- THE PMUHGTON NEW* , j.u iiUff.-". m .... j. [» . THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1886. ' f . - ■ . . | t | ,.f. ' Fd*t 6flc« Boon. "4wm A. M. »o e.30P. M 8.80 A. M 4.30 P. W MbU Cloths ai y r • 91 ■rUTine, L/dri,’’Ctyd* sod Stokes Biidtfrf M%* l«*te. Moods*. Wedoe*- ^ SATTL, JJantetyBftQ, Seeds ^ ’d»jrA*d Fridsy St» A. M. j., or}#t of Washington, D. BLANCH 0. LAW, Postmistrew imlHio>e8 bis card in another No*. 19. 188ft.' / J. E. Schmid having told bis place ia town and coutemplat- ing a removal, advertisea, i at pri vate Qatof a lot of personal property ReatThi* advertisement ftrr panic nlara. ,/ P. Davis reporuthat be baa foiled to receive bis copy of tbe NeITs for tbe last three weeks. Will the post master at Fbeneser please look into tbe matter; add see that A most instrootive and interest ing article on '‘Dogs and their man- agemeot,” appears in tbe March A pamj^of J^n**- 5 * Monthly Maga ^ siaiir^bwb is well worth th« priee o of the>aomber to all owaeraoffine doga.-* ?/;; : " r ' ‘ ' Rnjgbts of Pythias will be glad teliearthat Dep Sap. Ghancelloc Mustard, of Charleston, S. C., will visit Darlington Lodge, No. 7, E. of * P., bdme time during tbe emMiog week, and exemplify tbe aecrerwork of the order. Mb. 0. Moonet desires to call attention to bis hne of wagons, a wbioh be claims to be tbe best, and cheapest in the market, and thinks * that tbe public will sustain him in that belief, as exhibited by tbe con stant demand for the Carolina Wag 0D> and the premium awards given . Ahem at tbe two iaat County Fairs. See bis advertiseo^euts on cheap furniture, coffins and burial cases. Tub following squib baa been go ing tbe rounds of tbe country press: “Learned men tell us that in Latin the word editor means ‘to eat.’In United States it means to scratch around like blazes to get something to eat.”'—Daastffe Report. There is a mistake somewhere. Which of tbe Latin students of tbe county . .. can tell our readers wbat tbe mis take is. . At tbe last Convention of Dsr- lington Lodge, No. 7, K of P., two candidates were initiated in the Page Rank, and three applications tor membership were read. H. Stern berger, Secretary of the Sec tion, informed the Lodge that tbe insurance, 13,000 on C. C., John Woods, bsd been received and paid Over to tbe widow of tbe deceased Knight. Tbe members of tbe Darlington crouty delegation at tbe South Car olina College, who are mentioned on the “honor roll,” at the recent intermediate examinations, are: Senior class, protlci'Hit, Ham. A. •If*. Byrnes, 'B. F. Williamson. C. C. Wilson: Junior class, distinguish cd, D. F. Houston; Freshman class, proficient, W. A. Edwards and E. Locks; special students, 1st year, * * proficient, H. A. Branson. * • On receipt of the news ot the great fire in Wilmington, on Mon day morning, C. Alexander, Presi dent of tbe Y. A. S. F. E. Co., after consultation with Mayor W T ard, aeut a dispatch to the Mayor of Wilmington, offering the sefticea ' ' of }be cotnpanj Jd needed.. A reply was received trora Mayor Hill, thanking’tbe company for the ten der of services, and stated that tbe ■ ^ danger was over. * ‘ The Opera Honse on Friday , * bight was the scene of a very pleas- .;• « out occasion, whem to a tnll an dience, live 2n.iU]ing and- Loan A^socis tion in ourTown. AXiy oowdesir mg inioniiation in reference to it, will be fm nlsbed with tbe data by Mr. 0. K. Rogers. These associa tions have done great betfeUt wher ever they have heen esiaidished, and ohe is needed in oar Town. ited Juutuu United being in the “hands of The States forces, he received an offer from a 3< nth Carolina soldier of Darlington. Private H. McHodge of Co I, 18th S. 0. V., to go to l is mother’s home, near Tiinmonsvill-, and remain there as long as he wish* JohafruiU flftfilogaa Ml. 18SH. —or— New, Rure sod Brantirnl PUols for IS NOW HEADY. It in full of fully jroot and ti-noilfiil pt inis, in well •• nit ili - uofliie* of merit Tbe rieb collection of Aoe Foluge and other Qreonhou'o ond Hotbouie plant,, are ed, without 6X|)ense. Mr. MvHodge I well grown and at low prioea. es bis card in another personal knowledge, we caajggot espeoifoil recommend this honse to all wlwdestre" to gel, not only wall kBoifjiJbul all the new est and most improved plants of all Varieties. Nome of toe finest gera- uiiMBh andifitber ge^ifticius^plants grown by amatenrs in oar coautv, ‘pit “we* HU ruir were DfiujsrHt m oHlir. 018 pi ioes, never vary, high, have been greatly fedneed,‘to that you can get ten or a dozen of tbe finest va rieties of gepmiujDta for ^and oth er planfs in propoftion. Send to 1dm oatnlogiBe ’ will fipd his plauta so oheau fhat you will not care to get cuttings from yonr neighbors, but will send to Saul and get well rooted, bealtby plants. ‘ • ' ■ -I I Carteravine rF*w>, jl —Garden sowing is now in order, but tbe weather,is so bad tbatmaify. prefer not tu sow untU later. —There have been several hun dred bales of dottoomore'shipped from this place the past season than there were the season before. , . f tjff- *• * i —The free schools are about doe ed up, and tbe chiblren will now go borne and forget what they have learned by the time they open again. TrMr. H. H»,’Carter and Miss Martha J. Scaffe were united m tbe bonds of matrimtuy on' the 11th instout. We wish them well. —Farmers have began work on their farms with a vim. Many of thembave planted .over their oata and are now starting to put their rou^h manure down. Experience tell us that it tS tbe best to put down green potton seed during this month or very early in next mouth Mi Ebeneaer Items. —Farmers need sunshine and money. —Spring poetry and daisies will soon be here. —Growing oats is an unsolved problem with agriculturists. When to plant is tbe chesdut bar for them to open. —A new innovation has been in troduced iu our free school; the bad boy is required to shed his winter jacket before the rod is applied. Civilization is going back ward. —Although many drawbacks have overtaken the tanning in crest since the new year has set in— small grain killed out, the second planting 'Hot heard Irom—yet all this has not discouraged the farm era. Every man of them is stick ing to bis work like horse-flies to a young mule, earnest in their en deavors to conquer all difficulti*‘8 in the wav of their lieuingon them selves iu the near future. Mokes Bridge- —What has become of your face tious correspeudeut from Ebenezer ! —Oar farmers are driving ahead, with indomitable perseverance, hauling guano and preparing for another big crop. —Hebron Academy, undercharge of Prof. Dennis, is now a private school with as many pupils in at tendance as the teacher can attend Me —Some of our young people have recently pa d their devoirs to the hymeneal bltar. Mr. Early Wood bam was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Lula Woodbam, by the Rev. E. T. Hodges, on the 14th instant. —Mr. Dove Pate, now of Bishop viile, was married on tbe 17th inst., to Miss Dora, the accomplished daughter of Mr. John H. Huggins of Cypress, and -next day took to wings of love, and earned Ins bir die “over tbe river and far away.” Darlington county thus loses two very amiable and worthy young people. r —We Wool f Jibe to follow the example of bar Jpaung friends iu tbe mstrimoaial line* bt^t—well, tell me the reason why. Ned. Michael Welsh. On Wednesday night, February 17, 1886, at bia residence on Pearl St., Darlington, one of our good cit izens passed away Irom as. In his 54th year, -Michael Welsh, died from pneumoi.ia superinduced by a wound received 23 years ago. Mr. Welsh was born in Breslau, Prus sia. Ubtober 19, 1832 awl eatny to Sew Or eaus, , fOtue years befofv the wat, where he lived until June 4,1861,'when be enlisted ia Co. D, Capt. Buckner, 6th Louisiana, C. S. A., for the war. He was iu Vir ginia in the great battles, with Jackson on some of his mastel !y flank movements, and as a private, received numerous wound*, the marks and effects of which he (tore gqatK) announced that Uto com to|hef*y oHds ^‘fh- At Bris |tea) after mature deliberation tow Station, Va., re August 17, 1863, lie received a rifle ball wpuud honors tt> Master Jam D. Bast, and in neat delivered the pnze, a set Sfiu’ Werks. For the classes ss a body and individually, tbe proceed 1ftg* %*re a complete tacceds, and we congratulate them on the thor ough manner r ta which their work was done, and on tbs very high compliment paid them, at tbe close, by theif (-receptor. We wisfa them much success in their exatnibatiou this weak. t speech,} through bis right lijug, of Dick- sent to CiiimlNuato Hoi 1 v *' and was spital, at Richmond. Being disabled tor field service, after his recoveiy, be was detailed in theCommissarv Depart meut of tbe hospital, and w«s no ted ior his promptness iu perform ing his duties. Here he made many friends, ami remained until.Septem her 26 1864, when be was honora bly retired from service with the pay'and emoluments of a soldier. also gave him a letter of recommeu- ion. Tfcpia IJivete WMsh bav- g grvea. bis.b«at day a tfir the ser vice of tbe Confederacy, set out for the home of his friend’s mother. Arriving at Timmousville, and ex hibiting his letter, he was immediate ly given employ meet by Mr. C. J. Coney, a civilian. He remained at Timmousville for several years, and afterwards wag deputy for Sheriff' W. B. Timmons, an! then Judge of terwafWwofft fllto MlWblramlise i Darlington and married Miss H. Steruberger, sister of Mr. H. Stern- ber, a prominent merchant of our town, who survives him with five children. In all tbe different rela tions of life towards his fellow cit izens be was genial, generous and sympathetic. Patriotism for his adopted country, the Sontb, was so strong that it seeu^mLboriLjQf h nature. We retueyi^hgy;tl and earnest part he took in the' work of the Ladies’ Mciinmentai Association, and the pleasure be took in having bis annnal reunion of tbe “6th Louisiana,” when he would meet with Co I, 18th S. C. V., at thetr re unions. He was a member, at tbe time of bis death, of Benton Lodge, No. 26, A. F. M., at Timinonsville, of' Darlington Lodge, No. 1301, K. of H., at Dar lington, in which he was insured for 82,000, and of Kesher She! Bas se! and Beuai Betitb, in Charleston, for 91,000 iu each. 0.1 Saturday morning bis body, escorted by the Knights of Honor to the depot, was carried to Charleston and interred in Beth Elohim Cemetery, Rev. Da ORCHIDS—A *«ry large stock of choice llJfca&uSS^Si orchid*. sBk HN SAOB.W# Waahington, D. C. Feb25 ’86 SOUTH tw BtrmhuGik her, E*f., F Immediate Relief, Parker’» Electric Liniment relieve* pain of whatever nature the moment il ia ap plied. and ia n bouaehold remedy where- ever known for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache and Toothache Burn*, Scald*, a And Rruiaep, Diarrhea^jraenterjr, 1. UleaB. jfraA *Muad*, etc not |£i#*|aMlioflfoDd bruia- in aal^WKwlSuir require a. week by any other method The Remedy i* furniahed to agent* and dealer* al $1.60 and $2.50 per docen. The beat Liniment in the world fnrniabrt to reeponaiAlo par ti ea on eommlaaion. Encloao atamp for information to J. H. Wheeler, Darlington, S. C. Retailed by L. STERNBEKOER. Dealer in General Merebandiae, ' Darlington, 8. C. Feb 11, ’86. CAROLINA Probah Judge. Whereas, Mrs. Julia. W. Bacot has made- suit to me, to grant? unto her Letter* of Administration oftbebatate Of and effect* of Dr. Thoc. W Bacot, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular ihe kindred and ered- ilora of tbe said Dr. T. W. Bacot, deo’d., that they be and appear, before me in lb* Court of Probate, to be held at Darlington C. H. t on Friday, March the 5th, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o’clock ia the forenoon, to ahow cauae, if any they have, why Ibe said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 18th day of February, Auoo Domini. 1886. E. C. BAKER, Feb 25, '86—2t Probate Judge. A SUPERB nasal Aannnaffarv m 1 .-wv av wnWanAa anWnnl * Hear the Witnesses !! ‘Jf&t’ftf'ftfidi!!! and hearty welcome which Michael Welsh whs wont to give them, and when as each year ruliajouiid, toe women of OUi City tbt Seaistrfw flowers on tbe last resting place of those w ho have answered to their last roll call on earth, uo flower will touch a sod covering the re mains of a braver soldier than that which will keep green the memory °f J^rivate Welsh, o^ Co. D, 6th Louisiana, C. 8. A. — Which Plan? The question as to whether the small make nominations for tl coming campaign is already agita ting the minds of the people ot Chester county. This is pretty ear ly fo TfejfiTf to show nji shot) mitters. Belter think about crops first, and politics afterwards. There will be plenty oi time for politics later on.— Sumter Advance. All Dead. The recent death of B. Gratz Brown carried off the last of the national candidates of 1872—Grant, Greeley and Wilson having gone before. And now the death of Hotatio iSeymoui carries off' the last of the candidates ot 1868, the others being Grant, Colfax and Blair. The Hon. Kemp Battle, president of the University of North Caroli na, has accepted the invitation to deliver the animal address befon Uto upit gr*iuming clm*s>f th fSontfi (JaTolffif Allege. Me Rev Charles Stakeley, ot Charieston, will preach the valedictory sermon. Ad AtDnU Mao’* Weight and Appetite. “1 took four bottle* Guinn'* Pioneer and gained DL. Muuda in flreb. My appetite baa b* • Satored I hare procured a lot Ita nrfp family. Your* regretfully, GEO. THOMPSON, 60 Humphries 8t., Atlanta, Ga. A MAN OF SIX1£-EIGHT WINTERS. I am 68 year* of foe, end rffafo Guinn’* Pionaer • fine tonic fur th* feebt*. By ita uae my etrength haa been restore I aud my weight increased ten pound*. * A- V. Q. CAM i’ll EL, Cation Gin maker. Mneoti, flfa.. m -18, TO. A CRIPPLED CONFEDERATE SAYS : i only weighed 12# pound* mher I com- meaeed Guinn'a 1‘ioaaar, and »oa weigh 147 pounds. I could hardly walk with a Mick to support me and cau now walk loqg distances without help, its benefit to me la beyond calculation. • D, RUFUS BOSTICK. Macon, Go. t Cotton Buyer. MR. A. II. BRAX1LETT, Hardware Mer chant, Forsyth, 0*., writes: It noted like a charm on my general health. I consider it a fine ionic. I weif'■ more than i have for 25 yenra . •7 A. ii. BKAMLETT. MR. W. F. JONES, Macon, saya: My wife hat ngained her strength and increaaed ten pounds in weight. W* re cammeud Guiuu’a Pioneer as the brat tonic. W. F. JONES DR 0. W. DELBRIDGE. of;Atl*uta. Ga., write* of Guinn's Pioneer. nejyer ha raurte MAKRIBt).^ | On the 7dli of February, at the resilience of Mr. Gainey, by Rev. P. B. Jackson, Mr. Ralph Hicks to Mias Bertie Gainey ; all of Darlington. On the 9th of February, at tbe same place, by Rev. P. B. Jackson, Mr. Bealer Blackman to Miss Dora Oakley ^all of Darlington. jntantfLgv Mr. H. W. Hicks to Miss Donna Uoscoe; all of l)arlim.’tor .- iiIF.lt. On Tuesday, Feb. 23,1886 after a short illness, Maggie daughter of Mrs. J. LaFayette Gandy, aged 12 y ear*. Business Notices. uinn’a PicneeL Blood Rqm fur ■"fcjrrtkde't'rt It ia tahlh dn i loka tbe ayNlem no barm. It improreatlm ap petite, digestien and bloou-making. atintu- Uting, inrigerating aud toning up all the funciioMOpl tissues of tbe eyatem. and •rtftbecffcfta the great blood renewer aud heawh reatwer." GUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD RENEWER Cur>a all blood and skiu diseases, rheuma- tiem, scrofula, old sort*. A perfe.-t Sprikig Medicine. If not in your market it will be forward ed on receipt ot price. Small bottles $ 2; large bottles $1.75 E. Sale Pestponed. THE STATE Of SOUTH CAROLINA , f DARLINGTON COUNTY. By virtue of a Bill of Bale given to B. A Early by Henry A Odom on ib« 24th d*y of November, A. D. 1888. toaeoure the pay ment ef On* (leudred and twenty-five dol lars, I wilt AVer for sale by public .story, at Darlington C. H . on ealesday fu March next, at 11 o'clock. A. M. ONE BLACK MA&E MULE. Term* of salt Gash. CHA8. K KOGERS, Atoiguee of B. A. Early. Feb 18, $6-St. Sale Postponed. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF DARLINGTON. By virtue of a Bill of Sale given to B A. Early by J. H' 8uggr, on the 23rd day of January. A. D. 1886, to are ere the pay- tueot of One Hundred and fifty dollar*. | wHl offer for »t)e by pwbtie outerr at Der- liu tonC. H., on salaaday in March next, *t II e’etoek A M. ONEBLAt K MARE. Terms of aata Cash. CHA.8. K. ItOGKRS. Aaaignee of B: A. Kajly. Feb, 18, '86 —3t Sale Postponed. Assignee’s Sale. ttndaturlayb U*6th.day of March, nrxt, at 11 o'clm-k A. M., at Early** (.'roar Road* I will offer far sale, at public outcry, to tbe higlieat b> Her, th* following described property, to-wit: $0 Ton* Cmtoa Seed. 650 Bushels Corn. 176 Bushel* Peas. 6000 lbs. Fodder and 500 tbe. Shuck*. 1 Cotton EU a*or. 4 2-Horse Wagons, 1 Log Carriage, * B ‘Kfilv*. , 5 Horse*. .2 Mu lea 2 Cowa and Calve*. Buggy lUrnets, Wagon and Plow Gear, Feed Cuttai, Scales. Plows, Carts, Farm Implements, Kitchen Furniture and Store, Let Lumber. Term* Cash.' Articles ta bt ramovad immediately after tbe eal*. CHA8. K ROGERS. AssigHe* of 0, A. Early. February 18, 18S6.-2t It. SHERIFF’S SALES. B W EDWARDS, v*. ' •* E. 8. KILPATRICK aadJ. C.CAMPBELL. Eieavtion agamit Property. By virtue of th* above execution I will •ell in front of tbe Court House of Dar- liagto i County, ea the first Meada y in March next, er lb* Tuesday thereafter, AU that tract nr parcel of aad, situate in the Coauty of Darlington, 8. C., con taining Six Acre*, more or lee*, aad bound ed uorth by land* of A. Nacbmau ; sautb by land* of Jamea Carter ; east by lands of Mrs M. B. Kilpatriek and weal by land* of Jamea Carte'. Levied oa *• the prop erty of E. S. Kilpatriek to satisfy this sx- ecution. ’ Terms Cash. W. P. COLE, 8 D C. Feb 8, ’84 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF DARLINGTON. Court of Common Phai. REBECCA LEWIS *1. al. vs. CALEB GAINEY at. al. Order of Sal*. Pursuant to aa Or Jar ot Sal* mad* in the above etated aaee to me directed, I will offer for sale in front of tbe Court House iu Daijiagtoa County, oa tbo flret Mon day in March next, tbe following de scribed real estate: All that tract ot land, situate in tbe Couoty and Stale aforesaid, containing One Hundred and sixty acre*, more or leee, a d bounded north by lands ot Mrs. Sue Byrd ,- eset by lands of James P. WiU son ; ssuth by Boggy Swamp, separating it from lands of John McFarland, aad west by lands of Mr*. Lyli* Coker. Terms of sale Caeh. J.N. GARNER, CC P Feb 6, ’86. For Sale. Very valuable farm, containing 79 aerts, 70 acre* cleared and in good state of eulti- ratio* Dietanee from Court Houee 2 mil** Also another tract containing 107 aerec, situated 7 mile* fr*m town. For terms ap ply to H. II. HUGGINS, Darlington, 8. C. Jan 28 —If Hohm and Lot for Salt. On* «f the ment desirable place* ia town «f Darlington, situated oc .Heath aide of Oratigv Hi., near Public Square. Build ings on lot are as fotlawa: Two-etory dwelling house containing 8 room* and large pantry ; Store house, 22*50 feet (op posite S. A Woods’ store) ; kitchen, barn, stables, etc. For terms of a*1o apply to H. II. HUGGINS or C. W. MILLING. Darlington, 8. 0. Jan 28-tf For Dyspeneia and Liver Complaint, you haven printed guarantee oa every bottle of Sbilok’e Vitaliaer. It never fail* to cure For sa’e al J A. Boyds Drug Store. Creditor’s Notice. All person* having stvmv against the Eatate of Thomas Stephenson, deceased, will preseal the same properly proven, aad all persons indebted to the estate will make immediate payment to tbe undersigned. MARY BYRD, Adm’x. Feb 11. ’86-3t Insurance ! FIRE IN^UN^CE AGENCY F. K. NORMENT. Represents TEN of tbe Oldest end Most Reliable Fire Insurance Companies ia tbe World. Office in the Cnurt House. Jan 23 lyr. We will soon more into our new Brick Store, next - 7 • v \- e* J ' * •* .) V — to residence of A. Nach- •f . t 4 >• ’ * ‘ a* 4 • i ; j C* -Ma man* Before we do so? call and more some of our ’ — • ' • ‘ ‘ ■ 1 ' ! t* ■’ el if goods for us tat cost. IIIGIIIIST CASH PRICE T?AJL TD T'OJR Hides, Furs, J^lsTJD COUNTRY PRODUCE. The CASH will be paid for 20,000 pounds Beeswax. m- FRESH GARDEN SEED for Sale by M. WELSH- Jaw.19—ly. “ I wfl) a fioww garden auk*. Both for mv ova aad thy dear sake, Aad sew wuk seeds so come a* «ucl Which you, ef course, will buy ofviox P M such thw. he, I grey repeat, Aa* have sa order quicUy^aw. Then ewom thy rest, I’as sun, will he, Aad thy dear wtfc will sadla oa that. iGoidc is a woritof iy>pages, Cekved Ffote*, teen •rations, with desciiptbus of the heel Ffoeiws aad —hiss. aAcseef Seeds and ptaats, end h*w legrpw It tens you what you want for the garden, aad *« h. Pihued ia Kogtuh sad German. Kic emy to «nu, which may he deducted from fins order. SBTOKLYYKK’aSCKM. AT ITKADQCARTX**. •JAXOIVICX. filXMMAlf, Eocheeter, V.Y. f ti Rre|>eotfnlly, > Edwards & Norment. Mr 1 February 18 *86—ly i . 1.** .Iff -ip . •J H: The Best In the State for the Priee —IS AT— JOHN SISKRON’S A A. CTO n Call on him before purchasing and examine his Stock of Fur niture, Wagons, Buggies and Harness. c o r -t- i n s. Cheap Wood Coffins and fine Wood Caskets, and Metalio Bur ial Cases always on hand. February 18. 1886 Important Notice? ALL PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE GROCERIES IN LOTS —AND— Fertilizers, Are invited to call and fet onr 8|m*cUI BarRaiw* prepAitsl cxpreaaly to r parties waatiugEUarouteed city price*. K member tbe.se Hre *|jecialtie H Popular Brands of Flour. NEPTUNE, FARMERS’ CHOICE, DARLINGTON FANCY, GOOD AS GOLD. They Can’t be Beat. Call ~ On • Edwards & Norment* Darlington, 8. C. J. L Coker & Co., Hartsville, S. C. OR A.T r.- Darlington Wholesale Grocery, at Darlington Depot January 7, 1886-ly SKB ID H USB U t iBn FOR S \ i Th ; 0 tr Enterprise Grocery. POTATOES, POTATOES! 25 bbs. Irish Potatoes, all Varieties. VtAOl 1000 lbs- Dried Fruit—Peach and Apple* ' : '^ V BACON. BACON, 25.000 LBS. TOBACCO t TOBACCO ! T( BACCO Tbe liirjcest and moat complete line iff Tobaccos ever offered ia this inarkot, and «t pi ices that tlety oompetitiou. Fei*rtDtry IB, i»6 A. S. WHITE, ilKB tf t*! WWM < >ill»w?ffiMSteh asa M ■xn&JA- it o