raEORAKGEBURGjgyhg. ?rap-geuurff, g,, 0^ J?ifc.!?Vlgfo* LARGEST'CmC?UTWlCIN THE COUNTY. To change Contract Advcrtincmcnta, notice must bogiren-beforc Monday noon. Our friends Viflhiiig to have advertiitemenU inserted in tup TIMES>.ax\j*t ^?" '|)|Ttfi ^^|| Tueaday^n-orning, 10 o'clock.^,,. , . ?? ~ADAS?ii^|rl3RiBfiH infcrtc?' at* the rato of ono dollar ami a half per equate for the flciti Insertion, and: one dollar per ?fuare" for each^iwbaemicnt in-ertion. Libero to adrcr ^mwikgo'. ?d fortV'ftdVcrtiMng rat^i: Ilciic^i-mrail' Legal ^??* li\to*M^t?-wdljotHci? ftdticfce rctid&rs whether ?/ c ? j 'min hi ii - l tm I g I fc:pjr~ V / ' Superintendent of ?EdueatioiV-^J?Bluj' K. Jillson. " Adjutant General?Henry W. Purvis colored. Member of Congress at large?R. H. Cain. :- f Representative from First Congression al District? Joseph &J Raincy. Representative from Second Congres sional District?AlonzoJ. Ransier. Representative from Third Congrcs sional DiBtriet?R. B. Elliott. Representative from Fourth Congres sional District?Alex, S. Wallace. ' Solicitor for the first Judicial Circuits: Charles W. Butts. (. .. ? ?* ? _ COUNTY OFFICBKfl."*;;.* " ? Senator??Tamcs L. Jamison. Representatives?Samuel L. Duncan John Dix, Henry Riley, J.Felder Meyers,; Abraham Dannclly. -.j * Coroner?John L. Humbert. Shcrifi?Edward f. Cain. Clerk of Court?George Boliver. Probate Judge?Augustus B. Knowl ton. r,{, . , ; 03 oh TSV; School Commissioner?Francis R. Mc F.inlay. County Coinnii8sioncr8?John Rcbert son, Edmund T. It. Smoko, Alexander Brown. fe*i>* "* Columbia, S. C, Dec. 17th, 1872. ' Editor Orangeburg Times: I notice in the Omngcburg "Newa" of the 14th instant, affidavits rcflectingsome what upon my integrity and veracity, I therefore take the liberty of sending you this 1 otter for publication as a vindica tion of -myself. In reply t<5 {hc'nfiidavits made, I desire to say only on,e thing.? that the matter contained in them is ut terly untrue. I htflje been couuectod editorially with the "ftcws',*' and 'wrote numerous articles for the same, while oc cupying that position. I was recognized as the Editor by tlre-'pirintert, 'not*iih stand nig the contradictory afiiidavits they made. I was told on taking charge of tho paper, by one of the owners there of, the* ?he rocognizod me as the sole Editor of the paper, and that I should be respected and obeyed accordingly. Hoping this will satisfy my friends as to my truthfuiucss in the matter, I am, vory respectfully, tilib' C. CLYDE. ** i l_bj>xU?tw;*i. Ideal. ; The old and the new year, close on the margin of tho rivfer of tinio, sits tho old 1 i i .if<* . 1 r. ,'7 grey headed man, who for twelve long months.has had tho ferrying of mortal's souls froiU thn world to eternity. Happy very often linn been tho burden"*of *hiS boat, and the old mnu'u smile happy likewise, taking its tone from the spirit of his companion.^ Sad it is that wo can aiot say it is alwaysHhus, but it is not we have every reason to know. We can only hope that of our many friends who have crossed with the Aid man into the of - sor re world which in to come, all have brought to the old mac. in his arduous task, a smile of unaifoyedT warm* happiness. In our world, the world of limit and of j measure, the clocks are onHhe stroke of twelve: anct "in the momentary pause,' tho old man, si|s upon the cvor vcrdontl banks of the river, and talks half sadh ? wijsTiiM^lBj??^ with too spirited hoy so 'soon to anccew jiinjt, \frU?^ t>ln?j,you ,say# ^*;K?'"j teil? turn-that the days of^me^re num.- ] bcred?that he tob, soon, like himself, will turn over the rope to one as? bou ^?ant a? ho, and tl^t^feQino^iiy'flnd himself a oid mdh-^orn, not with toil, hut with"a'hc4rt aciic cflju;n of the bitter regrets ef wjorldlings, topMatc re pen taut,.He points to hia grey hairs ns tho badges of his grief, ana. to his bent Fnrm as threvl^enca'of1 tne ?triigglo be tween his. duty to carry and his desire to yield to the appeals of the damned souls, for yet a little respite on the green banks, yet a little rCapito to finish up their task, to repent, perchance to pray, oftimos to gather the odds/; and ends of their good intentions for. the eternitj .upon which ?"-?"* ? i?777??'.-?{ "tit .ijcmtr/f i7"5 \h> they now approach, and send them by the other ick Glcaton'a Store on the ?th. 20 per cent penalty accrues after the 16th January) on unpaid 'talus. 1 \ +? The tax bill calls for $>1nills on dollar for ^urreiit year, & milU on the dojhir for p??t. year, 2 fis?is on iu* dollar, for free schools, 2 mills on the dollar for county, i mill on tlm dollar for Orange. Township school district, making a! total ofJ5J mills for us. LOCAL. e -tkW* Mr. Kirk. Robinson 1* authorised o, rollcct and receipt for advertiseracnts- and sub-. oriptioua to tha Time*. Cburch Services. Prcfibytcrian Church?Sendees St 11 A. M,,?' and i P. M?Sabbath School at Of A. Mi? Prayer meeting Thanday afternoon at 4 o'clock, ttav. J. D. A. Brown, EvangelUt.. i ".' Cterch ,of tho' Redeemer (Episcopal)'?8er? '>tcee oa'the 3d and 5th Sabbath of every nvmth f(t 11 A. M. mod 4 p. M. Sabbath 8cW ?J, A, If. MetfcedUt Church?Sereices at 11. A. M. and 74 P.M. Sabbath School at 0 A. M ? Rev. r. AuhJ, Pa*t?r.' Lutheran Chnrcb?Sabbath School at 0 A. Dr P. A." Dentaler. Superintendent. , . i. , ,, ? ? i.i.i , ? ? TOWN DIRECTORS Mayor?F. H. W. Briggtnann. Clerk?E. J. ?liveroa. Treasorei?Wm. WiUcock. Aldermen?E. J. OUreroa, Wm. Willcpek, Qeo. BoHver, A. Martin. Oratjosarg Nell ArraiffsntBt, Northern, "Wee tern, and,~ Opens. ; Closes. t Charleston 10 A. M. 1.45 P. M Cohnnbla . ...... 12,30 P. M. 1 P. M. Officb hoars from 8 A. M. te * P. M. Sundays excepted. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT ORANGEBURG. .,vpA?gE?QER. FREIGHT. . DAT TBAWs . dat TRAINS. Down - - - -7.511 A.M. Up- 12.42 A. M. . NIGHT TRAINS. Down - - - ?.13 P. M Dawn - - -12.05 P.M. Up --2.17 P.JU. NIOnTTBAI** , , Down - - - 11.58 P. M. Up - - . - ? 2,00 A. M. Up.5.31 A. M j $Ir.W.%H. Walker ntthe office of the Dtfily Thcoiiix, is our duly authorized agent for the city of Columbia. For the 2 renter convenience it awards, the Times will be issued hereafter on Thursday, instead of Wednesday, as here tofore. X Borne of our subscribers trill find their papers marked with tin X., which ''menus that they have hot paid up, at id.' bttless they do so promptly, we. .cannot continue the paper. I !???'? -? ? No HuMBUo l Buit Vie ere -.holiiugoff at actual cost, the .Ve^^ati't''pJfv'ai^'fl|^k of carefully selected dyy ^opds^ a^^'and hats. Call and see. y ?J ',. ?< :i 0.?. FELDER^ VO>^ ISLAn. ;. ?. .*3tW;'~-- .? ? Messrs. Hey ward ?fc Mcllichnmp will open tno Orangeburg Academy at. dhe residence known as the Merchant House, -\1 hero they propose to remain perma nent ly during the current year, 1878. School commences ThursdayJanuary ?2d.; "V' 1 ? ' ? "'?' ??? : '. ' A Bare Chance for Energetic Men? NoCapital Required? Canvasingagents wanted io every county in*South' Caro lina, for the best Southern .Agricultural Magazine. Apply f^V^Jjby lctter,,to the Rural Carolinian, Walker, Evans & Cog-well, Publishers, Charlesimi;^i C. 1 ?_.-.??,* .Li? ?? - ? S mtmr ...... Wo have received a copy of the Char leston Directory for 1873, published'by Messrs. Walker, Evans & ogswell. Its make up is all that can bo desired, of convenient size, good print, and complete information, it should be on he desk of every man who has business of any kind with the city by the sea. ? Saddlery! Saddlery!! Harness! Hark km!!?At Chapeau A Heffron's, Charleston, 8. C, you can purchase a set of home-made buggy harness at $15 per set;,double harness at $45 and $50. New MeCleilan saddles at $5 each. Always on hand a full line of saddlery, cart-bar ness, etc. Remember 1 If you want a good, cheap article, call on Chapeau &, HeffroH. dec4-3m' Christmas was probably tho most quiet and inclement day of the last year in our town. Sleet, and rain and cold winds prevailed, and kept almost every one' within doors, and those few who ventured out looked as if they felt that they would like to be elsewhere. m r-" , .New ye??r day is mild and pleasant as ea April mom, and were it not for the 'tNi^ ?'Streets ?cd the rsmcsnis of last areck's sleet, our little town, we could say has entered upon the present year as laughingly and brightly as could be do sired. Tho streets are lively with people and all 50cm pleasantly employed. Owing to tho late return of our prin ter from his Christmas holidays, we were unable to get out the Times before Thursday. Our Christmas number of the Times we let go by in accordance ' with medical advtce. Our rebel comrades in arms will acknowledge the force of the certificate. ?We* were on furlough as editor and achooi master. Our leave of absence has ex pired, and we are again at the service of | Our patrons and their children. :?: The able diver connected with the! Louisville Courier-Journal, goes down into his Inner consciousness for tbis: "A Georgian, bent on suicide, jumped into tho river three times, from a ferry boat at Savannah the other day, and waVaa i often fished out by a negro mau who happened to be on board. Why the officers of tho boat should thus have suffered the negro to interfere so persist ently in the private affairs of a gentle man, -ia n thing that somehow or other we can't understand." A Rumpus in the Radical Ring.? Wc have going on to-day (Thttrsdny) aj trial under the civil rights bill. Mr. ? W?hlers, under whoso charge a billiard saloon has been recently opened, in our ] midst, wc understand, refused to allow somo colored men to drink at the bar at tached. Ho was indicted forthwith. Mr. DeTrevillo represents W?hlers and Mr. Know hon the colored men. Mr. W?hlers-keeps another bar-room two squares farther down the street and allows colored men to drink there, but we understand tho saloon is a club ar rangement. ' ? . , Csasigaee* Ter Express. E. Turner, J. 0. Rnwc, Dr. R. W. Bate* T. V! Dibble, T. Kohn &Bro. J. F. Adden Mrs. L. Hamncr, J. W. Bliehington, B. ,.J..Martin, C. 1). Kortjohn, Miss B. Moor cr.iiW; C.dR. Thompson-, Dr. W. M. Daut zler, ?r.' H. Felder, A. P. Aviager& Brb. v srira???..?.m. ..- i Tribute of Respect, A^'meeting of 'tliecongregation offit.'; Me\<f Mr. Dukes, where she will be prepared to cat, n't and make all iuris of ladies' and children's dresses. Patterns of *he latest styles, and at moderate nriccs alwavs on hand. Call on "A.C. Dukes. ja?i !-2 : A RARE BARGAIN. The undersigned offers for sale his plan tation. containing three hundred and thirty-two acres; about one hundred en closed, with a good fence, and in a high state of cultivation; located in Orange burg county, St. Mathcw's Parish, fifteen miles east of Orangeburg c. H., one mile distant from State Road, opposite sixty- i eight mifo post. On this place are a comfortable dwelling, with eight rooms, gin house and screw, and all other neces sary outbuildings. Fur further particulars' in reference to the place, address W. W? Houek, Or angeburg c H. For terms of sale, ad dress the subscriber, Columbia. jan 2-1 Rev. W. A. Houck. j ORANGEB?RG LAND FOR S ALE. About 200 acres of Land in lota of 15 to 40 acres, located on the South Caro lina Railroad, below and within Ik miles of the Town of Orangeburg, iwli be sold on Monday, the 13th of January,. 187-3. The lots will bo platted and numbered so as to be examined by parties desiring to purchase. It is unnecessary to speak of J the nd\ an'ngcs of the location to persons ] familiar with and wishing these beautiful lots. v Tbe plat can be seen at. Mr. C. B. Glover s office, on and after the 1st Mon day of January. Terms made known on day of sale. ; ? Dec 30th, 1872. MARRIED On the 12th inst, by tho Rev. J. H.1 Zimmerman, Mr; Thomas Livingston and: Miss -El la II. Wessingen All of Orange burg County S. C. NOTICE Tne late firm of W. C^Cofcr'A Co., trading at Fort Motte, having been dis solved by the death of W. C. coffer, all the creditors of said firmTare requested to send their claims to W. J. De-TrevilJe,! Esq.,, Attorney at Law, Orangeburg, S. c, in whose hands the settlement of the business of paid firm has been placed.' John J. Jackson, I* P. Rast. Dec. 20, J872.__. j, , I ORANGE BURG DI VIsION, No. 24? S. of T. . Your Regular Moating will he held at your Hall, (the basement of the Prcsby: terian Church,) ou Monday .Evening, Gth inst., at 7 o'clock. A punctual attendance is requested, as Installation of Officer* will take place. The . Installation will be in public. By order of the W. P. jan l-l S. S. Walter*, R. S. NOTICE. f.;JTbe Excises, ofrMiss R.. S. Alhcr ?c?ui'e School will be resume J on Mon ay; Jathiu'ry Gth, 1873, at the residence of jj&PWU 1. A; J.efford* 11 u?so 11 Street. Terms moderate. , No deductions niadt unless in cases of protracted ?ickness. ? jan 1-1" 5^ ;WANTE^B. . One or two youths, between the o!ge? of -l?^and .17 yean, to lean, the Drug business. Nono need apply except those of good .moral training, and who con come well recommended, und will consent to be bound to the business for a seric* of years. Applications must be in tin handwriting of the applicant, and ad dressed as follows: : Post Office Box, No. 39, Orangeburg, S. C. jan 1 Notice to Coaaigaees Per South Carolina Railroad. By ordor of the Vice President of the So. Ca. R. R. all freight charges both local & tuuough will be collected at this Agency and no goods will be deliv ered until charges have been paid at the Depot. The above to go into effect from date. Wm. P. Calhoum. To Builders. I am prepared to furnish Sashes, Blinds, Doors, Mantles, and every style of Inside work, at the shortest notice, and of best material, at Baltimore rates, adding freight. Call in and see Catalogue. Work warranted. JOHN A. HAMILTON, _mch 13-lyr l Orangeburg, S. C. KoidrlUe Male High Scheel. FOUNDKD, a. D. 1857. Sixteenth Scholastic Year begins February 3,1873. . ? " Two Teachers, both Graduate*. Tuition Per Session. $10, $15 and $20. Board, from 10 to $12 per month. For Catalogue or Particulars, address Wj R KIRKLAND, A, M., Spartanbnrg, S. 0. W'A Ni'B^irn We alilSte oner ?" A J-4JLP*getfcmeu and women Business That Will Fay rom $4 to $3 per day, can be pursued In your own neighborhood, and Is Mrlctly honorable. Particulars free, or samples that will *nabi* you to go to work at once, will betest oa receipt of j two three cents stamp* Address J. LATHAM A Co,. 292 Washington St, BoftoS*Mas*. National IVrooeirntk. ^ wholesale nxALXa ih BOOT8.8HOES, TRUNKS AVD VALISES, Jfoa. 151 and \t? Meeting Street, Chirlerton, S. C. Nearly opposite Charleston Hotel. 6ct iQ-jmo DO WIE., MOlBKt* DAVIS MAJTCTTACTO Kl EKB AMD WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON A. ^'^^A ?i i I We peg to call thef attention ofTft&p ;" gists, Physicians and Country Morchantn to our large rnd complete Stock of nil Goods usually kept in a Fiiet-class Wholesale, ferug. Warehouse, consisting in psrt of .Pme Drugt^fetli?'?'{ I eines and Chemicals, Foreign anaTJoaaes* tic, all Proprietary- Artfcies/Instruments Trusaee, Supporters, Bandajcs, Suspen sions] Glassware, Wlhdow Glass} Fnttv, Paulis, Oils and Dye Stull*?, Fancy Goods and Drnggist's Sundries, which have been selected with great care to meet the \\anin of all in need of .Reliable Article^(.at E moderate ^ncca^ ^^^^^ ? A We are also Proprietors of tho follow ing^whieh we offer"* with confidchcO as being equal to any similar Prcpcrationn in the.marketVh|??^*4^r^-uJ/v?' **^"?* Sumter Bitters, the great Southern-Tonic, . Mouse's bo'rso, fiog arid, cattle Powder*:??} Moiec's fever and ague Pills, warranted * to cure. MoioVn popular white worm can-. / dy. Moh;e'? liver pHle,* pu.rely vegetable..' Moise's morning etar ycaet oi*baking povr ders. Collier's remedy for man and beast, ?-' the best Liniment ever used. We are agents for the following articles, we offer at proprietor's prices: ' , .. Dr. Von * Ghlann'a Royal' vCrow*, Schnapps. This world-reknowncd Toni?; is highly recommendep by the most emi nent German Pho?icianaJ and pronounced by tHcm as. perfectly pure? and free trom ? all adulteration. Cuban Bitters and ! Pat tent Spring HIiqw JJascs, Wajuut and Metal Frames. 4, 5, 6,7 and ff feet, always on had. -] A . ??>? nov.27 IC ' Cm ' JUST ARItiVJED* x) 1.1.1 f.'t t. . . A ?iPLKISrT3T23 X.OT v rwi'f t-.i , QF ?. i- Hi* ???V HORSES! HOR8ESU Jllfj I-ES! Ji-iAi^l f & M Vrl***! Y M ; Wo respectf.illy cnll* the attention of the citizcns...nf Orangoburg and Oraugf burg Cmmiy' to tlm . foot, ihut ^e, wjJl have a choice lot.o? horary-from Virginia,-, , m this murkrt by the twentieth, of Ii - , combO. This slock has been selected from 1 choicer stock 'raisers in l^c,OJ?JL Doininio* ?ual fwitK an^ttQ^c^avicaWiV market. .They. t\il| e^>nsi.-t of fine Saddje^ and Harness horses. We also call your Attention to^the fme lot of hfttlcsWn^'w have on hnnd. We expect to keep a full oipply of both hones and mules constant- ,,r ly on hand. If our stock don't give sat isfaction,you cau return them, and-got your money back, with interest. Try.ty, that's all we want. SALE STABLES W** T' ? a-. itrttnH Jet,%* sr?m?l ,] t^toiii W. M- BAIN **? t^dnsAiiirtO jh+%fa Ksaisntjl ?1? vhftp* Anii - m t?ovi-*jTiJJ Tb? underdgned kerp* ronitantbr on hand, a-.-. ... >tvr?&^i-''tvHi . -ull Stock of Honw amVMuleW-MoW^old a' ?, . ?* ^ . ', price* to suit the times. ? r Call at the stable in rear of Felder, To** & ?;?>> j f ? I .ftf>" *t wie *?i-^Ti; d??/i'4 Islar, at.Orangebutg C. H., er say Subiea, at ?rtebp Hht) Bamberg, 8. C, and I will suit yon. ,4a^ ? I intend doing a Ute businw?, and gaaraatse i: ?-IV~ ' .;oi*;:. all Stock 6old by me m reprcoonted^ ^ ^r,j , Mr. A. McQl'KKN SALIjEV atiends to my ' business at Oratigeburg 0. II. rfpn^f Uis. r.A.. .o'^mjAuj** orhi o| it