gl STEPHEN B. feTvLESj, EDITOR AND ftUSlNESS\M\NAGER - -r?_1 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN Tr!E tf^tJNTY. 1:0.,. Rr tnc stock or pay dividens whiok can bo done with such nett earn ings u-s have been for the ysar 1873 over capences of $576,465,32, as reported iu (lie Commercial advertiser of March 1st 1874. A. STOCKHOLDER. Some of the Western politicians are talking about running Cen; Gordon for Yiefc-Presideut. ill ? ? -ATST ORDINA.NCE. To Raise SurrLiHB for the Town of OrANGEBURG, $. C, for the FlSCAL year BEGINNING Al'RIL 1, 1874, AND a BILL to REGULATE LICENCES. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Town Coun cil .of Orangeburg and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the Bame, that tae following Taxe" bo and are hereby assessed and levied, for fiscal year beginning April lHt A. D. 1874 at and after the following rates, that ie to say. 1st at the Rite of one tenth per centum on the assessed value of all real estate, lying and being witbiu the corporate limits of Orangebnrg 8. C. including every building or other improve ments on land under lease from bodies corporate or individuals, for any term ol years. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that even person firm, company, or corporation, engaged. I in any trade, business or profession hereinafter mentioned ?ball obtain, on or before the 1st day of April A. D. 1874, a licence therefor in a man ner provided: First: those commencing business after the 1st of April A- D. 1K74, shall obtain n licence before mt-.-ring upon that business. Second: every person, firm, company or cor poration required by this ordinance to obtain a licence to engage in trade business or profes sion for which a licence is required shall regis ter with the Town Cl*rk or his assistant Ins or her name cr style,nnd in case of a firm or com pany their names or styles of such linns or com panies and their place of business. 'Third: their trade business or profession for which a licence in required. Fourth: the place where Hiich trade business* or profession ia to be carried on: all of whieh, and answers to questions relative to which shall bo given uno^r oath. Sec. 3. if any per.'-oh or persons i?hidl exer eise or carry on any trade business or profes sion for the* exercise, carrying on or doing, of which a licence is required by thin ordinance; without talcing out such licence by this ordi nance, without as in thai beha.f required, he, she, or they shall, besides bring l.'ible for the payment of .the licence bo a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars to be h"t^ for and collected in any court of competent jurisdiction: one fourth of the penalty, after deducting' ex pellees of prosecution, to be paid to the penOi who first informs of (lie matter and tilings whereby the penalty is recovered: the other] three fourths to the benefits and uses of tin town. Sec. 4. in every licence to lie taken out under or by authority of this ordinance shall be con tinued and set forth the purpose* trade business or profession for which such licence is granted and the name ami place of business of the per son or persons taking out the same. Sec. 5. the Town Clerk and assessor shall prepare a proper a licence to be issued iu each case which licence shull be kept by tho person receiving the same in a conspicuous place as the Town Clerk may direct. * SEC. (5. a licence granted on and after the 1st day of April .A. 1). 1X71 shall continue in force until the 1st dav of April A. D. J875 and all licences granted after the 1st day of April A. I). 1874 shall be issued upon the payment of a rateable proportion of tho whole amount of money imposed for such licence provided, how ever, that no licence be granted for less than three months, though the time to the end of the year be less than that. Sec. 7. each licence granted shill ba dated on the first day of the month in which the lia bility therefor accrue, and tho amount to be paid therefor shall l.o computed therefrom, until the end of the year. And every person exercising or earring on any trndc business or profassion shall keep said licence iu their pos session and unless they shall do so. shall be deemed and taken to have no licence, nnd it shall be the duly of the Town Marsha 1 and dctcotlvc force to report any violation thereof. Sec. 8. upon tho removal of any person or persons from the house or premises at which the trade business or profession mentioned in Rich was authorized,it may and shall be lawful j for the Town Clerk to authorize by endorse- J ment of such licence the person removing m aforesaid to any other place in the corporation, to carry on the trade husihosi or profession speceficd in such licence at the place to which such person mav have removed. Sec t>. for a licence to carry on any trade business or profession herein after mentioned shall be paid to the Towx Clerk or Trcasurnr viz. retail Apothecaries $|0,(0 Amhrotypliists $3,00 Architects $3,00 Auctioneers $?,?? D*? gucrrian Artists $3,00 Agencies for Fire and Life ItiMirence Companies each $10,00 and for all other agencies by other than regular licen ced merchants for each member carrying on the agency $5|00 Hanks or their branches $5.00 Retail dealer 111 goods wares and merchandise (excluding distilled spirits) whose'Annual sales arc not over 510,000 and under $5,00, Those whose Annual sales are over $10,000 and under $30,000, $10,00, those over $30,000, if 15,00, Dentists each $5,00, Printing offices $5,00 Law yers each $?,00, Barbers each $2,00, Tailors $2 00 Drays Wagons Omnibusses ami Cnrriuges who haul for hiro each $3,00 Circuses each per day to be paid heforoexhidition $25,00 Menage ries each per day $10,00 Practicing Phvsicinns each $5,00, Peddlers per month $10,00" Huck - sters $3,00, per yenr, Cabinet makers $2,00 wholesale Liquor Dealer $50,00^ (Every per son firm or corporation whose business it i$ to sell distilled spirits fermented liquors or wines of any kind in quantities of one quart and over (dialI be regarded as wholesale liquor dealers) retail Honor .dealers or Hat Booms $75,00 (whose business it is to sell distilled spirits fer mented Honors or wines of and kind by the I glass or otherwise shall be termed retail liquor dealer*) Hotel? $3,00, Boarding Houses private $3 00, Bakeries $3,00, Millinery $3,00, Saddle and b ar>u^"' maker* and repairers of same $2,00 ''J5oot"and Shoe makers $2,00, Carriage and Wheelwright shops $5,00 Turners $3,00 Jew eler* nnd Watch and Clock repairers $3,00. Master Mechanics $2,00, Tinnors $3,00 Billiard Tables $10,00, each. Gun Smiths, $2,00, Steam GristMills that grind for toll $6,00 Black Smiths $2,00. Sec. 1 (). be it further ordained that all male inhabitants of tho Town of Orangcburg between the ages of 18 and 55 yearn liable to Boad duty, shall oesubject to a coaipound Tax of 1,00 each which said Tax ?liull be appropriated to the uses and improvements of the corporation. Sec. 11. be it futher ordained, that Hucksters licences shall not be liable to any deduction on account of the time in which such licence shall be issued. Sue. 12. be it further ordained that any per son failing to make a correct return of Beal K*fate in c ompliance with Tax notice published then the Town Clerk Bhall bo empowered to assess the same. Sec. 13. be it further ordained^ that all ordi nances or part of ordinances levying a Tax or prescribing the mode or time of returning or or paying *ihu same or any other regulation in relation thereto are thereby continued in full force and effeet so far as the same arc not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 14. be it further ordained that all Town Taxes on Beal Estate and licence* required un dei this ordinance shall be payable within forty days from the 1st day of April A. D. 1874. All Taxes unpaid after the expiration of that time shall be subject to an additional Tax of Twenty per centum on licences and, Ten per centum on Beal Estate. Sec. 15. be it further ordained that the fiscal year shall begin on the 1st day of April A. D. 1874. Sec. 15. be it further ordained that this ordi nance Bhall remain in force until amended or repealed. Skc. 17. be it further ordained that all ordi nances or part of ordinances-militating against this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. J. W. MOSELEY, Mayor, T. D. WOLFE, Clerk. Batificd on the 23rd day of March A. D. 1874. Sheriffs Sales. By virtnre of Sundry Executions to me direc ted, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Oranc bnrg C. II., on the FlItST MONDAY in April next. FOB CASH, all the Bight, Title and Interest of the Defendants in the following Property, yszi All that tract of hind in Orangcbnrg County containing 100acres more or les*, hounded by lauds of T. C. Williams, J. C. Fanning,-" Eppi ig and W. L. Tyler, levied on as t'c property of Nathan Porter at the suit of Crane, 1 Jo vision & Co. Also 1. One lot of land containing 3 ?eres more or less, on Sunny Side in the Town of Oraiigeburg, I bounded by lands of A: Webster, Abrain Martin and others. 2. And one other lot in said town, formerly B. D. Clark's brickyard, on West Bide of Bail Swamp Head, hounded South bv -Street and North and West by Estate lands of W. B. Trcailwell. dee'd. Levied on as the property of It. I), ( lark at the suit of Lcocadia Hall. Bv consent of Mrs. Metrrrva T. Chirk these lauds will be sohl free of dower. A L30 -One- Sam- Mill on Iligbhi'I Creek artd Tim ber on u Tract of land of 080 acres udjru or less, lumuded by lands now or lately of .Daniel Fiudd, Augustus Fludd. Estate of Sam'l A. lMderniid Hull. Levied on ns> !< e>t BoskH Keller, Richard Evans, h. DanUlcr and ./. Gr Uli in. Levied on as the property of Davftt Knill M tint suit of B. W. Hates, Guardian* aI ?so 1. All that plantation or trart offalifTcontain ing 410 acres more or less, on Caw Caw Swunji' waters of North Edisto Biver, botmdea by lands now or lately of O. Fa mum, Andrew Iuabinet, II. C* Wannamr.ker, I. S. K. Ltgan and Est. P. Hook. 2. AH that lot or parcel of land in the Town of Orangcburg known as lot No. 28 on a plat of i the lots sold ns Estate of S. Peach, fronting nnd measuring on Market Street 42ft. 8 ins. and running back 271 feet, t a ml bounded by lands now or lately of Jas. Harley, Belton Belterson and J. S. Bowman. 3. All that tract or parcel of land containing 124 ncrei more or less, hounded by binds now or lately of Ahrain Cook, J. S. C. Huffman, Ben'j Thompson nnd D. Cook. 1. All that plantation or tract of land con taining 220 acres more or less, bounded by lands now m lately of W. S. Dudley ami L. Wisscabunt, J. U'dey, Est of Beach,"Mrs* John son nnd others. 5.-All that lot or parcel of land in the Town of Orangeburg, East of tho Builroad. bounded by lands now or lately of F. DcMars, P. Doyle and homestead of Tbos. Bay. 0. All that plantation or tract of land contain ing 590 acres, more or leas, bounded by lands now or lately of L. E. D. Bowman, David Connor, D. Weimer and Wm. Summer;. 7. AM that plantation or tract of land con taining 185 acres more or less, bounded by lands now or lately of J. S. C. Huffman, Arte mus llicken baker. Gosper Inabnet, II. L. Bick enbnker nnd-Cook. 8. All that plantation or tract of land contain ing 135 acres* more or legs, bounded by lands now or lately of J. D. D Fairy, F. W. Fojv, J. W* II. Dukes, Andrew Berry and Colin Metts. 0. And all that other tract of land on Little Pen Branch containing 227 actcs more or less, bounded by lands now or lately of Andrew Ber ry, James Bbodes, O. IL Ott, and??Edwards. Lovicdnr. as the property ofTbnd. K. Saspor tas at the suit of George Boliver. ALSO One Buggy. Levied on as the property ofj. J. Weedard si the sai; of Hart & Go, and others. ALSO At Lcwlsville on Tuesday the 7th all the : i or!; of Merchandise in the store of Geissen hcimer. levied on at th?? suit of Paul Ibdane , also Peruvian ? Guano, At lowest market rales for Gush. JOHN A. HAMILTON Mnv 29, IS7JJ 1"> tf FOR SALE. * ??.?- - j THE Subscriber ?fters for sale th. well-known, Plantation "MK'ant's Villa, situated in Or.tiigebitrg CuWnty, I iiliecn milf> thvet a-t of the Court House, i o>? the live notch Road, containing Heyen hundred and Ii!*:;,--;'1? veh neres, more or loss, with the privilege of two hundred acres more, recently conveyed to ?iy sou. The latter place having Oil it a singh i story dwelling, four moms, one (irc-plm I kitchen, .-dulde, burn, ?.Ve., niid about I twelve or fifteen ti cress cleared lnml. On the larger place is A TWO STORY DWELLING, EIGHT K(K)?f v FIRE-PLACE in wicli, I * GIN HOUSE SORBW, j BLACKSMITH shop, And every vther building necessary oil a well-settled plantation; Fencing in very good condition. For further par ticulars apply either to Mo*;*, Izlar & Dibble, Orangcburg V, II., ?S. C, or to the undersigned at JMeCnnt's Villa, Or angcburg County, S. 0. J. C. EDWARDS. March G, 1873 8 lainOm For Cheap Tobacco, At 8 plugs for $1.00 At 9 plugs for $1.00 Go to stor.e of John A. HAMii/roar. 4 Sot?hertTHouse: ' GBO S KACKBR'S DOORS, S A 8H And Blind Factory, King, Opposite Cannon Street, Chnrlestoo, S. C. Thconly house of the kind in thwCity owned and luannged by a Cai-olinian. A Largo Stook always on hand, and sold at 20 per cent, less than Northern prices. addkehs, Geo. S. Hacker Oliarlcston. 8- C P. O. 1JOX 170. Oct. 30?ly 533' PROSPECTUS OF THE New Yorh Weefoly IleraldS -:o: JAS GORDON BENNETT, 1'HUPKIETOR. BROADWAY AND ANN STREET. THE WEEKLY HERALD is published* every Saturday, at live cents, per copy. An nual Hubcription price:? One Copy _ . ? . . . $2-, Three Copies . . . ? . ? |5' Five Copies.8 Ten Copies . . . . .15' Postage five cents per copy for three months' Any larger number, addressed to names of subscribers, $1 50 each. An extra copy will be sent to every club of ten. Twenty copies to one-address one year, $25/ and any larger number at the same price. Two extra copies will be sent to clubs of twenty. Those rates make the "Weekly! I Herald the cheapest publication in the country. Terms cash in advance. Money sent by maif will be at the risk of the sender. A generous portion of the Weekly Herald will be appropriated to Agriculture. Horticul ture, Floriculture, Pomology and the manage-* ment of domestic animals. Particular atten tion will he paid also to Reports of the Markets. The aim will be to make the Weekly Heiv aid superior to any other agricultural ana family' news-paper in the country. Every-hin?ber, of the SYcekly Herald will contain a select story and the latest and most important hew sljy telegraph from all parts o the world up to the hour Of publication. ' During the sessiun of Congress tho Weekly' Herald will contain a summary of ^ie proceed ings and the latest News by telegraph from Washington, Political, Rcligous, Fashionable,' Artistic, Literary and Sporting Intelligence*; Obituary Notices, Varieties, Amusements, Edi torial Articles on the prominent tonics of \\w day, a review of the Cattle and Dry Goods Markets, Financial . and Commercial intelli gence nnd accounts of all the important and interesting events of the v eck The Herald employes no agents in the conn-' try nor in distant cities to canvass for sub ingtou* The recent test of Plr?-Proof Safes by the Englrsh Government proved - the superiority of Ahum Filling-. No other Safes filled with ' -1> Alum and Pla^iMtf-Fwrts-, 266 Broadway, N. Y?, 721 Chestnut St., Phlla, H. O. STOX.X*. ?gt.^ Wholesale and Retail Dealers*. in, Dry Goods, AT Tlill OLD STAND, 287 KING STREET. HAVING made arrangements to continue the business lately conducted by the firm of BTOLL, WEBU&Oo., I respectfuly inform my friends and customers of ?rangeburg county that I have now in store a large affiorti nient of 'goods, l>ougnt for cash, during the Panic, which I am offering as low as any House in the city. Thanking my friends and customers for the patronage- so liberally be stowed uiioii the old firm. 1 hopo by strict a t-j tendon to business to merit a continusnce oa the same. I iritf adhere stririlu to Ike one prier ttyatetn. Respectntllv, Hi C. RTOLL, Agent, Successor to Stoll, Wcbl) & Co., 287 King Street, Charleston) S C, Nov. 13, lb'73 GO 8m.