Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, August 07, 1873, Image 3

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Orangob?Tg, S. ?,, August 7, 181 3, LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY. To cliango Contract Advertisement*, notice must be given before Monday noon. Our friends wishing to havo advertisements Inserted in the TIMES, must hand them in by Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock. -,_\_[_ -: ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the rate of one dollar nnd a half per square for life first inncrtion, ftnd nne dollar per Bquftrc for each subsequent insertion. Liberal terms ?"?de with those who desire] to advertif-c for thfee, -six .->r twelve months. XP3),? Marriage noticed and- Obituaries not exceeding one Square, inserted free. Henceforth, all Legal Ad vertisements, of Oounty Intex*est, whether notices or others, will be piVblish v ed for the benefit of our .] readers whether they are paid fox* or not. SUBSCRIBERS . "Will linvo their papers regularly mailed. Send us new names, build up our' paper, and lot every household in the County be a supporter of our criter j>rise. ADVERTISERS Will find it specially to their interest to give us their cards. A conspicuous notice will attend each advertisement. To build up the interests of our merchants is tho aim of the "Times." TREASURER (LI RDOZO Seems to stand firm to his asseverations of duty. We, as tax-payers bearing the crushing weight of onerous and unjust taxation, and the constant demand upon the industries of the State, shall watch his'action with interest. If his cilice is not sinecure, he can and may demand that tho rights of the taxed shall he de fended by a judicious expendituv^pf their monoy. If a clear cxJjibit is not made to him, let him demand a full and thorough sifting. This is not a question of party, it is tho weal of the people ; and ii tho peoplo would know their rights, let them encourage Cardozb to the extent of holding up his hands in his extremity * of being crowded, to muzzle his state ments of corruption. THE BOTTOM IS 0 UT. Tho "Beaufort. Republican" has no regard for Democratic fogy ism, sorc headed Bourbonism, <&c, Ac, but gets off the following: "Here is more work "for the Attorney General. This is no ^"Democratic, sorehended Bourbon, talk "ing loosely about a hateful Radical ; "but a colored State Treasurer, stating "what ho officially knows. Hero is an "enormous loss to the State. If the "money cannot ho recovered, cannot the "responsibility be fixed upon some one ? "The administration must meet litis de "mnnd or bo hold equally guilty with "tho men who so defrauded the State." The Charleston "News & Courier" says : "It has been the practice of the Radicals for many years to hohl the "good of the party" higher Mian any consideration of public or private moral ity." ?a?iiiin;i in ????? TIlE THIRD TERM. The rumor is current that General Grant is already engaged in effecting ar rangements for a third term of office.? The Northern and Western journals arc indignantly denouncing the fact, and characterize it as "CfRsarisin." When tho General was first elected, he dated that "no man should bold the chair of President longer than for a .single, term," and that "no practical civil service re form could lie made except upon tho one term principle." One tcim gave him a tasto of power, and being a man of st ub born nervo, like Cromwell, bp would clear tho balls and pocket tho Keys. The transition from a lanyard to a mo notonous, garrison life, was an argument in favor of Republicanism. Tin change from a rolicsomc army oflict r, Lo the Commandor-iu-Chief of iliu Federal for j ccs (a fortuitous accident) gave him an exalted appreciation of a West Point reputation. The leap to tho Prosidchlml chair, over the prostrate half of. hi do minion, and the liberties of Ihc whole oJ tho . ountry, v.m> the pinnacle of .achieve ment, wliich noVmorlhl 'could fail .to uu*3 diMosimmto, Ti n < hnr/ie nmv acorji im'-' rr ? ? ..??.(?:!?.? !::>:>!? jV.t Oetifrnl Crjrrint isi the omj.y obstacle tt! tho way of civil scr-? vice reform, and hence an enemy to the national interests. But it is truo never theless. His appointments have consisted of men whose personal - aggrandisement was tho first consideration, the public weal was never consulted. His rule has been an almost absolute imperialism, and while possessed of a naturally kino heart ho has been a mere puppet in tho hands of scheming sycophants. The founda tion of General Grant's prospects, is rooted in the monicd interests of the country. Every huge Railroad corpo ration, or monicd combination, which feeds, by "the consent, of Washington, upon the masses, .is a contributor to the President's coffers. Tho office pays: bonce it is dosTrahlo. "~A counter current is setting in; not from Southern rebellion nor unreconstructed Bourbonism; but from a huge interest that, feels the iron heel of power. Tho agricultural section has rights as patent, as those of the man ufacturing districts; and 1ho "Fnrmer'n Grange" .system"may have a "word to say about the third term. TJIE SITA hji . ' May well implore "Allah" to save his dominion from a civilization; that for the. honor of monarchy, docs fealty to it.-i, most degraded representatives. i The] millions oi wealth lavishly expended upon the eastern potentate vould b?ild many a chapel under the shadows of his D\osqUcjs, and Joed many a missionary wln'lo reclaiming his empire from hen thariish error. Tho 'tour of tho Shah was a grand ovation of parade, anil showing up of the'resources, of Europe. Austria, Russia,. Franca and England vied wi'.h each oilier in fetes and illumi nations!"" Tho London Dailies arc pro fuse in congratulations that ''English men njid England's floating walls, did not pass in idle spectacle before the Per sian's eye. But what think the pauper horde and the tradespeople, whose liuos* arc misery; had they nny3|K?c(y to bend to a spendthrift, and a polygam ist ? Nations, like families, may bo courteous, but the .pccplo's sinews must not bo strained in pulling down their cottages to mako bonfires for princes, whoso dominion is one huge neck to be struck off at a single blow of caprice. Grand Sunday School Oelebration at San tee Church. TritrnsDAY, July 24, ?1873. The. JCro-ricrs?Sjicerhts mvl Singing?Deco* ration r/ the Church?The Rca?ttful Table Aprcad ?The Ercrcisa conclude with Singing urn! DiAnhuiuuj IVhf. * The procession was formed about 10 o'clock, at Mr. Rush's residence, about 100 yards from the Church. A. choir, numbering about ?o, were in tho lead. Next in order came the San tooSunday School, with their graceful banners, wit)) motlos : "We are looking unto Jesus," and ".Search die Scripturca ;" th sri came the Jerusalem Sunday School, with their banner, "Love Jesus.'* Next followed Trinity Sunday School, iron: the look a of their banner they would'say, "Come to Jesus," and so would t):c rest. Next in order wen as follows. Jericho and Walnut grove all well represented. ' In the march, the choir saiig, "We are marching on." The exercises \v< rc opened by the Rev. W. J. Snider, introducing the Roy. I). W. Cutluio' (tho';principal leader of the singing.) Tim opening hymn wa.< ""Won't you Voluntct r!" The Church was beautifully liccoratod ?by (ho fair sex; for none but they could display such lino i:i.;ic, .Just ahovo the altar was the motto, "We light against Satan." To the left stood the black flag, showing that they showed no quarter, when lighting such a char acter. To the right was inscribedVic tory, through our Lord Jesus Clirist,' li the lelt was, "sutler Hille children to Como Unto inc." The biuiners from the several Sunday Schnob* wore then placed in- tnd most conspicuous parts of tho Chin'cli. In tho centre wits tbb very ap propriate word, "^Vclcotuc I" Tho Rev. W. .J. Snider made the addrofi*) of wel come to cue and ali ; hol X um sorry ti) say the'.Church could n.oj accotnntodalc tiio crowd. My,?ptuioM jfb th.ut there \yu; in f i'-r pcoplo assembled. The hymn, "Marching Along" yvna.8U.jjnr, tlicit 0; e^apbagJnrth'o .1 ?ii Je was rent), and a prayer was [hen ojTcrod by Llto luv. [vir. ?LMw.iia^.' Alter auothcr ltytfiti?,tUo " \'A SUnd. ininirc " J. Brti;?vning, "Sunday School Volunteer," was sung-, the T v. Mi-. Ilallman made an address especially to the children.^, Tho next !)\imi wa.-s, "Have Coinage to db#j light." 'ifdue-remark.-- of, the Ilev; Mr.;II. word? attended to, wo would fill have that cour-i age. -Mr. Hugo Sheridan was then in troduced, addressing hoth old and young, as usual, his stylo was graphic: and high ly interesting.with anccdoto and advice. Thc-hyniTi,'"VVorkj for Ihp night is coming,!' was sung, and the Rc.y". A. J. 1 Inrtloy, Pastor of Anlioeh' Church, in his good style and manner, addressed the people, bringing tears from' the eyes Of many. IXext itt order was *tho hymn, "Grand Milleiiium." Now comes the liev. D. Cuilino, Pastor of San too aud Corinth Churohcs?last, but not least? Iiis remarks about the children praying foV bread, Lost Children, Truth and Obedience, word beautiful; The hymn called "Sweet Bye and Bye," was then sung, which was as good as they make them. The question of dinner was then called for by the 'Rev. W. J. Snider, it. was put !.) vote "SSalli we go or not?" as a matter of course the dinner carried by an overwhelming majority?say about COO. Th'o attentive Committee on the above question were ?s follows4: Cap!. S. M. Kcmmcrly'n,""Mr. Morgan Keller, Dr. Summers, Mr. Baxter, Mr. J. Fogle, Mr. W?n. Moarer, Mr. Dave Bookhart, Mr. Robert Iriok, and Mr. E. B. Rush. The r.usn was entirely on the part of the committee ; the visitors went peaca bjy and in order to the tablet).! When all were assembled, a blo&=in;r was asked by the Roy! Air. Hartley. I.Mac-im. what tools place in the next 2 hou;.. Tho were resumed about -1 o'clock ; when tho distribution of prizes was made, and, of course, mere hymns, the yp?njg ladies and children, after anxiously waiting.. were called up to tveeivo their prizes, fls follows: Miss Laur^a Tarier. Master ? 1 downing, " Mary Parlor, ? jj < Alex, Parlor* .". Maggie.Smith ',' Hojiry Moorer, " M$ry Jenkins, ." 1>. ^toudemmiio ?' Mary Smith, " II. Ik'adanf* . " Sally KoW " Kemcrlyn, " Sally SJiocmnker," Willie Shoema-' " L. Moorcr, leer, " P. Cuttino, " Thomas Moon, " A. Browning, ,; II. Jenkins, " M. Browning, . '4' Pr?fet Davis, Anna Browning, ". J. Parlor., plaster E. Parlor, " Peter*Jenkins, U?' Rtoudenimii-e, " A. Bookhart, fir" J. Stoudemniirei " Willio^rice,, " Jinnnie Shoema- " Willie Brown kor, . ing. The delightful occasion chased with the Doxology, ''Praise God, from whom all blessings How." ? . . ? Mfc B. COMMUJJICATBn. Fort mottk, Aug.-, I l<:>7d. Mr. Editor : Dear Sir?In reply to Mr." Jong's com munication in your issue of last week, wherein he asserts that his name is on the Sail too List, and his mail not sent when called for. Please publish tho jiamc of the Sahfcc Lisi with my instruc tions from tho club. Feb. lo, IS7S. Mr. J. CAK# >Lb-Dear Sir :? The following names is a list of 'our .Ciat. which mail you will please only send, and no other, when colled for: i\ \Sr. Slawsoii, S. F. Folder, D. J; Zcngler, A. J. Caw. W. W. Stab), C. Jon eg, Jas. H. Shirer, Jno. H. Shirer, Ei Duflbrd, ,1. D. F. Vice, 15. I y jvarrick, I). V. A- W. A. Fugle, II. \V; Fogle, Mrs. Stoudciiuuiic, S. P. Holbhnn, und for familM of the nbevo names. * On tho 26tb uf July l$70, ft iio.V/ list \va- iVcn nib including Mr. J E. Jones' namo, Binco which time, his mail has been regularly sent, when called for. It i- uniieccssary for me id say more, fads spOnk for thdmsMvos. Very Uespictftiilv. J. CAJMiOliLj P. M. T\yo little girls, aged ^necVtyciy ten aiul'tw?vo yens, wfjilo ?siiiiig on Ihp, hooked a sal mop. The salmoii proved too stroiig for I he/cd deaf girl, anil ii) its <aath stnjggj >a dnigj ;exl the. yoptUiqi fi.^er into the water, The younger one. seeing tl?e pmbcamenl of hot" 1. . ,j, cavytil hohl of .h'cK and by tin 11 ti.iiijtcij t.i;-?:ngth they succeeded;1 in killing; and lundjugijip. salmon, which wojgheil lw? niy pound . . ? -0? ?? - A inhehnh; A of Atlai.'a, ('.:., has in 1 '.. ntcd lifo ? mi.: pi!; pi >'?':' >fH> by the 1 deal!. fan tUfcVe. ' * 7 A Woman filays a Panther. Hj^iccowntry p^aper^ jflst now abountPih accounts, of (neount'rn with wild bcaftte.? The Pilts^mig ('ommercial BUpriljOH "n^ imtcorc^nondoncc from Lock; Haven. Pa., as follow.;: "On Thursday last a party of young women went out. from ^Hceii's to tlio mountain just back <>i'f ho set tlement, gathering huckleberries. Quo of thorn Jcrusha Bryan, advanced a little further into tho woods than the others, when she was attacked hy a huge panther. Her companions hearing the brute scream, sought safety in night, but Miss Hryan, finding escape impossible, determined to stand her ground, and seizing a huge pine-knot, gave her ene my battle The contest was. a close one for a tV\v\ minutes, hut human courage judgment, and coolness soon triumphed, over brute strength, and the heroic wo man soon had the satisfaction of laying the blood-thirsty monster . dead at her ?feet. Her garments were torn into ahveds, and her face o.nd amis badly scratched, but she walked homo with a firm .step and the light of triumph ill her eye. Thy dead panther was sonn after ?.w'ard ."luund by the people of Queen's! Run, ami proved on measurementt?.bc! six feel ten inches long. The correspon dent adds that ,1c rush a is the lion of the place ; and well she may bc-if the Story U true, ? , John Varnuni, June, of Lyndon, Vt., is a practical joker; A few Sundays ago in rcturnhur from church, be was conver ging wish his wifo blithe subject of the i mrinoiiy and remarked: that he couldn't believe Faint and giunor ever dwelt so near together as tho sermon represented. His wife intimated that they could, and instanced the following case.-. V Haven't you and I dwdt in thasariio hou50;ibr several years V" This was n smiUi'e hit on John, but be wormed out oCTti and ci: d the civ with Ibe J'ollowiujr argu ment : "Yes, [n bo ?Ui'? ; but did 1 ever: cull von a sinner.'' Judgment.?fbi* .John, a)id nr> apppal, Grace < rrccn'.Vood i arctisGcally r?mtirks; Tl:c fact is, there are too many ?f d3 W0-5 men. And there seems no relief for com ing generations except through tho hero ic remedyof quietly putting all female in fants out of the way. ^Nothing could be ro good for us except a long and gloriqjj I Recession of Herod?." This- would *15e^ cry nice and comfortable. bUt M (.Jrocnwood must know that after sovel or eight ?geh orations of females had been exterminated at birth.' it would begin to (ell on the males. No intelligent man has- ever boudchY&Mnctj Sodth forftt difdikc of tho carpet-bagger)?, y> t that justifiable antipaihy hq created, im prcaeion that Northern mm are coldly re ceived in the Sdtuhcrn ?States. This miainkei for nu.d?ke ii undoubtedly : ?, i. di-prnved ky the following fra'nfrriVowal from the Richmond lii'iutrcr: 'Northern men in the South are- n< t Only welcome now, hut they are looked upon :i0 valuable accessions t? the energy, cntcrpri i aud intclligtucq (four uii.-ii. V."! 11 n tiuy come as nun of buMms-1*, and" not for tlio pur pose of'obtaining office rind poisoning th ? n< agniriRl the white mail through tlic prejndicc of the "Id sltwo ognlnst the,eld master, they are treated with fdmplq civility, nut villi cordiality) ItecJiUKC they are the tjlsturbt 1- of mat eoncori) which i t so dc ilrahlc botween the two :no--, and they arc tho cacmieg 6Tbolh. lbSX A. ? ouANOEuyng county. 1N TUK COMMON I LKA ?. MlCllAKt MAltOUS, 11..WU"Hi. PAULINE MARCUS, Dnfcn lauf. To PA^ULtNti MA?M3?B, DcfondaVij in Ihis action. .You are hereby summoned 16 ^usiyer tho , complaint in tl?ia action, which will ho I;'.? 1 in 1 tlic otlicc ol Ui'.i Clerk of the Court of Common Picas f> r the -aid County,1 an ! to j Bcr,vo a copy of your answer oh Iho, BUlisbvi i br ?t Orinigbbnrg C. 11., Fputh Carolina within twenty days after the service of tin - ?iiuunons, exclusive of the day efeciyioo. If you fidl to answer tkifi coundainl v. ahm the time herein specified, tho l'kiiniifl" v. ill apply ?') Iho Court f??r. tho relief dcinandod in tlic complaint. AU(*. It, KNOWfTON, tyiX* Any. C^rijngeburg, C. Ii., S- C. To I'aidhi? ^lurch's, iho <h tVinl inl nbovo UADicdl Take notice that tisc snniuims und yomphiiut herein wore tili>l in 11-0 pmjj? of Iho c K1 ii ot tiio Coin-i.i ofComnioa l'lcas ' and (Jcnend Sessions of Ori 1 ?hurg C?iuiKy hi'.h'cjjM on tho L'hth'day of Jii'fv1, Wo. AlKJ. it. LN^v'.'lON. pin)) A?t.v july 2(| 1. . ? tii iXNT.lTr, 'XOTlf'T..- Ml "tj t;on? h;ivii?' demands.njraiont ilhe I- - I h? ol thc .ljjttj lohn II ^UlhOUi, deceased, j arc requested tu preuont life pVoprtly fttt?-Mtcii, to the mulorkigned^ jftwl nil per* j Bona lndohto<l "? said i. ? late :ii t 11jyiu sie 1 K. ni.ikv iiati.' liafti p. ? '? hi 10 I LtvVUBNSoN It.UAST, tjuulitied admini 1 (iU)r lb AS Uli- BLl-N D S RallAAHird^^e/iSSi^Tla.Wdl^r, .rJJrdcfidStVeKth Rdi!.Ihuutrrjy,Ve (JamL, fj Mate and MirbUmnUeasRwrmLDr&w . MLWorhWarranUi. ' ? LOWEST PRICES. Sen?LfitTriceLUt*. X W. HALL & CO, 2&na/de/ar*ra EcVeflan , 4-, 0,8,37?, ir.irhct Streit. J, 25, ttscliay,' 1 ' ' CHARLESTONt ???J T!:i- cut unt< red according to Act of Congress in die year 1873, by I, H; Mali & Co.. in the office o] Ihe, Librarian^ of Congroa>, at AVanh ingtoh. "'V. THE UNHKi:sH;NFD IS* AfSENT FOB the celebrated t*r5 &-ldodal Taylor Gin, "f which h<? baa bpU^25 in thiacounty." Also, the JTtbletl Gooclrlcli ? 'in, highly rccomuicmlcil by Col", 1?. \V. Aikop ami utliers. On hand, One 50 Saw, and One, -io Saw TAYLOR GIN?, nii'l One 42 Haw, 1\ K li LETT ? GdODBICli GIN. RUBBER Ii KITTING fnrntahea fit Agcnl'a pricest Jnly 10, 187a ?!_Li_ >v.' "? J. A. HAMILTON. 21 If Tho recent test of Firo-Proof Safes by tho English Government proved tho superiority of Alum Filling. No filled with ul Plasfor-of-Pnris? dway, Rh, Y.^iw.-.:-. oslnut ?im.H Ph?a.- ? * r BMI LI. Subscriber otters fiir sale the. JL w<'< |nown, i" . tniipn "McOilnt'sj Villa, situated ifi Gr?hgoiwrg County, fifJceu. uj?lc? duoeast? t'lho Court llousel on tho five iioti \ 111 j, containing seven hundred and iulv-.-. \'i ijj acres, nioro or; less, with tho privilege of two hundred acre more, recently conycyed to my .- ml The latter place having on it a siuglo <tory dwelling; four ro?ms,-onbfirc-placci kitchen, slalilej barny &c.j and about twi Ive or QAeun acres cleared laud. (In tho lp rger [dace \k A " . " TWO t'C'vV ihviOLLIKG, Kicn r UQ?Ms, F?U'.-PLACF hi each, (JIN HOUSE, SCREW, BLACKSMITH SHOP, \nd every other building ucccssnry on a we!!-.,.tilled plantation; Fencing in very good condition. For further par ticidar? apply i ithor to Messrs. lzlar & Dibble, Oraugbburg G. H., S. C, or to ^hb'unilei^ignefl at -McCain's Villa, Or ' arg County, S. C. * .J. C. EDWARDS. March 6, I?73 JJ lamtlm THE STATE OF SOUTH (ARO LINA*, COUaTV CP <?it A.\(;Kli?RG. In ntu Com mux Pleas. The ?.liit?-^P.xKclafiqnc Tb ? Solicitor of the utb ci'ii Circuit. v to Perpetualo j festimony. t'r flirrte l A. 'riioinas. |" Application to prove Loit Deed, Application mi ?utb having heen .made l?y i.. A. "< bujn !? o> prove the phsl Kxistcncc, I. arid ('outciits of a Deed dutcu" tho Hi ?'an . ' froJi'i Ibis applicant to Win. 1 I . ici ick. Uhr ordered?? ^ i. persyivfl baying like or opposite iiiifn*! in fciiii i?i 'Altcilo.'v residents in liiisi Slafo or out of li : and v**lio dosiroio d?> p si \!l mjwar^^'^.prc^s^ csapiiao the ovi denco p: ..'.i*.?."v4i P'jM iotr*i..liiOi*/vvitlb^ict^irt vi-.ply L.iloVii .. <'? ? <?:"?'?--c , Iri>iig?1.'nrg on the uo:!i di.v of ?i!pH?"ber ! ? Jim? ci ;' ?. -^vJ'. a (iUES'riow AN1> AxV 0 SWKU. \VIIY IS IT THAT THE WORKttK* T 7 -.clftRe of thiH community buy their Gro* cencH from J S Albergotti's Stortf Corner Russell Street and Rail Road Avenue. - - . AJfSWER: BECAUSE they have found out it^iat Jus good* are CHEAP and FRESH, winch, cna ablea them to get as much for ONE DOLLAR, as they get for two at otter stores. Call and examine Btock before purchasing elsewhere. OQk, Goods delivered,.free of charge. Jan. 1, 1873- 11 ]y TURNIP SEED! FROM THE CELEBEATED FIRM OF landretht & Co., Of tho following descriptions, FLAT DUTCH, RED TOP, AMBER GLOBE, LARGE GLOBE, , POM ERA NE AN GLOBE, YEL m LOWBUTABAGA.&c&c.&c to be had from ? SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. Members of the Agricultural Society will be supplied with Ruta Baga Seed as usual. J^5T Watches and Jewelry repaired. March 13. 1873 4 tf Furniture I Furniture ! I x THE Undersigned would respectfully inform tho citixcnR of Orangehurg and surround ing counties, that he is now opening in tho Brick-Store formerly,occupied by Mr, McMas tor, a large and welfselected stock of FURNI TUIIE received direct from the manufacturer* North and West, consisting in part of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WASIISTANDS, TABLES, . CHAIRS, OF ALL STALES, PARLOR and BED-ROOM ..iSUITS 1 'jJw?i?fo, oa:-: und imi ' TATION. ? MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, aud PILLOWS' on hand and made to order, at shortest notice* Wall pnpering+dolh, Pitptr SJiadcs, with new pa tent fixtures. Children's Carriages of all styles will be kept on hand. He would ask an examination* of his stock, and guarantees that his prices avo as low as thi u of Charleston or any City South. G. M. GIRAKOEAr. Feb. L IST'i 50 6m. SOUTH CAROLINA Loan and Trust Company CHARLESTON. S. C. Offiqf, No. 17 Broad. Street. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, The deposits in tho savings Department of (hid Company arc invested as a Special Trust, pud, therefore arc not subject to the hazards of tanking. Id addition '.o this special security, deposi tors have the guatantee of thecntire Bank Cap-, ital, which amounts to Mircc hundred thousand dollars (?300,000.) This department will enable all classca to find a safe security for their savhigs, however small; and at the same time hearing a remu nerative interest (six per cent, compounded quarterly'.) Currency can be remitted by Ex press, and drafts by mail. F. A. MITCH EL, CAMiraa. Directors mid Trustees: Gco. S. Cameron, E. H. Frost. W. C Be* W. B. Williams, H. II. UeLeon, B. O'Neil, A. P. Galdwel. J. M. Shnckelford, J. C. II. Claus Rcn, < L. Rufet, W. J. Middleton, A. J. Crews, E. Waltjcn, C- tt. Meniminger, Wm. L. Webb, .). T. Weinman, Gco. H.< Walter, B. D. Lazarus. april 23,1873 10 ,3m OKAXGEhTRd AGRICULTURAL AND ME CHANICAL ASSOCIATION. The Third Instalment of the Capital Stock of this Association is hereby called fpr, l>cing FIVE DOLLARS per share, to be paid to Kiun Koiukson, P:q., at Citizen's Savings Rank, at Orangehurg. on or before September 1, 1873. ' By order of the Board of Directors, . SAMUEL DIBBLE, July 31?2 Secretary. BRICKS I BRICKS!!! rjTMIE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Informs the public that he is now prepared to furnish BRICKS in any quantity. All orders will meet prompt attention. J. C. EDWARDS. may 1 ?