Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, June 11, 1874, Image 4

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(He orangeburg times. ? ^ .? . OrangeDorg, 8. C,t June 11, Ip JO*!Mr. Kirk Robihbon is authorized to .?ollcci and receipt for ad vet il semen tu and sub* r\o*Iptip?B to the Timea. ^ .'g ?' g ^WN DIRECTORY. ,^,Msvjr?^J&b W. MoXley. ^Clor^T.D. Wolfe. t*j Trtssnrei?B. Williamson. , r3 Alds??en~He^r^ Washington, J. P. Har Jiy, B.W i II iam k o n, T. D. Wolfe. o Ohnrwi Services. Bapl'wt Church?Service.! first Sunday t veiling ?hd ihe Second and fourth Sundays, morning atid OTenlng. Be v. A. P. Norris, Pastor. Y^rs^kyffrJlmChurcli^^-Serviccsat 11 A.M., *n* 4 P. M?Sabbath School at 9} A. M.? ? rPffifr meeting Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ? Chit. J. P. A. Brown, Evangel ist. . . ? qW-h of tho Redeemer (Episcopal)?1st t nnd.Sd Sundays. Serves at 11 A. M., and 4 . P. M." Sabbath School 9} A. M. 1??tb?ai?t Church?Services at 11 A. M. ^ 'kid 7* P. M. Sabbath. School at 9 A. M.? JT, B. Cimpbell, Pastor. - \ ' L-tttharim Church?Sabbath School at 9 A. J. G. Voss. Superintendent. * " [ '^impiirij Mail Arrangement. ?h&aft?fosjriarnsn? Closes. 11 A.M. Columbia ....... 1 P. M. Offeo hoars from 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. Sundays ?xeopted. W. E. WILLIAMS, P. M. ?V : ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT ORANGEBURG. PASSENGER. FRE1G HT. DAY trains. Down - - . - 7.511 A. M. Up-12.4*2 P. M. nioht Ta a 1 ns. Down - - - ?5.13 p.M Up.2.03 A. M.iUp.5.31 A. M ?KK notice Delinquent taxpayers. SAT TRAINS. j'hiwft - - -li36 A.M. ~ 'Vp .-154 P. M. RtOIIT TBAI?'S t>own-11.52 P. M FiiEUotice ofcettou {.ins price reduced. TtiE freight train? will run every other day during summer months. Tiik Granau c|uh and .Swamp Angels will have a mutch game, on Monday. It is suid that the coolest place in to a h U at Dr. Dukes' Soda Fount. We don't deny ill Those that do nro mistaken; that's all. Kxccutiuiis served upon defaulters are often the means' of bringing in the so call d (indignuni) delinquents to show their tax receipt*. Sol. has been out ij^nll his glory and strength for the past week, and a refresh ing inin now and then has saved the vegetable world from wilting. .-.i ? We have received a communication rigticd SurrouTEH, but will uot publish *lt oil account of its not being accompan ied hy the full name of the writer. Otrn farmers have geuerully n large supply of oats nnd rye, which help vastly lor stock. Plant a supply for home con sumption nlwny?. it pays; pays hugely. ?~ 'Div Wehster'? hous? is being put in fine refiflir- We hope to sec it as we sus ipfect? It will he; well patronized with u-orthem visitors, when it is completed. - urn i ? Babe J3&H u on the brain, and pedes trians will pleas* be on tlie qui vivo, or their braius will he invaded by raudom halls that ought not to fly on Main Street The crops look well in every direction, cotton is especially vigorous. The corn crops promiso a fino yield; Hope so; as the staff of life brings a heavy price these Jiard times. Oeo. H. Cornelson's is tho place to get your Rummer clothing; His store is full pf goods of every kind, which his polite and accommodating clerks will sell low down for the money. 1 Tin; depot defies tho accusations like Rocbefott of being pulled down ; Ever so bad it stands the test of slaudcr and ridi cule. Lcau on your strength old house if you ate toppliug; An iusolcnt hog had to he routed from our worthy Mayor's place of busiuess, as tBip presuming scavenger was t,ryiug to undermine the foundation of his house ; A brick bat induced him to kcop the street;, and, scavenger on, Attention is called to an article in this issue headed, "A good opportunity for land owners." As will he seenthe sketch is gotten up from data furnished by Dr. Barton, at present in Europe. .t, " . It is Baid that a'frame building next to the burnt house Jof $r. DitySIe, which was on the lot and was also consumed, was one of the oldest in Orangeburg; It was once a store many years back. Wk notice our friend Fischbfhas just returned from Charleston, bringing with him a stock of first class Groceries, Li? quors &c. Mr. F is a fair dealer, and money being scarce, offers his goods very cheap. Judge Graham says Moses cannot be tried &c., etc., and quashes the indict ment. That will do for the Judge and Moses, but it will not do for the people. No one expected anything else; and thereforo the Court's decision was antici pated. Wasted?Some hog cholera; The peti tion .to remove these scavengers having been lnid on the table, we oiler a motion that "Hog Cholera" will kill off the delectable- porkers, and' do! away With the formality of a pdblid; petition. An earless, tailless, fatless snouter seconds the motion with a decided grunt - The catalogue of the officers and stu dents of Newbcrry College, Walhalla, S. C, for the years L-73 and 1874, has been received. There arc seventy stu dents in attendance nt the college. Rev. W. S. Bowman is President of the Board of Trustees, and Rev. J. P. Sineltzer President of the Faculty. About two o'clock on Tuesday mor ning, the alarm of fire was sounded, and it was discovered that the house of I Samuel Dibble Esq, occupied by the family of Mr Jas Van Tasscll was in flames. The fire was first seen in the vicinity of the cooking apartment and spread so rapidly that the entire house and contents were destroyed. The fami ly were aroused by the smell of smoke and-Mrs Van Tussell leapt from the window to escape the flumes. Mr. Van Tussell was away at the time. The work was so rapid and complete that man)' persons in town were ignorant of | it until too late to even offer assistunce. The engines and truck were promptly out, but could n :t save the house. Loss| probably $3000! no insurance. Legal Notices Judge Cook has sustained the recent decision of Judge Green, to tbe cfleet that Legal Notices and advertisements, paid for frohi private funds' may be pub lished in any paper selected by the per son advertising, notwithstanding such paper may not be one designated as an "official" paper by the state authorities ' Official" papers, ipply only to sucli ndvretisements as arc paid for from state] and county funds. Lawyers may, there fore order all estate notices, referee sales' and shcrsfT sales to he published in this paper should they prefer it. The Bible Society Of Orangeburg held its nnuual niectiug on Sunday evening at the Mithodistl Church. Only a moderate attendance of | persons was seen, owing perhaps to the rain during tho afternoon. Mr. Kirk Robiueon Secretary and Treasurer rend his report showing a faUiug off in mem bership, and urged a renewal of interest. Addresses were made by the Rev. J. 1). A. Brown, and the Rev J. B. Campbell setting forth forcibly and felicitously the tho great work. "History, civilization, and all of temporal good were tho work of the Bible, and higher than this the Divine Author of tho Word commanded it to be sent forth." The speakers were listened to with attentive interest Messrs P. V. Dibble J. A. Hamilton and S. R. Mcllicbamp waited on tho congregation to obtain an increase of membership, and a hearty response was made. Tho fol lowing officers wore elected to servo for the ensuing year, President, Rev. J. D. A. Brown ; 1st. Vioo.Presidcnt, Rev. A. P. Norris; 2nd, Vice-President, Rev J. B. Campbell Sec' Treas.'and Dcpositorian, Kirk Robinson. ?Executive Commlttee^(ftesident and Secretary, ex*oflicio. , Dr. .T. Av Elliott, Messrs T. C. Hubbcll, P H. W. Brigg mann, M. Glovor, J. H. Fowlcs J. A. ZeigH& * ? HO Y? tfx Stil &YA : 1 ?????* Orangoburg District Conforonco. Mb. Editor: The Orangeburg District Conference $iv E. Church, South, will convene at the Methodist Church - in Orrngeburg, June llth at 4 P. M. Bishop "W. M. Wiglitrimu; presiding. The open ing iermon will be preached by Rev. D. J Simmons on Thursday evening at 8 j o'clock. The Conference .continues the sessions each day thereafter until the close of the weeHtj embracing tho Sabath. Thc*p'ublic generally are invited to attend. You will oblige the Committee of arrangements by publishing tho follow ing directory of tho Conference, for the information and convenience of all con cerned J.B.CAMPBELL. . T. W. Albergotti?Rev. H. W: Whit taker, John Spigrial. M. L?. Baldwin?Rev. Lewis Rast. G. W. Brunson?Rev. T. J. Clyde. J. M.' Danner?Rev. A. R. Danner, Dr. D. L. Hildebrand. ? P. V. Dibble?Rev. DJ. Simmons, J. K.Hbok. J. W. H. Dukes?Rev. S. H. Brown, \V. Ehuey, G. R. Summers. ?lohn Dukes?A. P. Avinger, J. T. Rast. Colonel J. C. Edwards?Rev. John Zimmerman, B. O. Evans. Col. P. S, Felder?Dr. R. W. Bates, A. L. Zeigler. Joseph Harley?Rev. J. O. A. Con nor, E. P. Neeley. Dr. J. C. Hoi man?Rev. L. J. Cr im, Z. Grambling. Captain James Izlar?W..H. Izlar. T. A. JetrorcU?Bishop W. M. Wight man and wife. D. Louis?Rev. W. S. Byrd, P. Hut to. Captain W. C. Moss?Rev. R. B. Tar rant; D^.N; Carson. J. C. Pike?Rev. J. J. Workman, M. J. Kellar. " J. II. Reuneker?Rev. J. G. Griffith, W. A. Mackcy: Dr. A. S. Bailey?Rev. J. B. Massu bow,- Graham. McQueen Sal ley5?Rev. L. C. Loyal, G. W. Barton. Miss Siflcy?Rcr. J. L Siflcy, Iunbiuct. ; Henry Smoke?Rev. A. Nettles, Dr. Arrant. u . , , Mrs. Stalcy?Rev. J. W. McRoy. Bible Sleeting. Mr. Editor:?The regular anniversa ry of the Union Bible Soeisty of Orongc burg County wn.^ celebrated in Mt. Lebanon, Lutheran, Church on Sunday May 24th by a large uudiencc of the fronds of the Bible cause. The religious exereises were conducted by Rev. E, A. Bolles, District Superintendent for South Carolina of the American Bible Society. After the usual sabbath exercises. Rev. G. A. Hough, President, called tho meet ing to order and the minutes of tho last meeting read and confirmed. The Treasurer's report represents the financial condition of tho society to be satisfactory, and that forty nine Testa ments remain on hand for distribution to any who may need them. The following officers we-c elected to set've tho ensuing your; President G. A. Hough; Vice-President Rev. T.J.Clyde; Secretary, Hugo G. Sheridan; Treasurer, Jesse N. Haigler; Executive Committee, Dr. J. C. A rant, P. J. Gates, J. A. Dan tzlcr, D. R. Rush, J. B. Livingston, James M. Moss, D. W. Crook, Hugo G. Sheridan and Jesse N. Haigler. The following resolutions were adopted: 1. That we cordially commend the aims of the American Bible Society, nnd pledge ouiselves to aid Rev. E. A. Bolles, both by prayer and contributions in accomplishing his sacred object. 2. That the Executivo Committeo be instructed to divisc some plan by which the member of families and individuals, destitute of tho Scripturers, may ho as certained and supplied, and report the same at our next meeting. 8. That it be announced from the pul pit within our bounds that the Trensurcr has a supply of Testaments for distribu tion at a nominal price, or gratuitously to those who arc not able to pay, 4. The the proceedings of Una meeting be published in the Orangeburg Timks and Lutheran Visitor. The next anniversary meeting will bo held at St. Mathcw's Lutheran Church. The Society adjourned with tho benedic tion. Huao G. Sheridan Cor. Sect. Wool Wanted. TIE SUBSCRIBER Wishes 2,000 Pounds of WOOL, free of burn, washed or un? washed. JOHN A. HAMILTON. June 10, 1874-18-tf CONSIGNEES PER EXPRESS. J'G^McKWn, A J Aye rs, F.R McKinlay,,. L II Reek with, ' Rev J !L Bifley, J A Minnieken, J J Hookor, Ml Browning, Mite 8 E Seabrouk. COMMlSRi?XA.31,. MARKET REPORTS. Office of the Oranoeburo Times. . February 12,1874. COHP.EOTED WEEKL Y. Ordinary, . r- ? - - - 12* ? ,13 Godd Ordinary, "-' -' 13J ? 14 Low Middling', - - -, , 15 Cn\ Strict Middling, - ? *' ' _i_' : ..i - Prices Current. Bacon Hams : : lb 12 J ? 18 " Sides : : ? IIA ? 13} Ltrd . : : ? " 15 ? Com : : - bus 1 00 ? 110 ltpugh Rice : : : 1 60 ? Pias ?: : :. : 120 ?,,i Oata : seed : "1 00 ? Flour : : : cwt 4 75 ?600 tedder : :, : " 1 50 ? Rfliigh Rice : : ? . 1 05 ? H?ter : : : : lb 80 ? 50 Efjfg? : t : : doz 15c ? Tptoya : : ; pr 1 00 ?150 Geese : : : : " 1 00 ? 1 25 Fowls, : : per dot 4.50 per doz. Rees Wax : ? : lb 22 ? Beef : : *'' 10 ? 12 TAHow : ? : " 8 ? 10 lindern : : per bushel 1 55?1 35 NOTICE. ?/fTIERE will be a meeting of the Orangeburg C?nnty UNION BIBLE SOCIETY, on the fourth Sunday in May, at ML Lebanon Lutheran Church. Members are earnestly requested to b> punctual in attendance, as matters of impor tance will be brought before the meeting. Rev. ijj A. Bollcs of tho American Bible "Society i? expected to attend. Hugo G. SHERIDAN, Cori Sect. CDELIKttUEKT TAXES. >$ALL persons who liave not paid their Town $?ixep and Licenses, are hereby notified that the Penalty, has been attached, and unless settled by tho 20tb, executions for the same will be issued against all Delinquents. ' OC I s By order of Coimcif. "* KIRK ROBINSON, Juno 11, 1874. Clerk ef Council. ~ '? JUiSM AND GENUINE {AHDEN SEEDS and ONION SETS, Just received from I). Lnndreth & Son, and for sale by E. EZEKIEL., Sign of the Big watch NOTICE. Members of the different Oranges will be sup [died at Orange prices. Mar. 13, 187:5 tf T MARKET ST11EET STORE, DEFERS AT LOWEST MARKET RATES Dried Salt Sides 1' Sardines, Salmon, ' Smoked Sides, I Lobster*, Broma, and Shoulder, ji Gelatine, Flavoring Tobacco, Sugar,Cofiee, Extracts, Raisins. Molasses, Family Flour, Kerosene Oil, Lye, Train, Lard and Machine Oil, Nails, Hatchets Tniccchains, Crockery &c., &c. Citron, Currents, Crockerv, Lamp* and 1< ixtures, &C, d'C, All of which arc to be SOLD LOW for Cash, or ih exchange for Produce. JOHN A. HAMILTON. May 20, 1873 15 '''Iff trends you orders for Doors Sash and Blindsto ?3thc- Southern House of Oeo. S. Hacker of Charleston 8. C. Mr L. Ransdale of our Town is the authorised agent for this House. Your wants in the Building Material Line, includingStudies, Blinds, Doors, liar ware, man tel Pieces, White Pine, Walnut and Fancy Lumbers, Flooring Boards, Ac, will be fiirnisd ed the^ coming season by the Great and Old established Builders' Emporium, at very ad vantageous prices, and warrant given on all work properly used. They arc also Agents for Asbestos' Roofmg Kelt, the material constitutes one of unusual merit, mmch superior to any of tho class previously brought to notice, and, worthy of trial by those who defire n durable, easily applied, comparatively inoxponsive and wife roofing, being practically fire nmnf. Send for price list und circulars. 1. II. ll a t.i. & Co. Charleston, S, C. Avery rapid, safe and easy way to make money,? to procure territory to introduce the latest useful invention that is wanted evry day. by evry one, cvry where, who has a family, a full sized Sewing Machine with Table and Trcablc for only ?10 that does the same work as a Machine you would pay $80 for, rapid, smooth and firm, makes a seam so strong the cloth will tear before tho Stiches rip apart. Eight new attachments for all work and the improved Button Hole Worker used by us only. Agents only need show them in operation to sell in evry bouse they enter. $30 and upwards cleared daily by smart agents. No such Ma chine was ever offered at any such price. 35. 000 sold lait year, 100.OUP Families use them. Demand increasing every day where they be come known. Ministor, Judi"?*? Lawyers, Ed itors, Machinists, Tailors &c. recommend them ns perfect. Rights given freo to first applicants. If there is no agency in your place, write for it, or buy u Machine for your Family or a relatiou, there is none better or so cheap. Machines sent to all parts of the country on receipt of price S10 Head advertisement beginning "$00 saved in evry Family" in another part of tnis paper, Address the proprietors, Rohert J. Mulligan & Co., 326 Canal St., New York, THE TAYLiOBt GIN. Mr. Jacob Kciti, Major A. j. Hydrick, Mr. James II. Fowle*, Mr. H. J. Hydrick, Mr. Keating Norri?. Price i'edxiced. and vastly improved in qnality. Having the exclusive agency for U>e counties of ORANGEBUKG and BARNWELL,! atn prepared to furnish the celebrated JfA Y JLOR GIN a-t" very touch reduced prices. Ti??? GinB are now used by a great many planters, among whom are Dr. W, W. Wannaraakei, Mr. Jacob Cooner, Mr.J. W. Smith, Mr. N. E. W. Sistrunk, Messrs. Rolin & Argo, A sample Gin may be seen at the Btore of Messrs. Bull, Scovill & Tike, with whom orders may be left, or at the store of JOHN A- HAMILTON, June 10, 1874-38-4m. Orangeburg, South Carolina. ? .( F. H. W BRIGGMANN | ?jiAS just received a fresh supply ofGRGCSRIES inch os 't,^u $, BACON, ? ? COFFEE,' 'jg :7' - o ,... .r.vr Iiti?TJ nod A sJ?j ^ LARD, I TEA . g .. , !flftV^ BUTTER, S . 8UGA", # 1 wo CHEESE, m OYSTERS, S CRACKERS, ? SARDINES, ?T . CANNED FRUIT. - ]f, . '. . , ALSO,. ? ? ,"-" i CONSTANTLY"keep* ON HAND, pry' Goods, Clothing Shoes, Mats Caps &0? &C-, ?* price to suit the times. . ? m has just received a kct* lot of , ?. .? .} \.. noetj1een hay, ? ????[ .,7/' . i ? And Several kinds of FERTILIZERS which can lie bought low down for mono v. Apr. 10,1873 IT- H \V- Bit IG GM Alf." . Ill 1,1 ' ' ? ;i ,*,:' In Announcing to the PUBLIC THE Receipt of a Large, Complete and WELL SELECTED SPRING STOCK of G ROCERIES, LIQUORS & SEG ARS IBEG to Inform all Parties Interested in a Bargain, that they have been bought Under'Ex traordinary Favorable Circumstances, and thr.t tlwy will be Disposed of CHEAP FOK CASH. IT in my object to make it advantageous for mv Friends, Patrons and the Public to BUY from C. I>. KOBTJOHN. p. S? I Invite Special Attention to a pure Holland GIN} Cognac and reach1 BRANDY Nov 20, C31 *: ly BACON and FI.OXJR, SpecialtiOs, ' . ^ ,tsO s as s ? % ^ ??g ^ ' Oft O 9 ? g M g.?. ?5 ^ ^ ffg ? O O ^ r2 ? dvsiiio T. KOHN & BRO. COME ONE COME ALL AND EXAMINE MY FINE STOCK OF t? BOOTS AND SHOES, WHICH I am now offering to My Patrons at ery reduced rate?. T'.v having direct from the Manufacturers, I am nblc to Sell a FINE SHOE at a very low price, 'i haye .all 'Sty'.eslof SHOES to suit the purchaser. . (l nr.rM IN addition to my Shoe Store, I have a Select Assortment of Fresh Gro ceries, Whic" I am oflering Low Down. , ? *ov,3,187s-,v_T. B, UOYD'S 1874 SPRING TRADE 1874 Aid ARE NOW OPENING THEIR /, d NEW SPRING STOCK And can confidently assert that they are the: greatest 03ax^aAiisrs EVEB before Exhibited in Orangehurg, whicli are the results of Unusual Favorable Parchanas in cojmequence of the prcsont and past Pressure upon Trade DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, EMBROIDERIES, NOTIONS, WIHTK GOODS, PERCALES, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS &c, &e. OF the Finest and Riches Materials and the latest Novelties in style and Designs of this seasons' Wears An elegant Stock of lady's Neck Wear, Ties, Collarettes, Scarfs, Ruches and Belta in most Select and Becoming designs. We have added to our already Immense Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Comprising the latest Stylea of I^adis* Gaiters, Gents* Shoes and Roots. Our Stock of GENTS' CLOTHING, HATS, AND FURNISHINF GOODS] IS Superior to any ever offered by ns. \\'e earnestly call your attention to the above facts and solicit a VISIT of Inspectroft. W? being ablo to ofli-r far more Valuable I.tduccments than ever before presented, and suehaacan not fail to claim thePatrouage of all who study Economy in connection with the Finest Quality. T5SE20DORE KOHN & BROTHER* Apr.0,1874, ' NEW STOHM v...