FIN IST IK AMU llfciit PIST. ddv Fiuelte, Grave Finite, ?W Flnettjono morning, And pretiy FloeU? she wu nursing her pel, She carried her pot lu her uatacred gnwu, And scolded at pnsa with floper and frown ? ?' Ah, would you, pussy ? Lie down, Ho down I How pretty nho looked that morning I Hoif pretty sho looked, tho young Flnctte, I Irr limbs how lissome ! Tb4 A(ih and hand that nursod tho pot, , 'What would ono glvo to kiss 'em t But'Ftriette looked cross, and this was the cauao: | Puss, the pot, was airing hor claws? And then t thon?ht of soiuo old men's saws Howl ueky I did not miss 'em I I lookod at Flnctte, soft, smooth Flnette, - As soft as down of eider. And I Baw that Finotto had claws llko her i>et; Ami yot, couid I ever chide bcr 7 To a creature as soft as tho elder down, 1 never could bear, with fluffer and frown, To eay, Ali, would you t JUo down,, lie down!" 3t' - Or watoh her about like a spider. But if T married tho plump Finotte, would bo my duty ; ??For pretty Finetto can sulk and fret, And then what comes of beauty? 44 Ah ! beauty is only skin deep, yon know, And doss not last lonn (never mind I/Ench?)? Roniombor Da'.i'ah, Xantippo, and, oh, 4 *' coda. Th?n'o fs\v* sro wise, theso saws aro pat, Pul ho went and married tho girl for nil Hint; And Mm very soon aired her claws, the cot 1 And lio grow thin as Finetto grow fat? Don't marry a girl for her beauty. AGRICULTURE. HOW TO CUBE THE IiONO MOSS. ^.gQar green mosa (Tillandsia usueoides) is oeBu und moBt qniokly prepared by being simply boiled for a short ^hile, thou dfioa and beaten to get rid of the - vegetable outer coating. Prepared in Hliis -way, it is muoh oleaner than when prepared by tho common process of rot ? ting in mod or in a hog pen. INSECTIVOROUS PBANTS. It will^not diminish the interest in these plants to know that one family of thom, the Sarracenia, is probably our best romerly for indigestion. If tho . root bo chewed, or if thoy bo pnt in a bottle (as much UN can bo conveniently got in) and then tho bottle be filled with whisky, or other spirits, and a tablospoonful of this taken in a littlb' water, it will immediately re liove a lit of indigestion, without cans ing any apparent action of any kind be yond tho relief. TAN YAH BOOTS VS. TANYAH TOPS. From tho disappointment of your Orangcburg correspondent *t B," I aup poao that ho must havo plantod his crop on dry, aandy laud. I raised plonty?of them on a clearod oypre83 pond) about Uvo miles below tho viilago, during'tbo war. If ho wishcB to grow tholA'successfully, lot him try tbom in iryaob^.damp soil, any in his uoighbor noou,in a part of a cypress pond, whero tho black gum grows frooly, and not dig until nftci- tho tops havo been killed by tho frost. I am very sorry that I havo nono to send him, as I havo horo no land Biiitablo for thoir growth. BORTH lUr.TUBAT, HINTS FOR MAROn. . JJeotu, carrots and parsnips may bo put in tor tho main crop (in thin lati tude) from tho roiddlo to tho last of this month (next month in tho middle nnd upper country), also ealsify. Swibb . chard, cross, muBtard, kohlrabi, otc. Lettuce, radishes, nnd turnips, for n succession, may bo put in any tirao during tho month. Sugar corn mo^us tried horo toward tho lust, of the month, " totrt tutrniTnTi-crop Bhould bodofcrrod till March. Cabbage plants should be sot out at various timoB during tho month ; and, as thoy bugiu lo grow, tho soil ohould bo frequently stirred. Toma toes and othor tender plants may bo started in a hot-bed or a cold iramo. If ono is disposed to trdco tho f rouble .to protect thom, a few hilln of cucum berii, squashes and melons may bo plnnjbod. Bottomless boxes, fifteen . inches iiqnuro, and six or sovon ioohcB ~ high, covered with oiled cotton cloth, nervo admirably for thia purposo nnd cost littlo. After tlio plants como up, tho boxen must bo lifted off, or raised at on aside iu pleasant weatbor, to ad mit tho air. Iu the latitude r>f Charleston garden peitB are planted wito tho beat results irom tho 20th of December to tho mid dle of January, but thoy may bo put ia niiy time'during tho present month to keep up a succession, A little further north this is a good time to plant the main crop. Iloe frequently thoso that aro udvanced and Bet sticks for their support.' Even the dwarfeBt kinds do better in that way. We havo recom mended to plant pretty thiokly, but I hero may'bo a question what is to bo considered thick planting. Well, for tho dwarf kinds ono pint of seed to from fifty to sixty feet of double row. Of tho largo growing kinds a pint of ,t. seed should plant from eighty to ono ? hundred feot of double row. Let tho distance apart of tho about f.nqui! 1 to tho height tho peas aro ex pected to grow, whether it be ono, two, three or four feet. 1 Irish potatoes aro, doubtless, already planted,': in most cases, but thoy are bI ill. in season, and if put in at once may'make as good urops as thoso planted earner". Choose, if possible, a good, black, moist, but not wot soil, aud mauuro liberally, avoiding, however, too much crude stable manure if you doBiro tubers of tho host quality. Wood ashes, chip manure, rotten sawdust and tho scrapingH of tho hoiiBO-yard aro ex cellent for. thia ciop. Tho Early Boso is tho best variety, so far as our experi ence goes ;. in faot, it is so much better than any othor, that wo would not ac cept as n gift, for planting, any of tho older kinds, good aB some of them are. Tho PeorlesH is said to bo an excollent and very productive variety, and to be suited to our olimato, but wo havo not tried it. Iu n o flower garden thero ia plenty of work to bo done ; lily and gladiolus bulks shonld bo planted, and, toward tholnstof the month, tho seeds of hardy pi lvnnials and aunuai?. Half-imrdv and louder annuals may bo sown under glapp, to be' transplanted when the weathei becomea warm. Perennial plants of last season's growth may now b? transplanted, dividing them in suoh esses as permit this modo of multiply ing specimens. Many of the early flow ering bulbous plants will now be in .bloom, and thoy nhouid be carefully at tended to and tied up to neat stakes ,wh6rt n'ecessaiy. Always out off tho lower f'ttnis o,i noon aa the flowers have ??withered, anil in many casos a second ? Bta'ik wiJispring up and bloom. Tuin in a ~?*rOd time to Btriko entring of hnrbnenons plants, auch nn geraniums, )ieliotropos, Silvias, null colons. Of tiieaoj young or unripened wood ohould always bo tahoii; but it must not bo too itoft. When n shoot will break on tho uppor pari, on being bent, it will not bo far from the proper stage of growth. The outs ings may bo from two to three; inches in length and the leaves moat bo romovod (cutting them olcao to the' atom) fromthe part to bo imported in tho noil. Ueo a pointed atiok for insert ing them, and if sot in pota place thorn near the sides. ft insootu of any kind trouble you in t ho garden, orchard, or elsewhere, send specimens to our entomologist, Mr. Ohas. B. Dodgo, Washington, D. CJ., with notoa of inquiry or information. A wooden match box is one of tho best thirga to send them in. Do not send them to us in Oharleston, as some have heretofore done, but directly to Mr. Dodge, as that will save troublo and expense. one cause op southern poverty, First, then, I assign as one of the reasons of our oontinued poverty and want of progress the faot, that 'wo do not produce enough of what we eat or drink, and buy too muoh on credit. To present-an elaborcto argument in de fense of this position would require a volume. One or two practical faots will suffice to prove my assertion true, and the answer that ovorv farmer will give when applying the idea to his own case will corroborate these faots. In 1859
escaped the fearful carnago?4-1:3 being lost in tho briof fight over the Russian fiold pieces. American Women.?It is a melancholy fact, that American women havo degen erated in point of health and physique, until they havo becomo litorally a raco of invalids. How sad i*. ic to look around us and compare tho frail and effeminate looking lady of to-day with tho halo, hoarty and buxom Indies of days gone by. To all suoh the lato discovory of Dr. Walkor, of California, whioh is known as Vinegar Bittors, is a priceless boon indeed. For this class of diseases it is certain and safe, and any lady, old or young, can tako it with entire confi dence in tho result, and thus avoid what to thousands is a stumbling block never overcome, viz.?a consultation with a family phyi-ician. 'Tia true thero may bo oases of years standing, that will necessitato more powerful treatment, but in nine cueob out of ten thin remedy will reach tho disease, and after a little time efleot a cure. Tho number of ladies cured by it are num bered by thousand s, aud are scattered through every sfato in the union. A Kotv Wonli to Feeble niiit Delicate Wontrn. By lt. V. Pierob. M. I)., of tho World's J >Ih pensary, UniTiilo, Now York Knowing that yon aro ttnbjcct to rt groat amnnr.t of Buffering, that dolicncy on vortr part lms a ?trong tondonoy to prolong, and tho longer it in uoglootod tho moro you havo to on dm o and tho moro diftlctilt of earn your ratio becomoe, I, an a phyHician, who in daily con sulted by fcorcs of your hcx, rioniro to Hay to you thst I am constantly mooting with those who liavo boon treated for thoir aMuiont* for inontliH without being hetiolltod in tlm lonHt, until thoy havo bocomo porfcctly diBConraged and Iihvo almoHt mndo up tlioir ruiiida novor to tako nnothor done of medicine, nor bo torturod by any funhor troatmont. Thoy had rather die and havo their snfferi?ga ended than to livo and wntTer as thoy havo. Thoy Hay thoy aro worn out by Buffering and mo* only made worc.o by treatment. Of anj thing moro tlie cnuraging, wo certainly cannot conceive, ai d wem tlioio no more mu'cea^ful modo of troit Tiig hiioIi dillicnltioH ilian that, tho principles ?>f which leach tho redlining and depleting of tho vital fornoH of tho System, whoti tho indl ? catioiiH dictato a treatment diroclly tbo leveim of tho ono adopt'.d for thom, their eaeoa would bo deplorable indeed. But, lady Buffer ed, thero ie a better and far more succotBful plau of treatment for you ; one more in har mony with tlm la vb and rt-qtiiromen'.H of vonr ayt-tcm. A haitdi irritating caustiu trea'meut and strong medicines will novor obre yo i. If you would uho rational incatiH, nuch an coin mon-BonHO Hhouhl dictnto to ovory intelligent lady, tako uncb modicincH an embody ihn very bent In vi gerat lag tonlos and noryino?, com ponndf (1 with rp tial roforence to your dolirat > system. Much u happy coinliuadon you will lind in my Favorito Proscription which has ro colvcd tbo loudest pratao from thousands of your sex. Tho9o languid tiresome sensations: causing you tu fool scarcoly able to be on your, foot or ascend a flight of stairs; that continual drain that is uappiug from your systems ?Ii yotlr former elft-stiotty, end driving thejbloom from y?ur oticeks; tliat co;itiuual utreio upon your vital forces that renders you lrritablo and frotful, may all bo overcome und subdued by a porr-ovoring uso of tbal marvelous, remedy. Irrogulariika and obstructions to the proper workings of your systems am rOlioved by thin mild and sa'o means, while periodical pains, tho exietonoo of which is a euro indication or eorious disoaso that should not be negleoted, readily yield to it, and if its nso is kept up for a roasonablo length of time tho special caueo of thoBO ? pains is permanently removed. Further light on thoso subjects may be obtain ed from my psinphlot on diseases peculiar to your box, sent on receipt of two stamps. My Favorito Proscription is sold by druggists. The American Organs, advertised in another column, have the guaranty winch comes from twenty-five years of I successful experiment, and from tho well-known high character of the manu facturers. They now offer entirely now styles, unsurpassed in quality and beauty. " _ ** Mothers, who havo delicate children, who aro subject to croup. When your child goos to bed wboozing aud coughing yon know not l.oforo morning croup may set in, and be- , foro you can get a physician your child may be beyond tho reach of help. Allon's Lnng Bal haui should always be kopt in tho house, and ho givon immediately whon tho first symptoms appour, which will romovo tho mnens colleotod in tho throat and savo tho lifo of your dear, child. For salo by all modicino dealers. Electricity is Life.?All nervous dis orders, chronic diseases of the chest, head, liver, Btomaob, kidneys and blood, Aches and pains, nervous and general debility, etc.. quickly curod after-drugs fail by wearitg Volta Electro Holts and Bands. Valuablo book froo. by Volta Bolt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. There are probably a hundred or more porermB in this aud neighboring towns, who daily suffer from tho distressing effects of kidney troubles, who do not know that Johnson's Anodynp Liniment is almost a cer tain cure Iii sovore oases, groat relief may bo obtained, if not a perfect cure. We notice that tho Agricultural pa pora all over tho country recommend tho use of Sboridau's Cavalry Condition Powders.-? Exchange. Farmers and others in this section bavo long known and appreoiatod tho advantage of theso Powders over all others. A Fon-ruNE Fon $1.?"'Tho Wyoming month ly Lottery is eonduotod on tho square."?Stock' Journal.'8co ad vor tisemon tin another column. Burnett's Coooauys Ib tho best and cheap est dressing in tho world. Go ro Bivoreido Water Onro, Hamilton, IJ'. Mr. 'B utt's Liver Fills followed by qnl nliio Is a permanent euro for chills and fever. They aro jnirely vegetable. Sold every where. Agents. Chang Chang nelln at night. Necessary as 'Oitp. Oo-.ds free Chang ('hang MTjr Co..Roston. Patent Novelties. Largest Hintlonary pnekaco In Hie world. Velten A Co. 110 Mtssau Bt., N. V. v> /;/ \ a wtek tonxeniH. Circularsfree. Hamide tJpvIV/ *>C. O. i ii j)\v ck A t o ,bU Louis, Wo. (1/1 tn$*45 PKR DA V-Send f?r "Chromo" ?JP J l/tytaloxuo J II. ttvvv >i.irnHoNs, lion ton. dJOfift 14 month lo atentn ov.-fywhere. Ad?lrosa ijj/jUU ExcKUtioa M 'y'n t o.. Ruchanan, Mich. ?tlfi ' ?9II per day at home, lerroafree. Address VAU (.?tu }1ko.mtinsom rr VKlL DAY commlASlnn or g3U a week ?Jn*J#J salary,and expous**. Wooffer Itand will liny II. Apply nmv. ii. VVet>lier&.Co, Mnrlon.O If flUPV made rapidly with Blench and Key Check illUliBl oittius. Oatalogne,narnpIaaaBd fnlfpartlc Ulamtreo. is, M Spencer, 117 Unnovcr-st., Boston, Onntianl Km/ttm/mmt.?At home, malo or female, KK) a week warranted. No capital required. Par Oculars und valuable samples sent free. Address, wlilifio.rottirn i.lanip, U, Ross, \N' 111 lam- liart;li.N. V. AnVBKTlBKllCil Mond aa els. to ore. P. How km. A Co,,41 Park How, n. Y., for their Pnm pA/r/or \Wijiap*?, containing lists of UU Ht|JUU I.InWtoN* imO..n.Y.orChlcA?o; a MoNTH.? .tgenta wanted every whete BUAino-s h morahle and nr.ii ? ?i.v ?. Particulars r.cnt tree, Address WORTH * CO. at. Louis, Mo. t?SHTS WAHTED ffi^tiS o rc>iUr? no a uor oxtra term1* to agontH. NATION AL rcitl.lHlIING COMPANY, Cincinnati,Ohio, or Meni|dils, Tenn. 700 SUPERB VARIETIES OF I 600,000 Orconhouno Plants. Mailing Plants a Bpeolslty., Illustrntad Catalogne Pro?. I E.Y. TEAS & CO. Richmond, ind. MARRIAGE GUIDE An interesting Illus trated work of 'M patres, containing valuable Information for lUuae who are married or coitilemulnto marrlavo. PriceUfty cents by mall, address Da. BHTTS' dihpknhahy 12 Nnrt ??'lahlh ?I'ivaI.HI. I nut*. Me 6 IXVTE will send 0 varieties pohk ruiw I >'Y iek sKKtm (> uur choice from our Cata liojtns.) for tS els. All true to name and Iwarrantcd. .'to f"r ?1. Hsnd 10 cts. for u __, ... .? or uor Xvui Dwarf Jiutujuri An if O r|/cr ami our Catalog 10 of i.omesilc und Im liiorted Heedt lor Addrera DONNKLLY A CO.. Rochester. N. Y. SENT FREE a Hook exposing the mysteries of TJTITT ori aud how niiv 0110 may op< ITKIt A <;o., to Wa'ier Street, w York. Kentl'RKKinall VHrts <>f ihn Slates 1, receipt or a letter sump. n. F.vvr.?:?.!.vq rvrw asthui am' t.VTAitnn niiii inv. liftTlnR itniKltlri] twenty ye*iil*lwe?n lltaanq dtath uitli AtfTHMAfl ? ?? i ???> I t>7 core iKjuiidlDit i- utm *ti kb it given In which thiaadverttaement la *ieew. The tbU Bkcript is ssvkd it* r.vicnv tuhkk pouNnsof powder made. Ingredients kept byj.rooors and druggistseverywhere. Addrcts 6. W'.rBBIOOH. Practical Bruggist. Chicago, 111. '? , YOUNG FOLKS' HISTORY OP THK ' UNITED .-STATES. By T. "W. HIGGENSON. " It has a clear title to (superiority over noy sim ilar work "?Soilon Adveritttr. " A book where there is everything to praise and nothing lo condemn.? ?Jff. Y. TrlbitMi--.' ?? iheatvln or tho book la admirable.'*?XT, Y. Kventup J\ttt. ( .. i t ?. '? Mr. Higgtnsnn was well qnalliicd to write auch a history."?SprinpflelA Rei.vhUemU 8q. I6mo? with over 100 illustration!!. Price JI.60, Hem post-paid on receipt or the price. I.fe.E A HHEPA BD, Boston. ATLANTIC WKEKLY. A LITEBAHV JOURNAL KORTHR FAMILY. NO CONTINUED STOR1E". TURM1* OP SlHWJKIPrtON. POSTAGE PAID. UNK YJWAH, 8-5.?O j O MONTH*, 03.315. GRK"?T PRKMiUM OFFER. Tuectm'cc of two beautiful slept engravings, al?> 19x24. ?nUVKMNU!',* and 'TI1K HIHTKIIS,' As a picmlum to rarh subscriber for O months; nnd SI Worth of Choice Mnwer Scctlsi or both engravings to each yearly subscriber. OU VKNTb. For Uili amount we will bond tho " ATLANTIC" lor 3 months' trial, postage-paid. A genta wanted everywhere. Address ATLAN TlU.WEEKLY.,722 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. V. A F. Rico A Co.. prooert Bot' ion, tayt:-" Your b<*a Foam 1 ,lve* perfect satisfaction.". It is excellent. Cornelia A Mtimrord, Oroeert Vrovldentet. K. I., toy: ?>' Your ?se4 Foam la wonderful. Our sties aro Immense Everybody pia'fealL' " it makes bread richer, light er, whiter, purer, sweeter, and more wholesome than any other way " The greatest thing to sell you aver saw. Bend at once lor cir cular lo Ceo F. Oants A Co , ;17(1 Ouane street, New York. This new Truss la worn with perfect comfort, night and day. Adapts lioeir to every motion ol the body, retalalng Kupture under the hardest exercise or se verest strain until per manently cured. Bold cheap by the Elastic Truss Co., OBJ: Broadway, New York City. Sent by mall. Call or bend for circular and bo cured. nAfitf *Dd the N. Y, SATURDAY JO I Ml *PO UrlOn NAL. the great literary weekly or America, for ono year for the regular aubicrlptlon price, postage paid. yl7> Names entered Impartially as received, and ? $s cat-h sent at onco to every lirth i ubscrlber. Clubs or 5 (at each) mav retain the *?t This Is our " chromo"?a cash premium of f5 lo every (Klh subscriber! The firm name Is a sufllclont guaranty ofralrness and fulfillment. Bend money order or registered letter to BEADLE A a DA Ms. Publish ers, 08 William kireet, New York. DO YOUR OWN PRINTS NCI OYELTY _ PRINTING PRESS. .. Proft-nslounl nnd Anintcur SfnSfiSrS. Hejioolrt, NocletU n, Alutl Sractarcra, Af crrhunts, find oilier. 111. ? BEST ever Invented. . 1S.OOO In rise. .Ton stylos, Prices from ?S.0O to $160.00 {BEN J. O. WOODS ft CO. Manurnand Material, Send .tamp fur Catalogue.) 40 federal Bt. Bcuton. DO YOURJJ DR. C. A. N 1 O. 610 North Fifth Street, St. Louis, Mo., ESTAB LISHED 1SS7. Cures all sufferers without tho usa of Mnrcury. Chnrs.-s r> .-.-<,o:.l>It- fees. ttiVOr. B.'s ''Treatise on Special Diseases," which lully explain* the nature, cantos, symptoms, and means to euro all form, of Nervon. Debility, nil Dlxeases raurtd by the " Krrnrs or Yonth," and valuable Information on othor dellcata .ubjectt, Kent ritEK In ph.ln sealed mvelopo. THE FAVORITEST FAMILY FAVORITE. ) 1 he Titles MANUFAMVUKRfr- FAVORITE. Y Indicate a EN BRA I, FA VOR.IT N. j the Uftea. For roll information lespectlng our Ooodi, or Agencies for ?anio.address WRKD nkWI n(I MA OBIwK COMPAN V at Hartford Connecticut, or our Branch Orflcealn leading lit!' Seed Time Cometh! Our Klovrer and Klteheti Uarden illua tvntcd Directory for 187ft (tbetwei-tv.second Edition i. wltn Hupp.'en ent of ' Ifovrjltloi ' and sperlaltiet in SKKO-s and other Garden r? q'ulslte for the Season. Is now being sent to all nuHiomers r>r last yeir-and will be ?cot lo olheri PUKE on application- Address, 1). T. C1JHTI1 A CO.. Bos iuu. Mas.. COftftt&SPONDteNOfE IAV1TK!) With persona dealrlov to exchange Houthern or wttttrn Lands, depreciated corp.iratloa bo: da or debta fan/ kind for ft. I-ouls pioperl). Bargains ptocurcd for Inveators In St, M)UM pmperiy,and full Information as to value and titles Imptrted to clients WlMTCOTT H?huau r? RaINKT. OUI1SPI tors, are retained lo prosecute all It' Igatlon pertain ing tu titles, corporations, etc. b. B Waiibkll, Investing Agent, r>i6 Pine etrtet. St. Louts Mo. iT1T.ll aoknth Wa?T?|i kvkuvwh ? UK ?Tbo ebulcOat In tho world- hnpm i.t>' priors - A JLIX1 lutgnst compuny in America? gUiplH article ?pleasea ovetybody?trade Incre? in??best In ducements- don'i waste time?send for circular to Robert W*lls, ? Veaoy St^N. Y.; P.O. Box 137. VIN EC?R.RITTERS 1 Dr. J. Walker's California YinM Rglir Bittere aro a purely W^e.::;:' preparation, niado chieily from tiie na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of \ tho Sierra Novadaniotuitaius of Oaliibr* nla, tho umdicinul properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tho of Alcohol. Tho question In almost; daily asked, "What is the cause of tho unpurafloled success of Vinegar Bit ters!" Our answer is, that .they remove tho cause of disease, and tho patient re* ?., covers his health. They aro the great blood puriflor and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system Never before in tho history of tho world has a modicum boon . compounded possessing tho . remnrkablo qualities of VinkoarBittkus in heaLlng thei-; siek of every disoaoo man i* heir to. They aro a gentlo Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation ol the Liver ?nu Viscorai Organ i". in Diliona Diseases. The jryopcrtics of Dr. Waijker's Fineqar bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, j Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Bedativo, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera- j tive, and Anti-BllVms. IU H. BIcDOtf AMI j vsrlettii on my several f .rms, I would patllcu arly Invite ihn palrmmco or market Knrdcucr-* nod nil fitlirra I who are especially acslroua to have ttGlr.-.cod punt and Ireah,anrtorf/iefrnr?r?i?/relii. AllseedrC-at 1 out rrom my establishment are ooveiCd by ihreo warrants an Riven In my catalORUe. JAMI'S .!. II. ORKOORY, Marolehead. Mass. ? ? - Established JSBfif. . TRACK MASK, rATPMTItU. The f>rst and cheapest Paint in the World for Iron, Tin or Wood. I'or ralo by Dealers everywhere. PRINCES' metallic PATXT CO.. JJnntift'rrra. 00 Cedar fit., Kew York. t3/~0 AAJTION.?Purchasers will please see that our name and trado mark aro on each and ? I every package. fiend for n Circnlsf. $1 i FORTUNE FOR Wyoming Monthly LOTTERY. Lernlittd t>y A u1h?rity of an aet*/ the Legislature, Tickets $1 each, Six for $5. Ona Chance la every 9, Fifth Ejrtraordinary Drawing, I Caali Prize or 9100,000 1 Cnali Prise of 50,000 i Caali Prize or 25,000 I Caali Prize of 20.000 61,026 Gash PrkS3 amounting to $350,000 The flrat TUtraordlntr}- firanlne; wm . n , by Cot. rarrlrV, Pr?l'l of Board of'Trade. The eecond by OnVrrntf .l?m-? Third by Tkhet Itnldera. Th* fourth hyJudfre IU*. k?u. Pm'i of th* Scn*t?. Oraws avery SO Days. Acin'i v. anted,, pay For fall particular, kml for Circular.. Addrau th* Manager, J. M. PATTEE. Lnrnmle City, Wyoming. N. B ? iJirimlo City I? on Ik* I'r.Son ratltta Railroad, M> Chicago and Ofden DR. WHITTXES, ?o. 617 St. Chtrioc Strut, St. X?uIi, lie., rotlnues to treat all aaKS of obttaeiei to taarrtaM, emCI ?mpurttlee, eeery tllcent or ?I kt<(ii which reauK* fteJ? 10'llicraUon or Imprvdtaoa, with soparalleivd tas?i??at ? "IS all?. Hr. W.'l ?itablt>hra?ot It chartered by th* S?Mri_ aouri, w?? ftuni-J and baa been eataMUbtM to tt.-tra tat?, certain and nliable relief. Belos S sr?due>i SVIARRrACE GUIDE IfO| afet. a fnenl.r berk which (hould re read hj ti ?r* b-.'lT No marrttd pair, or p?raoni enrnetullatlct iaX ? l.f.ean aS;!d to Io wlttott it. It .jooU'.i.? >to ereare tj tsetiloal lil.r.nure ft ?!.'? ?^ye;t, ??jult* of Dr 't e loa? eiperlfP-*; i ;?o the bett thontWfrom late Wer'iv j? as I Abvks Sent ?ealel, r^.t-f aid fot t? IW. IWrVWT^llMlllj>|lWI : ' sfs? Painless Opto cessful remedy of the present day. Send for Taper on Opium Bating. P. O. Box VS. LaPORTB, ISO. WBK8 writing to advert sera pleAso the name of thle paper. ?> so, v" Of any and every kind. Pend ?tatnp^* ^??I^liBli ???, ririsauaan, pa.