Lifo .??A .1 v.. fWtoinlA iniv*' to I? k ijahath J?MS** ?D?!?^ Iff ,n Charleston, B..^,.^ Pw^;((s< i^,>vji^ . A^&fcta, Ju?e l.t.-l^-.**> ?< ^ ?? 1? 1st, No company in the. wprld has attained the BamcnuecOGS in eo short ft period, Tby ? Because the Life Association invests its i&me^ln eyory locality where it crates, thereby putting capital where capital is needed,pud. making the facilities insuring easier. ' Ju?a ??*--? T / ^ ' ,"'Ka?rrli It it not an udvcntnro gotten up for the benefit; iJ If, omusniAs toys, ?i* ; > TOILET ARTICLES, .?*??*!?; ?'f,.,:) ?. -... FiRE WOEKS, ?j if n ;/'?*-?? lb ?T tO] - . ?/ ? Fine Ccgars and Tobaccos, ? OBJM?aEBP;RG AOADBHY. Tho jg^icroua ^(ronnge^ and growing vor, which- this 'Academy has received ncc its formation, has afforded great en Hinrageoiont to the undersigned, anil nvinecd them that industry hndappllen " on their part, is nil that is now uc aiy.t^ ifentlcY, a pcrmnncnt success mt l\cr^(#?ore may have been regarded an experiment. They set out with the determination to ppl v full v the educational wants of the mmumty, and] to the . r.ceomplta hmen this end, they Ud\v renew theirpromise i devot? all. their energies nud abilities. All the latest?- improvements in ifest? mk.y modes of hhtructioU, mechanical pliances and disoipliiHvwill be careful dUeussod and> judiciously introduced In fisot, no . paTmrxvill' hm apnrtr.9t.y rank vorably with the boss In the State or sewfitak '? ? -v Boys will Ik? prepared for College' or si::ea?? and voting Indies given a finish course of iustriielioii. Yntfjttiftfc nmVfein?iTe' dVpnrtn'icilta are pt strictly separated, except during' itation*. ? ? Pupils can enter at any* time,-and those ing at a distance will be*furnished with" sohahle board in good' families. : ii Terms per Mouth ? KnglM, - - $3,00, Classics - - - - - 4,00 ? S. H. Mcljichamp James S. Hcvward; ' "T,> ? WTv ?'? ? DOORS, SA8?ES AND BLINDS, at.s*iu: -ftsatri le ^^-i Moidding*,'Bracket*, Stair Fixtures, Umld V Furnishing 'Hardware, Drain Pipe, Floor lea. Who Guards, Terra Gotta Ware, Marble d 81ale Mantle Pieces. .'it *? m ' ti!| i?' ?fri- ??? 'i'f.i. fsi4 Window Glass a Specialty. Circular* and Price Lists aent free on applica ,br P. P. TO ALE. No. '29 Ifayne and 33 Pinckney street, * ff?r^[ fr. *" Charleston, 8. loci R SA*J3< Itedin Ift QUA NGEBUR? COUNTY 8. C. plantation at s great bargain?ccnUlaing about 4^ acrea of good upland Cotton lend, *tery|aetereHable. no swam pa.or ponds, about Ji25 aVr? cleared a?d under good fences, 30 'acrwe bf the1 land prcaiced this year abaut 1,100 }b? seed VStTett to the ncrc,With a cost of: less thoi $140 worth of commercial manure. 2? building*, all in eood repair, almost aa good as .new, ihcmdinfj a very nicft dwelling house With oa ilxe'country store; and nfirstrate stand for v^Jneat. ' The pdac* la situated three miles 1 - '-our hole bridges In Orangeborg eoUM the ?te'W mrkly f>e neat TITftiuita^1*'*** <>*ri??burtf C. Jr. i f 'fiteVKoVroad, tiV a h*althy andtbtekly tid country. The neighbors are tho beat and 11 A**t people l^^orcra are plentiful and well , . r?l it i? one of the most durable' and 500 one half cash balance in one and The buildings would now cost obstruct them. t OTttt; Price ^V?^tdcona On the place or him at Orangeburg iVr JOHN S. FAIRLY & 00., vrHoi.iHAi.*: DEALtftSlH Stations, EHMnery, Hosiery and - White Goods, .'>tt * ? ? ? No. 37 HAYNE STREET, Cliarlcston^frC., l>'* ' ?. ' ' t? .*>?>,; ?? I jj-id -i H Solicit thocu?toraof the merchants of Oranger borg, fcejing confident that they can oder in ducement* to purchasers equal to those offeicd by auy house in our line' in this 'country.1 Our Stock" is alwava large and is replenished with froth gooda of ibo latest itylcn by every steamer from tlio North. ? Our terms ore lilieral to re sponsible housqH, and we "guarantee satisfaction to parties enthlHting orders to us. oct jU>-4i&&_ _ _ *':Q-IJQ P. V. Jennings, Adra'r brEsb of Jno" T. Jen nings, vs P. Felder and others, Creditor* and nein? of J- T. Jennings, i ? ? j'ffji*': ? ? Under an order in the. Common Pleas in'this ease, there will ond and . iiiOT(ji):n exeennd to the Referee in ? this case f ilie .bonds,.with fmni IT; I l r, (*' ?') - ; : 1 fi* Yin ?>'/ 1 GROCERS AND X/i ttfu'? 11 DEA Jj E It s, 165 A 105 Ecut lJay and 2 & i'fa'ten St. Charlestonf n&i-*?f.'t* y: ? ?? >,~ have in store as asual, * large variety ef / GROCERIES, LIQUORS Ac and In addition arc reeeiving theit large asaort roent of FAMILY A PLANTATION GROr CERIE8,'for the Fall trade, bought at lowest cash prices, consisting in part of ? Smoked C. R. SIDES AND SHOULDERS. D. a SIDES AND SHOL'IxDERS. Fomi'y* J?*t/* A Superior Flour. ' VArlcty nf Green ? Black ?Tes.^A Large Variety,. ? ' ?fCbewinge^?V* - ing Tobacco. A Large V smty. o?llevapa ppd Domestic and Rio Coffee. iMt: >:.,i T ? . i. . .... - - A nd Various other Goods, uchw Salt Mackerel, Beef, Pork, Syrups, Molasses, Candles, Starch, Preserved and (knned Stuffs, *S ifv*fS?ty LIOUOR D?1>A9T jiivN'i ih iniwj with ohoioft Foreign and JDo mcstle. as also the cheaper grades of Brandies, Gl?,' Whiskeys, Wines Ac., &e., too numerous to mention. ? Sole Agents'for Old Crow, Clipper and Okal ona Whiskey, and the Celebrated Diamond Oin In barrels and cases. ang21-3ruo. oflovdi the sunat oFtho cwt.nucd iSSUr&ifct the Tbrm?^^t46 cash; W3 time, without interest; :? .? .^t^rffcortttal decide ns to^hctherWy mil take atrtirrto oc^^fXTnT Afl Factory by load no-araynge\wiU he ?bargea. ' ?fc*Toa 8A\ DEPOSIT? compounded ?cnii-animnlly. ?: r^u-j^ f. ? . j Mil '> i.lli . Local ^^^a^jp^xiV^^* ^tir fin *Mon- WOa W. GLOYKR. Ool. PAUL 8. PELDKB; _ Capt. JOHN A. HAMILTON. . JAR H FOWI F^ HURRAH! HURRAH!! IllIRRAH f!! ? * Comaeue;vC!oitw^A.U. *; ^|>ftIy:Epos . ... Has now on hand n well selected and varied n*?ortnient of beautiful Toyo, unite the taste of the most fastidious. '???i&tU ; . ALSO , . . s . , a fine lot of SEEDLESS AISI?XS; (Svfct?lr will save eurgood Housewives a rast deal of trouble,).Currant.", Citron, Figs, and Prune.', v . ir- ?? ? i 1. ..... v .... .>;kesi( ^Aifjffll* ?. both plain and fahev, always on na'nd " V ' ? .. - * i ? ? ALSO: *J *V; ; ...?...;, '"-u largo assortment of Pocket and Table Cutlery, cjilvcr-plntod Forks and Spoons;;CJrfna CUra apd Sausers, moustache Cups, and Fancy. Mugs,. all to. bo found at the DItdJG STORE of - oa: on v Kuos, p IP ??. TRIUMP H AN T ! .I".l THE /?-?'vl CAROLINA FERTILIZER WILL BB i-CI.S AS CASH PRICE. $48 per Ton of 2,000 lbs TIME PRICE. Af>3 per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Payable November 1,1873, free of -interest. Freight and drayage to be added. Its success is unparalled, and its standard * A No. 1? '? " \-'*'"}> - fiJO) j dec 18 ?T ma ( lu) U '?1/1 ? Call on Agents for Almanacs and Certificates. . W. Williams Sl Oo. ' Charlest?n, S. Ct LIFE INSlIttA?CB AOBMCYt Insure your Duelling, Store oi* Stock of Goods in the LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLQBE, INSURANCE CO " Capltai, 120,000,000' in Gold. this companpany paid over three 03) millions at Chicago fere, and orcr one (1) million at recent fire in Bostoh. LIFE INSURANCE/AGENCY! ?nmm. m iwrtuaoa'se: on.- ? *i 1 a j ,r?8?. dec 18-ly W * m^g^^}?^i^.^thm companta i atifX - companies. OWLES, at Citiecn's Savings Bank. dT . tu it -V. .Vi taofu! ft'l i isdvl I a tot w/.Wr i 'T3 ,i . T. 8. ??????.,? aa,? f T ! ? ?0rV 1 ^^BjjiWi'jtf p/i 11 in iiiiiiimi'" Vo>;< Aili? I frill rj^^'^ "?.??..*?. uVlf.m: i w hitOH 7rft:% <>1 JftVO'i"? flfl ^arii*\omim?Zt^-?7?#?^^^^7^5?? JOS?ttau'? ? "t ft :f ! fC*1*^ ?_^vT 5^-T^!?gt ^ ^^ZZ^iLa^^ ??? ?SSTffWsHi^?ff?lWW ? :toi*art?ir?i jmtercew* ?v Has jmnod ?MknJIft. on? MW r*j ShlE .') % ttMU'il - ... .?:*>? ?T br%iin)r,!f?^?!pWrfj IIA iir>imJtiix4^,noj^rii'iu i<> reborn t??i< 1^.11 Jtl -X.sec /Ki / 6ai..." ? ? ??; J all? Iii jfrjkd erf} riv tf vi..**-: >'v 2c i h[ ?iiii ,V - ?h.{fanri Are now daily receiving thetr F?U ?toch ?>f HJIOOCX >'2**V it Win ;ii (ii'n \n*j\i ,?*??? ( t ri ib?Mk! Ibstftstattf U W< ?1 ?nr?*I J*.?T .1 I * vl.r l. ifvJ* 1eha*4 nJ< iU .f*u?0 awl II P ^v?a.:',,.!^,... .<3 A^larsf aeBorr^enief' ' '"'''< BOOTS AND ieelndUnf Wehrated Cobler Isctt otc ??"? i'M. ? ''-ft- ' . : . r. ?{- , ? T< _V. M,??. ..... r -* ? ?" Wo?? #Ad W?iow Wut* Hm^wat?, CWitft, "ffii ?b4 CHOICE ?ROCfiKlES A^r? delirered' as usual. I j " Tl\ f- ?* " j. f Parcel ?-???? i >f i 7 * ^ *L 'A A \ ' S *''? - if ^l?i./ I - 0/1! t >h.W,!.B, ??..ill....: ? fit ??? r: i? , i ? . r?if?rci 1?. r> ? ?im..-? io 0) !? n? ;uta<" ,?r*si'?d ?dj( intbi:? ? tat? >' : .T ? I t .4. And the beet setefeted. Gi<^8^if^^^ ,'. 'tVi'ic':'- ..;o:' rii , f?j made to suit all 9Tho favor no vita ^trohace and I gaars*t? (aUsfact^sB. ^^?^'i?MB^^ ... I j ?'%>?.;.*v> j? hi?.. s?^ili u 2>^If| <^{| itO 19 4L" KA5IBLY HlET>XJClN<3r their-IsA?Oil i ?^ocK oy MERCHANDISE, N DUCEMENT8 ??E O^J*llBD.: OOO0 nfTT GOODS ABE A^WATS FOtJK? Att'': ^ loll ^iii; ?dj 'i* ,???%?? ol/ are 'J^'^-> U it > Saw high JsiifJB ' TA:m: & H i ri; ^< :.i Also ATOtalij?^?fPROVED WIK^HlF ginned 150 Seu#asA.^?aijg t? iMjl ptr te ? hw Grin can turn c^tabojit t^Bljl' jj? i?s June U, 18T2?1??tf scovnx ?%