Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, October 23, 1873, Image 4

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Jw-om our Fireside Friend. SWEET SUMMER IS DYING. by jennie joy, Tub umn^iui looked at tTic maples, ? ^ Mrof? oil '.lie village green : Ami lo ! (V.ore,wore great red sploshes* All over their leafy Hheen: And I naul, "'Tis the Bummer's life blood? Time's sickle hath touched her heart! Sweet 8ummcJ, dear summer is dying; Oh, how can wc two ever part? Sho came, and she brought mc red roses? They matched well the brown of ray hair: And "somebody'''called mo his "darling 1", , For Rumnfcr had made mo seem fair; So warm was her breath, I had wandered Adowli by a shadowy stream? And "somebody"'else loved the shadows, And sweet was love's sumincr-wrougbtdrcam. But eunhncr, sweet suinmcr! is dying? All chilly ond damp is her breath ; She's taking the brightness ad with her, And leaving but darkness and death; And sad grows my heart ns 1 witness The glory th'nt heralds decay, And feel that sweet summer is drifting, Slow drifting, sure drifting away. If f^b.e could have stayed till the orango Had blossomed h:r buds for my hair, * I still had been "somebody's" darling, To "somebody" still bad been fair; But orange-buds ope best when summer Flings zephyrs from Angers rose-tipped ; Love's roses grow brightest when moistened By kisses from seasons red-lipped. (x( Hi ft i ii? But summer, sweet suinmcr! is dying, Her kisses grow painfully cold? All drooping the fringe of her eyelids, And damp is her hair's gleaming gold; And out. from her heart's torn centre There comes a low quivering moan ; I stretch out my arms to detain her? She has passed !?1 am weeping alone ! A a 1116 UL TU UAL. "Agriculture is the General Pursuit of Man ; it \0 f t& tiit 'Basis of all others, and there fore, the most Useful and jffl . Honorable/' MOON'S PHASES. 12 h, 12 milOtli; \Moming. LastQ>: New. First Q'tr. |0 h, 51 in. j28th. Days. Vh, 0 m. ? h, :!("> m 13th. 21st. Morning. Morning. Feen ing. Oct 24. 25. 26. Friday, Saturday, Sundav, Sun Rises..Son Sets. 6.11. 0.12. 5.1?. 5.15. 644 27. 1 30. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, O.M. 5.13. 0.15. I 5.12. G'.IO. 1 5.12. G.10. ! 5.11. Our County Fair. At the time of out next issue, in all likelihood, our County Fair will be in full blast, and wc desiro to embrace this last opportunity to urge our farmers up to the full measure of their duty in this important matter. The Directors have faithfully per formed their part ungrudgingly, and, as we said before, at great personal sacri- J ficc, and it remains now for the farmers to complete what they have begun, by allowing nothing to prevent their attend ance at the Fair, and (what is equally important) by each one becoming an i:x iiinrron. A recent *visit to tho grounds shows that preparations arc being mado on a! grand scale for the amusement of visi tors. .. TherPair Building is being rap idly completed, and is, beyond doubt, the finest in the State, though not the laigcst.- The vast room on the upper floor, connected.with the lower by a wide staircase, is admirably adapted for the L>adics Department of Fancy Work, and for the Household and Art Departments. The view is splendid, from the many windows of this hall, and is alono well worth a visit. On the lower floor the Departments of "Field Crops, "Mrcnniig ics," &c'J .will be exhibited. The Com mittee roomsj two in number, are also on this llooi'^j Ono of these has been se cured by.jyir.*W. A. Mcroncy, as a Re freshment Room, where the wants of the inner marrenn be, tit all limes, supplied with cither sub.slMitials or delicacies. The stables for the exhibition of Stock are the best wc have ever seen, the stalls numbering thirty-eight for horses alone ?many of these havo been engaged and a re'pi a card cd with the exhibitor's names, The arena, or circle for driving and ex hibiting stock is being raidly finished, and i:i in the rear of the building; a neat, stand for tho music (furnished by a full brass baud from Charleston) will be in the centre of this. Our space will not allow US to go fur ther into' dctait-^kt" iF suflico to inform ? all tlmt the Fair of 73, is to far surpass any other, T/he "Tournament, Riflo Match, and oration boforo the Survivors' Association., will add to the entertain ment of visitors, to say nothing of tho annual Ball, which is a source of enjoy ment W*omSnff i*a&?B.8fi wMm Farmers 1 remember tho 28th, 29th, 30th and 31 .ft! bring your wife and little ones, for at least one clay's enjoyment! communicated. Mr. Editor : The quarterly meeting of ^liO|. Orange burg Agricultural Society will bo held on tho 2d Saturday in November next. As a member of that association I should like to hear discussed several matters which, to my mind, aro of vital impor tance to tho farmers of our county: 1st. Fertilisers. ,a\Vhat is tho experi ence of tho members this year? What pays best ? 2d. Who has planted oats? Of what kind?on'wliat kind of land? Was it manured ? What has been tho yield ? Does it pay ? 3d. Has any member : made hay ? IfJ so, how done? Does it pay better than fodder? 4th. Peas, for green crop to turn un der. Has any member tried it ? if so ; with what result? , 5th. Drainage. The foundation of all good and successful farming. Have any of the members underdraincd ? if so; how done, and at what cost ? FARMER. ORANGEBURG ACADEMY THE EXERCISES of Hub Academy will be resumed on Monday. September 1st, Roys are prepared for jCollege or business, and young ladies given a thorough course of j instruction. The male and female departments are kept strictly ?cparate, except during tho recitation of classes which are composed of both. Teiuis, (rEn month). CLASSICS - - - - - - SI 00. ENGLISH ------ 3 00 We tender our thanka for the liberal patron age of the past and trust that we shall merit a continuance of-the same in the future. JAJI/ES S. HEYWARD, STILES R- MELLICHAJiP, july 31?td Teachers. ? THE MARKET STREET STORE. )FFERS a VARIETY of LADIES' CON GRESS and LACE GAITERS, small sizes and below Charleston prices. Misses' and Hoya' Shoes, sewed and pegged. Serge and Goat Buskins for tender feet. Gen tlemen's drees and heavy shoes. ALSO, A variety of goods among which are Fruit Cake, English Crackers, Crushed and Brown Sugars, (very low. Milk Biscuit, Fruits and Fish In Cans, Nuts, &c, Coffees, raw and parched, Chocolotc, Bormn, Cocoa, Rsseuce of Coffee, Lard, In Bulk, Cans and Pails. Deviled Ham, Sea Foam, Bacon, Sides and Shoulders, Condensed Milk, English Crackers. New No. 1 Mackerel, Self Raising Flour Irish Potatoes, Best Family Flour, and an invoice of BLACK SEED WINTER OATS. JOHN A. HAMILTON May 29, 1873 15 tf $20. TUE BECKWIT11 $20. PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL, HWi Strength ami capacity Equal to any, Jle gardlesa of (W. riMIE Cloth-Plate in the size used by a $100 JL Machine is of Polished Plated Steel. At tachments of proportionate size and quality, while the entire Machine has corresponding finish throughout. Ilrnider, Embroider. Guide, Hemmer, Gatherer, four sizes of Needles, &c, are given with every Machine. * NO TOILSOME THEA I) OF THE TREADLE. Every Machine t'arefclly Tested and fully warranted. BECK WITH SEWING MACHINE CO. Near 17th St. and Union SoArc, 852 Broad way, N. Y. July 17, 1873 22 MIIJL MEN, IWILL SELL ono of tho very best Turbine Water Wheels, together with a first-class CIRCULAR SAW MILL for $1.000 cash.? The Wheel and machinery, lately cost $3.000 and is now in full operation?will saw from live to ten thousand feet of lumber per day. I will also roll 1500 acres of land, near Buford's Bridge, on the Great Saltkahatchic River, on reasonable terms. Address ALFRED AYER, Bamberg, H. C. sept. 25, 1873 32 -It F. II. W. BGIGGMANN I ??HAS just received a full supply of NEW SPRING G00D8, end HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full lino of ?>rv GoodS of all kinds, Ho offers for sale EVERYTHING Needed by cvcryl?ody, at low rates, consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, nATS, &c, &c. ALSO, a a % x ? i>,.. -; oFOR SAUB, Tbo BUTTON-HOLE SEWING MACHINE, (which took first Premium at last County Fair,) for which he is Agent. Call and see for Yourselves. ALSO AGENT FOR THE FOUNTAIN PUMP! ? _A.-Portable PUMP and SPRINKLEE. ' April 10, 1873 8 tf ?IN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF THE FIRST IMPORTANCE. E. J. OLIYEROS, Hi D, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, "Var nish, IST on- Explosive Lamps, Garden Seeds. &c. &o. &c. PRESCIPTJONS prepared with accuracy and fidelity, for which purpose a full and com plete assortment of PURE CHEMICALS and GENUINE DRUGS will, be constaniiy on hand. IONG Experience;?a successful business career of more than eight years in Orangeburg. A and a good knowledge of the DRUG MARKET, at Homeland Abroad, will afibrd a sufficient guarantee that all goods sold or dispensed at my Establishment will be GENU INE and RELIABLE. Appreciating the success which, in the past, has * attended my efforts, I havo deter mined to spare no pains to merit a continuance of the patronage so libcrallv bestowed. E. J. OLIVER?S, No. 100, Russell Street, Orangeburg C. H., S. C. Feb. 27, 1873, 2 ly DR. A. C. DUKES, > Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, fine Toilet Soaps, FANCY HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. perfumery and fancy TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES A^jSTD SHOULDER BRA CES, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, PAINTS, OILS, VAR NISHES AND DYE STUFFS, LETTER-PAPER, PENS. INK, ENVELOPES, GLASS, -~-PUTTY, NTO-EXPLOSrVE OIL LAMPS, &c, &c, ? ner Physicians Prescriptions accurately compounded. SAVE mm PER CENT., BY BUYING" T GROCERIES, SEGARS, and LIQUORS, KNOWING HOW DIFFICULT 'TIS TO PURCHASE PURE LIQU ORS, I have just received a fino assortment; consisting of BBANDIE?, "WHISKIES, GIN, WINJES, $g. I havo also on hand a large quantitv of Augusta FLOUR, D. S. SIDES and D. S. SHOULDERS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, and everything else in the Grocery lino. Special attention is given to SEGARS, of which I have a large lot on hand. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. C. Z>. KORTJOKN. , Nov 20, c:n ly The Citizens' Savings Bank OF SOUTH CAEOLINA ORANGEBURG BRANCH Will pay 7 PER CENT INTEREST on SPECIAL DEPOSITS and G PER CENT on SAY INGS DEPOSITS compounded Semi-anuually. Local Finance Committee. Hon. THOS. W. GLOVER. Col. PAUL S. FELDER. Cant. JOHN A. HAMILTON. JAS. H, FOWLES, melt 19-ly Assistant Cashier. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY! Insure vour lifo in the PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE 00. Capital, $2,500,(100. This is the largest and most prosperous of the Southern companies. JAS. H. FOWLES Agent, at Citizen's Savings Bank. GEN. J- B. GORDON, Pre?ifad. , W. C MORRIS. Secretary. GEN. A. H. C0LQU1T, VUe-Presidetit C. F. McCAY, Consulting Actuary. BBANCH OFFICE OE in ATLANTA DEPARTMENT. ASSETS, January 1st., 1872, 81,341,947 40. BLACK & WARING, J. A. HAMILTON, General Agent. Agent ut Orangeburg, S. C. ?a ft o - ?VOSB & ISSfcAR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROGERS. pJ5r?8SELL street, (next door to baptist church^ o Having turned our attention exclusively to a* 8* ? We are confident money can be saved by buying from us. Goods Delivered, "?a 'October 2, 1872, 4 GMiOOEHIlUS W. P. RUSSELL & CO. (Post Office Box 197.) DOOR, SASH and BLIND Factory?MOULDING and PLAINING MILL Established 1851. Manufacturers' of Building Material Generally. DRESSED FLOORING, CEILING and "WEATHER BOARDS, MOULDING FOR BUILDING PURPOSES IN GREAT VARIETY. ^NEWELS, BANDV RAILS AND BALLUSTERS, WOOD-TURNING and, SCROLL-SAWING. GOOD and Substantial Work ;nado a* cheap at this establishment as can be made in the Uni ted States. "Wo hnvo on band the largest stock of the above, South of the city of Baltimore, all of which, we guarantee ?rill give entire satlsfactior,'to all who want gcod and substantial work. The subscribers are the only practical mechanics?Sash, Blind and Door makers?by trade, carrying on the business in the city of Charleston, and can refer to gentlemen all over this State. t twenty years, assumption ?f over the roads in tins State at HALF RATES, which is a great saving to the purchaser of our work. W. P, RUSSEI^I, Sc CO., Chorleoton, S. C. HENRY G. BETSILL, (at Rioos' Carriage Shop.) Orangeburg, H. C. ' June 12,1873 17 6m OFFICE OF GEORGE H CORNELSON, y . WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM MY FRIENDS AND THE Public in general that I am receiving and have ready for ihoir in spection now, tho MOST ATTRACTIVE, LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED Stock of FAXbIi ^22**? _ ever offered in this mark t. Any ono who will take the trouMe will readily him self of this fact Asspnec will not permit me to enumerate till the different branches, I can only state that all are fully replen ished, and I invite every one to call in and examine for himself. Goods shown freely and with out charge. CEO. H. CORNEI^SOtf. May 7th, 1873, 12 iy SEAL ESTAT :> UM ?8 ?i? The undersigned having formed a co-partnership under the name of FOWLES <fc GLOVER, offer their services to the community, as Agents for theSalo or purchase of Real Estate, and for collection of Rents, ?fco. JAS. H. FOWLES, JULIUS GLOVER, ? At Citizens' Savings Bank. At Law Office of Glover & Glover. We offer for sale: A now and boautiful residence In Or angeburg, on East sido of Railroad, with fino outbuildings, garden, &c. ALSO ONE Plantation of Five Hundred Acres, on San tee River. ALSO, A plantation near Fort Motte, 50? acres, witli dwelling and outhouses in good con dition?water power on tho place. ALSO, af. a Bargain, 340 acres (1?0 cleared) within } mile of Rowe's Bridge ; 1 i miles from Rowe's Pump Depot. ALSO ONE Building Lot in the town of Or angeburg. ALSO I L/Ot belonging to Presbyterian Church on Amelia, (New) Street?a desirable Duilding site. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY? Insure your Dwelling, Store or Stock-of Goods in tho LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE CO Capital, $20,500,000 in Gold. This company paid over three (3) millions at Chicago fire, and over ono (1 million at recent firoin Boston. JAS. H. FOWLES, Agent. Kirk Robinson" DEA LEU IN B joks, Music and Stationery, and Fancy Articles, AT THE ENGINE HOUSE, ORANGEBURG, C. H., S. C. inch 6 O FF1CE OF SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO, Freights intended for the 8:30 Down Train must be left at the ornce of the Agent the day before, oi may bo brought to the train on tho morning of leaving, where they will bo r??? ceived. Other freight received as usual. JOHN A. HAMILTON. Agt. S. Ex^ Co, July 10, 1873, 31