Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, February 04, 1875, Image 3

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LOCAL ITEMS._ ORANGEBURG, S. C FEB. 4, 1875. ! BQT Mr. Kin.iL Robinson is u?'thorized Id .?ollect and receipt for advertisements and subscription), to the Times. Our friends wishing to have advertisements Inserted in tho TIMES, must hand them in by Monday morning, 10 o'clock. TERMS ?F SUBSCRIPTION: On* Copy for one year, - - - ?2.00 m ?? Six Months, - - - 1.00 a~2rziziz."_^ull_? **?"' Office Hears at Or?ngebnr? Depot. From 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M. From 3 o'clock P. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. Goods will neither ho received or deliv ered outside of these hours. The National Grange meets in Charleston this week. Head new card of J. A. Hamilton about Peruvian Guano. See notice to the stockholders of the Agricultural and Mechanical Associ ation. As we go to press we hear that an accident on the railroad delayed the Up-passenger train on Wednesday. - The tax-collector has been ordered, we understand, to continue collecting Without penalty until further orders. Mr. Kirk Robinson is building a new store between Mr. Louis' and Mr. Hamilton's on Market street. It will eoon be finished. It is said that our sheriff, when re elected, failed to qualify within tho time required by law. If this is true is there not some danger of litigation in the future about land titles? "We understand that Mr. John Dan tier, tho accomplished foreman of Mr. Cornelson's establishment will soon have up a residence on the new street. Let others follow his example. We noticed the town marshals busy catching hogs on Tuesday. They are entirely out of place on our sidewalks and should be put up, fattened aud killed. Wt mean the hogs of course. M. Albrccht is building a new store on the burnt district which he ex pects to occupy iu a few days. He will keep on hand a full stock of gro ceries, liquors, &c, which he will sell tit reasonable figures to all who iuvor Iii in with a call. W. K. Crook is determined not to he behind. Besides his excellent as sortment of groceries and liquors, he 1ms a splendid stock of dry goods, lints, ho its, shoes, &c, which he is selling off rapidly. He must sell cheap. We are pleased to learn that Capt. Mortimer Glover, who is on a visit to Lake City, Florida, for the benefit of his health is rapidly improving. He will prolong his stay until the cold weather is over, when we hope to wel come him homo in renewed health and spirits. SALKS-DAY Being pleasant, a large crowd was in town,and things looked more lively than usual. A good quality of land and other property changed hands, and as a general thing brought fair prices, - - ? ? p - T. W. Albergotti, Esq., the popular baker of Ornhgehurg, has revived from tho losses ol the fire and re-es tablished his bakery, offering his cakes ?&c, at the store on Russell street oc cupied by Mrs. Maul, and sending around his bread wagon as usual. We venture the assertion that no baker in the State can heat Mr. Al bergotti making bread or anything, else in his line, for wo speak from ex perience, and advise everybody to try Iii m. THE PUBLIC MEETING Held on last Tuesday to take steps for the safety of the town, an account of which appeared in our lust issue, was renewed on Wednesday night. On motion of the former chairman Mr. Joseph Harlcy was called to the chair, and J. G. Vosc, Esq., requested to act as secretary, A committee of seven was appointed to draw up res olutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. A committee of three wns nlso appointed to take such* action as may lead to the erection of twelve or more street lamps. The meeting then adjourned and met again on Friday night, when tho committee of seven re ported, recommending that the May or and council bo requested to take stops to organize a police force of all able-bodied citizens between tho ages of 18 and 45. Tho committee on street lamps asked for further time; bat wo under stand that they are working in tho cause. J. Gcorgo Voso, .Esq., is pushing ahead in the mercantilo line, having made a complete change in Ids busi ness arrangements. Ho now keeps a full and varied assortment of general merchandise, and his customers can bo supplied with almost anything they ask for. Besides groceries, he advertises dry goods, hoots, shoes, crockery, &c, with which he is well supplied. He is now beautifying his store with a fresh coat of paint and a new sign. I I Vir. Vose 13 an enterprising, euer- j getic young merchant and all will bo pleased who "patronize him. The panorama which is going on in the Elliott Hall every night is de serving of notice, and to those who nro fond of traveling and scenery, will be interesting and instructive It is a cheap way of becoming acquainted with the world. Grand and beautiful scenes in Italy, Ireland and California were exhibited on Tuesday night, and we understand that the programme will be varied every night. On "Wednesday night a a beautiful bible was to be given away. We hope the light will be stronger hereafter. Messrs. Smith & Stiles, tho mana gers of the Panorama, will commence to-morrow to canvass the town for an excellent woik on the life ot Captain Fry, the Cuban martyr. It is pub lished for the benefit-of his widow and orphans, and wo commend the matter to public attention. T* - * ? There is entirely too much indiffer ence to the subject of streets in our town on the part of those in author ity. The street south of Russell etreet, and parallel to it, has been laid out, aud yet it stands unopened, al though it is said that money has been offered to Council for the uecessary work. It is also said that Judge Glover offers a street connecting this street with Russell, which we have not heard of beiug accepted. Dr. Webster also proposes, we be lieve, to open two streets through tho most available part of tho town; ono to run from Mr. Copes', above Major Whalcy'8, toward Sunny Side; and the other to connoct this street with New street neat the depot. A few thousand dollars spent in this direction would do more toward encouraging immi grants, and building up our town, than anything we could do. Let tho town Council, and the owners ol property interested; exercise a little energy in the matter. TAXES. Men go up to the tax offico and pay out their twenties and hundreds of their hard earnings, with scarcely an expression r.of opposition, so accus tomed have they become to injustice and oppression. Tho thing might bo more tolerable, if the taxes were any where within bounds, or if they were spent for some useful purpose; but they are exorbitant and unjust?they nre at least four or five times too much, and after they are collected they go in largo proportion to sup port corruption, or, what is almost as bad, to bolster up and keep nlivo the fraud which floats under the guise of free government. It is in tho power of the farmers to stop this iniquity, if they would only unite and act to gether with the zeal and combination that their enemies do. ATTEINTrON" 1?AEME?S! I am ready to fill orders for Peruvian Guanape, ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE, MAPE'S PHOSPHATE; The two last named at greatly REDUCED PRICES. Also can supply, on short notice, DI SOLVED BONE AND ACID PHOSPHATE, My PERUVIAN is unusually fine. John A. Hamilton. Dec. 17-3m I NOW INVITE THE ATTENTION OF fHE TRADE To our ASSORTED STOCK of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, consisting of , . . v DRY GOODS, CANNED FRUITS, BOOTS, OYSTERS, SHOES, SARDINES, HATS, PEACHES, &o., &c. TOMATOES, Groceries Choice. Bacon, Dry Salt, , . Coffee, Strips, smonked,. Sugars, Hams, bagged, Teas, Pickled beef, Wines of all kinds, Tin ware, . Pearl Grist, Smoking tobacco, Bolted Grist, Chewing tobacco, Meal, - Liquors, Ale and Segnr.9r Two hundred barrels of Flour to be sold in thirty days. Agent for Hazlitt & Co's Bitters. C. I>. KORTJOHX. Not 20, c*l ly Fire! FIRE!! FIRE!!! THEODORE KOHR & BRO AT THE! BRICK STORE, Ark selling off their rescued stock, being slight ly Damaged by removal. AND nrc selling for whatever they will bring. Come at once and secure Rare Bargains. We mean Business, as we need money. THEODORE KOHKt & BROTHER, AT M'MASTElt'S BRICK STOltE. OFFICE OF GEOEGE H. CORNELSON IAM HAPPY TO BE ABLE TO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS and the public in genera'., that I HAVE RESU3IED BUSINESS again, however, on a smaller scale, and can bo found at the FURNITURE STORE, back of the Engine House, until I am able to muvo into the new and commodious store now in course of erection AT MY OLD STAND, which I hope to have comploted in a months time. Having but small ac commodations at present I am unable to keep a largo stock, but what is lack ing in stock I will make up in low prices, and therefore invite all to give mo a call and get cheap goods. As soon as I can get my store and store-house up again I will be ready for all business as heretofore, only ON A MUCH LARGER SCALES. Thanking my friends and the public for past favors and for the encour agement received during the late disaster, I rcmaim Respectfully yours, j?n21tc GEORGE II COR NELSON. T. R. BOYD HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF THE BEST BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES *C Which he will sell low down ALSO THE LARGEST STOCK SEGALS ANT) T013A.OCO Ever offered in this market. No humbug, Call and convince yourself. T. 15, BOYD'S MOSELEY & COPES* WE TAKE PLEAURE IN ANNOUNCING TO OUR PATRON8 nnd tho PUBLIC generally that'wo have increased our STOCK OF MERCHANDISE. And Itaving rented the STORE of Mr J P Hurley nt the Cornerof Ruraell nnd Br night? Streets, we are now prepared to Bervc you at cither Store. Mr. J. W MOSELEY will continue the Business at our Old Stand cornor Buwell and Market Streets Mr. ROBERT COPES lakes charge of the NEW STOKE* where will bo found at either place a well selected stock of Genend Merchandise.' Thanking vou for former patronage we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, J.' W. MOSELEY KOBE KT COPES 3D H. STLOOX <fc SOjST. Furniture Warerooms 175, ?77 arid 179 King street CORNER OF CLIFFORD, mi CHARLESTON. So, Ca 1874 D. H. SILCOX, Oct. 22 D. S. SILCOX. 7m J. GEORGE VOSE. HAVING MADE A COMPLETE CHANGE, I will hereafter keep a full assortment of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SUCH AS DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; BOOTS and: SHOES. FARMING IXKPZiEMSNTS* CROCKERY, &C, &C, All of which I propac to soil at reasonable rate? for CASH. BARGAINS IN BOOTS and SHOES. J. GEORGE VOSE, Agricultural Implements&c T & CO. Wc lire in receipt of a Full Line of SWEDES IKON, HOES, TRACE CHAINS, PLOW STEEL, NAILS, POT-WARE, GUNS, PISTOLS, WOODEN-WARE, ROPE, PLOW LINES TIN?WA*RE. AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TURPENTINE T00L8 &C WE ALSO Bring to your attention our Plow Implements which are made from Patterns furnished us by the following Gentlemen: A. L. Wysc <fc Co., Ncwberry, Donald Fleming, Spartanburg, Celcy & Bro., Greenville, Dr. W. S. BARTON Jr., Orangoburg. Gunter & Jones, Edgeftold, L. P. W. Riser, Newberry, Dr. E. H. Dowling, BarnwoU. NO. 1 LAP RING, ? 2 GREENVILLE SWEEP " 3 PLOW CLEVICE, " 4 BATESV1LLE SWEEP, V 5 PLOW CLEVICE, 6 OR A NGEBUKG SWEEP " 7 HEEL BOLT, NO. 8 GRASS ROD, " 9 SOLID SWEEP, ? 10 SHOVEL PLOW BL M 11 BULL TONGUE, "12 Diamond Point Bull Tongue, " 13 Cast Iron TURN SHOVEL " 14 STEEL TURN PLOW.. HART & CO. SO Hay no St. and Cor. King and Market ?ist