Orangebnrg, S. 0., Oct. 16, 1873. ?-1?? LARGEST CIRCULAfTlON IN THE COUNTY. To change Contract Advertisements, notice junt Toe given before Monday noon. Our friends wishing to have advertisements inserted in the TIMES, must hand them in by Tucoday morning, 10 o'clock. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at tlie ralo of one dollar and a half per squnre for the first insertion, and one dollar per square for each subsequent biscrtion. Liberal terms n??de with those ? who desire to advertise for three, six ?r twelve months. Marriage notices and Obituaries not exceeding oue Square, inserted free. Henceforth, all Inegal Ad vertisements, of County Interest, -whether notices or others, will be publish ed, lor the benefit or our j readers whether they#re paid ibr or not. SUBSCRIBERS Witt have their papers regularly mailed. Send us new names, build up otrr paper, and let every household in the County be n supporter of our enter prise. ADVERTISERS Will find it specially to their interest to give us their cards. A conspicuous notice will attend each advertisement. To build up the interests of our merchants is tho aim of tho "Times." LATEST. The Charleston contribution to tho Memphis sufferers has reached the hand some sum of near $2,300. Governor Moses proposes and recom mends the issue of 1.0000,080, to be called "Bills Receivable." To be re ceived for taxes, and to be cancelled when once paid in. The States of Ohio and Iowa have swept the field with immense Democratic majorities in the late elections. Credit Mobilier and sulary grab jobs -o?uir ?Au* i'Av- j/i?rVJr Aj iuuuo oif Ci'iaC put them up ; hence the victory in Ohio and Iowa. KEEP TO THE RIGHT. Wo respectfully suggest to our city fathers, that a sigu board put up at every approach to the town with the caution, "Keep to the right," may obviate the unpleasantness of disputes and collisions. A flagrant disregard of this common sense law has rendered the observance of it necessary. Vehicles driven to the right, and pedestrians keeping to the right, will save much unpleasantness. "OUR APPLES SWIM." The board of trustees in accepting the resignation of the Professors of the South Carolina University, say, after ascribing the action of the Professors to hostility to the "Hon. Ileury E. Hayne," a col ored student who was admitted to the Medical Department of the University. This board cannot regret that a spirit so hostile to the welfare of our State, as well as the dictates of justice, and the claims of our common humanity, will no longer be represented in the University, which is the common property of nil our citi zeus without distinctions of race." The Board of'Trustees is the same in aim, spirit, and intention, as the party to which it. belongs. Usurping, taking everything which belongs to the people of the State, for the benefit of its dis graceful party. Tho barefaced balder dash, "Our State" as used by these brassy individuals, has its equal only in tho toast of the English cracksmau at Bota ny Bay "T left my country for my coun try's good." ?'AT02' A DROP MORE, THANKEE." The late Hou. Judge O'Neil told an excellent anecdote of an unsuspicious couple, who were wont in harvest time to visit a cro?s road store, where the pre paratory step to trading, was a full and oft repeated treat of New England Rum. The result was a good trade on one side. On one occasion tho gudo pair were homeward bound, and hud to cross a swelling run of water. The old man reaching the house called to the boys to help mother down after hunting on either side of the horse where the old lady had been behind the old gentleman in doublo style, thoy informed "dad she aint thar" "go back and find her then" They went, and in the middle of the run they found the old lady poised with her ruddy nose just above the water, bobbing up and down in happy enjoyment of her bath. "Not a bit more, thankee" said the old lady, as the water rippled down her tk roat?"I'm full." So with us^tiear Gov ernor, we are full of Bills payablo, Blue Ridge Scrip, Morton, Bliss & Co., &c, &c. We don't wish any more issue of "Bills Receivable" to help us in our dis tress. Just look aft or the old score, and rub that out, and we will hobble along with what wo have. "Not a drop more thankee, we are full." '"Tia GREECE, RUT LIVING GREECE NO MORE." The Hon. R. W. Barnwell, who has been Chairman of tho South Carolina University at Columbia, ever since the close of the war, and Dr. Fabcr, who was Professor of Modern Languages, have both been removed by tho trustees.? This is the death blow to a time honored and hitherto noble institution. Radical hate is not yet satisfied. One after an other, every landmark of Carolina's pub lic institutions have been swept away.? Its Colleges a ad schools are to be de graded to tho dictum of a malignant par tizan spirit, that knows no bound to its venom, or be closed. Rights, we have none; piivileges?we expect none; ex cept to suffer and bear the hateful load of a Radical curse, until the power that measures justice in time shall say "Mene Tekel." communicated. Oranqeburg, S. C, Oct., 22. Mr. Editor.?The remarks made by mo in arswer to your "Please rise to ex plain," appears to have aroused the in dignation of Mr. F. H. W. Briggmaun, Sr. Were it not that I desire to place my self in a true light?(opposite to the one .in which, hn jdjirf* jcao} i^?? ttj'A^ low citizens, I would no- "condescend" to take any notice of his uncourtcous and ungentlemanly remarks. To exhonomto myself from tho blame he would have the public attach to me in regard to the Fire Extinguisher not being purchased,T would say : On tho 25th of April, 1873, Council levied a tax which was collected in the months of May and Juno following, realizing the sum of $400. This tax as I formerly sta'el, was for the purpose of aiding the Elliott Hook and Ladder Company, to the amount of $150, and to buy two or more Fire Ex tinguishers for the use and benefit of the Town. The balance to be used in de fraying the necessary expenses of the towu. The first appropriation was made; the second was not, but the money to bo used for this purposo, appropriated to the last, viz: the -expenses of the town, nocessary or unnecessary, as the cose may have been. Now because this resolution in regard to the Fire Extinguisher, was not car ried out, he would lead tho public to be lieve that had it not been for my neg lect of duty, the Firo Extinguishers would have been bought, by saying :? "Council would also have beeu able to purchase one or two Fire Extinguishers, if the Clerk had left his books in proper order when he went on his Summer tour." If Mr. B., will take tho troublo to ex amine he will find this resolution is in the minute book, and wns there when I left. My books wore written up entirely to the time I left, with the exceptiou of one resolution, which I wns not able to write before leaving, but left this to bo filled up by with the acting clerk. Mr. B's excuse for not discharging his duty seems to me to be a very lame one. What had the state in which my books were left to do with it? Even if my books were left in the manner he tries to make peoplo believe, was there not an acting clerk whom ho could have had to write them its he wished, aifflL could they not have proceeded with tnflr law ful business tho same as if I had been present? He certainly carried out his object in other matters. Why not in this ? Perhaps it would have taken too much money?lakon from other objects which ho bad in view. One of which was the Amelia street drain, which passes in front of his residence. I will say iu regard to this drain, that in my first ar ticle, I mentioned that Mr. Willcock in formed mo that no vote had been cast on this matter, and my recollection of the conversation with him on the subject was confirmed, when upon oxarojning the book I found no record or allusion to the matter of ditching Amelia street? Under this impression I wrote my article. Mr. "Willcock, after reading that article, surprised me by saying that I misunder stood him ; that a vote had been taken, but had been neglected to be placed on tho roiuute boos, but, that on the Bull Swamp Bridge, no vote had boon made, and that he would have voted 'against it had it been brought before the council. I suppose this was how tho mioundcr standing occurred. As the resolution of the Amelia street drain, was neglected to bo placed on the book: why was not this sufficient reason for not prosecuting the work m it was pretended to be in the matter of the Fire Extinguisher? Tho public can de cide for themselves. I was not present at the meeting which voted this drain, but had I been, I should have voted ^against it, for the reasons that the Town was scarce!v in a condi tiod to bear the incumbent expenses; and that it would be endangering the health of the town by opening a drain in tho months of July or August. I sup pose, however, that the work was has tened on account of the Council term expiring so soon. Whether Miss Staley made an appli cation to Council or not to have th#? drain executed, 8he certainly came to me, a day or so after my return, in com pany with her sister, and begged me to try and have the work stopped. She also left with roc n petition to present to Council, protesting against the detriment said work was doing to her property. As has been seen, the Bull Swamp Bridge was not built by the authority of Council, but by the authority of Mr. B., for what reason the public may judge for themselves. I certainly have my opinion of the matter. This, I feel, is explanation enongh of my position in the matter referred to. Whatever motive Mr. Briggrannn, Srv may ascribe prompting my actions, dur ing my official tern), I can conscien tiously say it has always been my effort to discharge my duty faithfully; looking always to the best interests of my fel low citizens. 1 shall have no more to say through the press on these matters. Any infor *xnttio*t-oir *s.?TlfrFA?Tl4>s wisitcd-hyrftay* party, can be had from mo personally. I am, very respectfully, Your Follow Citizen, E. J. OLIVEROS. _OBITUAEY._ DIED of Typhoid fever, in Atlanta, Ga.. Oct. 2d, 1873,"JOHN M. PARLEK, young est son of J. A. and Jane Parier, nged 17 years and 7 months. His life though short was an example of piety and godliness wor thy the i in i (ation of all.* When quite young he made a profession ef faith in Jesns Christ, and we believe his whole life was one sweet thought of Jesus; how blessed thus to live and thus to die. We mourn, but not as those without hope. Our Iqrh is his gain* His leaves one brother, sev en sisters, and many frfends to mourn his loss: "Soldier of Christ well done; Praise be thy new employ; And, while r.ternal ages run, Rest in thy Saviour's joy." P. Holly Hill, S. C, Oct 10, 1873. ORDIANCE. 8cction of an Ordinnnce, passed September 1st. 1871. Seo. 3. That any Horse, Mule etc., found running at fargc in tho Puhlic Streets of said Town, shall be taken into custody by the Town Marshal, and lodged for safe keeping till the owner comes forward and proves pro perty and pay to the Treasurer of. tno Town Council live (5) dollars for eael. and every head of Stock so confined. And if the fine and expenses are not paid within twenty-four hours after notice the Marshal shall advertise the same for twenty-four and then Publicly sell the animal to who ever will fix the least number of days for the animal and pay the fine and expenses. Each meal shall he-. 25 eta In the event the said fine U not paid, the scr, vices of the said animals shall he appropria ted for the uses of said Corporation, until such time as the EINES and EXPENSES arising threby may be redeemed. Hkc. 4. All Ordinance or parts of Ordinan ces contrary or repugnant to this Ordinnnco is hereby repealed. SASHES AND BLINDS, Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Fixtures, Build ers' Furnishing Hardware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles, Wiie Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window fllass a Specialty, fi?* White-Pine Lumber for Sale. ??9ff Circulars and Price Lists sent free on applica tion, by P. P. TO ALE. No. 20 Hayno and 33 Pinckney street, ? oct 1-1 y Charleston, S. C. A NOTICE LI> PersotiB wishing to take part in the Tournament and Rifle match, to be held at the Annual Fair of the Oratlgebnrg, A. & jM. Association in October, will please hand in their names for the Tournament to Mr J. Gco. Vose, and those for the Bifle Match to Mr! Wm. V. Irlar. Number of Knights will bo limited to thirty, and Riflemen to ono hundred. Entrance fee for the Tournament $2.60. Entrance fee for the Ribemcn $1.00. Tlic money collected from Knights and Riflemen will be awarded as mon led prizes in addition to those oflercd by the Association. T. A. JEFFORDS, Superintendent. PERSONS wiHhinR to enter Btock of any kind, will aid the Directors in making their arrangements, if they will give notice to the Treasurer, or apply on tbo grounds, and select their penB or stables the week before the Fair. Some ono will bo on the ground that week, to attend to the selection of PenB or Stables, APortabio Steam Engine will be on the ground for the purpose of running Machnery Tbere will be a Sewing Machine, run by Bteam on Exhibition. ARANGEMENTS have been made with the 8. C, R, R. for the transportation of arti cles and animals for Exhibition for one charge of freight. Visitors will get Excursion tickets for the week. COUNPi FAIR, VTlIAu OPEN" OCTOBER 28. AND CONTINUE FOUR DAYS. ADMISSION ?Octs, Cliil clreii tinder twelve lialf price, GRAND TOURNAMENT, 2d DAY. Rifle-Match 3d Bay I DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES 4TH ^D?Y, COMMENCING 12 5f. FUL.T. BAND AND OUT-DOOR A MUSK MENTS EACH DAY, For particulars npply to DIRECTORS : W. F. BARTON, President. F. H. W. BRIGGMANN. L. R. BECK WITH, SAMUEL DIBBLE. PAUL S FELDER, J. L. MOORER, J. G. WANNAMAKER. Estate Sale. In accordance with the ordor of lion. Augustus It. Knowlton Probate Judge, I will seit at publie outcry for cash at Orangcburg Court House on Snturdny the 1st, November next, three Iinlcs of Cot ton of the Estate of Joel Knotts. JOHN 1>. KNOTTS, Executor. Odll 1873 8t The State of outh Carolina ORANGEBURG COUNTY In thi: Court of Prorate. By AUGUSTUS 11. KNOWLTON, Esq., Judge of Probnto in said County.' WHEREAb, W. R. Purler hath made suit to nie to grant to him Letters of Ad ministration of tho Estate and effects of John M. Purler, late of said County, dc censed. These aro therefore to cito and admonish all ami singular the kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to bo and nppcur be foro iiie at n Court of Probate for the said County, to be holden at my Office in Orange burg, 8. C, on tho 8d day of November 1873, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause if any, why the said Admin'itralioc Bhould not be grunted. Given under my hand and tho Seal of tho Court, this 17th day of Ool. A. D. 1873, and in the 97th year of American Inde pendence. [L.8.] AUGUSTUS D. KNOWLTON, oot 18?2t Judgo of Probato. Notice of Dismissal. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT one month from dato 1 will tits my final aooount with tho Honorable Aug. B. Knowl ton, Judge of Probate for Orangeburg Coun ty, as Administrator of tho EstaU of A. V. Kennerly dee'd, and ask for Letters of Dis missal. J. T. C, KENNERLY, Administrator, oot 18 lm Sheriff's Sales. ORANQEB?RG COUNTY. In Common Fleas. Jolm 3. Street, Assignee of Case, Bull & Co., put. ts Luther Bansdsle, Deft, Foreclosure of Mortgage By virtue of the judgment in the above stated ease, I will sell at Orangeburg Court nouse on the first Monday in November next, the following real estate, to wit: All that lot or parcel ef land siiuate, ly ing and being in the village (now town) of Orangeburg, fronting on (Market) Street, facing the said Luther Bansdale bouso fifty feet, and running back to P. IT. W. Brigg monn's lot. It being the same lot on which Abrain Smith commenced to build, and bought by said Luther Bansdale'e from said Case, Bull & Co. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for pa pers, and recording. ALSO N. E. W. Sistrnnk, Adra'r 1 of Geo. L. S. Sistrunk, ! Foreclosure vs of Vi'm. A. J. Sistrunk. J Mortgage. By virtue of the judgment entered in this caso, I will sell at Orangeburg C. II., on Monday the 8d day of November next, during the usual hours of sale, All that tract of land containing 986 acres more or less, situate in Orangcburg County on Long Branch and North Edisto Biver, bounded by lands of N. E. W. Sis trunk, W. D. Oliver, Est of If. C. Oliver, D. J. Bumff and North Edisto Biver. ALSO All that plantation in Orangcburg County containing 1000 acres more or less, bounded by lands of N. E. W. Sistrnnk, W. D. Oliv er, D. J. Bumff, and North Edisto Biver. Terms one-third cash, the balance on one nnd two years, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mort gage of premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and recording. ALSO ORANGEBURO COUNTY .In Probate Court. William T. Phillips ] ts V Mary M. Porter, ct al. J By virtue of an order of the Probate Court, in the above stated action, I will sell in whole or in parcels, tor partition and di vision, at Orangcburg Court House, on the first Monday in November next, the follow ing real estate to wit: All that tract or parcel of land contain ing 180 acres more or less, and bounded on the North by Estate lands of Nathan Uni son and lands of AVilliara T Phillips, East^ by lands of Bol ert Walker, .South by the* Davis Bridge Quad, and West by land a of William A. Ehncy and Nathan Purtcr. Terms?Unc half cn?h, balance on a cred it of twelve months, with bond of the pur. chaser benring interest fiom of sale, so cured by a mortgage of the \ r-miisrs to the Judge of Probate- Purchaser io pay for papers and recording. ALSO ORAXGEBURG COUNTY, ?--?~-? i., ? f . . In Probate Co ort. r.osaV. Clark, i. eL Boss V.Clark, t. aL ) ts \ Adella S. Cain, el. al. I .1 By order of >oH Court, I will sell ?f Ornngeburjr Court House, on Monday, > - Tenifccr S, 187'!, during tke le^ral hours. ? auction That valuable tract of land with Stor- and other Buildings thereon, in the tonn ? 5" Lc^visrille, bounded hy lands of R. deck ley, A. P. A Misker, and SoM'h Carolin* ?Railroad Company. The same m l be sol 1 in several lots, ami all of the same arc de sirably situated, and offer fine opportunist* for investment. Terms?One-third ea?br balance on a crcdi.* of one year, purchaser ?e> give bend to Judge of Probate for credit portion, with interest frem day of sale, seenred by mort gage of premises purchased, with covenant for resale on breach of condition of bond, and to pay for /?apcis and recording. ALSO O. H. Middlcton, ts Jacob E. L. Amakcr Pursuant to the judgment of foreeJosnre in this case, and orders extending the time of sale, I will sell at public auction, in Orangeburg at the Court House, as proper ty of the defendant J. E. L. Amakcr. All that planta?on in this Com-ty known as Belleville, containing 1000 acres more or leas, and bounded by lands now or formerly owned by Trcxvant, McCord, Geiger, Moore and by the Congaroe river, on ths following terras : One-half cash, the balance in one year, secured by bond with interest from date at tho rate of 12 per cent per annum, and pay able annually so long as any money remains unpaid, together with a mortgage of the premises. Purchasers to pay for papers and recording. Both plaintiff and defendant have leave to bid at the sale. Tho successful bidder will be required to pay 5 per cent of his bid or tho Sheriff will resell the same day. And if the rest of the terms are not com plied with in two (2) days after the sale, tho Sheriff shall resell on tho succeeding saledav. Sheriff's Offce, ) E. I. CAIN, Orangeburg C. H. S. C, j- 8. O. C. oct l?th, 1873. oct 18 td DANCING SCHOOL. M?NS. BERG KB informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Orangcburg, that having obtained a sufficient number of punils, he will open a Dancing Schoel on the 10th mat. M?ns- B. is well known as the onlv profes sional teachor in this State ; his headquarters being in Chnrteston, nnd ho can give the best references here and all over the State. lie teaches dancing in all its various branches, v.- it limit any exceptions. Persons wishing to join the olaes are requested to do so at the first Lesson. For particulars apply tho 14th inst, at Mcroncy's Hotel. Oct. 0. 1873 34 2t ATTENTION Z VISITORS TO THE FAIR. MRS. T. W. ALBERGOTTX WILL BE prepared to serve LUNCH* during Fair week every day from 11 o'clock A, IM, until 3 a'clock P. M. Also Hot Coflco, fresh Fruit and Confectionary at tha Bakery of T, \Y Alborgotti. ? ? ? r i if i inii i n ii ii >n ift i mi ii < fiy ~ S Albergotti's Store Corner Russell Street and Rail Road Avenue. Has in Store a well selected Stock of ?trrot' rIesfor8ale at reduced prices. Faxtfe* would do well to rail examine and price good* before purchasing elsewhere. A fnll Stock of Bacon Floor Sugar Syrup Molasses, Candies, Caned Goods, Crot&ery, Tin ware, &c., on hand. 8?L. Goods delivered, free of charge. -^31 Jan. 1, 1873 11 1T TURNIP SEEDS FROM THE CELEBEATED FIRM OF Xiandreth & Co., Of the following descriptions. FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, AMBER GLOBE, ' LARGE GLOBE, POMERANEAN GLOBE, YEL LOW RUTA B?GA, Ac., &c,f Ac. to be bad from B. EZRKIEL SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. Members of the Agricultural Society witt be snpplied with Ruta Bnga Secd :in-f?nbiip tn Act of I'ungrrwf in the v. nr l?7:i, by I. II. Hall Ar Co.. in thm nfliee of the librarian of Congrc**, at Wash ington. COTTON GINS. Tin:: UKDERaroNFb is agent for . the; celebrated Prize-.Medal Taylor Gin, of . which he has sold '!'?> in this d-Miity. Also, tit* i Xeblett A Goodrich Gin, highly rtcommended i by Col. D. W. Aiken and othii*. On band. One 50 Saw, and One 45 Saw TAYLOR GIN. I and One 42 Saw, i KEBLETT ? GOODRICH GIN. ??BBKR BELTING ' furnished at Agent'? prires. . J. A. HAMILTON. July 10, 187* 21 tf BRICKS 2 BRICKS II BRICKS!!! VjniE UNDERSIGNED KESPECTFULLY Inf? .uw the pnWie tfcst he is bow- prepared tc* furnish BRICKS ift nrsy quantity* AMI ovdvot will meet prompt attention, J. C, EDWARDS. may 1 75? ly _"_ ^_*_ i. e; CONNOR & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 693, Kino Stkebt, CHARLESTON, S. C. (P. O. Box 206.) \\TE MOST RESPECTFULLY INVITE v 7 the attention of our friends and the pub lic generally, to our assorted stock of Groceries; which cannot be surpassed, neither In quality or Iiricc: Our pric?*s are low. Merchants and Airmen will do well to call and examine our stock, before purchasing elsewhere. We guar antcc satisfaction. ?':. Having given special attention for the past two yenrs to the sale of cotton, we are prepared to sell at the highest market prices. Consign ments solicited. We will also receive for sahs or shipment, all kinds of domestic produce. Being "truly thankful for past favors, we ear nestly solicit a continuance of same. P. S.?All business entrusted to our care shall meet personal and prompt attention. Sept. 18, 1873 31 2m ORAGEBVRCI BASE BALL CLUB. ATTEND a regular meeting of your Club Thursday evening 23d inst at 7 i o'clock, at "Elliott Hall" By order of the President. L. H, Wannamakkr Sec. Members are requested to come out punc^i ually,