POETRY. LOST LOVE. Thatch of palm and n patch-of clover, Breath of balm in a fidd.of brown; ?The clouds blew tip and the buds flew And I looked upward, but who looked Who was true in die teat that tried ua ? m ? ; ( "Who waa it mocked ? "Who sow ma/ mourn The lote of a love that a cross denied us, With folded hands and a heart forlorn ? God forgive when the fair forget us, The worth of a anoile, the weight of o tear, Why, who can meagre 7 The fates beset us? We laugh a moment, we mourn a year. AGRICULTURAL. "Agriculture is the General Pursuit of Man / it | j'j the Basis of mil others, and there fort, the most Useful and Honorable." MOON'S PHASES. First Q'tr. Full. Last Q'tr. 7 h, 14 m. 14th 5 h, 58 m. 5 h, 41 m. New. |4 h, 1 m. 12th, 10th, 26th. Morning. Morning. Morning. Morning. May. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Sun Rises. I Sun Sets. 6.66. 4.65. 4.55. 4.65. 4.54. 4.64. 4.58. 6.58. 6.69. 7.0. 7.1. 7.1. 7.2. 7.2.' Agricultural Scraps. Dr. W. F. Barton has laid upon our table a beautifuFfcample of his growing erop of oatsr which is just heading out/ We learn that the corn crop is| well advanced (in height) for this season of the year. But many fanners complain that the dry spell of April, and accom panying frosts have caused the plant to turn yellow. Warm weather and spring showers, however, willl soon rectify this. The site for the "New Fair Building" has, we understand, been determined on. It is immediately in rear of lot of Mr. W. M. Hutson, on New Street, and in full view of the Railroad Depot COMMUNICATED Mb. Editor: One of the finest displays of flowers was exhibited at the Floral Fair of the State Agricultural Society of Charleston, last week. It was a week of recreation and pleasure to many of the country fanners?I mean the enthusiastic farm ers. Those who mako planting both a pleasure and a profit. This sort aro the prosperous men of the country. If a planter remains home all the time, he learns nothing, is not fixed up but goes along in a sort of a listless jog trot. I havo always noticed that I did a third more after a jaunt. I went to Charleston to see and hear what the mem- j bers of the State Agricultural Society would have to say and do among the flowers; how cotton and corn and rice looked beside roses and pinks and posies. Tuesday the Agricultural Society met at the Hibernian Hall.. The members were met and well entertained by a committee of Charleston gentlemen. After spend ing an hour in social chat and crop en quiries, the Society was called to order and an address delivered by the Presi dent, recommending various measures and giving a statement of the condition and prospects of the Association. Resolutions were offered and adopted, after which the Society entered upon the real object of their summer meeting ?the discussion of different agricultural topics. First an essay was read upon the subject by a person appointed for that purpose, after which each planter, in his plain' plantation way, gave his ex perience. The up-country, iho middle country and the low country were in con tact comparing details of crops and crop ping. It was a meeting where a wan could "pick up a great deal of valuable infor mation." Those who* were not there un doubtedly missed one of the most instruc tive meetings the Society has ever held. I have no hesitation in saying that these mcotings, if continued, will add vastly to improve Agriculture. Two days were thus profitably spent. The third day closed the meeting, with an excursion on steamboat in the Harbor of Charleston. The party visited the Atlantic Phos phate Works, where the whole process of manufacturing the fertilizer was gone through with. A fire dinner was served on the boat, and the mind as well as the qpdy feasted by addresses from guests of | Georgia and Carolina. Thus ended the first summer meeting of the State Agri cultural and Mechanical Society. The only fault was, it was too hurried. Hard ly time allowed for the full discussion and proper investigation" Of the subjects presented. The Rural Carollniafl With its accustomed promptness, the May number of the "Rural Carolinian' comes to us. The table of contents show there is no falling off in the zeal that has actuated its publishers and editor.1 in the pant, They have labored hard to bring it up to its present high standard among the agricultural publications of the country, and merit success in so doing. The Xitcrary Department is a m$fo fea ture, and one wnich promises .grea^gfiuc cess, maintained ns it is by selections of] the highest order. { ^ Messrs. Walker, Evans & Cogswell in form the patrons of the "Rural Carolin ian" that they have associated with them in its publication Mr. Wm. L. Daggett, who has taken charge of its Business De partment. His association with the publication of the magazine will not make any change in the forces which have upheld ii in the past, and aided in in bring it; tip to its present high stand ard. The connection of Mr. Daggett with , the publication of the "Rural Carolin ian," as its Business Managor has been highly, spoken of by the press of Charles ton, with which he has been associated for upwards of thirty years, and for nearly twenty years of that time he was , identified with the Charleston Courier, only severing his connection with that' journal on its sale and the consequent cessation of its publication by its former proprietors. We hope the future of the magazine under its new management, will be com mensurate with its universally acknowl edged merits, and cheerfully commend it to the warm support of our readers. Those who have not already enrolled their names on its steadily increasing list | of subscribers, should lose no time in do. ing so, thus contributing to tho support of a meritorious publication, which will repay them an hundred fold, by the prac tical information diffused through Us pa ges during the year. The terms are $2 per annum, in advance. For clubs?6 copies for 810; 10 copies for $16; 20 copies for $30. Household Economy, Hints on Eating.?Never eat in a hurry; masticate your food well; this is of great importance, for many articles of diet, perfectly wholesome when properly masticated, unless mixed well with the saliva are very indigestible, and greatly derange the process of digestion. Do not eat or dins under excitement of any kind, for food tattfin this state will do you but comparatively little good, and is almost certain to produce injurious ef fects. The greatest composure of mind and body is important while eating, and for a short time after, until digestion is fairly commenced. Cheerfulness while eating and drinking is excellent; and a chat with a friend after meals will assist digestion extraordinarily. To Prevent Flies from Soiling Picture Frames.?Paint the frames over with a decoction of leeks, prepared by boiling three or four in a pint of water. This will not injure the frames, but it will prevent the flies from resting on them. To Remove Paint or Tar from the Hands.?Rub the hands with greaso or butter, and then wash them with soap and water. TAX NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED ARE hereby notified that tho BookB for the col lection of the Town Taxe? are open from thi? date to the 2d of June, after which time the Penalty will be added. The tax on Real Estate will be one (1) mill. Liccntie Tax, on Business and Profession? will be collected. , ftlRK ROBINSON, Town Tax Collector. May 15, 1873. 13 If gEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, TO UK LOANED on Unincumhered Real Estate. Apply to the "South Carolina Deport ment" of the ''Lifo Assortof Aroenca," No, 29 Brond street. WM. MCBURNEY, President. Oeo. E. Boob*, Secretary and Manager, may 14, 1878 13 2t F. H. W. BRIGGMANN HAS just received a full supply of NEW SPRING GOODS, and has , ? CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full line of Dry GoodS of all kinds. Ho offers for sale everything Needed* by everybody, at. low rates, consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Hardware, hats, **>, &t, ALSO, Cor sale, tfhe" BUTTONHOLE SEWING MACHINE, (which took first Premium at las^Coonty Fair,) for which he ia Agent. Call and S0e for Yourselves*. ALSO AGENT FOR THE fountain PITMlM A. Portable PUMP and 8PR1NKLEBI April 10, 18ft! 8 if 1H MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF THE FIRST IMPORTANCE. E. J. OLIVEROS, M, D, Dealer in JDrngs, Medicines, 3?aints, Oils, Var n^sn, 1ST ?n'ExploSive JLiampsy Grarcten Seeds, &c< &tc< on ban PRESCTPTTONS prepared with accuracy and fidelity, for which purpose a futl atoci com plete asBortment of PURE CHEMICALS and GENUINE DRUGS Will be constantly LONG Experience?a successful business caree? of ra'?re didn eight fears in* Orangeburg. and a good knowledgo of tbo DRUG MARKET, at Home and Abroad, wilfaflbrd a sufficient guarantee that all goods sold or dispensed at my Establishment will be GENU INE and RELIABLE^ m Appreciating the success whi^h, in^thtf pcfcrf,- has attended fay efforts, I have deter mined to spare no* train* to merit a c?wtmoancc of the patronage no liberally bestowed. E. J. OLIVEROS, No. 100, Russell Street, Orangebarg C. H., 8. C. Feb. 27, im, 51 ly DR. A. C. DUKES, l!Dealer in Dj^ugs, Medicines, CJiemicals, fine Toilet Soaps, FANCY "HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. PERFUMERY AND FANCY * t toilet Articles, trusses and sxiotjldeft bra ces, GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, PAINTS, OILS, VAR NISHES AND DYE STUFFS, LETTER-PAPER, FENS. INK, ENVELOPES, GLASS, PUTTY, NON-EXPLOSIVE OIL LAMPS, Ac, &e, ser Physicians Prescriptions accurately compounded, -?a FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY? Insure your Dwelling, Store or Stock of Goods in the LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE CO Capital, 120,500,000 in Gold. This company'paid over three (3) millions at Chicago fire, and over one (1) million at recent fir ein Boston. JAS. H. FOWLES, Agent. GOODS GIVEN AWAY Almost, or sold so cheap that tho buyer receives a great advantage, at the welll-known stand of C. D. KORTJOHN, Ooffee, Sngar, Teas, Tobacco, Segars, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Cheeser Crackers, Canned Goods, and, in fact, everything wated for tho family. IF You do not wish to buy, come and look at my stock of Groceries and Liquors of all grades. ESPECIAL ATTENTION is called to my pure Cognac Brandy anj Holland Gin, for Medicinal purposes. REMOVED As I am beyond tho necessity of selling inferior articles. I have a well-selected and first-class stock which I am anxious should be examined AT ONCE, By my friends and customers, and by the public generally, . SOT Satisfaction guaranteed, by Nov.20-ly O. D. KORTJOHN. E. EZEKIEL SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. Dealer in CLOCKS anil WATCHES, FINE CUTLERY, . SILVER WARE, AND LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEED. I?* Watches ami Jewelry repaired. March 13, 1*73 4 If NOTICE. All Rafts of Timber, passing down the Edisto River will please stop one mile below Parker's Ferry, on the right, and receive Shingles as freight. For which provisions or cash will be paid. apr10 lm NOTTOE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having demands against the Estate of 15. U. limit, deceased, and all persons indebted to said Estate will present the Bame and make payment to the undersigned with?n three montlm from this date. JOHN P. 8PIOENER, Qualified Administrator. February 11 1873. March 13, 1873 4 ? 3m H. FRE^JpN & SONS' Ammoniated Bone ^Superphosphate of LIME; CASH, ??O; TIME, ?60. THE OLDEST SUPERPHOSPHATE MA3STUFACURED ?, atf country. yj^lig Above Fertilizers are made from the best and finest material obtaisabl? The proportions of each of the ingredients are such at to produce powerful andllev tivc Fertilisers. KINSMAN, & HOWEM,, General Agents for South Carolii ina. No. 128, East Bay, Charleston, S. C. J. A. HAMILTON/ Agent at Orangeb?fg c. H?, S. C. January 20,1?7S* 60 tf WILLIAM M. BIRD & C IMPORTERS AND MANUPAOTURE'bS OP' f TfUllH JJUilUUj fJlllUMj VVlIVIlUj PROPRIETORS FAVORITE BRAND BRILLIANT **E* troleum. AGENTS FOR Marvin's Safes, and Howe's Scales,. 201, East Bay SWeet/ (Sigtf of the Whale,) Charleston, Cv' ihsteti2r,i$l& 0 3m SEN. J. B. GORDON, President. W. C MORRIS. Secretary. GEN. A. H.' C0LQU1T, Vice-President ? F- McCAY, cWlrvuj Aetwy. IHK Uli LIFE BMI ?Ii | / ATLAStf? MPA^rlTMENTy APfSE^S, January 1st.,- &i,&'41,0?$' 40. BLACK A ^ARIJ?G, J. A. IIAJaTLTON, General Agent. Agent at Orangebarg, S. Cr MOSELEY &. CROOK, - COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE, HAYING Formed a copartnership under the Firm Name ana style uabove, we would* re*pcctfrd)y call the attention of the public to the same. Constantly on ^AS Particular atten hand a full supply ? WE EX- tlon riven to th* of dry goods, C T TO purcluie of RlC? Groceries Hardware ASO U 0 tI A M D H\TeH' *?' ? e ats, Caps, Boots HAVING B O U G H T Call atfd examiner and and Shoes, Tin- OUR STOCK WITH THIS our well -sefetlee* ware, Crockery Sad- IDE A. WE W I LL T|TOT8tock, to be sold ae dies. Bridles Tools, HAS?MA!V Ol^FF^tf ? PricC9 that weknow Garden Seeds, Ac; \?oO? S *A V* VW^H?ftftS all very cheap. LOW PRICES AT AND INDUCE Come and see us E. EZEKIELi'8 you to CAlSh once and you will *>1a.S,X4ND again, calll again. COME AND SEE ^ COME. AMD 8ES w moseley. THE POST OFFICE, vr. k. crook. Feb. 13, 1873 62 lj The Citizens' Savings Bank, OF SOUTH CAEOLINA ORANGEBURG BRANCH Will par 7 PERCENT INTEREST on8KECIALDET09ll?faftd STEH CEOTew&AV ING8 DEPOSITS compounded Semi-anntadiy. Local Finance Committee* Hon. thor W. GLOVER. Col. PAUL 8. FELDER. Capt. john A. HAMILTON. . JAS. H, F0WLE8V mch 10-ly Assistant Cashier. BULL, SCOVILL &. PIKE ARB RAPIDLY REDUCING their LARQB stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. INDUCEMENTS ARE OFFERED. good STYLES AND DESIRABLE GOODS ARE ALWAYS found AT BULL., SCOVIIX 9l PIKE'S, Who are agents for First class life and fire insurance companies. Also Agents for ?ho IMPROVED WINSHIFCOTTON GIN, trader test, A? pinned 150 lbs. seed cotton to each saw in 6 hours *nd 50 minutes. Thn* afffty ?aw Gin can turn out about 6 bales, 400 lbs. each, hi about 9 be***, a run at a high rate of speed. Purchase the Winahip Gin. BULL, 8COMLL A PIKE, Agents de!872ly ?18?tf