LOCAL ITEMS. ORANOEBUuG, S. C OCT. i, 1874. Sum Mr. KlRK ??nnhxm la authorised to :o)Icct and receipt for advertisements and sub.criptions to the Time*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy for one year, - $2.00 " * " Six Month*, - - - 1.00 Our friends wishing to have advert isementa inserted in Hi* TIMES, Inusl hand them in by Monday morning, 10 o'clock. Rally Conservatives 13 Come out to tlie meeting on *~ i~ ?u t'i rn*m> T$ftf> weather, on Monday was yery etorniy, but on Tuesday delightful. The Independent movement is gain ing strength in all parts of the State. The valuable communication signed **H." vtilb appear, in Our? next, Being | too late for this issue. -?,. Pa,'.i,' -'-VMfJ^ q Ckvu, who recently killed Brown ing, Trial Justice at Bamberg, has been tried and acquitted. Ex-Governor Perry & out in a letter 1 in the Phoenix favoring the endorse ment of Green for Governor. Moses appealed to Grant for troops to put down riots in Edgeficld county, but was rcfiissd by the latter. We are pained to learn of the severe illness of Mr J. M. Bettel I who has been confined to Iiis bod with an attack of paralysis. The Enterprise Billiard Saloon will hereafter be conducted by Mr DcMars Assisted by Mr. Iiobeit Jones, Mr. Wolfe having withdrawn. The Orange Tax Union meets on Friday at 71 o'clock p. m., and every member is requested to attend. It now numbers fortv-five members. Bets are freely offered, with no fakers, that Chamberlain, the Patter ?m King candidate, will be beaten in Georgetown couuty by 2000 mrjority. Cosskrvatives remember tho meet ing ?ea Mond??. Come out and send the right kind of delegates; t > Colum bia. Let i* be an enthusiastic people's meet it ig. The severe storqi mi Monday caused it wash on tho track of the South Car olina Railroad below Brnnehville, which interrupted tfie passage of the trains on Tuesday. If the Republicans don't intend to cheat in the coining election, they will cause cue good Conservative to be ap pointed iu each county on the Board of Commissioners of Election. Considerable damage was done by the gale on Monday in Charleston, and its vicinity/" The old bathing house is gone, and tho sea wall on East Battery is a mass of crumbling ruins. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Joseph luabneL for many years an efficient employee of tho South Caro lina Railroad, residing at this place. Our sympathies arc with his afflicted family. ? i We understand that a change has been made in the Commissioners of Election ; J. P. Mays and Fordham being substituted for A. B. Know Ron and F. R. McKiulay. Why is thisthusly? Why is it that the Town Council don't put through that New Street? It is said that the means havo been offered, so that if there is a will there is a way. If this is so, the Counoil should certainly act, for nothing im proves a town more than the opening of streets. We see by the News and Courier that Uuaon county, which has a Dem ocratic majority, has voluntarily put three colored men on the County ticket to represent the colored minority. Docs this look like the- Democrats, when they have power, will aot unfair ly to the colored people? Dispatches from Columbia indicate j considerable discouragement among the prominent Ring leaders in conse quence of tho failure of the Charleston ratification meeting. Falling scantling burning beavers and verdant hearers sccra to havo been too much even for Judge Mackey and General Elliott. The Executive Committee of the j Omugeburg County Tax Union met here on .Saturday September tho 19th. It is requested that the Chairmen of tho several Township Executive Com* tnittecft, who form this (county) Com mittee, send their names, as early as possible, to J. S. Hey ward, Secretary. Tun Chamberlain rally iu Charles ton seems to have turned out a Green rally. The fact is the Chamberlain itca were oreen not to have fired their, first gun in Orangeburg, where they might havo made a better beginning. We would advise them the next time tobe more careful about their feat form. The Union-Herald devotes nearly a column to the subject of tho union/of the Conservatives end Independents, as proposed by the News and Courier. This paper is certainly very magnani mous. It thinks Kershaw would be harder to beat than Green, and yet it evidently dont want the Conservatives to endorse tho latter. How generous! jj The correspondents, both of the Sun and News and Courier, writing from Walterboro, concur in representing the second Chamberlain ratification meeting at that place as big a fizzle as tho first at Charleston. Only one hundred and 'fifty colored men were said tobe present, by whom the oro to is were so interrupted, that they could not finish what they essayed to speak. Poor Chamberlain 1 Doubtless he wishes he was back at his profession. Mr Augustus Fischer knows how to do the thing. Ho has sent us a present which added amazingly to our culi nary department, and made our belter half, and all the little ones happy. He keeps a good store, and sells cheap too. He-has just received a large supply of fine hard headed northerc cabbages. Every body should get one before they are all sold out. Besides his large and varied stock of every thing else iu the grocery liquor and tobacco line, as will be seen in his advertisement iu an Other column, he has as fine a lot of cheap and good hams and bacon strips as any ono would wish. Call at his store and examine for yourselves. [Fob TiiuOius-GKiuuio Times.] * Mr.- Editor:?Feeling that a large number of your readers, if not all of them, aro ever ready and glad to hear of tho religious interest of our country, I take great pleasure in sayiugto them that a Sunday School Celebration took place on Friday 25th of September, nt Bethlehem church, comprising all tho different schools of East Orange Cir cuit. Much interest was exemplified in the good cause by teachers and children, and especially so, by their worthy and efficient Superintcndaut, J. Hamp Miller. Several very elo quent aud impressive speeches were made by Revs. Simmons, Campbell aud Legare, also by a goodly number of the Sunday school children, at the conclusion of which, a well spread* ta ble wag prepared for the satisfying of the appetites of all. After performing this last, but by no means disagreeable duty, all parties left for ther respec tive homes,, perfectly contented with their visit to Bethlehem church. J. A. I. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of Sundry Executions to me direct ed, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Orangeburg C. H., on the First Monday in October next, tor Cash, all the Right, Title and Interest of the Defendants in the following property, vir: Ail that plantation or tract of land con taining 1500 acres, roorc or less, bounded by lands now or late of Charles Thompson, J D Trezevant, nnd the Santee river, and known as "Spring Grove." Levied on as the prop erty of the Trust Estate of W R Albert, Mary Ann and Emma Tabor; In the cases of B B Bhett Jr., vs G M Crosswcll, and G M I Croiuwell vs B B Bhctt Jr. ALSO All that tract of land containing300 acres I more or less, bounded by lands now or late of J P'Berry, Jess Thompson and the So Ca I B. R. Company. Levied on as the property I of L B Howefl at the suit of F E Becae, ad m' r. al8c 1. All that trait of land containing 100 acres 1 more or less, bounded by lands now or late of Matia J Livingston and D V Livingston. 2. And all that other tract containing 150 acres more or less bounded by lands now or late of Est. J T Carson, Est. Mary Pou, B F Pou and Edisto Bivcr. Levied on as the Sroperty of Henry Livingston at tho suit of, D Jones, Grd'n AMD j On Tuesday the 6th October, at the resi dence of Henry Livingston,' 1 horse 2 oxen, 2 hogs, 1 wagon, 1 timber cart and a lot of Blacksmith's tools. Levied on asthe prop erty of J H Livingston at the suit of J I) Jones, Grd'n. ALSO At Fort Motte on Tucsdav Ute 6th day of October, one lot of Machinery for Mill. Levied on as the property of J A McKenze at the suit of John Alexander. Sherifl's Office, ) E.I.CAIN, Orungcburg C. IL, 8. C. V S. O. C. October 19th, 1874% j cq:mme:rcia.3L,. MARKET REPORTS Office: of tiif. Oua?;gkhuku Tikes, October 1, 1874. CORRECTED WEEKL**, - - 12 g 12j Ordinary, Uood Ore Low Middling", - - - 13 Bough Eice : : : 126 (T OF LIQUORS AND SEGARS, AND SIT IRcccivlng every day the IPati'onoge orftlie IPrVblio, WHO come in there to pass a pleasant hour, by playing a social game of Billiards on their newly fitted: tables. If you want anything* In the Liquor Line GO to the Enterprise Club Rooms, for you will find in it everything. SIllO-A HS ?f the following popular brands IMPERIAL REGALIA, LONG TOM, (S?LDEN EAGLE, LA ROSE, PERCY SEM PL E, LA NOME A, SWEET HOME, HENRY CLAY Jan. 1 1871. tf In Returning my Thanks TO MY PATRONS for their Liberal Patronage in the past, I assure them that I will spnre no eflorts to please them in tho future MY STOCK is Well ASSORTED IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, WINES LIQUORS, SEGARS &c, &., All.of which I offer an low ag any House. 8ATI8FACTIO!N GUARAN TEED Please call and Satisfy yourself. No trouble to Show Goods. Mi) B F POU. M B SISTUNK, W D RISER ?nd \V W WOLFE are with me, who will be pleased to sec their friends Apr. 10,1873 p H. W. BRIGGMAN GEORGE H CORNELSON BEGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS aud THE PUBLIC IN GENERAI THAT HE IS NOW RECEIVING HIS SUMMER STOCK, And that the same will be ready in a few days for inspection. It comprises all the lutCHt novelties in all the different branches of DliY GOODS, 3:1 ATS, BOOTS, SHOES GR()CEIUES5HAIlDWARE,CROCffiERY GLASS,WOOD and WILIiOW-WAEE, ALSO A nice Assortment ready made Clothing THE same having been bought with an EYE to the WanU and Neccsutics of my ..: * . ?1 !? h'i . .!.'.)!:'. ??_ ? .* ft . " f Customers under the present Hanl Timos, I am enabled to give everybody FultaV Mn. y nnd Satisfaction, Iuviting an early Inspection, GEORGE IL CORNEILSON Denial Notice. . THE undersigned takes pleasure in an nouncing to hia many friend* And patrons, that he baa permanently located at Orange Imrij. C. 1L.H. C.. ?hfcreha.will.k.\ m:h IN , Mtu\e, Stationery, mid Fancy Articles, XtAKKET STREET, ORANGEBURG, C. H., ?. C. June 11, 1874 tf A CARD, DR. J. G. WANNAHAKE? Ii CO., Respectfully call the public's attention to their FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, om Russell Street, next door to McMaater's I Brick Building, where enn be found a well selected stock of Medicine*, Paints, Oils, Soaps and Fancy Toilet Articles. A kind and generous patronage is earnestly solicited. . DbJ[# g. wannamaker & 0O. THE GREAT SOUTHERN BUY GOODS HOUSE, j FUROHGOTT BENEDICT & 00. 275 King Street, Charleston, 8. C, The Cheapest DRY GOODS, NOTIONS OILCLOTHS CARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS, Etc., This Side of New York. For prices) see local . acp. 3-m. THE SPART ANBURG AND ASHEVILrtLE RAILROAD. NATURE'S HIGHWAY ACROSS THE MOUNTAINS. Light Grades, Easy Curves, No Tun nelling. \ Let it be Built Speedily. A link in the Air Line Road between the cities of Cincinnati, St- Lotus, Chicago' and Charleston, seventy-four (74? mUea long, with less than twenty (20) miles of heavy work. Shorter than any line froni New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore to either of these cities, and many hundred miles nearer to these centres of Western Trade than any |,existing line to Charleston. The road that promises to mako Charles ton the market for the trade of the Great Northwest, the West Indies, South Am er. icn ond Europe; also an important emigrant station. 1 ECONOMICAL IN CONSTRUCTION SAFE IN MANAGEMENT AND PROFITABLE IN RESULTS. An important enterprise for the develop ment cf South Carolina. Shares Fifty Dollars (50) each, payable in ten (10) instalment/. Every citizen of this State should own at least one share. Charleston with her magnificent Harbor and genial climate; her immense undevel oped back country, containing a fertile soil, fine pasture grounds and inexhaustible water power; her contiguity to the West Indies and South America, and her nn par ailed European ocean course, is destined, upon the completion Of thin important Trunk Line, to cmere from her prostrated con dition and become what nature has intended she should he, the great commercial metropo lis of the Southern Section of the United State?. LIMIT OF STOCKHOLDER' INABILITY. The following clause in the charter is published for the information of subscribers: Sec 4. 'That ho stockholder of said com pany shall be held liablo for the debts, con tracts Or acts of said corporation beyond tho amounts actually subscribed to the" Capital Stock of said Company by such.stockholder. ni rectors: George W. Williams, B. Bollmsuin, \\xti Gage, Theodore D. Jcrvev, Theodore G. Barker, John 8. Fairlv, Gabriel Cannon, John H. Evina, T. B. Jeter, D. R. Duncan, James E. Black, John8, Wiley. Principal Office and address, 25 Broad street, Charleston, S* C C G. M EMM INGER," President. A. C. KAUFMAN, Secretary and Treas urer, jnly I?, 3m. A Southern House, GBO S HACKER'S DOOIIS, S ASH and Blind Factory, King, Opposite Cannon Street, Charleston, S. C. The only house of the kind in this City own and managed by a Carolinian. A Largo Stock always, on hand, and sold at ?0 por cent, less tlmu Northern prices. .. ADDRESS, Cteo. S, Racker Charlestons. C T. O. BOX 170. Oct. 30?ly