Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, June 12, 1873, Image 3

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?rangeburg, S. 0., June 12, 1873. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY. To change Contract Advertisements, notic? must be given before Monday noon. Our friend* wishing to have advertisements Inserted in the TIMES, must hand them in by Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock'. ' ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted ot ?ie irSte"of one dollar and a half per square lb* tko firat insertion, and one dollar per square for each' subsequent insertion. - Liberal terms ir??de with those .who desire to advertise for three, six or iwelvo months. SJgnv Marriage notices and Obituaries not exceeding one Square, inserted free. Henceforth, all Legal Ad vertisements, of County Interest, whether notices Crr others, -will be iVublish ed for the benefit of our readers whether they are ' paid for or not. SUBSCRIBERS Will havo tlitir papers regularly mailed. 6end us new names, build up our paper, and let every household in the County be a supporter of our enter prise. ADVERTISERS Will find it specially to their interest to give us their cards. A conspicuous notice will attend each advertisement. To build up the interests of our merchants is the aiid of tfte "Times." LATEST. A $250,000 fire is raging at Toledo. The remains of the late Hon. J: L/. Orr rrjved at New York on the 10th. Captain Jack is to be tried* by Courl Martial. His fate is sealed, Mr. L. W. Port, of Georgetown, was found on Friday last at tlmt place, hang ing from'a fence. His body was mutila ted by severe cuts and bruises. Life was extinct. Comptroller H?ge still fights the case !of Mortnu, Bliss & Co., against the State of South Carolina. There is a fraudu lent debt outstanding, ' and the guilty "parties to the .scheme of robbing the State should be hunted out. ONLY $7,000,000. Murder will out; Let thieves quarrel, and honest meu will get their dues. This is a poor crumb of comfort for South Carolina. She was saddled with a pack of adventurers, renegades and ignoram uses, who used force to plunder a wasted and impoverished State. We were con stantly reminded of being purblind to the nearest blessing of tho nineteenth century ; I. e. Progressive liberty. We tried to see our way out ot the maze of corruption, qpd vandalism, but could not for truth's sake. Tho seal is broke, and the vial of infamy is being poured out. The Comptroller General of South Caro lina admits that 87,191,700 of fraudulent bonds are in existence. We knew that there was gigantic stealing at Colum bia, and we hope that the penitentiary was builded for the perpetrators of the villainy. sssssssssssssss^ss AN IMPORTANT MOVE. Col. A. R. Waring and Jas. R. Ran dall, Esq., on behalf of the Southern Life Asssociation visited Orangeburg lost week for tho purpose of establishing a local board of trustees, to represent the largoly growing interests of this success ful Company. Although there is a strin gsncy in monetary affairs, and almost every one wns disposed to postpone the important matter of investing in Life Insurance (the best and easiest security for future contingencies) still these gen tlemen added largely to the already pop ular list of assured, and sent forward rainy applications for insurance. On Tuesday it was resolved to establish the Local Board. At 10 o'clocic a repiesen totion of the business men of Orangeburg and County met, and the meeting was called to order by tiro temporary appoint ment of Dr. W. F. Barton, as Chairman, and J. A. Hamilton Esq., ns Secretary. Mr. Randall briefly stated the object of tho meeting, viz: to build up the interest ?f & Soulb^n Co)?nn?y, fp ehack;#i;? drain of wealth pouring away from our section to the North, to retain that copi ,tt? where it is gathcped, and to put tho responsible affairs of tfee Company in re-, sponsible hands in. each locality. W. J. DeTreville offered a motion lhat'a Com mittee of three be appointed to nominate officers for the local board. Messrs. De > '? * ? . "X * -.v . f*? Troville, J. 1?. Mporer and Gco. Boliver, retired to make nominations. Upon their return the following board w-as pre sented and duly elected: president, Dr. W: F. BARTON. secretary, JOHN. A. HAMILTON. executive COjr&ittee, Col. PAUL a FELDER, Capt. J. F. IZLAR, - GEO. BOLIVER. ?? Tho President and Secretary were ad ded to the Executive Coramitto as mem bers ex officio. Col. Waring ana! Mr. Randall, expressed a' gratoful sense of the attention and support received since thier visit, and tire meeting adjourned. We have a xvord to say and will close. Lire Assurance is so acknowledged, as the great boon to man, that the question is simply "Can I afford to be without it " You can insure a certain investment of $5000 for tho same amount you would pay in bankable interest ?n a purchase of land. You are free from all taxation, no repairs, no anxiety about tho invest ment ; it goes on and from the day of your veuturc it begins to work for. you, a return dividend of from ten to twenty per cent comes back, which lessens your next payment, or increases your policy. Disaster in business may prostrate, and death must inevitably ensue, there staud? your legacy to a family, free from all incumbrances or drawbacks. To all who cau; we honestly and conscientious ly, ? say: Insure your lives now that you arc in health. When sickness comes it will be too late. Soo advertisement of the Southern Tafo Association. THE SOUTH CAROLINIAN. The circular of Messrs. Thomas & La motte, Proprietors and Publishers of the Carolinian, which announces tho suspen sioji of that Journal is before us. We need hardly express our regret that so fearless, able and staunch an exponent of the views of South Carolinians, and" so truthful a sentinel at the front where the enemies of Liberty and honesty invade, is obliged to succumb to an unavoidable fate. The "Carolinian" fought a good fight at the centre of so-called republican government, and had its leaders been base enough to accept a sop of bribery, it might have effected a scat on the fchce, with other journals, that value principle to the extent only of its paying proper ties. There is a base huzza ringing along the lines of its foes, that another cham pion is laid low, but like the cause it es poused, it perished from an overwbelnir ing force of opposition, not from any want of that appreciation which ''holds on to tho right though the heavens may fall." The rule of the present day is abnormal, and false; Like the fitful drram of tho debauched "Christoph'uro Sly,'y its adhe rent will wake up to their truo position ore long ; a place in the rauu and scum of obloquy, from which sprang the vilest of renegades and adventurers, who hold the rod ot power. CHIPPINOS. ?The Cheraw Democrat states, that diarrhea of a malignant type, hn? pre vailed iu Cheraw and vicinity for a fort night, causing death iu several cases.? The disease was epidemic hero for sbmo time past. ?Tho "Grangers" have elected A. M. Craig (Farmer's candidate) to tho Judge ship of the Supreme Court of Illinois? The West and South may eontrol the balance of powcr^yet; through its far mers. ?Tho London Observer in referring to tho toilet of the Marchipness of Bute, at the State Concert at Buckingham palace, places tho milliner who prepared the outfit, upon an oxalted pyramid, as a model designer of artistic merit. The comments lipon the dress is worth a for tune to tho lucky fashionmonger. ?The repeated strikes among the minors and other workiug classes of workmen in England, have already caused an aggregate loss for tho fiscal year, to the workman and their families of many million of dollars. ?Tho travel from the East Indiep, by way of tho Suez'Canal is mndoby steam ers to London in 31 days. The lost ves sel arriving brought 136 passengers and < ? full cargo. --Tho American department at the Viennfc. exhibition is a comparative fail?rcf. ' Tho Smoky Crcsar was not tli?r?. * ^ ?Aiken is getting alarmed that it may lose tho\usual crowd of visitors," and calls a public meeting to deviiq means to retain them. Florida draws them away. ?'-Tho caso of Morton, Bliss & Co., against tho State of South Carolina, to enforce the payment of bogus bonds will be tried on tho 10th. [So.will .the in tegrity of the Radical ermine. Ed] ?Mrs. Jones end Mrs. Dozier living near Suffolk, Va., were murdered last Sunday by a negro named Jim Brown. The rest of tho family had gone to church, tho villain ehtored tho houso and de manded the keys from tho ladies, they refused to give them up. Ho killed both with a billet of wood, and robbed the house of all the money ho could find, namely, about five, dollars. .Helms been captured, and has made a full confessiou. ?The" Hillsboro Mo., Democrat gives an account of a family difficulty, in Which one woman and four nicri were snot. ?Judge Robert Ould~ formerly Con federate Commissioner of excha'ngo of prisoners,.is being.pressed for the office of Governor of Virginia, ?A Mississippi quack is doing a large business in' the sale of a nostrum, to straighten and lengthen curly hair. Iiis patrons slyly ask, if "there is any chance of changing the complexion." ?Mr. McCarty, who killed yo'ang Mordecai in a duel at Richmond, is get ting better, ?Mr. Tomlinson (the correspondent of tho "News," whom Byns did not cow hide) was compelled to relinquish his post in connection with the "News nnd'Cou rier/'on account of failing health. ?The steamers Champion and South Carolinian from Charleston to New York carried away last week, 50,000 packages of new potatoes, snap beans, squashes, &c. These early vegetables command a. fine price at the-North. ?Heilry Ward Bcechor has made a most eloquent plea for the South, and extols her patriotism to the skies"*?* ""His peroration is flagrant with "the rosemary of sweet rcmembiauco, *hud the paus* for generous thoughts." [lie is again Upon a tangent, that will tickle our gene rous natures, but be will stay right only long enough to await the hatching of some new ism. Ei>.] _ ?Burglaries arc common all over the State. The jewelers scum to suffer most. A systematic gang of cracksmen aro at work in Charleston, Columbia,- and the up oountry. ? >?The report of a'serious difficulty* in SUhiter, ending in the killing of two ne gro men by Maj. Geo. Ei Pritchct, is en1 tircly unfounded. ?Tlie affairs of tho Blue Ridge Road, will pass into the hands of an assignee. ?General D. II. Hill went on a'-skunk hunt, when be referred to the name of that hoar)'obi villain (Brownlow.) The unmitigated and disgraced renegade re plies in a most foul and scurrilous libel upon tho General. ?Madame Nills?n Rouzand sang in live different languages before a French audience at a late concert. ?Bcechcr preached a sermon on Uni versal salvation lately,?an ism it must be. ?The Wal worth murderer is supposed ? to bo insane. ?The "Chester Reporter" is responsi ble for the following: "Judge Moses is tired of the Radical party. Ho is re ported to have gaid, that ho would wil lingly give 810,000 to recover the social position he held in 18G6." Some people can afford to be virtuous after they have prostituted all that is decent and noble to obtain gain; but tho virtuous can never afford to receive such leprous sub jects back to the arms of confidence. CONSIGNEES FDR EXPRESS. ~T. R. Walker; Mid. Bull, Dr. L. C Stephens, S. A. Rozier, H. Riggs, Mrs E A M Jenkins, E C Thnrin, A J Ruple, ? Henry Gardner, Wright James. . Dr B F Palmer, J J I lover, ^ J P Bolin, John Harninn, Miss L Evans, F H W Briggmann, J F Livingston, Ii J, Wm C Moss, J II W?hlers, Miss J E Lartigue. MA-RKErjUGPOKl, . CORRECTED WEEKLY BY MggWjBg & crook:. ' I- - . ^ 1 ? ORANGER URO COTTON MARKET Corrox?Sales during the week 13 bale*. Ordinary, - - - - 10 ?10J .Good Ordinary, ? . - ? - 12 (<< 11 Low Middling, - - - 15?10 Strict Middling, _ - ' IG} ? 10J Prices Current. Bacon Hams : : lb 12 ? 21 " Sides : : " . 11* ? 14 Lard : : . " 14 @ Coni : : bus . .906 ? 1 00 Pens : . : : : " 1 00 ?1 30 Oats : Becd : " 1 25 ? . Flour : : : : cwt 5 50 ?6 25 Fodder i : : ' "' 1 25 ?1 50 Rough Rice : i " 1 25 ?1 80 Butter : : : : lb ? 35 ? 50 Eggs : : : : doz . 18 @ 20c Turkeys : : : pr 175 ?2 00 Gccso : : : : " 1 00 ?1 25 Fowls, i : per doz. 3.50 ? 5.00 Bees Wax : : : lb 22 ? Beef : : ? ' 10 ? 12$ Tallow : . : " 8 ? 10 Pindcrs, r : : per bushel 1 25 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD/ ' Charleston, S. C* May 19,187$, On und aller SUNDAY, May 1*9, the passenger trains oii the Soiith Carolina Raiiroad will rtm r? follows': for augusta. . Leave Charleston ? - 9:30 am Arrive at Augusta - - 5:20 p m for columbia'. Leave Charleston -' 9:30. a m Arrive at Columbia, - 5:20 p m FOR charleston. Leave Augusta ? - 9:00 a m Arrive at Charleston - 4:45 p m Leave Columbia 9:00'a m Arrive at Charleston - 4i45'p m augusta night express. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston - 8:30 p ra Arrive at Augusta - - 7:35 a in Leave Augusta. - - 6:15 p m Arrive at Charleston - 5:50 a m columbia^ night exprfss (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston - 7:30 p m Arrive at Columbia - 6:30 a m Leave Columbia - - 7:30 p m Amvc*Bt'Cbarlestdrr. - 6:45 am 8ummerv1lle train. Leave Summcrvillc - 7:25 a m Arrive at Charleston - 8:40 a m Leave Charleston- - 3:35 p m Arrive at Summcrvillc at -'- 4-.50-pm ca m den branch. Leave Camden - -' 7,20 a m Arrive at Culbnjbhv. - 11 55 a m Lqavo Columbia - - 2.10 pm Arrive at Camden - 6.55 p in Day and Night Truins. connect at Au gusta withMacon and Augusta Railroad and Georgia Railroads. This is the quickest and most direct route, and as comfortable ami cheap as any other route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and all other points- West and Northwest. Columbia Night Trains conhcet with Greenville and Columbia Railroad, and Day and Night Trains connect with Char lotte Road. Through Tickets on. sale, via this route to all points North. Camden Train connects at Kingvillc daily (except Sundays) with Day Passen ger Train, and runs through to Columbia A. L. TYLER, Vicc-President. S, B. Pic'xcus General Ticket Agent, Sep 27 PIANOS AND ORGANS, Furnished on Monthly Installments. TERMS OF LEASE: All Payments made on Lcarc icill apply towards (he purclia.ii: of the Instrument Loaned. Pianos valued at $150 to $500 : : $75 advance, $25 monthly. 525 to 000 : : 75 nilvanco, 30 monthly. 025 to 750 : : 100 advance, 40 monthly. Organs valued at $125 to 200 : : $25 advance, $10 monthly. 225 to 3?0 : : 40 advance, 15 monthly. 800 to 500 : : 50 advance 25 monthly. fl?y* Parties who ?fter satisfactory Security |,can pay for Instruments in notes at 3, 6, 9, anil 12 months' time. ? Call and find out other inducements offered hn both Time and Cash Sales, from KIRK ROBINSON, Agent for Orangeburg County. may 22, 1873 14 tf KING'S MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL, YORKVILLE, S. C. THE 8JECOND SESSION of the SCHOOL YEAR, 1873, will begin July 1st, and end November 30th: Terms: For Schoo* Expcn tea, f. Board, Tuition, Fuel, Lights, Washing, Stationery, &e? $135 per gensiqn, payable in Advance. For Circulars, address Col. A. COWARD, Principal. June 4,1873 ' 16 4t I^EIfcOff 'SUGAR* FOR THE SICK AND ?OR PARTIES. DEVILLED HAS!, A'Darftghtful Relish and Luncli. SAPOMO, * * ' F?rdcansbigi Sliver and Tin! Sea Foam and. Horsford BAKING POWDER, BEST FOR FAMILY USE. ENGLISH CRACKERS, Cheap Coffee Sugar. Just rcceircd and for sale by JOHN A. HAMILTON. May 29, 1873 15 tf gOMETIIING NEW. An elegant-Album for 25 cents, holding 24 full sized cards, bound in full gilt cover and sold at the.low price of 25 cents, suitable for the pocket, or centre table. Order a sample sent by mail, post paid on receipt ol* 25 cents. 3 for 60 cents, or 0 for $1. Address BURROW & CO. Baltimore, Md. 865"" Agents Wanted. Catalogues of Books, Pictures, ?sc., sent free. may 12?Im BRICKS! BRICKS!! BRICKS!!! ly iiE UNDERSIGNED. RESPECTFULLY Informs the public that he is now prepared to furnish BRICKS in any quantity. All orders will meet prompt attention. nt} . i ?.->?/:, J. C. EDWARDS. may 1 73 , ly Fnrnititre ! Fiivniture I f \ THE Undersigned Would respectfully inform the citizens of Orangeburg and. surround ing counties, that he is now opening in the Brick-Store formerly occupied by-Mr. MeMns. lor, a large and well selected stock of FURNI TURE received direct from the manufacturers North arid West,-consisting in part of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WASM^?NDS, tables! v CHAIRS, OF ALL STYLES, PARLOR and BED-ROOM SUITS in WALNUT, OAX and IMI TATION. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, " and PILLOWS on hand and made to order, at shortest notice. Wall papcring-eloth, Paper Shailcs, with new pa tent fixtures. Children's Carriages of all styles -.HlrbVlrcpf on liarid*. lie would ask an examination^ of hirf sfock, and'guarantees that his prices are as Idw as tboMe of Charleston or any City South. G. M. ?IRARDEAU. Feb. 4, 1873 50' ' Cm. J S Albergotti, CHEAP GROCERY HOUSE, Comer Russell Street ancT Roll Road Avenue. /~\FFERS the following goods at pri vy ccs which cannot fail to suit those entrusting their orders to hiirr:. Smoked Sides and Shoulders, Family alid Extra Flour, D, S. Sides and Shoulders, , Sclf-Raising Flour, Cliulcc Hum*, Sugars, Coffee, Tea, Butter, Lard, Syrup, Molasses, Vinegar, Canned Goods, Freah- BiBcuil?, Meal and Grist, Kerosene, Naptha, &c, &c, &c. ALSO Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Dried Figs, Pinders, And as choice candies as ever brought to this market. Jan. 1, 1873 U ly The State of South Carolina, ORANGEBURG COUNTY. In tiie Court op Pr?da te. By AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, Esq. Judgo of Probate in said County. WHEREAS, R. Bona?n Tarraot hath ap plied to mo for Letters of Administration on the Estate of John R. Milhous, late of Orangeburg County, dcoeasod. Those are therefore to cite and admonish sll and singular the kindred and Creditors of tho said deceased, to bo and appear, bo fore me, at a Court of Probato for tho said County to bo holden at "Orangeburg, on the 28d day of June, 1873, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause If any, why tho said Ad ministration should not bo grauled, Qiven under my Hand afid the Seal of Court, this 6th day of June A. D. 1873, and in the ninety-seventh year of American Inde pendence. {L.S.} AUG. B. KNOWLTON, fjrsbatc Judgej O. C. juno 7 St GXJA.ISr'OS. "bilOENIX GUANO, J WILCOX' ?IBBS & CO.'S MANIPULA- 1 ;. TED GUANQ. "11je can fill orders promptly for" the above i ^ ??,tud Fertiritex8, imported and pre pared by Wilcox, Gibb*-& Co.f CWeaton\ & C., and. Savannah Ga., ae they haye ample stock on hand to supply all demands. Order soon before the Railroads are blocked op with freight. Special attention is called'to the use of the Phoenix'Guano, mixed with cotton seed. ^ Apply for circulars, giving prices,terms, ?c, jfljLL, ?C?f ILL, & PIKE. Fcb, 27, 1873 2 4t U-i-_?-mil I I '1 ?_J._>1\ C?eo..S. Hacker . Doors Basil, iBlind . ? : Factor^ CHARLESTON. FHISISAS LARGE AND. COMPLETE, a factory as there is in. the Soutlr. ah work! manufactured at the Factory' in this city. The only hoosc owned and* managed by a Carolin an m* this city. Send for price list. Address geo! s. HACKER, PoMofiieeBox 170, a?ar"toiton'/8. C. Factory and Warerooms on King street oppo site Cannon street, on line of CHy Haiinrav, Oct.sor \ iy SOtJTH CAROLINA . - ? Loan and Ti%ust Compcmy CHARLESTON. & C. } O'rricF, No. 17" Broad. Stjieet',' savings" department;/ The deposits in tho savings Department "of this Company are' invested as r? Special Tract,- ' an,d, therefore are not subject to the hazards of banking.' * In addition to this Rjipeifltr' se'rnrit/', deposi tors have tHe guiu aldee'df the entire Bank Cap ita], which amounts to *hree hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.) This department will enable all classes to find a safe security for their aavings, however small ;,and at die same time bearing a remu nerative interest .(hK per .cent-- compounded"* quarterly.) . Currency can be remitted by ~Exj press", ahd drafts bv liiall.*.-. ? ' P. "A. M1TCIIEL, Camiieb. ; .- J)irtctor? and Tnrtccs:' ., ' Gco. S-Cameron, e. JL Frost..."V&' g.'Bee,' W. B." Williams, H.iL:OeXdcmTjK Q!Neil, a.. p. Caldwcl. J. MI SliKckclfoid/X'C^.'fTt Clau?- , sen, G. L. Buist, W. J. Middleton, A. J. Crews," e. Waltjen, C- G. "Memmingor, \Vm. L.AVebh,. J. T. ?Velsman.'Gce.'lL ^Ritcr, B.D. Lazarus.' apr;r23,1873 10 3&V NEW PUBLICATIONS. kit? F ;)GART1H^ B??K DEPOSITORY. ? (FOGAItTIE, ST11.1.MAS a co.)' OI.*n XEW CATALOGUE. SO. 10-' . Antiquities of tlee Fourhern Indian.1*, parti larly of the Georgia Tribes, hv-Charlcs t". Jones Jr $0. Literatuic iiid Dogma, an Essay towards a, better apprehension of the- Bible,, by Matthew Arnold, Oxfonl. ?1 50. Enigmas of Life, by W; R. Greg. $2. Among the Isles of Shoals, by Celia Thaxler/ .illustrations. $1 50. #The Wishing Cap Papers, by.Leigh Ilnitt," now tiryt Collected. SI 50." ithacl F.irad'iy, by Gl v 1 stone. 90 cents. ? Education In Japan, a series of'Letter* ad dreascd" by prominent Americans to ArinoK Mori. SI 50. The Mystery of Metro'pVdisvillc, by >"gglc*-' ton, 13 illustrations. $1 50. Curuwitics of Ornithology", with bezufifuTly colored illustration* fron* drawings, l?y T- W.' Wood, .*f*. $2 50. 4. The Home Atfce?on*'Portrayed by the To tti, selected and edited'by Charles Mackay,' beautifully illustrated with- one hundred eh-* gravings by eminent aatists- $5. 3 Conferences delivered at Notre Dame, Paria) '?' bv the Rev. l'erc Laco,ro,:*1re of the Order of b rhu? Preaebere, "Goik" God and man," each' $2v s. \ ;' yf.i ' ' . V.V Dr. Oldham's Talk'at Greystonc*. $1 501 j Farm Ballaids, by Will Carleton, illustrated.' Seagull Rock, translated from th? French of . Jules Sandeau of French Academy, br Rob ert Black, . A., profusely illustrated, with drawings by Bayard and Fcrat. $3. ., . The Slave, the Serff and the Frcemarn, trans by Mrs. Campbell Ovcrerid^ $V 5?l' Play and Profit in ray Garden',' by Rev. e. F:' Roc- $1 50. Dickens: Tho Standard Edition of Dickens,,' now being issued by monthly volumes by Messrs. Lippencott, is rt luxury in paper, type ' and the profusion and excellence of its illustra tions. Now ready, Pickwick Paper*, 2 voU, each $3, Burton and Drake's Unexplored Syria, 2 vols., printed in large type on Superfine paper, with numerous illustrations and map*.' $15. N. B.?Books w ill be sent to any part of tho country free of extra charge on receipt df pub lisher* price. Address FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, Jfo. 2G0 King Street, Charleston, 8. C. march 27, 1873 6 ? owtf.' T?0S. W. ALBEKG0TTI/ . TWO. DOORS EAST OF J. P. HARLEY'S Russell Street, Orangeburg, So. Ca., Has, Just Received a frejph supply of French Candies, Fina Candies, * "v. vl Nuta, allsorte, Toys, China Ware, Lar^e and Small Fancy Boskets, Raisons, Pickles, &c, &o. Also Fresh Bread always on hand, and supplied to regular customers every day nt their doors. In my cake department you will find Fruit Cakes, Fancy Cakes, ? Gungere, &c., always on hand and fresh. . . Fine* Bridal Preients. csb Pies constantl y on hand. Weddings supplied with all kinds of cakes and ConlectioDaries at the shortest notice. July 17, 1872 *7