m/JBkd J' i. »»Hn»-»v) THE E ^ H T_j I 3>T Gr T O 2sT • E E IvE O C H T. 3^ ,* «»♦ ^ t I ''•'■rant issued by JlagisUMc T. J. Mack > «• » lit i 11 \ i II %* Th U. S, Marshal’s Sale. ^ 4r> I.M?»V. .JAMAItV l». •'•v,- s'Sv!^ Couibinatiou of labor against capital sre | . wut was baead on tha u hi davit of a nt- i ^ncrjlly productiyc of evil.coitscqHCnccs to j ^ L!" nian. st..ting tint ou the previous iivo- 1 the weaker power. Strikes aro always mi st Tho U. S. of America \ ,l " l ~. ^''"nary Ttb, be had visited the Aead- injurious to those who are engaged in them. , Ctll'oTifill J ( otuv under Mr. Ford's inansgenient. applied —.Uj>,,r; Chronictif un. and offered im nej for a ticket of admission *-—• -• —-■■ — .... I I" «>•« orchestra or dreas circle of the build- | SEEGI^E 3STOTIOBS. j mg. to witness the performances, and.was re in violation of E. EEEE, TIMMO.V.SVII.LK, S. C. UKAt.EU IX . Fo-ri KACiast mc.H J) 0 o mls. : t.:t* iluuorabie the Ln.- t •- (j ]*or< tused by Mr. Ford's orders, • ui in nml to tlie tullowing property to * iSlttltlleS ttlld li;tt*!lf‘SS, Medicines, rt^-i Ulaf.-.se.—Onslimption—-j J>no iion^o «m*l lot itt tnc to vrn oi ikirnnRnm i , . n ’ * 1 it anxious to itiako kuowu to las Jello'.Y suifareri i I’-'C. vs tiling 18i.J feet •u street, ail l-’*-' ijlt'IUOr.S, . KlIKirf, tli; menu* of cure. ! f^ot on stri ct, or lo«», Bouniierl on bi lilrr at I’uBlic Auetiou at .Dariin^t'iii Court House on tue 7th r.iul day following in I’cVuua- . ry next, heinj; the first in nday an.d Tuesday «f | said moiitli.a!! tin? riicltf, titii and interest of the [ TO CONSUMPTIVES, The adYcrtiscr, haring been restored to health ...... c a,i * ? ti • i t* | iua few weeks, hr a nr' ] 1 ( ongress forbidding anj | haring suffered sercral years with a severe lung : wit : distinction on accouilt of racfj color or pro ftff*ction anU the drMud dijf.-.se.—Consumption— I One IIon°o tmd lot in the. town of Ihirlington ! j vious condition. To aH who tie-iro il, he will A.'iiJ « copy of the ■ th« North li/ Oraiigr. itru- t. i..-»-1 i»y I.oIa ..f M. IVhile si! are agreed that evorythi iiniate and p wrihle hbeuld be done that the Demneratie . Some have ad- ! lns for f, " , ‘'C' ■' | address 'detnbera of ihe ' W:l * ro: ’^ to Ford, and he at once wait - I Wiilinnisburg. I ure refuse to attend the meeting ed in examination, and stated his readiness i to enter ’.uto bonds Genernl supply of i, i \t • , . presetiptiou used (used free of chsrje j with di- ' t. irtig^in.-.. an 1 tho latA'Nirs. .Vary A. Itiack- NOTIONS, i wouo. proceed Io Jiagiscrate Mackey s ofr.ee, | r ,, ct i #l , s ,, r ,p B , j U o a„d using |h» satmo. which j well. Soutii hy lot of thelAto Mis. .Mary A, Trlaok- I n A OTT A CTmrmrC' fed Tfl fUlA i ’ i * No. 2!) Hrostl street ho t the nflioorl Wi nhl i tt'er will find» slab ecus for Consumption, : well »nd west by street. Urr‘Ti‘fc1farnpt'p , ‘ Aslhms. Brou-Mtis. e»o. Tho olsytHit of th. sd- 1 On. tr.ct ofiatid m l.arltngton County con-( OTOU ilfc-IIlbll O X2.d.bfc> j Pil 'I 'UW President * K i«h nutnb.r of ti»» N EW TOK1 W8IXLT to dc-: P ,hfi rt * 1 '- This suggestion was fl , rt i, or in ending the preecri}.li..n i, to hcne«t ' Uining ISO sorr.e, inoro or Icka. boiindcl on the \\n liW/. I. .>l .a.a, reviu in, ; .ontaans i.voial KoauU.uI Ill.or.tioaA DssfeU .i -n j 1 ,i ’ i r*’ couiplioil with, and tlie scat of iosticc ro.Tch-1 ^he aWicteth and spreatl information which he | nf»rtl!-w*»st - Tiy I mVls iti f*osfle^sion of Josffe V^r- x * ^ * : -D- F» WUH-’Oi , Secretary. ! l ' ! ® Amount of Kendinj; Matter ©f %nr t the illegal ami W leked ■ehemes of the ‘ .* , 16 ' 01 J ' lSt CC , ™ I conceive., to he inAl.t.blo; sud he ho,.« every ! rott. , ,-t l,y SwiTt Creel . oa all other side- by ! m rwa W* 1 V’9'*' * ! ^ ^ " A ^ i;ui!c-»Is in n^nnl t^) licoryia, yet tlicrc is n * 4 * ra tc was MirrON’iuod by a ; su jf erer ^ v iU try his remedy, as i: will com tiioni ; lamia «)f .foha McSw^n artff hinds of the Flowers*, ; s *~ / ' ^ 11 -i.^1 ^ • j _ . . J Fo«iij«, etc., aro hy the uh.or.t writara in AMnri- ; ; f I targe crowd of ooloro«l people, evidently wait* ! nothing, and hTut preY© ft hl©haiTig. j K* utc rx*;o|»t A ayr?s which whj reserve*! by j vn r 1 * 1 *n I il ^ * ^^iON'T IN (F to furnish perf»*©tsecHTity against oa an J iMiivpo. The ' J •' < pimi'ii • to tile proper course i ft 'V \ - y IW, wiahim/.hc pr*,.ir;p»iSi. will plea.0 ! Mr,. Sm-ena.i.. j All of wllicll Will 1>C SoM at tllO lo S , or damage h>HUH on all kmd, of XEW IY O R K WEEKLY .mrsu‘l i;i doinir this. Souie have ad-! b The warrant a,M ^ il ‘ H * 1 'uddre*** Kcv. KHWAUI) A. AVIUSON, j One tract of laml flfuaie in Sprin^viTle suburb rcaSOUUblo PFlCt'S tor CUsll i ^* s h rROi‘LkfV. at adequate rates*. ssbursr. Kiiitf t'ountv. Xe\v York. 1 of the to%Mi of Daningkii*. c©nt.ainiiiff *U acres ‘ , . i* i i* ’i* Agent* ran b« fouud at every prominent pmnt * d.t Met con«;iic it?* i^efuluess to aniuscuiont but 1 .ism "» 1 v •: more or left*, known as the summer resilience of | **0 Will clL\«l\.S l>C’ 101111(1 clllCCti\ ; - -'\ ~k . • \t '• V!v- C l TTs . J * O 1 L$r*y. CAPITAL EE UC.WISTUE Tma to subscribs VOR TliK NEW YORK WEEKLY, 1 iiL People s Favoiutv, Jouunal. The Xu-t luftrcsthijr Stories Are alwa; - to In* found in tho NEW YORK WEEKLY. At present there aro SIX 0 R E A T S T frit 1 ES running tliruuy-’i i s columns ; anil at least One Story U Bogmn Every Month. Now suhsevibers arc.thurj stne of having tho cotiijuancenkaat of a n*w oominuixi aiory, bo t«r when thfey »uh«oriba fvr tb« NEW YORK WEEKLY. ; th^lntc (Tibwn.eonTcy.’dlu A. NVatn ’ oplMbsitC lilt* DclMlt at TilUlUOllS- j by 15. V.. £dv,--ids Late (cniiussioncr iu Equity. • op 1 ! for Dfivlingron ’M.strict (now County) by deed ■ VliC, O. v . ! being dated the liifh bay of January, eighteen J Dec 2-, 1800 10 ly | ItUTKlrcd sixty-fonr. !lciw>rd«*il in Hook YY. office \ ' : of Ko^ister .A r csue f'ouvcvr.uce« for Darlington OilitfC itL lilf^ Ai. 1'i. fi*. Co. ERRORS OF YCUTH. Tltc liuttds were given by Mr. Kurd per- Mc.t.-r.'i Juhu Chadwie and Jm>. of suffering humsnity, send, free to all who need it, the receipt, and directions for mik ng the sim ple remedy by which lie was cured. Sufferers II. Revert ■•x, iu the sum of five hundred • 'wi.hin - tt/prulit In- th- LvcrtiLr’, expt rience. ! library. vuIuaMl- iiiiscull.act us HooI.h, f..ur Uu ■d by “I'rovistntial Governor” Bullock, i lu ‘' uo appear before the j _ ,i ■ . .1 • ,k i .1 .. . Court of General Sessions, aud expresred hill A Oontleman who sufTcre-l for rears (V-tn Ncr- A the i. d inst.. othiL-.-uv m. that they at- , - , ... * , , ! vous Debility, rronuiturc Decay, and all the ef- ' i*ul they refuse to Dike tne onths pro- , rni \ ^ L ' ^ ^^ ' ^ ^ ' feebs of yuulliful indiscretion, will, for thejsako ■ •! by Congre-st and still others again :-.• that every licnn erat attend without I . .'"' l?' it.il, and gt to \v rS to defeat Bullock, Blod- ;.ot and ihe Fifteenth Amendment. With this latter class we fully asrec.— /,■ -.i- Jo i Clausscn, declartt A e think that the it lest and surest way to defeat the wild schemes of these madmen is for tho Democratic Members to go to the l/ogit-hiture take the oaths—all who can District, (now county) Two Hordes: om» ('arriri^o. 1 dollarsc.'di. Another warrant was then is- sueil upon the nfliilavit ol* .a negro named ■ can do i'G bv addressiug, with perfect confidence JOHN il. OUDFN, o. 42 ('ednr-slreet. N. Y. Iv one Wagon, Law i Hooks, four Bu reaus, two Hod.stfads, one Truunel lied.stond, one CllASl.IJSTON. S. (’ From and after Jan. in the Southern ^oiti -tu whom application for publishes h grent quantity of really ln*tru«tivB Insurance may be inabu. Cl!ERAW AuKXCY. W. L. J. REID, Agent Dec. 8— 8 2m. Jen •> tff,. LvOtjKCX).— nervous, or ilehilitated ** AUK Y(.H SICK ; ..no Aide Uo.trd Areyouauflering fr that he h»d presented a ticket and was refused admission by the doorkeeper. The cx.imiuatiou was waived in this case tilse and like bonds j were executed. , The nuigistrate, in an explanitory way. rc- . 1 vote down every radical measure that i ln!|1 . kc ,i ,. ml t! ... co i orc d of Charleston cm- i ... on for their consideration. Ut the , braced n:aIIV pcr ,, ia Iuan y persons of in,el-1 ^ It CHrr , the nlMl illT< ternte , .< nur-uit fon >i .nponns t t . l li;enc c, rcfinemotit and character, who did ^ rol . mg „ f chronic Uiseasos when all other I • !•• tide to piCMitit. Lot let US not aid • t 0 intrude at.'uiig the whites, but remedies fail. It is not a accrM <|unck medicine; ! , Dee. 21, 180!!. 1st 1S70, the rate | t>ih. Six Ma*traf.-ses. four 'A a.l, Stands, one mar- j ol ‘ transportation for Corn from fTiHrleston blu-ti'ji Ts’oie, two .Valu.gany Taldes. one Kxton- j to any point on t 1 ■ Fheraw and Darlington si«»n Table, ouc adcv 'iuk J/aoUino, two .Sofu*, one i> -i ■* *n i i i * to 1 -*'» UochingChair.onelar r.Chair, thirteen Chairs, ! Ua,,roaa > WiH lc r0l, ' 3 ' 0:1 ^ 1 ” cc,,t * «* FAR.HBIRS! Matter m the moat comic lifted form. Tho N. Y. Weekly Department* have attained a .high*»r reputatiou from tli»ir brevity, cxccncncc, and correctness. Th>: I*lk v*v\t I’Af: a--!• Afiis are made up of tho concent rat cl wit R.ivl itumov of many minds. Tina Know kloof Hux i- oonfincil tovisoful in- Incrcarto your Crops ami Improve your Land? ‘ f.rmatbm 0:1 nil manner of sitbjocts by using •! Tiik News Ithma give iu tl»« fewest words th any form of Scrofula, Dyspepsia, llheumatism. : l.ivcr (’omplaini. Kidney Diseases, or Nervous | Prostration, ike. ? If so. you can be restored to one .'ralo three doves, one Winchester Kiflc an l Furniture, levied upon ns the ]iro]-«"*ty of A. < . aS’pain defendant, at the suit of Robert >. Livingston, Adm'r., of J/rs. Jfary J/cUa, 3’biintiif. Terms Cash. Hurchnser /o pay the J/arshall basltel. •Tan 5 S. S. SOLOMONS. Sup’t. 11 1m health and vigor by using Or. Uwrenee s eele- ! f ' jr , "' CM ' ar -' r P«V" '‘ an ‘ l :!f enemies of Liberty iu their nefarious! le'D; let them u-it point their finger at us ! in , ! t•• ''uturi. and ay that “whatever is done lias been don- by you.” No; let u- resist them l>v all p-ieeablo mean* in our power, :d whcti.thii- fail---, if we arc eruslted down, j but iir :sted upon precisely the same Ac- 1 adenty. Other-'- of the rare expressed their reluc* tance, in discussing the rase, to associate with j 'ey druggists nud '!•. rchr-ds everyv. Iiere. the poorer dm kies ; Mack trash) who might I l ''" r “a.o by Hart, rm-k r & ( o. the Formula is around each bottle, and it is a standard remedy of recognized merit. It is daily pro-crihed by physiol ans. as d recommended by many thousands rf enr best citizens. For sale • :r- fault will nut bo mtrs; b it the conscious s of duty faithfully and unflinchingly r'ui Med will be a Sola and a tower of | L lur ‘ .r- ig:It to us in all onr sulFeriii"*. If the roeinbers slay away, or if they rc- ■e t take the oaths prescribed for them by : - they may desiroy a quorum; but i will in t ;top tli Radicals from going on •heir in-J ctreer. JlulUck, with Terry they visited the Academy. • l a Iv him. v, id. at once, declare tho Meiit- . rs present a quorum, and go to work to visit the Family Circle, but wished that black | ' ^ T__ a well as white ^aristocracy” should be I • Sl ' 1 ' ,A1 ' M'TICH. -To parties tu want. N.ilo (o be cun Jucttnl by nivvnv k. r sanders. ], E. .lOHNSON. U. S’. Marshall The biuil.-* enumerated jiltArc will be mvld in front (be eM Court House. »u« tbc rersonal propel ty at the office anJ residence ot the Defend ant. Jan ■ ‘) to the aiY , .. i r ,!aee 3 provided for their own race when fOTURv ruU’ca, , r,,, ^ l0B .7. ; ^ Tkkms It is stated that the cate will bo heard by Judge Carpenter an early day iu Cham- - - tUo Fifteenth Auiondment, anil perhaps ! her., and that no attempts to test the right sere nth, and a hundred more, I of admittance will be made pending the suit thu sixteenth, ii necessary, to] pr dect the I’arty iu its thieving and public plundering. The best way to prevent tlii«, in oar judgment, is for every Democrat and Conservative to be in his seat wheu the Hollis called, and to stay ri .e until “the crack of doom,” if neeessa-1 , „ . , amnesty, and preferring to pass Bids every rv. to i! lent JlaUical letnalation v ote dovru I , , . . ■ now and then giving pardons to spemoy- uumed individuals. This course is pursued for a purpose baser and more rib- «W> mere politics. Not alone that they arc tbusbywISi Why II«« of KouJUferit j Mon aro nol Koraov e«I. 1‘topic must not misunderstand the motives ! of Congress in refusing to grant a general 0., receives that - pert* hl.tgvmmi fur om year. | Tic tins—Onc-lMwl rash—b-.lance in two equal and a copy of ehl.er of tt„ Warariy Novels or i »■•'•-‘"I mf wtUriuivrestp»y«l,l< .ntmai , , , . ,, , , , i ly until in'- whine he paid, secured bv heud and tho works of bh»rle« Dieken* that may be dvaig • morl K a-.-of tbe prone .»s. ' * nated—Spcciuio naaiber with I’rtminm list 8,1 j I'mohasers to pay for papers and rovenuc i'ecutr. stamps, I1EXUY K. V. SANDERS, Aiityntr uf Jutnrt T. Dristow, Uan/cntj.t. Jnn U, lb7t^ 12 ill ry—and all arc guaranteed to ilakc jtropcvjy if srd up an directed. The rangeft nrc nnusu.illy low in price—have six boiler opening** and double ovens, though but a single pipe, ami need no brick work to act tlicra up. • Tlic stock /, -f nenting stoves embraces cast-iron air tights. Russia iron air-tights, six-plate or box stoves, kc. Illustrated catalogues nml priCC? ^'i 1 be furn- i ished upou application. W.M. SHEPHERD k CO ' 24 ITuync-street, C hm lrslon, S. C. Dee 22 10 &t WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., Importers and Dealers in GUANOS. till Day alrect, Savannah, t»a. #*4 lias I Day stre-t. Charleston, S. C. 241 Dread SI re it, Augusta. Ga* For farther inforniAtion. address as above for cirenlar. orsubserilie to '■routbern Ayrirn/lnrist” pubiisiied by IV. J’. Macmorpbv A Co., at Aopus ta asd Savannah, Ga., at thr h w price of 27.e. the l ut-1 uth Auii-ndiucnt. Vote down Bui lock and Blodgett's aspiration* for the Son de. .-vivo tho honor and the credit of'tho • 'ate. ami let Radicalism do it worst. W o toll of people all over tltc South that they '.ntiot of themsclvcR do anything to - I'isfy the denianda of the party in jsivrcr.— The passage of tho Fifteenth Amendment, the elevation of Ncgroee to offices of honor and profit, the most ubjeet submission to the decrees of Congrees will not .-avc them.— to drum op recruits for the Ropttbliean'p, .jj] in the South by excluding all .vb,> laa^'toT the Democratic party from (bo pv : ' *f' : q of amnesty. Tito chief object is Rjir' ‘g tho door for corruption and bribery A genera! amnesty would yield no money; in- divivual ammestiofl can bo, and often are, made a sourco of {gyenuc to tho men who .Ton OF THIS v »Wdsy Jzn'y. 17, M. HVlilfEU Gao. W. frAfStr, Smmar/ Jan *», i87')—t-f. B. \V. Edwards, A Rill to Manila) vs. ( Assotts. Acct., The Creditors and Heirs ; and Relief, at Law ot'Levinali King. | M l’. ADI NO the ".in lavit in reference to tbe ah' sent Defi nUaiit. 8ussiiiiah Smith, Dlijah King. Wiltiaift D. Peebwa. Lmtisa Deobtos. Jas. (I. Vtahacc nml Knn* *e Wullaeo. It is onlere l -lt« re. tt„ ,.Vri.lp.amau. , f-i(- liei’.ais tliat sai'l Pef ndanta do appear and an swer, plead. or dcruaT. Io the Dill witliiti forty days from the filit put..:ion of Otis order, or that, it; defauil thereof a decree pro coufessobe taken again.-DtAciri. W.D. CriAlil.ES, C. C. A G. S. Jan 12. 1870. 1- tf W. C. FKROUH, (OF SOi TU r> ROLI>■ A,) WITH Simms & Tyson, Wholesale Grocers and Commission merchants. No. Gl Soutli Gay-atraot, 7? A L T I jf O 1C E, Mdi ConsiguiuiiTts of Cotton solicited and prompt Aug 4 44 6m That party is determined that every South- 7 7.7 7 T-. • , ,, , i deal them out. 4 cannot sav uneittvelv that orn Mate shall be R adical to the lull; they . , ' 1 . , J any nienibcrotl impress hashceti paiddircetlv for securing the insertion of a uamo tu an amnesty Bill, but T can say that parsons have paid a* high ns one bundled d- liars for that j privilege. The money is paid to the iufluen -:, illc; -t B.imore D .aoeratio votes; nud if we have done all and n rc thnn is required of us yet, and should then give Democratic majorities at onr elections, tliere would be no end to Bills to promote Rce:m.t ruction” in j ui i friend, of radical ntembet s of tbc Reeon- e '>..i,lt Th ( .» C Soullioriif.s, therefore, | ,trdcti 0 n <'ontmiioe. and I take it that this vb,, Unitk the Dress says too much, those who | , tt . c 0 f a ffi aiM Lj not entirely unknown to .•„.ik we ought to compromise away our lib-, t h. se members. Men came here from the " ,cs ,or t,lc s:,k,; of immunity from Con-1 F THIS jO Ompti-r will He IioUL m nf vlusonlu IIhII. inr’loronce. on V.Ch) ti;,y .Inn., 19 at 8.1*. M. ('omp.iTiitins will lukc ,.!ue notice of Hie aboN<* rtuI g-ttvc ;i tlicniscireft acconlingly. \iy o: \.r M.-. F. . II.-. 1*. . II. M. UILHRRT. £>ec votary. Juiift 2 «®> If AMITY LODGE, zNo. 121, A.’. F;. M.' j l I.OHF.NCi:, h. v. : - A Administrator's Sale, B V virtue of an order fr uu tbo U'ourt of Pro bate for Darlington <’omity, i will expose lor •uxlcat DarlutgtouCourt Iluuje on WcUnosilay. Hie 19th instant Eijht hrad Mulc&cuid JIjrtr*. hro Way you*, oiu (J.t Cart, limitation Tools, tlV., t iv. —Ai.ro— At Hie same time r.nd place, as the property of ■> rivHtr Individ ual % om; fink house, Two Fine MuU*3. oue I’ony, and two Waggon*. Terms Cash. J. MCUHIOW McCAT.L, Adm’r. Jan 12, 187«- 12 It tJCsr* Notice. * r S$l Dickson’s Compound. H AVING beeu appointed Agents for the sale of this valu&hlc compound, by Hen. Alex- a-w r. we arc prepared to furnisli’anj amount of the same. Ordt i s will be promptly attended to and shin- mciiin made as required to any point on either the Wilmington N. Manchester, or (’hernw & l*ar- lington ItHilroadft. For further par:Iculars and circulars and samples, apply to DtilXfti.VE & mRD, Doves' Depot. C. A D. K. R. Dec. 1 « tf wimitover and whereevev we eciity see that our honor thin their peace, or H|eir d enn. I.et the • n seKrehing ii vestigottieti. But corruption j • dearer t.. us stalks t»o shanjelesyly ubr--ad. and so permeates f -i ev» i • I depirtmeut. of (In i lovcrninenf now— faded (1 __ il 7!7^ a ! iu 7 r,iu ' c, ' t : Lt: ! I"':; , r! 1Vom,,K ' Ks '- U, ' vc " l, ° ^ 1 Watchmaker & Jeweler, ... il fthev make, mvcs cl tw we sin!! £ t t positions Id the i . hi-t bill dcr, t> tl.u uunnu 1 IV.'U**! t!*e call ins t •lilt tlu'-ii to tilt p m our own limbs; -ml : chiefs, who eMoil dollar donations fr.»!n the trouble of continual ic^is- j ^tttrviu;:-: clerks usider them —tliat il i;* dan- .71..n, and (■uiiliuua! defeat of tlu ir own vile ‘ gerous to .‘fart an enqu:''v. bec-auso ii is To Gfin Owners. I Till* is to say, that wo have had ear Gina re- j pair'd by Dounline’. (on Saw Giinoncr and find I it to be miperior to (iieiinuvi -aw modo of sharpe ning. it frecstbc saws from lint, especially when FaTHE n EG l.t, A It CG.M'ir.NICATUIN fit’ ! voming d-mp cotton, no.l :iil.!.- pro-iCy to the | Q Amity l.nijge, will be hoMcu at Aiasonie ! 1,11,1 laaibio" . tne era iu feeding more in | Hall. Florence. S. C„ on IVoduesdav. 12th Jan., j '*>•• ' , ' lllr ''!“«<>’ r ‘i , « «!<•• H '( 'lores tbe i at S o'ebsek. M. w ! tooth Io tliotr originalrhapo raking all alike, in ' Tho a .'rear list will be road and tint rule ap- ! ,ui "4 «" f leogtlioiis the led. as mueh «l it is | pliofl. : worn oti at tlic point i.' lorn needing repair again. Dy order 'V.-. M.-. | would say it .Iocs all that it is . Limed io do, G. 'deD. STUM.. Secretary. j and would respectfully recommend our farmers rS5.i. lllectinn of tllficers will tabu place ihis 1 ‘ s ‘ Vl ' *' 14 evening. ; J>. .V Wif.sd.X M. D. ,G. Yt' .’iluRRls May 2n, 84 ly j Jassy Kbitif, Vi . (Til.y, -»-■o.—. |> it I’. Rdi.mns, AY. !’. Gek, ! I.AZAKCS Montis, J'PS ('(.KKIt, ! James Cokkr. E. t'., Kutvis, A. B Dovf.. r.T'TF'O o ri Having sixes' tier tnu r r.ioio. viz: Darling- ifl i. iu £a y u . i/t | ton, ('h. >ift f’' !•!, Mnrlltovoiiirh. >lorry, :iml (Icorffcfovrn, ir ,.*{) be si.-»po- iMo It r im* i V. T. MASON, K Fi:r* co _.lr well?. IIlid J ! r° s i’iVBk'upr up um i -u of the JaOpikiMure j will !e:id. One oftho-M- dny.* tli pt'ople will j CijTojt.iTif-.v on hau l fine V«’atchcft and . .M.-iv »nic Marks, Riiurs, Fins, At. I,J *- .‘.Dikes iffigagoment and Wedding Ringft to order, iblc to tell v.liere i( wiii .'-trqior to what it Horil-'o fiutiishcs end I’l-essos f< .* G’orpoi-H- ti. u. romm; sinners, Lavvyevs. .Mer«‘huiit«. ic.. .■-•t' r<* wtihe up to (Ii.; «';:c-tdliat j.re.'Der crimes, maybe * Jan l coniHiitt' »1 Hpiinpt a ha' »n bv tboivc *1 ^us ed in the livery uf ’i yjlty Hian !)v brave men Wear’m" otomiIv (!ie unf 'nn -! rebcliuu. • Nviil -t 11 at i»ii\ato « Wsfritf .:• .» I Is, At ueet-ssaiv j»uf-biiildin':s. ic.- T<‘!-g»’Jt5)h <;•>'•)■.on a Ttfil.O. 1 'M' 1 .' <0 J- 'I ilOllnr j Glllci/illflll r.ni/utl- il! tt.- uiqilioli 1, thing guoil wc arc sure; but tlio v !cs of brave, ile onuinctl, unpur- .. is.iL-Ic nn 11. may •vo our State from ruin .old disgraen. f-.vc it from the hands of ihievig? and falsifiejs ; save it for t 1 1 glory wlii- ii Ins ever Lu. ut its grealc t ini.ast and el intn.-i renown.* JJutee we re » • d. 1 w >14 re. in t rai l!, roti this matter j Our readers will note the ai.- ihv of the r.hiJy a: 1 patieiitiy; and if our view is j Assoeiated j ress tli.patehes IVotit this issue, •ivn’ ed c ri. 1 f. a we think itis w • 1" LTour i Tins is calls, >1 hy a strike among the Opcr- )eii;-raMtii If. : .is t j ailewl the meclug of'rat-rs of tlie AVcstent Ininn Companv. in ■m ••jture. take th. mills if jio.-sib’e (!;■ chief eith a North. East and U i.st, and i !.i tli u duty tu the Siatc and to the 1 t xt"iidi:ig South as far as Tv ilimiltglnn. ih 11 "tu-, o’ 111 Son'll. ! The motive of th* sm-peurior. of work is not at the 1ft west rat cm Orde|s solicitctJ. 12 .'tend to oU wiio /nay (Jin.-- in the ’ > .wm-oj: 4, in of Country, tLot Tore l would sny ( ; • •f iVirlington ('oinity, thcrcD re I the i .irioeis of Dniiingu.n G'ouiity tlo'V ucod wo;-!*, it Yvili be to t’o-i s«BA^.X_.:H3 /lira inftuc nn their bn :i - ;.ij»e .if ; 1 lie 1- arniers ! would nay to 1 that .should j - inr«'rcat to j 1 .'end iu i heir orders now. atid have their vDns rc- . ! t iir« d fi t t lie * r iming acas n. as ] oxpect to work etitircly in the other counties »!ie next sea- j j fun. !’, m od desiring iny sc• ■;. es will C( .^ r a : ale 9.7ft aeref i fav.t r or. ...u ■ - as many j •l-.- mi t 1 * .r -•.• »■ .11 ! {•.••it « !• i-.m!. j ns pr''iJi’e for me I am preiiared tt» fharpen on J-Oft3oliable D.twf, fi’i liox- * ti-oi Rrosihc.s, 5.r. t t.i put yo ir j tims ia j ;-’cioli ! order. Ord : s u .1 rece vr .1- • G. A. HOWARD, FLORENCE. S. C. Cabinet Maker, AND UPHOLSTERER, Furniture made and repaired. Matrasse* m&dc to order. All order* promptly attended to, Jan o 12 . _ _ tf (»KO. V. THOMAS. B. F. BAUTULOW. (ieo. P. Thomas & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors. Vo, SSJ II". Unltlnuiri street, nAi.Tiiu.ntti, mu. Inn 5 11 ly SAM pf IVI'liroOL in pi ime neu-2 Ru^liid Sacks, nt Lq .4 per Sin iv. at Flor -iit s. S. f7, bv JuIlN WILF/V. D 22 lit lm 81. John’s Academy. rwrir: cxcr«i?' < of the next J»ea*»ion of this Aiidriny. ill e'-: ; uence on Monday Janu- I rv lOHi. 1S70, and per annum. Dec 1 -3 T Zj-^ASII onlcr* for corn filled nt Jobber'll per ^^^ccnt. l»y louls o. DARGAN. Darlington, (1. TI.. S. C. Dec. In ‘J L. I1. RACJSJDAL.E, Wholeoale and Retail Dealer in Dri/ (1O01L, Uroccrien, Erocisione, Win’s I.it/unn. «f-e. TIMMONSVIU.E, S. C. Would inform the public generally, that he ha* on hand a full i.ssortnent of tbo above mentioned fxom)*, trlH«b be 1ir»s just recelveU and in daily receiving, to keep the stock full. Has ou hand and to arrive • 100 bbls. choice Family Flour, nt $9. per barrel. Have just received a choice and select stock lot of Gentlemen’s Clothing, of the latest styles. 1 have on hand a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, comprising choice silk patterns, Alpacas, and French Poplins, also Ladies (Jloaks of all styles, IItU?, Bonnets. &c.. &e. 1 have the most complete stock of Ladies and Gentc* Hhoes in (ho country I wish the public generally tocall end eramino before purchasing cUowhere, as 1 sell at aston ishingly low prices forc.Msh. 1 am the Agent of W .ann’s .Snperidiosphate— the great tertilirer of all crops—whb h 1 am pre pared to furnish to any extent. Refer you Ui Dr, li. K, W, Flinn and others, who hare used it. I am prepared to receive Got ton on consign ment and make as liberal advances as can be had in Charleston, or any other city North or .South. For further particulars call and sec foryfturselve«. Dec .15 9 bm JOHN S. FAIRLEY & Co. AVHOLESALK DBALXRS l.V "WJHZX’X'IE aOOHDS, HOSIERY, FANCY ROODS AND SMALL WARES GENERALLV. Xo. J7 Ifiii/nr-str/'et. CH A R I. ESI ON, S. C. j mitahiu duittgs ail aver t!‘e world. TtlK (Fossil- WITH CoBBI SCO.VHK.NTS CODtatl j • i-.iisw«Ts toiii*Diiriva upon all :iua^ r .iiablvsiibjacls. Ail Unrivalod Litsrary Papor. is Tint NEW YORK WEEKLY. Kach issue continues from LIGHT to TLX STORl LS and SK KTUIl MS. end HALF A DOZEN lM)i:\LS, in ADDITION to the SIX SUIUAL8TO- ItJES a ut I the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. Tin* Terms to Subscribers; One 7 * at—single eepy. .•—Throe Dollars. 4 * “ Four copies ;$250 each) Tea Dollar*. “ “ Fight copies Twenty Dollars. Thoso sending $20 fur a (dub of Eight, all sent at one linn*, will be entitled to a copy Fa»». Gcttora-up of clubs • *11 alierwavd add ainglo pics at $2. r >() each. STREET A SMITH, ProprieUr* No. 55 Fulton Street, N. T. Sept. 29 52 6m IMPGItTANT "NOTICE TO THE Farmers and. Planters of DARLINGTON COUNTY. A S it will be impossible Uj procure for anoth* /a er season, full supplies of the •'Peruvian (iimuo,’' we take pleasure in recommending to the not ieo of the Farmers nud Planters of this county the "CAUnUX.t FERTILIZER:" which is acknowledged by tlmse wlin- have experi* men ted with it. to he the best Cwuimereial ma nure in the market. Wo arc Agents for the sale of thi*r valuabla Fertilizer, and thn.re who wish to secured! shoud make iniruediate application to us. \V# arc pre pared to show ftanrdeft and furnish circulars of same* Term, #00 00 caslt. or $<>5.00 on time, n jth approved ftccurity, payable Ural Novombar 1ST0. Wo are a 1 Agents for tho firm of Mtaars. Ge«». W. Williams k Go.. Factors, and will utako cash advances to three-fourths the vnluft ou cot ton, consigned toeituertho a bo vo firm in Ghorlsa- ton, S. (J.,or Wi/litiuift. Rinne & ('c . of X. Vark- DtlaOUM i: k BYRD. Dove's Depot, 8. C. Nov 2d fl ly MILL POND AND CHANNEL OYSTERS. CXupplied itt qnant-tties to suit purchnftaM. Or ^^ders from all parts of tho interior soliciied. Afulress Tho<*. McCrady, Agent, P. (». Box 339, riuirletrtou, S. (’. • Reference*—James A tiger & Go., Hon. J. B Campbell, Dr. S. J. Euvonel, David Jennings, MeC’rady k. Sou, W. (3. Dingle, John S. Ryan. Dec 8 8 om J. r. O NEILL r. t. O .SKILL- JNO, F. O’NEILL & SON, W H O L E S A It E G ROGERS Dealers in W1XKS, LIQ i ons, tfv., COMMiSSIOiM MERCHANTS Alfto AgenU for John Taylor’s Son* Albany Ctsaai Nov 24 Ale. No. 187 East Ray, CHARLESTON,' 8. C. — X— (6—6aa Dor. Paintiiiff, atiiagC 1 uuuiuqi HAVE opened a Shop under my Photograph ffcialiery, and hm* prepared to Puint and Ti im in the very bc.: ‘ ‘ ' .\eond i.amled Ciin? for Law Notice. A M. raat .-liut'-. AJui.r. Bill to ton- ... 1 - , M . I A4.lf.--s vk. | t iosc .'lort- 1 i liririiqJirr •). Cointv, | tM^o. .Mi.htt.4 Wol.'lt. ' ! fan 12 Dr. J.'.:-’. V. Ill XTl’It. or M. W. Ill >. Kit. i ; i t . - v i ii- S. C. 12 In ii \ i, liti* «‘ abov< ! 1 mriD, ( Me-%, ii.d r i ; Da.!;. Duilv I'linn s X Lt.ml.p Dt‘i*. ! NOTIC p ItSDA NT ?» n K \ th- If-.M. J. ( nn order ofsaloto me dirceted gj oy tt.” 11*)’i. .1. M. RuCuii ’ Judge of the bl: i .re »g, 1 will s? Il nt public au-uior.. at iaarli.ira- b nl'mirt iDei.-'*. on ».!u* llrst .Mcmlav in rebrua- .Tan I. I 7 . ! !in\ a f!.iftday formed a Part o ? a"• * ?tfnl w i\\ le .if Ilarilee | ’acicY Lsjyv ami Kipiity iu ( r : ,, > if;; ; *, for the present ! :? store. "'. t\ HAItM.KK, T. G. DAIi'IAX. 1 I, , .v 11''in.‘m-. I'liitt, - LAW, *. Cl.LMHNTS. i!l. fl-if CARRIAGE - BUGGY JXXSTTD MANUFACTORY ^Tk’JRlNfJ my al -. nee fYomtlie • arties ' Auotiajss Sale. Ms’s. Parker »te, p b bted to n.c will make pav mclit to J. A. ! 1 aw. who w 11 be found nt tltc old *fand of Law j 1! M i ff. P. CLEM ENTS. FI inX ID ■!-. !»cr. 1, '-if xj^ATiTijsroTOJsr, s. o, T 'AsUsif I*.:tt5t ( ativmst 'FiH* Ncl * «l . <«t Soot.ira vill iili(leit-t(.ocl even l.J BUlia who liate t-vi.P uaxi. .. 1 i’c It cat L-i .!. sciA.oi in tl.c . , , , , rica ticrs A, ih. ln.T0.,taU * ■asc. x iz: 12t l at- ti,tu a blindly, but it is til,.-god i , have been p| ..... ...... sil „.,, c . , it..., ,.r :,l ihe It hr,(ti eh. . Ira d. i .. n «. ,i (. • rruiit llie pr jc'edin"s in I').,.( V.-ral jiliy of Music. ri: I'lr tl. tu. ttitd they seen i t.i It.ivc ti shan .. *. tl.ie is. what thi . tcht ribiint hy i Kt'.-tries of citijdoyces in ti:> :iU'l l on 1 iV iv coutcinpliitod r.’'liiedi*;n on i!.- >.'ovt!:-c . t * hb* < r ;-..*a Swamp. 'part 1m the Town of liminonftviUe, bound tlie tiortlt or uppoi pari by lattd« fm*m‘ rl\ b* rest ill .”11 iy reduction, a strike wits re- ■ mg t.» Join, M. T : i:-i < n ‘hr <>;?{ by 1 -r- be- , i . i- . ? • i ^ bunnne to t!«e l.'tate of.Iatncs W .Owen.''. Thoma* iv»‘ n n r.nd iiuincdiatcly earned into exe- Doo in n imm.«ure from the .\t- y, T : • i: i g d 1. -i dm* to ! A. \Y. D: I unniom' tit A la OS AT VI OF •/'.< HU\ _\ VI ’-: i r* l K 'i I '■ tt j. i un S .tnrtl -4 •.,in Viail iu tiui >. .itld ; .|. iiv: A. •' ’ MV (IF M I STC *n.m f'. 1 ••uu—The M , r- M- IN •IFF. I 'it UTS. —A 1)1,Ut v I Mr. Jn'iit T Ford, ihe •tnv (.!' Mu '-, w..- -trvested J*. Kcilii and Joini 31. r-iitaifi. extending; m a measure Ir iin tne ai- . uart of Ian l •• anu • d .'t b\ \ u (in tn the J'aeifie tbd from the £t.]jftwre« ,r 1 ; ’- r .. * i Cn the followitur ternift : so mm*a centionn to this ! In* nci'^K^.ai'y io i-.iy Ok* <*<•.■«:* of fhi' . . . , . . m '„4 . rxpensof Fueh -• Jo. 'i :.c lotbttn twelvemonths, j urcims’ ■ t«> cive •• u ring jiun o' l!ili. Nr., in llie tb.. >!o Loi rs onrYim? ■-s stands, i • the .-land . t worn irbv oi*f on the C in* new! v ' a’i. 1 will *11 bore a the Town of riorcnci*, • vooti Irby ami I'arga.i : . n -uboe L t ’ and J : Jo* Froi;!,t I)t j» .p u d D.n i*:»n-s: reels, eaoli aSi l). Jailroad. anhi also * ?•;-I . on wiiicit is tho. !i‘• ■ i t, «'on\ c to the r.iblc L’tsboth for busincs*- p rr vs Also n. I ply of Jr. tn Swiicn- 9; C3STENDORFF & CO.. 1 Wholesale Grocers, : DKALfllS i.N tt'i HI C,I’ t the Rio (■ ran Jo—I In i: ui. ora • r-o:iit'f. ! i , ''!ii boi ML.' the J * litrict.- citt bra-> • iVnnt liiiiutrat'in .N.C A ' Mobile Ala. 'ii{)' rir)to.:di'd I'-!’e-'iv'ly hy Mr John A. • irciiMor a ad Mr. « inimcliatcly rr .44 for | ia-4i at liiniak liftin' furtin-r |iiiiv|iii*. ••. •«. not ; W, E. Cf! A!;!.!>•, C. C. 1* Jan 12 1- s t roiiilrnei- of II. M. C freiciit lb-pot. and dvai a.l'l 'iv,tiling etii«'S. i{ J,otv* on irbv sir--of. «out!i of the Bnptiftt Clinrrh. el’^ibly ! "o' -d on the irm-t fashionable Hitt! dc - : ?*able street.,f(*r r sidencc. 1 L*»? oti Darin vtroot. bete.-eon the dwellings of Jl. Mollio!iaut]» i.nd \Ym. Ja<*ktnond. elevftte«l, ; and de-iraide f'*r dwcilifig sir s. Tm in-' -on • tl.ii'.i <’:idi, "ho babmeo in 1 and 2 J vo .,t.v ..( (•• re'! bv mortgage. Pj;)' rsnnd fttamns to bo jt : d fur h . ; u -cbti « • Gvm l tiJos in?:.red. \ jKUfjMi: ft. ( has::. Jan 12 1- Ct ! .i>i v • la t.ii*; D^ess Trimmings. , inoy (Jot'ds. CtdlaiF, C..U?. ,ps. IJt;< tons •1 lick Pin- Pd-iek NO.. N erv pret- :nl i’lack * ng 6ilk, led licit Pin-. ,\e,. Ae. Jan 5 :: .r j Phe Pride of the School.’ F.UVIN WWITTr*. HY WlTUKllSI’OOX j WINES, LIQUORS & SEGARS. 175 }.«n| F'si.t dark- don, N. C. Ascnta lor H. Clauion’s Ales. • v 21 » h Ifew Store# J r new. sud well *olit?etctl i Roads, country, lington (’otn ing .'ii tlw.* V jt.iiiing P-k-ck All \v ork dot We r i rename*. It; i " it •■drnod ’ r l**'.voto inform the ;>>l : ^ <,(• It., i lii;gt *n ati'l surrounding i,at du-v lutvo ; * :*• d a SHOP sit Dftr- I Sept 20 Hou-o. for the pin po.-c of carry- of l i iii. cturiiijr and re- « i. rbi . -s. Y'lg vons. Carts, Ac. i ti* atti and dispatch, ohi a share of publie P. W. HAST, c<• ,••"••:.• slvf «» a cal' is a e-V ft*. I Our .Stock Address DA HR a OS’l'ERN. * ‘ p \RTvOTT f; CO. tianmw, S. .C 1 5 C j,, ij oj tt A Ir Parrott’s OR.OSS NOTH Id’. New Stack bM arrive*!, under# ^idling even cheaper than the l«ftt. Nearly Vorythiug a uritedean be found ht*ve. and exert* thing pmraufeed as cheap ns at DarliugioA C, U x \V-.» have n Full Stock, ALL NEW. We. believe in quick sales and small profits. M'c v.i'l buy all p.. ducc a. the higliest prices Hiic and fieo PAR ROTT & C* fCJttlQ W tf