Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, December 17, 1874, Image 4

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LOCAL ITEMS. ORANGEB?RG, S. C DEC. 17, 187fr gSST Mr. Kirk Robihson b authorised to .?-?Ucct and receipt for advertisements and subscriptions to tho Times. ===========^ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: hit Copy for otus War, * ?2.00 [? <* ? Six Months, - - - 1.00 A big fire occurred in Charleston on Tuesday .destroying much property. See tax notice. More money is want ed to make the machi?e run well. Several gentlemen from our county visited the races which came of in Cam den, on last Friday. Mr. Carswell, who lectures here on "Temperance* on the 23rd, has a high reputation for eloquence and hvmor. The Floral Guide for 1875 is a use fill magazine for botanists or admirers of the beauties of nature. The price is only 25 cents per annum. Messrs. McMichael & Blume are still alive and doing a good business at Meroney's corner. Give them a call and you are bound to be pleased. We thank Mr. Robert Jones of the Enterprise Saloon for a present of cigars. Things are beginning to look 'Christmas like down there. The Grand Lodge of Free Masons of South Carolina met in Charleston on December 8th. General Kershaw aud other prominent men were present. Mr. T. B. Boyd is expecting a large stock of boots and shoes every day, aud we'are satisfied that Mr. B. will Sell them to suit every one that favors him with a call. Messrs. Yose &Izlar keen a perfect model of a grocery store. They have every thing you call for iu their line, und we warrant they will give satisfac tiou to all who try them. Our friend Mr. Geo. S. Shircr was pretty badly bruised last week by a horse. Wu are glad to see however that he is out at business, and that the damage was not more serious. To save yourself the trouble of hunt ing over town for those stores winch have laid in stock of Christmas pres ents, just glance over our advertise i?eikbs und sec who desire* your pat rouuge, Rrfd is reported to have received for the Judgeship on* the first bollot 35 < onservative. 20 Regular and 18 Indo pendent votes. It'is theref ?re doubtful to whom he is most indebted for his flection. Attention farmers! The "Farmers Friend Plow" endorsed by a score of furthers is offered for sale ?it manu the furor's prices by Mr. J. A. Hamilton; also read about the "Brown'' cottou and sued planter. The Directors of the Orangcburg Agricultural and Mechanical Associa tion contemplate havingu Floral Fair some time in May next, und the ladies are requested to take the muter iu hand in older to make it a success. Please don't scud your Christmas presents to us all at once, but let them come one by one. It may be too se vere a trial to our digestive ergans; and then again the expense of hiring a team to carry them home. One at a timo by all means. Mr. J. S. A1 bergetti at the corner by the Railroad is a capital fellow. We knew him in the army, and ho nover shirked duty. We have tried him as a grocer, and he can't be bent. He serves his customers faithfully with the best that the market affords. The replv of Rev. A. I. Hartly to Rev. S. T. i lull man on the subject of] "Christian Baptism" con be had at the book store of Mr. Kirk Robinson. It is one side of the general I at tie about which a little skirmishing took place in our columns a few weeks ago. Christmas preseuts at Dr. Oliveros'! All in want of toys candies and other nice things go to this popular establish ment, for if tho doctor generally sells medicines, he sometimes, and especially at Christmas times, breaks tho mono tony and offers his customers things more palatable. ? m * ?* The ladies of the Lutheran Sowing Society will have a Festival, for tho benefit of their church, in the Elliott Hall on Tuesday evening December the 22nd. Adrosaion free. Supper 50c. Fruit, confectionary, &c,, extra. We trust it will prove a success, for wo cannot spend money in a better cause. Judoe Settle and Col. T. B. Keogh two prominent Republicans of North Carolina are said to be in Washington "for the purpose of securing immediate Congressional action on subjects par ticularly pretaining to Southern pol itics." They are wise in seizing tho present moment, for soon they may find the national ship with a new cap tain and a different crow. The Exhibition of Mr Mellichamps School, which was to have taken place naxt Monday night, December 22nd, we regret to say has been postponed until May 1st, 1875, in consequence of' the interruption caused by the breaking outofthe measles. The Washington Light Infantry of | Charleston propose to hold a Fair on tho 1st of February 1875, for tho pur pose of extending their charity beyond the widows and orphans of the Confed crate soldiers of their own organiza tion, to those of all Confederate sol diers throughout the State, For this purpose they appeal for contributions either in money or articles for the table which will be sacredly devoted to the object in view. Persons desiring to as 8ist in this laudable effort to provide for the helpless ones of the brave me* who died in the noble cause in which we were all interested will confor with Mr. j. l. Honour of Charleston, chair man of the committee of arrangements. We notice that the undertaking has the cordial support of Hon. W. D. Porter, Hon. C. H. Simonton and Hon T. Y. Sifcions. Aa of life, friendly citizen knew h that cl desolate tor the Orange the city gagedi sixty fo Wednes of this n munity summed Habitual designedl shared W a friend, cultivate acquain large friends grave, cree of t afflicted leuce. r _ a card. Orakoeuuro, S. C. Nov., 25,1874. Mr. S. n. TRUMP, AugUBta, Ga. Sir?You remember some three months ago that I asked your permission to exchange your Wheeler and Wilson Machine for a Singer. The exchange was made, and after some four weeks test by my wife and three daughters, the decision was to send the Singer Machine back and keep your Wheeler and Wilson. W. F. CHAPLIN, Pastor of Two Mile Swamp Calvary and Cannon Baptist Gliurch. ? Pec. 10 1874 4t FOlt SALE I Offer for sale the Residence of Geo. S. Shirer Esq., on Rail Road Avenue, wi h 25 acres attached, all within town limits. ALSO, one Building Lot in the town of | Omngeburg. dec 10-1 m JAS. IT. FOWLES, QOLUBLE PACIFICGUANO-S48 Cash ?~ $53 Time, without Interest. Pacific Guano Company's Compound A<*id Phosphate of Lime for Composting with cot ton seed??33 Cash, $38 lime without In terest. To accommodate Planters, they can order now and have until 1st April to decide whe ther they will take at time or cash price. When delivered from Factory by carload,no drayage will be charged. This Guano is now so well known in all the Southern States for its remarkable effects ne an agency for in creasing the products of lubor as not to re quire special recommendation from us. Its use for nine years past has established its character for reliable excellence. The sup plies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the superintend ence of Dr. Su Julian Ravcnel, Chemist of ] the Company, at Charleston, 8. C, hence Planters may rest assured that its quality and composition is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. J. N. ROBSON, Agent for South Carolina Charleston, S. C. JOHN S. REESE & Co., General Agents, Baltimore. Nov. 20-3m SCHOOL NOTICE. 1 will open a School on the 4th of January next, 'or cii ls and young Ladies, and boys under 12 years in the following branches of study: < English Ch ain mar, Geograpl y, Arithme tic?llavics. Composition, Rhetoric Mental and Natural Philosophy, History, Primary and Universal; together with nil primary studies. Algebra and Geometry will be taught as soon as I shall be r.ble to employ an assistant. Terms $'i and $3 per month. Apply to me nt my residence on New Street three doors South of tho Lutheran Church. Dec. 10?3t G. A. HOUGH Dental, Notice THE undersigned takes pleasure in an nouncing to Iiis many friends and patrons, that he has permanently located at Orangc burg, C. IL, 8. C, where he will devote his entire time, from every Monday till Saturday noon to the PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY in all its Departments. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all operations entrustedto his care. Charges very moderate. Office nt Dr Fersner's old stand ovor Will cock's Store. _A. M. SNIDER, D. 8. Kirk Robinson in BDoks, Muc\c, Stationery, and Fancy Articles, Market street, ORANGEBURG, C. H., S. C. June 11, 1874 tf go to texas via 1 he LONE STAU ROUTE! 111tkunATIONAI, & GltKAT NoBTHFUIN B. B. Passengres going lo Texas via Memphis, and Little Bock, or via Shreveport, strike this line at Longview the Best Konto to Pal estine. II tarne, Waco, AtiHt n, HuntsviUe, Houston, Galveston and all points in West ern. Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Pascngera Aia Now Orleans will find it tho Best Boute Tyler, Mineola, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longview and all points in East tern and Northern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equip ped with evry modern improvement inclu ding New and Elegant Day Coaches, Full - man Palace Sleeping Can. Wcstinghouse Air Brkes, Miller's Patent Safty Flatfotms and Couplers; and nowhere else can the pas* senger so completely depend on a speedy Bale ana comfortabtejorney. The Long Star Boute has admirable an swered the querp, "How to go to Texas?" by the publication of an interesting and cor rect map, which can be obtained, free of chargc,by addrossing General Ticket Agent, International and Great Northern Ballroad, Houston, Texas. Districk E.l Feb. lfi 1874 ly sTOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! mtoftdJ03' Candies!! Candies!!! I just received by Ie j ol1veros, H*e assortment of Toys, and fancy ?Raisins, Firs Crackers, fine pocket Hnd presents suitable for the Christ H Hlays. AH of which are cordially Hided, to the inspection of the public ?rchasing elsewhere. Bbrangeburg Drug Store, ?W?tt By DR. OLIVEROS. BST2I?3! 0HRISTSAS1! Ka Clause has Come' Haige and fine Assortment of Is and Ohristmas Hp exits for Children* Besides a constant supply of ks and Medicines ? Can always be found at Bit. A. C. DUKES' Store A CARD. WANNAMAKER & CO., Respectfully call the public's attention to their F FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, on BusscU Street, next door to McManter*s Brick Building, where can be found a well selected stock of Medicines, Paints, Oils, Soaps and Fancy Toilet Articles. A kind and generous patronage is earnestly solicited. Da.J. G. WANNAMAKER & CO. John A. Hamilton Is agent for the celebrated FARMERS FRIEND PLOW One Horse Plow, $5 50, and freight Two Horse Plow, fi'750, and freight Every PloW Warranted. also Six "Brown" SEED PLANTERS and Guano Distributors, For sale at the low price of S8 00 John A. HAMILTON Dec. 17-3m IZLAR & OrBBLlI., attorneys at law, RUSSELL STREET, Orangeburg, S. C. j ah. V. I klar. S. Diddle. mch 6-lyr A NNO UNCEMENT ON mid after the First day of February next, 1 will be prepared to receive HOARDERS IN connection with my Day School. I will take either Boys or Girls. james s. heyward, Principal, ORANGEBURG ACADEMY. Nov. 19 3m GrLOVKR & GLOVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office opposite Court House Square, j Orangeburg, S. ?> 1. W,* Glover, Mortimer Glover, Julius Glovek. Feb. 19" tf Observe the Following, Holiday Goods* Mince Meat by the pound and pail Eng lish plum Pudding a delicacy, Raisins Cur | rants, Citron, extracts Crushed, A C Powder cd and Brown Sugars A full assortment of Fancy Confectionery. Gumdrops.Bumt Almonds, French mixture Fruit &c. A fresh assortment of Fancy Cakes and Crackers, Cream Lemon genuine Snaps, also Red rust proef Oats, Seed Wheat, Seed Rye ] and A general Assortment of seasonable and Fresh Goads. . j. a. Hamilton, 2-11 Market Street. A Southern House. GBO S BAOSBR'S BOOB, S/YSH and Blind Factory, King, Opposite Cannon Street, Charleston, S. C. The only house of the kind in this City own and managed by a Carolinian. A Large Stock always on hand, and sold at 20 per cent, less than Northern prices. address, Geo. S. Hacker Charleston. S- C P. O. BOX 170 nor. 1 S OTJTH CAROLINA RAILROAD Chablston, S. C Oct. 18,1873. On and after Sunday, October 10, the Pas senger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOR Columbia. Leave Charleston - - 9.00 a m Arrive at Columbia - - 5,00 p m FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston - - 9.00 a m Arrive at Augusta - - 6,00 p in FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Columbia ? - 8.40 a m Arrive at Charleston - - 4.20 pm Leave Augusta ... 8.20 a m Arrive at Charleston - - 4.20 pm Columbia Night Express (Sundays excepted) Leave Charleston ; ; ; 7.10 p m Arrived nt Columbia ; ; 0.30 am Leave Columbia ; : . 7.15 p m Arrive at Charleston ; ; 6.45 a ra Augusta Night Express (Sunday except < Lea vc Charleston ; ; 8 30 p m Arrive at Augusta ; ; 7 50 a m Leave Augusta ; ? 0 00 p m*j Arrive at Charleston ; ; 5 40 a m SI." M M It V I i.i.K TRAIN. Leave Summerville at ; ; 7 25am A.'rive at Charleston : ; 8 40am Aeave Charleston ; ; 3 10pm Lrrive at Summerville ; ; 4 30 p m j CAM DEN TRAIN. Leave Camden ; ; 6 50 a m Arrive at Columbia ; ; 11.50 am Leave Columbia ; ; 1 50 p in Arrive at Camden ; ; 6 35pm Day and Night Trains make close connec tion at Augusta, with Georgia Railroad Night Trains, only, make close connection with Mncon and Augnsta Railroad* This is also the quickest and most direct route, and as comtortable and cheap as any other route to Montgomery, Sclmn, Mobile,] Sew Orleans and other points Southwest,and to Louisville Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Lou hi, and all other points West and Northwest. Columbia Night Train connecta closely with the Greenville and Columbia Railroad and with the Chatlotte, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad for points North. Through tickets on Bale to all points North and West. Camdon Trains connects at Kingville drily (except Sundays) with Day Passenger Train and runs through to Columbia on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdava* 8. B. PICKENS, G. T. A. GEORGE H CORNELSON IS NOW RECEIVING BY EVERY 8TEAMER, AND WILL Continue to do so tili Christinns v NEW ADDITIONS TO HIS ALREADY Large and Extensive Stock GROCERIES,HARDWARE,CROCKERY BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, HARNESS, GLASS, WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, ALSO A New Assortment of Fine Clothing PLEASE call every one and Exam!n& for yousolves. I continue to buy; CO'JTON, RICE, PEAS, CORN, Just as usual, at Highest Market Prices I still continue tho ONE PRICE System and adhere strict oly the old Motto, Quick Sales and Small Profits. Hoping to see you ail soon I remain Respectfully yours GORGE If. CORNJSLiSON? MOSELEY St COPES, WE TAKE PLEAUBE IN ANNOUNCING TO OIJB PATRONS and the PUBLIC generally that we have increased oar STOCK OF ME? CHANDISE. And having rented (he STORE of Mr ) P Harley at the Comerof Russell and Brmghto Street?, we are now prepared to serve yoa at either Store. Mr. J. W MOSELEY will continue the Business at our Old Stand corner Roesell end Market Streets Mr. ROBERT OOPE8 taken charge of the NEW STORE? where will be found at either place a well selected stock of General Merchandise. Thanking yon for former patronage we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. J. W. MOSELEY ROBERT COPES D EC- SIIXJOX ?fc SON Furniture Warerooms 175, 177 and 179 King street CORNER OF CLIFFORD, CHARLESTON. So, Oa D. H. SILCOX, D. S. S1LCOX. Oct. 22 1874 lm McMICHAEL & BL?ME? 4 Havgin lately Replenished their Stock of SR7 GOODS, SOOTS,- SHOES and HATS, i the FALL TRADE, together with the best and Cheapest Lot of Groceries Ever offered to the Public before are now Sell ing them off at very Reduced Prices. Their STOCK of TOBACCOS, LIQUORS, BRANDIES, AND 8EGARS Are unequaled in this Market. Gome one come ALL and see for yurselves TAKE NOTICE WE ARE RECEIVING and have now on hand a VERY FINE LOT OF GROCERIES WHICH WE WILL SELL VERY LOW FOR CASH. COUNTRY MERCHANTS WOULD DO WELL TO CALL AND EXAMINE ALL PARTIES Indebted to us will please comeTorwardJand SETTLE UP. We mean what we say, ? , - ,. , VOSE & IZLAR, Goods Delivered. The Orangeburg Bakery. T W- ALBERGOTTI, Proprietor. Offers to the Public at all Times FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES. FRUITS, CANDIES, TOILET SFTTS, and every Description of Fancy Goods. Wedding Cake Furnished at the Shortest Notice. A ?plen&d Lot of Christmas TOYS and PRESENTS for Children has just been Received In Returning my Thanks TO MY PATRONS for their Liberal Patronage in the past, I assare'them that I will spare no efforts to please them in the future MY STOCK is Well ASSORTED IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, WINES LIQUORS, 8EGAR8 &c., &., All of which I offer as low as any House. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Please call and Satisfy yourself. No trouble to Show Goods. Maj B F POU. M B SI8TUNK, W D RISER and W W WOLFE.are with me, who will be pleased to see thefeiriends Apr. 10,1873 p. H W- BRIGG MAN* ENTERPRISE CLUB ROOMS, F. DEM ARS, PROPRIETOR. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH LOT OF LIQUORS AND ft EG ARS, AND SIT 1 Receiving every day the Patronage of the Public, WHO come in there to pass a pleosantbour, by playing a social game of Billiards cm their newly fitted tables. If you want anything In the Liquor Line GO to the Enterprise Club Rooms, for you will find in it everything. SEGA HS Of the following popular brands IMPERIAL REGALIA, LONG TOM, GOLDEN EAGLE, LA R06R PERCY 8EMPLE, LA NOME A, 8WRET HOME, nENRY CLAY Jan.1 1874. *