The Darlington democrat. (Darlington, S.C.) 1868-1871, December 22, 1869, Image 2

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THE E-A-HLIHO-TOlsr EE^OCHJLT. ®l)e Pcmocrat. WEDNESDAY, I»FCF,HBKK 22. *‘Tfc« 0»**iiU*u of the Sonth.*’ Tho Columbia Phtruix of the 18th last., mjs:— “Under this title, the Chicago Keening ^/buma/(radical) writes itaclf int) the con clusion that “the reports of the generals commanding the various military districts of the South, show a sad state of affairs. Jus tice is trampled in the dust, and Xu-Kluxism is rampant.” And who are these “gener als commanding,” upon whose testimony this slanderous conclusion is reached ? asks the Mobile Reyitter. They are, in most eases ft packed jury of radical generals, who not only report, hut govern the interests of the radical party; and it is upon the testimony of these witnesses that the South is tried and condemned as the region in which '•jus tice in trampled in the dust, and Ku K lur.- ism is rampant.” Whatever of crime there may be in the South—and we have the daily proof* in oar Northern and Western exchan ges that it is less prevalent in the South than in the “loyal” States—is principally due to the tyrannical government to which the peo ple of the Sonth have been subjected since the war. The wonder should not be, that there «» crime in those outraged societies, but that there is not a vast deal more. Radi cal reconstruction has done all that devilish ingenuity could do, to make demons of the Southern people and drive them to desper ation. Yet the people have borne their bur den as no other ever have, and as no other people in Kurope or America to day would bear it. How long would the people of Eng land or France, or even old Spain, remais- paasive under such a government as that of the reconstructed States of America? a go vernment holding its tenure of power neither by divine nor popular right, but forced on the citizens, against their suffrages, by the power of the Federal sword, wielded by a partisan Congress ? a government that is the very incarnation of despotic force. How long, we ask the Journal, would Chicago and Illinois put up with a tyranny that should turn over their people loan alien power, armed with the authority to make their laws nnd to tax their property ? We have respect enough for the manliness of the people of Chicago to believe that the fires of armed rcsi». nc e woaid be lighted in that city the first luomeii. .i, a j j* g citizens should feel the pressure of such a tyranny. And if it should so have happened that a Democratic admin istration at Washington n..d r ..«. it. upon Illinois, os a radical one has put it upon the Southern States, the Chicago Journal would be tbe first to lose its “loyalty" and become a fierce “rebel.” Crimes arc tbe offspring of tyranny the world over. You cannot trample on the sa cred rights of men—especially of brave men accustomed to liberty—without arousing in their natures the spirit evil and the passions of rarenj^. Tbe outraged man, in the cx- pressive phrase of Kngenc Sue, “aces red” ai naturally as the eye of woman brightens to the plaint of holy affection. For nearly five years the sullen fires of discontent, sense of deep wrong, panting for justice and pas sionate longing for revenge have been pent up in the hearts of Southern men and wo men; ami to their honor, too, for they Would We clip the following notice of the i’reaidunl’s Message from the Columbia Pi untie, which will give the people some light as to the in tentions of the Administration to relieve the wants of the people. He does not think the time has arrived when the Itevenues can be cut down, but is content to let them go on, groaning under the Yankee task masters for two more long weary years:— “The President, in his message, tells Con gress about various policies that should be adopted, but it so happens that he does’nt want them adopted at present. He says that our taxes might be reduced $tiO,OOt),- j 000 to $80,000,000 per year, were it not for some experiment that he wants to make in funding the public debt; but, ns things nre ; he thinks it best to postpone reduction. He desires a return to specie payments, but this he tells ns, must bo deferred for the present. He asserts that the tariff ought to be cut down, but the procees. he bolds, should be put off till another serson. The internal rev enue tax, he assumes, should be abolished, but this, he thinks, should be adjourned tor three years. The Alabama claims, he reso lutely contends, must be settled, but the set tlement, he is well convinced, should await a future and calmer condition of feeling be tween the United States and Great Britain. , All these things, ho has no doubt, will de- | hou,cs than a simultaneous fire commences mand the energetic action of future admin- j !1 I 0II K the whole Radical line against onr tratious, hut not of his." j State ’ with peremptory demands that a mili tary despotism he again erected over her ! Tlib Lausmoii Taiigiit Am l»y MismL - Hlppl uml Texan. Tbe lesson taught ns by the result of the recent election in Mississippi and Texas, is most important. The “third party movement., hasthns culminated in'er. As for our selves, wc expected it. We predicted it. No movement that is soul-less can succeed. The apathy and it different) of the whites led to the result. Between Dentaud Alcorn, there was, to the genuine Missisaipian, little difference. The one was a “carpet bagger” —the other a “scalawag.” So in Texas. Be tween Hamilton and Davis, there was little choice in in the mind of the old “Texas Banger.” Neither represented the genuine Texan Type. We repeat it—the lesson taught us—let us accept it. Let us resolutely and squarely confront radicalism. It stands op posed to the interested of the interests of the South—moral and material. 1m their Honor iu '“LiotUuiu ?” The Savannah Republican says : “It is some what remarkable that our ‘distinguished Northern guests,’ whom wc tjok so much trouble to bring to Georgia, and who ex pressed themselves delighted with every thing and everybody, no sooner reached their St David’s Lodge No. 72 A.’. F.-. M.\ T he reuular roMMUXiCATON or this Lodge,* will bo held on Monday Jau’y. 17, at 7 o'clock, P. M. BPA, Ths officers elect. will be installed on the evening of St. John's Day, 27th instant. I5y order of F. V. WABI.KY, W.-. M.-. J. W. Lkk. Secretary Jan 15, 1809—t-f. A llljiac of Bcnaty. A White Ma# MuhpereuBy Neoroes. The Pictorial Phrenological Journal for ; —On Tuesday night, shout 8 or 1) o’clock, January, 187H, appears inbright array. A new form new types, numerous rich illustra tion, with sound and sensible reading matter renders this the best ever isued. It contains Hon. S. S. Fisher, of the US. Patent Office; De Lessops, of the Suez Canal; President Uespedes, of Cuba; George Peabody; Dr. Tis- chendorff, the eminent Biblical Scholar; Murder.—We have again to chronicle a- Portraits of the Kaffir, and Australian Races; j D°ther murder. The Sheriff of Hernando Progress ofsicncc—Steam, Electricity, Scien- f County, it is reported, and we believe, truth tifie Discovery, Aaatomy, Physiology, Mcdi- fully, shot M. M. Edwards, member of the Mr John Baker, of Columbia County Geor gia, was shot and mortally wounded by sever al negroes, with whom he had a difficulty on the premises now, or formerly the property of Judge B 11 Warren, near Rae's Creek, about three miles from Augusta cine, Prhenology; Brain w.-.res-IIow thought and sentiment are trausmited; What they tell us—An Afternoon at “38D;”—The Wasp Waist—Its phisiology; Appiicotions during tTie past fifty years; Naural History —Will a horse hair become a snake? The Hedge-hog —Illustrated; The Sponge—Its Organ, growth nnd uses; Joan of Arc. This favorite Journal has now reached its 50th vol., and appears in handsome magazine form We think it will prove even more popular than over before. Terms, only 53 a year or 30 cents a number. Now is the time to subscribe fur 1870. Address S. It. Wells, 380 Broad way, New York. The Radicals in the United States Senate strain at a gnat though they are continually gulping d'>wn camels with case Th '/‘fer-sou why they object to the oonfiryxs aEfJaPJ] Judge Pearre, as United States Jia| Circuit, is said to be that he w-.-yfar. "ft- State legislature, through the heart, killing him instantly. Not content with shooting and kilbiig. he stamps 1 . x' was dead, and then jumped off, saying, ••he was the swamps awhile.”— CAMPBELL CHAPTER, NO. 31, R.\ A.’. M.\ (OF FLORENCE.) T ick regular convocation of this Chapter will be holden at Masonic Hall, in Florence, on Wednesday .Dec., 22 at 8, l\ M. Companions will take due notice of the above and govern themselves accordingly. By order M.\ E.*. II.*. P.*. H. M. GILBERT, Secretary. .Tunc 2 85 ly AMITY LODGE, No. 121, A.\ F.\ M/ FLORENCE, S. C. A HE REGULAR COMMUNICATION OF Amity Lodge, will be holden at Masonic Hall, Florence, 8. C., on Wednesday, l ( Hh Jrn., at 8 o'clock, P. M. The arrear list will be read and the rule ap plied. By order TV.*. M.\ G. Mcl>. STOLL. Secretary. Election of Officers will take place this evening. May 26, 34 ly O N Friday night last (16th iast.) a small Black Morocco Pocket Book, containing a Fifty ($60) Dollar Note, U. S. Currency, with •■•flier small notes of one nnd two dcllars. Nation al currency, and about one ($1) in postage stam] s The finder will be liberally rewarded by leav ing the same at this office. C. J. PEG UFA Dec 22 TO tf House and Lot for Sale, I will sell at public out-cry, on sale-day next the house and lot occupied by Mrs. L. L. Dnr- JTgan (if not sold at private sale befare that time) V- d .*11' *n tbt Towu of Darlington. Payment one half * asu) * c > • j-ash, and the balance one year after date with from date, payable annually, secured by bond^nnd mortgage. * B. W. EDWARDS. A Radical correspondorit rvgan (if not sold at private sale befare that time) # % 1 asx tl... T*/xvmviz rxlT fk.v 1*11 n rst/xs, T).v v* 11 ■ vv + r'_ 1» •> 1 f* ti Gazette, writing from ' -itches th- adequate provision made for the Dee. 15. 9. Brownlow family : “Browulow’s brother-in-law. Dr. Boynton, (late of Ohio ) is ap;ieatod Pension Agent, which i« quite too much of the Brownlow family—the father in the U. S. Senate ;oua son receive: of a delinquent railway, with plenty t» jfft and nothing , . do ; another G^ ? W. McCall, et. al. another mtt J»periiitcmh->? -f aether rail-/,’^^-iiteUANT to snonlor of sale to pm 3t, Herace Williamson, W. J&; James and John J. Jafe-s, Ex’r. of S. H. Wilds, vs ■•A,& "•?; * u ' W, fi ' ■ cd with the offence of making cd threo-eent postage stamp Frank pflow; anSfbS n » ’> 1,ra ” husbaud eomiug in for a gooc ^ . had the pluck to denounce the. ^ «pay«T Governme|)t appo i ntmc „t on t>.4 the interest on the State debt “in coin.”— ^ , ' The final vote in the Senate on the passage of the bill was: Yeas, 18; nays, 9. The nays were: White Radicals3, colored Radi cals 1, and Democrats 5. Frccdnicnand Forty Acre*. On Tuesday, iu the House of Rcprescn- a tives, Mr. Kelly, of Pennsylvania, presen ted a memorial of the national colored labor convention held in the city of Washing ton, on Monday, the 0th day of December, praying that the surveyed public lands in the Southern States may be subdivided into tracts of forty acres each, and that any freedman who shall settle on one of such sub divisions and cultivate the samc»T. -• year be brutes wore they insensible and callous to rcwivp a patent for thu same . thc * titl their wrongs. And yet with all thc these of .such land to vest in thc settler and hi* smothered promptings to outbreak and vio-1 aTjd to bo ina | icnabIt f uC ,,he period of ton years from thc date of entry; and fur- lence, how marvelous is the puhiie quiet I ther, that the grants of land made by thc | . government to railroad corporations in the a population equal to that of Chic.:#), St . ltcS) an , } forfeit by reason of with help of all the ej parte, reports of I non . cou)p |; aljee w ;th the conditions annex ed to such grants, be not revived, but that the lands embraced in such lapsed grants be brought within the operations of the home stead act. Referred to the committee on public lands.—Morning ( 1171.) Star. and ’•arc the eruptions from the vjcanic era ter I ’"akc any section of the t'ouih ( cing and all thc radical “Commanding Generals” in •hi South, vou will find that more crime is ojinmited in Chicago u a day than in any such district in the country in thc South iu a week. Suffering as we of the South do; deprived of the rights that came down from ancestors, equally with the people of the North; ruled over against our consent, by alien adventurers and our former slaves, chafing under a yoke fastened upon our necks by men who ought to be our compa- riots and brothers—is not that enough to sa tiate the hate of radical hearts ? or is it ne cessary to plant the po’goued arrows of de- truction and slander iu our quivering flesh in order to fill thc measure of the vengeance of our party enemies? As there is a just God. there must be retribution for these wrongs.” being hv>-il )an (] as aforesaitU All of Which goes to show what an cx,-‘ lent talent o'd Browr,';iW hat for faki>k' c* rc of himself nnd I,i s bro ld. T h' ^le'it is common to the Scalawag, otherwise was called “Southern loyalists.” In Brown- low’s case thc talent sires to the dignity of genius. C O JVL IVl E dFt G I .A. la . New York -Slurket. New York, Dec. 18.— Flour dull and drooping. Cotton quiet at 351 cents. Spirits Turpentine dull at 431 cents. Charleston Market. Charleston. Dec. 18.— Cotton quiet and unchanged. Sales 225 bales at 211. supeoi-A-Xj ktotioes.. Gov. Scott. This high functionary of the dnwn-tjod- Commissioncr Delano has decided that officers of internal revenue shall not be al lowed to charge citizens for making out pa pers which the latter arc required to fur nish, and gives notice that those the wfio make such charges, will be instantly disiniss- from the service. States which have Raititteo the the Fifteenth Amendment.—ThePresi. dent has scuta message to the House in re sponse to a resolution asking what States have ratified thc proposed Fifteenth Amend ment to the Constitution oft he United .States. He enclosed a letter to him from the Secreta ry of State giving the following named States as having ratified it: Missouri, Kansas, North den State of South Carolina, Ins not ceased I Carolina, West Virginia, Massachusetts, to aspire, as will be seen by the following j Wisconsin, Maine. Louisana. Michigan, paragraph from the Charleston Sens, of the j Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arkmsas, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New York. New Hampshire, Nevada, Vermont, j and Virginia. Missouri and Kansas are generally defective in their returns. In the former the second section o^ the Amend ment is otaitted, and in 17th iiiKt. We. agree with tiro Mete*, “any where out of the .State : ’— “Glory! Glory! IIallujaH.—18 is ru mored that Governor Scott is to be elected United States Senator from Sonth Carolina, in the place of T. J. Robertson, ami wiH • ment j s otaittcdi and in th c latter the live in splendor in Washington. Hoo-rah . p br**orilogy of the second section is changed. I ...» «,»*«* wit a ••a nil# r»6 #hie S#o#a • ’ * The l)ri<f$* of the Savannah and Charles ton Railroad arrow* the Savannah River will ; be finished on the ?A)x\i inst., and passenger | train? will run between the two cities rm ifre | 31st of the present montli KOSKOO.—ARE YOU SICK nervous, or debilitated ? Arc you suffering from any form of Scrofula, Dyapcpemt, lUicumntisni, Liver Complaiui, Kidney Diseases, or Nervous Prostration, &c. ? If so, you can be restored to health and vigor by using Dr. Lawrence’s cele brated “Koskoo.” It cures thc most inveterate forms of Chronic Diseases when all other remedies fail. It is not a secret quack medicine: the Formula is around each bottle, and it is a standard remedy of recognized merit. It is daily prescribed by physicians, ami recommended by many thousands of our best citizens. For sale by druggists and Merchants everywhere. For sale by Hart, Parker & Co. pi 8 48 ly SPECIAL NOTICE.—To parties in \vant ? of Doors. Sashes and Blinds, we refer to the ad vertisement of P. P. Toalc, the large manufactur er of t huso goods in Charleston. Price list fur nished on application. Bill to Marshall As*ett», lujune- tion, Ac. vi.w’.a. z va .. v .-. v . me directed ■jpT by the Hon. J. M. Rutland, Judge of the 4th Circuit, 1 will sell at public auction, ot Darling ton Court House, on the fist Monday in Jomiary next, the following lieal Estate belonging to the late Col. 8* II. Wilds. Such portions ofjhe Indian Branch Planta tion, a tract oflflud on ijdiitn Branch, about one - fcjf iruUi DJvlington, C. If., contain- more or less, represented on a . paved by Pithu MuMrow. 8i»rv«yov. »» Is Nhu J, 2, & 3, and containing together 1,000 acres, mui e or icr s. Said Plat can be seen at my >rf!lcc. TL'n-u laud, arc very vuluole, the titles how^verjiro in di-pun-. 2. A tract of Litid • ted on Fields’ Bridge Road, about three miles .rom Darlington C. II., hounded on all sides by a grant- to David Mc- Muldrow, known as die John Milling tract and coiitnining270 acres, more or less. Terms of Sale.—One-third cash, the balance on a credit of one ond two years, purchasers to give bnnd with iutereit from the day of sale, pay able annually secured by mortgage of the premi ses, an«l to pay for all necessaay papers including revenue stamps. W. E. CHARLES, C. C, P. Dec 17, 1809 10 ZR. FEEL, TIMM ON’S VILLE, S. C. DEALER in Dry Good?, Groceries, Hardware, Hoots and Shoes, Crockery, Saddles and Harness, Medicines, Liquors, .all kinds, General supply of NOTIONS. Gentlemen’s Hats AND CAPS. CLOTHING, &C. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices for cash. He will always be found directly opposite the Depot at Timmons- vile. S. C. Dec 22, 1*69 10 Iv SALT THE “XIX CENTURY” DUB- cation Co., at Charleston, have been so success ful in literary enterprise tiat they are distribut ing hundreds of choice .Standard works free to thc purchasers of thc Magazine. Ask for it at this office. Sept 8 49 3m IVRRPOOL in prime new 2 Bushel Sacks, at #2.25 per Sack, at Florence, S. C., bv JOHN W1I KV. Doc 22 10 1m COOKING AND HEATING LOOK OUT Christmas! W E are going to Raffle for CMK.138 around at our place this Christmas as we did last Christmas, and 8cli ntd is the man to furnish thc Cakes. Conic and have some fun at our place, where we fix up ihc "J)emocrat'' in the rear of J. G. McCall's store, and get some cake* if you can. Dec. 15 9 2t T For Sale or Rent. HE Residence of the subscriber. Terras moderate* Apply to JOHN MT. LKK, Trustee. Nor 17 5 VAGUABLiE - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I will sell on sale day in January next, that valuable Lot and the houses fhereon on Pearl etrect in-the town of Darlington, recently belong ing to Mrs. M. A. Blackwell, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. Purchasers to pay for papers, revenue stamps, &c. J. 11. BLACKWELL, Ex r. Dec 15 9 3t Lands FARMERS! Increase your Crops and Improve your by using PIKE NIX GUANO, Imported by us direct from the Phoenix Islands, South Pacific Ocean. WILCOX, GIBBS & CO’S., M. IX1PULA TED G UA S O. Prepared at Savannah, Ga., and Charleston, S. C,. which lias proved in the soil thc beat Ma nure in use. Guano, Salt ami Plaster Compound, Also prepared at Savannah and Charleston, for sale for cash or on time. WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., Importers and Sealers in GUANOS. 99 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. 64 East Bay street, Charleston, 8. C. 241 Broad street, Augusta, Ga* For further information. addre:-s as above for circular, or subscribe to “Southern Agriculturist published by W. C- Mncmurphy & Co., at Augus ta and Savannah, Ga., at the low price of 25c. per annum. Dec 15 9 c “CORJtr r ASH orders for com filled at Jobber's per cent, bv Boris o. D AUG AN. Darlington, G. II.. S. C. Pet . 15 9 2t _ CT R. RAOSDAL.E, Wholesale aiid Iletail Dealer in Dry Gotnls, Grarerirt, J'roviaion*, Wine* Liqtwrs. &r.. TIMMO.VSVILLE, S. C. Would inform the public generally, that he has on hand a full assortment of thc above mentioned goods, which he has just deceived and is daily receiving, to keep thc stock full, lias on hand and to arrive 100 bbls. choice Family Flour, at $9.00 perbarreL Have just received achoice and select stock lot of Gentlemen’s Clothing, of thc latest styles. I v ve or hand a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress-’ axis, comprising choice silk patterns, and French Poplins, also Ladies Cloaks of all styles. Hats. Bonnets. Ac.. &c. I have thc most complete stock of Ladies and Gents Shoes in thc c ountry I wish the public generally to call ami examine before purchasing elsewhere, as I sell at aston ishingly low prices for cash. I am the Agent of Whann’s Superphosphate— the great fertilizer of all crops—which 1 am pre pared to furnish to any extent. Kt?fcr you to Dr. H. K, W, Flint! and others, wiio have used it. I am prepared to receive Cotton on consign ment and make as liberal advances ns can be had in Charleston, or any other city North or Nouth, For further particulars call and see for yourselves. Dec 15 9 Cm JOHN S. FAIRLEY & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ■WIilTE Q-OOT5S, HOSIERY, FANCY GOODS AM) SMALL WARES GENERALLY. Xo. 37 lltn/ne-ntrcet, CHAR L E ST O N, S. C. 15 Doc. 9 Carriage Painting, I HAVE opened a Shop under my Photograph Gallery, and am prepared to Paint and Trim in the very best style. Carriages and Buggic-. also Furniture cleaned, painted and varnisbe-. Sign Painting, Gilding and Fancy Painting, &c. All work, no matter how small, warranted to give satisfaction. J. S. FLOYD. Sept 22 51 tf T HE undersigned, successors to Horton xt Shepherd, have resumed their trade in j Stoves, in connection with their other business, I and are now prepared to supply other dealers, j Anywhere, anywhere—out of this State! Itev. C. B. Betts, nephew of Rev. C. Betts 1 of the South Carolina Conference, hua be- the pastor of the Associate reformed Church, in Nashville, lenu. any disease peculiar to their sex, can be restored to health by using Dr. Lawrence's ‘'Woman’* Friend.” It purifies the secretions, and restores the system to a healthy condition.—For sale by t VTiTh'Q V'P FL’L'nivn I factors, Merchant and all the customers of thc old ** M rlVhlUNu FROM hotllle , with the most approved descriptions of cooking stoves ranges and heating stoves, at a clo^eapproximation to Foundry prices. The cooking stove** and ranges are sold with or without furniture—some of them arc designed , to operate without thc ad of chimney- if nec -ssa- ' Hart, Parker & Co., Darlington, S. C. ry—and all are guaranteed to Bake properly if Sept b 49 ly j set up ns directed. — — | The ranges are unusually low in price—have | . ir * vrT\a#*\iiA rx*' K,x boiler opening** and double ovens, though but A H A> J)*- 031 h lAt DL CriMriNT. ' a single pipe, ami need no Brick work lose! them —Every person who sends $3.50 to thc “XIX U F- CENTURY” Publication Co., at Charles,on. N, i ? . The slock of HrstitiR stove, cmhraos. oasMron j . .. . A , air tights, Ruskia iron air-tights, six-plate or • I 1 ., receive.* that snpern Magnxinc ff>r one year, 1 ]% T ew Store. Wc liave just opened a now, and well selleoted stock of Goods at Parrott'a x Roads, Six miles from Darlington Village. We respectfully ask the public to give us a call. Our Stock will speak for itself. PARROTT & CO. Sept 15 50 ti' Bci:- Notice. Dickson's Compound. AV1NG been appointed Agents for the sale of this valuable compound, by (Jen. Alex ander, we are prepared to furnish’any amount of I the same. I Orders will be promptly attended to nnd ship- j ments made as required to any point on either ; the Wilmington & Mnnehest* r, or Oheraw & Dar- i lingtoii Railroads. For further particulars and ! circulars and sample?, apply to DkFsOR VE zt BYRD, Doves' Depot, ('. & 1). it. R. Dec, 1 <» tf ZDXSSOXaTTTioTXr OF COPABTNEUSIIID. MUW IB XUEi COK.FOR.^X.TEJD 1859. CAPITAL $350,000- CASH ASTETTS $450,000. J. F. BOZEMAN. President, I). P. WIDCOY, .Secretary. C ONTINUE to furnish perfec tsecurity against logs or damage by FIRE, on all kinds of INSURABLE PROPERTY, at adequate rates. Agents can be found at every prominent point in thc sSoutiiein ^tates to whom application for Insurance may be made. ClIEKAW AoKNVY. W r . L. J. REID, Agent. Dec. 8— 8 2m. J. B. JarroU, Executor,'l Bill to Marshal vs. Assets, lujuuc- E<1. Charles Jarrott, tion Account Jas. II. M’Clenaghan and Relief. Kvan J. Lide, Sc others. P URSUANT to an order of his Honor Judge J. M. Rutland, in the above stated cause, to me directed, I will sell on th*' third Monday of December instt, or some convenient day there after, all the Real and Personal Estate described in thc pleadings in the above stated case, consis ting of the following LOTS of LAND, viz: EIGHTY-NINE (89) LOTS, fronting on Evans, Uhvcia, Dargau, Rail Road, and New Streets, in the Town of Florence. S. C. Tract of land, in Darlington County, adjoining thc town of Florence, containing U29 acres, more or less, known as the “Cusack” Plantation. Tract of land in Darlington, County, on the Public Road, leading from Florence to Mars Bluff, (near Florence.) containing three hundred and 83 acres more or less, known as the‘'Dusty Hill” plantation, divided into five (5) separate tracts of from thirty six to one hundred acres. Tract of land iu Darlington County, containing TWO HUNDRED and SIXTY-TWO acres, wore oi less, lying on both sides of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road, from two tothree miles of Florence, known as the “Cooper” Plantation. Tract of land in Marion County, on the Public road, leading from Florence to Mars Bluff, four miles from Florence, containing FIVE HUN DRED and TEN acres, more or less, known as the “Home” or “Middle” plantation, being the plantation on which the late Dr. James If. Jnrrot lived. Valuable as a cotton and corn plantation. Tractsof land in Marion County, ’nown as thc “Hudson” and “Shields” plantations, adjoin ing each other, lying on Willow Creek, four (4) miles from Burche’s Ferry on the Great Pee- Dee River, eight miles from Mars Bluff Depot, on W. & M. R. R. and eight miles from Effingham, Depot, on thc N. E. R. R. On the Public road leading from Effingham to Burches’ Ferry, inter secting tho Georgetown road, containing seven teen hundred and sixty-two acres more or less, nnd subdivided into thirty-two tracts from fifty to eighty acres each. All have cleared and timber lands except four tracts ou the Effingham and Georgetown Roads. “Crosby” Place, in Mariort County, containing THREE HUNDRED and FIFTY’ acres more or less, adjoining the ‘Hudson” and “Shield’s” tract. Noeleared land—valuable for turpentinofarm. Davis’ tract, in JVarion County, containing NINETY’ acres, more or less, adjoining tho “Hud. son” and “Shield’s” tracts. Small portions cleared and in cultivation. Terras of Sale—one third cash, thc balance on a credit of one and two years, purchasers to give bond with interest from day of sale, payable an nually, secured by a mortgage of the premises, nnd to pay for all necessary papers, including revenue stamps. W. E. CHARLES, C C & G. S. Dec* 8—8* 8 2t. XUSljei XU SUuoUtUBJl »OK TH* NEW YORK WEEKLY, The People’s Favorite Joukmal. Th ■ Most Interostkiig Storlrs Are always Uc found in (lie NEW YORK WEEKLY. At present there nre SIX GREAT STORIES running through its columns : anti at least One Story in Begun Every Month. New subscribers are thus sure of baring tho commencement of a new continued story, no mat ter when they subscribe for tho NEW YORK WEEKLY. JCsoli number of Ihe XKW YORK WIMXLY contains Sereral Beautiful Illustrations Doable tho Amount t>f Reading Matter of anyfpa- pei e»fiLs class, and the Sketches, Short Stories, Poems, etc., urt by the nbleat writers im Ameri ca an 1 Europe. The NEW [YORK WEEKLY •lots not confine its usefulness to amusement, but publishes a great quantity of really Instructive Matter in the most condensed form. The N. Y. Weekly Departments have attained a higher reputation from their brevity, excellence, and correctness. Tint Pleasant Paraubafiis arc made up of thtf concentrated wit aud humor ef many minds. The Knowledge Box is confined to useful in formation on all manner of subjects. The News Items give in tho fewest words tb most notable doings all over the world. The Gossip with Cokbrspomdents ccmfai: « answers to inquiries upon all unaginablesubjects. An Unrivaled Literary Paper. 18 THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. K»cli issu* 1 coulnine, from RIGHT to TKM STORIES anti 8RRTCHER, sn.I HALF A HOZEtf I'OKMS. in ADDITION to tli« SIXSRIUAI.lJTO- UIES and ths VARIED DEPARTMENTS. Thc Terms to Subscribers; 0d« Year—single copy Three Pollsrs. 41 44 Four copies {$2 GO each) Ten Dollars. 44 “ Eight copies Twenty Dollars. Those sending $‘J0 for » club of Eight, nil sent st one time, will be enlitledto a copy Fkfu. (fetters up of clubs can afterward add single co pies nt Si2.50 each. STREET & SMITH, I'ropriotors. No. ftB Fulton Street, N. Y. Sept. 2') 62 6m IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE Farmers and Planter^ of DARLINGTON COUNTY. A S it will be impossible to procure for anoth er season, full supplies of the “Peruvian Guano,” we take pleasure iu recommending to the notice of thc Farmers and Planters of tl»i« county tbe “C.4A'GL/A\4 FERTILIZER,” which is acknowledged by those who have experi* monted with it, to be the beat Commercial ma nure in the market. We are Agents for thc sale of this valuable Fertilizer, and those who wish to secure it shoud make immediate application to us. We are pre pared to show samples and furnish circulars of same* Term, $80-00 cash, or $65.00 on time, with approved security, payable first November 1870. We are also Agents for the firm nf Messrs. Geo. IV. Williams k Co.. Factors, and will mako cash advances to three-foarths tho value on cot ton, consigned to either thc above firm mf» Chorles- ton, S. C., or Wi/liam*. Bimie & Co., of N. York- DiLOKMK & BYRD, Dtjva* Repot, S. C. Not 23 6 Iv J. M, McCall, AJui’r) Bill for Partition E. E. McCall et al. i Account & B Y virtue of an order of sale to me dire«ted by thc Hon. J, M, Rutland, Judge of the 4th circuit, I will sell at public auction at )nr- t ngtcji, Court House, on the first Mondavin Jan uary next The Real Estate described in tbe Pleading? in the above stated case, to wit:—The well krown and valuable Brick House Plantation, on Pec- Dec River, belonging to estale of James S. Mc Call, consisting of about Twenty-nine hundred acres. About eight hundred acres of good up-land, two hundcrcd and fifty acres ©Tenred balance first-class River swampland, of which 500 acres arc cleared. The plantation has three Dwelling Houses, in good condition, one Gin House Screw and about thirty-five other build ings. including Barn, stables, negro houses kr. Thc plantation affords one of the host ranges for Stock in thc county. There is also, a fine Site for a water Mill, on thc up-land. Two hun dred acres of the best river swamp land nre pro tected from overflow by a good dam. Conditions of Sale:—One half Cash, the re mainder on a credit, of twelve months, purchaser to give bond with interest from date, payable an nually, until the whole amount is paid, together with a mortgage of the premises to secure thc pay ment of the purchase money aud to pay for all ne- essary papers, including stamps, W, E. CHARLES, C. 0. P. Dec. 15 9 id HALLO! WHERE ARE YOU GOING !! To John E. Schmid’s N Pearl-streel, to get some “good things,” for Christ ran —lie is "now baking Wedding Cakes. But if you want some “PoinV’ nnd have not time to make them yourself, just call on him, and will he sure to give you something good. He will be found nearly opposite the Steam Mill, and lias on hand Broad, Cakes, Candy, Kisses Fruit, Nuts, Toys, Notions, &c., FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES. fa just receiving" a large lot of FINE FLOCK, which he will sell at Baltimore Prices. Don’t forget to go aud see JOHN E. SCHMID. De.: 15 !) 2t I Affll L'-Ifcj. MILL FOND CHANNEL OYSTERS. applied in fynaTnitie* to suit purchasers. Dr iers from all p»rf* frf the interior solicited. renn Thors. McCrmdy, Agent, P. O. Box 039. References—Jaraox & Co.. Hon. J. B- Campbcll, Dr. S. J. RavcnoC A&yhl Jennings, McCrady & Son, W. G. Dingle, JoIhUtS. J^vnn. Dec S 8 j. r. o’nkill r. t. o’nrill. JN0. F. O’NEILL & SON, WHOLESALE GROCERS Dealers in WLXES, LIQUORS, dr., COMMISSION MERCHANTS- AIko Agents fur Johu Taylor sSons Albany Crws. Not 24 Ale. No. 1 (17 East Bay, CIIARLESTOX, S. C. (0—fim FOR THE X-l -Al. ID I DE Mrs, E, H. HAYiNSVVORTH, U A8 removed to thc Office opposite the resi dence of Maj. A, <\ Spain, where she will continue the Making, may 19 business of Millinery and Dies* 33 ly 'AMEM KNOX JOHN CILL. T: HE copartnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Law & C'lemcnts, is tlii*. day dissolved by mutual consent* Parties indebted to the firm will make immediate pay. meat to J. A. Law. J. A. LAW. J. P. CLEMENTS. Flinn’s X Roads, Dec. 1, 18G9. 9-tf and a copy of cither of thc Waverly Novels or the works of Charles Dickens that may be dcelg ftateef—SjK'oinien number with Premium list 35 cents. Sept 8 49 Jm Box stoves, &o. Illustrated catalogues and prices will be furn ished upon application. WM. SHEPHERD & CO. 24 Tlnyne-ctrcct, Charleston, S, C. Dec 22 10 fit NOTICE. D URING my absence from the State, parties indebted to me will make payment to J. A. Law, who will b« found at thc old stand of Law & Clemente, Flinn’s X Roads. J. P. CLEMENTS. FUnns’ X Roads, Dec. 1, 1809. 3-If OSTENDORFF & CO., Wholesale G-rocers, DI ALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS & SEGARS, 175 East Uu},Charleston. 8. U. Agents for B. Clausen’s Ales. A.. k 21 29 I, John Heins, CABINET MAKER AND TJJNTZDEIrtT AIKIEIFt, DEALER IX FTTIFtlSriTTTIRE,, 318 Kixo-Stffft,, ». C, .Goods pscVe-J ami »htpi<yt carefully. Nov 21 (C—Cm) ’ * KNOX & GIL.L,, COMMISSION MEKCHAN’J S, FACTORS IN COTTON k RICE, No, 125, Smith’s Wharf, BALTIMORE, Md Liberal advances made upon Cotton shipped to us, and will hold the same until ordered to sell. Sept 8 49 6ra CARRIAGE BUGGY AisrxD MANUFACTORY AT TDyVJFtLTKTOTOIST, S_ O, T HE undersigned beg leave to inform qha. citizens of Darlington and s irmur^ftag. country, that they hate uponett a SHOP ft, Dar-s iiiigton Court House, for thc purptre Jl carry, ing on tiic bussiucAa of manufacture/ and re pairing Buggies. Carriage*, \V U gg\*a< Carta, Ac. All w ork done with neatness ^nd dispatch. We respectfully solicit a snare of public pa tronage. D. W. HAST, & CO. Darlington, S. C. Sept 29 52 tf Parrott’s CJEtOSS IIO-A.3DS- A NOTHER N»'V Slock l,at »yriye<|, ^ud sr, selling even oliynper llisn the l»»t. Nearly ovorytliing w«nt«de»n 1), found l.ert, »ud «T«ry, G.lng gusvsuteett ,» zbrap «« ,i Darliugiun 0. H, We l ( ave A Pull Siook, ALL NEW. Wu Relieve in quiok sales and mnall prollta. We will buy ull produce si the bighest price* Uome and see SeptlS VAIIROTT A Co. M) tf