Omngebtrrg, 8. 0., May 29, 1873. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY. ? "To change Contract Advertisements, notice must dc given before Monday noon. ^TJ?f friends wishing to have advertisements lliaerJvd in the TIMES, must liand them in by Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock. ? Vl^llvEllTlSEMENTS will bo inserted nt ?the rate of one dollar and a half per square for the first insertion, and one dollar per square* for: each subsequent insertion. Liberal terms m?'lc with* who desire t* advertise for-three, Bix *r twelve months. ..86?"u "Carriage notices and Obituaries not ffirpc^'ng ono,Squdre, inserted free. "fiencaibrth, all Legal Ad vertisements, of County Interest, wlietnei" notices ? ^Fbtliers, will be publish ed, for tlie benefit of oar i#ftft??rs whether they are pai^-for or not. ?- :- -?" t-j|K?W SUBSCRIBERS 01Will have their papers regularly mailed.. Send us new names, build up . out' paper, aud let every household in ffie'Co?nty bo a eupporter of our cnter prise. Ipnod! ADVERTISERS ' Will find it spccinlly to their interest to give us their cards. A conspicuous notice will attend each advertisement. To buildup the interests of our merchants iathe aim of the "Times." -?-" .V( r> ?.fsC M LATEST. /f?Thc small pox has been discovered aboard a vessel, arriving nt San Francis co, with Chinese immigrants. The op position to Chinese is so great in Cali fornia, that-the Agent for immigration h03 advised the pigtails to stay at home. .?pr-Pineapples sold in Charleston, at one dollar por dosen; yesterday; ?Mr. T. H. Zimmerman, of Orange burg, whoso watch was stolen in Charles ton'some time siucehas recovered it from.] Columbia, where it was tnl-*? 2 (0 Geese : : : : " 1 00 ?1 25 Fowls. : : per doz. 3,50 @ 5.00 Bees Wax : : : lb 22 (|?) Beef : : " 10 @ 12$ Tallow : . : " 8 @ 10 Tinders, : : : per bushel 1 26. TUB EVACUATION" OF RICHMOND, VA. BY GEN. LEE and his ARMY, April 2, 1805. A now and beautiful Engraving 11x18 inches in size. Gen. Lee's Army cross ing James river, the city of Richmond on fire and many other things which make tho picture a gem of Art, one which fOiould hnng in tho parlor of every o?Uth?rii home. Bcnl by mail mounted on a roller and post-paid, on receipt of 20 cents, or 3 for 50 rents. Address J. C. & \\\ M. BURROW, Publishers, Bristol, Tum. Agents wanted to sell Pictures, Books, Charts, &C., &C. From $3 to $15 per day can easily he made. Send for private tcrma and ?Jemtiogue. may M, 1873 13 It LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Orangeburg P. O. for the week ending May 14, 1873. ? Bozard, Mrs Cattie M Livingston, Alfred Masseboau, Mrs Elizabeth Myers, John Mtircy, Vundy Smith & Co. Ohas A Williamson, John List of Letters reraaininn in Orange? burg Post Office to May 21, 1873. Bryant, Kinard Coke, P E Marson, Suso Price, D B Thomas, Robert "Persons calling for the above letters will please gay they arc advertised. "* F. DcMars, P. M. CONSIGNEES PLR EXPRESS. F. Dunhoe C. Oldendorff, T. R. Walker, II. Riggs, S. H. Brack, George. W. Brunson J. II. Felder, S. R. Mollichamp, Strauss ?fc Street, T. D. Wolle, J. II, W?hlers, Miss Elsie. Moody. IN MEMORIAM. At a regular meeting of Robert Swamp Grange, held on the 14th inst., the fol lowing preamble aud resolutions were | unanimously adopted. We are called upon for the first time siuce the organization of our little socio ty to mourn the demise of one of its mem bers. The Harvester Death has entered our circle with his sickle and gathered from our midst a sheaf, the grown car. A (aithful member, an efficient stewardess has been called from her earthly sojouru to enjoy in all their plcntitudc, those blessings which await the christiau in that Haven of Rest beyond the grave. The period of human existence is short at best, but how much shorter must it feecin to the survivors, of one who has unexpectedly been stricken down in the noon-day of life, amid a career of useful ness and activity. "While the hearts of every one, who I pinew her will answer in responsive sym pathy to the sad announcement of the death of our friend and lamented sister, lifcg^voar of thu. is(^hbtn-hooil^flfi*^vliom "ftje performed many kind ofliee?j*l5Ri wor'o i encouraged by her smiles and pleasant ivprds, in the anguish of their souls may Justly deplore their loss. : In the bloom of womanhood, with an Unsullied record, and in ihc enjoyment of the fruition of many of life's dreams and aspirations, a future replete with promises; surrounded by a large circle of f riends and relatives, and cemented by the ties of love and affection of a de voted husband and fond children, sad indeed seems the fate which should break them assundcr. While we murmcr not at the decree of I Providence, while we bow iu submission to,the will of the Divine Architect of Heaven and Earth, we claim the sad privilege of mourning the lost one, who was a fit exponent of those qualities and ennobling virtues which adorn tko true woman. Be it Resolved, That in tho death of our late sister II. S. Cleckley, this Orange has met with the loss of a most Bsc'ul and efficient member, and the (bmmunity been deprieved o?nn esteem ed and benevolent citizen. Resolved, That wo share the sorrows of her relatives in their irreparable lofs snd; condole with them in their sad be leaveincnt. Resolved, That as a tribute of re spect and appreciation for our deceased aster, ami sympathy with her friends lud relatives, a pago in the minutes of | inr Grange he dedicated to her memory. Resolved, That this preamble and leSohitions he published in the Ornngc lurg*Times, and a copy of the same be furnished the family of the deceased. T. B. BOY?, Secretary. DISSOLUTION. mTWIE Copartnership heretofore existing un I dor the name of EDWARDS & OAK JTAN is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. C. EDWARDS, W. A. OAK JTAN. April 'J8, 1873, TJie uiuloiMgiicd will still continue tho [tick-making busincas. J. C. EDWARDS, hnay i, 1H73 11 Ira J ?v :;-. - ? raatli ron ~ W. T. M?LLER. ^ ? The Subscriber with a vie-**, to ? l3 a change in bis business is now offering his &5 entire, stock sf cbcics ?nd well-soiccted ? E> FAMILY GROCERIES DRY GOODS &c, at ^ Cost Prices. Those desiring 6ood and Fresh Groceries will And it to their interest to ^ |4 call and examine his goods and prices, be- jj^J foro parchasing elsewhere. May 28, 1873 15 . tf g W. T? M?LLER. Furniture! Furniture! I TITE Undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Orangeburg and surround ing counties that lie is new opening in the Brick-Store formerly occupied by Mr. McMas tcr, a large and wolf selected Btock of FURNI TURE received direct from the manufacturers North and West, consisting in part of . BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, TABLES, CHAIRS, OF ALL STYLES, FARLOR and BED-ROOM SUITS in WALNUT, OAX nnd IMI TATION. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, and PILLOWS on hand and made to order, at shortest notice. Wall }xipering-cloth, Paper Shades, with new. pa tent Gxture-T. Children's Carriages of all styles will ha kept on band. He would ask an examination of his stock, and guarantees that his prices are as low as those of Charleston or any City South. G. M. GIRARDEAU. Feb. 4, 1873 . 50 Cm. J S Albergotti, CHEAP GROCERY HOUSE; Corner Russell Street and Rail Road Avenue. REFERS the following goods at pri \_J ces which cannot fail to suit those entrusting their orders to him. Smoked ?Sides and Shoulders, Family and Extra Flour, D. S. Sides and Shoulders, Self-Rahung Flour, Choice Hams, ?Sugars, Coffee, Tea, Butter, Lard, Syrup, Molosrcs, Yinegar, Canned Goods, Fresh Biscuit", ttaptlia, Ac, &c, &e. ALSO Apple.?, Orange.*, Lemon*, Raisins, Dried Figs,. Finders, And as choice candies as ever brought to this market. Jan. 1, 1S73 II . ly PIANOS AND ORGANS, Furnished on Montlily Jtiistnllmeiits. TERMS OF LEASE:: All Payments made on Lease jC\U apply tjwards the purchase of the Jn'trwnent Loaned. Pianos ndurd nt $450 to $500 : : $76 advance, $25 monthly. 525 to 000 :' : 75 advance, 30 monthly. G25 to 750 : : 100 advance, 40 monthly. Organs valued a? SI25 to 200 : : $25 advance, $10 monthly 225 to 350 : : 40 advance, 15 monthly. 360 to 500 : : 50 advance 25 monthly. fi?y~ Potties who offer satisfactory Security can pay for Instruments in notes at 3, 0, 9, and 12 months' time. Call and ilnd out other inducements offered in both Time and Cash Sales, from KIRK ROBINSON, Agent tor Orangeburg County. may 22, 1973 14 tf SASHES AND BLINDS, Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Fixtures, Build ers' Furnishing Hardware, Drain Pi|>e, Floor Tiles. Wiie Guards, 'I Vrra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantle Pieces Window Glass a Specialty. ??1* White-Pine Lumber for Sale, Circulars ami-Price Lists sent free on applica tion, by P. p. TO ALE. No. 29 flnyne and 33 Pincknev street, ocl 1-ly Charleston, 8. C. NO TICK 4 LL persons hnving demands against the J\ Estate of the late John Bennett will ren der an account of tbcm duly attested to, and those Indebted will make payment to the un dersigned. JNO. F. BONNETT, Executor. Earch 15, 1873 5 lm. Sheriff's * Sales. By virtue of Sundry Executions to me di rected, I will sell to tho highest bidder, at Oraugeburg C. II., on the FIRST MON DAY in June nnxt, FOIt. CASH, ?11 tho ? Kight, Title and Interest of tho Defend ants in tho following Property, yl't: All that, ract of land in Orangeburg County, . containing 1G0 acres moro or loss,' bounded North by lands of Mrs. Kittrill, East by landj of John Antly, South by lands of Thos. Ellay and West by lands of Ire T 8ba makcr. Levied on as the proporty of J. W. Antly at the suit of Jas. Brown. ALSO ' All that tract of land in said County con taining 200 acres more or less, bounded by lands of Dullas, Stoudcnmiro and other*. * Levied on as tho property of Wm. W. Watts at tho suit of Qco T.. Irick ct ah ALSO \P ?At Lcwisvillc, (beginning at 11 o'clock on Monday and continuing from day to day until tho whole stock is disposed of,) all the Stock of Goods in Store, of Winficld Clark, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Flats, Crockery, Tin Waro, &c. Levied on as the property of Winficld Clark at the suits of Peake, Opcdyke k Co. and others. ShcritFs Offcc, ? 1 E. L CAIN, OTangcbarg C. II. S. C, ff S. CX. C. May 10th, 1871. ) may 17 td: NOTICE TO CONtRACTOR?. Bir>S WILL BE KECEIVED FOR THE erection of a Fair Building of the Orangebarg Agricultural, and Mechanical ? Association; until second day of June noxt, as follows: 1. Bids toi lumber delivered on the ground, per M. 2. Bids for the workmanship of