at actual cost, the remnant of our stock of caretuHr fcUfcttod dry g?ouS,r*nbcji hats. Call and we, : j j\}\ \\ FELDER, VOSE & ISLAR. a Rare Chance for Energetic Men No Capital Required.?Canvasibg igfidsj ] -wanted in every county in South Caro lina, for the best Southern Agricultural Magazine, ouoe,A#eil,*I*uMishen?, Charleston, S. C. - j.j_m_ A woman who tells fortunes from n tea cup need not he a sauecfesj?, 1 *? Springfield has just been chosen as his thirty-ninlh home by a restless Yankee. A single Parisian publisher has brought out 200 varieties of almanacs for 1873. NeVer Wgh at a limn with n pug nose; ^^t.d.pnV.koow what may torn up. A man at Senega Jn^s proniiaqs to pay 4M for every* cat' that* is sent to him. What a cheerful prospect* for exprcss meu! . f.- '.w l ? 1 The latest definition of a gentleman is "a nmii who can put on a clean collar without being' conspicuous." t ^barlesAstor BriBtcd ("Carl Benson") is We "rieflest* literary_jnnn in America, having an income of $60,000 ?i year. Verdi, as well nB Oficnbiich, contem plates a visit to thi? county, to had in the presentation of his own opemsi. . Jlidiannpolis boasts of the model .hack man?one who knows jiyfrjj .the tuste of liquor, don't u?e tobacco, has money in bm.k, runs two vehicles, and always ap pears dressed in good style. An old gentleman from Wiseon>in waiked off the train in his sleep, near Holland, Ohio, and not being killed by ttie fall, started after the train on foot, but was struck .by u freight and cut to pieces. The English Secretary of War has con cluded to lot tin* soldiers phtyi curds in their recreation room.-; and see if it won't keep them from the grog shops.. . Augustus Spencer, of East Colunibiu, N. H., bos a pai* of hoots that he h s w**rn for thirty-four years, and.pre ? nds ; there is not a erat k or rip in them' yet. Tho air of the .Granite State must be IftVorahle to the preservation jf leather. The Chicago Times; mentions a tontcih jiu-ary "which has been ({nmlucled with respectable stupidity lor thirty years." A ninti iu New lianipsbirc.bought-ban swarms of bees ten yours ttgn, and ha. now an income oi ?1,000 per jvca.r.- fie Miid buy four swarms of bees young men. The, first national Thanksgiving day proclaimed by President Washington, celebrated by 4,000.000 people, in thirteen States, clustered along Jthe AV iHiitic coast. This year the" holidav' was ?bserved by n nalic n of '40,000,000 in forty-live Slates and Territories. A rising artist is painting for next years Royal Academy Exhibition h pic tore of Death at largr us life. The holders of Nevada silver mining stork are still hopeful; and yet, even in the richest of iheir claims, the work" per formed is wholly labor in vein. The Boston Globe say*: "Andf pfift' it npptors that black pepper is adulterated with soajistone sawdust, incicasing the weight rapidly. We buven't heard what soajwtbne imwdust is adulterated with/ yet." John Brightcnson, of Sjiring Lake, Minnrsdta, Went hunting, dragged his gun through the grass by the inu/^le,: ond died game. / H *t J^A man t! o igl t i neighbor wasi.'t har nessing a mule as he ought to, and took hohl to help, and immediately exchanged the role of a Samaritan' for a roll iu the mud. He says< no man, need -look for perfect happiness in this work!. An inebriate whipped his wife the other morning, and came home drunk at night. Shu hadn't any coals of fire, but she poured his ear full of pepper sauce. [< Punch is responsible for the following1 "What is the dilfercnce botween fixed stars and shooting stars ? The one are puiu; tho other darters." HEND 25 CKNTH FOR Tni: IjRu llA/iM in A hook of 128.pages showiug how, when and where to advertise, mu] containing a list of nearly 3,000* newspapcis, wTth much other information ?f interest to ad vertisers. Address Geo. P. Rowoll, 12J @ 1? " Sidea : : " 11 ($ 12J Lard : : " 14 Corn : : : : bin 1 00 @ l&h M : : " 1 00 Oat? : eccd i ... .: " 1 2? @ Flour , : V<: f .1: 1 t cwt 6 00 @5 75 'Fodder : : : ?' 1 00 (*)1 20 ?RoukTi' Ri<& ? ?: : " .. 1 20 ? Butter : : : : lb 25 <*> 50 Kggs : : : : dor 30 (Sj .Tur.keya. }? : : pr 2 00 ^2 50 Geese*W: ' ' ' : : M 1 00 <*.l 25 Chicken* : : a " 20 <$ 30 Bees Wax : : : lb 22 ($ Beef : : " 10 PiticK, Thkkk Dollars, bv mail. Address Publisher, No. 41 Park How, N. Y. GK?. i*. row ELL ?& Co'* am Elite ax DUPTADY A book of ?OO pages, with editor*' nit 1 publishers, mi lues, dato of establishment, size, politics, subscription price nnd cir culation of all Vewspnpcrs in the United ?States and Domiuioji of C.tmwla. $ "PlJluK, FIVE DOLLAR!., bv mail. Address Publisher, No. 41 Fark Row, N. Y. REWARD. , For anv case of lllind, Diced ty.J r'""ingj -field tig or Cher did Pihs hnt DcBUtg <* Pile Remedy tails to cure. 1 is prepared expressly to i ure thu Piles, a .d nothing chit. Sold by all Druggists. 1'ii. c. $1.001 jnn^O-l $10,000 Worth of Dry Goods At Auction, .W. McKAY, Auctioneer. Salesroom 45 W? nt worth Strset, Charleston, S. C. Will sell on Wednesday, January 15th; cumntoiiciug at 10 o'cl ?c k prescisely, by I dialogue 1250 lots id Foreign ami Do me-tic Dry Goods. Ready Made Cloth ing, Felt und "Wool Hats, Hoots and Shoes Table and Pocket Cutlery, Notions &?. Sale positive*, rniu or shine. Goods jm\y -open, furri aspect Ion.' forms?All sums under $100 cash; over.SlOO to 8500 sixty flava; over $500 itincly 'days,' A pproVtd endorsed Notts or City acceptance. . MllS. U. M. SHULER ? Re^pctitfuHy ? informs her friends nnd the piiQlic^gctycrullv. that she has moved to the residence of Mr. Dukes, w here she will be prepared to cut, fit and make nil kinds of Indies' nnd children's dresses. Pattern.* of the littest styles, and nt moderate prices always on hand. fT?fr* /\ r~ rr Ge?. S. Hacker r- Boors Sji^liifBiPiid Ipnctory CHARLESTON. rpiIISl.SAS LAKGK AND COMI'LKTH, JL a factory a* there in iu the South. AH work .manufactured at the Factory in this city. The only house owned and managed by a Carolin ian In this city, Send for price lint. Address . \ GKO H. HACK KB, Posto'fTice Box 170, Charleston, S. C. ? Factory and Wareroomson King street oppo site Cannon strcctj on line of City Bailway, Nov. 13 l"y NOTICE Tnc-bite firm of?V. C. Cofer & Co., truding ht Fort Motte, hnving been dis solved by the death of W. C. coffer, nil the creditors of.-aid firm are requested to send their -claims to W. J. DcTreville, Esa? Atlo'.^ey at Law, Orangeburg, S. (*., in whose bauds th;: settlement of the business of said firm has been placed, i John J. Jackson, L. P. Rast. Dec. 20, 1872. & The undereigned having formed a co-partnership under the name of FOWLES GLOVER, offer their services to th? community, as Agents for the Sale or purchase of Real Estate, and for collection of Rents, Ac. J AS. H. FOWLES, JULIUS GLOVER. At Cititens' Savings Bank. At Law Office of Glover & Glover. < ? ? - We offer for sale :? 100 acre farm (unimproved) on Bell A new and beautiful residence In Or nngeburg, on East side of Railroad, with fine outbuildings, garden, Ac. Also, a plantation near Fort Motte, ?0? acres, with dwellfng'and outhouses in good con ditio!)?water power on the place. villcFouI, li miles from Orangeburg; 60 acres each, of open and wood land. We are Now Offering our Stock of DRY GOOB?, MATS. SHOE*; and tfAtfcV GOODS, AT COST. tHy ' Call at once and Obtain bargain*.. Felder Vose. L Izlar E. J. OLIVEROS, M. D, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. DEALER. IN Drugs, Medicius, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, VuruLh, -Glas.?, Putty, Brushes and Cuttlcry, nlso Perfumery, und Fancy Articles. CHRISTMAS IS GONE I NEW YKAR. IS (OMIMJt ?:. '. ' ? 't'r I htivc rvecived are adriitimial suppplv of* fn.e. Fa-icy Groceries and Liiuon* arth-h-s that h.iveVoevor been kt-pt iu t|ds Town jjcfiuv.'* .??.'*? ('ill nod i-x.nnibuy.aud piuehnac your , .'. New YearsMipply.tlicfiiru everything in sold. . AH Goods j?r ?-"ptlv seilt ho;nc ? without chorse. w. T. M?LLER. BOOKS! GAMES! FANCY GOODS! The undersigned hm* just received n line assortment of t lie nhuve art ich?, suit ilhie for the Holidays, to which he would cull the attention of the public Also a full supply ol Fireworks, Ac. Always on hnud a select stock of Stationary, School Books nnd Music. Cull nnd examine before purchasing our holiday goods elsewhere. Subscribe for "The Aldine" nnd secure wo ho utiful Ghromos, which are worth more than the sub.cription price. KIKK ROBINSON, dec 11 At the Engine House. . FER8NKR & DANTZLER, I) K N T I 8 T 8' Orangeburg, 8. 0., Office over MeMnstcr's Brick Store. . FiUtSNU. P. A. T)a NTji.y.n, 1>. I). S nieh t2-3moJ ""? itfilii FEMALE COLLEGE, GAi|;^^C,- 1 * O - Will be opened January 1st. 187.1, with a full corps of experienced Tenchers. Rittes per scholastic year?half yearly in advance. Board, including washing, fuel, ami lights together with tuition in regulnr College Course per ^Scholastic year of nine months $225,00 For Circular, Address Rev. Samuel B. Jones Prcaidont. Care of Christian Neighbor,., Columbia ORANGEBURG LAND FOR BALE. About 200 acres of Land iu lots of Id to 40 acres, located on the South Caro lina Railroad, below and within 11 miles of the Town of Orangeburg, will be sold on Monday, tho 13th of January, 1878. The lot* will bo platted nnd numbered so nsto be examined by parties desiring to purchase. It is unnecessary to speak of the. advantages of the. location to persons familiar with and wishing these beautiful lots. The plat enn bo econ nt Mr. C. B. Glovers oifice, on and after the 1st Mon day of January. Terms made known on dav of sale. "Dec. 3011,1, 1872. A RARE BARGAIN. The undersigned offers fur able his plan tation, containing three hundred and thirty-two acres; one hundred en closed, with a good fence, and in a high state oi cultivation; located in Orunge burgcxiunty, St. Mathcw's Parish, fifteen miles cast of Ornngeburg c. F., one mile distant from State Rood, opposite sixty eight mile pn.-r. On this place are a coiufortuhle dwelling, with eight rooms, gin house und screw, and all other ncces sarv o itbuildings. . tor further particulars in reference to the place, address W. W. Houck, Or angeburg c H. For terms of suie, ns, Sugar Fruit, Mixed, Ac. New Layer Raisins, Citron, i ? A j?ltfcJ Powdered Sugars, Stovall's Family Flour, Salmon, Lobster and Tomatoes, in tins, Lemon, Cream, Spiced and Soda Crackers. . AUK*, A general assortment of Groceries Ac., Cheap CoflVe and Tobacco. JOHN A. HAMILTON, MAJtKJvT 8TRKET. $5TO$20 petfUy, Agents wauled.! All das ei? of working people, of either pcx, voim* or old niake nu?r? money at work for us in their Sure moments, or nil the time, than at any linjr ei*?. Particular* free. Add rem (i. Stin son A Co., Portland, Maine. N. A. HUNT, nr.Ai.ra iy B O O T S, B IT O ES, TRUNKS AND VALISE8, N and $20. Hoaril. from 10 to $12 per month. For Catalogue or I'artir;;!.,;,., addrcy* W. C. K1KKLANP, A. M., Spartanburg, S._^. WA lV'TK'Tl We wU1 ^vc cl,er jVii A B iJJ,geticnun ami women Business That Will Pay rom $4 to S8 per day, can l>c pursued in your own neighborhood, and is strictly honorable. Particulars "free,'or sample* that will cnableyou to go to wi>rk at once, wilt be sent on receipt of two three cents staiiips Address J. LATHAM & Co,. 292 Washington Sr., Ooftqn, Man. National Democratic Nominations. NGTXCJG. The Exorcises of Miss R. S. A Iber gotti's School.will be resumed on Mon day, January (Jib, 187*1. nt the residence of Captain T. A. Jeffords Russell Street. Terms moderate. No deductions made unless in ctises of protracted sickness.' jan 1-1 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. SOUTH CA1UJL1.NA KAlbKOAD. Charleston, S. C May 19, 1872. On Hid nfter SUNDAY* May 19, the Iwsseuger trains on the South Carolina .laiimtUl will run as follows: for AUtiUSTA. Leave Charleston - 9:30 a nt Arrive nt Augusta - - 5:40 p in POK COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston ? 9:30 a m Arrive at Columbia, . - 5:20 p m FOR ("IIAV.I.l'.iToX. Leave Augusta ? - 9:00 a m Arrive nt Charleston - 4:30 p m Leave Columbia - 9:00 a m Arrive at Charleston - 4:30 p m Augusta xioirr kxfrlss. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston - 8:30 p in Arrive at Augusta - v. - 7:35 n nt Leave Augusta - - 6:15 p in Arrive at Charleston - 5:50 a m COLUMBIA XIOHT EXl'W? (Sundays excepted.) Leave Chnrlestou - 7:10 pm Arrive at Columbia - ? 0:30 a m Leave Columbia - - * 7:50 p m Arrive at Charleston - 0:45 a m HtrMMEKVTLLF. TRAIN. Leave Sumruervi lie - 7:25 am Arrive at Charleston - 8:40 a. ni Leave Charleston - 3:25 p in Arrive at Summervillc at - 4.40 p m camijf.n branch. Leave Cutnden - - 7,20 a m Arrive at Culumbia -. 11 55 a m Leave Columbia - - . 2.10 p m Arrive nt Onmden - 6!55 p m Dny nnd Night Trains connect nt Au gusta with Maeon and Augusta Rnttronrl and Georgia Railroads. /This ia the (ptickest and most direot ron:c. And as comfortable and cheap na nny other route to Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and all other points West and Northwest'. Columbia Night Trains connect with Greenville and Columbia Railroad, nnd Day and Night Truius connect with Char lotte Road. Through Tickets on sale, via this route to all points North. Cnmdcn Train connects at Kingville daily (except Sundays) with Day Passen ger Train, and runs through to Columbia A. L. TYLER, Viec-President. S. B. Pic'ccna General Ticket Agent. Sep 27 SUACKKLPOKI) & KKI,L,Y KACrORS AM) ORXKKAL COMMISSION ?EKCIIAST8, NoitTli Atlantic Wharf, Charismen, S?C. ? aokxts Fon ? Moro Phillij a' Amruoniatcd Carribcan Sc; GUANO. W. w. SnAt KLFFORB. WM. AIKKN KELL? Oet 1 12 ?WIK, -MOWB ?L JJAVIB WHOLES A LE DEVG GISTS, s ?' L ' - * i*~L. C11A I'. L KiTON 8. C. We beg to coll the attention of Drug gist*, Physicians and Country. Merchant! to our large md' complete Sfock of all Goods usually kept tu a Fiiist-elaa* .. .Wholesale Drug Warehouse, consisting in part of Pure Drug.", Medi cines ami Chemicals, Foreign, and Domes tic, all.Proprietary-Articles,-Instrumenta trusses, Supporters, Bandage?, Suspen? sjons, Glassware, Window.GhtSe, Putty, Paints, QiU and Dye Stulls, Fancy G mds and DmggUk'* Sundries,nhieb hate beca selected with great,care to meet the wanta of all )n need; ?f.Kcliable 'Articles at modwrate price*,.: I", llr^.j Wo'are also Proprietors, of the follow ing.wbieb we offer wvtj.i.confidence an I beinjr equal to anv similar Preperatioiw .f$Uintcr UifltsVs llic great Southern Tonic, Muirfo's horse, bog und cattle.Powders, A$o|ce'r'fe\c'f angi gigucj Pills, warrant* 4 to cure. MoieVs popular w'.iitc'wnrm can dy. Moisefi liver puls.. ? purely vegetable. Moise's morning star yeast or baking pow dors. .'Collier's rclric?y ibV Mari and beast, the best, J/iiiisncit ever used. We are agents for the following articles, we offer at proprh'torls prices: Dr. Von Gblaim's r Royal Crown Schnapp*. This world-rcknowued Touic is highly rccommcudcu by the most emi nent German PhosiciansJ and pronouueed l>v them as perfectly pure, and free trom all adulteration. Oubnn-Betters and v Pat tent'Spring Show Cases, Walnut and Metal Frames, 4, 5,0,7 undo* feet; always on had. . , i nov.27 . 1G ' 3m JUST AIlRIVm " . .;' "A-"'' dV. '-..?. BjPI^NDIjO L?T OF., HORSES I HORSES^ t^,VS'ESI We rr?peet fully 4nll1 flic' rItontjon of the citizens of Ornngeburg and' Oranm hurg Conmy to the facfi that w'e til have a choice 1(4 of horses from Virginia, on this market by the twentieth of De cember. Thin stock has been selected from choice sfock raisers in the.Old Dominion, and with an eye to the neccssitieslof^this market. They will consist ?f fine Saddle and Harness horses. Wo also call'yoUr attention to the fine lot of mil ha we-now have on hand. We expect to keep a full supply of both horses and. mules constant ly on hand. If our stock don't give sat isfaction, you can return thein^ and get your money hack, with interest. Try us, that's till we want. SALE STABLES OF ^ W. ;jSI. s AIN & CO. iuur27-*f. --i-r )T Horses! Mules! Tiie undersigned keeps constantly einband n full Stock of Horses end Muhr- to he *old a prices to suit the time*. ' . - r,??^l. ^-''f t ; Call .it the Ktnhle In rear of Felder,. \ ose A Ixlar, nt Orangeburg C." JI-, or kit H table?, at Hamberg, S. C, aud I will suit you. I intend doing a H\ebusiness, and gtiarantaa all 8tock flold by n\c a* represented. ? > Mr. A. MAUKEN ?ALLKY abends to ray business at Orangebro^lf;) w0<. oet 30 ' F. M. DAMBERU. | | _. ._?_. i THE SiNGER HflLL TRIUMPHANT, THE new FAMiLr slNGE'r Leaving MACHINE.' WITH ATTACIIMKXTB KOI*. AM, KISTS OF WORK is fast w inn in"; favor in the homchohk as shown by the ntpidlv Increasing wiles. . This NEW' FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is capahlc of a range and variety of work sack as was biiee thought impossible to perform br machinery ' Wc claim and can hIiow that it Is the cheapest most beautiful,.delicately arrang cd, nicely ailjusted, entity operated, ana snioo* ? ly running of all the Family .Sewing Mach: It is remarkable not onlv for the range and va riety of its sewing, hut also for the variety and diDecent kind* of texture which it will sow" with equal fieility and perfection, u.-ing silk twist, linen or cotton ihrem', flue or coarse, making the interloekcd-clastic^teh, alike on both ihkw of the fabric sewn. Thus, Waver cloth, or leather may bo sewn with great strength and uniformity of stitch; and, in a moment, this willing tusd pevtr Aearylng iuMni&>nii may iw ndpistcd for line work or gaute or gossamer ti*^ sue, or the tucking of tarlatan, or mfiltnf, or aimn-t any other work wldeh delicate fingers haw been known to perform. At the world's, fair it n>cclved the great award of the highest sale*!' J. K. White, Agent Oflice st Engine House, Orangeb'jrg, S. C. pui ? lim