mm {Property cf~ {Jhe (Darlington County (Historical Society VOL. XXIII, NO. 31. DARLINGTON, S. 0., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1896. WHOLE NUMBER 1,121. LOCAL LACONICS. matters in and around the 1 OWN OF DARLINGTON. A Column of News, Tersely Told, of Interest to Our Many Readers. Mr. D. G. Coit, returned from Saluda last Monday. Mr. T. H. Rogers is spend ing a few days in Wiliiston, S. C. Mrs. Louis Haynsworth left Tuesday for Columbia to visit friends. Mrs. C. S. McCullough is spending somo time at Pawley’s Island. The county candidates opened the campaign at Lamar yesterday. Mrs. M. Dorsey, of Columbia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. E. Sligh. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mc Call left last Tuesday morning for Asheville. Miss Lizzie Scarborough left Monday morning to spend some time in Sumter. The colored people enjoyed one of their festivals in Hewitt’s hall Monday night. Miss Mary McEachm, of Lau- rinburg, is visiting her sister M's. Louis Norment. Mr. J. J. Ward left Sunday afternoon for Virginia, in the of our tobacco market. Mr. E. W. Humphries, of Un ion, S. C., is visiting friends and relatives in town. Carolina Rosser has been put in jail on the charge of having killed his wife and child. Mr. T. C. Jeffords, Jr., ad vertises tobacco hogsheads for sale in the N ews this week. Misses Livi Pikes, and Ida and Ethel Rogers, of Lake City, are visiting the Misses Floyd. Mr. R. L. Blackmon, of Oats, will commence to clerk at Messrs. Blackwell Bros, on Aug. K>. Messrs. McCullough & Co., have improved the appearance of their stables by a new coat of paint. Mr. J. T. Blizzard, who has been visitingh is brother Mr. W. A. Blizzard, returned to Marion Monday. Mrs. W. L. Galloway went to Marion, Tuesday to attend the marriage of a niece there on Wednesday. Mr. P. Bishop Parrott, a for mer Darlington inn, but now of Washington, D. C., is in town visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. W. P. Cole and family, after spending some time with friends and relatives in Flor ence, returned home last Satur day. Mr. J. E. Miller is announced for the House of Representatives and Mr. R. M. Josey is announ ced for county supervisor in this issue of The News. The Rev. Mr. Oliver, of Lake City, preached at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and also conducted union services Sunday night at the Presbyter ian Church. There was no preaching in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning owing to the absence of their pastor who preached in Westminster church in Charleston. The section of the county between the town of Darlington and Oats is certainly blessed with line crops. The tobacco and cotton on that road are certainly premising. '1 he meetings of the young People’s Baptist Union have been postponed until the second Sunday in Oct. on account of the warm weather and the absence of some of its members. -Mr. S. Wolfram informs the public, in his advertisement this week, that he is getting in his Fall stock of watches, clocks, jewelry