Small Farming. An ohteVpriSing' * gentlemen'from l (he - west, \?ho, wo are informed, at one time hold an important >&+WV*ty*? Chicago bauk^awnC?aifPwVjL mpl menoed tho cultivation of vegetables. Tho Bpo^tolfeofbft^'ift^^mote^attbnBl?! of tho city, with a soil oomptJ?sff' of heavy, blacH..B#amtt an^ad mixtnro of large bIioIIp. Tho attempt was rather experimental than otherwise, no efforfbemg ?idyfb^telWg^^^i?' his other business affording already1 market for &efy|p!i^^^ result of his mduHtry; itSva^discbVered that oolBfyilf the^Tery^hiteet>?adFi4an-? derost description, caulillowers colossal in size, Irish potatoes flavor and mnguiludo, oompot o^feihPih'o^ow; York onrly /oBe," woro produced in nlmndanoc^aaNawall Jff WW? tft be found i^J)|Jfjwy ijfaj?m* was almost unlimited. Without experi ence, and forood through others "diitien to devoto but a short timo daily to su perintending tho work^e^ouldf^oj-e^ tholes?, at almost japy^ season of the yoar, produce a display, whioh, for size and flavor, would comparo favorably with a?6T?l3Xnd:ns??rtuicfit chosen' from all our markets. Ho estimates tho not profus jai orio noro of laud, cultivated in thU mahbor, and with proper attention paid to the neoossnry series of c?psVaPone-inoW Band dollara ?Pffc-apnuin, J?ve. hours por diem* andsix days ln'tne week tie*" voted to tho task} ho cohaidorhamploto keep a garden.^onstantly in the most perfeot* co^anibfl. ?K^^el^ijo<\viS thjat-V any industrious man can, should bis produce bo of good qualilyvferfd dfiAdd at moderate prioes, disposo of all ho can raise. The wommTluTTferTTRy oi our soil renders a constant succession rjof crops almost a certainty, and throe nionthB* assiduous toil might placo any one of the^mifeantlB^wh^ fo^Wem^ ployed in a position to realize daily what w?rflprastiac' dd\;aivWg? and oclipso them ?W^.^^Sfiol? orod man has tta$n^^y*e^rWd3hhV snptjrior iutollcot aoiialaOtflaquira. Tho hardships at first to bo encountered are admitted, ?&t|l|j| tl-?gtl aro only ?''?' Y, |"> "1 t!" - "a fi progrcHR^^*ftllW'??lffl^ hi come, should encourage all. Hero wo consider is an opportnnitafo*an unions botwoen labor and cnpi^?^vmlhaTbiial' bo tho fialvntion of both. Woro every aero o^A-atS^^Em ftrrfdlrfa ^o^ livo miles from tho'contro of the oity a garden, thoohango it wdiiM^o^uce in* our o^dj|ij^,^jQj5j{dJyyiud is simply incalculable. There could be no fear of overstocking tho market. Wrbilo tho community mil fitted by a slight rcduoKotMilM of food, tho constant deftnndtfrom fc'ther and low^orad locaj^es^wpu^d ex haust *bj}i:n?;ftli!l? m Not ? ftcax wquJdv bo recpilted to dovolop this new sonrcet of wealth, nnd tho two, fold bleBsiugBof briugirjB?Mjjone3M??o?4ho6foouutry, and providin?.comfortable homes for thoso now dentil ito oil no h1 nitizenu would find (mi??^M^^^^^mi^tiX *?!mnL tho owners of this property to take the initiative ^ej^e/^qi'^onjwhpa realir zation of this doBuloratiim should, i not bo effected. True prosperity consists in nff^b^Jl^fp}#>r^ re. way in jvhioh numbers of thoso now ?uftcrraj fjfa ynr&cufild rrt*nri~r)nrii!Dg ny-every on ablo o^ leans TfmrTs. The agricultural department report in detayMmi^rl^iliit^.o! in Jfehv? farmer, byrw^iioh jt *f^"h^wn fW- 90 oneyear-oldHiogH^TO SftfPc^^ shelled com, consumed 88 busholn, end gained 837 poundHin weight; an average weight of ^flfilfbj^^^ ea^yiiayiei, of corn, wnfhh wob thus made to return a valvuvo* -GO a 5 icwnfea per bnsheh Thoyt wero ?aftortvard fdd 14 days on 'meal ground fino nnd fed dry (a full nupply of water boing furninhcd). They con aumod 47 buBhelflj gaining C53 poundn in weight, or 11$ pounds to eaoh bnshol fod, tho cor '^returning a value of C8 echte per bushel. . Afterword they woro ! II dayn on GU bushels of meal mixed with cold water, and made a gain of ,79.1; pounds, or 13.1G pounds to each bushel of meal, tho corn returning G5 0 0 cents per bushel. They woro thon fed Id dayn on itilt bushels of moal oookod, with a gain of G'JG pounds in iweightt or very nearly. 15 pounds for each, bnahol of meal, the corn returhr ing 71 1 G cents per bushol. _ Kc? i? Hut Uno Itroctl. y-There ip hardly on outhnsia*t *ou tho flnbiebt of poultry, who dues not at ilrst endeavor to keep scvorol variotics. Ho Visits nn exnibttio^i,, or, tho yards of somo extensive doal?r", "and admiring various breeds, purchasen noino of enoh, without considering whother ho has ac ? wmmpdations.enough'.for oil, nuduudor ^timating tnoamo\mMof timo required to manage thorn perfectly. 3 Wo would Miff all beginners^ dp ^ob aUomptpto ^kef^pnore tf^o|ejHreJd j! tjnjessj von havo plenty of time to spendand'in ud.ditepc, ^inexhaustible patience, and ?that foot po?66s'Sed by the born natural ki8triJthat fc,, ^y ope who has an in grained fondnessfor animals. Tho in 1 terpst in thoroughbred fowls is so jSrroat rftifl'ihcrfeasingi'lhnit tlhoXisands of novices set out ovory year in tho pur-, suit of rearing thorn. Thero is little satisfaotion, howovor, in tho long run, in kcoping fowls, xihloss tkoy nro well managod. Koop only n varioty, there ilf?re.jin order io succeed, as au amateur. r-X-Livc &tocnbournati * < I I V A ' [' UOVS VV AQfTKD. | ... . Vpyi of spirit, boys of will, ' ' v ! Uiiys-dT niOBclc, brain,' and power Fit to cope with anything? it 'Jllv Tlit-so .-Wo ttantcd every lioi.r. \r JJottbowoak snd whining drones, i '. i ' ihit all:troublo magnify? ' f ..' ^otUe watchword of NI can"t," ry ptjt tho nobler, onej.yjj'll ^ry." Do what'er you havo to do With a truo and earnest z.:a'; Bend your sinews to the ta 1:? t '. Put your shoulders to tho wihcI. TljonRti yoW'dnty may bo hard, Look not on it as an 111; >li ?>. ' If ah honest'taHk,. Do it with an honest will. At the. anvil or tho farrdT- - . Whatsoever you may bo? . 1'rgra your futuro clTorts, boys, '' C.uhea a natinn'ii destiny. polities of Governors and Legislatures. Tho asterisk (:;:) denotes governors [and legislatures eleob. Republicans in Roman; democrats, in italic; inde pendent,1 in; smalt/ . oArs. Tho legisla tnres of California, Illinois and Oregon iuiosecu ?a iiiuupenuuin, becauso the independents hold in thorn a controll ing balance of power.' State. - Governor. Legislature. Alabama."George ?. Houston, .*Dom. Arkansas.Augustus If. Garlai\d*Dem. California... ^.. .Nkwtojj Boom./.Ind. ("Connecticut...... Charles Ii. Ingersoli.. .Dom. I DolawaTof.^.x.vA**7(57dr ;A Ooohran , .?Dom. Florida.Marcellus L. Btearns.*Dom. Ooprgia.......... James M. Sn\itk..., *Dom. jlUhoiB... ... ..John L. Bovoridco..! .?Ind. Indiana.Thomas A. Uendrieks"Don\. Iowa.Cyrus C. Carpcutor_Hop. jiauuaa.... ..._Thomas A. O?bom....*Rop. Kepluokv.Preston II. Jjeslic.Dom ['Louisiana....-William Eilt Kollog5.*Dom I Maine.Nelson Din^loyy jr.... *ltep. Maryland.Tames Ii. Groome.Dom. Massachusetts . ."William Gastonj. . .*Ilop. Michigan.........John J. Bagloy.*Ilop. Minnesota...,.... Cuahmau K. Davis_*ltop. ^liuBiaaippi.Adelbcrt Ames..."..Hop. iMiesburi.. ."Charles' II. Ilardin. .*Dom. Nohras ka. 'Silas Garber.*Bcp. Novada.Li Ii. Bradley.*ltop. |-Now.Hampshire. .James A.- Wvston.Dem. Now Jcriioy."Joseph l)..]ledle.*I)cm. Now York."Samuel J. Tilden... ,*T> fin. North Carolina.. .Curtis II. Ilrogdcn .. .*D. ni. Ohio.i. William Allen.Dom. Oregon -. v........ Lafayette F. Graver_lud. Peninylvania ... ..Tolm P. Hartrauft.. ..*Dfcm. Uhodo Island... Jloury Howard.,.Hop. South Carolina.. ."Dan! II. Chamborlnin.+Kop. Touno:'rioo."Jamefi D. 7'ortv>;jr.."l\>m. , ToxaB. 5 ...Hii'luird Cole....Denl. ?Voinfonf*'?.^r.fAphftl rftlr".Bop. Virginia.lames Is. Kemper.Dom. West Virginia.... John J. Jacob.*Dom. 'W^oiftfi.AVir.i.iAM It Taylor...*Bop. . L B " B lmCAl'ITULATlON. Governors. ?opublicau. 15 ehiocrat... .V.... 20 Indoiiondont. 2 indenon i I The legislatures. llopnblicaii. 13 Democrat.;.... 21 Intlopondont. ? legialntuTb' ?i ArknnBns, elected in October, is now iu seesion. By tho timo. congrets n, senibles, and shortly after, there will bo twenty-eight legis latures of fdatea in senoion. Ptmbw l^l{-R?oiir Phraseology. * The Pall Mall G-ar.etto remnrks apro pos of au^Wdyortisenle/nt which recently -jappehredf in tho'L^udon TimeP, in whioh a Mr. Espinoan offered to introduce in England the ltu?Binu national dances, as follows : Tho real Mazurka ns donced at tho Imperial courts of St. ?Pet^sburg. and Moscow; also tho Mul arocoia; Little RiiBBin, Karmilitsn, Wet Nurse, and Moujiski, Littlo Peasant, I being the original and ? symbolical dances of tho Russian empire: "Tho j1 Moujiski' and 'Little Teasant' would, no dotibf/uoon be popnlnr a3 Christ man novolties in dnnoing. But how aGfput .that 'original and symbolical dance' called i'Tho wet Nurso?' Of cBurse*, *Tho Wot Nurse' \a u poetic subject for symbolical notion, and Mr. Espihona's talent mny render it charm ing, graceful, and idyllic. Tho form of asking would, wo -suppose, bo for the ntlcmnn to advance politoly to tho nd.v nr'l nay, ' Mny T have the pleasure tho noxt Wet Nnrao with you ?' And tho Rtinwer might be, ' I'm sorry, but i J'm crifjnncd for the Wet Nurse.' * Oh, then?aliem?can you put mo down for a Littl?iPenoant V ' Oh", yes, oortninly, and tho last M^oujiski, if you like.' ' Oh, thank you so much. Then 1'vo n Moujiski and Little Peasant with [yon ; and now (going) I must got somebody for just one Wot Nurse.' Tho now ball room phraseology will bo charming." Seas of Ura8S. Our westorn prairios, stretching as far ss the eye o?u ro&oh, an? covsrccl with t\U grass moving with a wave-liko mo tion in tho wind, have of ton boon com pared to soas. But our prairios dornoT dosorvo the name of seas of grass as woll as. do the groat llanos, or grass plains, of South America. * Tho llanos of- Vonezula occupy an area whioh Humboldt estimated at 353, 000 square miles?a space equal to that occupied by tho state of Maine, New Hampshire.' '"Ferment, Massachusetts, Hhodo Island, Oonuootiout, Now York S and Pennsylvania, TheBO immense j plains aro aB flat as the suifocc of a sea iu a calm, nnd tho whole weary lcvol is 1 covered with tall, rank grass. Wo aro told" that ono might travel over this dead plain for over clovon hundred miles, from tho delta of the Orinoco river to the foot of tho Andee of Pasto, and not encounter nn emi nence ono foot in height. Yet thoro really is ono slight inequality.1 This is called a mesa, and is a gentlo, knoll swelling veiy gradually to nu elovatt?ri of a few yards. This slight elevation, rising so gradually that tho oyo doen not porcoivo it, 'b tho wator-?hod which divides tho water that falls during tho rainy season, Bending a part to tho Bonth-east to feed tho Orinoco, and a part to tho north-weBt to feed the streams flowing to tho north. During tho rainy season, from April to the end of October, tno great seas of grass becomo Boas of shallow water. Tho tropical rains pour down in torrents, and the swollen rivers overflow their low banks, sending thoir floods over hundreds of square miles of the vast plain. Groat numbers of horses and cattle, whioh have not been ablo to es cape to tho slight elevation of the mesa or wator-Bhed, aro drowned. "When the waters subside, leaving behind a rich, fertilizing sediment, the great plains become beautiful with tho tall, flower ing grasses of tho South American plains, whilo in tho neighborhood of the rivers a few fan-palm trees wave their broad leaves, and delicate mimooas, or sensitive plants, skirt tho river shores. This is the period , during which the llanos desejrve thoir h?mo of teas of grass. '.Later in tho' season, when th? thirBty earth and heated air have suc ceeded in drinking up tho last remains of the overflow of water, the llanos might bo called the seas of dust, for tho grass has been burnt to powdjr by the intense dry heat, and the air is filled witbxl?st raisod, says Maugim, in his " Desert World," by onrronts caused by differences of temperature; oven when thoro is no wind. The dust thus moved in stifling waves is sometimes still farthor agitated by opposing winds. Whon thoso meet, tho dust and sand are caught up into onormcus pillars, with broad top3 spreading out liko inverted pyramids, whioh whirl through tho hot air liko tho sand-spouts of tho Saharan Dasert, or tho woter-Bpouts of the j ocean. ; The poor animals, which during the rainy season woro in such peril of drown ing, arc now, nftor a short poriod of hap piucfis, exposed to equal danger and wort?o pain, from tho dry waves of duBt and an agonizing thirst, now eagerly, thou, thoy listen for tho distant thnder, horaldiug tho welcome, life-restoring rain ! It comes ; and for awhile, before the lloodH reach thoir height, tho vast plain?, covered with verdure and fnr ninhing food for thousands of happy animals, becomo again tho gentle wav ing sons of grass. " You have a pleasant homo and a bright tiro-side, with happy children sitting around it, haven't you ?" paid the judge. " Yes, sir," said Mr. Thomp son, who thought ho saw a way out of tho difficulty. " Woll," said tho judgo, if tho happy children sit nroun I tho cheerful fireside until you return, they will stay there just 43 days, as I aball have to send yon up for that time."? Chi. Times. Apply run Rkmeoy.?? It appears that we need no longer bo tormented with liver, kidney, bladder, nnd glandular diseases, moutal and physical debil ity, partial paralysis, inflammatory and ohronic rheumatism, dyspepsia and mor bic humors of the blood. Dr. Walker's Vegetablo Vinegnr Bitters conquers tho onuses of all of the abovo irregularities by necuring perfeot digestion, a proper flow of bilo, and a free dischargo of all waste matter. It is not a vilo doctored whiskey, gotton up to deceive tho pnb lio and tioklo tho palate. It in a medi cine to tho stomach, tho relaxed ner vous system, tho weak oironlntinq blood, and tho overworked prostrated brain. An infant may take it, and to children ofHiotod with worms, and ovon adults who Buffer from this cause, ignorant of I the fnot?nul their numbers are mil lions?it is tho greatest romedy of the age. Take ono bottle and you wjil bo satisfied t hat this ia no catch-penny nos trum. Tim Iton'l to Honltii. Cleanse tho stomach, bowelti and blood from all i ho sei ill, corrupt and offonidvo accuinnls tioiiH which produce funollonal derangement, and you roinovo the c.iuho of most diseauos winch hfltict tho human family, and thuK^t ;<\r. larp,o doctors' liill^. Tho moet cff< ct'ittf ami roliahlo romedy for tin- puroose [a found in Dr. Pierco'ri riossant Pnrgattvo rollet?. No cheap wood or paper boxc<, but kept fresh and roliahlo iu vials. High livors, thoso Indulging in .--aHo and pleasure, and those of sedentary habit*, can prevent boils, carbuncles, gout, red sldn, oruptiom?, pimples, conatipalioiv idles, (Irons hicRM, bitiphsnoss, andj olhor conditions iu ducoil by Blieb habitH, h'y faking from four to Bix of Dr. riorc?'B Plsnaant Purgative l'e?otH onco a wool:, or, bettor still, ono or t'.vo each night. Thoy aro sold by dealers in medicines. IIa? been greater this year (?ia'n'.o vor, owing in a groat mcaHuro to.a liberal echomo Jiumgu ratod bv Col. J. E. Poster, of Houston, Texas, to mduco oniigranta to Hottlo, in -that btato. Tho Houston Ago baa" Una to way or Col." Pos lor: ?? Ho in a goctiorann of as .fair, rojmtatlon for honor, Integrity, buH?i?BH capacity and to liability as tiny in our city. Hia character for uprightness and ?dclity Is excoptlouably good, and no Iioh tho co'nQdcuco of our entiro Com munity. Ho is siiHtaiuod by, atid associated with, the vory best men in IImi iton in hia plan for tiio Halo and dtatrib-atibn of hia Itoal Ea tato, in Which, by thoway, ho haft long boon oug of our most Buceossful doaloars. His wboio plan la fair, honc-it and baaed upon actual markot value ; Not oilly as an editor, l>nt ha a man, wo ondorso Ool. Foster for all wo have said of him in every reertectAji.^; i-.ia it ? Hoo twlvortUoniont of Col. I\oetorn Socqud Itoal Eatato and Gold drawing in another' column. '' ) ? f ^ { f i > ? ! ? SnA F?am Bakino Powder.?In an other column will bo fohnd the card of tho old and roliablaUqneft oitftm>tJ^mQ^j7. &? Co., who liavo won an cnyinblb and H?lid roputatioir as tho iuvonlorn and proprietors of " tho best iiakiiiB FomW in tho world " All thrvriigii tho oaetoru t-tat?B it is universally usod, and coudt I0H8 piaiaoB aro daily received from doalor and consumer. Tlioso who, havo usod it will Ijavo no olhor, and thoso who haVo hot'have yet to learn tho dolightB to bo dorived from,mvcot, puro bread.?American iicietptiper tt?porlb% - . .- T WonTnr of Note.?An exchange say's thoro is Bcarcoly a day passes that" wo So not Iioar, cither from persons coming into otir oflico or in Bomo other way, of tho succoss' of Johnaon'd Anodyno Linimont in tho enro of coughs and colds, so provident, about town jtiHt now. MoBt people like to hear of a good thing. Wo will tell them in confidence that, if tho v want to bo drossod woll, they should wear tho Win\\i.'k Collar. An old adago 8ayt> that with a nico collar and cloan boots a nian always. looks woll drossod. Ttomomber tho Warwiok. If we can benefit tho renders of < this papor any by recommending Parson's Ehrge tivo Pills to bo tho boat auti-bilious^ncdiciuo in tho country, wo are willing 10 'do bot Wo havo had about as pood a chance to know aS> any ono. .-. , * i.!^iA/t W .i ? . Im' Go to IUvorsid'? Wator Guro, Hamilton, 111 -r-r--1 I Air, Dr. Tutt'M 1.1 vor Pill? net afl kindly on tho most delicate fiinaTo as upon tho mosVvfgorons syEtetu. Trythemoncc. ??? ?in 7 im t? HUKST A CO.. 75 Nassau : Irr ( i, NfW Vorlc. ?IttJU >?-!-__:_-?- t\>V'tr..:t K,ai'loyineiit.?At homo, male or female, fW a week warranted. No capital required Par ticulars and valuable sample sent freu, address, wltb Gc.reiurn stamp. 0 ROM.vVIlliamshitr?h.N.Y! SI?UUI) i'Kil WISICIt 1 GAN BK madk by any smart' man who can keep.his business to himself. Address J>. F. H KUiUNN. Hobptten.,Now Jersey. . ) VKRTJLtJJKRai Mond HO eta. to OEo. P. Row . b.i. & Co.,41 Park Row;N. T.^for iSelr iSJ phUtWt lOO ph*?, oontatawx Ost? of^ttiw? Mpei, mma estimates shawlaa; om\a?s4jrjcttslM . ^QUnntR'TYPfJ^itta" Pay* 10 tAGENTS. JLV- Naii.o, iiptiui nud Busluesa bi?tnps.> iCom? lUeje Mauufr.cturliiB Outfits to order, hf nd Jl cent Stamp for circular and ferrm to KUBBRIV TYPJ5 W?RIi.w, H?ft witr. Bochcaier,^Tji. r u"f CATARRH t?SB?'^^; pn,T. 1*.CUII.OS,XROV. ailA.ill t?l'XtV, o. Thje MUlet and .MlUwrlglitiT: A monthly Journal of If. paces. Kvcry miller and-,] mlllwilKhl eltould lake It. Addrc?s MM FaON & | OAUI/i, Cincinnati, O. t}MV rer onpwu.' Bend for samplo copy. A MOSTH,-AOENTMt wanted every wliiv*. liDslnt-as ,h6noratilo and Ut? ckias. 1'arilculars .-cut free. Address WORTH A'CO., St. Louis, ilo. 1IIKUS. Sll|0,T^iiU.V^ PIST0T,?iiffi BK^0LYKB8? Of any sndcTcry Wl?<- Send ?tauft? L f01 e*a.i.U'h f.rr?t ?vr? Jt\. V perlioiirtlurlnRsparetlme. Bomeiltlog tii-u-S No cup tal required. It w 111- pay any ono tu send for particulars. Address Enthmthibk, Palatine,111. EPILEPSY ?r^r-*-o^,i?,lho n- of-Dr* n?M' Epileptic IteiiKllle?. Trial packaRO _j KitBK. Forcirculnri. i>vlet, ttt, I/iuls, Mo. ? i-? -~--r>-r?? ADVERTISERS. Tho A mei ic;nt Newspaper Union numbers over l.i'oo paporB, aoparatud into seven eubdlvia. Ion?. Porsop-irnto nuts and cost? IjOUIs. Blnte where you saw this advertisement. Including Pontage, and tho Xflnely Illustrated ??BTAR" Almftn-c, JI ; it Vr:r. ANTI-MONOrOI?V?TlfE 01:AVwl lts' PAPKR ? t'i-ut:tlniiig elKlit rane m^Bs^c reading matter. ; i,c ii.r:iic-r, I'P-ri-haiit ainl nti'clianir in any part of the ?oantry wilt 11 n.t this the la-st of the Week lifts, to miiv titithieg or ihrrlow price. Agents are tillered Inducements superior lo anything here o furfl altempted, speclm? n coiiies ireo. Address ??TUM STAK," ? Inclniiatl, Ohio. j J ' . ,i ^isl? ? l& a'AtAC J. ,\(OSM KlICCATIOA, attend and Kradualoat that oltlt-st, Ur?t>st and aiost tfabranshty mannRed Institution. JONES? bout,MlUltCltAI. AM) TKI.ICO 11A I'll COLUKUIU, St. f.uuli, Mo writs ror a Clrralar. ) \ V f . / I ) V [1 A. kiAUGE ENGRAVING GIVEN EVERY TWO MONTHS, 0? SIX J ENOBAVINGS A YEAR TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER OF THE NEW YORK FI RESI DE COM PAN ION. tur new YORK FIRESIDE COMPANION stands nt tfao bead of nil the weekly papers published In tho United States. IU circulation Is equal to that of tho most widely circulated journals In the world. The treat feature ot The Neur York Firtslds Companion loGnotl Continued Stories. It contains the sweetest and purest love stories. It has tho largest list of popular, story writer.-", ami constantly: otTers: better' stories than any other paper. ; Our readers will bearwltriess to our un wearied effort* In .securing -tho best writers. During 1875 we hope to furnish a greater number of J.ood stories and a greater amount of good matter t f all descriptions, than has ever been given be ore. As a Family Paper, Tho New York Fireshts OomjHtnion. is without a peer. At Icttftt Mix Continued Morles will bo published constantly, and a new story will bo commenced about.every second week,, so that new readers will be able to gct-thu beginning of a story of tho newsdealers, or of us, no matter ft what time they, may.subscribe.. Hack, numbers can always be bad. containing tho commencement of every story. The following is a partial IM of our Contributor* for 1873. cm vert optic. n?. Jon* d. Williams, tonv pastor, petroleum v. nasdv, claKa PKliOy, LUCY randall comfort, Mos. ?UMNKR IIAYDBN. j. W. mackey, P. ham ilton MYKR3, leslie THORNS, FRANK COREY, AGILE penne, Paor. james DE MILLB, Oxrr. CARLLT0N, MARY GRACE If ALPINE, SHIRLEY JIltOWNE, ', BUl.OKTOP, MARY J. WINES, a W. PEARCB. G. L. AIKEN^ O. O. SMALL, 1 albert W, aikbn, john ELDERKIN, allan deane. No efTort Is spared to add to tho Interest and variety of tho content* of"tho paper. Rcnullful engravings are distributed to subscribers free as supplements. Early In 1875 we shall publish A Koto titoru by Mrs., Stunner Unydrti. A New Star// by Agile 1'tsnne. A. Netto Story by Oliver Optic, Author of "Trn* tho'<* BAZAAR." No pdatajee on the IQUttraitlne, next vear! u GRANGERS > " ??nd for oar term*. Sample copy, 35 ctsi. '< smiths luatructlon Rook, or Secrets of DrcsB-maUlner,'? .^.0 Couta, Catnlo?uc mailed for one Stamp. * ' Address,'vctj plnin, A. BURDETTE SMITH, 914 Broadway, New York City. F. O. Hqx 5U55. SO Cta FOSriR'S SECOND AT HOUSTON, TEXAS, 3 I .-^ LJL.-at-'*- . ~4 r?\ *W f.'ino.iioii.?o In Oold, nouses aud choice I l:\iul i in ihc best p.\rt of ihe -'talc. near railroads. 1 S-!r?,O??.U? m Hold Prizes; 17 Hntuca In Houston, population, W.OtfO, and tho railroad cen tre '.six roads'* of the HtHto. ? pc prize or Sit), UU*> Cold, and one of g&.ooo uo.d. Kndoracd by tho,Mayor and City lollown: " JtlavliiR. from our toua niniu'i* with J. E. Foster, every conlldcuce in his Integrity, wo feel Justitiell In saying ?o believe lie will carry otithls M)lstrlbinlun honestly nnd falily. Signed by the Mavor, iion.J. T, LvWUhou, and too City conn :pb^TPON^i^l^ AVOIDED, O r original Intention mm to make our Second sit 10.110 jr>0t),(l(>0 lir January, but to avoid a postponement, we l-.ayo mndo It only $ -OU,OU(), |"'w'?f%ill dra\v positively on March's. 1K7j :iltefyrto Uinui. ltnr ow A Co.'* Reference Took, fotirtdMn alt Hanks. T M. II(?U.*tK, irea-urcr. Adre-n J. K. KOSTKlt, Malinger. Uousion, .jjexas. StaiitW American Billiard Tables. ? Patented June 6,1sji. nnd December 2?, 1871. H. W. COLLENDER, sstitMises:ut to !Pli^lan & Oollencler, No.733 Bfondvay, Now Yoik; P.O.Box 1,817. Cloth Rails, Cues, and evcrylhlrg appertaining! to lllilards-at lowest prices. Ilhutrnted catalogue sent by mall. AOENT? WAHT1!) for the CENTENNIAL IJ.NiTKuSiATKsGAZIilTTEEK. Biiowa the grand result* ofonr Ant 1U0 yeara a hook for every American. Pclia every wfier?- nt Muht. Farmers, 'leai-hera, HiudontH. l awyers. I Merchants, tjchool Directors, Mnnufnctirrer*. Me chanics, Shipper*. Fn'esmeii, men of learning al>d I men ?110 can only read, old and young, all want1 It fi.r everyday relerenc and use. '? A whole "library."?'/Joafon Giotie. " Not a Inr.nrv. but a necessity.In'tr-Oeean. 'The most reoent.completo.trustworthy '-Awlon The best soiling book pohltsBed. bend for circu - lars 10 ZIr.OL.EU Sl MccUHDY, Cincinnati. O. OOK AGEXTS WANTED N?\v BOOkTELL IT ALL ny Mrs. Stenhoo?* of Salt I-ako City, for ?5 Vcara tho wrfe of a Mormon High Trial. Jt lays bare the " h Mo til'c " of the Mormons aa a " u-iJe tiu-al* ic/nrnt w< ?? it.' Bricht, Vutc and Good, it i> tho lair: new Uok out. and ou?clla all olhrre thrte to our. Mint.trra ??jr " God tjtttd it." 'vriyKorfy fcant? It. Wo want fl,(O0 more tru?ty *0~Wrrtsnd{wlrj mall Outfit Free to all who wld a. Ijikto pamphlrta with full particulars.'aHic/rre. ? tincta City Publishing Co., CINCINNATI, OIJIO. OPIUM MORPHINE HABIT speedily cured by Dr. Deck's only known and sure Remedy. NO CHARGE >r treatment tint 11 cured. Call on, or address DR. J. C. BECK, 112 John Street, CINCINNATI, oniO ASTHMA ~? CATARRH. I Im In,: fli In only }?fti? l-olwesn llleaiul ili>aili with AMIIMA, I eaprilmrnted by com. Iiolinitlnitniott ami !.??(! a ami lakajlag Ibomed. lein?, t fotlucalcly Hi.,\r, x,Portland.Mr . Hly: -\V? on- ? tlyiliink yt 11 r Sea Foam nil 'per'brjio all Ifsking Fowdor?," .Wi'.-l. BiJ-ie A. Co. Otocen, tiprlopflelA. Matt, soy.- ' H. a 1 1 .1.1 conibln?** nit tho qiialltb a dosind III a rrstclass taking lo"-der.'' Ti-y It, "It Is Just tho h n r for Dysi optics and weak pir ?ns, and bo t r still for the Mi oil): und well." Many v?lba< 'do recipes ?ein Trie S? nd for clroniar to (1 v.o.V. on.\\rr. At'o Kfl ImanoMt,. .New Yotk. linUPV Mailt ropitllti with fitcr.cil and Key Cluck illUriDl outfits. Citalogue,namplcsand full partio ularsfrce. S, M Hjicncci, 117 }lnnovei st.,Uoiton, Dr. J. Walkers California Yin C^ai* Hitlers aro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tho na tivo hcrbri found on tho lower ranges ol tho Siorm Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of'which are extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. Tho question is almost; daily asked, "What is tho cause Of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit tens?" Our answer is, that thoy remove tho causo of disease, and the patient ro~ covers his health. They aro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving prtuciplo, a perfect Kcnovator and Invlgorator of tho systpnh Never before in tho history of tho world has n medicine been compounded possessing tho rcmnrknblo qunhties of Vinkuau Dittkiis in healing the sick of even disease msm is heir to. They are a genth I'urpalivo as well ns ft Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation ??t the Liver and. Visceral Organs, in Dilioua Diseases. The properties of Du. Walker's Vinkuar Dittkrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative. Nutritions; haxativo,:Diurotio Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alter? tivo. and Anti-Hiliocs. R. II. JtcDOSAl.W ?i CO., DrtippiFtaandOen. Ar: :..San Francisco.California, and cor. of Washington and Chariten Sts.. N. T. Sold by nil Oruggbtta ami Dealers. , m^- ? ? S FALCON PVtr ' - ?Ptttef ENS ttjM /WDKN.N.t 49 *"gg*" 111 No. f 17 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Hi,, Continus? t*> nm all cueaei obitaeiei to nirrian, bivj Imimriiira, trexj allmcbt or rti-kne?? vhtoh rraolu :rcn? lodix-retlon or loirr?'l*nc?\- with auparaliclrd ?i?x*f?. Dr. W.'e MtablUhtoent It chartfred br the SUt? j4 Vi?, ?ourl, mi found-.! and has been <>t?MI?h<l medtcal cchtftt. and Laving the exrirlme? of a loo* and aoccf tirul life In bla aptefnhlea he bt? peMtctr d rtni'lifi that an effectual is ?11 theie can.-*. Hit patients are Vjint trealed by mall or expreta cvtr;wbrre. Me maltrr ?ho fulled, call or writ*. From the treat noo? tcr cf ajipllcuilona be la enabled to keep hi, ..!??**?? lev. ?? pages, civing fail ?rmptoae, tor-ino (ismra. MARRIAGE GUIDE. TfO l ????, a i^pntir book which ahould be reid Vrr?ry body. >o married pair, or paraoaa cnnumatsltna; IS**. '!???. can aftcrd tods without It. It c-.&Ulca ?t? crta&ttf ?A il litetaturs cn this anblect, the tctujttof Dr. W.t ?..0? e?|wrl(r.'? 1 ?I10 tbt beat thevahH frtm late werta l address ma receipt ol Mela, Try AV coTimtMiioa oT?aO a week r-ulnry.and expenses. W e ofTer It and will Apply now. I?/Webber A* Co. Marlen.O