T ZEE IE XJ^.I?,XjI2sra-TOIsr X3 E! 3VT O C -A. T . ®||C pcilUU lrtt. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! V, KOVEMBER IT. K. E S Ij o c i _ LARGEST CIRCULATION---T//A’ DEMO- CRA T HAS THE LA RGEST CIRCULA TIO\ OF AX Y PAPER IX UARUXGTOX COCX- TY A Uf> PUHLlUHES THE OFFICIAL A O VE9TIAMMEXTS. All parties indebted to tins oijice for subscriptions, will pleas(A4RU and settle their arrear ages, as we arc compelled to have money to keep up the supply of material. Atiy fxirson Sliding a large brass key, •which was lost in our streets, will receive a suitable reward if be will leave it at tbis office. Slroug, Pure and Rich Dlood—In crease of 1'lcsh and Weight—Clear Skin and Beautiful Complexion, SECURED to ALL. St(KtkJioIder*s Meeting. An adjourned Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Cheraw and Darlington Railroad Company will be held at Florence, on Tues day next, 23d November. Attention is called to the advertisement of Miss IIuTMACHKn, in another column. Wo have seen specimens of her handywork which would do credit to those of riper years. Cox’s Hoarding House. This establishment continues popular, and seems to contain a goodly drove of black birds, if one may judge from the noise they make. Give the Devil hit* Due. We'did Calvin Josky, the colored deputy sheriff, injustice last week in as much as we intimated that he was sent for Davis. his was a mistake of ours, Constable Douse W in- UATE went—but did not bring the person he was sent for. In explanation we desire to say that the latter will no sooner ralrh than the former, and neither of them fit for the posaitious they occupy. We hope this explanation is satisfactory. A Runaway. On friday evening, a powerful horse came dashing on the square bringing a buggy with him, but not keeping it long. There was no driver, Air. W. L. Kelly had found the place uncomfortable andjhnd judiciously, but precipitately left it. The buggy struck a tree—the shafls were broken an umbrella dislocated—the coupling tongue bruited and JUatoes—il vat Bid Kt Up * thrown everywhere. The horse was frightened by the new steam engine. This engine so far us its frightening abilities are concerned, had ns well have been put in the middle of the street. Avutleiuy of our I^idy of Mercy- AVc learn that the Sisters of Mercy, of Sunitcr have established an Academy of our Jjady of Mercy in Wilmington. N. C, which was opened on the 11th of October. 1 he course of instruction will embrace all the branches required for a lady’s education. Wc regret to state says tha Bencttsville Journal, that Rev. C. H. Pritchard Pastor of Renetevillc M.E.CBuroh, and of the Circut, mot with a severe acidcnt recently, having been thrown ’with great violence tothe grounebby a horse which lie was riding at the time. Mr. Pritchard was severly injured in the back, from which he is still suffering, although ho is not confined to his bed. One of the few really succcssfol enter- prisesof the day is Pahkeh & Co.'s One Dollar Sale. Their system offers a greater opportunity fur the purchase of the thousand and one useful articles, at a price that comes within the reach of all classes, than any other. It is a well understood fact, that certain classes of goods pay the dealer a very large percentage of profit: This appears almost necessary, especially in Fancy Goods, Jewelry, .Silver plated Ware, &c., of which a dealer docs not sell sufficient of any one article to make it an object of trade, and is obliged to purchase in small quantities ; and when the goods are sold by throe or four classes of merchants, and each charge a very large profit, the price becomes double the original cost of manufacture before reaching the hands of the people. It isin such goods Parker A Fo., 98 & 100 .Summer St.. Boston, deal most extensively. There sales are so immense they make each article a specialty, often buying all a manu facturer can produce. Their system gives universal satisfaction. Read their advertise ment. PARKER & KELLY. DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoe*, iScC-, ALSO CHOICE FAMILY Gke* o o o :i7± o s=s* which they will rcU vory low for cash. April 14 'i'6 ly RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES. SO QUICK, 80 RAPID ARK THE CHANGES. THE BODY- UNDERGOES UNDER THE INFLU ENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDI CINE THAT ^ Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. Scrofula, Con«ump< ion, Sjrphll|«,iuacnx«d «M»d badly troatoii Venereal. Hi ite inauy form*. GHaudnlar di«ca«e. Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumor*, Nodes In the tilend*, and other part* of the system, boro J&yes. Strumous discharges from the Kars, Kruptivc diseases of the Eyes, Nose* Mouth, ttitd the worst forms of Skin dis ease*, Eruption*, Eever Sore*, Scald Head, Itlntf Worm, Salt Jtheum. Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms Ln the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Wn^b, and *11 weakening: and puinful discharges. Night Sweats, lo*a of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curattre range of Kariway's Sarsaparillian Kesol- vent, anti a few days use will prove to any person using It for cither of these forms of disease, its potent power to cure them. Not only does th« Enrsapurlllian tteaolvcnt exC'd oil known remedial aeunts, in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous Constitutional, Skin and Syphiloid d is* ascs but it » t\o only ponitivc remedy for Kidney, IS ladder Urinary, and Womb diseases. Oravel. Dia betes Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incon tinence of Urine, Height’* disease. Albam- Innrin, and in nil cases where there are iSrlc.k. dnst (leponlt*, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substance* like the white of an egg, or fhrcarl* like white silk, or there is n morbid dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone dnst deposits, and where there i« a pricking, burning sensa tion when passing wnter, and paiti in the Small of the Buck, and along the Loins* In all these conditions Hallway's Sars&parll- lian Resolvent aided by the application of Hallway’s Ueady Hellcf to the Spine and Small of the Ziuek, and the Bowels regula ted with one or two of Radway’s Regnlat. ing Pills per day. will soon make a com- ! »lete cure. In a few days, the patient will »e r it*bled to hold and discharge his water naturally without pain, and the Urine will be restorod to its natural clear, and amber or sherry color* THE WASTES OF THE BODY a~o supplied with new, healthy, and vigorous blood, that fumiafics sound structure. 'Hence «11 suffering from WKAKEMisq Discharoks, either MALE or FEMALE, of the Womb, Uterus, or other organs, whether Leuoor- rha:a. Sperm, or Eruptire dischnrjccs, of every kind, or fioai violence of “ Self-abuse,” from the Genital Glands, Oi* Venereal discharge?, or ulcers, or sore?, through the rep * naive process of RADWAY’S KARSAL'AF 1L- LiAN, are arrested, and the ruptured organs healed. THE TRUE THEORY OF CURE. RADWAY’S SAKSAT’A KILLIAN RESOLVENT supplies the syRtem, through the blood, urine, sweat, and structure-making constituents with Tissue making, Flesh making. Heat or Caloric and Fat nviking elements. All ol i s constituents are nourishing, purifying, and itrcngUicnina. It Repairs, fir.a s, Resolves, and drives out of !lu Lodt; the products of Deoav and Corruption. CON SUM LTD IN. WHITE SWELLING, DROPSY, SYPHILIS, CANCERS, TUMORS. Ac., we all of a scrofulous diathesis, and as such, are within the eurativ# range ol the 8AK4AFAIULLIAN RESOLVENT! 1 That Scrofula, by whatever name designated, is the result of deposits from the blood, induced or caused by Chronic intlamation. That those deposits take placo when the blood it poor, weak, watery, and incapable of holding in solution its proper constitucnte, or from the presence of some virus or poison in the blood, as Mer cury, Calomel, Corrosive Sublimate, which is the Corro sive Chloride of Mercury or other agents, given in medi cines and which enter largely in the common advertised Sar&ipsrinas, NOT ABSORBED OR CHANGED FROM THEIR NATURAL CONDITION. 2. That unless the repairs or nutriments are greater than the wastes, that docompoirition and decay will su pervene, and the powers of life become exhausted. 3. Thr*. the dying body cannot be sustajned on any treatment of medication that exhausts the sybtem, or fails to nourish th*; blood, the only medium tnrough which the vi'al forces are preserved, and on which the growth of the body depends. 4. That Railway’* Sarsaparillian Ret* ol vent supplies a want never before possessed or known to exist in medicine, that this new found principle in Chomical science, which has been brought to such a per fect system of euro Is exhibited as follows : 1. *lt« great power in assimilating the food in ils first srage of distillation in the process of digestion, as chyme and chyle with the nourishing elements of blood, seperating from tbsse liquids refuse and inert qual ities before they arc taken up by the lactecals and ars formed into Mood. Hero we see that by its wonderful power it charges tho system with the very essence or principle that forms tho vital powers of the body, and iU chemical action on the blood in its primitive and com plete condition, separates every atom of refuse material or element, out of which the viru$ of disease is formed. 2. That, the blood thus prepared, and supplied with these nourishing properties becomes strong, rich and healthy, and holds in solution its proper constituents through tho Soxsaparlllian Resolvent, and repaid tho wastes of tnc body with sound aud healthy Structures. Such is tho wonderful power the Sarsa- nsjrltflan Resolvent exerts on the blood and jaii** r f tha system, that no virulent humors or poi sons will exlrt by whivli deposits are made. 3. The rspittf**' which the Sarsaparillian enters the circulation, a'nd communicates its curative powers through the Blood, Sweat, Uxino, and other fluids, se- cures the constituent seeruiions o* *och respective organ, establishing functional harmony throu^out the system ; through its action and power over the So-.vetmns, tbs Liver secretes its natural or proper allotment P* W O} the Hkin sweat; the Kidneys urea; and the Lungs car 1h*ii ; wo that this wonderful medioino not only csteh- ishes health iu the sick body, but preserves the system in health. As we have shown the principle on which disease is formed, ns well as tho only sensible theory of cure, we claim that tho range of cure of the Sarsaparil lian Resolvent is unlimited, and that evorydhea.se that is of a Chronic,Scrofulous or Organic Diathesis, is, properly within its spocial range. THE GREAT SECRET OF CURE in this Mtdicine consists in the selection of ingredients containing curative and nourishing properties that sup ply the blood and general system with such constituents which, in a condition of disease and depravity, it is defi cient of, together with the combination of tho several ingredients that form the SAUdAPA RILL LAN RESOL VENT. If the constituent of Oxygen was exhausted from the almosjdteric air, life would become extinct. So, when the blood becomes exhausted of its vital constituents, it deposits its tubercles and diseased humors in the body, and the elements of decay and decomposition supervene. Radwuy’s Sarsaparillian Resolvent is to the blood and general system what Oxrosw is to the aimosph*—ic air; it supplies the life principle, and enables the blood to bold in solution all its natural con stituents. DAILY CHANGES take place, for ns the Sarsaparillian increases the strength and purity of the blood, all deposits are diminished, and where mere are tubercles formed in the lungs, tho further di posits are arreriod, and those that are estab lished or forming dislodged, expelled, exhausted, or tho portion of the diseased lung cicatrised, and the consump tive, scrofulous subject receives good, if not sound, health. BLIND LADY CURED. Gravel, Dyspepsia, Sore Legs, Bleeding from tho Lungs, Cured. Mr. G*okgk MoirrniKa, a commercial traveller, in Canada West, writes us, under date of April 17, 1869, from Woodstock: 44 The SAKS \ PA KILLIAN RESOLVENT is in great demand, and working wonders. Mi . Hoao, of Straffords- ville. merchant, t>ld me of a ease where a woman WAS BLIND, but, by the use of ihcSAKSAPARI LLlAN RE SOLVENT, ora now see to read She would give a certificate, but does not wish to be bothered with people writing. Hundreds call to see her. The euro is regarded as wonderful. “Messrs. White & Scott, principal druggist? here, inform me of a person of note -nigh social standing—who for years was affli* ted with DYSPEPSI A and Q14A VEL, who ha been entirely cured by RAHWAY’S SAUSA- FAitiLLiAN RESOLVENT.” Mr. Ho so reports another case of Chronic Soie Leg, that resisted all other advertised medicines, cured by a f-w bottles of SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT. “ Mi. Jonathan Prff.i.and, of Widdor Station, cured, by one bottle, of Bleeding from the Lungs, Night Sweats, Threatened Consumption. “ In every town I visit I hear of wonderful cures by thftSAU&APAUILLlAN RESOLVENT. For every kind of Humor, Sore, Skin Eruption, and ali weakening discharges, the p*->ple use it, and become cured ; so with Fit. , Scrofu'a, White Swelling, Sore Heads and Eyes. None and Mouth, ail kinds of Sores, this wonderful remedy acts so powrrl'illy on tho blood that ail who take it become strong, sound, and healthy. “GEO. G. MORTIMER. “Commercial Traveller.” RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT is sold at *1 per Bottle, or o Potties for $5, by all Druggists end Mi-di- mo Drab r% nr i at DR. BA DWAY’S Medians Warehouse. 87 Maiden l»»ue, New York City. HART, PARKER & CO. DARLINGTON, C. H., S. C. Woull i ■ pccifully crtll 'he attention of the citizen, of Darlington to their new and cora;>lete BUj.ply of FURL DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, &€., Would also call the special attention of Plty- ficians to our stock of Drugs, All prescriptions put tip with care. TERMS CASH. April 14 28 ly Notice to Plasters. '.KKKK & KKLLEY will make CASH ad- R . BOB & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF WARRANTED Extra Cast Steel Patent Ground Circular Mill Mulay and Gang S-A/WS- Circular Saws With Moveable or Inserted TEETH ! ' Y'AV c ' a * m ^ or our P aten * Circular Saw W t be fallowing advantages over all others: The shanks of the teeth are clastic, and exert a uniform distension in the sockets. The stability of the plate is no way affected by inserting new sets of teeth. Each tooth independently, may be adjusted to tho cutting line. No rivets, keys, or oth°r objectionable appli ances aro employed in connection with the teeth which areas simple in construction, and os easi ly used as a nut for a bolt. In short, all the difficulties heretofore experi enced in the use of movable teeth for saws, are fully met and obviated by this invention. —ALSO— TUTTLE PATENT “Champion” Cross-cut Saws. Oiross-O-w/fc OF ALL KINDS. SAW MANDRELS, SUMMING MACHINES, 8cc. Send for catalogues and Price Lists. R. HOE & Co., Printing Pres,, Machine and Saw Manufac- New York, Oct 13 turers, Uoaton Mass , and London England. 1 6m MILLINERY. M RS. El i YXSWOKTH. takes picas- are in informing her customers, that her FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF MILLINERY AND FANCY ROODS, will be open on Monday the 18th iaidant. Oct 13 tf IXTotioo. will sell, at private sale, and at prices that __ivill aford inducements to judicioua invest ments in a thriving town, some of the most valu able lots in Florence, I also desire to close out my stock, in whole or in part, and will afforc liberal inducements. Call on or address me at Florence. JEllOME P. CHASE Oct 26 2 tf CARRIAGE *%T. BUGGY A3STX> MANUFACTORY AT jD^^n-nsra-Toisr, s. a. T HE undersigned beg leave to inform the citizens ot Darlington and surrounding country, that they have opened a £liOP at Dar lington Court House, for the purpoec carry ing on the bussiness of manufacturing and re pairing Buggies, Carriages, Waggons, Carts, &c. All work done with neatness and dispatch. Wc respectfully solicit a share of public pa tronage. D. W. RAST, & CO. Darlington, S. C. Sept 29 62 tf MAYESVILLE MILITARY jflLo etdomLy. O N tho 1st of October next, the undersigned will open a Military School, at Maycsville. Hoping, from his long experience in teaching, to give eutire satifaction. and to merit the con fidence and patronage of the community at large —he is determined that this School shall be of the highest grade, and second to none in the country. Boys will be prepared for College or Business. The Principal refers with pride and gratification to his former pupils, who have taken high posi- tious in Colleges and Business. The 1st Session opens October 1st, and closes February loth. The £nd Session opens February 16th, and closes June 30th. Terms—$100 per* Session for board and tui tion, payable invariably in advance. French, German and Drawing, extra. Pupils will be charged from the opening of the Session, and will not be taken later than six weeks from the first of the session. WILLIAM H. COIT, Principal REFERENCES. Rev. J. Leighton Wilson, D. D., Mayesvillc, S. C. Dr. J. A. Mayes, 44 Rev. K. A. Buist, Cheraw, 8. C. Gen. W. L. T. Prince, Cheraw, S. C. Maj. F. F. Warley, Darlington. S. C. Ucv. (1. II. W. Peiric. D. D., Montgomery, Ala. F.ev. J. B. Mack, Charleston, S. C Messrs. 1’landing & Richardson, Sumter, S. C. Sept. 8 49 3m MRS. JOHN LAURENS’ fjoflcimuj £"l) a o xil • r—i Oh 03 l> r C* <3 m ’M rtS cd o> P3 U M *vd O s ad C on a EQUITY LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF r/RGIXIA. Rea tons uhy Keen/ One Should L sure in the Equitable Life Insurance Company of Virginia. 1st. It is more LIBERAL to the Insurers than any other Company, find will eventually become Purely Mutual and belongs to the Ixarnut. 2d. It circulates its money amongst its patrons who are the Insurers. Consequently they arc getting the benefit of the rapid accumulations of the Company, the money being invested by the Board of Directors among the insuress. There fore the the insurers are building up an institu tion peculiarly their own, and conducted for their benefit. 3d. The loans of this Company arc as liberal as other companies?* who declare dividends at the end of the second, third and fourth years, but this company nt the end of the first and every year. Thereby the insurer saves sever;:! ears’ interest on the loans by insuring in this compa- _ ny, and ho never looses his money if he pays lor one Whole Year, whereas, in other companies, he has to remain nn insurer for several years, o* he loses all the money he has paid. EQUALITY LIFE Examine its Pamphlets he for. Principal Office Kilo M Agents '"'V-' Nov 10 r JOHN DAWSON. GKO. TECL. BOB'- 01 v j) i, T eel &HeiiniRg; ■Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, <3- XT 2sT S, Agrlcniinral Implements, Iron and FAILS, ALSO DBALEHS W Millers’, ITjusc. Carpenters', Ship Carpenters', Cabinet Makers’, Masons’, SaddUrc, Wheelwrights’, Curriers', Black smith’s’, Machinists', Turpen tine Makers’, Shoe Ma kers’, Builders’ and Uunertakers’ Tools, Rope, Twine,, Fishing Table, Scales, A c. SOT A fall stock of all the above constantly on hand, and for sale at tho Lowest Pries for CASH. Market Street, W ILMINGTON, N. C. April 7 27 ly DAVID H. CLARK, FreMtlcn!. THUS. H. WINNE. Vic«.PresiJinf, .1X0, Q. WINN, Secretery, Gen. JAS. H. 1CANE, Actuary, Dr. K. 11. WATKINS, 1 .. „ . . , . Dr. H. W. DAVIS, ( M1 A1, Judge JNO. A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. DIRECTORS. Wm. J> Johnson, of Johnson & Hunt, Wholesale Grocers. Wm. H. Powers, Winston & Powers, Wholesale Grocers. Albert Orpwat, Treasurer Buckingham Slate Company. Charles Y. Morris, Morris & Co’s., Sugar Re finery. G. A. Pebles, superintendent manchestdr cotton mills. John II. Tylkk, J. II. & J # im'Tyler, Jewellers M. Milmusku, Wholesale Dry Goods. Tiros. llALDWijBtJJothicr. •Iown M. GoDiisr. Cashi*. ^Planters B.-nk- J. K. tyowKii,. Superiuieiwlaut Western Union Tel»giop\ C®. ' At.ex. Hobkptson, Cattle l.roker. “One Price.” Thos. H. Blackwell. I S constantly receiving additions to his Large Assortment of Men's Furnishing Goods, ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF Ties, Scarfs, Hosieries, G lores, Uudcr-Kcar, Fine Shirts Ready Made and to Order. Bassou’s Kid Glares, Our good* are all marked nt low price*, and in Plain Figures, and our motto is “ONE PRICE.” 219 King Street, 1 door below Market, Charleston, S. C. Oct 13 tf ROBERT CHISOLM, JR ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR, Office, 17 Broad-street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 8 49 tf Prime Leaf Lard, F or sale at PARKER & KELLY'S 87 tf June 10 Sugar-Cured Hams, F or sale low for cash at PARKER & KELLY’S June 1C 37 tf If You Want F ashionable, and cheap goods*, go to Mrs PARKER’S, over Parker tSi, Kelley’s Store. Jane 30 39 W anted—Agents, T O sell a new book of great value to Farm ers, Mechanics, and Working men of all trades and occupations, The 13th edition now ready. FARMER’S & MECHANICS’ 3VE^3NrU' J A.X J , Edited by GEO. E, WARING, Jr. Author of “Elements of Agriculture,” “Draining For Profit and for Health,” and former^ Jy Agricultural Engineer of Central Park, N, Y. GOO Octavo Pages and over 200 Illustrations. The New Orleans Times snys: “It is a book which should be in the handa of every Farmer ami Mechanic.” The New Orleans Picci/vnc pays : “So valuable a book should he found in the house of every Far- mcrand Mechanic; its elegant illustrations will make it welcome everywhere.” Active meu and women can make more money and give better satisfaction in selling this book than any work in the field. Send for 10-page circular, telling all about it. E. 15. TREAT & 00., Publishers. No. 0G4 Broadway, N. Y. Sept S 49 tf Wholesale Grocer. Brown, Joues & co., WholesMo S. & M Rosenbaum, Dry WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, Stationers, Printers, AND Blank Book Manufacturers, 3 BROAD STREET, ^CHARLESTON, S. C. itto'iv to. ond, Virginia. < W. C. FERGUS, (op south c.vjiolina,) WITH Simms & Tyson, Wholesale Grocers and COMM LSSION MERC 11 ANTS, No. t>4 South Gay-street. B A LTIM O R E . Md: OonmgiMncnts of C'otion solicited and prompt 44 fim Mrs. Parfeer, HAS JUST-RETURNED FROM ZSTEW -YORK:, A ND is now prepared to showlur friend* and customers the largest ^ STOCK OF MILLINERY,, AND FANCY GOODS, That she has ever offera^o the public. All of which she will i^pton the most reasona ble terms. Call aud gxauro for yourselves. Set 22 88 Jy PHOTOGRAPHS, FERREOTYPESj. AMBROTYPES, jBMT Gallery will bo open regularly, and none 1, H hut the REST work will be sjtOWed to leave the establishment. Pictures made of any size, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. J. S. FLOYD, Photographer. Sept 22 51 tf returns made. Aug 4 MILLINERY. Mi US. HAYNSWORTII tenders for the very liberal patronage and expects to open about thi* -Ttu new and corapliMti Sto^k of Milltncry > Carriage Painting. g HAVE opened a Shop under my Photograph § (i.tllery. and am prepared to Paint and Trim in tije very best style, Carriages and Buggies. also—*— FurTiiture cleaned, painted and varnished. Sign Painting, Gilding and Fancy Painting, See. All work, n t matter how small, warranted to give satisfaction. J. S. FLOYD. Sept 22 31 ♦ tf icr tin:nk [riven lu r I inst.int, a I rid Fimey j Goods, comprising, all thelnL -t PaTa.-niri Novel ties, fur the fall ami winter S» :v on and I'l iues ; that will defy compct’.iion. (»; I-will be al ; tended to with care and pro!:)}-- u - Sept, 15 50 F. VON SANTEN, IMPORTER OP tr 49 , vai ot t o ( hr b York. :< (’harlcs Aug uus of (three-fourths) of the value of all rnsip' d to Goo. VV William*! & t’o.. i:. or Williarne. liornie Sc fc., Now id fill orders in Nuw York, Bnltimoro or 44 If Parrott’s CROSS 3S,0-A»X)S- 4 NOT HER New Stock ha* arrived, and are selling even cheaper than the last. Nearly everything wanted can be found here, and every thing guaranteed as cheep as ;tt Darlington C. H. Wc have a Full Stock, ALL NE\Y. Wc b'dieva in quick sales and small profits. We will buy ali produce at the highest prices Gome and see P X1UIOTT k 0 1 Sheeting, &c. 2*29 KING STREET, Two Doors above Market-street, CHARLESTON, S. C. o5 June tf K. D. CHARLES ATTORNEY AT LAW, TIMMU.NSVILf.K. S. C. Sept 23 M W Something New! IMPORTED ALES. *^4“fF7 S "S-n"2^“^5 | jiersniuilly peleBle'*. from thcprealest novelties; W tif -A. A- 'nt t aisi) tl .,. , u o s lelegant Trimmings to be seemed in LIQUORS AND CIGARS, P7 a. p. i.rtbis’ SAMPLE ROOM. In rf.tU'Pt’J. U. .M.:ra}i> 1'ioif Id A'A tf FALL AMD WINTER FASHIONS. m n Its. M. A. BINDEll has ju»l arrived from fi 1’aris and London with the latest designs PARTN tRSIII P I. , liaTC ,llis day formed a ‘he naia* and style of 2ii k r r ’ U .V r practice of Law and HKNRY M6IVER, " W. LOYD. >y- Count fTVL" been thormiv cipal respectfully of education in and a' 1N8TITCTF,” ha* ‘shed, and the Prin- .tronage of the friends Darlington, C. H. Young ladies can obtain board for ten ($10.00) dollars per month, iu tho family of the Principal. Boys can be accommodated with board by the Kev. J. W. Crider, and others, for the same amount. Latin, Greek, French. Music, (vocal and in strumental) English and Mathematics are taught. TERMS PER QUARTER: 1st and 2nd Classes $10 00, 3rd and 4tU Classes $ 8 00. 5th MW Oth Clastics,,..,..., 0 W. Music * 7 60. Use of Piano $ - 50. French $ 2 50. For particulars apply to It. W. Boyd, Esq., of Darlington: Cnpt. J. W. Stuckey and Charles &pcnccr, of Bishopvillc, or to AY. BEAUMONT CLARKSON, Principal. May 12 82 tf REEDER & DAVIS. COTTON FACTORS, A XT) General Commission Merchants, Adder’s North Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. DAVIS. Cm. Consignments respectfully solicited. OSWEI.I. EEEDElt, ZIMMERMAN Aug 25 • 47 <£*. IP. Jlimtir, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE DRUGS, Idedicincs, Chemicals, Surgical Instruments, Porfumeries, Toilet Goods, Cor. King and Var.dorhorst-Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. Proprietor of Aimar’s Sarracenia Bitters, For Dyspepsia. Aimar’s SAR8APAHILL.Y & QUEEN S TiELGHIT. Aimar’s PKKMIUM COLOGNE IVATER, AGENT FOR James Buchan & Go’s,, CKLKBU.VTKD CLIRSVXYC SOAPS._ May 5 31 ly WOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIB! rOR TUB NEW YORK WEEKLY. The People’s Favoiute Journal The Most Interesting- Stories Are always to be found in the NEW YORK WEEKLY At present there are SIX GREAT STORIES running through its columns ; and at least One Story Is Beg-nn Every Month. New snbtcribers are thus sure of having ih commencement of a new continued story, uo mu. ter when they subscribe for tho NEW YORK WEEKLY. Kach number of the NEW \0KK WKKLi • contains Several Beautiful Illustrations Doubd* the Amount of Heading Matter of anyTp* per of its cloas, and ths gkotchea. Short Stone. Poems, etc., are by the ablest writers in Ameri ca and Europe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY does not confine its usefulness to amusement, bn* publishes a great quantity of really Instruct! v - Matter in the most condensed form. The N. I. Weekly Departments Lav* attained a high«r reputation from ■. brevity, exoellence, and correctness. Thb Pleasant Paba on Arifs are mad* up of th concentrate! wit and humor of many minds Thb Knowledge Box is confined to useful in formation on all manner of subjects. The News Items give in th* fewest words n most notable doings all over the world. 1 ni Gossir with Coreeii-ondents eont»: answers to inquiries upon all imaginable tuhjac An Unrivaled Literary Paper. IS Tim NEW YORK WEEKLY. Kach Issue eontaine* ft-oni EIGHT to TEN STORIES and 8KKTCHE0, and HALF A DOZEN POEMS, in ADDITION to the SIX SUK1 AL STO RIES and tho VARIED DEPARTMENTS. The Terms to Stibscrlber* ; One Year—aingle copy Three Dollars. “ •• Four copies ($2.V> each) Ten Dol'ars. “ “ Eight copies Twenty Dol.ai Thoae sending $20 for a club of Eight, r : sent at one time, will be entitled to a copy Fre*. Get tera-np of clubs can afterward add single c pies at $2.50 each. STREET & SMITH, Proprietors. No. 55 Fulton Street, N.' Y Sept. 29 52 (im My School Exercises V BT ILL bt»gin Cth of i^oj'temucr. School V v year 40 weeks lung, and divided into 3 Session#. Tuition per year $20, 2$35, $40, ac cording to elas?, and divided by length of Session. Entries by Session, and deductions in cases of Ribbon*. \rlr*t* % Bridal Ynl*. Floirers. protracted sickness only. Tuition m advance. l'tn n Jiot'lry. and Tr tunned J'aper Patterns, /j , ’vr v j One is large, well lighted, aud furnished and ( Making. . , . ! with imm frame desks ami seats bf the latest Exclusive agent for M r M. V, ork S celebrntod j style. Decorum andsehclavship of the first type will bo ihsisle«i on. Board and rooms low, but Forty Thousand Cases of Good* were shipped from our house in One Year, families, clubs, and merchants, in every part oi tho country, from Maine to California, amomitinp in value to over Ono Million Dollars, Our facilities for transporting tho immeiuu business are better than ever before. \V« h..\ agents in alt tho principal ettins to purebas goods from the Manufactures, Importers rr. others, for ( a.sli, and often at »n immense eacr fico from the original cost of production. Our stock consists, in part, of the folk)win. goods : Shawls, Blankets, Quills, Cottons, Gingham. Dress Goods, Table JAnnm, Toweling, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Corsets, &c., kr. Silver-Plated Ware, Spoons plated on Nickel Silver, Dessert forks, Five-bottle plated Cast ore. Britannia Ware, Glues Ware, Tabic and Pocket Cutlery, in great variety. Elegant French nud German Fancy Goods. Beni tiful Photograph Albums, ths j.ewufft aud choices! styles in Morocco and Velvet Bindings. Morocco Travelling Bags, Handkerchiefs, and Glove Boxes, <(•<*. Gold and Plated Jewelry, of the nesweft style? We have also made arrangements with some c: the leading publishing Houses, that will enab. * us the sell the standard and the latest works o; popular authors at about one-half the ngi. : aj price:—snch as Byron, Moore, Burns. Mibon Tennyson'* Works, in full gilt aud Clot —and hundreds of others. These and everything else for ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. We do not otfer a sincle nrtielo «f m*rchandi.» that cau be sold by reguU. dealers at our pric* 1 We do not ask you to buy goods from us unle: we can sell them cheaper than you can ohio : i. them in any other way.—while tho greater po. of our gooda arc sold at about One-half the Regular Rates. We want good reliable agents in every part o< the Country. By employing your spare tune to form clubs and sending us orders, you can ob tain tha most liberal commission*, either in Hash or Merclianchandlac, and all goods sent by u. will be as represented, and we guarantee salisfsc- ,ion to every one dealing with our house. Agents should collect ten cents from each cus tomer and forward to ns in advance, for doaenp live Checks of the gooda wc sell. The holders of the Checks have the privilege of cithfr J’.llNHifiDg the article thereon described or of exchanging for any article mentioned eu our Catalogue, numbering over 350 different ' > tides,—not one ot which oan hr purchased in '. c usual way for the same money. The advantages of first fending for Chcc are Uiese: We are constantly buying small lota of * valuable goods, which are not on our catalogues, and for which we issue checks till all are »o! i ; besides, in every large club wc will put a check for Watches, Quilts, Blankets, Dress Pattern-, cr some other article of value, giving some members of the dub an opportunity of purchasing uuart:. clc for about onq quarter of its value. In every order amounting to over $5.00 *< c :o panied by the cash, the Agent may retain $2 O' and in every order of over $100, $3.00 may b. retained to pav THE EXPRESS CHARGES. This offer Is more 'especially to assist Agent in the Western and Southern Stales, hut is op':, to all customers. Commissions: Agents will be paid ten per cent, in cash or merchandise, when they fill up their entire chd for which below we give a partial Iim of coi missions : For nil 0rd«’r *f $30. from a club of thirty we will pay the .Agent, as commission, 28 yar< Brown or blenched Sheeting, Good Drew Batter. Wool Square Shawl. French Casaitocre Bants nn and Y esf Pat tern, Fine large White Counterpane etc., etc-, or $8.00 ih cash. For an Order of ^150, from a club of fif: we will pay the Agent, a? commission, lo x sheeting, ono pair heavy Wool Blankets, 1 < Dress pattern. Handsome wool square . hr. ofij Silver case Watch, etc., etc., or $f».D0 in ca«h, For an order of 8l#i>. from a club of Hundred, we will pay the Agent, as commissi mi 100 yards good yard-w ide .Sheolihg. Coin-silvi.. Hunting Case Watch. Rich Lung Wind hhSM l, suit of all wool French Cassimere, etc., or $10 i ^ Cash. We do not employ any Travelling Agents, and customeks should not pay money to pencils pur porting to be our agents, vnUi*pariounlly aeputivt cd. Send fileney Always by Registered Letters. For further particulars aeml for Calnlo-iA PARKER & Co., 98 & 100 Summer St., Boston, Mas< Sept 29 5-2 if J. system for cutting l.vilts’ drosses, Kaqnc*, nrtd Masques, {Yu. ts- 1 4 j r 4 !.-,-....4 r*i. Apply to Principal. jfi I# GOTTOIST CHINS ‘—AND— Ingersoll’s Cotton Pi esse? For Buie by DAWSON TEEL* IfE>M>G