeth for saw*, are . . ^ , j/ullr mtH and obviate*! by this invention. *l im..u s lor Lie jHtbV ^euty will be a guarantee ‘ ' -'I IHVJ • 11 I . I - .. II-. ... • ■ j .... - ... ... SASH 158. HLINP.’. DUOUS, V !ND(P«V FKA.V^ MAOTl has at his W»ct*'rooms, N.\Ui, IJiliida id VoJif^nkerb-v t* -.de. v. 1.1 ment that doci not rellect credit untpj him jt^oe^nno. . « ^ LfA-VXk STjr;:.T: m/ LLI 8 J <>. Vnr S v.-’ • 'A- ^ • lio is now leave hit- establish- •— rt c. EkpsalMy ffjtf of i’. I F.nr ti t'.'* Pi'Jdisx rf t!;o E.u-», Uoiid, LUNtiB, Ki«i- -wc .-y ^airaaice Co. x:uii£i»w TT'"'TEE patent “ChaKiLrCCross.-cut Saws. OT^S^-OXTLt S- r v- T \ (-v 3 *3) C/2 • r-4 -4-2> £ c3 i .'A' - (A- KM&S r-’ ■ ■s-tf-fx • 5 V«. k '» ,. • Flip ' ■ >'.* /I*M * 4* m -8 v EQUITY LIFE INSURA OF YJUCIX!. . .. Mpr- ilAlltc. ro liLf., -ALER Southern People ! ixsntK von; j.ifh to-dav. that YOI It FAMILY MAY JIG Provided For. Tomu.'ioir 1 on HAY Oi. ! PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life Insurance Company, RICHMOND. YA. Assetts over $1,500,000. J1IV1 DEN D.8 .dei larml fur 1 SCO, 40 Purely a Southern Institution, Police lloldtrs I UuY (.00ii: Tl M MO A n<‘x\ ;,ml cDo11 1 i > iiliOf liKillS, c-villi:. S. <3. n b Flock ju nN dailv reomv lidded iC. ••1 tic o. t j •pus; lilo-id, t!i I'L r..'rit f ns d . tuber* i*-? . r .1 in s i'tt ,n . Tumom, ■ * IH\‘8l'; ,r . I* OL v,' cuo- c j'. ir ilii,. I .4 •I In t!u •• -.1 i of the’so ntfd cf -ti -: ■re i* ir.fiMTii’ iiHii-i*.!!: • !a the i ‘I ' >1 • 'iih- ! ll-OW it on i; *- •' oi’ts j •i-j..>wci-1<> h-M j Iu Cii .T8, ^Ol" 4, j U1V fi.iIT.* !,1 •• j ' .bi. -11.1 ; to /:, •■:■>/ Jx.-'-ru vhiilh Idh. Onr \'\; •A \ A. LiiiiliU ’ t'l.rin. I Nov 10 k».*. ! * ; .Ol.‘ pro • <«: c »t ti 1 'v Pt r it i •, '.i v I'. :!5i:»: v i t•» c M .tlical Adviser*, [Iii. (’ounsellor. :0R3. n II.'lit, ‘iVIjoU SAW MANDRELS, GUmnilVG MACHINES, &c. «u4 for ca'•.*••• •<'<’» Und Price Lists, ■fL'OiE & Co., Prfatim/ Prc*s, Mtu nM^tnd Sate Afauvfac- twy • *y New V'ork, Boston Ma^7' and London Engl am l Oct 33 ' 1 (ini styles in Morocco i.m. v'«la,»f Hlu'lmgi#, Morocco Travclttttij Bay*. lltuult.r*rihi*j* nnd (ilouti Boxes. Me. (Sold and Plated .Jewelry, of tbo neairest Mvloi. We have nPomadc arrmigementfi with soim* of tiie leading publiabing Hou.-es, that willciutble us the sell the ktaudard and the hiteftl works of popular authors at ahout <;i:e-li:iV the regular price:—such a? Hy •. n. Moore, PurnH. Mibon Mid Ton nylon’s Works, in full giluAW-1 Cloth i'.iiidii.ys.—:iltd hundr,- ! < • .,!!•<• Tlitsc ami e :t ythinp ONE DOLLAR E<»t> x:.»_Cjt d- thtHvVJLE. Wo ri . n ,toft I- .jc-,.:h '^''fh’v^han.li.,, 111,.I can lie unU by rc*u!i.bjvjfc r , .,rm,r pi Uvu. V> e do not nsk you to # 5'»\ gnoda from us unless wo « »n sell them chei.pci ,},«!, you ran obtain them in any other vny.- - hile the greater part of our goods are sol l nt about ° One-half the Regular Rates. Wo want go.)*] reliable agent • in every part of the t’ountry. Hy employ iig y.»ur spare time to form clubs and sending us orders, von can ob tain the most liberal Cmiintb>iotig. either in OaaIi or 3fcri‘iianc2DUldi.s<% and nil goods • nt by ti« v.ii:bi'm representad. aad we gun ran tee sat isl'ac- ! ; .ion to every one dealing with our holt.-e. FALL AND WlNTElt FASHIONS.! Agents should collect ten cents from each cua- ] tomer and forward to us in advance, for ibtscrip- ItS. M: Ai BIN DER has just arrived from Paris ami London with the latest designs pcrsonc.Uy selected from the greatest novelti'e live t'hecksof the goods we .*=•*11 The holder-wf the Checks havetbei priviirga of eit.lior purchH-ing the articlo thereon described. also the mo-'i elegant Trimming- 1 to be secured in or of exchanging for any article mentioned on our Catalogue, numbering over GOO different ar ticles,—act one ot which can be purchased iu tho Paris. Lures. KibLsns, Bridal T’WL. Tioicers, / me frwrlrt/. and Trimmed Viqirr l\ili , nn 1 for which we issue *■ hecks till all are sold , lo--ides, iu every larg' dub we \v;!l pul. h nheck for Watches. Quilts, blankets. Press Pa?**ra#*. <*r some other article of v.tiue. n ving .- cr $11*0. .fG.bo may bo itii.ineu to pay THE EX PRESS CHARGES. This ofler is no re r> (7—10 ion Plnribi:! . and all / I*. A. I, VW. Darlingtc 1 ' r. i! i.i l: lic'niate iu Profits—Polities N -u-forfeiting. This popular and and successful S»u»heni Life Insurance* Company now stands at. the. hca i of ti..'list 'if tho nr.sr, ” • i »'hk»:m.an'l .cmo.vai.sr < •im]>atiies in An.erica. Its ufi'airs tire govern- <>«; by th nc.-r xk\ ; r» our cuntry. and *h< protnjn tminuci in wld' h ti,.* ]• di 'ic- are j-.c ! when due. as well a l ie e.ireful and prudent in vestment of its funds, rccomuo nd it to the SOUTHERN PEOPLE, ii? TIIE T'oinpaity for thei.i to insure in. w. 4-. cat: iG vcton. President. ,T(*ifr*. Ki'V.'Acns. Vice I'resident. j). j. haktsook. f'ceretary. j. j. not*!ti v s. A- -u Secretary. Pirectors for Sot Carolina. — Ex. Gov. M. L. Eonham. Pr. Isaac Eianch, ]>r. J. J. Uardlaw. L. I « , aph:i: t. 'fh.i Tiudeoigm* 1 r. spec'fuliy -"bcits the j*«- /rnnnge of the good ■•.nzens of th»i section for this COMl*.\5 Y. A i •; >*» ti. McD. STOLL. Agem, riorcm o. 8. C. pr, Vi . A. Washinuton, Medical .Adviser, Oct 3i i ly VICTORIA HOT KB a CHARLESTON. S. C. F. OPDEIJF.FTK, Proprietor. '? !*' 50, A u - '• g > Sk uni ■ Wiii-I am! st i the hands of Nov 24 alcbtid to A. F. Cu punt are ■. or tlieir i 1 'V V C F fo A. i r.v * * M CP'..' In a, 5* * • r.i, T* ..! * HI.-; ■VI, on I’ Ct’J-IM'PKil. , in UADV ^hi* ;.«• » •on i. I .i! , A., t r I - 1>' V M. »I • 1 * I K, Li:; •:j to. • ; o il ’ tore the f!. lion pccu! their bene .54 The nsotl- cn 1 of the vf..;\ Tl.« ire b.: OW I, .1. H • e, W!( IN « t 1 uit mancliesicr cotton | .L hu Tyler, Jewellers. * ib v Goods. oatio*-. ocond v nt •h’ b\ (hr Pi.inter- ndet.t V. 15 ink* stern Wh- c,. \Y. A I.MAR, I ■.at'.' inn/ Jlnry'/irf. ijrtlcr ..J Kitty itml 1,■. (’ll.Ml I.KSTUV, Oct 27 COULTER ,/,l c Ftr ill I'll- IV. i o ;.li Ckk I clotn i winch oUt t] illy to assist / gent :i States, hut is open Per ft»* Order * ; Co. we will i5rov.no \\ ooi S*. (.FNKIDL C03IMlSsI0X .HEKCHAYfS; v ' ■ e! * . ***« . i Commissions: be i d T u per cent, in o.i*b op vhci ti" \ <;i! up their on*ire club, v '.vc a partial list of com. : from ;i club of thirty, cit. as eorointssititi. 2S ' flr*I» Lc.* .t i.i.td l i Pattern. I ! • ( ass:mere Pams and • V, hi i t’mmici j'aue, • A j ■>! ; ©• iV*. viumu", i Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE DRUGS- Chemicals, Surgical Instrunicncs, Perfumeries, Toiie! Goods, Cor. King and Vanderhorst-Streets, (’IlAiU.MSTOX, S. c, Propric*o.* of Aimar's Sarracenia Bitters, For Ptsju j Aimar's .‘'Al!.-'.Vl’.\HIM.\ & Ql iaiN - DIO.OIilT. Aimar’s 1’iti.iiii’M roi.ouNE WTiai, AliK.NT roll James Buchan S: Co s., CI’IiFHHATKD CllKSYLYC BOAPP. w. i. c A’.iJ 13F7 »1F0L C03JFL; pi ..if CIOS sod Ue Whole he I . lb it ’ : \« V •aum, Prv •l iL EuUA i.i i' •uMPAXY l.if yrc \Tr. op p* • t: r . fio:n ;• ; reitM efu- r » « 4 G h.i! . .. th. k:;ui on uiv x v. month »«« n, t t !»!.«»i v tfteJ 1. . n. i «•••*. -A vVlAiilU h • . I f r 'hfl I I :: J US. | r -- ■■h TWO IT. V- * 1. It is n t o a •>*. ,iuy I*-, n Vr.\v \ Ue.: m- lame, N*.ft- Y .i. ‘I per P. VS Kcai Ji e.MUUI I*. TfifiMi J-.rvy^CUy Ho. f. Diltlo? $5. !* - l v t>ruari P.:; 1 -: 1 al OUuc. i OS:LNDUHF F a wholly Vi.E r. EOCEIE !>.• iXIIX. t;C :■ I - - . M H I v In -= y ft o $ * »* ; *:> :s? 'h i J l-r i- - 9 Me . . .5- f : V & 1’©., ; t ni ”i'(»: \ FAX TOR \ . t Ai) ('{.) . ; ..i i:-;.:- >X ME ID TIAXTS, I .A. k_J •oerri’j AA., OA. ! re uc •s’, r t pun IDBLril/A. l'\. M iii.it A L \!> \ \N( .'S In i * - ti ( ■ O » like I* it OH -< . mid to Look:.Dll A IAmhi : *‘ 4 ' '' i. Kn-i and. Vg* Hi: ■ r • >r »• •«?(». bnb-uu; iy & I pi I . Karas, kc. A 7b P » .-•-Ca.’. \J Sup:. - J/ ' - ^ -..a •*o J V- r c if. r'n'dii.- Ml * "of f. < IVrrcf.r to all ; • l! >.(»*i in cash. L • •. i tub of t >rte \ai, as roiMmifsioti, • v; li ,, eting. Cobi-silver 1. .tig Yi nol Slmw 1, si mere, otr.. or .^10 in ng A gen is. and ’•* y »o ]*v» SOtlM put- * Vi AN Gl ANU. : keep »:p the.--; p DICkSON’S ('OMPOliMi to .'Sixty ! ivo i GNj !h il ti' j) »r Tou -,000 lbs. foe ch-’i. .\n*i on t:c .• *:11 Novfmb'.r. 1, fe .^77 and ovoil ( ily A ccepi.i«tee. Pravag*', s t 'ompcilii