FHE OMNGEBURG TIMES. Oyangebarg, S. 0., Apr. 9, 1874. jjr. Kms; Romnson is authorized to ,'ollect and receipt for advertisements and snb teriptions to the Times. TOWN DIRECTORY. Mayor?Joab W. Moscley. Clerk?T. D. Wolfe. Treasure!?B. Williamson. Aldermen?Henry Washington, J. P. Har le?, B. WilliamBon, T. D. Wolfe. i 1 - - Church Services. Baptist Church?Services firetSunday evening and the second and fourth Sundays, morning and evening. Rev. A. P. Norris, Pastor. Presbyterian Cliurcli?Services at 11 A. M., and 4 P. M?Sabbath School at 9J A. M. Praroc westing Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, fcov. J. D. A. Brown, Evangelist. Church of the Redeemer (Episcopal)?1st | and 3d Sundays. Serves nt 11 A. M,, and 4 P. M. Sabbath School 9* A. M. Methodist Churcli?Services at 11 A. M. and 7j P. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M.? ReVt J. B. Campbell, Pastor. Lutheran Church?Sabbath School at 9 A. J. G. Vose, Superintendent. Orangebarg Mail Arrangement. Noriliarn, Western and CIobcs. Charleston. 11 A. M. Columbia. 1 P. M. Oilicc hours from 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. Sundays excepted. W. E. WILLIAMS, P. M. ARRIYAL AND. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT ORANGEBURG. PASSENGER. FREIGHT. dat tra1nh. , day-trains. Down - - - 11 ?6 A. M.iDown - - - - 7.50 A. M. Up - - - - 1.54 P. M. Up - - - ? 12.42 P. M. nioiit TRAICH ! niohttrain*. Down - - - 11.5*2 P. M.I Down - - - tt.13 P. M Up.2.03A. M.'Up.5.31 A. M Mit. J.S. Albergotti ?ftersgobda cheah lot cash, see Iiis advertisement, and you can depend on what he says. See notice i?t a valuable blick yard to rent, now is the lime, it can be got cheap and liiere is no end to the profits in that kind of business. Wlisee from the Uniou-p erald of AVttuicsdnyj Ihttt Judge Glovef has been appointed County Treasurer, vice Hum In. rt removed; TitK Mercantile Prize Association if K *w York, otiers unusual inducements to person^ wishing to buy tickets. It is endorsed by some of tbo leading citizens*! of New York. We call attention to the notice of part nership between Messrs. \V. Wiljcock and T. I). Wolfe. These gentlemen go into their partnership with the best wishes of their friends and the public. We call attention to the article on th c-msttutional points involved in the case of the State vs the County Treasurer. It was written by one who is able and well qualified to write on such subjects. A rare chance to secure a very desira ble residence and laud adjoining, in the town of Orangeburg, is given by Messrs. Fowles *fc Glover, who ?fter for sale the dwelling of Mr. Geo. S. Shirer on Kail Road Avenue. Here is a fine opportunity for some one. We publish in another column the statement of the Southern-Life Insurance Company. Very few companies can show such a statement, and all who desire to ^insure had better avail themselves of the opportunity now, while the agent, Mr. L. Hagood is in town. All who want good segars low down for the money, call at J. A. Hamilton's, he has just received a fresh supply which for flavor and cheapness aro unsurpassed. They aro new brands which never have Veen introduced in this market beforo, ,but since smoking one, wo hope they cwill never go out On Monday night the following oflicers ) were installed in tbo Ornngeburg Divi sion, No. 24, S. ofT.: J. O. McKcwn, AV. P.; Miss Annie Albergotti, W. A.; I?. H. Wannamaker, R. 8.; Miss Lucy Banner, A. fi. ?,; W. P. Brunson, F. S; AlissO. L. Neuffor, T.; F. 8. Dibble.Chap.; toJames A. Hamilton, C; T. L. Wanna Baaker, A. O.; Miss Fannie Cannon. I. S.; |T. O. S. Dibble, 0. S.; Di. T. A.Elliott, Man wants but few things hero below, but wants those few things nice; and tho plaee you can get them is at C. D. Kort john's, who has a supply of all good things, which can be had cheap. Mr. K has everything in the grocery lino, and guarantees satisfaction; his segars nnd liquors will suit the most fastidious. Seo his advertisement. _ Hr.T.B. Boyd Has just received direct from the Man ufacturers a largo supply of Boots and Shoes to suit the trade. All who want a good shoe for a small price, go to Boyd's boot aud shoo store. Examine those fine Gaiters, which feel so good on your feet that they make walking a delightful pastime. In addition to his shoo store, Mr. B has a fine assortment of Groceries. 8ee his advertisement. Sch?tzenfest. This popular festival of tho Germans comes off the latter part of this month. Heretofore it has been conducted in a style thai, was worthy of the great Natiou that it represented. From what we can gather from the papers, wo think thac this one will exceed the others in better arrangements &c. Tho officers who have the management of itare gentlemen fully qualified to carry such an enterprise through successfully. T. Kohn & Bro. Go to T Kohn & Bro., for anything in tlie way of dry goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps &c, aud you will come away satisfi ed; for who could help being satisfied when you can get more dry goods, for less money than any where else in town. Mess T. Kohn & Bro., have on hand the lar gest stock of dry goods ever brought to this market, and by selling for cash they arc able to sell cheap, making quick sales with small profit. Sec their advertise ment and then give them a call. W-? The excitement for the past week has been the rumored defalcation of County Treasurer Humbert, who was arrested on a warrant from Headquarter.-, oil Thurs day last?charging him with a deficiency of $10.000.00. For a day or two before his arrest, rumen* were current about the streets, that lie had defaulted to a large amount; some had it thirty-three, sonic thirty, and some twenty thousand dollars. He was arrested* on Thursday morning, aud in the evening was taKcn before two trhil justices and hailed out until the.May term of the Court. The amount of his bail was $10.000. Sale Day. Monday being .sale dnyi the usual crowd were present. The following were t'ie sales made by tho Sheriff, to wit: 1 Lot, 3 acres more or Jess, on Sunny Side, property of B. D. Clark deceased, bought by Mrs. L. S. Hall and Mrs. M. Clark for $170. 1 Lot known as Clark's Brick yard, bought by George Bolivcr, for $20 1 Saw Mill on High Hill Creek, nnd the timber on G80 acres of laud adjacent thereto, property of P. A. Buyck, bought by Homos M. C. Kaiglcr for 815. 1 Tract of 540 acres and one other tract of 448 acres, property of Jacob Dantzlcr, these two tracts wore sold sub ject to a mortgage, and were bought by X. W. DariUder for $90. 1 Tract of 400 acres, property of David Bull, bought by Mrs. E. M. Bull, $1000. 1 Tract of 125 acres, property of Jacob F. Witt, bought by J. R. Watts, for 853. Sends your orders for Doors Sash and Blinds to tho Southern House of Gco. S. Hacker of Charleston S. 0. Mr L Rahsdnlc of our Tj&Wll W UiQ author ised agent for this House. One of tno first business principles to act upon, is to make all purchases direct from tho manufacturers, thus saving large sums of money, for this reason wo advise our readers to purchase their Windows, Doors, Blinds, &c, from I. II. Hall &Co., Charleston, S. C, who have at the Facto ries combined benefits derived from ma terials in first hands, skilled workmen, latest improved machinory, and thorough systematic management. All windows glazed with good clear glaso. They are also Agents for Asbestos' Roofing Felt, try it and you will be pleased with its durability. Scud for prico list, circulars, &c. _.' ;? ?|"|r-?LiLi-i_j_*_-.'.'J ?1?is Time is Money.?Tho old fashoncd manner of building houses, and waiting for months for tho sashes, doors and blinds to season, is obsolete. A live en serprising man who reads the nowpapers, and keeps posted about matters and things, will make an estimate of what is1] required in tlic houso he is about to erect, send.to Charleston, S. C, to tho Buil ders' Emporium, and have all his Doors, Sashes and Blinds, ready to go in its place when the weather-boardings are put on. Messrs. I. H. Hall & Co., the Proprietors, have the most extensive stock of Buildiug Materials and Orna mental House Work, including White Pine, nnd Fancy Lumber, Marble and Marbleized Slate Eantels, Asbestos' Roof ing Felt, &c. Stnd for price lists and circulars. COMMERCIAL. market reports Office of the Orangerurg Times,] February 12, 1874. e CORRECTED WEEKLY. Ordinary, -- -. '- - 11 ? 12 Good Ordinary, - - 12 ? 13 Low Middling, - 13} ? Strict Middling, - - - 14? ? Prices Current. 'Bacon Hums : : lb 12}' ? 18 Sides : : " 11 ? 12J Lard : ? : " 12J ? Corn : :* : : bus 100 ? 110 Pens : : : : " 80 ? 85 Oats : seed : ' : ' " 1 25 ? 1 ?0 Floiir : :" : : cwt 4 75 ?GOO Fodder : : : " I 25 ? Rough Rico : : " 1 30 ? 1 35 Butter : : : : lb 30 ? 50 Eggs : : : : do/. 15c @ Turkeys : : : pr 1 00 ? 1 50 Geese : : : : " 1 00 ? 1 25 Fowls,, : : per doz. 3.50 perdoz. Bees Wax : : : lb 23 ? Beef : : " ; 10 ? 12 Tallow : .? : " 8 ? 10 Binders : : per bushel 1 55(W 1 35 AJNT Ol^DTJSTAjNTOE To amend the Ordinance relating to the Fins Department of the Town of Ors-ngecurg, adopted March 13, 1867. Be it Ordained &c, by the Mayor and Aldermen assembled. Tlint the Chief of the Fire Department and the 2nd Assistant Chief, shall be elected by the membe-s of the Town Council, and the two highest officers of each of the chartered Com panies-of the Fire Department, oir joint bnlldt-' Tlint the 1st. Assistant Chief shall be elected by the Town Council. That the Mayor of the Town shall be Ex Officio a member of the Board of Eire Masters. All parts of ordinances Or regulations in con flict with this ordinance, so far as they are inconsistent herewith, arc repealed. Done in Council this 7th day of April, 1874. J . w. m?seley, Mayor, T. I). wolfe, Clerk. COPARTNERSHIP. ORANGEI}URG,S. C. March 31, 1874. THE undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership, under the name of WILLCOX & WOLFE, for the transaction of a Tin, Stove and General Merchandize business. WILLIAM WILLCOCK, TOWNS END D. WOLFE. NOTICE. TO Let out for this year, A BRICK YARD on the Edisto River, together with all the Ma chinery &c. Experienced hands arc awaiting to go into it. Apply to J. C. EDWARDS, or Apr. 0 Gco. S. SU1RER. $955,000 ,IN CASH GIFTS, TO BE DISTRIBUTED BY THE mercantile Prize Association of new york Daily Drawings!!! A PRIZE FOR EVERY TICKET. ICashGift, $100,000i 75C.G.,each,$1,000 6 " each) 50,000.300 ? ? 500 12 " " 25,000 200 " ?. 200 20 " " 5,000!??0 " ?? 100 400 Gold W?1*-'1??8 ' " " $'r> l<> ^00 275 Sewin? Machines ? - - - 60 to 150 75 Elegant Pianos - - . 250 to 700 50 " Melodcons - - 50 to 200 Cash GiftH,Silver.ware,etc,valucd at St,500,000 A chance to draw any of the above prizes for 25 cents. Tickets describing prizes arc sealed in evelopes and well mixed* On recedit of 25 cents j\ sealed ticket is drawn without choice, and sent by mail to thy address. The price named upon it will be delivered to the ticket hfk!?r ?" navment of one dollar, Prizes arc iimmediately sent to any address by express or return mail. You will know what your prize is before you pay for it. No blanks. Our patrons call depend on fair dealing. opikions of tue F?RSS.?Fair dealing can he relied oir?AT. Y. JItrald, Aug. 23. A gen nine distribution.? World 3ept, 0. Not one of the humbugs of the day.? Weekly Tribune, July 7. They give general satisfaction.?Staat* Zci tuny, Aug. 5. ~ References?By kind permission we refer to the following:?-Flanklin S. Lane, Louisville, drew $13,000. Miss Ifattie Banker, Charleston $0000. Mrs. Louisa T. Blake, St. Paul, Piano, $6000. Samuel V. Raymond, Boston, $5,600. Eugonc P. Braokctt, Pittsburg, Watch, $300. Miss Annie Osgood, New Orleans, $500. Emory L. Pratt, Columbus, Ohio, $7000. One Cash Gift in overv package of 150 tickets guaranteed. 5 tickets for $1; 11 for $2; 25 for S3; 50 for $5; 150 for $15.00 Agents wanted, to whom we offer liberal in-, ducenicnts and guarantee satisfaction. Send all mnnev exceeding one dollar By express Add roes. J Ol IN, l\ H A MI ETON A Co Apr. 9-3in 24 Pine St. N. Y. GO TO TEXAS VIA 7 HE LONE STAR ROUTE! (International and Great Northern R.R.) Passengers going to Texas via Memphis and .Little Rock,"or via Shreveport, strike Urn line at L?ngview, the Best Route to Pa'lestino. Heurne, "Waco, Auatin,?- Huntsville, Houston, Gnlveston and all points in Western, Central, Eastern and and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will .hid it the Best Route to Tyler, Mineola, Dalhw, Overtoil, Crockett, Longvicw and 'all points in Eastern and ?Northeastern Texas. This line is welt built, thoroughly equipped 'with every modern improvement, including New and Klccant Day Coaches, Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Cars, Westinghouse Air Brakes,' .Miller's Patent Safty PlctforniB and (L'ouplers; and nowhere else can the prsscnger bo complete ly depend on a speedy Bate and comfortable journey. The Long Star Routo has admirably answer ed the query: ' How to to go to Texas?" by the publication "of nn interesting and truthful docu ment, containing a valuable and correct map, which can be obtained; frco of charge, b)^ ad dressing the. General Ticket Agent, Internation al and Great Northern Railroad, Houston, Tcx:w District E.] pi Feb. 12 187-4 * ly LIBERAL TERMS! I . We ate offering our Guanos for thiB season on the following liberal term: . CANNED., ^ FRUIT, ? ~* .-T--"-"ALSO, : x\ r . COSSTANTLt keep? ON HARD, l)vv Oooclft, Clotliingr Shoe?, H^te?, Caps &C? &C?> a* P"co to 8?h the times, IIAS JUST KECEirED A KEXV tXff CfP. ? To srrfoS KORTHEEN HAY, And Several kinds of FERTILIZERS which can be bought lov/doW for mofccv-. Apr. 10,1873 F- HW^ BUKiGMAN , lu jl. . V.7. In Announcing to the PUBLIC THE Keceipt of a Large, Complete and WELL SELECTED SPRING STOCK of 1 ? GROCERIES, LIQUORS & SEG?RS . I "t in 1 >? 1 IBEG to Inform all Parties Intcreatcd in a Bargain, that they have been bought Under,Ex traordinary Favorable Circumstances, and thr.t they will be Disposed of CHEAP FOR CASH. IT is my object to make it advantageous for my Friends, Patrons and the Public 10 fitnF'&A&i'i C. ?. KORTJOHN. f* 1 >. S- I Invite Special Attention to a pure Holland GIN. Cognac and Peach BRANDY ?" 20,_?81- ? , . ? ,ul|,, THIS IS THE TIME AND FLACHS TO BUY ANYTHING YOU WISH IN THE GROCERY LINE SUCH AS Ftj??& ; Bacon, Prepared Ham, Lard, Butter, Molhusoes, Hagar, Coffee Ac, A, AT THE ! ? ' 11; ENTERPRISE GROCERY STORE. ?' *? ' 11 I / i * *? And in rear of the Grocery, is the ..?.::x IDlsrTEIllPJ^ISE SALOON, WHICH is kept full of tlte finest grades of LIQUORS, SEGARS&c, which will be Soid'to suit the purchaser. Call and see for voureelf. ,r , on -A. FIBOHER. ? March 20 1874 n; . - iilhfV W J S ?LBEEGOTTI, -CORNER RUSSELL-STREET AND RAIL BOAD AVENUE^ HAS a full Stock of everything in the GROCERY 1'ne and Receiving daily addition* to his already Full Stock-Fair Dealing andl?w prices is the motto of this Home. ', j Just Received a tot of Prepared Ham andHried Beef, BACON, SIDES, SHOLDERS, HAMS, STRIPS, SUGAR, COFFEE, FLOUR Molasses, Syrup, &c, at reduced prices. Call and be convinced. . fiSrORDERS Promptly Filled and Delivered Free of Charge.-?* ' FORSALE 1 Platform SCALE, in good Order, Capacity 1000 pounds. "",f*' Feb. 19- * ? 1874 : tf _' _? ~-, ? ? ?? DR. A. C. DUKES, Orangeburg, C- IT-, So- Ca Drugs, Medicines, Chemials and Paints.1 FINE Toilet SOAPS, Fancy HAIR and TOTH Brushes, Perfumery and Toil** Articles, TRUSSES and Shoulder BRACES, .; . i GRASS AND GARDEN SBHDs to ? ? ? itj ,>. mIj PURE Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH'S and DYE STUFFS ICTTER-PAPER, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Glaa Chimnevs. ALSO IETTER-P A PER, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamp s J fuVimn0y8. ALSO A FINE LOT OF CIGARS, TOBACCO and CANDIES. B^uPhysicians' Prescriptionsaccarately Compoundci tiruij , ii'Milnto ? RX^ORRIETORS. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH LOT OF LIQUORS AND ft EG ARS, AND IT,.** Receiving every day the Patronage of tlie X^?blic, WHO come in there to pass a pleasant hour, by playing a social game of Billiards on their newly ly fitted tables. If you want anything r' ;_?,;*? ?*TP? In the Liquor Line GO to the Enterprise Club Rooms, for you will find in it everything. Jan. 1 1874. ,, ,, |t MoMIC-H ALL & BLUME. t ? . i vlfO.. I) ARTIES WISHING CHEAP GOODS, HAD BETTER Pirr THEMSELVJS T?hA . Little trouble bv walking down the comer to this CHEAP CASH STORE, THEY have a Choice Lot of GROCERIES S^h as Flo vir. Bacon, 13uttei> Sugar,. ? . ' V ? , Coffee* Tea *fcq. A fine lot of SEGARS and TOBACCO'S low down for the money. DRY GOOD** of every Description, and CLOTHING at wholesale prices. 86V-WE p?y the highest market prices for Corn, Peas, Potatoes, Ground nut and other pro? duce, and have foe sale a large lot of seed corn and peas Mc. A B,