Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, October 30, 1873, Image 4

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Orangeburg, 8,0., Oct. 30, 1873. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY. fo change Contract Advertisements, notice acut be given before Monday noon. Our friends "wishing to Miave ndvertisenienta Inserted in tho TIMES, must hand them in by Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the rate of one dollar and a half per square for the first insertion, and one dollar per square for each subsequent' insertion. Libsral.terma mnde with those who desire to wtverlisc for th/ce, six ?r twelve months. trjju Marriage notices and Obituaries not exceeding one Square, inserted free. 1*4? "xr'vf. Hdg.ceibrtU, all Legal Ad -rertieemerits, of Conixty Interest, wlietlier notices o??tliers, v/ill be publish ed fox* the benefit ol'our x\r*v&ers whether they are p&ic? for or not. ggMgS 1 1 i . SUBSCRIBERS ? ** ?.-?-.< Will/have their papers regularly mailed. Send us new names, build up our paper, and let cvdry'household iij the'County be a supporter of our enter prise. . j THE LEGISLATURE?OUR STATE" Went to business. on 21sL The first subject was a matter of iaouey. Tho Georgetown member (Btawley) was on the QUi vive to have current expenses provided for, and offered a bill to author ize the Treasurer to issuo 0200,000 of the ."<remaining: $500,000 of the act of Dec '65 for the purpose aforesaid. Tim Hurley, Joe Crows, and Boston opposed the bill and it was dofeated by a large vote: " We are happy to state that Hur ley's speech, .and that of Boston was in favor of discarding the fraudulent bonds of Morton Bibs &Cc and for searching out the real debt of the State. Morton Bliss & Co are thought to be a blind of apparent respectability covering under the claim the intrests of several State of ficials. If the members can resist out side pressure, they may defeat some vil lainous schemes by a fair vote. Smith of Bpatirigburg wanted the debt scaled at the rate of forty per cent. The Rev. Douglas attributek the debt of the State to the extravagance of appropriations and a general bad management of State fmaces. Note bad for tho taxpayers bu good for the official}. He could not un derstand How the taxation aud debt both were on the increase; and School appro priations and other claims still remain unpaid. Ou the whole the finan cial out-look was worse than ever. A revelation litis come to light in which Parker had been discovered ou Saturday night burning $3,000,000 iu Blue ridge Scrip. The cinders were found in his chimney, some of which were legible. Hurley demanded that proceedings bo made against Kimpton (the financial agent) if he did not make a report. Tho dish of honest doings is getting quite spicy. It is thought that "murder will out." Judge Andrews was sworn in as duly elected Senator from Orange burg. communicated. Mr. Editor : There is an order in Oratigebu rg Coun ty as well as elsewhere and every where in the United Slates known as the Pa trons of Husbandry. At'a meeting of Orange Grange of the Patrons some time since a resolution wus offered and aliopted inviting the different Granges of Orangburg County to appoint del egates to meet at the court house for tho purpose of organizing the Granges of the Comity into au association. Iu pur suance of .that call eleven Granges assem bled on the 25th of September last; the Objects of the call was explained and a resolution imanimously adopted to proceed forthwith with Organization by electing (by ballot and without nomina tion) officers: Mnj. Puul.M. Felder, was elected Pres ident Dr T. A. Elliott, vice President M. L. Baldwin Scerclry Morgan Keller Treasurer and James Stoke? door Keeper. A Committee was appointed to report, a constitution and by laws; the Associa tion adjourned to the first Monday in October inst., to allow the Committee full time to prepare their report. At the ap pointed time flic delegates assembled again, and the Granges not represented at the former meeting had there dele gutes thero. A Constitution and by laws wero reported by Worthy Master Norris which with a few alterations was adopted. The preamble to the Constitution was as follows, Whereas, The Oranges of the Patrons of Husbandry for Orangeburg County feeling the necessity of a closer Union for carrying out the objects of tho prdcr have united themselves into an as sociation,, and do hereby adopt the fol lowing Constitution and By Laws for tho government of the same. Now Mr Editor we would have no ob jection to publish our Constitution and By Lawsbut'we think this Communica tion sufftcientlp long. We think tho ocperate straws of Granges twisted to gether in'.o an association oan operate in the purcbas of supplies and the sale of produce to much more advantage than singly. Being so united wo invite bids foi our custom: all of which as for as the Granges are concerned will be confi dential. Merchant and producers apd consumers will perceive it is not tho custom of only one Grange but of a do zen or more united which will be ob tained. . M. B? BALDWIN, SECY. Don't be afraid of having a little fun in the family. A merry disposition in the God-send for a home. There's tho case of a man in Nelson street' for in stance. Saturday he went into the kitchen ahead of his wife, and seeing two huckleburry pies steaming on the table, he hastily concealed them in the ice-cheat whibh stood open in the back hall. Then he went down town chuckling to himself, .ind ten minutes later tho ice cart drovfr up, and the ice man brought in a fifty pound cake, and started for the ice-chest, followed closely by the fond wife expa tiating upon the 'muss.' He put the cake upon tho edge of the chest and gave it a push over, and when it came j_ .1_a__?_ uowu iipuu muao ?ttu evcuuiiLig jhcd, a huckleburry geyser followed. Tho ice maa with eyes and face full of the dis charge, tumbled completely over tho wo man and disappeared out of the doer. The wife recovered her balance as soon as possible' and catching up a broom, went after the ice man, but he escaped her ; then she come back and looked in the ice cheat and down at the oil cloth, and up at the ceiling, and around on the walls Tho ratn at the store who wero let into tho joke by^the facetious Nelson street man, are anxiously wondering how it turned out? Gen. Hooker, in the late reunion of the army of the Coraberland, referred to the Confederate army, against which he had fought, in these* terms: "Search the world over and you will not find the like of them. I have had an opportunity of seeing some of the armies of Europe since then?the French, Prussian and Austrian?and I tell you it will be down hill work to fight them, compared with our lato foes." A Lincoln man, whoso wife has been ill for some time, came out one day with a face longer than his arm. A friend who met him grasped him by th* hand in tearful sympathy and murmured : "0, when did she die?" "O goodness," was the solemn reply: " she ain't dead, she's cleaning the house." The late Mi. Cain, it has been conclu sively established by an article in tho Lancet, was insane when he killed his brother Able ; and a proposition has been mado to start what is called a "Cain Fund," for the relief of tho distressed descendants of tho unhappy man. "You have played the deuce with my henrt," said a gentleman to a lady who was his partner in asocial game of whist at an evening party., "Well," replied the lady with an arch smile, " it was be cause you played the knave." B$?? The late fire, at Mr. Bolivers saw mill resulted in the sad occurrence of tho Death of Elvin Bozard who having been severely burned, expired ater much ag ony. CWLAM CUAVELEY, niBCT IMPORTI13 OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS. No. .V2, EftBt Hay, South of t' e old Pont (Mice, Charleston, S. 0. AGENT for the sale of the Magnolia Cotton . Gins. At the Fairs hebt at Savannah',Go!, last month, the "Magnolia" cotton Gin ginned l")01l)rt Heed cotton in three minutes and forty live seconds, taking the premium, and also the nme of One Hundred Dollarn oflered by the Hoard of Trade for tho bent GIN. Several have been hold thit* nennen which gin a bnlc an hour. The namo gin also took the premium at the Cotton States Fair at Augusta, lant October. Feb. 13, 1873 51 ly NOTICE. ? "TORANK -K. H0U8T0N, Photograph' Ar tist, would inform tho citizens of Orangc burg and vicinity that at tho request of his;nu merous friends ho will remain on tho Fair ground with hia photograph tent, until SAT URDAY, Nov! 8, and NO LONGER; as, pur engagement at the Columbia Fair renders it impossible to remain longer. We guanyfttco good, work at Charleston prices. Don't fail to visit our Art - Studio, as we remain only 10 days. F. K. .HOUSTON, Photographic Artist, from 307, King'St., Charleston, S. C. . I Oct. 30, 1873 37 2t _ .oiRX)iisrA.isro_E? REGULATING THE SALE OF HOR SES and Mules', is amended as follows: That on and after this dato all transient horse traders, or agents ?f Buch be, and aro hereby required, to pay to the Chief, or Act ing Chief, Marshal of this Town, the sum of one dollar ($1.00) . for each and every horse or mule sold, tho said Marshal to. turn over ?aid amounts to the Clerk of Council for the benefit of the Town. A violation of this amendment of Ordinance regulating the mile of horses and mules, shall subject the offen der to a fine of fiae dollars, ($5.00) for each and every offence, or not Icra than 5 days' im prisonment, nor more than ten days. (??*?. ) Doue in Council, this 28th day of r.. s. \ October, 1873. w-'J ?J. W. MOSECEY, Mayor. T. D. Wolff, Clerk. TAILORING, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, MENKE & M?LLER, Northeast corner King and Wentwoith SUe-tts, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Invite attention to their large and selected stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' cldth ing, of their own manufacture, ?at by their v ell known artist Cutters, and made by the best Custom Tailors during tie Summer mon ha. With these facilities we ore enabled to prod ace Clothing that cannot be surpassed in Style, fit and Durability. ? FURNISHING GOODS. This Department is also very large and leflf including the celebrated Star Shirt. I OUR TAILORING DEPATMENT is supplied with the most complete and sc! ec tcd stock of Foreign and Domestic Cloi hs, Beavers, Doeskins, Coatings, Worsted Diajgo nais, chinchillas, Meiions, Cheviots, Cai si meres, &u., &c. Also, a very large and tine selection of the Latest Styles, rANTS^ AND 'VEST PATTERNS, which will he made up to order, in any style our customers mnv desire, under the supervis ion of Mr. J. T. 'FLYNN, formerly of C. D. Carr & Co. P. 8. Our Terms are now arranged on the Cash system and prices marked accordingly, in plain figures on every article. All Go jds that do not turn out as represented will be taken back and money returned. Oct. 29, 1873 37 3r k SASHES AND BUN Mouldings, Bi-ackets, Stair Fixtures, "build ers' Furnishing Hanlware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wiie Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specially. ggy* Whito-Pino Lumber for Sale. ?__33 Circulars and Price Lists sent free on applica tion, by P. P. TO ALE. No. 29 Hayne and 33 Pinckney street, ocl 1-ly Charleston, S. C. REMOVAL OF fllRARDEAU'S FURNITURE STORE. From our old stand'to the NEW STORE in BEAR OF ENGINE HOUSE. Having received a part of our Fall Stoek and expecting the balance of it very soon, we can offer to parties in need of FURNITURE of any kinds?a fine lot to select from, and a prices" as low as any house of tho kind in Charleston* > COFFINS Always on hand, or made to order. Mattresses Of Cotton, Moss, Wool or Hair on hand, or made of any required size. REPAIRING, done promptly, carefully and at reasonable rates. GIRARDEAir & CO. sept. 25, 1873 32 Uin W, J. DeTreville, ATTORNEY AT LA W. Oflicc at Court House Square, Ornngeburg;, S. C. uichl3-lyr ORANGEBURG ACADEMY TIIEtEXERCJSES of (lila Academy will bo rtjigmcd on Monday. September let. Boys are prepared for. College or business, and young ladies given a thorough course of instruction. The male and female departments are kept strictly separate, except during the recitation of classes which are composed of both. Terms, (ren month). I CLASSICS.$-1 00. ENGLISH 3 00 "We tender our thanks for the liberal pntron age of the past and trust that wo shall merit a continuance of the Baune in the future. JA?fES S. HEYWAKD, STILES R- MELLiciIA3ir, j?ly 31?td Teachers. OFFERS a VARIETY of LADIES' CON GRESS and LACE GAITERS, Binall wzes and below Charleston prices. Misses' and Boys' Shoes, sewed and pegged. Serge and Goat Buskins for tender feet. Gen tlemen's dress and heavy shoes. AI^O, A variety of goods among which are Fruit Cake, English, Crackers, Crusbcd and Brown Sugars, (very low. Milk Biscuit, Fruits and Fish In Cans, Nuts, &c, Coffees, raw and parched, Cbocolotc, Borma, Cocoa, Essence of Coffee, Lard, In Bulk, Cans nnd Pails. Deviled Ham) Sea Foam, Bacon, Sides and shoulders. Condensed Milk, English Crackers. New No. 1 Mackerel, Self Raising Flour Irish Potatoes, Best Fumilv Flour, and an invoice of BLACK SEED "WINTER OATS. JOHN A. HAMILTON May 29, 1873 15 if pianos and organs, Furnished on j\Eontlily Installments. TERMS OF LEASE: j ,M .Pnjnucnt* made mi J^ar?.K?ljmi^im.m the purchase of the Instrument Loaned. 'Pianos mlued at $450 to $500 : : $75 ndvance, $25 monthly. 525 to 000 : : 75 advance, 30 niontj. y. ?25 to 750 : : 100 advance, 40 month y. Organs valued at ?125 to 200 : : S25 advance, $10 monthly 225 to 350 : : 40 advance, 15 monthly 3G0to 500 : : 50 advance 25 monthly. fe*y- Parties who offer satisfactory Security can pay for Instrument.-1 in notes at o, 6, 9, nnd 12 months' time. Call nnd tlnd out other inducements offend in both Time and Cash Males, from KIRK ROBINSON, .Agcut for Orangeburg Countv. may 22, 1S73 14 "tf Geo. S. Hacker Doors Sash, I31iiicl Factory CHARLESTON. I'lHISlSAS LARGE AND COMPLETE, . a factory as then is ia the South. All work manufactured nt the Factory in this city. Tbo only boiiso o\vncu and managed by n Carolin "an in tins city. Send for price list. Address GEO. S. HACKER, rWofficc Box 170, Charleston, S. C. Factory and WarerooinsonKinn street typo site Cannon street, on line of City Railway, Oct. 30 ly MtLIi MEN,. IWILL SELL one of the very best Turbine Water Wheels, together witli a first-class CIRCULAR SAW MILL for $1.000 cask.? The Wheel ami machinery, lately cost $3.000 nnd is now in full operation?will saw from live to ien iiiuusaud feet of lumber jter dav. I will nlso sell 1500 acres of land, near Dnford's Ilridge, on the Great Saltkuhatcliie River, on reasonable terms. Address ALFRED AY ER, Bamberg, S. C. sept. 25, 1873 32 4t DR. THOMAS LEGAUE, LATE resident rilYfllCTAN to THE roper and CITY HOSPITAL of CH ahee8ton, OFFERS bis prclcssional services*to the community of Orangeburg and to (he pub lic, at large. Office Horns- From 8 to 9 o. m., 1 to 2, und 7 to 9 nt night. Office, Market Street, over store of Jno, A. Hamilton. nug. 14 1873 20 Cm the home shuttle SEWING MACHINE, TCJ BEjfS Because it is perfect in its work Becauso it has the endorsement of so many ladies who use it; because it is simple, and becauso it can be bought complete on table for only $37,00. JOHN A. HAMILTON. Agent for II. S. S. Machine, march 0, 1873 tf J, INFORMS^tbo public that he has now the most select stock of goods of every description in this market, and offers BARGAINS FOR CASH. Call and examine his stock and satis fy pouraelf of tho fact. ? H O IE 9 9 A complete and well assorted stock of all grades, from a No. 1 Gaiter to a heavy Brogan. BOOTS, Custom made, and of, the best qual ity. Cloths, CassimerH, Doeskius, Satiuets, Tweeds, Jeans, and a complete assort ment of gentlemen's wear. READY MADE CLOTHING Of all grades cheap, at M'NAMAEA'Sl Appril 23, 1873 10 ly iS. R. MELLICHAMP, SURVEYOR, ORANGEBURG, S. C. ILL Survey in the town every afternoon, and anywhere in tho County on Satur days. To all points that cannot be reached by Railroad, the parties eniploybig must furnish conveyance Oct. 10, 1873 35 tf TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Charleston, S. C, June 28, 1872. On and after SUNDAY, June 29, the passenger trains on the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston - 6:00 a m Arrive at Augusta - - 1:45 p m FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston - 6:00 a m Arrive at Columbia, - 1:50 p m FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta ? - 5:30 a m Arrive at" Charleston ? 1:10 pm Leave Columbia - 5:20 a m Arrive, at Charleston - 1:10 pm AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston - 8:10 pm Arrive at Augusta - - 7:15 a m ^Leaye_Augusta - - 6:15 p m "A rri v c a t O b ? fie etbu - ?f&S~a~i i r COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston - 7:10 p in Arrive nt Columbia - 6:15 a n; Loave Columbia - - 7:L> p n? Arrive, at Charleston - 6:15 an: BUM Jt ER VI II K Tl.'AIN. Leave Summcrville - 7iv5 a ni Arrive ut Charleston - 8:1:0 a ia Leave Clmricston - 3:35 p hi Arrive nt ?Suniincrvillo nt - 4S.? p in ?M t a m CAM DEN BRANCH. Leave C'nmdcn Arrive at Columbia - 8:00 a m Leave Columbia - - 10;4f> a m Arrive at Canidcn - 8:25 p in Day and Night Trains connect at Au gusta withMacon ami Augusta Railroad and Georgia Railroads. This is the quickest and most direct route, ami as comfortable and cheap as any other route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and all other points West and Northwest. Columbia Night Trains connect with Grcenviile and Columbia Railroad, and Day and Night Trains connect with Char lotte Road. Through Tickets ou salo, via this route to all points North. Canidcn Train connects' at Kingville daily (except Sundays) with Day Passen ger Train, and runs through 16Columbia A. L. TYLER, Vioc-President. 8. R. Pic'icns General Ticket Agent Sep 27 $20. THE EECKWITI1 $20. PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL, With Straiyth and cajHicity Eouul to any, Jle yardliJSH of Cost. rrUIE Cloth-Plate is the size used by a $100 JL Machine is of Polished Plated Steel. At tachments of proportionate sire and quality, while tho entire Machine has corresponding finish throughout. Braider, Embroider. Uuide, Hemmer, (intherer, four sires of Needles, &c., are given with every Machine. no toilsome tiieau of the treadle. Every Machine Cnrtfclly Tested and fully warranted. DECKWITH SEWING MACHINE CO. Near 17th St. and Union Square, 852 Broad way, N. Y. July 17, 1873 22 , IZLAR & DIBBLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RUSSELL STREET, Ornugcburg, S. C. ja8..E. J /.:..\ k. S. Dibble. incli 0-lyr J. S Albergotti's Store Corner Russell Street and Rail Road Avenue. HAS in Store a well selected Stock of Groce ries for Sale at reduced price?. Parties would do well to call examine and price goods before purchasing elsewhere. A foil Stock of Bacon Flour Sugar ?yrup Molaases, Candles, Caned Goods, Crockery, Tin ware, &c., on hand. 8SU Goods delivered, free of charge. "t?S Jan. 1, 1873 11 ly TURNIJ, SEED! FROM THE CELEBEATED FIRM Of Ziandreti? & Co., Of the following descriptions. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, AMBER GLOBE, LARGE GLOBE, POMEBANEAN GLOBE, YEL LOW RUTA BAGA, &c., Ac, Ac to be had from SIGN OF THE ? Members of the Agricultural Society, .will be supplied with Ruta Bngn Seed as usual: fir?" Watches and Jswelrv repaired. March 13. 1873 * 4 if : SASHKS BLINDS Bu?dfrillirdszuvand Sappliis, MeUhgv, BrdchdtA'evtU RaiL3du^j,Wirt?aknb, Slate and Mirhlc mntlej;fZoaraadI)avi TdL\p\Vkite PinrfV&LvtfJwcyLumber) Lai inrtHikers Rae WoocU. Sue ' All WorAWsmutted. LOWEST PRICES. Send fbrPrieeLi&t. I,,H. HALLlLCCL ' _tili._# i?-.r_ M&nufie.'-urcr* & I/mIzts. 3,4*,6, 8,/? Marhet Strxti. 222,225, S?st Bay, CHARLESTON, 5,0. This cutenteml uccording to Act of Congress in the year 187?, bv 1, IL Hull & Co., i:; tho ;.f!'rc of tl-jc Librarian of C-.^c;-, at Wus!. iri"ton. rgllTK {'N.DERKr0NFD IS ACENT FOR 3 tit.- celebrated Priz^Mcdid Tav'inr Gin, ?f wl;:?4i i.-' It:i.- sold in thi. n...:i!y: A.!.**, the. N'ebh tt A- < ????drich Gin, Id; V.Vy i e? > n int-nded by i bl. i> Vt. .'?Ik?n -iiid r-. On baud, i lie 50 Saw, and Or.c i'j Saw, tay:.:..u gin;' * and Oii> 4i5-';. r, .Ni.P.lktt- A GOODRICH GIN. fund, hod ... .-.^iiit'r pr*?cs. J. A. HAMILTON. Iii tf July 1C, 1373 BftiCKS: nines* ?11 BRICKS!!! npiIE UKDERSIGNED RESPECTFCLLY Inf* .*ms the public that ho is now prepared t? furnish BRICKS in any qtiantity. All order* will meet prompt attention. may 1 J. C, EDWARDS. 73 ly L. E, COMOlJ &S0N, WHOLESALE-AND RETAIL GROCERS AND ?ESERAL COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, 093, King Street, CHA?T.EST?Nj S. C (p. o. iiox 2oo.) 7*H MOST KESPECTl VLI.Y INVITU the attention of our frlchas and the pub lic generally, to our assorted stock of Groceries j1 which cannot be surpassed, neither m quality or iirice: Our prices are low. Merchants and ?'armen will do well to call and examine onr stock, before purchasing elsewhere. We guar antee satisfaction. Having given special attention for tho past two years to the sale of cotton, we ore prepared to sell at the highest market prices. Consign ments solicited. Wc will also receive for sale or shipment, all kinds of domestic produce. Being trtdy thankful for past favors, wo ear nestly solicit a continuance of same. P. S.?All business entrusted to our caro shall meet iKjrsonal and prompt attention. Sept. 18, 1873 31 2m ORAttEBURCt BASE BALL CLUB* A TT END a regular meeting of your Club I\ Thursday evening 23d inst at 7 J o'clock, nt "Elliott IlAir* By or** of tho President, L. 11." \V.YNNAMAKr.K SliC Members aro rcqucs'e'l to come out puncN ually.