AGRICULTURE. Will Keeping Sheep P?yl A writer in the National Idve Stock Journal gives his idea on this subjcob: Sheep" pay bettor than any other stock, no matter what the kind of stock is. I have been breeding some 800 head of cattle, and I am satisfied that, oven with the most favorable condition for selling, when the time comes, I shall make a great deal more money, dollar for dollar on the money invested in sheep than I shall make on the oap ital invented in cattle. I have about 600 sheep running without any partic ular attention or care, and have sold $1,400 worth of wool of this year's olip, and havo 250 lambs besides. I do not think it possible to have done so well on an equal amount of capital invested in cattle. One great advantage sheep havo over other stock is, that they never die of oontagions diseases whioh thoy contract. They get the scab or foot-rot or something else, and if un checked it gets them in bad condition, and would ultimately, perhaps, kill .them. But tho very worst oontagiouu diseases to whioh sheep are subject, givo tho owner ample time to treat the effected animals, and the diseases are generally of a character whioh yield readily to treatment. But a man may havo a lot of hogs, and feed them hun dreds of bushels of corn daily, and about the timo the bottoms of his oribs aroneared, and ho is thinking of selling, Borne disease breaks out among them ?no one knows what it is or what to do for it?ouo animal after another follow ing in rapid succession is effected, and the greater -portion die. I have known farmers to be well-nigh mined by tho appearance of a contagious disease of this oharaoter. Sheep are happily ex empt from suoh rapid and fearful 'mor tality. Besides, when a Bheep dies? and thoy will die sometimes?his pelt is sufficient to pay for his keep from the lust shearing to his death. It makes no difference when he dies, or what kills him, tho sheep never dies in debt. HotatlOti oJ Momireu. .', All agree that rotation of crops is a neoossary condition to - productiveness. If wo plant tho sarae land year after year in the same crop, tho result will be al mos t barrenness. So it is with ma nures. If every year .we munuro our land with the same species of manure, it will finally lose its effect, and the consequence will be small crops. Even land will become tired of farm-yard manure and will ask for a change. Guano, bone dust, lime and ashes hav ing been applied to tho same land for a number of years, the land will fail to respond as it ohoe did. The great agri cultural chemist, Idebig, explains this peculiarity on the ground that unless all the elements required by a plant are present, the extent to which the ele ment existing in tho smallest quantity is present, determines the resulting fer tility. This explanation has been gen erally accepted as correot. It is true that there are but few eases wherein any land upon southern farmB run any danger of becoming fatigued by any kind of manure. Our lands generally sutler moro from hunger than from repletion. But the fact is one of interest and was brought speoially to our notioe during a recent visit to the market garden of an acquaintance who informed us that his crops were falling off from overdoses of stable manure overy year for several years. win ii to Ciit'Tliiinev. An Arkansas corresdondent of the Scientific American says: "I came here 30 years since, nnd began clearing land and buildiug Iioubos with hewn logs and boards split from the trees. After sev eral years' residence I noticed that vory often pieces of tho same kind of timber decayed more quickly than others; and after much thought nnd observation I came to the oonolusion that timber foiled whou tho leaf first oommenoed to grow rotted tho sap off very quickly, but tho hoart remained sound; that timber follodjafter tho fall of tho loaf rotted in tho heart, even when appar ently sound on tho ontnido. When fire wood out in tho winter was put on tho firo tho sap oamo out of the 'heart, but when out iu the summer tho sap came out of tho sap wood, and next the bark. I notice also that all our lasting wood has but little snp at any time in the heart?snob ns eedar, mulberry, sassa fras, and oypress. A oypreBs post out in the summor of 1838' is still sound, although exposed to all weathers, while ono of tho same kind of timber, out in the winter of 185(5, nnd painted, bos rotted in tho heart. I saw yesterday a piece of gum plank, whioh I sawed in the summer of 1850, that has lain over since, and is perfectly sound; while oak timber that was felled in the winter before is now entirely rotten. My oon olusion then is : Out timber after full loaf, say in July and Anguet, to get the most last from it. The sap goes into the heart of tho tree after leaf-fall, and oauses deoay." nuchwiiM.? for Hees. A correspondent of Tho Rural World writes as follows : " Tho right timo to sow buokwheat for beo paBturago is about tho firht of July. If sown then, it not only forms tho best pasturage for tho bees, but usually yiolds a good orop of seed. It ib ono of our best honey-producing plants. The proper quantity to bow to an aero is one peek, although some prefer to oow two pooka. I raise it largely, and succeed best by sowing only-one peek to the acre. The number of acres required for thirty colonies of bees will be about four, ii it is a good season for secreting honey. I have known one acre of buckwheat to furnish food enough for bees, so that 800 pounds of honey and 85 bushels of grain were made from it. This was, however, an unusually favorable season. Five acres are the least that Bhould be Bown for the number of colonies men tioned, as it ir better to have."too much than not enough." Raising Tobacco in tho South.' I In many portions of the South, before the war, very much of the tobacco used among tho farmers was grown upon their farms and plantations. In Missis sippi. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, the Carolinas and Louisiana, there ?was oonsiderablo tobacco grown but a few years ago. Now there is but little at tention paid to growing this important crop. The consumer confines himself to a better or finer cultivated and manu factured artiolo. The old "home twist" is hardly to be seen, where a few years ago ? little other was to bo bad. The poorer classes, with"colored population, since the settlement among them1 of tho northern element, have received very luxurious notions in their, drinking, smoking, and chewing habits. The finest whisky or brandy is sought after, while tho old " white wheat" and " peach and molasses" are fast going out of unit Fine smoking brands of tobacco are now in use, as well as the most popular plug and fine outs. Those who should be the produoers are consumers of the very artlole they could grow more obeaply than others. How muoh liko nonsense it looks for Connecticut, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennes see to raise tobacco for the south and a largo export trade 1 The idea that cotton had oeased to be king in the couth was a most absurd and premature one. That moro corn is grown, we do not deny, but not to the considerable extent we have been led to believe by the reports of thooo who de sired to make it a corn-producing conn try. Experiments have been made in moro than thirty oounties in Texas, the past Boasoa, in growing tobacco of the vari ous- varieties, to test their adaptability to that soil and climate. The greater part of these tests have been made in northern and central counties of the state, where the Missouri and Ohio population has settled. With a pro tracted drouth and an early frost, still the result to the planters has been the most satisfactory. Texas will become one of our most excellent tobacco states. ?Cor. Rural World. Mince Pics. We append tried recipes for the mak ing of good and rioh minoe-pies. BEBT MTNOE MEAT (eNOTjISH BEOIPE), Take four large lemons, with their weight in golden pippins peeled and cored, in the inside of a roast sirloin of beef finely minced, in oloar, sifted kidney suet, in Mascatel raisins stoned and chopped, in dried currants cleaned with flour, in candied citron and ornnge peel and rolled sugar. Boil the lemons tender (putting them into boiling water), extract all the pips, chop them small, and add the other ingredients oarefnlly prepared ; when well mixed add two nutmegs, or one, and some pounded mace, half a pint of Maderia, half a pint of best brandy, and a tea-cup of golden syrup. Salt and other spioes may bo added to taste. This reeipe is a family one, with tho exception of the syrnp; in the originid moro sugar in used instead, but the syrup so much improves tho flavor that it is worth adding. GOOD MINCE MEAT (ENOIjI?ll BEOIPB), One unsnltcd ox tongue, boilod tender aud out free from rind, one pound of kidney beef snot chopped fine, two pounds of stoned raisins, three pounds of well cleaned entrants, three pounds of Spitzenberg apples peeled and chop ped, two and a half ounces of coffee sugar, half a ppund of mixed candied peel, the grated rind of two largo lem ons, two others boiled tender and chop ped small, two nutmegs,' a dessert spoonful of mnoo, ono also of ginger, a teaspoonfel of cloves, a pint of fine Musoat wine, half a pint of beat brandy, salt. The Unhappy VintiAoa.?Show mo two villages, one embowered in treeB and blazing in all tho glories of Octo ber, the other a merely tri vi? 1 and tree less waste, or with only a single treo or two for suioides, and I shall be sure that in the latter will be fonnd tho most starved and bigoted religionists and the most desperate drinkers. Every wash tub and milk-can and grave-stone will be exposed. The inhabitants will dis appear abruptly behind their barns and houses, like desert Arabs amid their rooks, and I shall look to sec spears in their hands. They will be ready to accept tho most barren and forlorn dootrino,?as that tho world is speodily coming to an end, or has already go't to it, or that thoy tbomsolvos aro tnrnod wrong side outward. Thoy will por ohanoe crack their dry joints at ono an other and oall it a spiritual communica tion.?Thoreau. THE PUBLIC DEBT. Regular Monthly Statemont-Xnorcneo la Deoember, ?3,0U0,007. Tho public- debt statement has just been issued, of which tho following is a recapitulation : DEDT BEAIHKO INTEREST IN COIN. BondB at 6 per cent.11,167,085,100 Bonds at 5 per oont. 656,695,200 Total.?1,711,861,030 DEBT BUAIUNO INTEREST IN IAWTUIi MONEY. Lawful money debt.? 14,678.000 Matured debt. 10,122,800 DEBT BEABIKO MO INTERCUT. Legal tender notes.3 882,072,817 Cortlflcatea on deposit. 41,200,000 Frao t ion nl-currency. 46,800,698 Com certificates. 23,610,600 Total without tatorost.? 493,208,615 Total dobt.I.?2,240,014,200 Total Intorost. 89,724,477 CASH IN THE TREASURY. Coin. .6 82,687,449 Onrrenoy. 18,92a. 931 Special uoposit held for redemp tion or certificate:) of deposit, as provided by law. 41,300,000 Total In treasury.* 187,740,881 DEBT LESS CASH IN TREASURY. Debt less oash in treasury.?2,142,698,802 Inoreaso of the dobt during tho psst month. 8,650,907 Dooroaso since June 30, 1874.... 80,874,489,939 BOND8 IBSTTBOTO VAC I Fl C RAI MIO AI) COMPANIES. ? INTEREST PAYABLE IN 1;AW1 UL MONEY. Frinoipal outstanding.....? 64,623,512 Intorost accrued and not yet paid........ 1,938,705 Interest paid by United States. 21,825,806 Interest repaid by transporta tion of mails, oto. 5,601,833 JJ&lnuoe of interest paid by tho UnitodStatos. 18,723,658 Smuggling as a Fino Art. The Spanish contrabandists, who were in by-gone years the heroes of many a romance, flourished because import duties were high. At one time English cargoes, or miscellaneous oar goes in English ships, were landed at Gibraltar on purpose to be smuggled over the frontier into Spain, to tho value of ?1,000,000 per annum. As to France, in time long subsequent to the era of the Milan and Berlin decrees, and when import duties were levied only for the sake of revenues, the land frontiers were the soeno of extraordi nary smuggling. Dogs were trained in Belgium on purpose to smuggle goods into France.. The animals were of large size, and were trained to carry twenty or twenty-five pounds eaoh, the load consisting of tobacco, sugar, oof lee, oto. They were converted across the frontier in packs from France into Belgium; they were kept all day with out food, beaten unmercifully (what a superior being man is !) laden in the evening and started off. The poor hungry animals made the best of their way to their Frenoh homes, usually two or three leagues from the frontier, and were there well fed and kindly treated. In ten years more than 40, 000 of theso hard-working dogs were destroyed by the Frenoh custom offi cers, three franca being given as a bonus for the capture of each. Some times a dog would be found laden with nearly ?50 worth of smuggled goods. Russian Beanty. The characteristics of the Hue si an typo of feminine beauty are an extreme fairness of the complexion, grayish bluo eyes, blonde or chestnut hair, and a certain embonpoint, arising from the lack of exercise and the life indoors, whioh is compelled by a winter latsing seven or eight months. They suggest the idea of odalisques, whom the genius of tho north keeps confined in the tropical atmosphere of a hot-house. They have complexions of cold oream and snow, with tints of the heart of a camellia?like those over-veiled women of tho seraglio, whose skin the sunlight has not touohed. By this extreme fair ness their delicate features are rendered even more delioate and tho softened outlines form faces of hyperborean sweetness nnd polar grace. Tho Rus sian women in sojiety seem to make less display than che men, as the uni forms nud court of the latter glittor with gold laco and embroidery and with jewelled decorations. Yet the simple robes of tho ladies are composed of tho costliest fabrics, fastened with the rarest gems; and their da/./.ling skins, nnd flashing diamonds, and gleaming pearls, nnd flowing draperies match in effect the heavier splendor of the mas culine attire. A BbaOtofoi, Woman.?Tho percep tive faculty of women is usually keener than the same phrenological organ in mon. Woman knows that beauty rather than genius is worshiped by the sterner sex. A man may talk with his lips of tho lattor to his lady-love, but the keen ness of tho woman knows that he is thinking of the former in his heart. All women have an innate desire to please their beaux. They are fond of admira tion, hence ono of their longings is to be beautiful. Tho grand secret of fe male beauty is health?the seuret of health is the power to eat, digest and assimilate a proper quantity of whole some food. Take Vinegar Bitters. It will ideanso tho stomach, tone the vital organs, givo a perfect digestion, purify the blood, olear up tho complexion and prod'ioo a state of mental and physical electricity whioh gives symmetry of form, bright eyes, white skin, glossy hair and a genuine type of female love liness whion no ooBmetio can compare with._ Tcxna Knterpilee. Col. .1. 15. Foster, of Houston, Tex ?, inau gurated an Immigration rtnroau and Real Em tato Drawing lant onmmor that is doing much towards populating that State. Thousandth of t ic-Lci to bin drawing lant Ontobor wero Hold all ovor tho nouthnrn ?taten, and hundredth uro now on thoir way to Toxbh, with duorin to lands thoy drow in tho Octobor drawing, in their pookots. 2co his adyortisomont olso whoro. A Wrong Gustom Corrected. It is quito generally tho custom to take strong liver btimulants for tho euro of Ii vor complaint, and both the mineral andvogotabjo kingdoms have been diligently searched is, procure tbo most drastic aud polsonouB pur gatrvos. in'order to produce a powerful effect Upon the livor, ana aroaso, tho lagging and cnfoeblod organ. .This Byiuotn of treatment is on tbo samo prinoiplo as that of giving a Weak and debilitated man large portions of brandy to onahlo btm to do ft certain amount of work. When the stimulant is withheld, tho organ, like tho system, gradually relapses into a moro torpid or sluggish and weakened condition than before. What, then, is wanted ? Modi einos, which, while- thoy cause tho bile to flow freely from tho liver, as that.organ is toned into action, will not overwork anil thus debili tate it, but will, when tbeir use 1b discontin ued, leavo tho livor utrongthonc?rana hm 1 thy. Baoh remedies aro found iu Dr. Piorco's G?ldon Medical Discovery and Purgatfvo Pollots. a curtB or Livka diheahe.^ '?liS| Rusk, Texas, May 10, 1873. - Dr. It; V. riimoE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir?My wlfo last year at this timo was confined to liar bed with Ohronlo Livor Dis ease I had ono of tho host doctors to see her, and ho gavo her up to .die," when I c&mo npon somo of your modicino. I bought ono bottle and commenced giving it. She then weighed oighty-two pounds ; now sho weighs ontt 'linu drod and forty nonnds. and is jrobr.*t ?mri hearty. She haa'taken eight bottles lb all, eo you soo I am an advooato for your medicines WILLIAM MEAZEL. from tiik noted 600ut, "buffalo dux." HofULAMD "UoCBE, Bookford, Ilhj April 20, 1874.?Dr. H. V. Tushce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Sir? I have now takon four bottloa ot your Golden Medical Discovery in connection with your Pellots, aud must nay that lathing I havo over taken for my livor has dono mo as much good. I feel like a new maa. Thanks to your won derful medicine , ,, W. P. CODY, ("Buffalo Bill.") Wo wore pleased to see, not long Binco, in ono of our oxebangoa, Bomo protty severo remarkB addrossod to several personu who, during an intoroBting locturo by Itov. Jno. S.O.i Abbott, kopt a continuous couqhing, which prevented jnany from hearing. Pcoplo who cannot refrain from coughing, had hotter Btay aw - y trom Buoh i>l.v:o.?, or olao tako a bot tlo of Jobnson'a Auodyno Linimont v. ;th thorn. There is no better way of saving1 money than in purchasing a good articlo. Thin is espeoially tho caao in so conspicuous an articlo of dross aa a gentleman's collar. TIiobo who havo .worn either tho Elmwood or War wick Collar havo discovered this, and udviao their friends to try thOBo first-class goods. The importance of giving Sheridan's Oavolry Condition Powdera to horsos that bavo been out in tho cold rain, stood in cold wind, or drank too much cold wator, canuot bo overestimated; no man should uo without thorn who owns a good horBO. Oo to Biversido Water Ouro, Hamilton, 111 OloMNjr block lvli lakers aro admired by every lady. Yon can havo them bynalng Dr. Tutt'o Improved Ilalr Dye. Bold everywhere. VEGETABLE PULITfONAKY BAL? H A.H! Moat appro ved.rellablo and well-linown rem edy for OougbB, Colds fc Consumption. Get the gen uine. Price $l;Bmall 60c. Cutler Baos.fc Co.,Boston oic n oOm per day at borne. Terms Tree. Address s?lU H Uko. htinhon <& Co.. l'ortlaad. Maine ?1 lie KIT.ASTI(ithTJSS and K?PPOHTEH Is [now superseding all jolliers being Adopted roverywhere by tho lead lt>KphyMclans,surgeoDa. druggists, army und navy, hospitals, gym nasiums, el-., etc. Tho Mic- i m and uni versal satisfaction they have given, oh well as tho great number of radical eures tnev bave effoeitd. has demon-'trateit the fact that ruf dir? can be surely cured without suffering or annoyance, and tutlAuut the danger of incurring spinal disease or para ysls, often caused by tho severe premure of Metal Trusses aud Hupportcra It Is the only nure euro for Hernia, as It Is the only Trust In use that will hold the rupturo recuroly In all positions in wblcb tbo body can be plaoed. It wllf perform radical curat when all others fall. It can bg worn with ease and romforl wbeu uo spring truss can be used When once adjusted, no motion of the body or accident cm displace it. Tbeso In struruonts have toe unqualified approval of tho most eminent practitioner* lb the profe slon. From tho numerous testimonials In our posses sion we append tbo following; " After tho experience of mouths, patlenta testify strongly to Its efficacy, as well as to the ease and freedom from Inconvenience with which tho In Btrumotit Is worn. With superior advantages, fie. S'.fsttc Truss possesses In a high degree AUi. re qulsltes and qualifications elalmel for other luven - tious. I havo no hesitation In regarding It as an Important me .us for the relief und cure of Hernia." j. M. G'AllNOCHAN, M. D., *' Kx-Hralth ODlcer of the port of New York, Bilr geon-ln Chief of New York Htate Hospital,'* etc. Oko. V. HnusK, M. D., Superintendent Klastlc Truss Co.?Dear f?r: After suffarlng lor thirty years. In my own person from tho uso of every form of Metallic Truss procurable In thU country and In Kurope, I, two yorj ago, applied your Mastic Truss, and since that time t huvo experi enced comiort and satisfaction, und been taught the muh, lhat the Elastic Truss la the only in strument that should bo tiled for the rollet aud euro of Hernia; snd now after moro than thirty years' continuous practice, and bavin;: adjusted ronny hundreds of Trusses, (and for the last twen ty months yourj exclusively.1 1 gratefully deciaro It to be my deliberate opnlon, that t/our Elantle 7 ruts is the only one rutltled to the confidence, of the public: that elasticity is the only power at all adopted to tho requirements of a Truss or Hup porter, nun am convinced that your Stas'.le Truss actually cures a large propornou or nil cases to which It Is applied, not i nly among children, but in numerous casu* within my own knowledge of patients from 60 to ~i years ot age. R. BUItNHAM. M. D.. Prof, of Anatomy ar.d Hurgory, N. V . K. Medical College. Bewaro of cheap and worthless Imitation Kfn tlc Tnisaee. which some parties :idver|lso and nell, r.ttUduleiitly representing that they are luunurao tilled by the Klasllc Truss Co. Theo '1 rushes are sent by mail to all parts of the ri)iii,try. HaiUfacllon gunrnnteed In all r,-n iiefnre purchasing any other, writu for Descriptive Circular ifrec) to the ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY, 683 Broadway, New York. MARRIAGE GRIDE M An lutert'sting Illus trated work of paces, containing valuable Informutlitn fur tnose who are married or comtemplalo marrlnge. Price tinv renla by mall. <\ddr?ss 1>K. BUT I'm' DIBPKNMA IIY VI Nortn Rltrhlh Htre?t hi. f.onln. Mo W. K. NICOLA & CO. 7^e&V?*?*' A NDPACVI'UH KUH and dealers In Needles for ail Hewing Machlnea. 1 Dot. Needle* lor any Sj-wini; Machine sent to any I*. u. address on rwolnt of *? em tv,, ivm a k ?n tu so rolled SENT FREE A Book exposlui: the mysteries of TJTIT 7 nm aud how any one may operate sue- WJluU Uli cesHfolly with n capita! or $o? or Mono, font Plate InitruetlousHOd llliut?tcri Stil 'Hi.rp. fkj^^^^3J^V T..V, \..\bjin.ij'po.t l*i5 '^?aMiii \u~"iy~ZZ$ U*w* Bill ft Co. Doeatur, IU, KKNTh *vaisTi^^MelP?rHl'women f34~ft week or ?iu> forfehed. Tho setzet free. Wrlto at one*' to rowF.N ^ cu.. 8th street. New York, 8~ ua1ktii1ko POH YOu".-^n7"!n^pand fit It, FreO to?II. Address HUKST * co.. 75 Nassau si reo , New York. Corn*Employment - - A t homoT niaieTirTemnle isda week warranted: No capital required, rar tlculars ami vulua>,|u sample sent free. Addresi with f.c. retrm .Hump. (;. Uoms WlliainMmrgb.N.Y vlfi O CT PKIl JL?A V eommls-slon or 930 a vcTi mfmsltJ nalary,and oxpensos. WooSer It and will pay It Apply now. O. WartlicrA-Cn, Marltm.O A MuN rit.?Agents wanted every where Business honprabjQ und i: i i ? cia*s. Particulars seat iree, Address won rii .t co. hi. i.ouis. Mo. AOPNTSforlho??I.tronnd Kx. _ i?l<> nm.i or I)r. MV lftBaTONK." punip1?te', luuhdnilo; i? fresh bonk. Pries suited to lllo'tlnios! Anmeas It II. Itl's- KI,I,. Cub Usher, CkIdii, Mu^s. TT "rVT Cl <'ntiilogne Free. Uu t-r U JN ?. ?tnlph ? Co., 1018 N. ^ w K-'a '>th Htreet St. l/onls, Mo. ANew Era in tho Prices of Book? Band for Catalogue- oontain ?I lng many of the most vald iiJum able books on all subjects. 11U I\ N AMroi " Th? Coe'.oty f:r Clflfafi? ef ftp SVCMOMATVCY, or Soul Chenoln?.'? How either lex nuy fuclnala and g?b? H>? lovy ami aCTU-llon of eiiy iinrmou tlioy choow,ln.Unlly. This art ?II crm homtm. tti*. br mall, sa Matal msnhrr with a Marriage fluide, kgrplUn Oracln, Dreamt, Hints to Ia<1I.?.Ac. 1>???.????<>Id. A queer book. A.llrr?* T. WILLIAMS ? CO., rob's, Philadelphia. Moore. "Weeks <& Co., Ororert Hart/ml, Ct., Hea roam with J. B. Poster; every confldenco In liN Integrity, wo feel Justittrd In Baying we bellov<- ho will carryr out his Distribution honestly and falriy. Htgned by the Mavnr 'linn ,1 T n Wll?nn ? ?.? '?<'" glpft ' " " ? ? * . (pOSTPONEMENl A VOIDED, "Our orli-!nnl Intention was to mako our Second Scheme 5500,000 In Janury? but to nvo'd a postponement, we have made It only S'-500,00U, and wilt draw positively on March 3.iura. Bcfer to Muni.-. Barlow & Co '? Referenunnook. found In all nanks. T. M. II- >V*K, Trea?i:r< r. Address, .1. K. FOSTKK, Manager, Houston Texas. jA, Standard American Billiard Tallies. nkw dhsi^riJa.-'" Paifnlfd June 6,1871, nnd December 23, 1873. H. W.. COLLEN DER, I*liela,iT ?fc Collender, No. 7.:-! Broadway, New York; 1*. O. Uox 1,?J7. Cloths, Balls, cues, and every thing appertaining to Billiard] at lowest prices, Illustrated catnlcgue sent by mall. ADVERTISERS. Tho American Newspaper Union numbers over 1,100 papsrs, separated Into seven anbdlvls Ions. For aepsrato lists and cost of advertising, addross B. P. SANBOHN, 114 Monroe St., Chicago DR. WHITTTER, ITo. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Ha. continues tc treat all eases of obstacles to -marriage, ln>iiurili?ji, erery allnant or aUkaees *kkh recuTjs ft..r. lodlicretloa or Imprudence, with abparallelrd ? Dr. W.'i eitsblhhment la chirlcrrd by the flute ot Kl? ?ourl, was founded and has been established to eeai-t safe, cerula and reliable- relief. Being a grado-P* ? icvcral medical col'.^se., and haiing the exnertenee U t lose and i-jccetiful Urs In hli tpeelaltles he hnn perfuotro remedlei that are erfeetaal la all these c*m?. Uli petlexu are being treated by malt or ezpreia CTerrwbere. Mi matur who failed, call or writ*. From the great nacv ber or applleiUona ho Is enabled to keen Mi ebar?,as low. 30 po^ea, giving fall symptoms, for two mi^i, MARRIAGE GUIDE, tCO pasca. a i m :u .r book whkh should be read bj sresf. ? U>>lr- No nmrried pair, or persons eontenirlillng mar nag-. CMlaired todo without It. It contains U)0 crcaa si Beule .I llierfiuro on thla subject, tba results or Dr. W. I ion? experience; al.o the beet thoughts frum lala wirk? ?n karope and America. Sent scaled, po.i-pald for W Jta. PIUM Habit Cured A certain and Hiitti cure, without Inconvenience, and at home. An authloto that stands purely on its own merits. Send for my quarterly inaguzluo (ff co*tot/ou nothing), containing certificates of hundreds that have' been periiinneiiUy cured. I claim to have discovered and produced tho vii:t.r. ouioi.val asd ONLY BUKE CUHM FOR Ol-IVM SATINO. DR. H. II. COLLINS, Lrt, Porte, Intl. n.M.WOOI*i2Y,SoieAgt. Southern States, _ Atlanta, On, Anilllfl HA1UTVCURKD nt I I I'nhllrlty. 'lerne; t ,??' [ I I j 'lliue hle.rt. Kom-Vi mfm HtJafBf H! OPIUM I1AIUTVC?RKD at Bomo. Ho moderate, years of un paralleledencccss. nescrlbecaso. 400(c?(f?ionf(if?. Address l)r.F.K.Mar?h,Qulncv4Mlch, rt? rt/fj/Os anil expenses a month to agents. Addrcrs VsaVVA.I. STODDARD, JonesvlUe, Mich MORPHINEirAmf^pwdiiy cored by Dr. llrck'a only kuown and suro Ilemedy. NO CIIARC1E for treatment until cured. Call on or address DR. 0. O. BECK, 112 John Street, CLpiIlNNATI, OHIO. ~t5eiic new yohk WEEKLY WITNESS Giving ne\vs. nnrkeiH, stories, plctnreiand llveed Itorials nt per vear, puttago paid*, tor ?U cents a Quarter on trial) Hat reached 7 5,000 < Ircnlation In U years, Hend for/ire sample copy, ~OIihAIRVOYANOE~ ' Tho BnlrUual M vMery. the Me llnm'. Secret Me <11iiiip-hIrr, Malerlall/, itlon. taught in tiro books, by iito ?rorld famod s<>er. Dr. 1". It Kundolph. Price for both werks, 7."> co >ts. Address K. ?OKHOK, Publisher, Toledo, Ohio. New Ktlition-JPrlco Uncluoed. themaqnetic iviirror. uv f. it.7tAr,aoi.pii. A practical guido to thoio who aspire to Clair voyance AkuolUte Original, and soleeied from various Rdrbbetn und Asiatic udeplx. Prien 12.00, Addrervi K> t OKSON, Publisher, Toledo. Ohio. (Or.e bov r.rJ'ni-.v'aTnntnttt CuU Povrdrt? V wlllraakcaplniof 1IKBT Ml.AOS 1NX IS 0r? mlnntei. b tl.liperdt.,?l.?5Ly mall. 11. UiO. Caar, Zanmllle.O. / WH KN wrllloa lu i*4lverunern nieanu > i t t, the name of Uils paper. * 0. J " B75 A WKKK. Agents wanted everywhere. Kor out lit Fun-en & Walkbr, Dayton, Ohio. 1H% J. Walker's California VItl egar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tho na tive herbs found on tho lower r?nge? ol the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without tho. use of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked. What is the cause of tho unparallolcd success of Bit ters? " Our answer is, that thoy removo tho causo of disease, and tho patient re covers his health. Thoy.aro-tbfi-groat blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Bystom. Never before in the history' of tho world hits a mcdicnip been compounded possessing tho ' roniurTlublo qualities of Vinkoar Hitters in healing tho sick of ovcry diBcoso uum ia heir to* Thoy ? aro a gentlo Purgutivo us well us a Tunic, relieving Congestion or.: Inflammation . of - tho Liver and Visceral Organs, iu 'Bilious Diseases. Sedative, Couutor-Irritunt,'Sudorific, 'Altera tive, aud Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousaiitls proclaim Vin. egak Bitters the most wonderful In vigorant that over, sustained the sinking Bystom. No Person can take these 1 Jitter* according to directions, and remain lorJg unwoll, provided their bones aro not do* stroyod by mineral poison or other, means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Bemittent and Inter* mittent Fevers, which are so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivere throughout tho United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri* Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande. Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ito anoko, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout out entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so duringsea sous of 'unusual'heat and dryness, are - invariably accompanied by extensive ae F??geui?ui? uf tuo stomach and iiver, and other abdominal viscora. In their treatment-, a purgative, exerting a pow jerful influence upon these various or gaus, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as thoy will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tbo bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stimulating tho secretions of the liver, i and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. . No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Soar Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palp fe tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofhla, or King's Evil, Wfifibe Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck. Goitro, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Soro Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, "Walker's Vineoar Bitters have shown thoir great curativo powers in the most obstinate and intractablo cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent nnd Intermittent Fevers, Diseases oi tho Blood, Liver, Kidnoys and Bladder, theso Bitters havo no equal. Such Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood. ?? Mechanical Diseases.?Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-scttors, Gold-bontcrs, and Miners, as thoy adranco in life, aro subjeot to paralysis of tho Bowels. ' To guard against this, take a doso of Walker's Vi*? eoar Bitters occasionally. For SKin Diseases, Eruptions, Tefc> '?' tcr, Salt-Rheum, BlotchcB, Spots, Pimples, Pustulos, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloralioun of tho Skin, Humor-; and Disoasos of tho Skin of whatever name or natnre, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short timo by the uso of theso Bitters. Fin, Tape, and other Worms, lurkiug in tho system of so many thousauda, aro oifectually destroyed and removed. No system of medioino, no vermifuges, no an* thelminitics will freo the system from worms liko these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, those Tonic Bitters display so deoided an influence that ' improvement is booh perceptible. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood when ever you Audits impurities bursting through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions^or Sorest cleanse it when you find it obstructed And sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it if: foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood puro, aud tho health of tho systen> will follow. it. ii. McDonald a co., Draggists and Gen. Agts., San Franoisoo, California* and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sta., n. 1?. Hold ?*? liX Druggists usttl Dealer?? . Srndstampfor full Inforui.v cu ? tTen',in Vrlec-llitiietc.. to (JII.X. f. ffl?."?- "luv. nil.a ah COIftrrV. O. a dvkrtibj'.li.'! feml 1*5 c.n to kko. i*. ? t?w ?fe Co,, 41 l ark Row, N. Y.. for tht lr I>atn vhletot ioo vapes, conlalulur Item of .3.000 news papers, nm estltnaiea aoowlA coat of aavi tt'. n OOK ACJKNTS' .WANTBltt NEW BOOkTEUL IT ALL By Mr?. Stcnli'ctu* ot Bait I-nkeCity, foraa yrrra IK* wife of a Morinon MI^U l*rlr?u Jt lay* l.arr llu-" At././. ?/ a "tctde JcfuMiti? ???...fin *.. i/." Ilrlt:lit, l'utc ivml Ocxxi, It n V.xa NjJ new l?mk out, ami ?nitW?anil will mall Outfit Kreotoall who Witt Canva.a. I r r.-e p.muMrM With full r?rtirulara, nut free. Addrwa Qucca City VublUhlujt Co., CINCINNATI,OHIO.