Orangeburg, S, 0., Nov. 27, 1073, LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY. Co change Contract Advertisement*, notic? .lost'be giVW before' Monday noon. ,Our friendf. wishing to have advertisements inserted in the TIMES, must hand them in by TiiaAtny-n lorning, 10 o'clock. ;ADVI:RTLS1?:MENTS will be inserted at ih? rate of one dollar and a half per square for the first insertion, and one dollar per square for each subsequent insertion. 'Liberal terms m-dc with those who desire I? advertise for ithree; six or ovelve months. ifcSfc? Marriag?1 notices and Obituaries not exceeding one.Square, inserted free. ?JU.ll- ?!- ?J?L..-g Irleneeferlh, all ; Inegal Ad vertisements, oi* County liierest, Syhetiiei' notice? brothers, will be publish ed ibr the benefit of our readers whether they are paid. for. or not. SUBSCRIBERS I "Will have their papers regularly mailed. Send us new names, build up our pnper, and let every household in the County bo a supporter of our enter prise. LATEST. ..The passenger train of yesterday was delayed in consequence of a coach taking fire. The damage was confined to the roof of the car. Persons desirous of obtaining Italian immigrants can confer with Air. A. Mo roso, 105 King St., Charleston. The expected settlers arc skilled in agricul ture, and wish homes in the South. ?66?* The action brought against the Citizens' Savings Bnnk of Columbia, by J. L. Watson, County Treasurer of York, to restrain the Bank from paying out any more money will be resisted by the hank. The general stringency of money matters has nfTcctcd this institution tem porarily, without in the least affecting its solvency. MO W INJ) ?LGE*\ T. Tho overwening regard of the legisla ture for the prosperity of "our State" induces them to allow the tax to be paid in two instalments. They can afford to he indulgent. ON TO RICHMOND. Gen. Grant ha? not declared his policy with regard to the inhuman massacre of the crew of the Virginius by the Span i irds. It is supposed that the afiair will be submitted to arbitration. Meanwhile iron clads are being put in fighting trim, naval dock yards are busy, and prepara tions for n fight are being pushed. A hanglirc policy may deceive the dons, huf it is beyond doubt that a war with Spain can be averted. If the Spaniards desire to be on a footing for a decent fight,the sooner they atop their internecine struggle the better. Uncle Sam's mouth has watered for Cuba "lo these many yenrs." The quarrel is not ours. "TURN THE STATE OVER TO TDK GENERA L GO VERNMEXT." The recommendation of tlia member to ''turn the State over to the general government as a bad job" is not a lame idea, and shows how rotten things nre generally where the member figures. "The party" have run the machine for seven yenrs, until they have exhausted almost the superdemon resources of their villuinny in beggaring the people, and loading the State with an unjust debt. They began with the boast that they would teach the "Bourbons" what good government meant. They have had a I fair trial, and Ali Balm and his forty thieves tire mere fyros to these self con stituted rulers. They began with a lie, they have continued with unremitting fraud, und today they are a spectacle of reeking, putrid villainny, without peers outside of a pirate cabin. Year after year they levied, higher and higher the tax; it has been paid by a patient people. Now a new fax higher in per ocntnge, and upon property rated higher in valuation, is to be gathered, and in ppite of the figures Which show up their extravagance and ?tealage, they have tho effrontery to expect the people to 'heat with them yet longer. In tho name of humanity to your children, and In tho name of justice to decency, make on ef fort to arrest this outrageous spoliation, before you nro hopelessly and ignomhu uusly enslaved. Let the counties of South Carolina have a convention. Let each county bo represented at a State Conference, and there appoint n delega tion to go to tho head centre of Radical ism, and make an exhibit of the doings of its hirelings. Protest at Washington against further taxation, under such a filth)* disgusting loathsome State govern ment and ask to be made a territorial dependency, or u conquered province, anything rather than the footbnll of Moses and his crew. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Adjourned at Columbia on the 24th, having cost the State about 8125,000 for the session. This expensive farce, suits the ring, but it militates fearfuiiy with the peace and welfare of tho people. It accomplished nothing comparatively, for two reasons: because tho jumble of com plex rascality, was beyond futboming, and if otherwise, the apish assembly were not capable of the duties assumed. Like puppets and automata, they danced to the pulling of the wires. The showmen pocketed the proceeds. The Morton, Bliss & Co. mandamus, for the present, is bluffed off, by the repeal of the act au thorizing the Comptroller to give notice to County Auditors of the rn'c per cent, of taxation. The "bonded debt" is as far from a solution as is the squaring of tho circle. The fizzle may been purpose ly mad & to hide deep, dark deeds. Go v. Moses is popular with some of his crew for impeachment. It is stilted that ho only received $325,000 for approving the "printing bill." Other heavy charges are against him, which if produced will astound those only who may not have heard of the dis tinguished personage before. "Let us have peace." ciuprrxGs.. ?Boss Tweed, the scientific robber of public funds in New York, has been sen tenced to twelve years jailing in tho county prison and SI2,000 fine. ?The house of W. H. Gardner of Sumtcr (County Treasurer) was set firo to on the stormy night of the 21st. The loss was very heavy. ?Some of the claimants for confisca ted property at Beaufort S. C. have been successful, among them Dr. II. M. Sinoak, Mrs C Johnson, heirs of Dr Thos Fuller, and Miss Catharine IIou ecal. ?Two colored men near Charleston fought with razors. Both bold out until exhausted and were badly cut. Mr. Hamilton Slawson was knocked down by a dray in Charleston, from the effects or which he died. HYMENEAL. Married?On tho 18th Nov., 1873, by the Kev. J. L Sillcy, Mr. FRANCIS P. LANG LEV, ot Charleston, S. C, to Miss HELL MOORER, youngest daughter of Hen ry M. Moor er, of Orangeburg County, S. C. CONSIGNEES FIR EXPRESS. Rev W R Purler, II A C Walker 2, E Mentzcl Miss M J Ford, Jno S Rowc J F Izlar, 2 Moore & Wilson, L M Deyreaux, B Livingston, W E Glaze, Dr. A C Dukes, V M Smith, A L Crook J F Myers. cotton c;ins. rail IB UNDERSIGNED IS AGENT FOR A tho celebrated Prize-Mcdnl Taylor Gin, of which he has sold 25 in this county. Also, the Nehlett Si Goodrich Gin, highly recommended by Col. D. \V. Aiken and others. On band. One 50 Saw, and One -15 Saw TAYLOR GIN. n d One 42 Saw, NKHLETT ? GOODRICH GIN. RUBBER BELTING furnished nt Agent's prices. J. A. HAMILTON. July 10, 1873 21 tf "DON'T FAIL TO READ THIS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT MR,S OLENDROFF'S *{ Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Mach in? Wao awarded first prcmiun at Orange burg Fair 1873 for einplicity, light-ruu niug and noiseless. I only ask you tu examine for yourselves before purchasing other'mnchiucc. Sold on easy terms. ,T. T SIMMONS Agt. Orangeburg S. C. Nov. 27, 1873 41 3m _!__:_iL VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR. 1874. I 200 Pages; 500 Engravings, and Col ored Plate. Published Quarterly, at 2G cents a year. First No. for 1874 just issued. A German edition at same price, Address, James Vick, Rochester, N.'Y. Nov. 27, 1873 41 tf NOTICE. SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. HAVING SECURED the right to seil CLARKE'S PATENT PORTABLE Hail and Tlnuk fence in this County, I will put up a sample of the Fence at Ornugehurg C. II.. on Monday, (.Sales-Day) and would in vite tue planters of the County to examine the same; ns I am satisfied it combines all the r.d vantages to save time, and money. Either the plantation or stock fence is proof against wind, flood or stock* I will go to any parr of the County to put up a sample, and instruct any one purchasing thn right how to build the Fence. Liberal terms will be offered to Oran ges. Persons wishing to communicate can do so, by addressing mo at lXowe's Pump Post Office, Orangeburg County, S. C. . JUDE ROBINSON, Agent. Nov. 27,1873 41 3m Mrs. T. W. Albergotti, DESIRES to inform her friedda and the public that she has just opened a lino as* sortment of Holiday Oi'.*ts, Birthday and Bridal Presents, Ac. Prices to suit the times- Fin* China Foncy Goods, such ns Vases, Motto Cup?, China figures, Jewelry Boxes, Toilet sets, Cot, logne Sets, something new and handsome. INDIA RUBBER GOODS, TOYS of va rious kinds, and other articles too nu merous t> mention, suitable for OLD and YOUNG, LARGE and SMALL. ALSO, French and plain * Con fecti pnaries, Fine Gift Boxei, And Fresh } Fruits, Nuts, &c. Call and sec for yourselves, and'she will env| dcavor to please von. Nov. 27, 1873 * 41 3m J S Albergotti's Store Corner Russell Street and RniJ Road Avenue* _ Has in Store a well selected Stock of Grocc-1 ries for Sale at reduced prices. Parties would do well to c;dl examine and price goods before purchasing elsewhere. A full Stock of Uacou Kluur Sugar Syrup Molasses, Candies, Caned Goods, Crockery, Tin ware, &c., on hand. B?)?. Goods delivered, free of charge. Jan. 1, 1873 11 lv ^SASHES:Bjilip:S:|; Bj Bnibhr'iIIirdxccLri' and' SappIie\)fjaUaigt, JfiDrdchdsJfeKtLt Rut,!)', G, 8,70. Karhet Street. I 22i. 22S, JSiatDdy,' CHARLESTON, $j< C, \f This cut entered according to Act of (congress in the year 1S73, by 1, II. I lull ?V Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Wash ington. $20. TUE BECK WITH $20. PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL, With Strength mid capacity Equal to any, tlc~ gardles* uf t 'out. riM IK ( loth-Plate is the size used by a $100 ? Machine is of Polished Plated Steel. At tachments of proportionate size and (pinltty, while Iho entire Machine has corresponding finish throughout. Braider, Kmbroider, Guide, Hemmer, Gatherer, lour sizes of Needles, tic., are given with every Machine. NO TOII.SOMK TllF.AD OF TMK TRKADf.E, Every Machine Can felly Tested and fhlly warranted. BKCKWITII SEWING MACHINE CO. Near 17ih St. and Union Stpiare, 852 Broad way, N. Y. July 17, 1S73 22 MAUKE 1' REPORT, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY aSOSEXiXSY & CROOK QRANGEBUBQ COTTC& MARKET Cotton?Sales during tho week 2 lahp. Ordinary, - - - - 10 @ 10} Good Ordinary, - - -11? 114 Low Middling, - - - 12 ? 12} Strict Middling, - - - 13 ? 13} Prices Current. Bacon Hams : : lb 12 ? 21 " Sides : : " 9} ? 13 Lard : : " 14 ? Corn : : : : bus 75 ? 85 Peas ::::?' 70 ? 80 Oat* : aeed : : " 1 25 ?. Flour - : : : : cwt 5 50 ?6 15 Fodder . : : " 1 25 ?1 50 Rough Rico : : M 90 ? 1 00 Butter : : : : lb 35 ? 60 Eggs, : : : : doz 20 ? 22c Turkeys : : : pr 1 75 ?2 00 Gees? : ; : : " 1 00 ?1 25 Fowls, i t per doz. 3.50 ? 5.00 Bees^Vax . : : : lb 22 ? 25 Bocf : : " 10 ? 12 Tallow : . : " S ? 10 Pkulcrs : : per bushel 1 10?1 20 15RICKS I BRICKS ! I BRICKS!!! T ^HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Infc .'ins the public that he is now prepared to furnish BRICKS in any quantity. All orders will meet prompt attention. J. C, EDWARDS, may 1 73 ly $955,000 IK CA! H (UFTS, To bo distributed by the UNJTEI> STATES PRIZE ASSOCIA1IOX. OF NEW YORK. Daily Drawings. A PRIZE FOR EVERY TICKET. 1 Cash Gift SI00,000 0 Cash Gifts 50,000 12 Cash Gifts 25,000 20 Casli Gifts 5,000 75 Cash Gift?, 91,000 300 " ?? 500 200 " " 200 550 " " 100 400 Cold Watches 75 to 300 275 Sewing Machines 60 to 150 *WEIOgruiT Pianos f each 260 td 700 60 MclodeotiH " 60 to 200 Cash Gifts, Silver Ware, etc., valued at 1,500,000 A chance to draw any of the above prizes for 25 cents. Tickets describing Prizes are sealed in Envelopes and well mixed. ^aihjohurg ? 'mmiy. at t >ningcburg .South C ir olina ??? the 2lst ?! iv ofOeTol>cr 1873. ID :TRKVILLE? .Wll \ 1.1 Y Plain'Ul- Aitoriuv* Obetoer 22sl IS'73. IP PUBLICA TIOXX. I^OGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. (ko<;aut;k, & co.) on: N 1'av CATAJAKjl'l! no. 20. The Irish Hnce, in the past and the present, by the Rev. A J.Thcbaud. $3 5''. " Popular Lectures on Scienti ic Subjects, by II. Uolmholt/., Professor of Physic* in the Uni versity ef Berlin, with an introduction by Pro lessor Tyndall. $2* Insanity in its relations to crime; a Text and a commentary, by William A. Hammond, M. D. D., Professor :it Bel lev tie Hospital Medical College. $1. John Stuart Mill ; a Manorial Volume. $1. Dwhnnel's Anturnl Philosophy ; complete in one volume. $0 50. Also, jn separate parts via, Part I, Mechanics, Hydrostatics and Phuc matics; Part Il.IIeui; Parti 11, Electricity and Magnetism; Part IV. Sound and Light. Each $1 75. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, by James Fitzjnmes Stephens. $2. Old New Englands TraiU, by George Lunt. $1 50. Evolution of Life, bf Iltr.ry C, M. D. $2 75. Alibouc's DicVionary of Poedcal quotations; Covering the whole field of English Poetry from Chaucer to the present time, 13,600 Quo tations from 550 authors on 435 subjects. $5. Index to Hodge's Systematic Theclogy. $1. Lange's Commentary on Matthew; Sunday school Edition. $3. A New P.ook by Denn Goidburn?The Holy Catholic Church; Its Divine Ideal, Ministry nnd Cntechism on each Chapter, forming a . Course of Mothodien instruction on tho Sub ject, by 10. M. Goull iirn, D. D., Author of "Personal Religion," &c. $1 50. ICritiques and Addresses, hv Tho*. II. IIux lev, L. L. D., P. R. S. $1 50. Poods, hv Edward Smith, M. D., L. L. B., F. B. S. $1 "75. Narrative of the Mission to Russin, in 18oV?, of iiie Hon. Gus'.avnx Aasso Pox, Assistant Secretary of tue Navy, from the journal and notes of J. P. Loithal ; illustrated, 18 engrav ings ; 1 vol., S vo. S-">. , The argument ot Geneva ; a complete Collec tion of the Forensic Dincoursei on tbe part of the United Slates and Great Britain, lwdote the trial of Arbitration under the Treaty of Wash ington, as published by the authority of the Government. $3 50 Wanderings of a Yagalwmd ; an Autobiogra phy edited by John Morris. J$2. The Mineral Springs of United States nnd Canada, v ith analysis and Notes on the Spas oi Europe, and a List of Seaside Resorts, by George 10. Walton, M. D. $2. Anecdotes of Public Men, by Jolm W. For ncv. $2. Protection Against Nire, and the best means of putting out Fires in Cities, Town nnd Vil lages, with Practical Suggestions for the Sccn ritv of Life and Property, by Joseph Bird. $1 50. Text Books of Science, Electricity and Mag netism, by Fleming Jcnkin, Professor of En gineering, Uuivcrsity Edinburgh. $1 50. Burton and Drake's unexplored Syria, 2 vols., printed in Inrge type on superfine paper, with numerous illustrations nnd maps. $15; N. B.?Books *ill be sent to any part of tho country free of extra charge on receipt of pub lishers' price. Addrcsrf FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 2G0 King Street, Charleston, 8.C march 27, 1S73 U cwtf.