THE ID ,A- IR< Xj I IT G- T Q TT E E XX O C E. Cl)c pemufVflt. WK1».\I.M>V V, \0 V KM IIKIt a » E. E S E O C I . LARGEST CIRCULATION—7W DEMO CRAT HAS THE LARUKST EIRCUEA TiOX OF 4 < VT TAPER IX EASTERN SOUTH CAROLINA AND PVHLISI1ES THE OEEJ- C/AL AD VERTISEMEXTS. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! S.’rons. Pure and Rich Clood—In crease of I'lesli and Weight—Clear Complexion, Skin and Keautifu! SECURED ta ALL. All parties indebted to this office for subscriptions, will please call and settle their arrear ages, as we nro compelled to have money to keep up the supply of material. Special at(c|itiot, is directed to sun- dry advertisenicnts of sales in this issue. StTciiiule. Our thanks sre hereby tendered to the young gentlemen irlio regaled us with such *wcet music on last evening. Kuniitiiro. Those in want of Kurnituro. will find it at John IIeikb, 318 King Street charleston. Fertilizer*. RABWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent HAS M \T>K Tins MO«T AW>Nr«III^« C URE1I. H> OriCK, SO RATIO AHk£ THh nilANQIM, Tin; ii*:>i»v ttndkuooks uxdkr the int'LUt Ki'CE t:r Tina TRULY WO^LEUFTTL MiiDI* CINE THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh Weight Is Sean and F©lf f Scrofi*!*, roYiftTinipflon, SrpVitl^t.nnc«ir«dli nntl I>k<1 : y Vc»icreal, lit tt« inauyt forms, GlnmJiilnr «lUrnsr, L’lt-erm t|| fit# Tiironf, Mouili, Tituiorfi, Notlcf In fti« Cilnntls.. other pnrt» of the systcui, “ "j'ts, .Strumotis < I i h t'l > n r pr e w from the It* MANUFACTURERS OF WARRANTED K^tra Cast Steel Patent Ground Circular Mill Malay and Gang I'.yts, Strumous diMr.hnr^ref fi Ilrnplivc dfirnsrs «»f tins Kj ca, A'o«e, Read the advertisement of CljAGKOllX. Ukrrino & Co., of AuguSta Gs. Capt W. R. Ragsdale of Tiuiinounville S. C., is tlie Agent for this house. All in want of such articles, will do well to consult him. Juo. F. OW'iell A, Non. Fee the Card of this old and reliable house in another column. Ostcndortr A Co. Attention is called to the Card of this house. They keep the best of everything. “Back A Bain,” It is a fact, that Maccblleb. Williams k Park Kit. of auti-Mlunt notoriety, have returned to mid are prepared to clothe the people, incut. Read their advertise Bcl.orinc A’ By »mt>, aip} n{l vvrakenlui^ uml p.ilufatl dll*clia Swrut-*, ]:>««* «»f S}>(i 1*111 mifl nil waste* of the 11IV. |iritirf]»1e, nrr iyithfu »lie curutlve ran«e of Kaflwuy** Sarsnimrillian Jtcftol* vein. fti» 1 n few itny* it-tc will prove t*> nny l»er*oit usiii^ It for eilhep of these form* of disease, its potent power to cure then). Njt only floes l!a- Surftaparllli^r^ t« v Gravel. f>la- bete* l*co»»>*v, of AV’rtter, liicoit* tiuence of (line, 11 right's disease * Alba rn» luutirt. au<2 in all rases where, there ut'e llrick. ', ait lx »• it with Hiibetauce.* like i he while of ane^u;. or i bretwtl* like wltite silk, or there i- n itta.i bltl nnce, anil white bone dust deposit*, ai)<| where t!tere is n pricking, hitriilii^ seitsar tlo;» when |>e:in, ','r Efipt've discharges, of every kind, or Do u \ i - o ..- of •* s .-abuse,’’ from the OnitAl Gland*, or \ (lischargON. or u. cr*, or sores, throuch the r- fur uivo pi-o'- s* of RADWAY fl HAUSAl'AKIL- RiAN, arc aires^ed, and the ruptur«>nv of cukr. RAT)WAV ’ r«A KBAl'AiilLLIAN HESOLVENT enpp ics the y-U in, through the blood, urine, sweat, and suu.-:'irt-nnh-.j 4 g co.iaUtucnts Wxih Tissue making, Flesh in ikir.IT it . r Calorie aud making elements. Ail m it.'* conatit.nmts are nourishing, purifying, and t'.mij U a r It Repairs, fleg's, Rt solves, and drives cit .»/ t/r, Oo-.lie the orodiuis of Docav and Corruption. COxsCMfiTON, V.saiE M\v EL LING, DROPSY. SV.'-IULIS, . ANCKLS, TUMORS. Ac., are all of a •oroiuioii* liaUiesi;, and as mi: h, are within the curative Jang. Of tha t»AItoAPAKlLL1 AN HESOLVKNTJ i Th a SiTofula, by whatever nnmo designated. Is Hu* res cit of ucj-osit* irom the blood, induced or caused by Clu.a;!.. ii.ti imation. That tiiose deposits take plate When th * l; .ud is poor, wtak, watery, aud incapable of l.oIdtiiT in .n its proper coiudiiuents, or from the 1 ro«.*i.- e oi aoiii*? virus or p >iso:i in tho blood, us Mer- i u y, t *.i Sublimate, which is the Corro- /..v.- Ciiloiiue of Mercury or other agent*, giveu in medi cines and which enter Jarcrclv in the common advertised Nm* iu irib.iK, N‘»r ALS'iRBEl) OR CHANGED FROM TUEIIt N \TUUAL CONDITION. 2. T’ -it unl.'ss tho repairs cr nutriments are sreater t.ian thcw.ivt. ; , that l.-connioaifion and decay will su pervene, iud thv powers of life become exhausted. 3. J";. r the body cannot b« sust.-vned on any tre .‘m nt Ot rnt-lic itiou that exhausts the sVStem, or fails to ni>uii->h t i.* blood, tho only medium through which the "Cr' for* • » are preaejrved, and on which the growth of the body Ucpcuu*. 4. That I? ml way’s Sarsaparillian lies* ol vent supplies u want never before posses-ed or known to cxi-t in medicine, that this new found principle in Ch mi il sciouce, which Ipis been brought to such a pejr- fept sy.stcw of cure i« exhibited as follows : 1. Jte power in assimilating the food in its first stage of distinction in the process o* digestion, as chyme an.i chyle with tho. nourishing elements of blood, S'*periting from tLexe liquids refuse ijnd inert qual* ities bcfire they arc taken up by the lactecals and are funned into bbu J. Here we see that by its wonderful power it charges the system w ith the vpry i princijdo that iornis the vital powers of the bo< chemical action on the blood in its primitive and com* p’ete condition, separates every atom of refuse material or element, out of which the virus of diseas* is formed. 2. That, the blood thus prepared, and supplied with these nourishing properties becomes strong, rich and healthy, aud holds in solution it* proper constituents, through the Marsnpn rill inn Resolvent, and repaim the wastes of the body with sound and healthy sifucture*. ftucli is the wondpiful power the Snrsa- paiTllinn licsolvriti excidg on the blood and juices of the system, that no virulent humor* or pob* eons will exist by which deposits are made. 3. The rapidity which the SarsafjavSUInn enters the circulation, and communicates fi* curative powers through tho Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other Iliads, se* euros thC'constituent secretions of each respective organ, establishing fanct;-mal harmony throughout the system ; throuch b* ;ion aud power over the Accretions, the Liver se rctos its natural or proper allotment of bi c; the Skm S'; the Kidneys urea; and the Lungs carbon; so that ibis wonderful tnedicino not only estab* ishes health in the aich body, but preserves the sxstein in health. As we bo ve shown the principle on which diacaso is formed, as well as tho only sensible theory of cure, wr claim that the range «>f cure of tho Sarsaparll- Ifnai Resolvent is unlimited, and that every disease that is of a Chronic,Scrofulous or Organic Diathesis, is, properly within its special rungs. Circular Saws With Moveable or Inserted TEETH J 1 'f' claim for our I’fiient Circiilor .^hw “One JFrice. Thos. H. Blackwell. I S constantly receiving addition* ly. ^ ar £ e Assortment of Men’s Furnisliing Goods, ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF J. r. o’SKILL P. L. O SKILL. JNO. F. O NEILL k SON, WHOLESALE GROCERS Dealers in W/XUS, LIQUORS, dr., COMMISSION MlRCHANTS, AUa A gents for John Tnylor’s Sons Albany Cream Ale. No. 107 EufI Bay, CIUHLESTOX S. C. So, 24 (0—C»m PARKER & KELLY. DKAM’US IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hl-A-TS, od and general system what Oxyokn is to the atmospheric air; it supplies the life principle, and enables the blood to hold in solution all its natural con* stituents. DAILY CHANGES take rlacc, for ns the Sursapariltian increases tfco strength and purity of the blood, nil deposit* are diminished, and where there are tubercles formed in the lungs, tho fuither d. porits oie arrested, and those that are estab- lishd or to ruling dislodged, cxpclleAl’ARf LLTAN RESOLVENT is in great demand, an t working wonders. Mr. llo*o, ol Strafford** ville, m«-r hunt, told me oi.. ease where a woman WAS LLIND, but, uy the cxe ol the.SAU8APAUILLIAN KE- BOLVENT, 'im now see to read She would give a oertiticato, l ut does not wish to bo bothered with people writing. Ifci drcd* call to soe her. The cure is regarded a* wondorlul. “ Messrs. Wnirr. $: Scott, principal druggists here, inform me of a ; . • u of note —high social stunding—who for ye us \v:t> .ttli. t 1 with DYSA'KPSI A aud G U A V EL, who has !; ly cur ! : 'y i:AL> WAY’S S Alls A* DARI IL! AN Rh gLYENT.’* Mr. IL A<. ! • ’>orts rut her ca*e of Chronic *Sore Leg, that resisted all other advert; el medicines cured by a [<* b-dtu oi SAKS.' i’A RILL I AN UJ5S0LYENT. ** -Mr. Jo*at!! an I' i!ak’.and, of VVulder Station, cured, by one botth-,. : j..., .ng from the Lukgs, Night Sweats, Threatened Con>unintion. “ la every to- n I visit T hear of wonderful cures by theSAUSAJ” LILLI A N RESOLVENT. For every kind oi Ilumor, Sore, -\.;i Eruption, and all weakening discharges, the p--oplo use it, bewme cured ; so with Tits, Scrofula, V.'hitc Swelling, Sore Heads and Eyesj -lov and Mou*h, i il k’nds of Sores, this wonderful r. m d\ lie’s .’•> po cr I telly on the b'.ood that all who Like xt bccoAAie slron.', b ■m .1, und healthy. “GEO. ti. MORTIMER, “ C tmmercinl Traveller,” RADWAVS ^Al'.SAPAltlJ.I.IAN KKSOLVEtfT il *°7i* t> 1- : i'• nottiD, f..r »i, by »il Druggisti • •" I , :m4at IHl. ItADWAY’SMedioiM Wxreuoui. , k; ' . .n Lane, New Yelk City. HART, PARKER & COT DAill.IXUTON, C. II., S. C. Would r>’ citizens of 1 supply ol' priu: im ,1a r S; the following advantages over all others; The shanks of the teeth arc elastic, and exert a uniform distension in the sockets. The stability of tljg plgteis no >vay affected by ! inserting new sets of teeth. Each tooth independently, may l.p adjpsfod to the cutting line. No pivots, kc^g, or other objectionable appli ances are employed in connection with the teoth which areas simple in construction, aud as easi ly used as a nut for a bolt. In short, all the difficulties heretofore experi enced in the use of movable teeth for saws, are fully met aud obviated by this invention. —also— TUTTLE PATENT “Champion” Cross-cut Sa’cys. OlTOSS-OUL-fc -rTrJp* 1’. KUSSKIX. JIAVING BEEN Liberally Patronized for the past Twenty Years W — in (Jharle«:oii upd throughout the State, returns his t]ianks | apd respectfuily •olicitu a bontinuance of the smae. Ife is Prepared with Every Fat-lity to FILL pl^DKKS lor SAS1IE8. BLiNWB, DOOB8, \yiNUuW FIU.ME8 MANTLE-PIECES, MOULDINGS. ic r . has at Iris Ware-rooms, No. 5. linync-street, a large and well selected stock of the abo*« goods WORK SHOPS IX V RIT CIIA R1) STREET. The Charnctcr of the work from this establishment for the past twenty years will bo a guarantee tft thoye who 14.1v order goods from Who advertises himself the only Practical .Satli, Blind and Door maker by trade* who is now carrying on the above business in this city, and will allow no job of work to leave his establish- ♦netit that 4ocs not reflect credit upon him as a mechanic. No. 5. IIAYNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. May r> ’ 81 * ly Scarf*. llostcrics, (livers, (gider-iccaf. Pine Shirts Ready HU4? and to Order. liaison s Kid Givers, Our goods oro all m4i.'kiL! at ImW priges, and iu ’lain Eiyures, and our moU^ is “ONE PRICE" 219 King Street, 1 door hcloyy Market, Charlettou, (V. U, Oct Id 1 tr ROBERT CHISOLM, JR ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR, (Mllcc, IT BroaU-sfreet, P H 4 R L K S TOX, S. C. Sept 8 49 tr Equality Life Insurance Co. Of -virgrin-ict. F Prime Leaf Lard, iOK ffALE AT June 16 r \KKEU & KEEJ.Y’S S7 tf OF Ati, KINDS. SAW MANDRELS, GUMnilWG MACHINES, &c, Send for catalogues and Price Lists. R. HOE & Co., Printing Press. Machine and S'.t>c Mannfar- turers. and London England 1 6m New York, Boston Mass , Oct 18 MILLINERY. ItS. HAYNSWOBTH tenders her thank for the very liberal patronage given Iter und expects :o open about the 27th instant, a new aud complete Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, comprising, all the latest Parisian Novel ties, for the fall and winter Benson ami at prices that will defy competition. Orders will be at tended to with care and promptness. Sept, lo 50 tf MI 2NT oAico. I will sell, at private sale, and at prices that will aford inducements to judicious invest ments in a thriving town, some of the most valu able lots iu Florence* I also 4esri*e t 0 closeout my stock, in whole or in part, will afforc liberal inducements. Call on or addi G## me at Florence. JEROME P. CHASE. Oct 26 2 tf P3 a> a CO rn • r—4 £h CD -ci cc3 o> M ■yj C W Ed WJ r- P3 CARRIAGE BUGGY MANUFACTORY AT EQUITY LIFE INSURANCE CO., OP VIRGIX1A. fC 'ttwfii irhi/ Kern/ One Slwvlfl Insure hi th^ K'juitable Life Insurance Company of Yiryhiia. 1st. It is mure LIBERAL to the Insurers than any other Company, and will eventually become Purely Mutual and belongs to the Insurer. 2d. It circulates its money smongst, its patrons who are the Insurers. Conse pnnGy they 4>-,i getting the benefit of the rapid aovemulations q? the Company, the money being invciA-cd by the Board of Diveoloni among the ittsuress. ‘Tltcre- fore the the insurers are building up on in i; tu- tion peculiarly their own, and conducted for their benefit. 3d. Tlte loans of this Company are as libera 1 as other companies, who declare dividends at the end of the second, third and fourth years, hut this company at the end of the first and every year. Thereby the insurer saves aevornl years’ interest on the loans by insuring in this compa ny, and he never looses his money if lie pays for one Whole Year, whereas, in other compa-ni#^: ho. lias to remain an insurer for several y< a“ he Joses all the money he has paid. EQUALITY LIFE Examine it* l\nn)>hl< t* Itrf : Principal Office 1015 Not 10 DAVID B. CLARK, Bresnienl. THOS. H. WINNB. Vice.UrcsiJ.-nt, •IXO, Q. \VINN, .Sorrelpry, Gefi. JAS. H. H ANK, Actuary, } M^IA4,U.^ Judge JNO. A. J1KBKD1TH, LVuusellor. pIKECTORS. V. ('HKMIC.VLS, PATENT V ' .iJi' TNES, &C., ’ ' 1:1 *'• '' oil attcntiou.if J'liy- ,; G’ Jv'M'k cf l)ru«rs. , iiuiis put ijp with cape. TEEMS CASH. 28 ly DI MAYESVILLE MILITARY -A.o ctdoxxiy. O X the 1st of October next, the undersigned will open a XiHlary School. Ht Maycsville. Hoping, from his long experience in teaching, to give entire satifaction, and to merit the con fidence and patronage of the community at large —he is determined that this Hohool shall be of the highest grade, and second to none iu the country. Boys will be prepared for College or Business. The Principal refars with pride ami gratification to his former pupils, who have taken high posi tions in Colleges and Business, The 1st Session opens October 1st, and closes February loth. The 2nd Session opens February 16th, and closes June 30th. Terms—$100 per* Session for board and tui- ion, payable in variably iu advance. French, German and Drawing, extra. Pupils will be charged from the opening of the Session, and will not be taken later than six weeks from the first of the session. WILLIAM H. COIT, Principal. REFERENCES. Rey. J. Leighton Wijson, p. D., Mnyesville, S. C. Dr. J. A. Mayes, •* “ Rev. ii. A. Buist, Oheraw, fe>. fj. Gen. V/. L. T. Prince, Cberaw, S. P. Maj. p. F. Warley, Darlington. S. C. Rev. G. II. IV. Petrie. D. 1)., Montgomery, Ala. Rev. J. B. Maek, Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Blanding & Richardson, Sumter, S. C. Bmg/l 8 ' 49 nm MRS. JOHN LAURENS’ poai-Mitg Yoxjnsra- CHARLESTON, S. 0, **?■.. Send for Circulars, etc. inti Claghoria, £Icrt*lng COTTON FACTORS AND CO-MMISSION -A-XJ'O-XJST.A.j GcJ±- CHARlJiSTOX, s. c. AXD —:ooo:- MERCHANTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, Stationers, Printers, AXl» Blank Book ManullictiirerSj 3 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ~ June 2S 88 ly w‘ TARTN ers hTp . fVIE undersigned have il,is day formed a jk, lartnership, under i'j, namo and style of Mew* & Boyd, for the pi..'!ico of Law and f-TUit, in the C'ounly of Daf.Lngton. '/ 1IKNKY MrIVER, “ ^ BOYD. iy. of educalio Y oung liuli«, dollars pur i LIKKBAL APVANCK8 mn lo on Consignmeuta to either House, aud to Messrs. Lockhart & Dempster, Lirerpool, Kngiand. Agents for sab of Sheetings, Shirtings, fjtripea, Yarns, Ao, Wlian’s Superphosphate, m The Great Ferlilixer far AH Crops, We refi r lo all who have uged it. We recommend it u* being fully equal tunny Fcatrliier ever introduced into this country. For s Ac by CLAGIIOltN, HERRING & Co. L. R. RAGSDALE, Agent, Timmonsville, S. C. Nov 24 (6 - -6 m Something New! Mrs. garter, Sept 8 49 If fi» cotton < ’hnrl; Ymk. I Ciuille An.- Nothelo Flamers. l!KEl ■n I fill I '■ I.I.’ s:v make CASH ad- jee-f.Hiit'is, of the value of all • Williams t’n.. Bevriie ^ _\ ow ■ 1 ovk, Baitiuior.' or d to t Vf iUiajrjs, u tf Parrott’s CKOS^ I^O-A-ID3, A Nt^TMER Now Stock has arrived, and arc selling oven cheaper than the hist. Nearly ' very tiling wanted can be found here, and i.very- thing guaranteed as cheap as at Darlington C. II. B e have a Fuli Stock, ALL NEW. }\ e believe in quick sales and small profits. „ 15 W ^I buy all produce at the higlicst prices j t oinc and ki;,. PA IIHOTT & Co. IMPORTED ALES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS, -A.T A. I*. IA CAS’ SAMPLE ROOM, In rear of J. H. McCulPs Store. An". 18 4(j tf JOHN DAWSON. guo. tki:l. IS. ItT. HENNING. ) i v 5) i, T eel dHenning, IVhnlesnle and Rdnil Dealers in II A II II W A U 1-3, C V T L E R V, O- TJ IsT S5, Agricultural Implements, Iron and NAILS, ALSO DRAT.EKS IN* MiJi; rs\ House Cdtrj,cn*crs\ S!tf/> (on pmfrrs', Holers, Masons % >s'r <1 Ibrc , W herjweights\ ('urricrs'l Dhtekn smith's . Jfflchijust/, Turpen tine Makers , Shoe Ma kers’, Dui/da* ufid ( amerta her s’ 1 'oofs, Dope, T‘ r in f ', Fishing Taklr, Scales, <(V. Z£'sY* full stock of all tho above constantly on hand, and for t-alo at. tho Lowest Pries for C ASH. Market Street, WILMINGTON, X. C. April 7 £7 ly HAS JUSI RETURNED FROM inj-e-w A NT) is now prepared to.bhowher friends and /m customers the largest ^ STOCK OF 3IB1.LINKRV. AND FANCY GOODS, That she has cvey ofTcred tptlie publip. All of which she lyill sell pp tjio p}qst- reasona ble terms. Call and examine fqr ypqrfclvcs. Set 22 PHOTOGRAPHS, ferreotypes, AMRROTYPES, M V Gallery will be open regularly, ami none but the BEST work will bo allowed to leave the establishment. Pictures made of any size, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. J. S. FLOYD, Photographer. Sept 22 61 tf Carriage Painting &• w C. FERG US, (or SOUTH CAROLINA,) WITH Simm s & Tyson, Wholesale Grocers and COM MISSION MERCHANTS. Xo. «i4 Sun ill flay-strect, BALTIMORE, Md- I HAVE opcimd u Shop under my I’hntogrnph Oallery, Kiid nai prepared to Paint »nd Trim in the very beat style. Carriages and Buggies. Furniture, painted an j vai'.’F^hcd. Sign I'uintlng, Gilding and Fancy Paiuting, &e. All work, no matter how small, warranted to give satisfaction. J. S. FLOYD. Sept 22 SI tf FALL AND M! Septia u wirrsm fashions. RS. St, A. BINDER has just arrived from I’iuos aud Loudon with the latest designs personally selected from the greatest novelties ; also the most elegant Tripimiugs to be secured iu Paris. I.aert, Ribbons, Velvets, firi-tal Veils. Flowers, I’m? Jeorh e. ,/,! i Trinmed Pajter Patteriu, Dress and Cloak Makinj. Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work 0 celebrated .sys*em for cutting ladies’ dreases, eaques, and Consignments oi Cotton solicited and prompt t Wasijues, fie. returns made. N. W. tor. of it and Chesnut-ata., PhiUdrlpMa. Aug 1 jl 0m | Seju. „[) n, u yW INSTITUTE” has. Mdishod. and the i'rin- sf#t patronage of ttio friends around Darlington, ('. H. obtain board for ten ($10.00) in the family of the Principal, Boys can be acmnfmodaled with board by the Rev. J. W. Crider, and others, for the same amount. Latin, Creek, French, Music, (vocal and in strumental) English and Mathematics are taught. TERMS PER QUARTER: 1st and 2nd Classes $10 00, . 3rd and 4th ('lasses 8 8 00. . r >th and 6th Classes $ 6 DO. Music ...,V> 7 00. Esc of Piano S 2 f>0. French v $ 2 CO. For particulars apply to It. W. Boyd, Ksu., of Darlington; Capt. .1. W. fctuckey and Charles Spencer, of Bishopville, or to W. BEAUMONT CLARKSON, Principal. May 12 32 tf REEDER & DAVIS. COTTON PACTORS, AND (jcncral CoimnLssion Merchants Adder’s North Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C, Consignments respectfully solicited. OSWCf.l, BKKtlXn, IM.ULIlMAN DAVIS Aug .‘’o A 47 bin. ©. w Aiimu-, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE DRUGS, Kedicines, * phemicals, Surgical Instruments, Perfumeries, Toilet Goods, Cor. King and Vanderhorst Streets, ( t'JAW.ErTON, S. C. rroprieifjr of Aimar’s Sarracenia titters, For Dy^popaia. Aimar’s SAl’S.VPA ItILLA & QUEEN S DELG1HT. Aimar’s PREMIUM COLOGNE WATER, AGENT FOR James Buchan & Co s., CULKIUIATKJJ CKKSYLyC SOAl’S. May J> 31 U F. VON SANTEN, IMPORTER OF Paris Fancy Goods, Toys Dolls, Games Children’s Car riages French Confectionery, FIRE WORKS, India Rubber Good?, sush as Clothing, J\ur$ery Sheeting, 220 KIXtt HTHFRT, T v'} {Iwi'Cr* above Market-street, ( II A H L E S T O N, S. C. .lane 2 Co tf MQW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE roll TUK NEW YORK WEEKLY, TlIK I’KOPI.k’s Fa\ OR1TE Jitl'RNAX,.. The Most interesting Stories Are always to be found m th« NEW YORK WEEKLY, At present there are SIX GREAT S T 0 RIES running through its columns ; and at least ttyc Story Is limnin Krerj Month. New subscribers are thus sure of haying the commcnceniu^t pf ft new continued story, no i$at-i ter when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each nisnibor tf the NEW TOTK WEEKLY* containa Several pfautilul Illustration* Doable the Amount of Kejyjing flatter of any ^pa- per of its class, and ihe Sketches, Ktiert StontH, Poents, etc., are by ablest writers iu An^ciU ou and Europe. Thu NEW YORK WEEKLY uo*s not connne its usefulness to smiwemenl. but publishes a nuantitv of really Instructive At^tter in the mo>f condensed form. The N. Y. Weekly JN*itartrne?ifaS have attained a higher reputation f'rom thein brevity, cxccllonce, nud correeiucs."'. Tiik Plkasant Dar aukai mm are made up of tho concentrate*! w it uml humor of m*ny mind*. Thk KNowi.Ebtifc Bon is coniu^Hv* l ' J uiation on all manner of subject.*. The News Items give in the fewest words tb most notable doings ail over the world. The Gossip witi| f’oukkspondents contfii answers to iuquiricB upon all iniAgiimbl^aubjecio An Unrivaled Literary pipec. I.S7IIR NEW YORK WEEKLY. Kurh i,«uf» containr, from K1GIIT to TEN STOli 1KS and HKKTUli K.S. and HALF A DOZKN PCKMS. in ADDIUON to ihe 8IX SBRIALSTO- RIKS and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. The Terms to Subscribers; One Youv—single copy Thieo Dollar*. “ “ Four copio* ($250 cadi) Ten Dollar*. “ “Eight cojiire,, Twenty Dollars. Those sending &ai) for a club of Eight, all ecgt at one time, will he entitled lo a copy Fin, Gctlcrs-up of clubs can afterward add single co pies at $2.50 each. STREET & SMITH, Proprietors, Xo. 5"> Fulton Street, N. Y. Sept. 29 62 tint Forty Thousand Cases of Goods, were shipped from our In One Year, t»» familie*, plt.b*, and mrrohjiiri*, in every part « f l|;p cpuqtrf, fr^m Maine to L’ftUforniu, amounting iu V»I»e to over One Million Dollars, Our facilities for transporting tho imtiicnsb business are better than ever before. We have agents in all the principal cities to purchase goods from the .Manufactures, Importers, and others, for Cash, and often at an immense saert ftco from the original cuet of production. tlijr tjtuck consists, in part, of the following goods : S/intt’s, Illankrts, Qisiltt, Cottons, Ginghams Dress Goods, Ta.'jls I.tnnrn, Toweling, Hosiery (Jlovf*, Shirte, Cor-ietn, Sec., &e. Silver-rial til Ware, Sfa-tu plalrd eg Xrckr Silrer, Drssrrl fort?*. Fi. e-bvttU /dated Cortorr Hritannia Warr. (Host Bare, m le and i’oek> • Cutlery, in great variety. Elegant French ami German Fumy Qiorts. Bean ti/ul Photograph Albums, the tipper and phoieest styles in Morocco and Velvet Bindings. M'trorco TracelLug Hugs, llandhrfchirj- nnd Glove Raxes, dr. Gold and Plated Jewelry, of the nesn-est style, ftlsomade arrangements with some (lie lending publitfliing House-, that will enable us the sell the standard and the latest works popular authors at nbugt one-half the legitim price:—sncli ns Byron, Moore, Burns. Milio, and Tennyson’s Works, in full gilt and Ciotl Bindings,—and hundreds ofotliors. These and everything else for OWE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. We do not offer a single nrliele cf merchandise, that can be sold bv regular dealers st our price- 7\ c do not ask you tr, buy goods from us uuless we can sell them cheaper than you ran obtain them in any other way.—while the grenternau of our goods are .-old iu. about One-half the Regular Rates. We want gpotl reliable agents every part ot tlte Cqnnixy. By employing your tparo time to form club# p,f,tl sending us orders, you ent) ob T tain the most liberjil commission*, oitlier in Casti or Merchant'llamltee, and all goods seut by u 'yilUu* as rep resented, *u<| wrgiiMrantce sntUtu.; ,ion to every one dealihg pith our houae. Agent* should collert tun cents from each cu* tomer and forward to mj jn mlvauco, for Ucscrip tivo Checks of the goods we sell. The "hold cr? of tho Checks hnvethe privilege o. either purcliai>iug tho article theronn described or of exchanging for any article mentioned . our Catalogue, numbering over JlfiO diflVrent tides,—not one ol tvhichcun l;e purcliased :n ■ usual way for the same money. The advantages of first ending for Chef ; are these: We arc constantly buying small lots of ver valuable good*, which arc not on our cntologt.e •, and for which we issue checks rill all are s*4i4l , besides, in every large club we will put a cheek for Watches, Quills, Blankets, Dress Datterns. oi some pthor artide of .value, giving some mrmbeis of the dub an opportunity of purchasing nnarf elc for about one quarter of its value. In every order amounting to over $o.00 aeccm panied by the cash, the Agent may retain $2*00 and In every order of over $100, $2.00 may b retained to j ay THE EXPRESS CHARLES. This rffer i* more'c*pvoi»Hy to g*t>i»t Ag. i.' it) |lio B vstorn and Southern Bmuj, h’ 11 *» ?p<.i to all customer*. ConuBtssions ; Agent* will bo paid ten per c. nt in caaii mercliamlisc. when they fill up tln ir entire di.' for wliich below wc give ^ partial list of c<>, missions : For an Order of $30. from a dub of thirty we will pay the Agent, as commission. 2b van - Brown or bleached Siucing, Good Dress Patter Wool Square Shqu h Ficnyh t ’issimvre Pants at. and \ e>t Pat tern. Line la'ge AVIiitc Gounterpat' etc., etc-, or $1.00 in cash. For up ()rder of SdO, from a club ; ,f fit* we v^iii pny the Aget-.t. a* conmiis>io:«, -I'» yu sheeting, one pair heavy \V,m,1 Blankets, l'-. J Dies* patiurn, Man ixun* wo»il si NlOO, iia.ui a club . Iluudieit, \vc >viil pay .ne A-rent, us comit jSSBfc IO0 yn.da gootl yanl- wide Sheeliug. Coi.i-iulv Ilui.itmg Case Watch. Biclt J^uig Wool Slme *uit Lfall wind Frcm;li Cassiiaeie, ctc.,or$K», ea-h We do not employ any Tra veiling .\geTf.*j ^ CUstoii:e|*a shcitibl n t pay money t<» persns t iQ , 4- porting to be our agents, unit s* jiersonaiiy a tn. ed. Send Honey Always by Regl^r,., ^ Letters. For lurtlicr particulars acnj for Catalogue- PARKER & Co., 98 k too Summer St., Roston, JJas^ Sept 29 62 cp'p'roiT oiisrs- AND— In^ersolTs Cotton Presses. ' For ?alc bv DAW^iOX, TEET. HENNING, , „ Wiliiiingtcm, N f *V Bipi 1 *